BTEC First Diploma in Sport Unit 1 Body in Sport Tutor Resource Pack Assignment 1 Learning Activities and Worksheets Assignment 1: Skeleton Learning Activities Activity 1.1: Group work – Structure of the skeleton Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Divide the group into small groups Give each group a set of post it notes with anatomical names Get one learner of each group to stand up Ask each learner to use the post its and label the correct part of the body of the standing learner Allow 10 minutes for this activity Bring the whole group back together and feed back making any corrections if necessary Activity 1.2: Worksheet – Structure of the skeleton Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.1 Complete worksheet 1A Activity 1.3: Worksheet – Skeleton word search Answers H M U E T F A I C B A U R L T P A A L S C L A R P A L S C R A N I M E R S P I N E B I A A V I C F E S C A P U L A M H R A A L S T E P U M U L N A U R D A I N U G S E R N U M Clue Biggest bone in the arm Biggest bone in the body and leg Otherwise known as your shin bone Protects your heart and lungs Otherwise known as your collarbone Referred to as a blade Protects the brain Smallest bone in the forearm In slang these are referred to as digits Described as a column If you are thin enough this may be seen at your hip Wrist bones Smallest foot bones Lower leg bone Holds the ribs together This is a round floating bone These are small hand bones This is the largest bone in the forearm These are large foot bones Complete worksheet 1B P A T E L L A E U S B I R Answer Humerus Femur Tibia Ribs Clavicle Scapula Cranium Ulna Phalanges Spine Pelvis Carpals Metatarsals Fibula Sternum Patella Metacarpals Radius Tarsals M E T A T A R S A L S T A R S A L S P E L V I S Activity 1.3: Worksheet – Axial and appendicular skeleton Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.1 Ensure that the learners have coloured pens. Complete worksheet 1C Activity 1.4: Worksheet – Joints Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.2 Complete worksheet 1D Activity 1.6: Worksheet – Function of the skeletal system Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.3 Complete worksheet 1E Activity 1.7: Worksheet – Bone Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.4 Complete worksheet 1F Activity 1.8: Worksheet – Movement Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.5 Definitions activity In a sports area ask the group to get into groups of three or four and get them to discuss and write down the definitions for the movement patterns. Once completed discuss as a group and make any corrections. Sporting movements classifications activities This activity is best carried out in a sports hall environment or outdoors. Carry out four sports activities lasting approximately 15 minutes each. These activities can be basketball, football, netball, sprinting, rounders, cricket etc. Ask the group to pay particular attention to joints, types and use a variety of movements to describe each. Once the sport has been played sit the group down and get them to list all the movements that can be classified onto worksheet 1G. The learner should end up with four movement grids one grid for each sport. These sheets can be completed individually or in pairs or as a group depending on the situation. Complete Worksheet 1G Activity 1.9: Group work/discussion – Short and long term effects of exercise Relevant section in learner pack: Section One, Part 1.6 Complete worksheet 1H In groups complete a mind map of the effect exercise has on the bones in groups. This activity is best completed in the classroom in small groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. Divide the group into smaller groups Provide each group with a sheet of A3 paper and pen Ask each group to mind map the short and long term effects of exercise on bones Each group should in turn feed back to the rest of the group sharing their answers Use this time also to reflect on past and present experiences of learners who for one reason or another had a break in their sporting hobbies and hold a discussion as to how they felt returning to exercise. Ask the group to identify the impact that various sports have on the bones and the joints and what types of injuries can occur as a result of this. Use role models, sportsmen and women past and present. Activity 1.10: Worksheet – Major muscles Relevant section in learner pack: Section Two, Part 2.1 Complete Worksheet 1I Activity 1.11: Worksheet – Muscle types Relevant section in learner pack: Section Two, Part 2.2 Complete Worksheet 1J Activity 1.12: Worksheet/Practical – Muscle movement Relevant section in learner pack: Section Two, Part 2.3 This activity is best carried out in a sports hall or outdoor environment. In small groups of three or four get the groups to describe the different types of contraction and give examples. Fill in the first part of worksheet 1K. Once completed get groups to carry out the four movements and identify muscles during the movement that are showing the different types of contraction. Complete Worksheet 