1 2 3 4 Written Communication Address: SIMPE, Corporation Sole c/o: Non-Domestic 9163 W. Union Hills #105-30 Peoria (85382) Arizona Tel: 623-825-1887 5 6 7 Federal District court of the United States District of Arizona Article III Sitting in law and equity 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ) Case No.: CIV ’02 1735 PHX MHM ) Plaintiff, ) MEMORANDUM ON THE RELIGION OF vs. ) SOCIALISM IN SUPPORT OF SOCIAL ) SECURITY (GRANTOR TRUST) John Ashcroft, as Alien Property ) TERMINATION ON BIBLICAL GROUNDS Custodian and Common Law Trustee, ) ) Defendant(s) ) DOES and Does 1 through 10 )) )) inclusive, ) Defendant(s) Shawn Rice, 17 18 19 MEMORANDUM ON THE RELIGION OF SOCIALISM IN SUPPORT OF SOCIAL SECURITY (GRANTOR TRUST) TERMINATION ON BIBLICAL GROUNDS 20 By Christopher Holloman Hansen 21 22 1. Winston Churchill said, "There are two places only where socialism 23 will work; in heaven where it is not needed, and in hell where they 24 already have it." 25 030304 -- [533571334], page 1 of 14 1 2. It is not particularly surprising that Winston Churchill used these 2 religious eternal destinations when speaking about the political philosophy of socialism. Several of Churchill's contemporaries also 3 4 5 6 7 understood, but unlike Churchill, advocated this Religion of Socialism. It was and is well understood that socialism is the very antithesis of Christianity. 3. Hitler was an aggressive proponent and even assigned his henchman Heinrich Himmler to found the Religion of Socialism. 8 "And Heinrich Himmler, who had started to draw up National Socialist religion, followed the command Füehrer." 9 10 the of new his "The Füehrer was satisfied and he held out a prospect of a reward which would tie him to the accomplishment of the task: it would be him and his SS which, once the Füehrer had passed away, should take care of the most important relic of his religion, the foundation myth itself - in the shape of the mortal remains of Hitler himself." (From Holocaust History Project Chapter 48: The Guardian of Paradise) 11 12 13 14 4. But this socialist religion was not just the dream of Hitler but 15 16 17 merely an altered version of the "god-builders," a group of failed Marxists that advocated the founding of a new "socialist" religion with the included 18 19 aim Maxim of reconciling Gorky, A. Marxism V. with Lunacharsky, religion. V. This Bazarov. group (see: MATERIALISM AND EMPIRIO-CRITICISM [Part I] from FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1972) 20 5. The establishment of this Socialist Religion was not just to offer 21 an 22 replacement. 23 24 alternative to Christianity but is intended as its complete 6. Martin Bormann stated in a secret decree of the Party Chancellery signed by him and distributed to all Gauleiters on June 7, 1941: 25 030304 -- [533571334], page 2 of 14 1 8 "Our National Socialist ideology is far loftier than the concepts of Christianity, which in their essential points have been taken over from Jewry. A differentiation between the various Christian confessions is not to be made here the Evangelical Church is just as inimical to us as the Catholic Church. All influences, which might impair or damage the leadership of the people exercised by the Füehrer with the help of the NSDAP must be eliminated. More and more the people must be separated from the churches and their organs the pastors. Just as the deleterious influences of astrologers, seers and other fakers are eliminated and suppressed by the State, so must the possibility of church influence also be totally removed. Not until this has happened, does the state leadership have influence on the individual citizens. Not until then are the people and Reich secure in their existence for all time." (Nazi Conspiracy & Aggression, Volume I) 9 7. The book continued to add to the evidence: Regierungsrat Roth, in a 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 lecture September 22, 1941, to a group of Security Police, in the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) concluded his address on Security 11 Police measures for combating church politics and sects with the 12 following remarks: 13 16 "The immediate aim: the church must not regain one inch of the ground it has lost. The ultimate aim: Destruction of the Confessional Churches to be brought about by the collection of all material obtained through the intelligence service (Nachrihtendienst) activities which will at a given time be produced as evidence for the charge of treasonable activities during the German fight for existence." 17 8. But that was Germany under Hitler you say. This is America and we 14 15 18 have freedom of religion here. Strong Christians have nothing to fear from our Federal Government. Compare the similarities made by 19 the Nazi collaborators with this statement from Janet Reno, Attorney 20 General 21 of the United States, during an Interview on CBS "60 Minutes" on June 26, 1994. The attitude of the government toward those who do not conform and do not place their children into the 22 indoctrination mills of free government schools is made crystal 23 clear. They are dangerous! 24 25 "A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools their children; who has accumulated survival 030304 -- [533571334], page 3 of 14 1 3 foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment; and who distrusts big government. Any of these may qualify a person as a cultist but certainly more than one of these would cause us to look at this person as a threat and his family as being in a risk situation that qualifies for government interference." 