Nursing Care During Labor and Birth NP05L008 Study Guide References: Foundations of Nursing, 4th Edition, ISBN 0-323-01727-4 Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition, ISBN 0-72169334-2 Student Study Assignments: Foundations of Nursing, Christensen and Kockrow, 4th Edition, Chapter 25, pp 672-677, 684-688, & 692-696. Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Leifer, 4th Edition, Chapter 6, pp 133154 & Chapter 8, pg 195. Terminal Learning Objective: Given a scenario of a patient experiencing childbirth, provide safe and effective care IAW Leifer; and Christensen & Kockrow Enabling Learning Objective: A: Describe nursing care related to admission to a labor unit. B: Describe how to assist with an emergency birth in a hospital/clinic setting. C: Determine appropriate nursing care for the intrapartum patient, including assessment and fetal monitoring. D: Determine the best nursing response to selected fetal heart rate patterns. E: Determine appropriate nursing care for the woman and newborn immediately following birth. A. Identify three fetal assessments conducted upon admission 1. 2. 3. B. List two ways rupture of membranes is confirmed 1. 2. C. Identify three maternal assessments conducted upon admission 1. Nursing Care During Labor and Birth NP05L008 Study Guide 2. 3. D. List four signs of impending birth 1. 2. 3. 4. E. Discuss three procedures conducted upon admission to a maternity unit 1. 2. 3. F. Identify the signs of precipitous labor 1. 2. G. List at least two risks to mother and infant during precipitous labor Mother 1. 2. Infant 1. 2. Nursing Care During Labor and Birth NP05L008 Study Guide H. Identify at least three nursing interventions for the patient with precipitous labor 1. 2. 3. I. Describe at least 10 nursing interventions performed during precipitous delivery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. J. List at least two observations of mother and baby after precipitous delivery Mother 1. 2. Baby 1. 2. Nursing Care During Labor and Birth NP05L008 Study Guide K. Discuss observations and documentation following Artificial Rupture of Membranes L. List the two ways to evaluate contractions 1. 2. M. Discuss the method and timing for checking progress of labor N. Discuss at least 10 nursing interventions for helping the woman cope with labor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. O. Discuss nurse responsibilities during birth Nursing Care During Labor and Birth NP05L008 Study Guide P. Identify two methods of fetal heart assessment 1. 2. Q. Discuss the three components of fetal heart rate monitoring, their significance and appropriate intervention for each Component Definition Significance Intervention R. Discuss the focus of post-delivery care and at least three evaluations made during this time.