Book Report Project Choices With

Additional 3rd Quarter Extra Credit
Messenger by Lois Lowry
Since most of you read The Giver in 6th grade, and Gathering Blue in 7th grade, I am offering one
additional extra credit for the 3rd quarter. The extra credit involves reading the 3rd companion
novel in this series, Messenger. Find out what happens to Matt and Kira from Gathering Blue.
What happened to Jonas from The Giver? How have things changed in their world(s)?
For this extra credit assignment, first read Messenger by Lois Lowry. Then, write a one typed
page, two pages handwritten (in blue or black pen), summary about the book, including a
description of the characters, setting and plot events. Basically, tell me what happened in the
book as proof that you did, in fact, read the book.
In addition, choose one of the projects below to create a visual aid to go along with your
summary of the novel. All projects should demonstrate additional understanding of the story in a
visual form.
All projects and reports should be treated as final drafts, which means nothing sloppy or torn.
The extra credit is for both parts in combination. No credit will be earned if either of the two
parts is missing.
Breakdown of the Scores for this Extra Credit:
Book Summary
15 points
 Characters
 Setting
 Plot
20 points
 Project Specifications: see project descriptions and
specific project
individual project rubrics on the back of this
sheet……….20 points
5 points
 Creativity in overall presentation to make project look
5 points
 Neatness: There should be no scratch outs or
misprints………1 points
 Accuracy: There should be no false statements
……….3 points
 Title/Author of the book included and legible.
5 points
 Final Copy Form: All written information follows
specified guidelines, is legible, contains complete
paragraphs and is well edited…….4 points
 Name/date included and legible ………1 points
TOTAL 50 Points
Extra Credit Project Choices With
Individual Project Specifications Rubrics
Create a comic book version of the story. Use as many comic book “boxes” necessary to
present all the important events of the story. This should look like a real comic book, so make it
Individual Project Specifications (20 pts)
o Project is set-up like a comic book:
o Contains comic book “boxes”……3 points
o Contains speech/thought bubbles……3 points
o Comic book includes boxes for all of the important events of the
story (minimum of 20)……5 points
o Comic book tells the story and is accurate……5 points
o Comic book is colorful……2 points
o Comic book contains a cover which has a title and is decorated to
represent your story……2 points
Create a diorama by transforming a simple shoebox into a vivid 3-D scene from the
book. Choose a scene that you particularly favored and put the pieces in place as you visualized
them. Add some color and creativity and attach an index card on which you have written a
description of the scene you are depicting.
Individual Project Specifications (20 pts)
o Diorama is created in a box……1 point
o Diorama shows a scene from the book:
o Scenery (background)……3 points
o Props (tables, stairs, cars, glasses, etc.)……3 points
o Characters……3 points
o An index card is attached with a 1 detailed paragraph (7-9
sentences) description of the scene you are depicting……3 points
o Also included on the index card is a 5 or more sentence summary
of why you chose to create this scene…….2 points
o Use of creative materials (more than paper)……2 points
o Diorama is 3-D……3 points
Some books are just written to be performed! Choose an especially exciting scene to
share with the class. Then write out the parts and find some actors to perform it for the class.
Make a cover for your written play and give it an original title. Video tape your performance and
save it to a flash drive or DVD.
Individual Project Specifications (20 pts)
o Performance shows one particular scene……3 points
o Performance has been performed, recorded and brought in on
DVD or flash drive……6 points
o Script is written with parts and stage directions……8 points
o There is a cover for your play
o There is an original title for your play……2 points
o The cover is decorated as relates to your play……1 points