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2015 Women’s Empowerment Conference
A One Day Conference for Decision Makers, Action Takers and World Shakers
“Unleash Your Power, Stand In Your Greatness, Shine and Succeed”
When: Friday, September 25, 2015
VIP Pre-Conference Event – Thursday September 24, 2015 – 6:00-9:00 PM
Time: 9:00 – 5:00 PM
Where: Magnolia Hotel Downtown, Omaha NE
Who: ALL Women: Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Career Women
Theme: “Unleash, Embody and Showcase the Brand of You”
At this dynamic, transformational conference, open to ALL women, participants will be empowered and equipped to remove the
inner obstacles standing in the way of them unleashing their full potential and inspire them to walk confidently in their greatness.
The world is our stage and our life is the platform in which we show up and shine. Unfortunately, many women have not even made
it to the set, haven’t went backstage to prepare for their grand opening, some are still hiding behind the curtain, many are sitting in
the back row of the audience, others are waiting in line to see what the buzz is about and others have rehearsed, dressed up and are
confidently ready to stand before the world and unleash their truest most brilliant potential.
Marianne Williamson says, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and
fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.”
Women own 10.6 million businesses in the United States. They employ 19.1 million workers, that’s 1 in every 7 employees.
Women’s businesses account for 2.5 trillion in annual sales ( Women are indeed a driving force in the economy
and those numbers are expected to continue to skyrocket. Women comprise 46% of the workforce and while they still face
advancement and salary equity challenges more and more women are leading companies and contributing to economic growth.
Unfortunately, women do not hold as many leadership positions as men in Fortune 500 companies and not due to capability but
more so due to the lack of opportunity.
We believe in the statement that “preparation + opportunity = success!” Our goal for this annual conference, is that women will be
inspired, empowered and equipped with the tools and knowledge to unleash their truest potential, discover and showcase their
strengths, and gain the confidence to show up and shine in the marketplace as entrepreneurs and stand out and lead in the
workplace with greater sense of self and success.
The Dalai Lama stated at the 2009 World Peace Summit that “the world will be saved by the Western woman.” We agree that
women play a vital role in fostering change, leading communities, bolstering the economy and contributing to global change. We
want your employees, colleagues and partners to receive the personal development tools to do all of this and more for your
company, the community and the world.
Everyone is a walking brand for who they are, what they believe in, what they stand for and what they offer the world. This
conference will teach women how to rediscover the brilliance of who they are, inspire them to showcase their best self and equip
them with innovative business and career strategies to shine, soar and succeed. We want women to be confident and courageous
about following their dreams and pursuing paths of leadership and we would love for you to support their journey by becoming a
sponsor for this event.
2748 N. 47th Ave * Omaha, NE, 68104 * Phone: (402) 502-5397
• Email: • Website:
Now is your chance to partner with us for this one-day transformational experience to
empower a woman into her greatness!
What Will The Participants Walk Away With?
Greater clarity about who they are, what they value and what they stand for.
Increased confidence about creating a vision, setting goals and taking action to make their dreams a reality.
Working knowledge on the power of personal branding in business and in the workplace.
Strategies for leading from within and how to inspire others by being authentic, intentional and innovative.
The latest and greatest personal branding strategies to step up, stand out and exude a powerful, profitable presence.
Income producing tips on how to leverage their personal power for increased impact and influence.
Strategies on how to offer stellar service, increase sales, build thriving teams and empower others towards greatness.
How Can You Sponsor? -- We’d love for you to send your emerging leaders to the event. This event is for self-motivated women,
forward thinkers, doers, rising stars, team players and those who are ready to rise up in your company and on your team. This is the
perfect opportunity and experience for women who have great leadership potential and need to be inspired to tap into their
greatness and show up unstoppable. We have three sponsorship levels you can choose from. Please choose the one that best fits
your company or team’s interest.
Platinum Sponsor $2,500
Company name and logo on website, ads, posters, flyers, and the event program
Company business cards or brochures in goodie bags.
Company banner displayed during the event
Special mention during breakfast, lunch and closing
Social media and online promotion before, during and after the event
Eight event tickets for your organization’s women to participate (table)
Gold Sponsor
Company name and logo on website, ads, posters, flyers, and the event program
Company banner displayed during the event
Recognition during breakfast, lunch and closing
Social media and online promotion before, during and after the event
Five event tickets for your organization’s women to participate
Silver Sponsor
Company name and logo on ads, posters, flyers, and the event program
Special mention during breakfast, lunch and closing
Three tickets for your organization’s women to participate
TO: Emerge Consulting, LLC / Catriceology Enterprises 2748 N. 47 th Ave, Omaha NE 68104
Organization Name ______________________________________
Contact Name ______________________________
City, State, Zip______________________________
E-mail__________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________
We would like to support the DTDT Conference at the following level: (Please check one)
 Platinum$2,500  Gold $1,500  Silver $700
For more information
Please contact Catrice Jackson at 402-502-5397 or
General Admission Tickets: $197 --- VIP Tickets: $247.00
If you are not able to sponsor this event at one of the above sponsorship levels, please consider sending a few of your employees,
or team members to this conference and or by making a monetary donation or contributing to our participant goodie bags.
Sincerely, Catrice M. Jackson, CEO and Event Chair
2748 N. 47th Ave * Omaha, NE, 68104 * Phone: (402) 502-5397
• Email: • Website: