
Unit 2 Vocab
1) ameliorate ( ) - to improve or
make better
SYN: amend
ANT: aggravate
2) aplomb ( ) - poise, great selfconfidence
SYN: composure
ANT: embarrassment
3) bombastic ( ) - pompous or
overblown in language
SYN: inflated
ANT: simple
4) callow ( ) - without experience;
SYN: green
ANT: mature
5) drivel ( ) - saliva or mucus;
foolish aimless talk
( ) - to utter nonsense
SYN: (n) balderdash, tommyrot
6) epitome ( ) - an instance that
represents a larger reality
SYN: model
7) exhort ( ) - to urge strongly
SYN: entreat
ANT: discourage
8) ex officio ( ) - by virtue of
holding a certain office
9) infringe ( ) - to violate or
SYN: encroach
ANT: stay in bounds
10) ingratiate ( ) - to make oneself
agreeable and thus gain favor by
SYN: curry favor with
ANT: alienate
11) interloper ( ) - one who moves
in where he or she is not wanted
SYN: trespasser, buttinsky
12) intrinsic ( ) - belonging to
someone by its very nature; inherent
SYN: organic
ANT: extrinsic
13) inveigh ( ) - to make a violent
attack in words
SYN: rail
ANT: acclaim
14) lassitude (
mind or body
SYN: fatigue
ANT: energy
) - weariness of
15) millennium ( ) - a period of
1,000 years; a period of great joy
SYN: golden age
ANT: doomsday
16) occult ( ) - mysterious, magical
( ) - to hide, conceal
( ) - matters involving
the supernatural
SYN: supernatural
ANT: mundane
17) permeate ( ) - to spread
through, penetrate
18) precipitate ( ) - to fall as
( ) - characterized
by excessive haste
( ) - moisture
SYN: provoke, produce
ANT: wary
19) stringent (
SYN: stern
ANT: lenient
) - strict, severe
20) surmise ( ) - to think or believe
without certain evidence
( ) - likely idea that
lacks proof
SYN: infer (v); inference (n)