Session Detail-9-25 - Wisconsin Association for Career and

Session Detail-9-25
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
GEDO #2 Staff Workshop – Salons C & D
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Presenter: Beth Lewis, Department of Public Instruction
For staff from secondary schools with GEDO 2 approved programs only.
WTCS Train the Trainer Workshop for College Curriculum Integration/Team
Teaching Training Staff – Evergreen
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Presenters: Shawn Jensen and Karla Sampselle
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
This one-day workshop will be led by a team of experienced team teaching
trainers who will help attendees from technical colleges become comfortable with
subsequently training/mentoring pairs of their college colleagues in:
1) Coordinating curriculum and, in some cases, team teaching classes in
order to improve and accelerate the college’s success in
credential/program completion by students.
2) Using provided materials and new online resources to help their
college’s local staff understand:
 The basics of their college’s RISE/Career Pathway efforts
 The importance of a pair of teachers coordinating curriculum and
establishing collaborative outcomes
Basics of integrated lesson development
The basic types and procedures of team teaching
College staff that are interested in becoming local resources for their college’s
ongoing curriculum integration and team teaching efforts (and who have done
some of this work themselves) should attend this training.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
GED/HSED State Update & Celebration – Salons A & B
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Presenter: Beth Lewis, Department of Public Instruction
Celebrate the success accomplished in Wisconsin in 2013 and the progress so
far in 2014. Beth Lewis will provide updates on GED and HSED Programming
statewide and highlight various resources at the conference and beyond for
additional information. Time will also be spent on what is next on our journey.
What Does WIOA Legislation Mean for Community-based Literacy
Organizations? - Lawrence
8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Presenters: Nancy Merrill, Wisconsin Technical College System and
Michele Erikson, Wisconsin Literacy, Inc.
Nancy Merrill, Senior Policy Advisor, Wisconsin Technical College System, and
Michele Erikson, Executive Director of Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., will share
developments regarding the long-awaited reauthorization of the Workforce
Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. Now with a new name, Workforce Innovations and
Opportunities Act (WIOA), and a new emphasis, it is important that all
community-based literacy organizations understand how this law will impact your
services. Both Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) funded
programs and non-AEFL funded programs will benefit from hearing about this
new legislation in Adult Education. PLEASE NOTE: This is the first of several
WIOA sessions and is intended for Wisconsin Literacy, Inc. members only.
Advances in GED Programming At a Wisconsin Technical College –
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Presenters: Pamela Gerstner and NWTC staff
This presentation will share a new structured class format and what NWTC refers
to as Managed Enrollment 2.0, which still allows for open access to their
program. Come learn about NWTC’s new GED101 and how they seamlessly
move students from orientation through necessary pre-work before entering the
GED Prep classroom. Also learn about NWTC’s new GED orientation and how
they plant the seed of transitioning to post-secondary, and then carry over that
messaging and coaching throughout GED preparation. They will also share a
high-level understanding of their new contextualized curriculum and integrated
instruction, and provide a sample learning plan as it pertains to the new GED
GED-- Building Knowledge Through Reading Across Content Areas
Salons C & D
9:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Presenters: Susan Pittman and Bonnie Goonen, E-Learning Connections,
In this all-morning session, the emphasis will be on improving students’ reading
skills, which will impact Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, and
Science. Using data on the most missed items from the GED Testing Service,
the session will focus on the importance of building students’ critical reading skills
through the use of increasing text complexity, evidence, and the inclusion of
content-rich non-fiction and information text. Participants will analyze different
texts, explore the issue of text complexity, and participate in activities that can be
used in the classroom across content areas. As part of this session, participants
will explore a variety of texts that can be used for multiple purposes including
teaching content in social studies and science as well as building close reading
GED Analytics – Rosewood/Linden
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Presenter: Jane Bledsoe – GED Testing Service
GED Analytics offers a wealth of data on test takers in Wisconsin. Since all data
must be accessed through the chief examiner at your testing site, find out what is
available and what to request. Learn how to use the data to help tailor the
instruction and outreach to assure learner completion and success. If you’re a
chief examiner, learn new ways to mine the data for programmatic information
and success.
When is a Newton not a Cookie? and Blame It on the Babylonians:
Cultivating Math Skills for the Science Test & Motivating Algebraic
Thinking – Briarwood/Ebony
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Presenter: Ray Schlesinger, Waupun Correctional Institution
Part One: With the increased emphasis on math calculations in the science test,
give your learners practice applying their math skills. Learn how to tie the math
in with the science utilizing ready-to-use worksheets. Part Two: Capture the
attention of learners confronting algebra by demystifying basic concepts.
