DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNIT ADDRESS OFFICE SYMBOL DATE SUBJECT: Motorpool Standard Operating Procedures 1. This SOP is established for motorpool operations. 2. This SOP will remain in effect until revised or superseded. 3. Any changes or recommendations for changes will be submitted through the Motor Sergeant/ Maintenance Technician. 4. POC is the undersigned at DSN XXX-XXXX. SIGNATURE BLOCK TABLE OF CONTENTS DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES ANNEX A: SHOP OPERATIONS ANNEX B: SCHEDULED SERVICES ANNEX C: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES ANNEX D: DISPATCHING PROCEDURES ANNEX E: MAINTENANCE SAFETY ANNEX F: ARMY OIL ANALYSIS PROGRAM (AOAP) ANNEX G: PLL/REPAIR PARTS PROCEDURES ANNEX H: TOOL CONTROL PROCEDURES & CALIBRATION ANNEX I: EQUIPMENT PAINTING (CARC) AND MARKING ANNEX J: ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF FUNCTIONAL FILES ANNEX K: PUBLICATIONS ANNEX L: REFERENCES ANNEX M: COORDINATION WITH DIRECT SUPPORT UNIT (DSU) ANNEX N: ENVIRONMENTAL / SPILL PLAN ANNEX O: ULLS-G PROCEDURES / AMSS REPORTING ANNEX P: LOW USAGE PROGRAM ANNEX Q: PHYSICAL SECURITY ANNEX R: TRAINING SKILL LEVEL-10 ANNEX S: BRAKE TESTING ANNEX T: COMMERCIAL FORKLIFTS (STILLS) ANNEX U: LOADTESTING OF MHE ANNEX V: CONTROLLED EXCHANGE ANNEX X: CANNIBALIZATION OF MATERIEL APPENDIX A: Murder Line Checklist APPENDIX B: Risk Assessment Management Unit maintenance SOP 1. PURPOSE a. To define area of responsibility within the existing maintenance structure. b. To provide for effective maintenance management and workload control. c. To maximize utilization of all available resources. d. To maximize operational readiness of equipment and unit through an effective maintenance program. e. To provide guidance for detecting and correcting actual or potential equipment failure at the lowest practical level of maintenance. f. To provide the commander and other supervisory personnel a complied guide to material readiness policies and procedures. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES: A. UNIT COMMANDER: (1) Directly responsible for the maintenance of all equipment within the unit. (2) Ensures Nonmission Capable equipment (NMC) is fully mission capable (FMC) within 72 hours or have corrective actions (i.e. parts requested or equipment submitted to direct support) taken to ensure equipment becomes FMC at the earliest possible date. (3) Is prepared to brief the battalion commander at all times on the status of maintenance within the unit. (4) Ensures maintenance technician is identified on unit orders and trained. (5) Ensures maintenance technician and NCO brief maintenance status prior to unit status report (USR) turn in. (6) Ensures the company standard operating procedure (SOP) is established, reviewed by S-4, and approved by higher headquarters. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) B. PLATOON LEADER: (1) Monitors equipment readiness assigned to the platoon. (2) Ensures PMCS is conducted IAW applicable manuals. (3) Monitors MTOE equipment authorization changes. (4) Is prepared to brief the company commander at all times on the status of maintenance within the platoon. (5) Aggressively monitor all operator maintenance and scheduled services. (6) Communicates with the maintenance technician for equipment in direct support and awaiting parts. C. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN: (1) Monitors the organizational maintenance program within the unit. (2) Manages the status of all DA Form 2406 reportable equipment within the unit. (3) Monitors the disposal of all hazardous waste and materials. (4) Intensely manages all NMC equipment. (5) Reviews all maintenance reports forwarded to higher headquarters. (6) Monitors changes in equipment authorizations based on MTOE changes. (7) Aggressively monitors all organizational equipment sent to DS maintenance. (8) Monitors the unit's AOAP program and TMDE program. (9) Monitors the unit's Class IX (repair parts) program and allocated funds. (10) Establish a Class IX location program for repair parts that are difficult to locate. (11) Provides technical and administrative assistance on equipment maintenance. (12) Keeps the Company Commander informed on all maintenance issues. (13) Provides the Commander with a weekly Non Mission Capable report. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (14) Ensures that safe maintenance operations are conducted. (15) Communicates with the battalion maintenance technician/ sergeant on a daily basis. (16) Develop and implement a Quality Assurance/ Quality control (QA/QC) program to ensure safety and reliability of all equipment. D. MOTOR SERGEANT: (1) Supervises all aspects of the unit maintenance operation. (2) Ensures effective training occurs for all maintenance related MOS's. (3) Assumes the duties of the maintenance technician in their absence. (4) Monitors quality control procedures for all automotive maintenance repairs and equipment dispatches. (5) Monitors status of all organizational equipment sent to direct support. (6) Primary trainer and supervisor of the TAMMS/PLL clerk. (7) Primary advisor for all unit maintenance related activities. (8) Ensure platoon sergeants, arms room, commo, NBC, DFAC, and supply reconcile repair parts requirements with the document register weekly. (9) Supervises recovery operations and ensure that recovery personnel can perform recovery missions safely and correctly. E. PLATOON SERGEANT/SECTION SERGEANT: (1) Directly responsible for ensuring maintenance is accomplished by the assigned operator. (2) Directly supervises operator maintenance during PMCS periods. (3) Personally ensures that equipment faults are corrected and/or reported in a timely manner. (4) Personally identifies equipment that does not have necessary publications, BII, AAL, and reports them to the hand receipt holder and/or the unit supply sergeant. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (5) Ensures scheduled maintenance services are being scheduled and accomplished as per applicable publications and unit training schedule. (6) Knows the material readiness posture of all equipment under their supervision and is prepared to discuss that posture at any time. (7) Ensures that equipment is properly prepared for dispatch prior to it departing for its assigned mission. (8) Ensures that operators make the proper entries on all required dispatch and maintenance forms. (9) Ensures AOAP oil samples are completed and turned in to the unit AOAP monitor as scheduled. (10) Ensures that all faults listed on DA Form 2404/ ULLS (5988-E) are accurate. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX A: SUBJECT: SHOP OPERATIONS 1. PURPOSE: a. To provide for effective maintenance management and workload control. b. To maximize application of all available resources. c. To provide orderly and manageable workflow procedures for unit motorpool activities. 2. REQUIREMENTS: In addition to the requirements established in DA PAM 738-750 and AR 750 series, the following workload control tools will be established: a. Equipment status sheet will be used to log all weekly 5988-E turned in to motor sergeant or his designated representative. b. Repair parts bins (vehicle bins): Will be established in sufficient quantity to support normal shop operations. Bins will be used to store parts received for vehicles/ equipment awaiting services or the next command maintenance day. Parts received for deadlined equipment will be installed within 24 hours. 3. GENERAL: All user maintenance and repair parts requests will be received and distributed by the shop foreman or QA/QC NCO and forwarded to the PLL/TAMMS office. All workflow will be determined by the motor sergeant, maintenance technician, and the shop foreman. 4. PROCEDURES: The following procedures will be followed to control job flow within the motorpool: a. The QA/QC NCO will inspect and verify information on DA FORM 5988-E to include NSN, DOC number, and quantity of repair parts required. It is the motor sergeant's responsibility to control the quantity/quality of PMCS performed for unit motor stables. Platoon Sergeants or appointed representative are required to submit all completed DA forms 5988-E to the shop foreman or motor sergeant for verification. b. PLL clerks will remove parts from stock, order PLL Stock shortages through Direct Support Supply Activity, and annotate required forms to ensure records accuracy. Parts will be issued or placed in vehicle bins upon receipt of the part. Requests will be verified and priority assigned by the QA/QC NCO and returned to TAMMS/PLL office for posting to records. Unit maintenance SOP (cont). Annex A c. The TAMMS/PLL office will annotate the equipment records and issue maintenance requests through the motor sergeant or maintenance technician. Service suspense files will be maintained to ensure accuracy and timely scheduling of required vehicle services. Suspense’s will be annotated and corrected depending upon backlog and/or waiting parts. d. Work assignments will be given to mechanics by the section leader (5988-E or service) at the beginning of each day, for the entire day, whenever possible. e. Mechanics will perform required repairs/services/lubes assisted by the assigned operator. When work is completed the mechanic will initial entries on DA FORM 5988-E and return paperwork to a quality assurance NCO. f. The QA/QC will verify and check work performed to ensure completeness and accuracy. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX B: SUBJECT: SCHEDULED SERVICES 1. PURPOSE: To establish standard procedures for scheduling and performing required services IAW appropriate equipment and TM lubrication order (L.O.). 2. GENERAL: a. All organic equipment will receive systematic inspections and maintenance as required by the equipment TM and L.O. b. All required service parts will be on hand in the vehicle parts bins prior to scheduled service date. c. All required services will be performed within allowable tolerances IAW with DA PAM 738-750. d. NMC equipment will be serviced immediately after detected faults are corrected. e. Service dates will be properly recorded on DA Form 5988-E and equipment record folder. f. Service on DA FORM 5988-E will be maintained until next service in the equipment’s file located in the TAMMS office. 3. PROCEDURES: The following procedure will be accomplished in the order given: a. TAMMS clerks will: (1) Schedule all services and lubes. (2) Annotate all required records. b. Supervisors will: (1) Coordinate with QA/QC for bay space and mechanic support to accomplish scheduled service. (2) Supervise operations during the service. c. Operators will: (1) Ensure equipment is completely cleaned prior to bringing equipment to the bay for service. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (2) Remain with the equipment and assist mechanic while maintenance is performed. d. Mechanic will: (1) Thoroughly inspect the equipment noting all deficiencies and shortcomings. (2) Accomplish the required services. (3) Return DA FORM 5988-E to the quality assurance NCO for final inspection. e. Motor Sergeant will (1) Monthly make a list of scheduled services at least six (6) weeks out and submit to training NCO. (2) Ensure that the current and next weeks services published and ready for distribution to platoon sergeants. (3) Ensure required parts for services are orders ninety (90) days prior to scheduled service. (4) Verify with the QA/QC that the required work is accomplished prior to dismissal of assigned operator and supervisor. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX C: SUBJECT: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES 1. GENERAL: Well trained and responsible operators/crew are indicators of an effective motor maintenance program. Early detection and correction of faults and deficiencies by operators/crews during PMCS on their vehicles and equipment will enhance the maintenance readiness posture of the Company. Supervisors are required to provide sufficient prime-man hours for the performance of PMCS. Material readiness must be considered equal to other mission requirements. Training schedules are one of the primary tools available to the commander and supervisor through which he/she can emphasize vehicle and equipment maintenance. 2. SCOPE: This annex applies to all soldiers assigned or attached to _______Company. 