Note: Faculty instructions will be in italics - Web Services

NRSG 395 9.2009
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
NRSG 395 9.2009
The following individuals contributed to the completion of this
course of study:
Dr. Bonnie J. Beardsley
Director, Department of Nursing
Dr. Linda Davison, Professor of Nursing
Rosalie Tuttle, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Olivet Nazarene University
September 2007
NRSG 395 9.2009
Statement of Faith
“As an educational enterprise of the Church of the Nazarene, we
pursue truth in order to glorify the God and the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ: praying for the coming of the spirit; remembering
the promise of Scripture and tradition; keeping our hearts
faithfully attuned to the voice of God; and being thoughtfully,
acutely, and critically engaged.” 2002-2004 Catalog.
Bourbonnais, IL: Olivet Nazarene University.
This course provides the basic foundation for an understanding of nursing research. Included in
the course are an overview of nursing research, steps in the research process, research designs,
research methodology, data collection and analysis, and utilization of research.
Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
1. Discuss the characteristics of ethical nursing research and the nurse’s role utilization of
best- practice evidence in nursing practice.
2. Describe the dimensions of the research process: knowledge and theoretical contexts,
designs for research, measurements, data collection, analysis, and implications to
evidence-based practice.
3. Discuss the ethical, moral, legal, social, and professional issues associated with research.
4. Evaluate nursing research as a knowledgeable consumer and develop a foundation for
evolving best- practice application.
5. Analyze concepts from the arts and sciences, which contribute to personal growth and
guide clinical judgment.
6. Promote the understanding of evidence-based practice through assimilated knowledge,
and recommend constructive change as an evolving leader.
Required Textbooks:
Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Supplemental Textbooks:
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
NRSG 395 9.2009
Course Textbooks, articles, and access to blackboard will be made available to the learner.
Assignments may include discussion topics, individual assignments, and projects. Specifics are
outlined in the course.
Special Requirements:
Internet Access
Microsoft Office 2007 Software
Completion of the Online Blackboard Training Student Classroom is required.
Student learning outcomes will be fostered and assessed in a variety of ways through this course.
As best practice suggests, assessment will be formative and summative and will include the
application of acquired course knowledge to real world practice settings. This course will include
the following:
The discussion assignments each week may be online or on
(Refer to the class instructor for discussion preference if not an
online course)
each week
Discussion Rubric is applicable for either online or on ground
participation requirements
Mini Literature Review
DUE Week 3 Day 3
Design a Research Project
DUE Week 4 Day 7
Research Critique
DUE Week 6 Day 3
NRSG 395 9.2009
Students are to communicate directly with the course instructor regarding any circumstance that
may result in absence of course participation. Course participation is met through discussions in
class and/or postings and submission of assignments by the required due date. Due to the nature
of some discussions, instructors may not allow students to post in advance or in retrospect to
discussions due to absences. Students with an unexcused absence will receive a 50% grade
reduction for any assignment submitted during that week.
School of Graduate and Continuing Studies – Attendance Policy
One absence (and only one) may be excused without the grade being affected provided
make-up work is satisfactory completed:
o The learner must contact the instructor.
o The absence must be the result of unavoidable circumstances.
o Make-up work is satisfactory completed before the start of the following
If the first absence is unexcused, the following scale will be used for grade reduction:
o For courses with 7, 8, or 9 workshops/sessions:
 1st absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “B”
 2nd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C”
 3rd absence will result in a final course grade of “F”
o For courses with 4, 5, or 6 workshops/sessions:
 1st absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C”
 2nd absence will result in a final course grade of “F”)
All subsequent absences (if first absence is excused) will result in an automatic grade
The number of absences relative to grade reduction will reflect number of workshops in
NRSG 395 9.2009
the course (assuming one absence is excused based on the approved criteria listed above):
o For courses with 7, 8, or 9 workshops/sessions:
 2nd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “B”
 3rd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C”
 4th absence will result in a final course grade of “F”
o For courses with 4, 5, or 6 workshops/sessions:
 2nd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C”
 3rd absence will result in a final course grade of “F”
o For courses with 2 or 3 workshops/sessions
 An alternative cohort must be found so learner can attend the course in
Grades will be monitored with final attendance.
Grades must reflect absence – no exceptions.
If the first absence is not excused or the learner does not complete the necessary make-up
work, the grade will be reduced beginning with the first absence.
Instructors will address tardiness on an individual basis. Learners are expected to arrive
for class on time and remain for the entire four hour period.
Attendance – Online Courses
Students are required to participate in class three different days each week. Your initial
posting is NOT a RESPONSE to classmates. Both the quantity and quality of participation are
evaluated. In courses where there are team/group activities, those discussions are NOT counted
as part of the discussion postings. In addition to participation, the discussion rubric provides
further details on possible points according to quality of posting.
(Refer to the RNBSN Student Handbook for Policy Details)
Students are expected to communicate directly with the course instructor regarding any
circumstance that may result in absence of course participation. Course participation is met
through discussion postings and submission of assignments by the required due date.
1. Learners in online courses must post at least one substantive online message per course
week to be considered in attendance.
2. Failure to log in and post at least once a week will result in an unexcused absence. Grade
reductions according to the Attendance Policy in this handbook will be applied.
3. Participation is not the same as attendance. Participation requirements are determined by
the instructor and will be thoroughly explained in the course syllabus.
4. Students with an unexcused absence will receive a 50% grade reduction for any
NRSG 395 9.2009
assignments submitted during that week.
Instructors will address tardiness on an individual basis. Learners are expected to arrive for class
on time and remain for the entire session.
(Refer to the RNBSN Student Handbook for details)
95 – 100
92 – 94.9
A89 – 91.9
86 – 88.9
83 – 85.9
B80 – 82.9
77 – 79.9
74 – 76.9
CNon-passing scores
71 – 73.9
68 – 70.9
65 – 67.9
DThe student will receive credit for assignments in the following ways:
The grading for discussion activities is outlined in the course-grading rubric. Students are
required to support their discussions with citations, write in APA and provide a reference list at
the bottom of their posting.
Participation points, which may be given, based on the Discussion Postings. If this is a required
part of the course assessment, the standard policy for discussion requirements and the grading
rubric are consistent in each course syllabus. When discussion is part of the required assessment
to ensure all members of the learning community have sufficient time to respond you are
expected to adhere to the following guidelines:
Post your initial activity no later than the third day of each week by midnight.
Respond to three of your colleagues’ initial postings during each week on three different
Provide colleagues with reflective thoughts, personal experience, resources, or general
thoughts on the topic.
Posting after the required date will result in a grade reduction as stated in the rubric.
Points will be given based on the assessment outlined for each course. Refer to the course
assignments and the corresponding grading rubric provided found in the course link identified as
(rubric). Each week the course guide will provide the student with the required assignment. The
learner as a guide for formulating written objectives should utilize the grading rubric for the
NRSG 395 9.2009
Students with an unexcused absence will receive a 50% grade reduction for any assignment
submitted during that week.
No late papers/assignments will be accepted after the date and time stated in the syllabus or
otherwise stated by the professor. In extreme circumstances exceptions may be made (i.e.
illness). However, this must be agreed upon by the student and professor prior to the due date.
Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without
acknowledging its course. For example:
Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into an assignment, paper, posting,
or thesis without acknowledgement.
Using the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgement.
Paraphrasing another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other
literary device without acknowledgment.
Faculty will monitor for evidence of plagiarism. All work must be submitted through the
correct blackboard process to be assessed for evidence of plagiarism.
Self-plagiarism is the use of the learner’s work from a previous class and is highly
discouraged. Should the learner’s previous work be used, it must be cited as such.
For further information on Olivet Nazarene University Conduct and Responsibilities, see the
Catalog at the course link (ONU Bulletin).
Students suspected of plagiarism require faculty to contact the Chair, Director of Nursing
Department at ONU directly.
This week you will read three chapters that focus on discovering nursing research. In Chapter 1
the purpose is to explain broadly the world of nursing research. The importance of nursing
research in developing an evidence-based practice and the nurse’s role in research are addressed.
The past, present, and future of nursing research are explored, including the scientific
accomplishments in the profession over the last 150 years. The ways of acquiring knowledge in
nursing are discussed, including the significance of research in developing nursing knowledge.
The chapter concludes with a discussion of the common research methodologies used in
generating nursing knowledge: quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research.
Chapter 2 introduces the reader to quantitative research and a background for reading a research
report. The relevant terms are defined and problem solving and nursing processes as a basis for
understanding the quantitative research process are presented. The steps of the quantitative
research process are introduced, and a descriptive correlational study is presented as an example
NRSG 395 9.2009
to promote understanding of the process. The chapter also includes a discussion of the critical
thinking skills needed for reading research reports and guidelines for conducting an initial
critique of these reports. Finally, the chapter concludes with the identification of the steps of the
research process from published quasi-experimental and experimental studies.
Chapter 3 introduces some of the qualitative research approaches commonly used in nursing and
their contributions to nursing knowledge. To facilitate comprehension of these methods, the
assumptions underlying the qualitative approaches are explored. A general overview is presented
of the following qualitative approaches: phenomenological research, grounded theory research,
ethnographic research, and historical research. The methods used to collect, analyze, and
interpret qualitative data are described. The content should provide a background for reading and
comprehending published qualitative studies and applying study findings to clinical practice.
Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 1 - “Discovering Nursing Research”
Chapter 2 - “Introduction to the Quantitative Research Process”
Chapter 3 - “Introduction to the Qualitative Research Process”
A. For those who conduct qualitative research, understanding one's own values, beliefs, and
philosophical views concerning the phenomenon being studied is a critical first step in
the process. In this week’s discussion you will complete a philosophical statement on a
particular topic. This statement will assist you in understanding your own beliefs and
values about a particular subject, and how personal and professional experiences can
influence those beliefs. Select one of the topics below or draw from one of your own
significant memories:
Nursing as a profession
Abortion/reproductive rights
Use of complementary/alternative therapies
Prayer as an intervention
Quality of life for the disabled
NRSG 395 9.2009
After you have determined your topic, ponder the following:
What is your earliest memory or experience with this phenomenon?
What personal experiences (self, family, friends, and acquaintances) may have
influenced your values and beliefs pertaining to this phenomenon?
How have cultural, societal, and spiritual/religious influences affected your values
and beliefs pertaining to this phenomenon?
What professional experiences (school, work, collegial relationships, and patient
care) may have influenced your values and beliefs pertaining to this phenomenon?
Do you have conflicting ideals or unanswered questions about this phenomenon?
If so, what are they?
How can research help you find the answers?
Post an overview of your topic and experience on the discussion board.
Address each of the above questions in your discussion.
Read all of your colleagues’ postings.
Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings.
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.
There is no assignment for Week One.
Looking Ahead Tip: Looking ahead to Week Two your activity will set the stage for the mini
literature review due in Week Three… Plan ahead!
Look at the assignment in Week Three “Mini Literature Review.”
This week your reading includes content to assist in differentiating a problem from a purpose and
critiquing the problems and purposes in published quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes studies.
Objectives, questions, and hypotheses are discussed, and the different types of study variables
are introduced. The chapter includes guidelines to assist in critiquing the problems, purposes,
objectives, questions, hypotheses, and variables in published quantitative, qualitative, and
outcomes studies.
Your reading provides essential information to assist in searching the literature, critiquing the
literature review sections of quantitative and qualitative studies, and synthesizing research
evidence to guide practice. A literature review on the prediction and prevention of pressure
ulcers is presented as an example of research knowledge that is ready for use in practice.
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Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 4 - “Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses”
Chapter 5 - “Review of the Literature”
One of the hardest tasks for many students is to appropriately discern which articles are research
reports, which are integrative reviews, and which are theoretically based. Search for one article
of each general type (research report, integrative review, and theoretically based). Select from
the list of topics below or one you already selected in Week One.
Some possible topics include:
Accurate temperature measurement in neonates
Pain assessment in the cognitively impaired
Use of research in nursing as a foundation for evidence-based practice
Childhood type 2 diabetes and obesity
Use of complementary and alternative therapies for control of menopausal
The goals of this activity are to assist you in understanding the differences between general types
of articles used in various research projects and to provide you with experiences in how the
general types of articles might be used in better understanding a chosen phenomenon.
Process for the Activity
A. Using an electronic database, conduct a search of your topic. In delineating the
search, use of key words such as "research," "integrative review," and "theory"
may help pull those types of articles. Many databases allow for limiting searches
to these particular areas.
B. Review abstracts. Pull off or print appropriate articles. Label each article as to the
type of article you believe it is.
Once you have completed the process for obtaining your articles, post the following to the
discussion board.
1. What are the differences between the various types of articles? What are the similarities?
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2. How has each type of article assisted you in understanding more about your selected
3. How difficult was it to find appropriate articles for each type or category? What were
some of the key words or phrases you used or looked for in helping you find these
4. Read all of your colleagues’ postings.
5. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings.
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.
ASSIGNMENT WEEK 2: Mini Literature Review
This assignment is due no later than Day 3 11:59 p.m. Week 3
Mini Literature Review of a Basic Nursing Procedure or Concern: In this exercise, you
will gain the experience of conducting a mini literature review on a selected topic.
The goals of this project are to:
A. Assist you in understanding the basic process of conducting a literature review.
B. Assist you in understanding the beginning process of conducting an evidencebased practice review.
C. Provide you with the beginnings of scientifically based knowledge on a selected
Steps of the process:
A. Select a topic with your instructor's approval.
B. Conduct a search using the various electronic databases. Limit the search to the
past 5 years.
C. Review abstracts. Pull off or print five appropriate research-based articles.
D. Review each article critically using the guidelines provided in Chapter 5 of your
E. Complete a written review using the guidelines as provided in Chapter 5 of your
Some possible topics include:
Intramuscular immunizations: Aspirate or not?
