University of Nebraska

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department of Agricultural Leadership Education and Communication
Course Number & Title:
Class Meeting Times:
Class Meeting Location:
ALEC 102 (Sec. 307) – Interpersonal Skills for Leadership
Fall 2007
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 – 3:15 pm
148 LWC (East Campus)
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Office Phone:
Email Address:
Joana S. Story, M. S.
300 Agricultural Hall, Campus Zip (0709), East Campus
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm or by appointment
(402) 472-2815
Instructor Information
Required Text and Service Project Website
Required Text: Fritz, S.M., Brown, F.W., Lunde, J.P., & Banset, E.A. (2005). Interpersonal Skills for
Leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
When indicated, there will be supplementary readings posted on Blackboard under the assignments
Project Directory: See Blackboard site under Course Documents
Course Description, Goals, & Philosophy
Description: This is a course about the "personal" level of leadership. Through learning to lead
yourself, you will become better prepared to learn to work with others and engage in the work of
organizations and communities. The emphasis in ALEC 102 is on acquiring knowledge about yourself
and others, through active engagement in your community via a Service Project. You will then
apply this knowledge in a variety of planned and personal experiences in order to acquire or improve
skills and abilities needed to be successful in your personal and career life.
In this course you will learn and practice:
 Effective Communication
o Writing and speaking coherently and effectively
o Listening effectively
o Developing empathy in order to better understand and interact with others
o Engaging in controversy with civility
o Effectively articulating abstract ideas
 Enhanced Self-Esteem:
o Showing self respect and respect for others
o Initiating actions toward achievement of goals
 Realistic Self –Appraisal
o Articulating personal skills and abilities
o Appreciating and valuing differences and uniqueness in yourself and others.
o Making decisions and acting in congruence with personal values
o Acknowledging personal strengths and weaknesses
o Seeking constructive feedback from others
o Learning from experiences
 Clarified Values
o Articulating personal values
o Making decisions that reflect personal values
o Demonstrating willingness to scrutinize personal beliefs and values
 Leadership Development
o Understanding leadership as a process rather than a position
o Influencing others effectively and appropriately
o Comprehending that leadership can occur at all levels of a community or organization
and that all have the potential to lead in some way
o Articulating own leadership philosophy and/or style
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Overview of Course Requirements
(More detailed information can be found in Course Packets)
A maximum of 500 points, as allocated bellow, may be earned during this course:
Service Learning Reaction Journals (20% of final grade) – 100 points (10 journals at 10
points each)
You will be required to write regular Service Project Journals (SJ) which address class concepts and their
application to your own experiences in your Service Project. The SJ is a venue for you to express your
thoughts and feelings concerning the class concepts and your implementation of these via your Service
Project. Additional guidance on journals may be found in your "Reaction Journal Course Packet."
Service Learning Project (30% of final grade) -150 points
This course centers around a Service Learning Project. This project is mandatory to pass the class. All
assignments and exams draw on the learning and experiences from the project so early selection and
engagement in the Project is critical to your success in this course. You are required to conduct a
Service Project outside of class time. The Service Project serves as a "laboratory" for you to apply the
concepts and skills you have acquired in our class. To select the agency where you will serve as a
volunteer, please consult the Service Project Directory under Course Information on our Blackboard site.
The project consists of 1) a written contract describing your project and why you chose it (25 points), 2)
regular journaling in your Service Project Journal, 3) 2 brief in class oral presentations (40 points), and
4) a final formal presentation (85 points). These are described in detail in your "Service Project Course
Participation and Preparedness (20% of final grade)- 100 points
Since interpersonal skills are difficult to practice if you are not present, Attendance is mandatory for
ALEC 102. If you have 5 unexcused absences you will fail the class! This is a departmental policy and I am
unable to waive it so PLEASE keep me informed about any absences. In case of illness or emergency, you
must call me BEFORE class (472-2815). If I am out of my office, please leave a detailed message
explaining your absence. Absences for which medical or legal documentation are provided will be
excused however points will be deducted from your participation & attendance grade for each absence
regardless of its status (excused or unexcused). It is critical that you remember that if you
accumulate 5 unexcused absences, you will fail the class regardless of your performance in other
areas. Please keep me informed!