1K Activity 1.13: Group work/discussion – Effects of exercise on the muscular system Relevant section in learner pack: Section Two, Part 2.4 This activity is best completed in the classroom 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Divide the group into smaller groups Give each group a sheet of A3 paper and a pen Get half the group to produce an information poster on the short term effects of exercise on the bones and the muscles (can be used as recap) and the other half to produce a poster on the long term effects of exercise on the bones and the muscular system Each group should in turn feed back to the other group sharing the information Draw on experiences from the practical sports sessions Worksheet 1A: Structure of the Skeleton Label the front and back of the skeleton using the following anatomical names – cranium, sternum, ribs, vertebral column (Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx) clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, femur, tibia, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges. Worksheet 1B: Skeleton Wordsearch E M E T A C A R P A L S K N O P P O Q H F T F I B U L A H M C A R P A L S M L U C S W X E T O P L L J D Y R I X M R M A E S P I N E J A Z T T B P U T C L E E T Z O B J Y I V C Y E M H G S R E T V R C P I B E S I A F A R A F T A T L P L U G A E R H C S E L A L E E N I N B M B S C A P U L A M K D A E R I C L O P A T E L L A E F U D I N D N U S B I R O H D F B N A L R B U G C U M C S N S L J U L N A E P U F S E Q M The clues below and then find the bones in the crossword above: Clue Biggest bone in the arm Biggest bone in the body and leg Otherwise known as your shin bone Protects your heart and lungs Otherwise known as your collarbone Referred to as a blade Protects the brain Smallest bone in the forearm In slang these are referred to as digits Answer O M E T A T A R S A L S O E I U I P Y U T A R S A L S I L M P E L V I S O R Described as a column If you are thin enough this may be seen at your hip Wrist bones Smallest foot bones Lower leg bone Holds the ribs together This is a round floating bone These are small hand bones This is the largest bone in the forearm These are large foot bones Worksheet 1C: Axial and Appendicular Skeleton Colour in the skeleton below – Use different colours for the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. Once this is completed list the bones in each section in the relevant boxes. Axial skeleton bones: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Appendicular skeleton bones: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Worksheet 1D: Joints Define the term ‘joint’: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Identify the bones that are present in the following joints: 1. Elbow joint ____________________________________________________ 2. Knee joint _____________________________________________________ 3. Hip joint _____________________________________________________ Complete the table on the three different types of joint: Joint type Example Range of movement Knee joint Cartilaganous Not a lot of movement Cranium (skull) Complete the table below stating the type of synovial joint and then match it to the description. Use the types of joints identified below: Gliding Hinge Ball and socket Type of synovial joint/example Saddle Pivot Condyloid Description Movement can be made possible in two planes This joint moves in 2 planes Movement is limited This joint moves in one plane only Movement is limited This is when one bone slides on top of another. Movement is limited One bone is able to turn on top of another. Movement is limited Has the ability to move in all directions Worksheet 1E – Function of the Skeleton/Bones Identify the functions of the skeleton S_________________ S_________________ M_________________ P_________________ B_________________P_________________ The development of bone from cartilage is called (circle the correct answer) Embryo Hyaline Ossification Patella Sternum Match the following terms to the correct definition: Terms Osteoblasts Definition These produce collagen and minerals that are needed for bone growth and the hardening of the bones. Osteocytes When a bone is damaged these cells clean up the area and are responsible for absorbing and removing bone so that osteoclasts can then form the new bone. Osteoclasts These are the main cells of the bone tissue required for maintaining healthy bones. In the space below, using your own words describe how bones grow. This can be shown by a diagram if preferred: Worksheet 1F: Bones Complete the following table in pairs stating the function and provide an example for each type of bone. Bone type Description Long These are the longer bones in the body These are the shorter bones found in our hands and feet These can attach to larger muscles Short Flat Irregular Function Example These are irregular in shape. Complete the skeleton with a key showing where your example bones are and colour them in: Key Colour Bone type Long bone Short bone Irregular bone Flat Bone Worksheet 1G: Practical Movement For each of the movement