Air bolus for nasogastric tube placement in children
Application of ice after vaginal birth
Capillary refill as indicator of perfusion
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E. Use of restraints in the cognitively impaired
This week your book addresses what theories are and how they are tested, how a framework is
developed, which strategies can be used to identify the framework in a published study, and how
frameworks should be critiqued. In addition, the readings provide a background for examining
ethical aspects of studies. The ethical codes and regulations that currently guide the conduct of
biomedical and behavioral research, with an explanation of the regulation entitled the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), were enacted to protect the privacy of an
individual’s health information. The following elements of ethical research are detailed: (1)
protecting subjects’ rights, (2) balancing benefits and risks in a study, (3) obtaining informed
consent, and (4) obtaining institutional approval for research. Critique guidelines are provided
for examining the ethical aspects of published studies and research proposed for conduct in
clinical agencies. The chapter concludes with a discussion of two timely ethical issues, scientific
misconduct and the use of animals in research.
Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 6 - “Understanding Theory and Research Frameworks”
Chapter 7 - “Examining Ethics in Nursing Research”
This week you have developed an understanding of ethical practices and procedures associated
with conducting research. In reflecting on your learning, propose a study on your topic and
discuss how you plan to weigh benefits/risks, obtain consent, receive IRB approval. How will
you practice ethically and preserve rights of humans and/or animals?
1. Post your summary to the above.
2. Read all of your colleagues’ postings.
3. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings.
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.
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Mini Literature Review is due on Day 3 of this week.
The purpose of this week is to provide a background for understanding and critiquing study
designs. The resources include a look at the concepts important to design, identify some designs
commonly used in nursing studies, and describe the elements of a good design. The resources
also include content related to defining experimental interventions, mapping designs, and
identifying replication studies.
The textbook provides an explanation of the theoretical basis of outcomes research, a brief
history of the emerging endeavors to examine outcomes, the importance of outcomes research
designed to examine nursing practice, and methodologies used in outcomes research.
There is a discussion that presents the concepts of sampling theory including sampling
criteria, sampling frame, and representativeness of a sample. The nonprobability and
probability sampling plans or methods and sample size for quantitative and qualitative
studies are also detailed. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the natural, partially
controlled, and highly controlled settings used for conducting research.
Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 8 - “Clarifying Research Designs”
Chapter 9 - “Outcomes Research”
Chapter 10 - “Populations and Samples”
Many aspects apply to the discussion this week specific to research design. For this week the
discussion will centered on all you have learned up to this point. What is your topic, what is your
purpose, your plan to ethically conduct this study on your topic? What is the research design that
you will utilize, why?
1. Post an overview of your research question/topic, your purpose, and your plan of study for the
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2. Describe the design that you will use - Qualitative or Quantitative - and detail why.
3. Seek feedback from your colleagues on your plan.
4. Read all of your colleagues’ postings.
5. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings.
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.
Design a Research Project
This assignment is due no later than Day 7 11:59 p.m.
Qualitative/Quantitative Research Designs: In this exercise, you will design a research
project using a selected type or method of research on your specific research topic.
The goals of this project are to:
A. Provide you with an understanding of how the same research question or problem
can be answered differently using various research designs or methods.
B. Assist you in understanding the complexities of designing a research project.
Steps of the process:
A. Begin with your topic problem or question. Select the type of research design or
method from the list below that applies to your study.
 Qualitative methods: ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, case
study, oral history
 Quantitative methods: experimental, quasi-experimental,
descriptive/survey, longitudinal, cross-sectional, retrospective
B. Design your study using the method selected above to help answer the following
What would be an appropriate research question, problem, or hypothesis?
How extensive a literature review would need to be conducted?
Are there any sample characteristics and/or a specific sampling method
that you would need to use for this particular method?
What steps of data collection would you need to use? What types or levels
of data could/should you obtain?
What general type or method of data analysis would you use?
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. Your
paper should be no more than 3-4 pages.
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For this week, the learning includes a discussion of some of the concepts of measurement theory,
the reliability and validity of physiological measures, measurement strategies in nursing, and the
process of data collection. The textbook also presents a discussion of some of the more
pragmatic aspects of quantitative data analysis procedures - the purposes of statistical analysis
and the process of performing data analysis. The reasoning behind statistics is explained and
some of the more common statistical procedures used to describe variables, examine
relationships, and predict and test causal hypotheses are introduced. The resources conclude with
strategies for judging statistical suitability and evaluating the interpretation of statistical
Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 11 - “Measurement and Data Collection in Research”
Chapter 12 - “Understanding Statistics in Research”
This week you will setup data analysis for both qualitative and quantitative research
1. Begin by cutting and pasting three discussion threads and highlight
common themes noted. In summary if this was a qualitative study,
describe the common themes that you found and your interpretation.
2. Develop a pretend study that requires data analysis setup which
demonstrates the mean, mode, and median of your findings. What
conclusion can you draw from your finding based on your pretend
research question and hypothesis?
3. Post your responses to the discussion board.
4. Read all of your colleagues’ postings.
5. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings.
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
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Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.
Research Critique
The final assignment due in Week 6 - Day 3 is a research critique.
You will select an article that you have already utilized in the course or a new one. You may
elect to do either a qualitative or a quantitative study. Using the template below for critiquing
research, conduct a critique of your selected study.
This week is centered on a reflection that summarizes and builds on previous critique content
and provides direction for conducting critiques of both quantitative and qualitative studies. The
elements of intellectual critique of research used by nurses are described to assist you in
determining the quality of empirical evidence generated by studies. In addition, the steps used to
critique quantitative research (comprehension, comparison, analysis, and evaluation) are
presented in detail. An example critique of a published quantitative study is provided. The
learning concludes with an introduction to the critique process for qualitative research and an
example critique of a qualitative study is provided.
This course is intended to increase the use of research findings in practice and to facilitate the
movement toward evidence-based care in nursing. The concepts of research utilization and
evidence-based practice are introduced. Rogers’ theory of diffusion of innovations, a guide for
making changes in practice based on research, is explored. The importance of evidence-based
practice in nursing, emphasizing the process for synthesizing research evidence for practical use
is addressed. The Iowa model for evidence-based practice is discussed as a means which
provides direction for agencies to move toward evidence-based care.
In summary we conclude this course with a discussion of the national evidence-based practice
(EBP) guidelines that have been developed by committees of experts to manage many acute and
chronic illnesses and is extremely important in the development of evidence-based health care.
Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 13 - “Critiquing Research for Nursing Practice”
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Chapter 14 - “Building an Evidence-Based Practice”
Pulling it all together!
There is no discussion this week - only a reflection on your feelings about research entering
and exiting this course.
1. What were your fears about the course at the beginning of Week One or
2. Is research relevant to nursing practice, to you as a professional, and to
patient and health care delivery?
3. How has this course framed your current understanding of nursing
4. Read all of your colleagues’ postings.
5. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings.
*Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s resources. Refer to the APA
Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.
Your Research Critique is Due by Day 3 of this week!
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Burns, N. & Grove, S., (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
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DUE WEEK# 3 - Day 3: Mini Literature Review
References: current
and relevant to topic
Gaps in literature
knowledge base
Clearly organized and
logically developed
Logically builds a case
for study
Follows appropriate
APA, spelling, and
grammar. Utilizes at
least five
scholarly sources.
Total Points
Support your work with citations from Journal articles, textbook assigned readings, and
other scholarly references utilized throughout the course.
