Psy 120H (3) - Highly Derivative



EC-10 points

Positive Psych: people 0 through +5

Past: give a family tree with bio/societal/psyched strengths

Present: who am I bio/psych/soc now

Future what will I do bio/psych/soc

5-6 pages due last day to any one grade

Social Psychology:

-behavior is powerfully influenced by the situation

Fundamental Attribution Error:

-observer underestimates situation and overestimates dispositions of actor

Just World Phenomenon

-assumption is made that the world is just, blames victim, bad things happen to bad people, good things happen to good people

Informational Social Influence

-1937, Sherif- Autokinetic Effect

-informational soc. Influence: good

Normative Social Influence:

-1955-Asch: group pressure/conformity

-rather liked than right (baaad)

Conditions that strengthen Conformity:

-strengthen conform: made to feel incompetent or insecure, atleast 3 people, group is unanimous, behavior observed by others, socialized by culture that strongly encourages respect for social standards

65% of adult males continued in Milgrem’s exp. Shocking people



Subjects were deceived about:

-purpose of the experiment

-role of other subject

-actual amount of shock

-fundamental lesson:

-even ordinary people who are not usually hostle can become agents of destruction if situation allows it

Cogntive dissonance: attitudes match behavior, want harmony in head, if not, will have cog. Dissonance:

-tension produced when people act in way that is inconsistent with attitude

Action 1 st

, Attitude 2 nd

Foot in door:

-once a person has granted a small request they are more likely to comply with a larger one too

Low ball technique:

-first, induce a person to agree to do something, second, raise the cost of compliance after the commitment to the behavior has been made door in the face:

-under certain circumstances a person who has refused to comply with a large request make be more likely to comply with a second smaller request

2 nd lesson of social psych:

-we construct the social reality around us

2 nd

lesson is:

-self fulfilling prophecy

-process in which a person’s expectation about another person elicits behavior from that person that confirms the expectation prejudice: an unjustifiable attitude toward a group of it’s members, interplay of social, emotional, cognitive

Social: rationalizes inequalities

Eye of storm: prejudice + discrimination are learned attitudes, which is key to their elimination

Once prejudice is established, the inertia of conformity helps maintain it



-drain anger from frustration

-boosts self esteem


-schema is the way we process information by characterizing people by groups they belong to, or by noticing and remembering vivid classes…creates stereotypes

-de-individualization: loss of individuality or depersonalization (self awareness) that comes from being in a group


Altruism: unselfish regard for the welfare of others

Bystander effect:

-reluctance to come to the aid of a person in need when others are present

Diffusion of Responsibility:

-idea that when we think others are present, out sense of responsibility decreases

Social Exchange:

-maximize our rewards

-minimize our costs

Social Norms:

-reciprocating the help we receive

-responsible toward those in need


-genetic predisposition to preserve our own genes through devotion to kin

We help when:


just observed someone else being helpful


not in a hurry


recipient is similar to us


recipient appears to need and deserve help


feeling guilty (i.e. restore self image)


not self preoccupied


in a good mood

Bio-Psycho-Social…of love


Proximity: geographical nearness (mere exposure effect) (neutral or positive first impression yields liking, but not negative)



Complementary schismogenesis (withdraw the more a person pushes)


Similarity-social validation

Reciprocal judgment-we like those who like us


don’t attribute flattery to motives


recently been deprived of approval


others praise, reverse earlier criticism

Equity: a condition in which what people receive from a relationship is proportional to what they contribute


Falling in love: phenylethylamine

Breaking up

Hatred NOT opposite of love

4-12-05 sensation: process by which stimulus energies are detected and encoded perception: process of organizing and interpreting sensations

Subliminal Messages:

-messages that are presented below the absolute threshold for awareness

Sensory Adaptation:

-diminished sensitivity to a prolonged unchanged stimulus

The color sensitive cones are concentrated around the fovea, the central focus in the retina