3. OBJECTIVE: The objective of these procedures is to provide first line supervisors/ operators a means to inspect/check PMCS on vehicles and equipment that is under their control. 4. PROCEDURES: a. All PMCS will be conducted in accordance with -10 manuals and DA PAM 738750. b. While performing either daily, weekly, or monthly PMCS note deficiencies/ shortcomings you cannot fix on DA form 5988-E and report it to your organizational maintenance personnel and your first line supervisor. NOTE: First line supervisor must verify and check deficiencies noted on DA Form 5988-E before submitting to Motorpool personnel. c. DA Form 5988-E carrying a Not Mission Capable (NMC) deficiency will be kept until the deficiency has been fixed and the equipment becomes fully mission capable (FMC). d. It is necessary for the operator to know how fluid leakage affects the status of his/her vehicle/equipment. The following are the types/classes of leakage’s and definitions for the operator PMCS: (1) CLASS I - Seepage of fluid, as indicated by wetness or discoloration, not enough to form drops. (2) CLASS II - Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to cause drops to drip from item being checked/inspected. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (3) CLASS III - Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected. CAUTION: Equipment operation is allowable, other than fuel or hydraulic fluid on MHE equipment, with minor leakage’s (class I or II). Of course, consideration must be given to the fluid capacity in the system being checked/inspected. When in doubt, notify your supervisor or maintenance personnel. When operating with Class I or Class II leaks, continue to check fluid levels as required in your PMCS. Class III leaks should be reported immediately to organizational maintenance personnel. e. Operators will perform the before, during, and after operation PMCS whenever the vehicle is dispatched. f. Command emphasis will be placed on weekly and monthly PMCS. Weekly and monthly PMCS will be scheduled in the unit's training schedule. This scheduled time will be devoted solely to PMCS and requires 100% participation. PMCS's will be conducted on _________ mornings or first workday from _____ to _____, with the first _______ of every month designated for monthly PMCS. Daily events will proceed as follows; 1. 0845-0900 company formation in the motor pool 2. Perform PMCS and operator maintenance as prescribed in the operator’s manual, ie; air up tires, add fluids, remove rust and spot paint, pick up and sign for parts from parts bin, install parts, etc. All faults will be worked off before dispatch. 3. Upon completion of PMCS, Platoon Leaders and Platoon Sergeants will conduct a walk through of their equipment to verify the quality of their operator’s performance. This will be done in the sequence listed below. 4. The Platoon Sergeant will turn in all the DA Form 5988’s to the section sergeant, QA.QC, or motor sergeant prior to _____ hours or inform them they need more time to complete the mission. This will allow the Platoon Sergeant and maintenance section to conduct a face to face in regards to their equipment status. 5. All dispatches will be done at _____ hours after Company PMCS is completed. If a vehicle is needed for mission prior to ____ hours, it will be addressed as follows; Unit maintenance SOP (cont) a) Plt leader will notify commander at _____ hours which vehicles will be missing at command maintenance. b) When the vehicle is returned to the motor pool it will go through a full PMCS and have all faults worked off prior to being redispatched. c) Weekly dispatches will run through COB on _______ or the last business day of the week. g. Samples of completed PMCS/Uncorrected fault record (DA Form 5988-E), will be available in the dispatch area. h. Weekly DA form 5988-E will be filed in the dispatch office on a monthly basis. i. The Tool room clerk is responsible for providing the operators with POL products during weekly PMCS. These POL products, along with rags and other required items such as funnels, will be readily available to the operator. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX D: SUBJECT: DISPATCHING PROCEDURES 1. PURPOSE: This SOP annex establishes guidelines and procedures for dispatching vehicles and equipment within __________Company. This is to ensure that vehicles and equipment are properly dispatched at all times in garrison and field locations. 2. SCOPE: This annex applies to all soldiers assigned or attached to ______ Company. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. The TAMMS clerk/dispatcher works under the supervision of the company maintenance technician, motor sergeant, or shop foreman. He/she verifies entries made in the equipment record folder and ensures that records are maintained as prescribed by DA Pam 738-750 and local policies. The TAMMS clerk/ dispatcher duties and responsibilities include: (1) Verifies that the operator possesses a valid DA Form 5984-E (U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card). (2) Issuing and collecting equipment record folders, DD Form 5987-E (Motor Equipment Utilization Record), DA Form 5988-E (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheets), and Uncorrected Fault Record, (also found on DA Form 5988E) ensuring that they are properly completed. (3) Log vehicles and equipment in and out on DA Form 5982-E (Automated Organizational Control Record) for equipment. (4) Ensure when vehicle is returned that the operator has properly completed all entries on DA Form 5987-E. (5) Reports mechanical failures which require immediate corrective action to maintenance technician, motor sergeant, or shop foreman. b. Supervisor/Section Chief must be familiar with FM 21-305 (Motor Vehicle Manual for the Wheeled Vehicle Driver) and the Civil laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles. He/she is responsible for instructing drivers on the safe operation and care of military motor vehicles and equipment. c. Operator/Crew is responsible for the safe operation of his/her vehicle and must be familiar with FM 21-305, -10 Technical Manuals and Lubrication Order pertaining to Unit maintenance SOP (cont) his/her vehicle. He/she performs preventive maintenance on his vehicle by making visual, manual, or auditory examination of the vehicle before, during, and after operation. 4. PROCEDURES: a. The commander or designated representative requests vehicle/ equipment to be dispatched as per instructions in DA Pam 738-750. b. Dispatching hours will be as designated by the unit commander and posted at the dispatch office. c. The operator reports to the dispatcher / TAMMS clerk with the request for dispatch covering that piece of equipment and DA Form 5984-E. The immediate supervisor is responsible for briefing the operator on the contents of the AMV checklist. *NOTE*: “REQUEST FOR DISPATCH” must be signed by the operator, squad leader, platoon sergeant and platoon leader. Only the platoon sergeant or platoon leader may sign all blocks. All data in the heading must be complete and accurate. d. The dispatcher checks the driver's DA Form 5984-E and gives the driver the equipment record folder with all forms that will be needed during the mission. Both the operator and dispatcher check the DA Form 5987-E Equipment Data for services or AOAP due. An equipment record folder must contain the following forms: (1) DD Form 5987-E (Motor Utilization Record). (2) Current DA Form 5988-E (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) completed daily. (3) DA Form 5988-E (Uncorrected Fault Record) when there is something deferred on the equipment. (4) SF Form 91 (Operator's Report of Motor Vehicle Accident) with Privacy Act Statement. (5) Emergency Roadside Recovery telephone numbers. (6) AMV checklist. (7) Strip map to applicable locations. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (8) Copy of Brake Test worksheet IAW USAREUR REG 750-1. e. The operator will perform before operations PMCS IAW -10 manual of that vehicle and equipment to be dispatched. Non-tactical equipment will use a local checklist for PMCS (see TM 38-600 for guidance). f. An NCO mechanic will conduct random spot checks to vehicles to ensure it meets local national / army safety standards. The mechanic will also verify the operator's DA Form 5988-E (daily) during the safety check to ensure that the operator/ supervisor is performing to unit standards. g. All faults and deficiencies noted on DA Form 5988-E (daily) will be corrected immediately, and transcribed shortcomings to be deferred on DA Form 5988-E, (Uncorrected Fault Record) prior to dispatch. h. If the equipment meets the standards for dispatching the dispatcher will make required entries on the ULLS-G system and print a DA Form 5987-E for each piece of equipment. i. The operator will perform a during-operations check, per the PMCS in the -10 manual and any faults found will be noted on DA Form 5988-E. j. Each vehicle must have a complete set of BII and safety equipment prior to dispatch. k. When the mission is over, the operator performs the after operations check per PMCS in the -10 manual or local checklist. The operator records any faults that cannot be corrected. DA Form 5988-E with faults recorded that cannot be fixed by the operator will be signed by the immediate supervisor prior to turn in to the dispatcher or motor sergeant. l. The operator turns in the equipment records folder, and all forms to the dispatcher. After checking all forms for correct information, the dispatcher makes all entries on the ULLS-G system per DA Pam 738-750. 5. EXTENDED DISPATCHES: (WEEKLY) a. Weekly dispatches will be issued following command maintenance activities, unless otherwise coordinated. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) b. Operators may only dispatch one vehicle at a time as the primary operator. If an operator needs to dispatch another vehicle during the week as the primary operator, his/her initial dispatch must be returned and closed-out first. If a vehicle on extended dispatch is to go off-post, the dispatch for on-post will be closed out and the equipment will be dispatched as a regular off-post. If the platoon requests to have a weekly off post dispatch, they must present the Request For Dispatch stating the through date it is needed for. This date will not extend past Friday unless authorized by the commander. This procedure will ensure command and control of vehicles with off-post authorizations. c. Operator's PMCS will be verified by vehicle supervisor (Plt Ldr, Plt Sgt, Sqd Ldr) prior to dispatch. d. The TAMMS clerk will follow all standard procedures, paying particular attention to the following: (1) Operator/squad leader reports to dispatch office with a valid operator's permit and they will be issued a logbook and DA Form 5988-E. (2) Operator performs a proper PMCS of the equipment in accordance with applicable -10 level manuals. Supervised by squad leader or Plt sergeant. Operator / crew will install any parts received for vehicle at this time. If parts are above 10 level or if they have problems, the operator/crew will see Shop Foreman or maintenance NCO’s for assistance. (3) Operator/crew and supervisor identify faults on DA Form 5988-E that cannot be repaired immediately. Organizational faults/deadline faults will be directed to motorpool NCO’s or shop officer. (4) If no deadline fault is annotated, then the Operator signs 5988-E. (5) TAMMS clerk issues DA Form 5987-E and verifies that the operator signs the appropriate block. Ensures 5988-E has both signatures on it and all annotated faults worked off or parts requested by maintenance. (6) TAMMS clerk signs DA Form 5987-E and directs operator to obtain off-post authorization if required. e. The equipment operator will, upon completion of each mission, enter the miles, kilometers, hours and fuel/oil consumption in the blocks provided on DA Form 5987-E. (1) All logbooks and dispatches will be turned in on the last duty day of each week as indicated by the unit PMCS program to be redispatched or for the logbooks to be filed. This will assist in control and security of the Unit Equipment. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) f. Operator will immediately report any deadline deficiencies to the Shop Foreman, Motor Sergeant, or Maintenance Technician. 6. DISPATCH OF NON-TACTICAL EQUIPMENT (STILL FORKLIFTS) a. The same procedures used for the dispatch of tactical equipment will be followed when dispatching non-tactical equipment. *NOTE* By COB, all equipment must be secured and parked on its designated spot in the motorpool with chock block, drip pan, seat belts fastened, fuel tank topped off, and vehicle cleaned inside and out. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX E: SUBJECT: MAINTENANCE SAFETY 1. PURPOSE: To establish safety policies governing fire prevention, vehicle operators, personnel (safety, security), and environmental protection. 2. SCOPE: This annex applies to all soldiers assigned or attached to the _______Company. 3. GENERAL: An effective safety program is essential during all maintenance operations. Personnel must understand the importance of working in a safe environment. The entire chain of command must be safety conscious. Soldiers will also review the _______Company safety SOP for additional safety guidelines. a. Fire Prevention (1) "No smoking" sign will be posted in shop areas, and smoking will be permitted only in designated areas. Smoking will not be permitted within 50 feet of vehicles or stored flammable. (2) Store paint, POL products, and cleaning solutions only in designated areas, never use gasoline as a cleaning solution. (3) Segregate dirty, oily rags and store them in covered metal containers. Oil soaked coverall will be stored in metal wall lockers. (4) Do not store power generation or other small engineer equipment with fuel in the tanks. (5) Do not park vehicles within 20 feet of a building or blocking exits. (6) Ensure equipment is not refueled when engine is running, inside a building, or overheated from operations (that is, power generation, or small engineer equipment, Herman Nelson heaters). (7) Maintain good housekeeping to reduce fire and other safety hazards. (8) Train personnel in the proper use of fire extinguishers. b. Vehicle Operations (1) The maximum speed in any motorpool is 5 MPH and must be enforced. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (2) Ground guides will be used for 2 1/2 ton or larger types of equipment while in the motorpool. Ground guides will never run when guiding a vehicle. When backing any vehicle, two ground guides will be used. One guide must always be visible to the driver. Ground guides will know the proper hand signals and will never stand between a moving vehicle and a parked vehicle or building wall. (3) Vehicles will not be left unattended with engines running. (4) Rear safety straps will be used when transporting personnel in vehicle cargo beds. (5) Internal combustion engines will never be operated in a closed area unless exhaust is vented to outside. (6) Only properly licensed drivers will start or operate vehicles. (7) Spacing and arrangement of parked vehicles will provide ready access and fire lanes. (8) Grease pits will be covered or guarded by a chain barrier when not in use. (9) While driving off post, if a accident occurs, the operator must notify his/her supervisor immediately. The operator must also notify the Military Police and/or German Polizei. A copy of the Military Police accident report will be forwarded to the ____ Ordnance Company ASAP. c. Personnel (1) Horseplay will not be permitted in maintenance facilities and areas. (2) Hearing protectors will be used in areas with high noise levels. All operators and maintenance personnel must have them available at all times. Areas of high noise will be so posted. (3) Personnel will not lean on, stand, or sit under equipment suspended by recovery vehicles, A-frames, jacks, or other forms of overhead lifts. (4) Jack stand or trestles will be used to support equipment when work underneath is required. (5) Face and eye protection must be worn when performing welding, cutting, grinding, sanding or chipping operations. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (6) Protective clothing will be used when performing welding operations or when handling batteries. (7) All tools will be used only for their intended purpose. Do not use power tools with frayed electrical cords or without proper grounding. (8) Ensure all lifting devices and support devices are well maintained and inspected IAW TB 43-0142. (9) Tire cage will be utilized when inflating tires. (10) Proper use of compressed air and hydraulic equipment will be stressed. (11) Personnel will not wear contact lenses when using welding equipment. (12) All personnel will be required to remove all jewelry, watches, and loose fitting clothes while working on vehicle and equipment. d. Environmental Protection (1) Contamination will be prevented by using drip pans. (2) All spills will be cleaned up immediately, and reported to the first line leader. (3) Used or contaminated POL products will be turned in through the proper channels and not placed in trash containers. (4) POL products will not be released into the drainage system. Dispose of these POL products in the designated areas in the motorpool. (5) Ensure that the entire area stays in a high state of police. (6) Waste oil storage will be protected from contamination and entry of water. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX F: SUBJECT: ARMY OIL ANALYSIS PROGRAM (AOAP) 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of the AOAP is to provide commanders/supervisors an understanding of the Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). 2. SCOPE: This annex applies to all soldiers assigned or attached to ______Company. 3. GENERAL: Oil analysis is used as a diagnostic tool to determine the physical condition of used oil and the internal condition of engines, gearboxes, transmissions, and other oil-lubricated systems or components. a. Physical property tests are conducted on used oil to detect oil property changes resulting from changing equipment or maintenance practices. Physical properties tested are viscosity, fuel dilution, and water content. b. Spectrometric analysis is used to determine the microscopic concentration of various wear metals in oil samples. These metal particles are uniformly dispersed and suspended through the lubricating oil system. Metals and their origin can be identified and abnormal wear determined before the major component is damaged. One of the most important elements that can be detected spectrometrically is silicon, dirt and sand. Oil analysis will provide recommendations for corrective action before costly repairs become necessary. 4. COMMAND REQUIREMENTS: a. Ensure that unit is participating in the program. b. Appoint an oil analysis program monitor. c. Ensure that adequate supplies are available to support the program. d. Train user/operators in correct sampling procedures. e. Ensure routine and special samples are taken in accordance with USAREUR Supplement 1 to AR 750-22. f. Act on feedback data without undue delay. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) 5. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. The Commander designates an individual to monitor and control the program (appointed on unit orders). (1) The AOAP monitor for the company must receive feedback and take appropriate action from the lab reports. (2) The AOAP monitor is assigned this additional duty for the company program. (a) Monitors/controls the company program. (b) Is responsible to the battalion monitor for AOAP. b. The commander of all units using selected equipment is responsible for: (1) Requisitioning necessary kits and supplies on a timely basis. (2) Taking oil samples in accordance with TB 43-0211. (3) Preparing and submitting DA Form 5191-E for each sample submitted. (4) Providing the lab with a report (in the remarks section of DD Form 5191-E, Oil Analysis Request) of any repair affecting oil wetted parts of selected components. (5) Ensuring that all special samples requested by the lab are taken immediately. (6) Initiating action to ensure that recommendations are accomplished immediately, including deadlining equipment as necessary. (7) Sending a copy of the partially completed DA Form 3254-R to the supported activity when vehicle or component is evacuated for maintenance based on a lab recommendation. (8) Attaching AOAP Labels to the components evacuated to support maintenance. c. The Oil analysis laboratory will: (1) Receive, process, and analyze samples. (2) Achieves response time objectives specified in AR 750-22. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (3) Notifies using units of recommended action(s). (4) Provides using units with the information needed to monitor their sample transaction as follows: (a) The sample sheet DA Form 5191-E dated upon receipt at lab. (b) The sample having normal results is stamped with "Processed (date); results normal." (c) When results are not normal, units are notified and DA Form 3254-R (Oil Analysis Recommendation and Feedback) is forwarded. (5) Circles all incomplete and incorrect entries on sample sheets. (6) Request special samples. d. The maintenance and overhaul facility will: (1) Performs those maintenance actions recommended by the laboratories as indicated on DA Form 3253-R and returns the form to the lab. (2) Compares repair/overhaul analysis with lab predictions and enters the finding on DA Form 3254-R and returns the form to the lab. 6. SAMPLING REQUIREMENTS: a. See the appendixes of TB 43-0211 for the complete list and prescribed intervals of equipment in the AOAP program. NOTE: For equipment under warranty, follow the manufacturer's instructions for oil/filter change. b. Special samples are taken: (1) At the laboratories request. (2) Prior to scheduled quarterly service. (3) Before doing maintenance on any oil-lubricated part. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (4) After maintenance, overhaul, or replacement of any lubricated assembly. (5) After an indication of internal damage to an oil-lubricated major assembly or component. NOTE: Special samples will be clearly marked "SPECIAL" and banded with red tape or marked in some conspicuous manner so that they can be easily identified by the laboratory. 7. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES: a. The sampling valve method. b. The tube and syringe method. c. The vampire method (when available). NOTE: Refer to TB 43-0211 for additional information. 8. NECESSARY SAMPLING SUPPLIES: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Bottle, Plastic, 3 oz. Syringe, 50cc Sack, Shipping Tubing, Nonmetallic, 3/8 Tubing, Nonmetallic, 1/4 Bag, Plastic, Seal Pump, Vacuum, Vampire AOAP Mailer kit 8125-01-082-9697 8215-00-727-0008 8150-00-299-0340 4720-00-580-6055 4720-00-964-1433 8105-00-837-7754 4930-01-119-4030 8125-01-193-3440 9. RECORD AND FORMS REQUIRED FOR AOAP. a. DA Form 2408-20 is the logbook form which supplies a record of all samples and the results of laboratory analysis. (1) A separate form is required for each component of an end item that is enrolled in AOAP. (2) The disposition-completed form will be kept for a period of six months after the last entry is made and then destroyed. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) b. DD Form 5191-E is the Oil Analysis request that accompanies the oil sample to the lab. c. DA Form 3254-R is the oil analysis lab recommendation and it is used when action is requested. d. DA Form 5988-E supplies the means of recording, scheduling services, performing unit maintenance, lubrication services, oil sampling, and nonavailable time. NOTE: Do not schedule oil samples on the DA Form 5988-E when the AOAP lab provides a printout to the unit when the next sample is due. Also, any unit receiving laboratory printout " Nonaeronautical, components enrolled report in AOAP" do not have to maintain the DA Form 2408-20, IAW DA PAM 738-50. e. Oil samples should be taken while the engine/transmission is at normal operating temperature. NOTE: The USAREUR Materiel and Equipment oil analysis Laboratory is USAREUR's only industrial laboratory. It has been organized as a result of consolidation of several laboratories. This lab is workload by USAREUR and other customers through instructions of the following publications: AR 420-70 with USAREUR Supplement 1, AR 750-22, USAREUR Reg 742-5, TB 43-0106, TB 43-0211, and DA Pam 738-750. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX G: SUBJECT: PLL/REPAIR PARTS PROCEDURES 1. PURPOSE: To establish a sound Class IX Supply System. 2. SCOPE: This annex applies to all soldiers assigned and attached to _____Company. 