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DUE WEEK #4 - Day 7: Design a Research Project
Appropriateness of
research problem,
statement, or
Areas that need to be
included in the review
of literature
Sampling methods
needed to undertake
this particular study
Appropriate steps to
be accomplished for
data collection.
Suitable levels of data
to be obtained
Data analysis is
congruent with the
type of research to be
Follows appropriate
APA, spelling, and
grammar. Utilizes at
least five
scholarly sources.
Total Points
Support your work with citations from Journal articles, textbook assigned
readings, and other scholarly references utilized throughout the course.
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DUE WEEK 6 Day 3: Research Critique
Research problem,
statement or
hypothesis clearly
Literature review
areas identified along
with possible gaps
Research design,
methods, instruments,
and sample discussed
Forms of data analysis
and rationale for the
appropriateness of its
Summary of pertinent
results and
implications for
Follows appropriate
APA, spelling, and
grammar. Utilizes at
least five
scholarly sources.
Total Points
Support your work with citations from Journal articles, textbook assigned readings, and
other scholarly references utilized throughout the course.
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Discussion Requirements and Rubric
Up to 0.5 points can be deducted for APA and/ or grammar.
5 Points (Exemplary)
Discussion postings and responses are responsive to the requirements of the Discussion
instructions and are posted by the due date.
Discussion postings and responses significantly contribute to the quality of interaction by
providing rich and relevant examples, applicable research support, discerning ideas,
and/or stimulating thoughts/probes, and are respectful when offering suggestions,
constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints.
Discussion postings and responses demonstrate an in-depth understanding of concepts
and issues presented in the course (e. g., insightful interpretations or analyses, accurate
and perceptive parallels, and well-supported opinions), and are well supported, when
appropriate, by pertinent research.
Discussion postings and responses provide evidence that the student has read and
considered a sampling of colleagues' postings and synthesized key comments and ideas,
as applicable.
4 Points (Proficient)
Discussion postings and responses are responsive to the requirements of the Discussion
instructions and are posted by the due date.
Discussion postings and responses contribute to the quality of interaction by providing
examples, research support when appropriate, ideas, and/or thoughts/probes, and are
respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints.
Discussion postings and responses demonstrate some depth of understanding of the issues
and show that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented in the
course, although viewpoints and interpretations are not always thoroughly supported.
Discussion postings and responses provide evidence that the student has considered at
least some colleagues' postings and synthesized some key comments and ideas, as
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3 Points (Sufficient)
Discussion postings and responses are posted by the due date but are not always
responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions.
Discussion postings and responses do little to contribute to the quality of interaction or to
stimulate thinking and learning.
Discussion postings and responses demonstrate a minimal understanding of concepts
presented, tend to address peripheral issues, and, while generally accurate, display some
omissions and/or errors.
Discussion postings and responses do not provide evidence that the student has
considered at least some colleagues' postings or synthesized at least some key comments
and ideas, as applicable.
2 or Less Points (Developing)
Discussion postings and responses are posted past the late deadline, defined as 11:59 p.m.
on the due date, and/or do not address the requirements of the Discussion instructions.
Discussion postings and responses do not contribute to the quality of interaction or
stimulate thinking and learning.
Discussion postings and responses do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts
presented in the course, and/or do not address relevant issues, and/or are inaccurate and
contain many omissions and/or errors.
Discussion postings and responses do not provide evidence that the student has read or
considered colleagues’ postings, as applicable.
Possible Points = 30
- 24 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Challenges, Strategies and Priority Areas for Nursing and Midwifery Research An online
report in rich text format from Bangkok, October 2000, one of several Global Alliances
of Sigma Theta Tau International.
Delta Omega Classics Includes the full-text online of Notes on Nursing: What It Is and
What It Is Not by Florence Nightingale; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to download;
from the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health.
Developing Knowledge for Practice: Challenges and Opportunities National Nursing
Research Agenda, Volume 1, 1993; from the National Institute of Nursing Research.
Developing Nurse Scientists from the National Institute for Nursing Research. Online
portion of the course is free, and videos to supplement these are available for purchase.
Doctoral Preparation in Nursing from the Position Statements of the Canadian Nurses
NINR Focus: End of Life Issues A report from the National Institute of Nursing
The End of Our Lives: Guiding the Research Agenda A 21 page online summary of
proceedings of a multidisciplinary conference, November 18, 2000; requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader to view or print.
Grounded theory: a thumbnail sketch From the site
Action Research Resources maintained by Bob Dick at Southern Cross University,
Healthy People 2010 web site and Healthy People 2010 2nd edition Includes Table of
Contents and full-text online, and links to additional materials, including the Progress
Reviews, which report on progress made so far for the 28 focus areas.
Data 2010 Database from the CDC Wonder Search Engine of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
HP2010 Information Access Project Provides preformulated searches of the PubMed
database on specific Healthy People 2010 focus areas, using evidence-based strategies.
Available online from the
Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce site.
Informing the Future: Critical Issues in Health Institute of Medicine, 128 pages, 2001;
full text online from the National Academies Press.
- 25 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
NHLBI Research Training and Career Development Programs Includes information on
Establishing a Research Career.
Nursing Research Conferences Listings from Sigma Theta Tau International. Nursing
Research: A Tool for Action A statement from the International Council of Nurses.
Nursing Theories Links to web resources from the meta-site Nurses Info, developed and
supported by the Australian Nursing Agency.
Nursing Theory Link Page By Lisa Eichelberger, from Department of Nursing, Clayton
College and State University; includes items on Abdellah, Henderson, Fitzpatrick's Life
Perspective Rhythm Model, Levine, King, Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort, Betty Neuman
and Margaret Newman.
The Nursing Theory Page An extraordinary resource, formerly based at the University of
Alberta, now available from the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, University
of San Diego.
Position Statement On Nursing Research from the American Association of Colleges of
Registry of Nursing Research A resource provided by the Virginia Henderson
International Library, supported by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Research Three projects from the Eta Eta Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing, York College of Pennsylvania. From the University of Kansas Clendening Library.
Transforming Care at the Bedside A project of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Includes an online article, Sparking
Innovation and Excitement on the Hospital Unit.
Using Research to Make a Difference in Clinical Nursing Practice: The Nightingale
Legacy A lecture presented by Heather F. Clarke, RN, PhD, at the Child Health 2000
International Pediatric Nursing Conference, June 2, 1995.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality From the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, this site offers online full text guidelines and reports dealing with a
wide variety of health issues, from costs to treatment of specific disorders, and links to
other relevant web resources. Features separate sections on Evidence-based Practice,
Outcomes & Effectiveness, Funding Opportunities, Funding Announcements, and
Nursing Research.
- 26 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Nurses Association
American Nursing Informatics Association
The AONE Institute for Patient Care Research & Education Includes information about
seed grants; from the American Organization of Nurse Executives.
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Includes a special section on Nursing
Research and Scholarship.
Center for Gerontological Nursing (formerly Center for Nursing Research on Elders)
School of Nursing, University of Minnesota.
Center for Nursing Research of the Foundation of the New York State Nurses
Association, Inc.
