Name Sing! Sing a song! DUE December 17, 2013 Your assignment! Take the parts of the brain and create a song! Yes! Create and sing a song! Here are some suggestions that may help you… 1. Be sure you have content! Even though you are creating a song, the lyrics you write have to demonstrate your understanding of the brain. In addition to that, it has to be correct! a. Minimum requirement…at least 3 verses and a chorus (sung at least one time) b. Don’t make it too long! Practice! How does it sound? 2. Pick the right song! You hear Simon say it on American Idol all the time. Same applies here. a. Slow songs tend to be tougher. Faster songs seem to be more enjoyable and songs that are more like talking than singing work best. Song that are “talked” rather than sung really work well. b. How do you know if it’s the right song? Sing it to someone! How did it feel singing it? Did they enjoy it. Did they want you to sing more or couldn’t wait for you to be finished. 3. How do I start? 2 ways! Use a song already made or create one yourself! a. If you pick a song already made… i. Get the lyrics. ii. Copy & paste the lyrics into a word document. Double space it so you can write the lyrics directly above. iii. Practice!! b. If you create your own song…I will be amazed! 4. Record your song and hand it in. Category Prepared Excellent 10 – 9 The singer(s) know the song well and has obviously practiced singing the song several times before recording. Good 8-7 The singer knows the song pretty well and has practiced singing the song once or twice. Song doesn’t flow Satisfactory 6 The singer knows some of the song, but does not appear to have practiced. Sounds a little rough. Poor 4-0 The singer could not sing the song without laughing or making mistakes 6 10 Content Required Elements 9 They lyrics of the song demonstrate a full understanding of the concept of brain. 10 9 The song has at least 3 versus and a chorus. Every lyric is of equal length and the song glides smoothly. Music has been added. 10 9 8 7 They lyrics of the song demonstrate a good understanding of the concept of brain. 8 7 The song has at least 3 versus and a chorus. Most of the lyrics is of equal length and most of the time the song glides smoothly. Music has been added. 8 7 They lyrics of the song attempt an understanding of the concept of brain. 6 The song has at least 3 versus and a chorus. Most of the lyrics is of equal length and most of the time the song glides smoothly. No music was added. 6 Total Points Received X 2 Other ___________ They lyrics of the song do not demonstrate any understanding of the concept of brain. Other ___________ Student submitted what appear to be a song. There are no clear versus or chorus and no music was added. Other ___________ _______ X 2 = _______