MGT 4533 – Advanced HRM - MISWeb

MGT 4533 – Advanced HRM
Tuesday & Thursday, 2 :00 – 3 :15 p.m.
Professor: Emily Garrigues Marett
Office: 302-U McCool Hall
Course Site:
Office Phone: 662-325-6741
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:00 – 1:50 p.m.
***E-mail is the most efficient way to reach me.
Required Texts : The Chief HR Officer : Defining the New Role of Human Resource Leaders
Wright, Boudreau, Pace, Sartain, McKinnon, & Antoine, Editors
ISBN : 9780470905340
What will I learn in this class?
In this course you will develop an in-depth understanding of critical HR topics that will impact your
success as a manager. We will build on the foundation knowledge you built in MGT 3513, to develop
advanced skills in the following areas:
performance evaluation
job coaching
legal issues
current topics impacting human resources
You will end this course with a basic toolkit of the most critical HR skills you must have to be an
effective manager.
How do I obtain accommodations for my disability?
I am committed to providing assistance to help you be successful in this course. Reasonable
accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. Please visit the Disability
Support Services (DSS) during the first two weeks of every semester to seek information or to
qualify for accommodations. All accommodations MUST be approved through the DSS (01
Montgomery Hall). Call (662) 325-3335 to make an appointment with a disability counselor.
How do I access the course website?
You will use MISWEB to access your grades, absences, e-mail archives, or the course web-site
with downloadable PowerPoint slides, and other course documents. Go to:
Go the COBI web-site:, click on “Faculty” and click on your
instructor’s name, Emily Marett. Scroll down the page to the section Courses Taught. Select
your course, MGT 4533, and click on the link for Online Grades. You will then log in to the
course website using your MSU NetID and the password that you selected when you
registered for MISWEB.
 To register for MISWEB, go to When you register for
MISWEB, you must complete the information under the first link, “main information.” You
MUST provide a valid e-mail address. Without your correct e-mail address, you will NOT
receive course e-mails.
 If your e-mail address changes during the semester simply update your e-mail address at: . It is your responsibility to maintain the correct
contact information.
How will I be graded?
I do not grade “on the curve” using forced grade distributions. At the end of the semester, I
calculate grades using a simple formula—I add your total points earned, and divide by the total
points possible. You can track your progress in this class at any time by using this formula.
Extra Credit: Students with perfect attendance (attend 100% of class sessions) will receive 10 bonus
points. Students with two or less absences will receive five bonus points. Periodically opportunities for
extra credit will become available throughout the course (e.g. participation in research studies,
attendance at COB events). All students will be notified of these opportunities as they arise. Extra
credit is NOT made available to individuals for the sole purpose of “raising my grade.”
Breakdown of Available Points
Assignment of Grades
Exams (4 @ 100 pts each)
to 100%
A 540 - 600
Reading Response Papers (10 @ 10 pts each)
to 89%
B 480 - 539
Ethical Culture Project
to 79%
C 420 - 479
to 69%
D 360 - 419
to 59%
F 359 or less
Total Possible Points
Do you accept late assignments?
Yes, I do accept late assignments, but they will be docked points as a penalty. All assignments are
due at the beginning of class on the date they are due. You are expected to submit assignments early
if you must be away from campus on an authorized school trip, etc.
Late assignments will be docked points as follows:
Assignment Received
Within two hours after it
was due
Within 24 hours after it
was due
Within 48 hours
(two days late)
Within 72 hours
(three days late)
Within 96 hours
(four days late)
Impact to Grade
Lowered by half a letter
grade (A to A-/B+ to B).
Lowered by a whole
letter grade (A to B, Bto C-).
Lowered another letter
Lowered another letter
Lowered another letter
An “A” paper will
receive an AAn “A” paper will
receive a B
An “A” paper will
receive a C
An “A” paper will
receive a D
An “A” paper will
receive an F
Make-up Policy for Exams:
No exams will be given early or late, and no make‐ups will be given.
Instead, each student has the option of taking a cumulative final exam for any reason. For
example, if you miss an exam, you will be required to take the final. Also, if you have taken all
scheduled exams and want to replace your lowest exam score, you may take the final (you will
not be forced to take the grade if it is lower).
Is the final optional?
Yes, the comprehensive final is optional. You may choose to take the final exam to boost your overall
exam score. If you score higher on the final exam than any of your previous exam scores, I will
replace the previous exam score with the final exam score. If you have arranged a makeup exam,
however, the final exam IS MANDATORY.
What is your policy on academic honesty (aka…what if I get caught cheating)?
I expect that you will adhere to the University’s honor code: “As a Mississippi State
University student I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie,
cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.”
I strictly enforce the University’s policy on academic honesty and expect that you will never
knowingly violate the policy. Students who engage in academic dishonesty are subject to
disciplinary penalties. Please refer to for
Mississippi State University’s complete honor code policy and procedures.
How do I submit my assignments?
All assignments will be submitted using To get started in, follow these
1. Go to
2. Log in if you already have an account. If you do not have an account, select the button “New Users
Start Here.”
3. Scroll down to the box labeled “New students start here.”
4. Follow the link and complete the form to create a user profile.
5. Now select “enroll in a class.”
6. Enter the class ID: 4697377 and the course password: spring2012
Uploading Your Assignments:
1. Log in to
2. Select “MGT 4533” from your list of classes.
3. Now you’ll see a list of assignments for our class.
4. Select the document icon next to the appropriate assignment in the “submit” column.
5. Select file upload as your method of submission, enter a title for the assignment, and then attach
your file using the browse button.
6. Then hit “upload.”
7. Next a preview page will appear, hit “submit” at the bottom of the page.
**Do not worry if your formatting looks wrong in the preview—I receive your original file, and does not change the formatting of your file.
If your assignment is e-mailed to prior to class time, I will accept it as “on time.” Problems with are NOT an accepted excuse for receiving your assignment late.
Tuesday, Jan. 10
Thursday, Jan. 12
Strategic HR
Tuesday, Jan. 17
Thursday, Jan. 19
Talent Management
Tuesday, Jan. 24
Staffing the Organization—
Diversity & Legal Issues
Reading Response #3 DUE
 Fryer, B., & Kirby, J. (2005, May). Fat chance. Harvard Business
Review, 83(5), 33-44.
 Tobenkin, D. (2008, August). Not Norwegian enough: Is it
ever OK to discriminate? HR Magazine, 53(8), 91-95.
Tuesday, Jan. 31
Thursday, Feb. 2
Tuesday, Feb. 7
Performance Evaluation and
Job Coaching
Staffing the Organization—
Selection Processes
Tuesday, Feb. 14
Thursday, Feb. 16
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Thursday, Feb. 23
Tuesday, Feb. 28
Watch “Enron: Smartest Guys
in the Room”
Finish “Enron: Smartest Guys in
the Room”
HR Issues –
Sexual Harassment
HR Issues –
Thursday, March 8
Tuesday, March 13
Thursday, March 15
Reading Response #4 DUE
 Coutu, D. (2007, June). We Googled you. Harvard Business
Review, 85(6), 37-47.
Reading Response #5 DUE
 Gerson, B. (2006, Nov.) The reign of zero tolerance. Harvard
Business Review, 84(11), 39-52.
 Kerr, S. (1975). On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for
B. Academy of Management Journal, 18(4), 769-783.
Thursday, Feb. 9
Tuesday, March 6
Reading Response #1 DUE
 The Chief HR Officer, Ch. 1, 3, & 5
Reading Response #2 DUE
 Cespedes, F. (2006, July-August). Old hand or new blood?
Harvard Business Review, 84(7/8), 28-40.
 The Chief HR Officer, Ch. 7 & 8
Thursday, Jan. 26
Thursday, March 1
Reading Response #6DUE
 Case, J. (2001, May). When salaries aren’t secret. Harvard
Business Review, 79(5), 37-49.
 The Chief HR Officer, Ch. 19, 20 (p. 193-210)
Reading Response #7DUE
 Hasson, R. (2007, April). Why didn’t we know? Harvard
Business Review, 85(4), 33-43.
 The Chief HR Officer, Ch. 9, 10 (p. 93-106).
Ethical Culture Project DUE
Tuesday, March 20
Workplace Policies –
Emerging Technology
Reading Response #8DUE
 Suitt, H. (2003, Sept.). A blogger in their midst. Harvard
Business Review, 81(9), 30-40.
 Segal, J.A. (2005, June). Beware bashing bloggers. HR
Magazine, 50(6), 165-171.
Thursday, March 22
Tuesday, March 27
Thursday, March 29
Tuesday, April 3
Workplace Policies –
Thursday, April 5
Tuesday, April 10
Thursday, April 12
Tuesday, April 17
HR Issues –
Workplace Violence
Power, Politics,
and Career Success
Reading Response #10 DUE
 The Chief HR Officer, Ch. 13-15
Thursday, April 19
Tuesday, April 24
Reading Response #9 DUE
 Roche, E. (2003, July). Do something—he’s about to snap.
Harvard Business Review, 81(7), 23-31.
 Grossman, R.J. (2007, Sept.). Weapons policies under fire. HR
Magazine, 52(9), 52-58.
Tuesday, May 1
3-6 p.m.
***I reserve the right to change and modify this schedule as necessary throughout the semester.