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Foundation of Nursing Studies
The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery
The Grantsmanship Center
Grounded Theory Institute Includes an audio interview with Dr. Glaser about "Grounded
Helene Fuld Health Trust
International Consortium of Parse Scholars
International Council of Nurses Research Network
International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing An international research collaboration
based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Adelaide University, Australia. Includes
Best Practice and Changing Practice Information Sheets, many available free to nonmembers.
Midwest Nursing Research Society
National Institute of Nursing Research Includes Research & Funding.
- 27 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
National League for Nursing
Nursing Informatics Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Association
Nursing Research Section of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
Research & Development Co-ordinating Centre of the Royal College of Nursing, UK.
Research in Child Health (RiCH) Group from the Royal College of Nursing, UK.
Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing
Southern Nursing Research Society
TriService Nursing Research Program from the Uniformed Services University
University of California San Francisco, School of Nursing - Research
Western Institute of Nursing
Click the Week One link for the Power Points to support learning this week!
Achievable Benchmarks of Care (ABC™) User Manual Updated 09/20/01; from the
Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education, University of Alabama
at Birmingham; full text online.
American Heart Association Heart and Stroke Statistical Update
The Balanced Scorecard Institute An online site from the organization, designed to
provide web-based guidance, information, and tools to government and nonprofit
managers as they attempt to design and implement measurement-based management in
state, local, and federal government environments.
Center for Nursing Classification & Clinical Effectiveness At the University of Iowa;
extensive information and research on Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), which
includes an historical overview, and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) site
which includes ordering information for Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC):
Intervention Labels and Definitions.
Defining Variables and Formulating Hypotheses Site from The Whole Art of Deduction:
Research Skills for New Scientists By Rodger Marion, PhD, © 1997-2004 by The
University of Texas Medical Branch.
- 28 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Developing Knowledge for Practice From the National Institute of Nursing Research
Full-text online.
High Blood Pressure Information Slide Shows Available for viewing or downloading.
Includes The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7); from the National Heart
Lung and Blood Institute.
How to Read a Medical Journal Article by Steve Simon. An extensive site from
Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City; includes evaluation of two sample articles. Part
of a larger site STATS - STeve's Attempt to Teach Statistics.
How to read a paper: Assessing the methodological quality of published papers By Trisha
Greenhalgh; BMJ, 2 August 1997; No 7103 Volume 315; 3rd of 11 part series on using
the medical literature.
Identifying Research Problems in Critical Care Online article by Jane M. Kurz, RN, PhD,
from AACN News, November 2001, vol. 18, no. 11.
Improving Your Ability to Think Critically By Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre, RN, MSN. An
online course from
Nursing Health Services Research Unit "A collaborative project of the University of
Toronto, Faculty of Nursing and McMaster University, School of Nursing."
Nursing Inquiry: The Research Process: Research Utilization Notes From Indiana State
University School of Nursing; includes summaries of the WHICHE and CURN projects.
Review questions/Self-Test on independent and dependent variables From the College of
Nursing and Health Science, George Mason University.
The Theory of Planned Behavior A site by Icek Aizeh, PhD, Head, Division of
Personality & Social Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Includes a
TpB Model and information on Designing a TpB Intervention.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality From the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, this site offers online full text guidelines and reports dealing with a
wide variety of health issues, from costs to treatment of specific disorders, and links to
other relevant web resources. Features separate sections on Evidence-based Practice and
Outcomes & Effectiveness and Nursing Research.
American Association of Critical Care Nurses - AACN Includes AACN's Research
- 29 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Vision & Mission, full text online.
American Organization of Nurse Executives - AONE Includes a section on Education
and Research Priorities.
Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education - COERE
National Institute of Nursing Research
Office of Human Subjects Research National Institutes of Health; includes links to
Internal Review Board regulations and Guidelines for the Conduct of Research Involving
Human Subjects at the National Institutes of Health for the conduct of research involving
human subjects at the National Institutes of Health. Also known as "The Gray Booklet."
APA Style web site Includes information on citing electronic resources, APA Style
Manual ordering information, and other resources.
APA Style Formatting Guide A short guide from the course Nursing Inquiry: The
Research Process by Dr. Mary Bennett, Indiana State University School of Nursing.
BioMedical Informatics BioMedical Informatics Course Overview from the Marine
Biological Laboratory and National Library of Medicine. Includes application
Chicago Manual of Style Online resource.
Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources An extensive resource with
many online examples, from the University of Alberta Libraries.
Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP) "A searchable
database of federally funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities,
hospitals, and other research institutions" available from the National Institutes of Health.
Essential Nursing References From the Interagency Council on Information Resources
for Nursing, National League for Nursing.
Fact Sheet: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) Information from the National Library
of Medicine.
How to read a paper: Assessing the methodological quality of published papers By Trisha
Greenhalgh; BMJ, 2 August 1997; No 7103 Volume 315; 3rd of 11 part series on using
the medical literature.
- 30 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
HSTAT Free, electronic access to full-text of documents including: clinical practice
guidelines, quick-reference guides for clinicians, consumer brochures, and evidence
reports sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
Literature search methods for the development of clinical practice guidelines By Ione
Auston, MLS, Marjorie A. Cahn, MA, and Catherine R. Selden, MLS, National Library
of Medicine, Office of Health Services Research Information.
Pressure Ulcer Treatment (Clinical Guide) Clinical Guideline Number 15 AHCPR
Publication No. 95-0652: December 1994; full text online.
Pressure Ulcers in Adults (Clinical Guideline) Pressure Ulcers in Adults (Clinical
Systematic Reviews - The Review Process From The Joanna Briggs Institute For
Evidence Based Nursing & Midwifery.
Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice Based on the Users Guides to Evidence-based
Medicine and reproduced with permission from JAMA. Copyright 1993, American
Medical Association, by the Canadian Centres for Health Evidence. Covers analysis of
published articles from many different aspects.
EndNote A commercial software package that allows you to 'import' and manage
citations from various online databases into an integrated bibliographic file.
ProCite A commercial software package that allows you to 'import' and manage citations
from various online databases into an integrated bibliographic file.
Reference Manager® Purchase information on software to manage bibliographic
RefWorks A fee-based program that allows users to build a "personal database by
importing references from online databases."
CAM Citation Index via PubMed; a searchable database of journal citations dealing with
alternative and complementary health.
CDC Wonder Searches materials on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Wide Web pages.
CINAHL Commercial site for the Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Literature. This is a proprietary index, and access requires a subscription. Includes
information on using Subject Headings, and overview of Products and Services.
Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP) "a searchable database
- 31 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
of federally funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities, hospitals, and
other research institutions" available from the National Institutes of Health.
Embase Description of this bibliographic database from the Elsevier Science collection of
Bibliographic Databases.
ERIC The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), database of journal and nonjournal education literature, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the
U.S. Department of Education.
Ingenta An online service that includes free searching and browsing of more than 25,000
publications, crossing many disciplines. Additional features and services are available for
a fee.
The National Cancer Institute has many full text documents, and online Cancer Literature
resources. This site includes a dictionary, information on treatment options for specific
types of cancer, resources and literature, and a bibliographic database that is searchable
through PubMed. Some materials are available in English and Spanish.