Participation will be assessed during each class period and will be a measure of your willingness to
engage in large class discussions, small group discussions, class activities, and/or writing exercises.
Students who are uncomfortable speaking in the larger class will have other opportunities to participate,
but will be expected over the course of the semester to challenge themselves to higher levels of
Preparedness includes coming to class with all needed resources (book, notebook, assigned materials
from Blackboard, etc., as well as keeping up with readings and assignments). Quizzes will be given
periodically and are designed to provide you with an incentive to come to class prepared. Completing
assignments such as readings and personal assessments will prepare you for these unannounced
Quizzes (30% of final grade) – 150 points total (60 points for quizzes + 90 points for final)
Six quizzes (10 points each) will be given during the semester in lieu of larger exams. All questions will
come directly from the class discussions, activities and the reading assignments. If you miss a class
period, you are still responsible for the materials and activities covered. It is suggested that you find out
from your classmates what was covered and what activities we did. There will be no make ups for quizzes
missed due to absences or tardiness.
A take-home final examination (90 points) will be handed out during the final class period. You will be
asked to analyze the leadership effectiveness of a movie character (movie will be announced later in the
semester). Specific questions will guide you in applying your knowledge from our class concepts and your
own experiences over the semester to determine the actions that are effective and those that are
detrimental to the leader's goals. The exam is due at the end of our final examination period.
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Grades will be based on the number of weighted points earned. The UNL grading scale
encompasses both plus and minus grades. Points assigned to each grade in this class will be
as follows: A: 100 – 93; A-: 90 – 92; B+: 87 – 89; B: 83 – 86; B-: 80 – 82; C+: 77 – 79; C: 73 –
76; C-: 70 – 72; D+: 67 – 69; D: 63 – 66; D-: 60 – 62; F: 59 and below
Additional Course Policies
1. Additional information relative to the assignments will be provided as we move through
the semester.
2. All assignments are due at the beginning of each class section. Assignments received
after the due date will result in a ten percent reduction of the total points that can be
earned. However, assignments will not be accepted after one week from the date due. If
not received timely, an “F” will be entered for zero points earned.
3. The University of Nebraska- Lincoln has a no tolerance policy regarding academic
dishonesty and cheating. Students found guilty in engaging in academic dishonesty are
subject to consequences by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. If I suspect any
dishonesty in your written work, I reserve the right to utilize UNL’ plagiarism detection
software, Safe Assignment. Please refrain from cheating in any form. The best benefit for
your future career and your future in this university is to do your own work.
4. In this course, we will participate in numerous group discussions. Part of being a
successful leader is becoming aware of and understanding diversity and diverse
opinions. You are expected to engage in discussions in a professional and respectful
manner that does not impinge upon the rights of others. In this course, we will strictly
abide by the UNL policy in non- discrimination which can be found at this web address:
5. It is my intention to abide by all UNL policies pertaining to the academic classroom.
Should we feel that your academic rights or responsibilities have been violated or
abridged, please feel comfortable discussing the issue with me personally.
Please contact me if you have questions about any of the items on this
syllabus, or if you have concerns about your grade.
My goal is to help you be successful in this class!
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ALEC 102 Interpersonal Skills for Leadership
Fall 2007- Class Schedule and Assignments
Instructor: Joana Story, M.S.
Section 307 – Tuesday/Thursday 2:00-3:15pm
August 28 - Tuesday
August 30 - Thursday
September 4 - Tuesday
September 6 - Thursday
September 11 - Tuesday
Topics Covered
Syllabus/Schedule and Overview
of the Semester
Introduction to Personality Type
Service Learning Orientation
Service Project Course Packet
Guest Speaker – Julie Dierberger
“Service Project Placement: Tips for
More Personality type…
Taking Journaling and
Participation seriously.