Activities guaranteed to interest and motivate.
Tweet! Post! Blog! Pin! Using Social Media for Adult Education – Pippin
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Presenter: Cindi Celske, i-Pathways
Are you currently using social media to stay in touch with your adult education
students or to reach new potential learners? Come dive into some of the
trending reasons why we should both teach with and utilize social media in our
adult education programs. See first hand how
i-Pathways uses social media to help it’s adult education partners reach and
teach better.
Wisconsin Literacy Member Agencies: What Employee Benefits Do You
Offer? - Lawrence
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Presenters: James Kalny, Davis and Kuelthau, Attorneys at Law, Diane
Woodhead, Woodhead Insurance and Kim Houlton, Schenck Business
Solutions, S.C.
Executive directors, board members and staff, please join our panel discussion
with professionals from the legal, insurance and accounting industries to give you
accurate information so you can design a fair benefit package for you and your
talented staff. Do you have trouble retaining your staff and have a lot of turnover?
Could a benefit package make the difference? What should not-for-profit
agencies afford in a staff benefit package? Come join us as professionals give us
their insight into how best to offer these benefits. Plenty of time will be allowed for
questions and answers.
ABE-GED Literacy Alignment – Briarwood/Ebony
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Presenters: David Hines, Amy Phillips, Oshkosh Correctional Institution,
Colette Busse, Jeanne Reiter and Tricia Laundre, Fox Valley Technical
Oshkosh Correctional Institution and Fox Valley Technical College have
developed a GED Literacy alignment. This workshop is for WIDOC education
directors and ABE instructors to learn the skills and strategies.
GED Testing in County Jails – Rosewood/Linden
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Presenters: Sandra Huenink and Lynn Hill, Moraine Park Technical College
Lynn Hill and Sandra Huenink have successfully launched jail testing in multiple
county jails served by Moraine Park Technical College. Hear about their
experience in the multiple counties. Learn tips on implementation and getting
everyone on the same page. There will be lots of time for questions and
answers about what worked in their settings.
Federal Updates – What’s Happening with the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Several Other Federal Literacy Initiatives? McIntosh
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Presenter: Nancy Merrill, Wisconsin Technical College System
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law by
President Barack Obama on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job
seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to
succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they
need to compete in the global economy. Congress passed the Act by a wide
bipartisan majority; it is the first legislative reform of the public workforce system
in more than 15 years. Every year the key programs that form the pillars of
WIOA (including the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, which provides
several million dollars to Wisconsin literacy programs) help tens of millions of job
seekers and workers to connect to good jobs and acquire the skills and
credentials needed to obtain them.
In this session you will hear some basic updates on WIOA as well as on several
other initiatives at the federal level that may affect Wisconsin literacy
ModuMath Online Free to all Wisconsin Technical Colleges – Pippin
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Presenter: Bob Khouri, Wisconsin Technical College System Foundation,
Wisconsin Technical Colleges have used ModuMath Basic Math and Algebra
Courses on campus for many years. ModuMath Online’s 83 closed captioned
video lesions, two study guides and tests can be easily integrated in to any LMS
and are available without charge to all Wisconsin Technical College.
This session will demonstrate ModuMath Online, show its inclusion in Blackboard
and discuss how NWTC is using ModuMath Online to enhance My Foundations
Lab. See how ModuMath can enhance online or classroom instruction and save
students hundreds of dollars.
Homework Matters! Enhancing Communication Between ELL Employees &
Supervisors in Multilingual Work Environments – Lawrence
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Presenters: Brenda Ferreira and Jennifer Sell, Cultural Linguistic Services,
Do you feel like there’s never enough instructional time for your adult English
Language Learners? UW-Madison ELL Training Officers will share a successful
strategy to help students put new language skills to immediate use outside the
classroom. Join us to explore how Workplace English Homework Cards can be
adapted to your ELL program--and increase the time students spend throughout
the week practicing key communication skills in real-life settings!
Luncheon & Panel – Salons A & B
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Presenters: Diana Gamez Sanchez, associated with Fox Valley Technical
Thang Van Khup, associated with the Winnebago County Literacy Council and
Oshkosh North High School and Tony Bellman, associated with Nicolet
Technical College
GED -- Addressing Constructed Responses in RLA, Social Studies and
Science - Salons C & D
1:15 PM – 4:45 PM
Presenters: Susan Pittman and Bonnie Goonen, E-Learning Connections,
This extra-length workshop will focus on the research-based practices that can
be used in the classroom to help students build argumentative writing skills and
produce effective constructed responses required on the three of the four
components of the 2014 GED® test – Reasoning through Language Arts,
Science, and Social Studies. The session will include information on most
missed items in Social Studies and Science and how instructors can use this
information to better prepare students for developing effective constructed
responses. Participants will analyze constructed responses to determine
strengths and weaknesses as well as to establish a plan for helping students
improve their argumentative writing skills. In addition, participants will explore
strategies and activities that can be used to help students better understand
scientific design and how to incorporate the establishment of a hypothesis,
collection of data, and the analysis of a potential outcome into their writing
GED Analytics – Rosewood/Linden
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenter: Jane Bledsoe – GED Testing Service
GED Analytics offers a wealth of data on test takers in Wisconsin. Since all data
must be accessed through the chief examiner at your testing site, find out what is
available and what to request. Learn how to use the data to help tailor the
instruction and outreach to assure learner completion and success. If you’re a
chief examiner, learn new ways to mine the data for programmatic information
and success.
The New GED—How’s it Working for You? – Lawrence
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenters: Marsha Connet, Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., Jake Gorges, YWCA
Southeast Wisconsin and Dawn Lauber, Milwaukee Public Library
The New GED - How's it working for you?
With nearly a year of experience in preparing learners for the new GED, many
literacy programs, tutors and learners are still struggling. Where do I find high
quality and appropriate material? What computer skills are needed to complete a
test successfully? How do I prepare my student for taking each test? What
actually happens at a GED test center?
Join us for answers to these questions. Jake Gorges, Pearson View testing
center administrator, will shine a light on how centers are set up and what
students can expect when they go there. Dawn Lauber, Area Manager,
Milwaukee Public Library Branches, will discuss the computer skills students
need to take 2014 GED. A representative from a book publisher will discuss the
newest materials to help learners prepare for GED testing. Participants will also
receive materials covering test-taking tips and a computer skills inventory for
GED test success. Additionally, Ann Beeson, Adult Education Specialist, will
discuss new materials available to aid the tutor and instructor working with GED
Percents in Real Life (Meaning on YouTube!) – Empire
1:15 – 2:15 PM
Presenter: Amy Vickers, Elevating Adult Education
Percents are on the just-released list of most-missed GED questions! In this
session we will watch amazing YouTube videos, and ask and answer percentage
questions about them. Bring these back to your students and they will be finding
percentages everywhere!
Using TABE Now and in the Future – McIntosh
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenters: Dan Helms and Brian Bell, McGraw Hill
This session will provide training on best practice procedures for administering
the tests, scoring, and interpretation of results. The future of TABE assessments
along with the introduction of the new User Interface of TABE Online will be
addressed during this session.
Explore Free ABE/ELL Curriculum Resources & Standard on the WTCS
Curriculum Repository – McIntosh
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Presenter: Tessa Campbell, WIDS
This session will include an overview of the Repository, including the Open
Access area where ABE and ELL curriculum standards and
contextualized/bridge/pathway/research-based projects are, and will be, housed.
These standards and special projects are available for anyone to use. The
session will then look further into the Repository, showing how to navigate and
search for specific items, etc.
A Tool for Teaching Functions and Graphs – Empire
2:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Presenter: Amy Vickers, Elevating Adult Education
Points on the coordinate grid, functions, equations, graphs, and slope—if tackled
individually this can be an overwhelming list! In this double-length session, we
will practice using a worksheet that summarizes and links the topics listed above
in an organized way. Use the sheet over and over in a wide range of settings to
give your students practice and emphasize connections among these concepts.
In the session we will practice using the sheet; you will be given blank sheets for
your own use.
GED Testing in Correctional Settings – Briarwood/Ebony
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Presenters: David Hines, Oshkosh Correctional Institution, Gary Grueter,
Taycheedah Correctional and Jennifer Malis, Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake
DOC and DHS are up and running as GED Testing Sites. Come learn the
intricacies of impersonating, scheduling and testing inmates on the computer.
HSED Options for High School Completion – Rosewood/Linden
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Presenter: Beth Lewis, Department of Public Instruction
Besides the GED, Wisconsin has five other options for high school completion.
This session will review PI 5 and the 6 options for high school completion in
Wisconsin. Time will be spent on requirements for updating 5.09 programs.
Six Things You Can Do On Monday to Get Your Board Raising Money by
Friday! - Lawrence
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Presenters: Dennis Johnson and Ben Williams, Forward Community
Are you tired of carrying the fundraising responsibility for your agency with
minimal help from your board? Come hear from Dennis Johnson and Ben
Williams, VP and Director of Advisory Services for Forward Community
Investments share board engagement strategies that you can implement next
week! Find out if your board members are cultivators, solicitors or stewards.
There is a role for everyone that translates into more money raised for your
Open Mike with the State Administrator – Rosewood/Linden
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM
Presenter: Beth Lewis, Department of Public Instruction
We’ve made a lot of progress, but we still have both challenges and important
opportunities to collaborate for the future. This session is designed to focus on
problems, success, issues, concerns and program resources needed to facilitate
testing center success.
Wisconsin Literacy, Inc. Annual Meeting – Lawrence
3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
Presenters: Michele Erikson, Trena Anderson, Gia Kiley, Jim Stickels,
Steve Sparks, Marsha Connet, Margarete Cook and Andrea Pease, WI
Literacy, Inc.
Agency representatives from community-based literacy programs that are
members of Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., along with other literacy supporters, will
meet to discuss current and future issues relating to the statewide coalition. All
conference participants are welcome to attend.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
GED--What’s Behind the Formula? Improving Student Math Ability (and
GED 2014 Performance) on Frequently-Missed GED 2014 Items - Empire
8:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Presenter: Amy Vickers, Elevating Adult Education
Working with the variables and formulas of algebra and geometry can be
challenging for our students because they are such abstract ideas! Let’s work
backward from the abstract formulas and investigate the story behind them. In
this workshop we will practice activities through which students discover and
create their own formulas in a variety of settings, thereby making meaningful
sense of the concept of a formula. This background will strengthen students’
foundational understanding so that they are able to apply formulas in more
advanced mathematical settings.
A Career Pathway Program Enabling Native Language Spanish-Speaking
Students To Obtain A Dental Assistant’s Diploma – Rosewood/Linden
8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Presenters: Dr. Arturo Martinez and Milwaukee Area Technical College Staff
For the past seven years, MATC has been offering an innovative program where
native language Spanish-speaking students obtain a dental assistant’s diploma in
one year while they continue to improve their English language skills. The
program has been quite successful (including in connecting students with
employment opportunities), and MATC staff would like to share their experiences
and what they’ve learned to date.
Faculty Discussion Regarding GED Instructional Materials – Salon D
8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Presenter: Mark Johnson, Wisconsin Technical College System
In this session participants will have a loosely-facilitated session that follows up
on the WTCS/Wisconsin Literacy mid-spring teleconferences where faculty
discussed the basics of various publishers’ GED 2014 materials. Participants will
be encouraged to speak in support of what materials seem to work best in
meeting particular students’ needs as well as in various settings and delivery
Implementing Technology into Your ELL Classroom to Promote Student
Success -Briarwood/Ebony
8:00 AM – 9:15AM
Presenter: Jean Miller-Aikens, Rosetta Stone, Higher Education
Initiating a supplemental program for your English Language Learners can be
challenging. Come discover how one community college uses Rosetta Stone
solutions to fulfill their need for additional resources to address their diverse
student population. We’ll also discuss how you can implement a cost-effective
technology-based curriculum that addresses your learning outcomes and
promotes student success.
“Just in Time Tutor Training” – Research & Application – Lawrence
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Presenters: Laura Reisinger, Literacy Volunteers– Chippewa Valley and
Margarete Cook, Wisconsin Literacy, Inc.
Laura Reisinger will discuss the review that she did for her doctoral studies of
research on current trends in tutor training and specifically on “Just in Time” tutor
training. Margarete Cook will discuss the online “Just in Time Tutor Training” in
Prezi format available to all Wisconsin Literacy members. Free CDs will be
available for presentation of the Prezi in situations where online access is not
Building Bridges Into Multiple Programs at Madison College – Salon D
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Presenters: Judy Emmrich, Kevin Foley, Jose A. Luna, Ryan Roling, Tony
Cina and
Lynn Shafel, Madison College
In an effort to increase the success rate of our ABE/ESL students and to improve
the transition of ABE/ESL students into career pathways, Madison College has
created a transition team comprised of advisors, instructors, and administrators.
This team is focused on shortening the time it takes for students to reach their
academic goals and to transition into a career pathway. The strategy Madison
College has employed is to create access and bridge programs to better serve
under-prepared students for future program success.
The Madison College new transitional bridge programs include:
 Access to Health
 Access to Manufacturing
 Access to Early Childhood
 Bridge to Certified Nursing Assistant
 Bridge to Health
 Bridge to Manufacturing
 Bridge to Early Childhood
We will share our existing structures, prerequisites, and invite questions.
On the Ground – Nuts and Bolts about NWTC Career Pathways Bridge
Programs - Salon C
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Presenters: Pam Gerstner and NWTC Staff
NWTC has been implementing ABE and ELL Career Pathway Bridges in multiple
areas, helping basic skills students achieve high rates of success in
postsecondary credentials. In this session, staff will explain some of the basic
concepts of what they are doing, and share important lessons they have learned.
Breaking the College Placement Test Barrier for Adult Basic Skills Students
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Presenters: Dr. Arturo Martinez and Milwaukee Area Technical College staff
The Milwaukee Area Technical College has implemented a Dual Adult Basic
Education/General Education program that provides adult basic education (ABE)
students’ unable to be admitted into a college program due to low Accuplacer
score to enroll in an accelerated college pathway program. The ABE/Gen Ed
program enrolls ABE students in a 3 credit college level English course
supported with an integrated ABE companion course. (There is a parallel
approach for ABE students in math.) This program has resulted in increasing the
transition of ABE students into their college program by 80-90% within one
semester. This workshop will provide an overview of the program design and the
program outcomes.
Teaching Strategies to Promote ELL Student Retention – An On-Going
Challenge Briarwood/Ebony
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Presenter: JoEllen Christians, Get This Write, LLC
We want our ELL adult learners to keep coming to class, but there are many
other demands on their time. How can instructors promote consistent attendance
throughout the semester? Come and participate in this discussion to explore
preemptive strategies and proven tips for improving student retention.
The Immigrant Guide – What Every Immigrant Needs to Know – Lawrence
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM
Presenter: Trena Anderson, Wisconsin Literacy, Inc.
Settling into a new life in the United States requires more than just language
acquisition! In this session, we will explore a variety of ways your literacy agency
could utilize “The Immigrant Guide – What Every Immigrant Needs to Know”
booklet as a civics tool to help your English language learners better grasp the
ins and outs of living in the United States. The first 50 attendees will receive a
copy of the booklet.
Connecting Literacy Programming – And Our Students – With
Employer/Employment Certifications – Rosewood/Linden
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Presenter: Robin Kroyer Kubicek, Wisconsin Department of Public
Connecting our literacy programming to students’ work and career lives will
require many programs to consider what are some common entry-level employer
certifications, what steps can we (and our students) take to review their validity
and quality, and what steps do we need to take to learn more. In this session,
Robin Kroyer Kubicek, DPI’s Career Pathways Consultant, will lead a discussion
on how to identify available, quality certifications, how to vet them and avoid
those that might be less valid or less valuable, and how to work with employers
on creating/modifying/recognizing certifications, etc.
Faculty Discussion Regarding GED Instructional Materials – Salon D
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Presenter: Mark Johnson, Wisconsin Technical College System
In this session participants will have a loosely-facilitated session that follows up
on the WTCS/Wisconsin Literacy mid-spring teleconferences where faculty
discussed the basics of various publishers’ GED 2014 materials. Participants will
be encouraged to speak in support of what materials seem to work best in
meeting particular students’ needs as well as in various settings and delivery
modes. This session is intended to be the same as the one earlier in the
Helping Adult ELLs and High School Students Transition to Higher
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Presenter: Ann Krebs Byrne, Madison College and Edgewood College
In this workshop, presenter and participants will wrap their heads around
transitioning adults ELLs and high school students to higher education. What do
ELL students need to know? What do they need to be able to do? Who in your
organization and in the higher education organization could assist them along
their way? What other questions should be considered? Participants and
presenter will think about the issues associated with transition and then
backtrack from there to consider implications for all levels of ESL instruction.
Language Support Services in an Educational Setting – Salon C
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Presenter: Dominic James Ledesma Perzichilli, UW Madison
This workshop offer participants an opportunity to learn about the role of
instruction, translation, interpretation, and bilingual/bicultural staff play in public
education and how they can be used to improve the quality of educational
services and promote inclusive school communities. This session is designed to
help all participants better understand the unique nature of the LSS in education.
The session will be valuable to administrators, translators and interpreters, and
bi-lingual/bi-cultural professionals.
Learning Disabilities: Equip Your Volunteer Tutors with Skills for Providing
Specialized, Individualized, Multisensory Instruction – Lawrence
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Presenter: Barbara Felix, MA, CALP, Dyslexia Achievement Center
Adult literacy instructors work with many students who have never been identified
with a learning disability despite having great difficulty decoding print for
purposes of reading, writing and spelling. A multisensory approach to teaching is
needed in order for these students to acquire foundational skills of phonemic
awareness, working knowledge of alphabetic phonemes and graphemes, and the
ability to identify, segment and blend units of language into meaningful text. The
purpose of this session is to present a model of instruction that can be taught to
and used by volunteer tutors, sufficiently robust to address the needs of low-level
adult learners, and is replicable and scalable across varied settings in the adult
literacy field. Attendees will take away tools to incorporate these methods into
tutor trainings.
A Tool for Teaching Functions and Graphs – Empire
1:15 PM – 3:20 PM
Presenter: Amy Vickers, Elevating Adult Education
Points on the coordinate grid, functions, equations, graphs, and slope—if tackled
individually this can be an overwhelming list! In this double-length session, we
will practice using a worksheet that summarizes and links the topics listed above
in an organized way. Use the sheet over and over in a wide range of settings to
give your students practice and emphasize connections among these concepts.
In the session we will practice using the sheet; you will be given blank sheets for
your own use.
An Overview of TABE CLAS-E by a Wisconsin Trainer/User Rosewood/Linden
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenter: Ginger Karaway, Gateway Technical College
This session will focus on administration and organizational procedures that will
make for a successful implementation of TABE CLAS-E. There will also be time
for Questions and Answers in the program.
Federal Updates – What’s Happening with the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Several Other Federal Literacy Initiatives? Salon D
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenter: Willa Panzer, Wisconsin Technical College System
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law by
President Barack Obama on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job
seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to
succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they
need to compete in the global economy. Congress passed the Act by a wide
bipartisan majority; it is the first legislative reform of the public workforce system
in more than 15 years. Every year the key programs that form the pillars of
WIOA (including the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, which provides
several million dollars to Wisconsin literacy programs) help tens of millions of job
seekers and workers to connect to good jobs and acquire the skills and
credentials needed to obtain them.
In this session you will hear some basic updates on WIOA as well as on several
other initiatives at the federal level that may affect Wisconsin literacy
Language Support Services in an Educational Setting – Salon C
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenter: Dominic James Ledesma Perzichilli, UW Madison
This workshop offer participants an opportunity to learn about the role of
instruction, translation, interpretation, and bilingual/bicultural staff play in public
education and how can be used to improve the quality of educational services
and promote inclusive school communities. This session is designed to help all
participants better understand the unique nature of the LSS in education. The
session will be valuable to administrators, translators and interpreters, and bilingual/bi-cultural professionals
Teaching Strategies to Promote ELL Student Retention – An On-Going
Challenge Briarwood/Ebony
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Presenter: JoEllen Christians, Get This Write, LLC
We want our ELL adult learners to keep coming to class, but there are many
other demands on their time. How can instructors promote consistent attendance
throughout the semester? Come and participate in this discussion to explore
preemptive strategies and proven tips for improving student retention.
ESL Hybrid Distance Learning Program – Putting English to Work
2:20 PM – 3:20 PM
Presenter: Jean Hwajin Lee-Olson, Madison College, School of Academic
The goal of Putting English to Work is to serve adult ELLS who have a full time
job, have children, have health issues, transportation problems, or are seeking
an accelerated English teaching program. The program curriculum is composed
of video take-home lessons (Online or DVD) and workbooks, along with a
mandatory weekly instruction/assessment sessions lasting about two or three
hours each. The Distance Learning ESL Program has the potential to be very
useful and valuable tool in preparing ESL students’ literacy needs for their
current and future employment as it’s been proven in the state of California over
the last ten years.