3. GENERAL: a. The Commander maintaining the PLL/Combat PLL is the approving authority. b. A Quarterly PLL inventory will be conducted IAW DA Pam 710-2-1 c. ALL Authorized PLL/Combat PLL stocks must be on hand or on request. d. DA technical manuals identify repair parts by NSN or part number, name and recoverability code. They also prescribe the level of maintenance authorized to request and use the repair parts. The Army Master Data File (AMDF) must be used to check request data for items assigned by NSN. 4. OBJECTIVES: a. Avoid delay in availability of repair parts. b. Ensure a PLL fill at 15 days supply. c. Ensure PLL stockage is IAW the Average Customer Waiting Time. d. Make maximum use of SARRS-O system. e. The SARRS-O system will: (1) Improve the responsiveness of direct support supply operations through automation of supply Class II, III (packaged), IV, VII, VIII, and IX. (2) Improve demand accommodation, demand satisfaction, and operational readiness through interchangeable and substitute (I & S) procedures. (3) Standardize user procedures and training for customers of DSU’s. (4) Improve responsiveness to customers by automating the processing of national stock number (NSN), manufacturer's part number (MPN) and management control number (MCN) transactions. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (5) Increase responsiveness to customers by providing the capability to operate: (a) An automated Prescribed Load List (PLL). (b) Quick Supply Stores (QSS) in all Class IX in DSU's. (c) Supply Support Activity (SSA) in DSU's stocking class II, III (packaged), and IV supplies. (d) Increase responsiveness to customers by providing the capability to process customer follow-up transactions automatically. (e) Provide the capability for mass cancellations for units being deployed or deactivated. (f) Provide the capability to extract and to insert unit demand history files. (g) Improve customer satisfaction and unit readiness in divisions by lateral issue of items among DSU's. 5. UNITS REQUIRED TO KEEP PLL/COMBAT PLL a. Units authorized personnel, tools, and equipment to perform maintenance will normally keep a PLL. b. A combat PLL is mandatory in those TOE units, United States Army Congressional Correspondence Agency (USACCA), and United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) units designated by a mandatory parts list (MPL). MPLs are in the form of DA pamphlets. 6. PRESCRIBED LOAD LIST a A PLL is kept to support a units daily organizational maintenance operation. This is a prescribed number of days of supply, depending on the average customer wait time (ACWT). b. A combat PLL is kept to support a units organizational maintenance operation in combat for a prescribed number of days. Combat PLL items can also be used to support peacetime operation. c. The total number of lines carried on the PLL/Combat PLL will not exceed 300; however, a unit may request an exception to the 300-line limit from MACOM. The request for exception must be justified in accordance with DA Pam 710-201. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) d. An inventory of the PLL must be conducted every 90 days. e. Commanders/Supervisors are responsible for the accurate assignment of priority designators (PDs). The commander/supervisor will either personally review or delegate, in writing to specific personnel the authority to review all requirements based on UND A to certify an inability to perform mission and UND B to certify that the urgency has been accurately determined IAW Chapter 2, DA Pam 710-2-1. f. Avoid common causes for delay of repair parts: (1) Abuse of high priority requisitions. (2) Use of obsolete/unauthorized supply manuals and catalogs. (3) Failure to immediately forward part requests to the SSA. (4) Improper identification/location of parts. g. Properly utilize all sources of supply: (1) Supply Support Activity (SSA) (2) RX (repairable recoverable exchange items) (3) Quick Supply Store (QSS) (4) Cannibalization Point (5) Request for Issue 7. PLL / COMBAT PLL RECORDS: PLL/Combat records will be maintained in Accordance with unit supply update and TM 38-L32-11 and consist of the following: a. DA Form 2064 (Document Register for Supply Actions) This for is used to keep track of the request and turn in documents which have been submitted to the SSA. The PLL clerk must maintain the document register IAW DA Pam 710-2-1. b. Prescribed Load List (PLL) PCN AGL-C34 The automated PLL printout is used instead of the DA Form 2063-R (consolidated). The PLL printout is published each quarter or more often if desired by the command. Scotch tape is applied to the printout by the PLL clerk through the columns of "O/H QTY" and "LOC" enabling the PLL clerk to use a pencil to change on hand quantities and or locations if necessary. items are listed in NIIN sequence. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) c. PLL Change List (PLL Computation), PCN AGL-C35: this reflects changes to PLL. All proposed additions, proposed changes (in PLL stockage level), and deletions; it will be published quarterly by the automated system as a result of demand history computation. The commander will review this list to recommend and change prior to turn in to the SSA. The action and reason codes on the change list identify the recommended action and reason are as follows; (A) Recommend addition (C1) Recommend level increase (C2) Recommend decrease (D) Recommended (demand are less than retention criteria) (D2) Delete Item is QSS. (D3) Delete This is prescribed (substitute) item. A preferred item is recommended addition to the PLL. d. PLL change list (catalog update) PCN AGL-C35: This will be published monthly and is furnished to each unit and shows stock number changes, unit of issue, and authorized quantity changes which resulted from unit of issue changes. Adjustments must be made when the following codes are used; (X1) Stock number change (X2) Stock number and unit of issue/authorized quantity changed (X3) Unit of issue and authorized quantity changed. e. Customer due out reconciliation (PCN AGL-C48) in document number sequence and customer due out reconciliation (PCN AGL C56) in NIIN number sequence. These lists are used to reconcile open request recorded in your document register and to validate your continued need for the items. These lists identify open requests, issues made, status of open requests, cancellations, and cancellations pending that were processed by your Material management center/stock control section MMC/SCS during the reporting period. This process ensures your unit receives the items needed and that your supporting DSU recognizes that need. The customer reconciliation when validated: (1) Advises your supporting DSU of which open requests you still need. (2) Identifies discrepancies in records. (3) Identifies items released during the reporting period. (4) Provides your unit wit current supply status. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) NOTE: After you have updated these lists, return one copy, in document number sequence, to your supporting DSU. File the others for reference, and destroy them after you have received two successive lists. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX H: SUBJECT: TOOL CONTROL PROCEDURES & CALIBRATION 1. PURPOSE: To establish policies governing accountability, security, and maintenance of hand tools, sets, outfits, and test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE). 2. SCOPE: This annex applies to all soldiers assigned or attached to the _______Company. 3. SECURITY: a. All hand tools sets, kits, outfits, and TMDE will be secured and/or stored in a secure location, such as a toolroom, tool truck, tool cabinet, or toolbox. b. All tools being maintained in a secure area will be cataloged (for example, a show board or index card file). The shadow board or index file will include: NSN, Nomenclature, location, quantity authorized, quantity on-hand, remarks, block to include shortage with document number of tools on order. c. In addition to providing security for tools, the following is required by AR 190-13, para 2-11 that tools such as hammers, bolt cutters, chisels, crowbars, cutting torches, and similar items which could be used to assist in gaining unauthorized access to an arms storage facility, “must not be readily accessible to intruders." d. All tools will be secured when not in use. 4. ACCOUNTABILITY: a. All tools, sets, outfits, and test equipment will be accounted for by a hand receipt down to the user and inventoried in accordance with the unit supply update. b. When tools are removed from the secured area, the individual removing the tool will sign a hand receipt and/or tool sign out record sheet. For an extended period of time (24hrs through 29 days), temporary hand receipt will be prepared instead of using the tool sign out record sheet. c. Tools, kits, and outfits will contain a list of authorized components. An inventory of the toolroom will be conducted semi-annually and kept on file. Individual toolboxes will be inventoried quarterly. Shortages will be annotated IAW AR 735-5. d. Shortage annexes and component listings are maintained between the hand receipt holder and the sub-hand receipt holder. Shortage annexes and component listings will be maintained at all times. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) 5. MAINTENANCE: a. All tools, sets, kits, outfits, and test equipment will have preventive maintenance (PM) performed in accordance with applicable technical manuals. b. All tools and equipment will be kept clean, free of rust, and maintained in a serviceable condition IAW TM 9-243. c. Tools which have cutting edges will have protective covers on cutting surfaces. d. Tools and equipment requiring special safety equipment (goggles/hearing protection) will not be operated or issued without such equipment. e. Any sign of metal fatigue or stress such as a bend in the frame will constitute same as unserviceable. f. A broken or cracked weld will constitute same as unserviceable. 6. CALIBRATION: a. The unit commander will designate in writing a primary and alternate TMDE coordinator. b. Items which require calibration will be maintained in accordance with the equipment technical manual and EM0022-TB 43-MAIT, CD ROM. c. The master calibration listing provided by the unit's calibration support unit will list due dates of all equipment requiring calibration. This printout must be updated and submitted to the battalion quality assurance TMDE representative IAW their SOP. d. TMDE items will be presented to the support maintenance activity hosting calibration/repair services in a timely manner. e. The calibration support maintenance SOP must be on hand for reference and guidance pertaining to calibration. f. Records outlined in DA Pam 738-750 and a copy of the latest master calibration listing will be maintained on file. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX I: SUBJECT: EQUIPMENT PAINTING AND MARKING 1. PURPOSE: Establishes policies and procedures for painting and marking of equipment assigned to ____ Ordnance Company. 2. ____ Ordnance Company will follow the criteria set forth by USAREUR Reg 750-1, TM 43-0139, and TB 43-0209. 3. POLICIES: a. Equipment painted with Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC), will only be painted and stenciled with CARC paint. No non-CARC paint will be used on any part of the vehicle, with the exception of lettering on the bumpers. b. Spot painting for touch up of repairs such as scratches, chips, marring, or bumper number changes and preservation purposes is authorized in an outside environment with the proper protective clothing IAW USAREUR Suppl 1 to AR 750-1. c. The same bumper number will be used for prime movers and trailers with a minor variation of adding a "T" after the trailers numerical identification. d. Military delineators (MVD) will be used on all assigned prime movers and trailers. Before installation, check with motorpool personnel for correct method of installation. e. Letter stick on stencils from lettering kits will be used on windshields to identify operator and supervisor names and rank. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX J: SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF FUNCTIONAL FILES 1. PURPOSE: Establishes policies and procedures for records and files management. 2. GENERAL: The unit will follow the DA policy on files and records management; referring to AR 25-400-2. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX K: SUBJECT: PUBLICATIONS 1. GENERAL The following is a list of publications that should be maintained in the unit motorpool or readily available through unit publications center. 