Activities/Assignment for Today
(Additional assignments may be given in
Meet your classmates
Discuss course expectations (yours and mine)
Complete Personality Type assessment (See
Assignments on Blackboard), print out and bring
to class today. Review information on your “Type”
before class.
Print off and bring “Service Project Course
Bring top three choices for Service Project from
the list posted on Blackboard.
(see Course Information on Blackboard site)
Print off and bring “Attendance and Participation”
and “Journaling Course Packets” to class today.
Read Chapter 10 before class today.
Complete “Self Monitoring” Quiz, print off and
bring to class.
Read Chapter 2 before class today.
Complete “Listening Profile…” page 33
October 2 – Tuesday
Levels of Communication
How is communication related to
Active Listening
Active listening? Is that an
Nonverbal Communication
How does what I don’t say impact
my ability to lead effectively?
Communicating Online
Leading in a virtual environment.
Cross Cultural Communication
Gender Issues
How do I lead in a diverse
Guest Speaker – Cross Cultural
Guest Speaker – Gender Issues
October 4 - Thursday
Service Project Update Day
October 9 – Tuesday
Should leaders really care about
What is the role of trust in
Self Concept/Self Esteem
How do I see myself?
Is what you see ALWAYS what you
No Class – Fall Break!
Prepare 3 - 5 minute update on your Service
Project experience so far (20 points).
Focus on communication issues.
Read Chapter 14 before class today.
Third journal entry due today.
September 13 - Thursday
September 18 - Tuesday
September 20 - Thursday
September 25 - Tuesday
September 27 - Thursday
October 11 - Thursday
October 16 - Tuesday
October 18 - Thursday
October 23 - Tuesday
October 25 - Thursday
Can you lead others without your
own values?
Read Chapter 3 before class today.
Service Project Proposal due in class today.
Read Chapter 17 – meeting ONLINE today!
Read Chapters 15 and 16 before class today.
First journal entry due today.
Second journal entry due today.
Read Chapter 11 before class today.
Read Chapter 5 before class today.
Fourth journal entry due today.
Read Chapter 4 before class today.
Read Chapter 6 before class today.
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October 30 - Tuesday
November 1 - Thursday
Vision and Goals
Where am I going and how will I
get there?
Service Project Update Day
Read Chapter 7 before class today.
Fifth journal entry due today.
Prepare 3 - 5 minute update on your Service
Project experience so far (20 points).
Focus on empathy, trust, perceptions, values,
vision, and goals .
Read Chapter 12 before class today.
Sixth journal entry due today.
November 6 - Tuesday
Conflict Management
Is conflict always a bad thing?
November 8 - Thursday
Read Chapter 8 before class today.
November 22 - Thursday
Time Management
How much time do you have?
Stress Management
How can you use stress to your
Leadership: Power and Influence
What kind of leader do I want to be
/can I be?
Leadership: Power and Influence
No Class – Thanksgiving Holiday!
November 27 - Tuesday
Ninth journal entry due today.
Prepare for service project presentations.
November 29 – Thursday
December 4 - Tuesday
Movie day – Watch on your own.
No meeting in classroom today.
Service Project Presentations*
December 6 - Thursday
Service Project Presentations*
December 11 - Tuesday
Service Project Presentations*
December 13 – Thursday
Course Evaluations
Service Project Evaluations
Take Home Exam Distributed
Finals due no later than
5:30 pm
November 13 - Tuesday
November 15 - Thursday
November 20 - Tuesday
December 19 - Wednesday
Read Chapter 9 before class today.
Seventh journal entry due today.
Read Chapter 13 before class today.
Eighth journal entry due today.
Tenth journal entry due today.
Will be accepted in a hard copy only. Signed cover
sheet must be attached for papers to be graded.
Deliver to 300 Ag Hall no later than 5:30 pm.
* Must use PowerPoint – formal presentation – see Service Project Course Packet for details (40 points)
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