National Library of Medicine Provides free access to MEDLINE, Medline Plus
(consumer information), Clinical Trials, a general Gateway and a variety of toxicology
databases. See NLM Databases & Electronic Resources for more information on
specialty databases and resources.
National Library of Medicine's LOCATORplus An online search tool for the book
catalog of the National Library of Medicine.
OMIM™, the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database This database has extensive
text explanations of genetically transmitted disorders, as well as links to MEDLINE to
search for articles on the topic of each summary.
POPLINE An online bibliographic database of articles and publications related to
population health; from Johns Hopkins University.
Population Index on the Web From Princeton; searchable database of articles on various
population issues, including fertility and maternal health issues.
ProQuest Online database to periodicals from UMI. Subscription required for access.
PubMed Open MEDLINE access from the National Library of Medicine. See also
PubMed Clinical Queries A gateway site from the National Library of Medicine's
National Center for Biotechnology Information that provides specialized PubMed
searches for clinicians by Clinical Study Category, for Systematic Reviews, or Medical
Genetics Searches. See also the PubMed Help introductory and reference site for using
this tool from the National Library of Medicine.
- 32 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Registry of Nursing Research A resource provided by the Virginia Henderson
International Library, supported by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Social Sciences Citation Index® A database produced by Thomson Scientific.
Adobe Acrobat Reader This software can be downloaded for free, and is used by many
government agencies and other sites for full text online documents, charts, and statistical
Alta Vista A flexible and precise search engine that permits phrase searching by using
quotation marks; example: "nursing theory" retrieves that exact phrase.
Assessing the Quality of Internet Health Information Summary of a Health Summit
Working Group project from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
DogPile A search engine.
Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial A free hypertext linked Internet tutorial,
for beginners to advanced searchers from the University of California Berkeley Library.
Google A flexible search engine that allows phrase searching, like AltaVista, by putting
"" marks around a string of words.
HealthWeb A subject directory to resources on the Web.
In Our Own Words: Medscape Nurses Blog An open-access feature of the Medscape
Nurses site, from Medscape, an extensive and authoritative site with information on many
specialties. Access is free, but registration is required.
Index of Cochrane Reviews From The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK, evidencebased reviews on a wide variety of topics.
Links to Online Resources From Dr. Mary Bennett, DNSc, RN, Indiana State University
School of Nursing.
The Nurse Friendly Nursing Journals Directory
Nursing and Nursing Research A subset of the extensive Hardin MD web directory from
the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa.
Nursing Directory - Health Web A subject categorized directory to web resources
maintained by the Taubman Medical Library, University of Michigan.
- 33 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Nursing on the Net: Health Care Resources You Can Use "A Web Sampler of Resources
for Nursing Professionals" from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.
Routinely updated.
Related Health Services Research Web Sites An extensive topical directory to web
resources compiled by the National Library of Medicine. An alphabetic Index is also
Spider’s Apprentice Website Provides ratings and explanations of many web search
Topica A searchable directory of mailing lists on the web.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality From the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, this site offers online full text guidelines and reports dealing with a
wide variety of health issues, from costs to treatment of specific disorders, and links to
other relevant web resources. Features separate sections on Clinical Practice, Evidencebased Practice and Outcomes & Effectiveness and Nursing Research.
American Nursing Informatics Association
Cochrane Collaboration "Preparing, maintaining and promoting the accessibility of
systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions". Includes Abstracts of
Cochrane Reviews.
Cochrane Collaboration/San Francisco Cochrane Center
Library of Congress Includes a section on services for Researchers.
National Academies Press Provides open-access, full-text, searchable hypertext versions
of many of the books published by NAP, many of which are on health care or computing.
National Library of Medicine Features extensive resources for medical informatics
training opportunities.
Nursing Informatics Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Association
Nursing Specialist Group of the British Computer Society
Evidence-Based Nursing Full online access is available by subscription; selected items
are open-access online.
Journal of Medical Internet Research Tables of contents are available online.
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NRSG 395 9.2009
MedBioWorld Includes an extensive list of nursing journals links.
Click the Week Two link for the Power Points to support learning this week!
Assessment of Performance Measures for Public Health, Substance Abuse, and Mental
Health Edward B. Perrin and Jeffrey J. Koshel, Editors; Panel on Performance Measures
and Data for Public Health Performance Partnership Grants, National Research Council;
160 pages, 1997. Available online from the National Academies Press. An online resource from the Oncology Nursing Society.
Caring Science Home Page: Watson Caring Theory Homepage From Jean Watson, PhD,
RN, FAAN, HNC, University of Colorado.
Center for Nursing Classification & Clinical Effectiveness At the University of Iowa;
extensive information and research on Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), which
includes an historical overview, and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) site
which includes ordering information for Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC):
Intervention Labels and Definitions.
Clinical A searchable database developed by the National Library of Medicine
for the National Institutes of Health.
The Comfort Line Web site devoted to the Concept of COMFORT in Nursing; by Kathy
Kolcaba, PhD, RN.
Community Risk Assessment Tools At the Environmental Protection Agency.
Conducting a Community Assessment Chapter 2 From Putting the Pieces Together:
Comprehensive School-Linked Strategies for Children and Families; a "collaborative
effort of the US Department of Education and the Regional Educational Laboratory
Consolidating Theory, Research and Practice: Exploring Critical Social Theory An online
article by Nicholas Yacopetti RN, ICU Certificate, BN, CNC; from the 2000 Nursing
Monograph, St Vincent's Healthcare Campus, Sisters of Charity Health Service,
Darlinghurst, Australia.
- 35 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Definition of Serious and Complex Medical Conditions Carole A. Chrvala, PhD, and
Steven Sharfstein, MD, Editors; Committee on Serious and Complex Medical
Conditions, Institute of Medicine; 128 pages, 1999; full-text online.
Grounded theory: a thumbnail sketch From the site Action Research Resources
maintained by Bob Dick at Southern Cross University, Australia.
Grounded Theory as Scientific Method An overview by Brian D. Haig, University of
The Health Promotion Model By Nola J. Pender RN, PhD, FAAN; includes a diagram of
the model.
Health-Related Quality of Life From the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion.
Healthy People 2010 web site and Healthy People 2010 2nd edition Includes Table of
Contents and full-text online, and links to additional materials, including the Progress
Reviews, which report on progress made so far for the 28 focus areas.
Health Related Research Instruments A collection of resources by Mary Bennett DNSc,
RN, Assistant Dean, Indiana State University School of Nursing.
International Consortium of Parse Scholars
International Orem Society for Nursing Science and Scholarship
Leininger’s Culture Care Theory Chapter 2 of Professional and lay care in the Tanzanian
village of Ilembula. Includes the Sunrise Model.
Methodological Approaches in Mental Health Services Research and Program Evaluation
An online article by Arthur J. Anderson, PhD.
Mid-Range Theory Page and What is a Mid-Range Theory? From The Nursing Theory
Page an extraordinary resource, available from the Hahn School of Nursing and Health
Science, University of San Diego.
Neuman Systems Model Website From Neumann College.
Nursing Theory Link Page By Lisa Eichelberger, from Department of Nursing, Clayton
College and State University; includes items on Abdellah, Henderson, Fitzpatrick's Life
Perspective Rhythm Model, Levine, King, Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort, Betty Neuman
and Margaret Newman.
Nursing Theory Network An extensive site on all aspects of nursing theory. Includes
overview of each theory and a collection of links to relevant web sites.
- 36 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
The Nursing Theory Page An extraordinary resource, formerly based at the University of
Alberta, now available from the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, University
of San Diego.
Observation: The Basis of Nursing Research A learning module by Carol E. Smith, RN,
PhD, University of Kansas School of Nursing.
Orlando's theory of the nurse-patient relationship; from NursesInfo.
Quality of life compendium From the Center for Quality of Life Research in Nursing
Science Division for Nursing Science, Department of Public Health and Primary Health
Care, University of Bergen, Norway; includes specific quality of life instruments.
Phenomenology as Research Method An online article by Beverley Campbell, Victoria
University of Technology.
Roy Adaptation Association Roy Adaptation Association - RAA
Roy Adaptation Model Website of Sr. Callista Roy, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor & Nurse
Stress and Disease: The contribution of Hans Selye to psychoneuroimmunology. A
personal Reminiscence. An online article by Istvan Berczi, Department of Immunology,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Supercourse: Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health from the University of
Pittsburgh. "This course (Executive Summary) is designed to provide an overview on
epidemiology and the Internet for medical and health related students around the world."
Theories, Dominant Models, and the Need for Applied Research From: Research and
Intervention: Preventing Substance Abuse in Higher Education.
The Theory of Planned Behavior A site by Icek Aizeh, PhD, Head, Division of
Personality & Social Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Includes a
TpB Model and information on Designing a TpB Intervention.
Unitary Health Care: Martha Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings An extensive site
from the UK.
Use of the Neuman Systems Model for Interdisciplinary Teams An online article from
the Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality From the U.S. Department of Health and
- 37 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Human Services, this site offers online full-text guidelines and reports dealing with a
wide variety of health issues, from costs to treatment of specific disorders, and links to
other relevant web resources. Features separate sections on Evidence-based Practice and
Outcomes & Effectiveness and Nursing Research.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Holistic Nurses Association
American Nurses Association
American Nursing Informatics Association
American Public Health Association - APHA, Public Health Nursing Section, Maternal
& Child Health Section, and APHA Public Health Education and Health Promotion
Section and Maternal and Child Health Community Leadership Institute Resource
Canadian Nurses Association
Centre for Applied Health Research Canada
Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC
Critical Care Research Network A Canadian "voluntary alliance of critical care units
whose mission is to improve patient care and resource utilization through the
development, implementation and evaluation of health services research protocols."
The Family Care Research Program
International Association for Human Caring
International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations - JCAHO
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
National Institutes of Health and Listing of Institutes and Centers
National League for Nursing - NLN
NANDA International Formerly the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
Nursing Informatics Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Association
- 38 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Oncology Nursing Society
Public Health Training Network From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Contains information on online conferences, current issues in public health, and more.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
American Nurses Association includes Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive
Statements [includes purchase information]; ANA Position Statements on Ethics and
Human Rights and the ANA Center for Ethics and Human Rights; and Code of Ethics for
Nurses: With Interpretive Statements
An Independent Study Module by Kevin G. Hook, MA, BSN, RN, and Gladys B. White,
PhD, RN; from the American Nurses Association.
The Ethical Conduct of Clinical Research Involving Children Marilyn J. Field and
Richard E. Berman, Editors, Committee on Clinical Research Involving Children; 448
pages, 2004. Available online from the National Academies Press.
Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genetics Research From the National
Human Genome Research Institute.
Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects The World Medical
Association Declaration of Helsinki, available full-text online.
The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Available full-text online.
Code of Federal Regulations - Title 21--Food and Drugs: Chapter I - Food and Drug
Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Part 50 - Protection of
Human Subjects Current printed version from the GPO Access site.
Code of Federal Regulations - Protection of Human Subjects From the Office for Human
Research Protections.
Good Clinical Practice in FDA-Regulated Clinical Trials Extensive site from the U.S.
A Guide to Informed Consent Full-text online guide from the U.S. Food and Drug
HIPAA Privacy Rule: Overview and Resources From the National Institutes of Health.
HIPAA Privacy Rule: HIPAA Authorization for Research Educational site providing
information for covered entities and researchers on authorizations for research uses or
- 39 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
disclosures of protected health information; from the U.S. Department of Health &
Human Services. Includes additional detailed information on:
How Can Covered Entities Use and Disclose Protected Health Information for Research
and Comply with the Privacy Rule?; How Do Other Privacy Protections Interact With the
Privacy Rule?; Privacy Boards and the HIPAA Privacy Rule; and Institutional Review
Boards and the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
HIPAA: Medical Privacy - National Standards to Protect the Privacy of Personal Health
Information Information site from the Office for Civil Rights. Includes the Complete
Privacy, Security, and Enforcement (Procedural) Regulation Text and background
Inclusion of Women in Research Guideline from the Office of Research on Women's
Health, National Institutes of Health.
Informed Consent for Research on Human Subjects with Dementia Position Statement
from the American Geriatrics Society.
Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible
Conduct Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments, National Research
Council, Institute of Medicine; 216 pages, 2002. Full-text online publication available
from the National Academies Press.
Nuremberg Code From the web site of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Patient Involvement With Life Threatening Diseases From the Office of Special Health
Issues, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Contains links to web sites dealing with
patient participation in selection of therapies and participation in drug trials.
Policy Guidance From the Office for Human Research Protections, DHHS. Includes
sections on Regulations, Guidance Materials (including the Belmont Report), and
Informed Consent.
Preserving Public Trust: Accreditation and Human Research Participant Protection
Programs Committee on Assessing the System for Protecting Human Research Subjects,
Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine; 232 pages, 2001. Available fulltext online from the National Academies Press.
Protecting Data Privacy in Health Services Research Committee on the Role of
Institutional Review Boards in Health Services Research Data Privacy Protection,
Division of Health Care Services; 208 pages, 2000. Available full-text online from the
National Academies Press.
The Protection of Human Subjects Research Tutorial: The Jewish Chronic Disease
Hospital Study From an online learning module, University of Maine.
Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals A 23 page
- 40 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
document, revised August 2002, available online from the Office of Laboratory Animal
Welfare, National Institutes of Health.
Policy for Science and Technology Recent publications from the National Academies
Press, including several on research issues.
Resources for the World Association of Medical Editors. Includes references to issues
such as fraud in publication and correcting errors in publication.
The Responsible Conduct of Research in the Health Sciences By the Committee on the
Responsible Conduct of Research, National Research Council, 1989. A full-text online
book from the National Academies Press.
Responsible Science, Volume I: Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process By the
Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research, National Academy of
Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, 1992. A full-text
online book from the National Academies Press.
Cancer Incidence and Mortality and Analysis of Cancer Incidence in Pennsylvania
Counties 1994-1998 From the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
American Compliance Institute Maintains an extensive set of links to regulatory agencies.