patterns describe what occurs and give an example: Movement Flexion Extension Adduction Abduction Rotation Description Example Sporting movement classifications Sport 1 - ____________________________________________ Movement Flexion Example Extension Adduction Abduction Rotation Sport 2 - ____________________________________________ Movement Flexion Extension Adduction Abduction Rotation Example Sport 3 - ____________________________________________ Movement Flexion Example Extension Adduction Abduction Rotation Sport 4 - ____________________________________________ Movement Flexion Extension Adduction Abduction Rotation Example Worksheet 1H: Effects of Exercise on Bones In pairs create a mind map below of what effect exercise has on the bones. Think about both the long term and the short term effects: Effect of exercise on the bones Worksheet 1I: Major Muscles of the Body Label the major muscles on the following diagrams using the muscles named in the box: triceps biceps gluteus maximus quadriceps hamstrings gastrocnemius pectorals trapezius deltoids abdominals obliques erector spinae Anterior muscles of the body Worksheet 1I: Major Muscles of the Body (continued) Posterior muscles of the body Worksheet 1J: Types of Muscles Complete the table below giving a description and an example of each muscle type: Muscle type Description Example Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Define the following terms: Tendon: Agonist: Antagonist: Prime mover: In your own words describe the action when you kick a football, referring to muscle actions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practical/Worksheet 1K: Muscle Contraction Describe what happens when the following types of contraction take place giving a sporting example of each: Type of contraction Description Example Concentric Eccentric Isometric Carry out the following movements and give examples of a muscle carrying out each type of contraction e.g. in a bicep curl isometric contraction is your pectorals as they do not move. Movement = Push up Type of Contraction Concentric Eccentric Isometric Muscle carrying out contraction type Movement = Shoulder pass in netball Type of Contraction Muscle carrying out contraction type Concentric Eccentric Isometric Movement = Football kick Type of Contraction Muscle carrying out contraction type Concentric Eccentric Isometric Movement = Sit up Type of Contraction Concentric Eccentric Isometric Muscle carrying out contraction type Assignment 2 Learning Activities and Worksheets Assignment 2: Learning Activities Activity 2.1: Worksheet – Cardiovascular system Relevant section in learner pack: Section Three, Part 3.1-3.2 Complete Worksheet 2A Activity 2.2: Worksheet – Blood vessels Relevant section in learner pack: Section Three, Part 3.3 Complete Worksheet 2B Activity 2.3: Worksheet – Function of the cardiovascular system Relevant section in learner pack: Section Three, Part 3.1 Complete Worksheet 2C Activity 2.4: Worksheet – The passage of blood around the cardiovascular system Using the previously completed heart diagram and the terms in the box the learner can create a flow chart or describe the passage of blood around the heart and lungs. This can be used according to the learners’ learning styles or as a recap activity. Complete Worksheet 2D Activity 2.5: Practical – The effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system Relevant section in learner pack: Section Three, Part 3.4 Carry out a range of sports activities in a sports hall or outdoor environment that shows the effects of exercise on the CV system. Ensure that a warm up is conducted prior to engaging in the games and a cool down at the end. These activities can be games such as badminton, volleyball, football netball etc. Ask the group to pay particular attention to how they feel when running, resting and moving. On completion of the session the group should discuss how they felt during certain points in the activities. Activity 2.6: Worksheet/Discussion – Effects of exercise on the CV system Relevant section in learner pack: Section Three, Part 3.4 Use the sports activities carried out in activity 3.4 start a discussion on the short and long term effects of exercise on the CV system. Learners should work in small groups and mind map the short and long term effects of exercise on the CV System. Activity 2.7: Worksheet – Structure of the respiratory system Relevant section in learner pack; Section Four, Part 4.1 Complete Worksheet 2E Activity 2.8: Worksheet – Mechanics of breathing Relevant section in learner pack: Section Four, Part 4.2 Complete Worksheet 2F Activity 2.9: Practical/Worksheet - Effects of exercise on the reparatory system Relevant section in learner pack: Section Four, Part 4.3 Using a sports hall or outdoor environment carry out a range of sports activities e.g. netball, volleyball, badminton etc. Following the activity evaluate and recap the mechanics of breathing. In small groups discuss the short and long term effects of exercise on the respiratory system. Complete Worksheet 2G Worksheet 2A: Cardiovascular System