While color-blind rods predominate in the periphery

Direct Gibson vs Constructvist

Eye is NOT camera

Depth perception: Monocular Cues:

-relative size:

-if we assume two objects are of similar size, we perceive the one that casts the smaller image as further away


-when one object is partially covered by another, we perceive it as further away linear:

-we perceive the convergence of what we know to be parallel lines as indicating increased distance

-texture gradients:

-we perceive a gradual but continuous change from coarser, more distinct, to a finer, less distinct textural element as indicating increasing distance depth perception: binocular cues

-retinal disparity:


-refers to the somewhat different images out 2 eyes receive of the same convergence:

-the extent to which the eyes converge inward when looking at an object

Gestalt Principles of Organization:


-near each other, we group together (i.e. on a bus)


-if similar, we group together


-if a figure has gaps, we complete it


-we perceive smooth, continuous patterns, not discontinuous ones

Contrast Effect: although they’re identical, the perceived lightness of the interior rectangles differs depending on their surroundings

Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP)

-telepathy: mind to mind communication

-clairvoyance: perceiving remote events (sensing that a person’s house is on fire)

-pre cognition: perceiving future events

-psycho kinesis: mind over matter (levitating a table or influencing roll of a dice)

4-14-05 memory is not a tape recorder memory located in hippocampus

Source memory Confusion: when a person says I know this has happened, but they can’t remember source

Screen Memory: a memory which includes the self, seeing ourselves in memories

Flashbulb memories: a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment of event




-iconic, visual sensory, ¼ second


-mnemonics devices: memory aids that involve the use of vivid imagery or clever ways of organizing material


-acrostic: series of written lines in which the first, last, or other particular letters form a word, phrase, etc






(bad encoding)


Context dependent memory: context same helps, context different sucks

State dependant memory: study and take test in same mood

Déjà vu- mostly BS, something seems associated

Overconfidence Phenomenon: tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our current knowledge



Friday, May 6 th


Lambert Field House

(Near Mackey Arena)

Altered States of Consciousness

0. Eyes closed, awake, but alert (alpha waves, awake, relaxed)

1. Breathing slows, light sleep, brain waves slow further and show irregular waves (2 min): expierence fantastic images like hallucinations, sensation of falling body (jerking suddenly)

2. relax more deeply, easily awoken (20 min) has spindle busts of brain activity

3 transition to deeper sleep

4. deep sleep, hard to awaken (30 minutes)

-sleep talk, sleep walk, wet the bed (delta waves)

Insomnia: a sleep disorder involving recurring problems in falling or staying asleep

Narcolepsy: periodic uncontrollable attacks of overwhelming sleepiness

Sleep Apnea: temporary cessation of breathing while sleeping

Night terrors: a sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified. Unlike nightmares, night terrors occur during stage 4 sleep, within 2 or 3 hour of falling asleep and are seldom remembered

Why do we dream?

Wish Fulfillment (Freud)

-dreaming is a psych. Mechanism for fulfillment of wishes, often sexual

Freud: Dream Work:


-several things from a persons life condensed into one symbol


-dream about one thing symbolically related to anxiety provoking object, person, or event



Activation Synthesis:

-dreaming is a consequence of random activity that occurs n the brain during

REM sleep. The brain creates a story to make sense of these random signals

Problem Solving:

-dreaming helps us focus on our current problems in order to find solutions

Threat simulation:

-dreaming evolved to help us practice the kills needed to avoid threats

Hypnosis: (induced dissociation) temporary state of heightened suggestibility (in which some people) are able to narrow their focus of attention and expierence imaginary happenings as if they were real

Can’t control, only suggest! (same with sub. Messages)

Day Dreams:


prepare for future events


playful, increase creativity a.

scientists b.

artists c.

writers d.

kids: imaginative play (important for social and cognitive development, tv= inc. concern)


substitutes for impulsive behavior

Meditation: a self induced manipulation of awareness, often used for the purpose of relaxation and self-reflection