2. SCOPE: This applies to all soldiers assigned and attached to ______ Company. a. ARMY REGULATIONS AR 58-1, Management, Acquisition, and use of motor vehicle AR 140-15 Maintenance of Equipment AR 190-51 Security of Army Property at unit and Installation level AR 220-1 Unit Status Reporting AR 310-31 Management system for table of organizations and equipment AR 385-10 Army Safety Program AR 385-30 Safety Color Code Markings and Signs AR 385-40 Accident report and records AR 385-55 Prevention of Motor vehicle accidents AR 600-55 Motor vehicle driver selection, testing and licensing AR 672-5-1 Military Awards AR 700-138 Army logistics readiness and stainability AR 700-139 Army warranty program concepts and policies AR 700-4 Logistics awareness program AR 710-2 Supply policy below wholesale level AR 735-5 Basic policies and procedures for property accounting AR 750-25 Army Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX L: SUBJECT: REFERENCES REFERENCES AR 58-1 FM 20-22 USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 420-90 AR 190-11 FM 21-305 USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 710-2 AR 220-1 FM 29-2 USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 750-1 AR 385-10 FM 55-30 USAREUR PAM 750-25 AR 385-40 FM 19-30 AR 385-55 TB 43-180 AR 190-13 TB 43-0142 AR 190-51 TB 43-0210 AR 420-90 TB 43-0211 CTA 50-900 AR 600-55 TB 600-1 AR 672-5-2 TM 9-243 AR 710-2 TM 9-8000 AR 700-88 TM 38-600 AR 700-138 USAREUR REG 190-1 AR 700-139 USAREUR REG 700-139 AR 190-51 USAREUR REG 750-1 AR 735-5 USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 190-100 AR 750-25 Unit maintenance SOP (cont) USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 220-1 DA PAM 710 2-1 USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 385-40 DA PAM 738-750 USAREUR SUPPL 1 TO AR 385-55 Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX M: SUBJECT: COORDINATION WITH DIRECT SUPPORT UNIT (DSU) 1. PURPOSE: To establish policies and procedures for effective coordination between subordinate units and the direct support unit (DSU). 2. SCOPE: This SOP applies to all soldiers assigned or attached to _____Company 3. OBJECTIVES: a. Provide interface between subordinate units and the DSU. b. Ensure timely repair or replacement of all equipment requiring maintenance beyond the organizational maintenance level. c. Identify problems regarding repairs of equipment. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES: The maintenance technician / sergeant must coordinate with the supporting DSU to receive a vehicle status printout. 5. POLICIES: a. Motor Sergeant will maintain a current copy of the DSU's external operations SOP and abide by it. When for any reason units cannot comply with the DSU SOP this headquarters will be notified immediately. b. The Commander, maintenance technician / NCO will visit the DSU at least weekly to discuss the maintenance posture of the unit with the DSU. c. Unit equipment will be inspected prior to evacuation to the DSU and organizational deficiencies corrected. d. When the DSU notifies the unit a job order has been completed, inspect the equipment and close out the DA Form 5990-E maintenance request the same day. When this cannot be accomplished due to mission or road conditions, the DSU shop officer will be notified by the maintenance officer/NCO. e. Twice annually the unit will provide the DSU with a copy of the equipment density list. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX N: SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE 1. PURPOSE: To outline environmental compliance for the _______ Company motorpool. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. Commander; Ensure that all assigned personnel are instructed in the Company Environmental Awareness Program. b. Unit Environmental Officer; Ensure that personnel are trained in handling POL products and POL waste products. Ensure that personnel are knowledgeable on classifying spills and spill response procedures. c. Unit/Section Personnel; Ensure they follow the ____ BSB Spill Response procedures when a spill occurs. 3. GENERAL SPILL RESPONSE PROCEDURES: a. Each spill response will be different and a standard procedure that fits every spill is not possible. The spill response procedure below is a general procedure. Each spill must be treated on a case by case basis and response actions depend on whether the spill is defined as a major or minor spill. b. Unit/ Section: (1) Major Spill: a. Identify the substance. If substance cannot be identified, block off the area, and contact the nearest Military Fire Department immediately for instructions. b. Stop the source by turning off valves, standing up containers, replacing plugs, etc. Do this only if it would not endanger yourself or anyone in the immediate area. c. If possible, attempt to contain the spill to one area, and direct it away from streams, ditches, drains, etc. d. Notify the nearest Military Fire Department. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) e. Notify the ____ BSB DEH Environmental Coordinator, xxx-xxxx. After duty hours, contact the fire department or US Forces Police and ask them to notify the ____ BSB Staff Duty Officer to call the ____ BSB DEH Stand-by Environmental Coordinator. f. Remain at the site until response personnel arrive and provide assistance. g. Prepare a Pollution Incident Report and submit it to the ____ BSB DEH, ATTN: AEUSG-K-EU, Unit23152, APO AE 09227, not later than two days after the incident. h. Prepare a sketch of incident location. i. Pesticide spill is a major spill and has to be reported immediately. (2) Minor Spills: a. Identify the substance. If substance cannot be identified, block off the area, and contact the nearest Military Fire Department or the ____ BSB Environmental Management Office for instructions. b. Remove the substance with absorbent, rags, sand, etc. c. Contact the ____ BSB Environmental Coordinator. d. Collect the contaminated materials and place in a container for disposal as hazardous waste. 4. DEFINITIONS: (1) Major Spill- a spill or vaporization of a hazardous substance that; a. Poses a threat to public health, animal, plant or marine life. b. Is a discharge of 25 gallons or more of a petroleum product which is not in a contained area. c. Contaminates the drinking water supply. d. Is in violation of Host Nation environmental laws or standards. e. Causes a film or discoloration on the surface of a large body of water such as a lake or pond. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) f. Is of such magnitude that outside or specialized assistance for contamination and clean up is required. (2) Minor Spill- a spill of a hazardous substance, which does not endanger public health, and is within the cleanup capabilities of the causing unit or organization. 5. SPILL RESPONSE TELEPHONE NUMBERS: (1) Fire Department- 117 (military) (2) Emergency- xxx-xxxx (military) (3) Routine Calls- xxx-xxxx(civilian) 24 hours a day / 7 days a week (4) ____ BSB Environmental Coordinator: xxx-xxxx 6. REFERENCES: a. AR 200-1.Environmental Protection and Enhancement b. USAREUR Regulation 200-1 Environmental Quality Program c. KMC Hazardous Materials Emergency Response.Plan 86 AW OPLAN 32-4002 Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX O: SUBJECT: UNIT LEVEL LOGISTICS SYSTEM PROCEDURES 1. PURPOSE: Establish guidelines, procedures and policies to ensure the proper use of the Unit Level Logistical System (ULLS Ground). 2. REFERENCES: ULLS-G End Users Manual (EUM) 3. GENERAL: ULLS is an Army wide automated unit level logistical system designed to allow commanders to better manage their maintenance program. ULLS-G interfaces with automated systems at support level maintenance (SAMS) and the Support Supply Activity (SAARS-O). The ULLS-G will do everything the manual Maintenance management system does. Used properly, the ULLS-G will assist commanders and maintenance leaders to accomplish readiness objectives. Leaders at all levels must become familiar with the system. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. Unit Commander (1) Will appoint, in writing, an individual to perform additional duties as the ULLS Project Officer. (2) Incorporate ULLS operator training into the unit training schedule. (3) Assigns password and user identification number for the ULLS-G system. These are system access control codes and will completely fill the character block ensuring not to use commonly used words or phrases. Passwords will be changed annually or when the operator is reassigned. Two copies will be made and put in sealed envelopes, marked with unit identification, DODAAC, date and phone number. One copy will be kept in the unit safe and one copy will be turned into the Battalion Maintenance Officer. Both copies must be kept current. b. Unit Project Officer (1) Monitors daily operations of the ULLS-G system. (2) Ensures that the unit parameter data in the DODAAC file is correct. (3) Ensures that the unit maintains proper control of diskettes. - Diskettes must always be in the protective jacket when not in use. - Diskettes must be labeled correctly. - Backup tapes must be stored properly in the provided plastic storage units, always away from magnetic sources. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (4) Ensures that ULLS is operating properly and submit problem reports to the Battalion Maintenance Officer as needed. (5) Loads software change packages, status and catalog updates as directed by the Battalion Maintenance Officer. (6) Ensure daily and or weekly transactions diskettes are submitted by established cutoffs. (7) Ensures operator performs daily back-up of files prior to end of duty day. (8) Ensures that ULLS-G is operating properly and submits problem reports to the System Support Office Administrator as needed. (9) Establishes time periods for the processing of Class IX and TAMMS data. c. ULLS Operator (1) Operates the ULLS-G system IAW the End Users Manual. (2) Performs daily back up of the data files and maintains the tapes. (3) Submits daily transactions diskettes to the DSU and perform daily Blast to the SSA. (4) Performs DAILY ULLS-G preventative maintenance. (5) Reports problems to the unit project officer. (6) Maintains the diskettes. (7) Maintains the back-up tapes. 5. PROBLEM REPORTING: a. If upon attempting to access ULLS-G, the system fails to function as expected, or if the software aborts during normal processing of data, the unit project officer will notify the Battalion Maintenance Officer. As a minimum, the unit name, phone number, point of contact and a complete description of the problem must be provided. b. A log will be maintained with each computer of problems encountered. The log will contain a complete description of each problem, data, and a copy of the error message. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) NOTE: IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT ALL MESSAGES FROM THE COMPUTER BE RECORDED CORRECTLY. THIS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED BY PRESSING "SHIFT" AND THE "PRINT SCREEN" KEY SIMULTANEOUSLY. This provides the Battalion Maintenance Officer with an exact copy of the message. 6. SOFTWARE CHANGE PROPOSALS: a. Recommendations for changes or improvements to the system should be submitted in writing to the Battalion Maintenance Officer. b. At a minimum, a change proposal will include the name, phone number and POC and a complete description of the recommended change (be detailed). 