Using a coloured pen complete the worksheet by labelling the following anatomical names on the diagram below. left atrium left ventricle right atrium septum right ventricle bicuspid valve tricuspid valve semi-lunar valve Using another coloured pen label the main blood vessels leading into and out of the heart. aorta pulmonary vein pulmonary artery vena cava Worksheet 2B: Blood Vessels Complete the table below: Blood vessel Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Veins Venules Structure Function Worksheet 2C: Function of the Cardiovascular System Complete the diagram below by colouring in red the parts of the system where the blood is oxygenated and in blue the parts of the system where the blood is deoxygenated. Worksheet 2D: Passage of Blood Around the Heart Task With the help of the terms in the box below explain the passage of the blood around the heart and lungs. This can be done in the form of a flow chart or described in the box below. left atrium right atrium tricuspid valve septum aorta right ventricle left ventricle bicuspid valve semi-lunar valve pulmonary vein pulmonary artery vena cava lungs Worksheet 2E: Structure of the Respiratory System Label the diagram of the respiratory system using the following anatomical terminology in the box below: alveoli epiglottis larynx bronchioles trachea bronchus mouth diaphragm Explain below how air passes through the respiratory system to the alveoli: Worksheet 2E: Structure of the Respiratory System (Continued) Once you have carried out the activity in 2E give a brief description to each of the following terms completing the table below. Anatomical Term Epiglottis Trachea Bronchus Alveoli Diaphragm Intercostal muscles Brochioles Description/function Worksheet 2F: Mechanics of Breathing Using the following words / phrases label the two diagrams below. Inspiration / expiration Ribs lower volume of the thorax decreases / ribs move up and out volume of the thorax increases Diaphragm contracts / diaphragm relaxes Explain the passage of air and the mechanics of breathing by writing in the box below: Worksheet 2G: Short and Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Respiratory System Describe below how you feel regarding breathing when you first start exercising: If an individual was to train for 6 weeks for a marathon race what long term effects would this have on their respiratory system? Use the following terms to describe the effect (vital capacity, VO2 max, efficiency): If an individual stops training for a long period of time what would occur? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assignment 3 Learning Activities and Worksheets Assignment 3: Learning Activities Activity 3.1: Worksheet – Energy systems Relevant section in learner pack: Section Five, Part 5.1 Discuss and complete the different energy systems in the table Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the systems Discuss what is meant by the terms. Write down all that was discussed Relate the discussions to actual sports and list them on the worksheet Complete Worksheet 3A Activity 3.2: Discussion/worksheet – Aerobic and anaerobic activities This can be done on flipchart paper and then share ideas between the group. Make amendments as necessary on the continuum. Make sure it is discussed in depth for full understanding to be observed. Complete Worksheet 3B Activity 3.3: Worksheet - Energy use of activities Relevant section in learner pack: Section Five, Part 5.2. Discuss which sports use the most energy. Complete individually Worksheet 3C Once completed discuss and give reasons why in the order you have placed them. Worksheet 3A: Energy Systems For each of the systems below describe the system and give an example of the sports that could use the system: Energy system Creatine phosphate system Description Example Lactic acid system Aerobic system In pairs discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each energy system: Energy system Creatine phosphate system Lactic acid system Aerobic system Advantages Disadvantages Write below what the following terms mean: Aerobic system: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anaerobic system: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------List below sports that use the aerobic system predominantly: List below sports that use anaerobic system predominantly: Worksheet 3B: Aerobic and Anaerobic Activities In pairs discuss and place on the continuum below the sports in the box on whether the sports are predominantly aerobic or anaerobic: football marathon 100m 400m weightlifting basketball shot putt Tour de France gymnastics 50m swimming 400m swimming Aerobic Anaerobic As a group compare where you have placed each of the sports and decide on where the correct places are. Worksheet 3C: Energy Use of Activities For the sports below put them in order in the total amount of kilojoules used during an average exercise period for each one. marathon 100m sprint Tour de France weightlifting basketball shot putt Tennis swimming (recreational) squash walking javelin Most Energy Used Least Energy Used