-can produce significant reductions in anxiety and improve physical and psych.





the person’s state of mind at the time the drug is taken (wine: church vs reception)


setting: the physical, social, and emotional atmosphere in which drugs is taken

Psychoactive Drugs:

Depressant: (stressed, looking to come down)


-heroin (an opiate)

-tranquilizer (a barbituate)

Stimulant: (small, looking to move up)



Hallucinogen: obsessed with dreams/fanatsy


-marijuana near Death Expierence


intense feelings of peace, joy, and calm


feelings of departing their bodies


transition stage


movement through a dark space


end of tunnel, met by light


entering light, new land, field, beautiful and serene








Concepts: building blocks of thinking, our concepts simplify and order the world by organizing it into a hierarchy of categories

Concepts often form around “prototypes”: the “best” examples of a category


The representativeness Heuristic

-to judge the likelihood of things in terms of how well they fit/ represent particular prototypes

Availability Heuristic

When we base our judgement on the availability of info in our memories if instances of an event are easily available or if they come to mind readily, we presume such events are common

Framing: the way an issue is posed (framed) can significantly affect decisions and judgements (car accidents glass reaction)

Confrimation Bias: major obstacle in problem solving

-our tendancy to search for info that confirms our ideas

Belief Perserverance:

Clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited

Functional Fixedness

-tendancy to think of things only in terms of their usual functions; an impediment to problem solving (lines connected by dots)

Overconfidence Phenomenon

-tendnacy to overestimate the accuracy of our knowledge

Thinking Errors

-B&W thinking: view a situation in only 2 categories instead of a continuum

-catastophizing: predict future negatively w/o considering other, more likely outcomes

-discounting: you unreasonably tell yourself that positive expierences, deeds or qualities do not count

-emotional reasoning: you think something must be true because you “feel”

(actually believe) it so strongly, ignoring evidence to the contrary

-labeling: a fixed global label on self or others w/o considering all evidence

-mind reading: you believe you know what others are thinking

-personalization: believe others are behaving negatively because of you, w/o considering more likely explanations



2 main lessons of social psych:

-powerfully influenced by situation

-we construct social atmosphere around us fundamental attribution error just world phenomon

Informational and Normative social influence


Asch’s experiment

Conditions that strengthen conformity

Milgram’s experiment

50 questions, 2 points each

Cognitive Dissonance

-behave first, change attitudes to rationalize

Foot in the door?

Low ball technique?

Door in the face?

2 nd

lesson of soc. Psych is: self-fulfilling prophecy prejudice: eye of the storm (learn when to be prejudice=elimination) altruism:

-bystander apathy

-diffusion of responsibility

-when do we help?


-what would you do if you couldn’t get caught






-similarity reciprocal judgement

equity falling in love: culture that taught it, appropriate person, 2 factor theory of emotion breaking up


-perception (visual capture-vision dominates 5 senses, expression of why that is)

-subliminal messages

-sensory adaptation

-color sensitive cones

-color blind rods


-eye not camera

-figure ground

-reversible figure

-perceptual set

-culture and perception

-depth perception

-monocular cues

-binocular cues

-convergence, retinal desperity gestalt principles of organization perceptual constancy contrast effect


-telepathy, etc


Memory not tape recorder

Memory construction


-reality monitoring

-screen memories flash bulb memory

Library metaphor


-ionic and echoic memory: sensory memory

-mnemonic devices



-déjà vu

-“sleep” wasn’t there but thought they heard/saw it state dependent memory context dependent memory




-availability framing confirmation bias believe preservance functional dixedness overconfidence phenomenon thinking errors

Altered states of consciousness

Sleep: stage 4 deepest, dreaming in REM

Sleep Disorders: apnia, narch, night terror

4 theories of dreams daydreaming-Singer hypnosis drugs near death expierence curve: takes whole average

86 up A

76 up B

66 up C

56 up D