7. DATA FLOW: This section assigns responsibilities for the preparation and flow of data in support of the ULLS-G system. a. Diskette transaction procedures. The following guidelines are provided for submission of transaction diskettes and receipt of status diskettes. (1) Class IX transactions- It is the responsibility of the operator to perform a class IX transaction Blast for the unit's supporting SSA each duty day. This Blast will be performed with the SSA prior to the transaction cutoff time of the supporting SSA. The ULLS operator will receive current status back by the same method. (2) Maintenance- It is the responsibility of the ULLS-G operator to prepare a SAMS transaction diskette for its supporting DSU shop office, each day the unit is working. (3) Diskette control- It is critical that diskette control is maintained at all times. Units will maintain a control log and ensure diskettes are signed for at the DSU shop office. Status diskettes coming back from SAMS and must be signed out at shop office. The ULLS project officer is responsible for maintaining the diskette control log. (4) Diskette accountability- All diskettes removed from the operational area of the ULLS-G will be signed out in a log book specifying the type diskette, date/time, destination of diskette, e.g. transaction diskette, 20 Oct 87, 1300 hours, DSU, shop office. b. Diskette marking. All diskettes will be marked as follows: (1) Line # 1 = Diskette name (SAMS) (2) Line # 2 = Unit name Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (3) Line # 3 = Unit DODAAC (4) Line # 5 = Date and Time 8. CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE ULLS HARDWARE: a. The ULLS-G operator will ensure proper daily operation of the system and report any problems to the ULLS Project Officer. b. Preventative maintenance- Once a month, clean heads using the head cleaner kit. Daily cleaning will be accomplished in a field environment. System exterior may be Cleaned using a damp cloth with soap solution. A soft bristle brush will be used for cleaning keyboards, monitor and CPU vents. A log will be maintained with each computer showing date of cleaning and person performing cleaning. 9. OPERATION: a. Utilization. Each unit will establish time periods for processing class IX and TAMMS data on the ULLS computer system. This will ensure that both the PLL and the TAMMS clerks have ample time to complete their daily missions. Time management is critical for the completion of all required transactions. b. Listed below are processes which must be run at a minimum within the time interval prescribed. Daily: (1) Automated status processing (2) Commanders exception report (3) Send transactions to SOS (4) Send transactions to DSU (5) Non Mission Capable Report when changes are made (6) Send follow-up on 02 and 05 requests (7) Back-up ULLS-G data files Weekly: (1) Send follow-up on 12 priority and PLL request (2) Excess Management (3) Turn in serviceable and unserviceable parts (4) PLL zero balance report (5) Automated follow-up process (6) Maintenance Inspection Worksheet (7) Dispatch Control Log (8) Reconciliation with SARRS - O Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (9) Reconciliate key control log Monthly: (1) PLL Demand Analysis (2) PLL Update/Add/Delete (3) PLL Inventory (4) PLL Listing (5) PLL/DCR Reconciliation (6) DCR Print / Purge (open & closed) (7) Control Log (Dispatch) Purge (1st of month) (8) Scheduled Maintenance Services Reports (9) Validate REAMER report (10) AMSS / USAGE reports c. The Commanders Exception Report will be run daily. This copy will be initialed and signed by the unit commander or his designated representative and will be kept on file for two (2) years. d. Current unit transaction will be run daily. The print outs and the diskette will be turned into the DSU shop office. Both print outs will be signed by the unit and the DSU. Copy two of the print out will be placed on file at the unit for 90 days. e. The Non Mission Capable Report will be run daily when changes are made at close of business. The Unit Maintenance Technician or Sergeant will review and validate the NMC report daily. f. The Dispatch Control Log Purge automatically runs the first working day of each month when you sign on the system. The purge control log will be maintained on file for thirty days. If there is an accident, the dispatch and purged control log must be kept until released from investigation. 10. RECONCILIATION AND VALIDATION PROCEDURES: a. Daily reconciliation and validation is generated automatically whenever you run the daily automated status process. The print out will list all documents that are now closed due to exception status (i.e. - BF, BG, CG, CA). All documents on this listing must be screened to determine if a need still exists for the part. If the item is still needed, review the exception status code to determine why it was canceled. Status codes can be found in the ULLS EUM or Unit Supply Update 13. If the status codes do not determine why the requisition was canceled, use the AMDF to review the NSN. Pay special attention to the Acquisition Advice Code (AAC), Unit of Issue Code (UI) and Class of Supply Code (SCMC). Check in the far right hand column to see if the NSN has been replaced. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) Problems with requests that cannot be resolved through the status codes or the AMDF will be addressed to your Supply Support Activity Support Operations Officer or the Battalion Maintenance Officer. b. Monthly Reconciliation and Validation of the Document Control Register (DCR) will be accomplished using the Customer Due Out Reconciliation (PCN-AGL-C48) provided by your Support Supply Activity (SSA). This list is used to reconcile all open request recorded in your DCR and to validate your continued need for the item(s). The Customer Due Out Reconciliation when validated will: (1) Advises your supporting DSU of which open request is still needed. (2) Identifies discrepancies in the DCR. (3) Identifies items released during the reporting period. (4) Provides your unit current supply status. c. All units will use the Monthly Customer Due Out Reconciliation (C48) to validate their DCR. Units will run "Print Open DCR" from the ULLS-G menu. All requests recorded in your DCR are compared with the document number on the C48. Annotate any discrepancies on the C48. d. Once the reconciliation process is complete the unit will return one copy of the C48 to the SSA for appropriate action. The second copy of the C48 will be retained by the unit for 90 days. Units and their supporting SSA representative will perform a face to face, item by item validation and reconciliation monthly. 11. PRINT/PURGE INACTIVE DCR: The DCR will be purged and printed monthly. Purged records will be printed and maintained on file for two years. 12. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE INSPECTION WORKSHEET: (DA Form 5888-E) a. The Equipment Maintenance Inspection Worksheet (PMCS) will be maintained in the Equipment Record Folder (ERF) at all times. The ERF will contain the equipment maintenance inspection worksheets of the complete system, i.e. radios, generators, etc. For equipment not requiring Equipment Record Folders, the DA Form 5998-E will be maintained in a central location, i.e. Arms Room, NBC Room, Commo Shop, etc. b. When maintenance or an inspection is to be performed, the operator's supervisor will be given the log book in order to review the faults noted. Any additional faults found Unit maintenance SOP (cont) will be recorded under the maintenance faults section of the worksheet with the proper status symbol IAW DA Pam 738-750. If no additional faults are found outside of those listed by ULLS-G, the operator will enter the current date under the last listed fault description and place his initials in the initial block. The completed worksheet will be returned to the maintenance supervisor for review and/or to work off any additional faults, order required parts, and to initial the corrections for parts installed. c. Following the maintenance supervisors review, the log book will be given to the ULLS-G operator. The ULLS-G operator will update the equipment maintenance/ inspection worksheet in the computer and print a new worksheet for the equipment. The new equipment maintenance inspection worksheet will be placed in the ERF for the next PMCS period, dispatch or maintenance action. d. The following entries, as a minimum, will be listed on the equipment maintenance/ inspection worksheet by using the Maintenance faults add/update process (if applicable to that specific equipment). (1) Brake Test information. (2) Coolant system testing (IAW TB 750-651). (3) Periodic Inspection for Material Handling Equipment and booms (IAW TB 430142). 13. EQUIPMENT PERIODIC USAGE will be run as required by the ULLS-G system and submitted to the direct support activity on the 15th of each month. (see # 34) 14. MAINTENANCE REQUESTS will be generated whenever a work order is turned into DSU. The ULLS-G system prints out two copies of the Maintenance Request. Both copies and SAMS transactions diskette must accompany the piece of equipment to Direct Support maintenance. One copy must be signed by Direct Support and kept on file at the unit as a receipt for the equipment. The Direct Support Unit will retain the other copy. The completed Maintenance Request will be maintained at the unit for 90 days. 15. SAMS XMS ERROR LISTING is generated whenever the automated status update is run. This listing shows all invalid Organizational Work Order Numbers (ORGWONs) or status codes. After making corrections to the file, the printout may be destroyed. 16. ARMY OIL ANALYSIS REQUESTS will be run every time samples are due. The completed requests returned from the AOAP lab will be maintained on file until the next sample is taken. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) 17. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE SERVICES REPORT will be printed monthly, by Date Range, maintained on hand for that month. The report should be run for the following month so that services can be posted on the unit training scheduled. A copy of scheduled services for the following quarter will be submitted to the training section so that services can be posted on the unit's training schedule. 18. EQUIPMENT ADD PROCESS provides the capability to manually add equipment to the ULLS Equipment Database File. All equipment that is on hand and requires an organizational maintenance service or inspection will be entered into the ULLS-G System. 19. OPERATOR QUALIFICATION ID CARD will be run for all operators. A new permit must be printed and signed every time a new item is added to an individual's permit. 20. PARTS RECEIVED/NOT INSTALLED REPORT will be printed once a week, as a minimum. Maintenance supervisors will use this report to schedule their work load. Routine repair parts will be installed within one week of receipt. 21. PARTS REQUEST (EXCEPTION DATA) is generated when a non standard NSN or part number request is processed. This form takes the place of DD Form 1348-6. 22. PARTS REQUEST (WALK-THRU) is generated when a walk-thru request is processed. This is the actual request that must go to the SSA. Walk thru requests do not write to the Unit Transaction File, so it is imperative that this request is handled carefully at the SSA, to ensure it is input into SAARS-O. 23. PLL DEMAND ANALYSIS will be processed monthly. Upon completion of this process, the system generates a PLL Change List. This list shows recommended changes to the PLL file. Stockage Codes and Quantities may change as a result of this process. Demand supported records will automatically increase or decrease if they meet the criteria for PLL stockage. Records will not be automatically added or deleted from the PLL file. The PLL change list will be reviewed by the maintenance supervisor. The commander or designated representative must review the recommendations and sign the listing. Add/ Delete/Change a PLL line will be used only after the commander or designated representative has reviewed and signed the Change List. After all changes have been entered in the ULLS system the change listing will be retained for 90 days. 24. PLL/DCR RECONCILIATION will be processed monthly. If the system generates a report, corrective actions must be taken to order parts needed, then the print out may be destroyed. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) 25. EXCESS MANAGEMENT REPORT provides a list of PLL records that have a excess quantity on hand or due in. This process will be run weekly and corrective action taken to correct the excess and then the print out may be destroyed. 26. PLL INVENTORY will be printed and inventoried monthly. Adjustments will be made for any discrepancies found. The inventory will be signed by the person performing the inventory and verified by the unit commander or designated representative. The PLL inventory printout will be maintained on file until the next inventory is completed. 27. PRINT All PLL LINES PROCESS will be printed after the PLL change list has been completed and all changes input into the ULLS systems and signed by the Unit Commander or Maintenance Officer. A copy will be maintained on file at the unit until next PLL list is generated and signed. 28. PLL ZERO BALANCE REPORT will be generated weekly. 29. RECOVERABLE ITEMS REQUEST is generated whenever a recoverable item is requested. This is the actual request that must go to the SSA. The Unit Commander or a designated representative must sign this request. This request will not write to your Supply Transaction. After the item has been installed, the recoverable item will sent to the SSA with a turn-in document (D6Z). One copy will be turned-in with the item and the other will be kept on file. 30. TURN-IN (D6Z) OTHER THAN RECOVERABLE ITEM REQUEST provides a printed turn-in document for the purpose of turning in excess items. This sheet must accompany the item for turn in. This process will not write to your supply transaction file, a signed copy will be kept on file. 31. RECOVERABLE ITEMS CONTROL LIST (C70): a. The C70 is generated by the SSA monthly. This list identifies recoverable repair parts that have been requested without a matching turn-in recorded. It will also list all recoverable items that were turned in, for which no matching issues were made. b. This listing will be compared to the DCR using the inquire by NIIN process and all previous DCR purges. All document identifier codes for request codes AOA, A5A, D6Z and D7A must have an entry in the remarks column of the C70. Remarks on the C70 can include, "Initial Issue" for PLL additions or increases, the document number for the corresponding turn-in, or "action” IAW AR 735-5 for items that are lost, damaged/ destroyed through causes other than fair wear and tear. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) c. If "action” IAW AR 735-5 is listed, an adjustment method discussed in chapter 12 of AR 735-5 must be accomplished. d. Return a signed and annotated copy of the Recoverable Items Control List (C70) to the SSA for appropriate action. Maintain the other copy on file until the next Recoverable Items Control List is completed. 32. AUTOMATED FOLLOW-UP PROCESS will be processed bi-weekly by the unit ULLS operator. This process will generate AF1 follow-up requests for all open DCR records using the parameters set in the unit parameter file. The AF1 requests will be written to the supply status and will be Blasted to SAARS-O. Units should receive status back on all AF1 requests within three days. 33. ARMY MATERIAL STATUS SYSTEMS (AMSS) has been developed to replace the manual reporting requirements outlined in AR 700-138, Army Logistics’ Readiness and Sustainability. The reporting process will be executed on or about COB on the last work day of the end of the report period. 1.) Usage Report - Three disks and hard copies will be processed. One sent to the Direct Support Activity. A second disk copy of the usage report will be submitted to the Battalion Maintenance Office. After submission to the direct support facility, the third hard copy and the disk will be filed for two months at the unit motorpool. 2.) Material Condition Status Report- this process when executed will save appropriate data files from which the Material Status Report transaction files will be created. The process will also prepare the appropriate files for time accumulation for the next reporting period and usage data. Finally, the process will place the current period end date in the transfer date field in each record and projects the NMC time to the end of the report period based on the items current field. NOTE BEFORE EXECUTING THE AMSS PROCESS YOU MUST HAVE; A) ENTERED ALL FAULTS B) PROCESSED WORK ORDER STATUS DISKETTES FROM SAMS C) ENTERED ALL SUPPLY TRANSACTIONS D) PROCESSED SUPPLY STATUS FROM THE SUPPLY SUPPORT ACTIVITY E) HAVE A MINUMUM OF 2 FORMATTED DISKETTES (5.25) AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE PROCESS F) COMPLETED A DATA TAPE BACKUP OF UNIT DATA, AMSS REPORT DATE WILL BE SET TO THE NEXT REPORT PERIOD Unit maintenance SOP (cont) 3.) AMSS REPORT- A disk will be processed to the Direct Support Activity. A disk copy and three copies of the hard copy report will be submitted to the Battalion Maintenance Office. After submission to the D.S. facility, the hard copy and the disk will be filed for two months at the Unit Motorpool. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX P: SUBJECT: LOW USAGE PROGRAM 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to reduce maintenance cost due too the lack of use of the specific equipment. 2. SCOPE: Services for equipment that accumulates or is anticipated to accumulate less than a specific mileage / kilometers or hours in the previous or current year may have unit and direct support services extended IAW AR 738-750. 3. GENERAL: All applicable equipment must be serviced IAW DA Pam 738750,Paragraph 3-3, page 18, to be enrolled in the program. All tactical vehicles and trailers must have accumulated less than 3000 miles within the past year. Generator sets, air compressors, and material handling equipment, support equipment and NBC equipment must have accumulated less than 75 hours within the past year. 4. RESPONSIBILITY: 1.) Commander must give approval for identified equipment to be placed into this program. 2.) Commander or maintenance technician must maintain a copy of the equipment density that is in the low usage program. This listing will be approved in writing by the unit commander or the maintenance technician. 3.) A copy of this density listing will be maintained in the TAMMS office or the shop operations office in the file cabinet. This listing is for the purpose of tracking the equipment’s mileage / hour accumulation and will be filed in front of the service packets. 4.) Before the equipment is entered into the low usage program, an annual service will be performed on it. The current mileage or hours will be annotated on the low usage memorandum and logged in on the ULLS-G for that service. When the equipment is due another service, the mileage or hours will be verified and annotated on the ULLS generated form 5988-E for that service. The service will be logged in on the ULLS-G and the memorandum will be updated. The service sheet will be posted in the equipment’s service packet, and the updated memorandum will be posted in front of the service packets. 5.) REFERENCES: A) AR 750-1 B) DA Pam 738-750, Paragraph 3-3. Page 18 Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX Q: SUBJECT: Physical Security PURPOSE: To establish a Standing Operating Procedure for Key, Lock, and Motor Pool Security for the _______ Company. OBJECTIVE: To ensure adequate safeguard of property and equipment and to standardize key, lock, and motor pool security procedures. RESPONSIBILITIES: A) The unit commander will appoint a key custodian and alternate for the unit motor pool key box. He/She will be responsible for instituting a system for safeguarding, controlling, and monitoring the key control procedures to insure compliance with the regulations cited under the” References” of this annex. B) The Key Custodian will be responsible for the following; (1) Maintaining a key control register to insure continuous administrative accountability for all motor pool keys and locks. (2) Notifying the Physical Security Officer of any changes in locking devices so that his/her master list can be kept current. C) Individual soldiers are responsible for compliance with all aspects of this annex. D) Key control registers: Both active and permanent key control registers will contain: (1) The printed name and signature of the person receiving the key. (2) The date and time of issue. (3) The serial number of the key, any key that does not have a serial number will be given one. A serial number and key location master listing identifying the total number of keys. (4) The printed name and signature of the person issuing the key. (5) The date and time the key is returned. (6) The signature of the person receiving the returned key Unit maintenance SOP (cont) E.) Key and Lock Control Book: The unit motor pool section will maintain a key control accountability system. This system will include, in addition to the key control registers mentioned above, a key and lock control book containing the following documents; (1) A copy of the orders of the Battalion Physical Security Officer and Battalion S.O.P. (2) A copy of the orders of the Company Physical Security Officer and Company S.O.P. (3) A copy of the orders of the motor pool Key and Lock custodian, and access roster of personnel authorized into the section’s key depository. (4) A copy of this Annex to the Motor Pool S.O.P. (5) A master key list. (6) A master DA Form 5513-R indicating the total number of keys signed for by the key custodian from the key control officer. (7) Active and permanent key registers. F) Procedures of issuing and controlling locks and keys; All series200 locks will be signed for with equipment from the unit supply on DA Form 2062, IAW AR 710-2-2 and AR 735-5. (1) Issue of keys must be closely monitored by the motor pool key custodian. (2) The key and lock custodian will notify the unit Physical Security Officer of all cases involving the loss, theft, or compromise of keys within their custody. (3) Depository will be locked at all times except when issuing or receiving keys, or when conducting inventories or inspections. (4) Depository will be kept in a room where it will be under constant surveillance or in a room that can be locked after normal duty hours. (5) Keys and locks will not be stored with classified documents. (6) Master keying is prohibited. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) (7) All reserve keys and locks will be stored in the unit safe. All inspections and inventories will be conducted by the hand receipt holder of all reserve keys. (8) When not in use the key control register will be kept in a locked container to prevent tampering. (9) At no time will the keys be unattended or unsecured. G) Inspections and Inventories; All keys and locks will be inventoried by serial number semi-annually by the key control custodian, and verified against the master list. Inventories will be recorded on the back of each DA Form 5513-R with the date and signature of the key custodian. Inventories of personally retained keys will be inventoried quarterly with the date and signature of the key custodian. (1) All keys and locks will be inspected at frequent intervals to determine the locking mechanisms effectiveness, detect tampering and make replacements. H) Defective Locks; All locks found to be defective must be turned in to the Physical Security Officer to get replenished from the unit supply. All records, DA Form 2062, DA Form 5513-R and the master listing must be updated immediately and turned into the Unit Physical Security Officer. I) Maintenance; Periodic preventive maintenance of locks will be performed to insure adequate lubrication, use of rust inhibitor on all surfaces, and cleaning of dirt and moisture from key entryways. J) Procedures for Duplication of Keys; At no time will keys be duplicated without written authorization from the commander or a designated representative. Work orders for locks must be submitted through the facilities engineers and approval from the commander or a designated representative. K) REFERENCES: A) AR 190-13 THE ARMY SECURITY PROGRAM B) USAREUR REG 190-13 C) AR 190-51 APENDIX; D D) FM 19-30 PHYSICAL SECURITY Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX R: SUBJECT; Skill Level-10 Training PURPOSE; To establish procedures and standards for Skill Level 10 Maintenance Training Program. OBJECTIVE; To insure that cross-training within the section for Skill Level 10 soldiers is controlled and applied IAW standards and procedures. RESPONSIBILITES; A.) Commanders will institute a system to insure that 10 level soldiers are cross-trained within maintenance areas of the sections. Soldiers will be trained on those maintenance tasks inherent to the units mission. Commanders will assign, in writing an experience (SL 20 or higher ) who will train the apprentice in appropriate tasks. B.) Commanders will insure the following procedures are met for this program. (1) Post the evaluation forms / chart / or poster within the maintenance area. (2) Determine the SL 10 maintenance tasks are required by MOS (3) List the required SL 10 maintenance tasks that are not taught in AIT. (4) Assign and make a record of qualified instructors SL 20 or higher. (5) Conduct performance oriented training for SL 10 maintenance personnel. (6) Ensure the designated instructor sign the DA Form 5164-R (Hands On Evaluation) (7) Maintain all DA Form 5164-R for a period of one year. (8) Add the training information to the Company Information System (CIS). Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX S: SUBJECT; BRAKE TESTING PURPOSE; Provides brake testing procedures for tactical wheeled vehicle equipment IAW USAREUR Suppl to AR 750-1. OBJECTIVE; To monitor the safety our soldiers while operating various types of equipment. RESPONSIBILITIES; 1.) Commander will appoint a brake test evaluator in writing and ensure that tactical vehicle and specific trailer brakes are brake machine tested once a year or after brake systems are repaired or adjusted. Commander or Maintenance Technician may clear vehicles that have passed the five-stop brake test for limited operation, ie; mission, readiness test. Commander or Maintenance Technician may circle X this deficiency IAW DA PAM 738-750. 2.) Maintenance Technician will ensure that brake machine operators are NCO’s, and they are trained and certified to operate the brake machine and record results. NCO’s will ensure that brake test results apply IAW USAREUR REG 750-1 and the brake test machine users manual. When brake machines are not ready available, he / she will coordinate with the DSU or DOL for external support. 3.) Motor Sergeant will annotate the results accordingly, if the equipment passes or fails the brake test. Also vehicles that have not passed the machine brake test but have a five-stop brake test will be annotated as READY / AVAILABLE on DA Form 2406.and recorded as well. Vehicles that fail the five-stop brake test will be reported as Non-Mission Capable on DA Form 2406. Vehicles that have not been machine tested, retested or have not passed the machine test within 20 days after the test due date, will be annotated as NOT READY AVAILABLE . 4.) Brake Test Evaluator will maintain an equipment density listing identifying the equipment that has been brake tested and its results. Also a copy of the brake test worksheets (DA Form 2404) will be maintained in the equipment record folder and the equipment service file. The brake test evaluator will conduct monthly inspections on the brake test machine and record the results on DA Form 2404. This form will be maintained in the brake test book. The five-stop brake test will be performed by the brake test evaluator IAW,USAREUR Suppl 1 to AR750-1, and the results on (DA Form 2404) will be maintained in brake test book, service file, and in the equipment record folder. Unit maintenance SOP (cont) 5.) TAMMS clerk will update service data file when the vehicle has passed the brake test in the ULLS-G computer. 6.) The code “BT” will be used in the special service data portion of the DA Form 5988-E in the ULLS-G computer. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX T: SUBJECT; COMMERCIAL FORKLIFTS (STILLS) PURPOSE; Outlines equipment workflow procedures and equipment standards IAW AR 385-55, DA Pam 738-750, USAREUR REG 750-1. OBJECTIVE; To control and maintain maintenance standards to ensure equipment safety and readiness for unit mission accomplishment. RESPONSIBILITIES; 1.) Commander will ensure that equipment is maintained to standards and safety measures comply IAW AR 385-55. 2.) Maintenance Technician will provide the battalion maintenance officer a readiness report on a monthly basis of the equipment mission capable status. He or she will coordinate with the local national (____ BSB, RSAM TMP) to submit equipment for maintenance support on DA Form 5504 in any maintenance to be performed other than quick fix maintenance, operator maintenance. 3.) Motor Sergeant will ensure equipment is submitted to the supporting agency and maintain a daily unit generated DA Form 2406 and track the downtime of possible and available days as per report period. He / she will prepare a monthly unit generated DA Form 2406 that will outline the equipment’s Fully Mission Capable percentage. 4.) An assigned quality assurance NCO will inspect the operators PMCS when deadline or shortcoming deficiencies are noted and determine that equipment needs to be submitted to the supporting agency. Load testing of this equipment will be completed by the supporting agency and annotated on DA Form 5504 and filed in the equipment service file. Code “LT” will be used to identify the next load test due date on the special service data file. 5.) TAMMS clerk will update service data file when the equipment has received the load test. If the MHE equipment fails the load test, the equipment will be maintained at the supporting agency, they will do all repairs and stencil the next load test due date on the equipment. Unit maintenance SOP (cont), ANNEX U: SUBJECT; LOADTESTING OF MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT PURPOSE; To ensure that all MHE equipment is loadtested IAW TB 43-0142 and that the results are properly recorded. OBJECTIVE; To accurately record and monitor the MHE’s test results to prelude any injuries to soldiers and damage to the equipment. RESPONSIBILITIES; 1.) Commander will ensure that all MHE is loadtested IAW the applicable publication. 2.) Maintenance Technician will coordinate the accounts for the Mannheim (LRT110), and forklifts (M6K VRFL), (4K/6K Hysters). He / She will ensure if equipment is beyond due date that they are deadlined IAW ESCM to conduct loadtesting of the units 40 ton cranes(RT 875), 71/2 ton cranes USAREUR REG 750-1 and AR 750-1. 3.) Motor Sergeant will ensure that the results of tested equipment are annotated on DA Form 5504 and filed within the service packets and updated in the special service data with the code “LT” in the ULLS-G computer . He / she will ensure that the platoon sergeants are aware of the equipment’s status by providing them a copy of the daily unit generated 2406. 4.) ESCM will ensure that equipment being loadtested are annotated on DA Form5504 and that the next due date is restenciled on the equipment. They will ensure that this is done in a uniform manner for appearance of the equipment 5.) TAMMS clerk will ensure that all MHE equipment loadtesting results are filed in the equipment’s service packets and that the special service data with the code “LT” is updated in the ULLS-G computer. Unit Maintenance SOP (cont) ANNEX V SUBJECT: CONTROLLED EXCHANGE 1. PURPOSE: a. To provide guidance for the use of controlled exchange. b. To maintain readiness at or above DA standards. c. To prevent misuse. 2. GENERAL: Controlled exchange is the removal of serviceable components from unserviceable economically reparable end items for immediate reuse in restoring a like item or weapon system to and FMC condition. The unserviceable component must be used to replace the serviceable component or retained with the end item that provided the serviceable component. 3. PROCEDURES: A. Controlled exchange is authorized only when; 1. The required component is not available at SSA before the RDD. 2. A valid requisition is submitted to replace the unserviceable item. 3. The maintenance action to remove the item falls within the MAC authorization and unit capability. 4. The end item the component was removed from was classified NMCS. 5. The end item will not be degraded to an uneconomically repairable condition. 6. The end item the component was removed from is protected from further degradation. 7. The unserviceable component must be tagged and installed or retained with the end item. Additionally the removal of the component must be annotated on DA Form 2407 or DA Form 5998-E. B. When the controlled exchange satisfies a requirement already in the Army supply system, that requisition will be either canceled or used to restore the unserviceable end item to FMC. Unit Maintenance SOP (cont) C. Controlled exchange by using units is authorized only when; a. All of the unserviceable reparable materiel involved is owned or under control of the organization performing the controlled exchange. b. It is the only means reasonably available to eliminate an adverse effect on the operational readiness of the unit, organization, or activity performing the controlled exchange. c. Approved by the commander of the organization performing the controlled exchange. D. During mobilization or combat, MACOM commanders may modify the controlled exchange conditions as deemed necessary. E. Controlled exchange is not authorized when the materiel involved in an accident has not been formally released by the investigating officer. 4. RFERENCES: AR 750-1, paragraph 4-7 Unit Maintenance SOP (cont) ANNEX X SUBJECT: Cannibalization of Materiel 1. PURPOSE: To explain the procedures for cannibalization of equipment. 2. GENERAL: Cannibalization is the authorized removal of components from materiel designated for disposal. 3. PROCEDURES: a. Cannibalization is not authorized except at MACOM approved cannibalization points on equipment approved by NICP as directed by AR 710-2 and DA Pam 710-2-2. b. During combat, commanders may authorize the cannibalization of disabled equipment only to facilitate repair of other equipment for return to combat. No parts will be cannibalized for stockage at the battalion level. Unit Maintenance SOP (cont) Appendix A MURDER LINE CHECKLIST Station 1: Logbook contains: Brake test form Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ SF 91 Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ DD 518 (2ea) Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ DA FORM 5988-E (uncorrected fault record) Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Station 2: Verify –10 inspection: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ 5988-E attached: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Station 3: Safety inspection: Warning triangle: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ First Aid kit w/2pr rubber gloves: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Fire extinguisher: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Horn, lights, wipers, washer, backup alarm: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Parking brake: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Station 4: -20 inspection: See 5988-E All fluids: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Half shafts: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Jack shafts: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ U-joints: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Station 5: Lubrication IAW LO: Y___ N___ Corrected by_____ Date_________ Station 6: QA/QC: Equipment Ready for Deployment: Y____ N____ Inspector______ Additional comments: Unit Maintenance SOP (cont) Appendix B RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX Level of Risk: Low 1 2 3 4 High 5 PLANNING In-Depth Preparation Adequate Minimal 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4 3 Guidance Vague Implied Specific SUPERVISION Support Nontactical Mission Day Tactical 3 2 1 4 3 2 Command & Control OPCON Attached Organic Night Tactical 5 4 3 PERSONNEL ENDURANCE Quality of Rest Tactical Training Home/unit Optimal Length of rest Adequate Minimal 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4 3 PERSONNEL SELECTION Highly Qualified Personnel Experience MOS qualified Minimal 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4 3 Task Complex Routine Simple WEATHER Clear/Dry Temperature F/ (C) 0 – 31 (-17 – 0) 32 – 59 (0 – 15) 60 + (16 +) Visibility/Moisture Low ceiling/Drizzle 3 2 1 Snow/Ice Fog/Rain 4 3 2 5 4 3 COMPLEXITY Improved Operational Area Tactical Unknown 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4 3 Operational Length 48 hours 24 hours 8 hours EQUIPMENT C1 Equipment Age Old Average New Old Average New 3 2 1 Maintenance status C2 C3 4 3 2 5 4 3 C4 5 5 5 Within 75% of time/life as defined by TB 43 series Within 26 – 74% of time/life as defined by TB 43 series Within 25 percent of time/life as defined by TB 43 series TOTAL______ RISK REFERENCE GAUGE LOW CAUTION HIGH 0-------------------------------12--------------------------------------24---------------------------30 Operations with a value of 0 – 12 would be judged as low risk. A value of 13 – 24 is seen as a caution area; complete unit command involvement is warranted. A “caution” rating should be given special consideration if only one or two elements have significantly raised the overall risk level. For example, a long flight through changing time zones immediately before a 48 hour tactical mission would be cause for a serious concern even though the operation’s overall risk assessment falls well within the “caution” range. High risk operations assigned a value of 24 – 30 require coordination, with the next higher level command. Standard Operating Procedures Equipment Maintenance