April 13-17 - Anderson County Schools

Teacher: Marianna Colten Week 0f: April 13-17: Spanish 1B Period: 1,2,4,5
Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda:
Unit/ Lesson/Learning Targets
(related to KCAS/CC 4.1):
Monday/lunes 4/13/15
Unidad: Review Spanish 1A
Vocab : Descriptive adj./likes/dislikes/activities
Grammar: Using verb gustar + verbs. Gustar +
hacer. Querer + activities. Preferir + activities. Ir
/Ir + a . Conjugations of regular -ar verbs.
Culture: Costa Rica
I can state the general premise of the Dream Act
and discuss two scenarios that are related.
I can conjugate the verbs tener/venir and use
them in context.
Bell work : Choose tener/venir to complete sent.
and conjugate.
Listening Ex. 20 texo pg. 134
Quiz: tener/venir
CL: Pair Share: Ex. 28-29 oral/escrito
Learning Targets – 6-10
Read Article: The Dream ACT - discuss 2
Formative: Quiz/Learning Target check.
I can list at least 5 tener expressions. I can present Homework: Current Event – Wed./Learning
Targets 6-10/Projects
a project on a Spanish speaking country of my
choice. Topic that. reflects the culture and teaches
classmates new vocab
I can pass learning targets 6-8.
Unidad: Review Spanish 1A
Vocab : Descriptive adj./likes/dislikes/activities
Grammar: Using verb gustar + verbs. Gustar +
hacer. Querer + activities. Preferir + activities. Ir
/Ir + a . Conjugations of regular -ar verbs.
Culture: Costa Rica
Tuesday/martes 4/14/15
BR: Put the conversation in logical order.(Teacherpg.136)
1. Work on conjugation of er/ir verbs.
2. Ex. 32 – 33 written pg.138-139.
3. CL: Group- Create 5 questions using er/ir
verbs. (verb/frequency words).
4. Learning Targets 6-8.
I can pass learning targets 6-8.
Formative: Learning Targets 6-8.
I can present a project on a Spanish speaking
country of my choice. Topic that. reflects the
culture and teaches classmates new vocab.
Homework: Current Event/Projects/Learning
Targets. 6-8
Unidad: La vida escolar/ My school life
Vocab : Descriptive adj./likes/dislikes/activities
Grammar: Using verb gustar + verbs. Gustar +
hacer. Querer + activities. Preferir + activities. Ir
/Ir + a . Conjugations of regular -ar verbs and
tener. Conjugations of er/ir verbs. Def./Indef.
Culture: Costa Rica
I can use the verbs Ar/Er/Ir in context to ask and
answer questions.
Wednesday/miércoles 4/15/15
BR: Complete sent. with correct form IR (1-5
Teacher pg.138).
1. Project Presentations.
2. Current Events.
3. CL: Group work – choose ar/er/ir verb from
the pile and conjugate in context.
4. CL: Group work – write 5 pros/cons for
illegal immigrants.
Formative: Conjugation competition.
I can present a project on a Spanish speaking
country of my choice. Topic that. reflects the
culture and teaches classmates new vocab.
Projects/Learning Targets
Unidad: La vida escolar/ My school life
Vocab : Descriptive adj./likes/dislikes/activities
Grammar: Using verb gustar + verbs. Gustar +
hacer. Querer + activities. Preferir + activities. Ir
/Ir + a . Conjugations of regular -ar verbs and
tener. Conjugations of er/ir verbs. Def./Indef.
Thursday/jueves 4/16/15
BR: Copy irregular yo forms of verbs –
CL: Pair Share – Ex. 36 – 38 pg. 141 text.
CL: Quiz each other over ar/er/ir verbs.
Learning Targets 6-8
Culture: Costa Rica
I can read and understand an email.
I can present a project on a Spanish speaking
country of my choice. Topic that. reflects the
culture and teaches classmates new vocab
Answer 6 questions about an email.
Project Presentations/Learning Targets
Homewk.: Project/ Learning Targets
Unidad: La vida escolar/ My school life
Vocab : Descriptive adj./likes/dislikes/activities
Grammar: Using verb gustar + verbs. Gustar +
hacer. Querer + activities. Preferir + activities. Ir
/Ir + a . Conjugations of regular -ar verbs and
tener. Conjugations of er/ir verbs. Def./Indef.
Culture: Costa Rica
I can present a project on a Spanish speaking
country of my choice. Topic that. reflects the
culture and teaches classmates new vocab.
I can debate the issue of whether the US should
accept more immigrants into the US.
I can read and understand a written description
about a student.
Friday/viernes: 4/17/15
BR: Choose correct er/ir verb to complete sent. and
1) CL: Pair Share – Comunicacion ex. 39 pg.
141 text.
2) Reading Comp. Ex. Text Pgs. 144-145
answer questions pg.1-6.
3) Learning Targets Check 6-8.
4) Project Presentations
5) Begin Debate on Illegal Immigration.
Learning Targets
Reading Comp. Ex.