1 - Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication

Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
Master of Agricultural and Environmental Education (MAEE) Degree Program
The Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication (ALEC) at
the University of Georgia offers an innovative and flexible degree program to individuals
interested in furthering their education. This document addressed FAQ, admission
requirements, assistantship requirements, and steps for gaining admission to UGA.
Key Features:
Master of Agricultural and Environmental Education (MAEE) degree is a 36 credit
hour program
Courses are offered using both face-to-face and online delivery
MAEE is designed to enhance career prospects for those interested in teaching
agricultural education, working in the communication industry, enhancing
leadership skills, the environmental education industry, and global food systems
Customized plan of study and individual advisement in preferred area of
If you have additional questions about the master’s degree, please contact me.
Nick Fuhrman
Dr. Nick Fuhrman
Graduate Program Coordinator
(706) 542-8828
139 Four Towers
405 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30602
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Master of Agricultural and Environmental Education Degree Program?
MAEE is a graduate program specifically designed to meet the needs of working
professionals such as county extension agents, middle/high school agriculture teachers,
communicators, leadership educators, environmental educators, and those seeking
careers in global food systems. MAEE is also appropriate for students completing the
Bachelor of Science degree and seeking additional specialization for career readiness.
The course schedule and content are tailored to best meet the instructional and
scheduling needs of working professionals by offering some courses online. At the
completion of the program, individuals will earn a Master of Agricultural and
Environmental Education degree from the Department of Agricultural Leadership,
Education, and Communication (ALEC) at The University of Georgia.
How long is the program?
36 credit hours. Students can chose to enroll in courses full-time or part-time as needed.
Does the program require a thesis?
Students have the option of completing a thesis or a non-thesis research-based project.
All students will be asked to develop and submit a research proposal; students will work
closely with their graduate committee on the development and approval of the project.
The thesis option is the continuation of the research project that culminates in a thesis
according to the guidelines of the Graduate College. During the final semester, students
defend their thesis and/or research project.
Who will be my academic advisor?
After students are admitted to the program, they will be assigned a temporary advisor.
They can keep their temporary advisor or select another advisor in the ALEC
department. By the end of two semesters students should identify two additional
faculty members to serve on the graduate committee. One of the faculty members may
be outside ALEC.
What are the admission requirements?
Minimum requirements for admission to the program are a GRE score of 150 for verbal
and 140 for quantitative and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. International
students must score 80 on TOEFL (http://www.ets.org/toefl) exam. There is no
guaranteed acceptance or rejection criterion to the program; the final decision
regarding acceptance is at the discretion of the graduate faculty. In addition, submit a
Statement of Purpose. The Statement of Purpose is a letter written to explain reasons
for pursuing a graduate degree and how the program will compliment career goals and
previous education and experience. The statement should focus on future goals and fit
with ALEC department. Address the question: How will a MAEE degree enhance your
career readiness in regard to your career goals.
What are the Deadlines for Admission?
The Graduate Education Committee reviews applications on a monthly basis. After
applicants have submitted all application materials to the Graduate College and ALEC
department, the GEC will meet to determine admission status and notify the student
within two months of making application.
How do I Obtain an Assistantship?
Graduate research and teaching assistantships (GRA/GTA) are paid positions within the
department. A graduate assistant also receives a full tuition waiver for both in-state and
out-of-state tuition. GRA/GTA assist faculty with research and/or teaching and are
expected to work 15 hours per week during the semester. Once fully admitted into the
program, students should submit a Letter of Intent and resume to the graduate
coordinator (Fuhrman@uga.edu) detailing the reasons for pursuing an assistantship and
how experience and education contribute to the department’s teaching, research, and
Extension missions.
What is eLC?
Electronic Learning Communities is the UGA online learning portal. Access your account
at https://uga.view.usg.edu/
What is Collaborate?
Software allowing students and instructors to meet in virtual space for an interactive
online conference call. PowerPoint and other content can be pushed out to students
while the instructor leads the class in discussion. Interaction happens in real time and is
intended to be a supplement to eLC.
What are the computer requirements for this program?
Some of the courses in the program will be taught online. Access to high-speed reliable
Internet service is critical. Students should invest in a computer with the most up to
date software and memory capacity for functioning in a multi-media environment. All
courses require frequent use of Microsoft Office products. QuickTime and software
associated with eLC at UGA is required.
How much does this program cost?
Office of the Registrar posts rates for tuition and fees: http://www.reg.uga.edu/tuition.
The program follows the same tuition and fee schedule as other graduate courses at the
University of Georgia. The MAEE requires 36 credit hours to complete.
How do I apply?
1. Complete the UGA Graduate School Online Application
2. Request official copies of your undergraduate transcripts to be sent to UGA
a. Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) for U.S. student should be 3.0
or higher.
3. Contact three professional references and request letters sent directly to the
department. The letters should focus on your ability to be successful in graduate
4. Register for and take the Graduate Records Exam (GRE) http://www.ets.org/gre/
a. Minimum scores for admission: Verbal Score of 150 or higher,
Quantitative Score of 140 or higher
5. International students register and complete the TOEFL
(http://www.ets.org/toefl) exam. Must score 80 or higher.
6. Write and submit a Statement of Purpose. This document should include
a. Career-related reasons for pursuing the MAEE degree
b. Why you are well positioned to successfully pursue this degree
7. If interested in obtaining an assistantship, write a Letter of Intent to the
Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Nick Fuhrman. This document should detail how your
current experience level, research skills, and career interests contribute to
ALEC’s research, teaching, and/or Extension mission areas.
8. Deadlines: Admissions are determined monthly as applications are received.
Expect to receive a decision within two months of a complete application.
9. Questions about your admission packet? Contact Ashton Meeks
10. Questions about graduate education in ALEC? Contact one of our faculty