4 9. Hans Kerrl, Reich Minister for Church Affairs, in a letter dated 2 5 September 6, 1939 to a Herr Stapel, which indicated that it would be brought to the attention of the Confidential Council and of the 6 defendant Hess, made the following statements: 7 "The Füehrer considers his efforts to bring the Evangelical Church to reason, unsuccessful and the Evangelical Church with respect to its condition rightfully a useless pile of sects. As you emphasize the Party has previously carried on not only a fight against the political element of the Christianity of the Church, but also a fight against membership of Party Members in a Christian confession." 8 9 10 11 12 10. Let us now take a close look at the last statement: 13 "[A] fight against the political element of the Christianity of the Church, but also a fight against membership of Party Members in a Christian confession." 14 15 11. 16 17 18 Here is where the similarity between Hitler's "religion" and the American FDR version of the "Religion of Socialism" become frighteningly obvious. Most churches in America today have applied for and received a "benefit" from the Socialist State known as 501(c)3 tax exempt status. In order to maintain this "benefit," the 19 tax-exempt 20 neutralized. If they speak out politically they may be effectively 21 churches', "political element" has been effectively taxed out of existence or their property can be seized without judicial due process. The paradox of this is by not speaking out 22 they are being replaced by the same plan that Hitler proposed in the 23 1940's: 24 25 12. In a secret decree of the Party Chancellery, signed by Bormann, and distributed to all Gauleiters on June 7, 1941, the following statement concerning religious education was made: 030304 -- [533571334], page 4 of 14 1 "No human being would know anything of Christianity if it had not been drilled into him in his childhood by pastors. The so-called dear God in no wise gives knowledge of his existence to young people in advance, but in an astonishing manner in spite of his omnipotence leaves this to the efforts of the pastors. If therefore in the future our youth learns nothing more of this Christianity, whose doctrines are far below ours, Christianity will disappear by itself." (The Nizkor Project) 2 3 4 5 6 13. Harassment of Christian churches and clergymen that criticize the 7 constant march toward the Religion of Socialism by the IRS are well 8 documented. In these attacks on Christianity, both the Democrat and 9 10 Republican administrations have used the IRS against churches that spoke against their Religious Socialist policies in a manner reminiscent of Hitler's constraint. 11 "In Austria the methods of suppression of churches followed in Austria by the occupying power began with measures to exclude the Church from public activities, such as processions, printing of newspapers and Reviews which could spread Christian doctrines; from forming Youth organizations, such as Boy Scouts; from directing educational or charitable activities; and even from extending help in the form of food to foreigners. Unable in conscience to obey the public prescription, ministers of religions were arrested and sent to concentration camps, and some were executed. Churches were closed, convents and monasteries suppressed, and educational property confiscated. The total number of confiscations, suppressions, or alienations of religious institutions exceeded 100 cases in one diocese alone." (Report on fighting of National Socialism in Apostolic Administration of Innsbruck-Feldkirch of Tyrol and Vorarlberg by Bishop Paulus Rusch, June 27, 1945) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 14. Hitler understood that the Christian religion of liberty and morality must be displaced if his tyranny was to be established for a thousand years. Peter Staudenmaier in his article: Nature in National Socialist Ideology stated: 23 24 25 "The National Socialist 'religion of nature,' as one historian has described it, was a volatile admixture of primeval Teutonic nature mysticism, pseudo-scientific ecology, irrationalist antihumanism, and a mythology of racial salvation through a return to the land. Its predominant themes were 'natural order,' organicist 030304 -- [533571334], page 5 of 14 1 holism and denigration of humanity: 'Throughout the writings, not only of Hitler, but of most Nazi ideologues, one can discern a fundamental deprecation of humans vis-à-vis nature, and, as a logical corollary to this, an attack upon human efforts to master nature.'" 2 3 4 5 6 15. 11 took the opposite view and understood the The Father of our county in his Farewell Address said: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports." 8 10 Washington necessity of the Christian religion if freedom was to be maintained. 7 9 George 16. But how is this destruction of religion and morality to be accomplished in modern America. For that let us look at the history and the documented past of the Religion of Socialism and just one tentacle of the Beast and how it means to conquer: 12 "The education of youth can only be carried out by those who have rescued Germany from disaster. It is therefore impossible to demand one Füehrer, one Reich and one firmly united people as long as education is carried out by forces which are mutually exclusive to each other." (Rosenberg quoted in The Nizkor Project) 13 14 15 16 17 17. In a speech at Fulda, on November 27, 1937 Reich Minister for Church affairs Hans Kerrl stated: 18 "We cannot recognize that the Church has a right to insure that the individual should be educated in all respects in the way in which it holds to be right; but we must leave it to the National Socialist State to educate the child in the way it regards as right." (The Nizkor Project) 19 20 21 22 18. In America attendance in government schools has become mandatory in order to promote Roosevelt's Socialist Religion. Private and 23 religious schools are discouraged through taxation. Home schoolers 24 are labeled as radical and dangerous by the United States Attorney 25 General and child murderer, Janet Reno. Prayer in Schools has been abolished. Christian 030304 -- [533571334], page 6 of 14 programs and songs are ostracized and 1 condemned. 2 unalienable rights). Homosexuals are allowed in the military and are called 3 4 5 to Neo-Darwinism be has ambassadors of replaced our Creationism nation. Sexual (No Creator-No immorality is promoted in Sex Education classes and encouraged by actions in the oval office. BC and AD of Christianity have been replaced with BCE (before current era) and CE (current era) on our calendars. In the year of our Lord, once widely used on the dates of government 6 documents, is now considered politically incorrect. Christmas and 7 Easter 8 9 10 11 12 vacations have become Winter and Spring breaks. We can celebrate Earth day but Christ's resurrection is never celebrated or even mentioned at Easter. On Halloween we sing of Witches and Warlocks but at Christmas Silent Night has truly become silent. Student sponsored Bible reading and Christian groups have been attacked by law suits and court orders and Christianity has become a curse and a by word in a nation that was created by Jesus Christ and His followers. 13 19. 14 15 16 has many followers. The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a good example. 19 20 23 24 25 are a few statements from their web site "Our Foundation is a membership organization for freethinkers atheists, agnostics, secularists, humanists, rationalists. (In 1999 the Foundation had more than 4,200 members and subscribers.) We are an umbrella for those free from religion, and we are committed to the treasured principle of separation of state and church." 18 22 Here (ffrf@mailbag.com - www.ffrf.org): 17 21 These attacks do not happen by accident. This Socialist Religion 20. "What is the Foundation's Purpose? "The Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. is an educational group working for separation of state and church. Its purpose, as stated in its bylaws, is to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheistic beliefs. Membership is open to anyone who supports the Foundation's purpose. Contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. 030304 -- [533571334], page 7 of 14 1 "Recognized by the Internal Revenue Service since 1978, the Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3). All dues and contributions are deductible for members and donors for income tax purposes." 2 3 4 5 6 21. "What Does the Foundation accomplish? 22. "[They] Produced two half-hour documentaries for television and group showings: 7 "A Second Look at Religion is a myth-dispelling look at the bible, featuring interviews with author Ruth Green and other freethinkers. "Champions of the First Amendment: presents three freethinkers who won historic US Supreme Court lawsuits, buttressing the wall of separation between church and state. Their interviews make landmark constitutional lawsuits come alive. Litigates state/church entanglement issues. Ended a variety of religious observances in the public schools and public places. Removed Wisconsin's state observance of 'Good Friday.' "The Foundation keeps several challenges in the courts at all times." 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23. This is not an isolated group, as the Religion of Socialism is promoted in the United States and also still in Europe. 24. From, 'Ecology' and the Modernization of Fascism in the German Ultra-right by Janet Biehl we find: 18 25. Today's leading (National Revolutionaries) NR ideologist, Henning 19 Eichberg,... regards Judeo-Christianity as the ultimate root of all 20 present 21 evils, since it is overly intellectual and alienates humanity both from itself and from the divine; it neglects the emotions and the body. Tied in as it is with the logic of 22 productivism, Christianity, Eichberg writes, is the "religion of 23 growth" 24 25 that must be fought at all costs. To help cultivate 'national identity,' he proposes instead a new religion that mixes together neopagan Germanic, Celtic, and Indian religions with old völkisch-nationalistic ideas. It is to be based on "the sensualityphysicality of dance and ritual, ceremony and taboo, meditation, 030304 -- [533571334], page 8 of 14 1 prayer, and ecstasy. In essence, [this religion] constitutes itself 2 as a form of praxis against the "religion of growth" since its "sensuous 3 4 5 counter-experiences" can restore humanity to closer contact with nature. Sounding like many New Agers in the United States, Eichberg calls for a return to pristine nature, to the alleged primordial sources of people's lives, psyches, and authentic cultures, and for people to heal themselves within as part of 6 healing the ecological crisis, overcoming their own alienation, and 7 rediscovering themselves. 8 26. This Religion of Socialism is marked by sexual indiscretion, 9 nature worship, idol worship and government sanctioned theft through 10 "voluntary self assessed" taxes enforced without the due process nor 11 jury trail guarantees of the Bill of Rights expressly for the redistribution of wealth to "Worthy" and compliant accomplices (see 12 U.S. Supreme Court BOWEN v. ROY, 476 U.S. 693 (1986)) and adherents 13 to the Religion of Socialism that proudly produce their Social Security Numbers so that they may claim the "benefits" of their 14 15 16 chosen savior, the Federal ESTABLISHMENT of the Religion of Socialism. Here is an incomplete list of the "benefits" of the Religion of Socialism that are paid for completely or in part by the theft through "voluntary" taxes collected by the kinder gentler IRS: 17 18 19 20 21 22 Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security retirement welfare, Corporate Welfare, Social Security Disability welfare, Aid to Dependent Children, Food Stamps, and Free government schools. 27. These benefits have been withheld from Christians that refuse to apply for or use a Social Security number: Driver's licenses (SSN required), business licenses (SSN required), hunting and fishing licenses (SSN required), professional licenses (SSN required) Credit 23 Cards (SSN required), health insurance (SSN required), bank accounts 24 (SSN 25 required) buying required), etc., etc. 030304 -- [533571334], page 9 of 14 and selling (SSN required), voting (SSN 1 2 28. The modern Religion of Socialism has gone back to its roots and re-embraced nature worship, proselytized by socialist missionaries like Gore and Sagan (remember Hitler was a vegetarian). 3 4 5 29. habiliments with uninhibited acumen when he said: 6 "Ecology is very much the new secular religion. It comes complete with original sin (the industrial revolution), Satan (capitalism), eschatology (the end of the world by global warming), the virgin goddess (fragile Mother Earth), churches ("the great cathedrals of our National Parks"), and a Savior (the EPA). Perhaps we would do better to remember the words of the Father of American Environmentalism, the libertarian Henry David Thoreau: "He governs best who governs not at all." 7 8 9 10 11 12 Brendan Trainor defined this new religion and its ecclesiastical 30. When we combine Social Security and other socialist government welfare programs intentionally that create uneducated and hereditary indoctrinated bondage posterity upon in our direct 13 violation of the goals our Founding Fathers fought and died for, 14 with the Gestapo tactics of the IRS (the enforcement arm of Religious Socialism) we can clearly see that not only the free 15 16 17 exercise clause of the First Amendment has been violated but also that the inviolable clause of separation of church and state fame, the establishment clause, has been completely annihilated while the State Religion of Socialism is not only encouraged but forced upon 18 us; line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a 19 little; 20 by the Federal Judiciary, the Blacked Robed Clergy of Hitler's chosen theology, aided by the executive branch that does not abide by the oath of office and a legislative branch that has 21 abandoned 22 Christianity has, like the fire beneath Pavlov's frogs in a pot of 23 its constituents and its duty. This assault on cool water, been almost unnoticeable to America's Christian churches and Citizens. Just like the citizens of Germany were tempted by the 24 prosperity offered by Adolph Hitler, our 501(c)3 churches and AARP 25 generation promote their own destruction and the slavery of the very posterity they were duty bound to keep free of debt bondage. 030304 -- [533571334], page 10 of 14 1 2 31. Our government has embraced a well-defined, historically documented, religion that advocates the destruction of Christianity. 3 "Religion... is the self-consciousness and the self-feeling of the man who has either not yet found himself, or else (having found himself) has lost himself once more. But man is not an abstract being... Man is the world of men, the State, society. This State, this society, produce religion, produce a perverted world consciousness, because they are a perverted world... Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the feelings of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of unspiritual conditions. It is the opium of the people. 4 5 6 7 8 "The people cannot be really happy until it has been deprived of illusory happiness by the abolition of religion. The demand that the people should shake itself free of illusion as to its own condition is the demand that it should abandon a condition which needs illusion." - Karl Marx: 9 10 11 12 13 32. This Socialist Religion comes with a prophesied numerical identifier, the Social Security Number (Mark of the Beast) without which our ability to buy and sell are extremely limited. 14 15 16 33. We have established a Christian Political Religion to challenge this Satanic Religion of forced Socialism. The old adage that you must fight fire with fire comes to mind. We have the right to a 17 18 19 political religion. After all, the Bible says that the government shall be upon the shoulder of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6). Our Supreme Court has clearly stated that this is a Christian Nation. Our Christian religion has been forced from our schools, our government 20 and our courts by the political Religion of Socialism. The Religion 21 of 22 Socialism has been established and enforced by the Federal government and the only way that a Citizen of the United States of America may "freely exercise" their chosen Christian religion is to 23 first embrace the doctrines of "withholding taxes" (a violation of 24 the law of tithing to God) and by "voluntarily" applying for a 25 Social Security number (the Mark of the Beast). Thus Christianity becomes a subservient 030304 -- [533571334], page 11 of 14 religion to the established government 1 religion existing only if homage is first paid to the Religion of 2 Socialism. 3 4 5 34. When Caesar offered this same type of compromise to the ancient Christians of the Roman Empire they did not accept it because they could have no other god BEFORE Christ. Neither can modern Christians if they expect to have their names written in the Book of Life. Many 6 of these ancient Christians died in the Circuses of Rome rather than 7 worship the gods of the Roman State even when allowed to do it in 8 9 10 11 conjunction with Christianity. The United States forces people to pay tribute to the Religion of Socialism BEFORE they pay tribute to Jesus Christ. Christianity is allowed only if the United States does not determine "compelling that such governmental Christian interest." beliefs Congress interfere and the with courts a can determine a compelling governmental interest. So if they determine 12 that paying tribute to a system that is in direct opposition to 13 Christianity is a compelling governmental interest your First Amendment rights to religious expression are "legally" violated. 14 15 16 This, of course, is a violation of the establishment clause of that same amendment. This is accomplished by calling socialism a secular governmental interest, not a religion. But in the words of William Shakespeare, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." A more 17 18 modern colloquialism that also calls a spade a spade is, "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck: it's a duck." 19 35. Hitler and Himmler called socialism a religion. Modern socialists 20 call 21 philosophy of Atheism, Secular Humanism and Ethicalism (all defined 22 it a religion. It is the deeply held religious political as religions by the United States Supreme Court), yet socialism is not officially recognized as a religion by the United States 23 Government. For if it was, their worship of Social Security and 24 Corporate 25 Welfare as sacred trusts would be blatantly unconstitutional. So since they could not legally enforce their religion upon us the government just ignored the truthful and well 030304 -- [533571334], page 12 of 14 1 documented definition. That this is a common occurrence is well 2 known. Senator Sam Ervin, of Watergate hearing fame, understood this verbicide and its possible effects on law and the Constitution. He 3 said: 4 "[J]udicial verbicide is calculated to convert the Constitution into a worthless scrap of paper and to replace our government of laws with a judicial oligarchy." 5 6 7 8 36. But it is not a new concept: 37. Confucius circa 500 B. C. is reported to have said: 9 "When words lose their meaning, people will lose their liberty." 10 11 38. Socialism is a religion and must be defined and understood for 12 what it is. We must call it what it is if we are to understand 13 Socialism's goals. 14 15 16 39. First Amendment was adopted to, in part, prevent the establishment of a State religion We must enforce the Constitution, or we will suffer the fate of every nation that allowed the Religion of 17 The Socialism or any other Anti-Christ religion to become the dominant power. The people lost their liberty. 18 19 40. We are not attempting to force Christianity upon the Socialist even though it is their publicized declaration that the destruction 20 of 21 morality and duty. Socialism is theft through taxes then given as a 22 23 Christianity is their goal. Christianity is liberty through benefit to worthy slaves. Socialism encourages religious bigotry and intolerance (see Reno's statement above), and discourages or destroys through taxes other religions. 24 25 41. “No King but King Jesus, must once again be our battle cry as we, through Christian Fellowship, reestablish our sovereignty under that 030304 -- [533571334], page 13 of 14 1 eternal Sovereign of Heaven and Earth: Jesus Christ, our Lord and 2 Savior and thereby allow other faiths to be afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship in America. This is my prayer, in 3 the of Jesus Christ, Amen Christopher Sovereignty.” 5 42. The Plaintiff agrees. Amen. 7 Date: March 4th, A.D. 2003. 8 9 Respectfully submitted, 10 11 12 13 14 __________________________ Shawn Rice CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY VERIFIED COURIER this ___ day of _______________, A.D. 2003, to: 15 16 17 Holloman Hansen, Presiding Sovereign for The First Christian Fellowship of Eternal 4 6 name John Ashcroft, Trustee 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Washington, 20530 DC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 030304 -- [533571334], page 14 of 14