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
Department of Bioethics Case Western Reserve, School of Medicine.
Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care
Center for Ethics and Human Rights of the American Nurses Association. This is an
extensive site, with links to the ANA Code of Ethics and additional resources.
Center for Health Ethics and Law University of West Virginia.
The Hastings Center An organization for the study of "fundamental ethical questions in
health care, biotechnology, and the environment". Publishes The Hastings Center Report
and IRB: Ethics & Human Research, which are available by membership or subscription.
John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre University of Alberta.
- 41 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
National Catholic Bioethics Center Formerly Pope John Center.
Office for Human Research Protections DHHS
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare of the National Institutes of Health Office of
Extramural Research. Site includes the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals, news items, an online manual for the care of laboratory animals, and
relevant federal regulations.
Office of Research Integrity From the Public Health Service. Includes the full-text online
document Handling Misconduct: Introduction.
BioethicsNet/American Journal of Bioethics Online Produced by University of
Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics and The MIT Press. Subscription is required to access
journal articles.
Federal Register Online via GPO Access.
HHS News and Public Affairs
HIPAAdvisory Summarized information on HIPPA standards with FAQs, advisories, and
news updates.
Click the Week Three link for the Power Points to support learning this week!
- 42 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Healthy People 2010 web site and Healthy People 2010 2nd edition Includes Table of
Contents and full-text online, and links to additional materials, including the Progress
Reviews, which report on progress made so far for the 28 focus areas.
HP2010 Information Access Project Provides preformulated searches of the PubMed
database on specific Healthy People 2010 focus areas, using evidence-based strategies.
Available online from the Partners in Information Access for the Public Health
Workforce site.
DATA 2010 A special searchable collection related to the focus areas and objectives of
Healthy People 2010. From CDC Wonder, allows searching on topics by focus area,
specific population groups, data source, or objectives within a focus group; "contains the
most recent monitoring data for tracking Healthy People 2010", includes national and
some state data.
Data 2010 Gateway site to resources on the progress of the Healthy People 2010
On Quality and Validity An online article from Bandolier.
Overview: Reliability and Validity Includes an Annotated Bibliography and Related
Links; from the Colorado State University Writing Guide.
Overview of Research Designs An online slide presentation by Rosemary Schiller,
Villanova University.
Research Design and Measurement Module III of the Nursing Research Series:
Discovery to Practice; from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, 2002 [31
Research Methods Knowledge Base By William M. Trochim, Cornell University.
Includes extensive sections on Internal Validity, Quasi-Experimental Design, and
Experimental Design.
The Rochester Research Fables By Jeanne Grace, PhD, RN. Worth the visit when you
need a break from the heavier literature. Includes such classics as Cinderella . . . , or The
Measure of True Love.
The Scientific Method Overview from the Biology Project, University of Arizona.
Test Reviews Online A fee-for-service web site from the Buros Institute of Mental
- 43 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
AONE Policy Statement on Mandated Staffing Ratios Approved by the AONE Board of
Directors, December 2003. From the American Organization of Nurse Executives AONE.
Center for Nursing Classification & Clinical Effectiveness At the University of Iowa;
extensive information and research on Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), which
includes an historical overview, and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)site which
includes ordering information for Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC):
Intervention Labels and Definitions.
Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education At the University of
Alabama at Birmingham.
Child Health Measurement Project Formerly Known as the Functional Outcomes Project.
Description of the project and how the functional outcomes measures are developed;
from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Clinical Care Classification System Nursing Diagnoses & Nursing Interventions, by
Virginia K. Saba, EdD, RN, FAAN, FACMI. From SabaCare.
Clinical Quality Improvement Formerly known as the Online Medical Quality
Clearinghouse; from the American Academy of Family Physicians; reference tool with
links to organizations, performance measures, and programs and projects.
Costs, Outcomes, and Patient Satisfaction by Provider Type for Patients with Rheumatic
and Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Critical Review of the Literature and Proposed
Methodologic Standards From the Annals of Internal Medicine, 1 July 1997; 127:52-60.
The Effectiveness of Public Health Nursing: A Review of Systematic Reviews A full-text
online document available from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of
Dundee, Scotland.
Essential Concepts for Staff Nurses: The Outcomes Imperative An online continuing
education course by Denise M. Korniewicz DNSc., RN, FAAN and Joanne Duffy DNSc.,
RN, CCRN, from the American Nurses Association.
First Report and Recommendations of the Commonwealth Fund's International Working
Group on Quality Indicators Available online from the Commonwealth Fund.
Geographic Information Systems and Public Health: Mapping the Future By Thomas B.
Richards, MD, Charles M. Croner, PhD, Gerard Rushton, PhD, Carol K. Brown, MS, and
- 44 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Littleton Fowler, DDS; Public Health Reports 1999;114:359-373. Reproduced here with
the permission of Oxford University Press. Online article from the Long Island
Geographical Information System web site.
Health and Health Behaviour Among Young People From the Health Behaviour in
School-aged Children: A WHO Cross-National Study (HBSC) site.
Hospital Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care Research in Action, Issue 14, March 2004
report, full-text online from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA) Ten Measure "Starter Set" From the Hospital Quality
Initiative (HQI) site, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Includes items on
Pneumonia and Heart Attack.
Identifying and Measuring CYD Outcomes Online article by Lisa A. LaCava, from CYD
Journal [Community Youth Development], 2001.
International Nursing Minimum Data Set A fact sheet from the International Council of
Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Social Support Survey From the Rand Corporation;
includes a description, the survey, and information on how to score the survey.
National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) Based at the School of
Nursing, University of Kansas Medical Center. Developed for and owned by the
American Nurses Association.
Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Project of the Registered Nurses Association of
Ontario, Canada.
National Center for Nursing Quality From the American Nurses Association. Includes
access to the ANA National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators for acute care
hospitals (requires registration) and an extensive selection of web resources on quality.
Nursing Information & Data Set Evaluation Center From the American Nurses
Association. Site includes a link to addresses and contact information for the 12 ANA
recognized languages for nursing.
Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in Hospitals A 487 page, 2001 study of
relationships between nurse staffing variables and patient outcomes in acute care hospital
inpatient units. Available online from the Hospital & Healthsystem Association of
Nurse Staffing Resources from the American Nurses Association. Includes information
on the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act of 2005, and on staffing plans and ratios. Safe
Staffing/Patient Outcomes Information from the American Nurses Association.
- 45 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Nursing and Patient Outcomes Research: Canadian Perspectives Abstract of a
presentation from a conference, Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence: State of the
Science, Friday, September 27, 2002.
OASIS (the Outcome and Assessment Information Set) From the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services.
Omaha System Web site Includes case studies and a listserv.
Outcome Evaluation By Richard A. Krueger, PhD.
Patient-Nurse Synergy: Optimizing Patients' Outcomes Online article by Martha AQ
Curley, RN, PhD, CCRN; from the American Journal of Critical Care, January 1998,
vol. 7, no. 1.
Patient Outcomes Research: Examining the Effectiveness of Nursing Practice From a
conference sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research in 1991; requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print the multiple files.
Priority Areas for National Action: Transforming Health Care Quality Karen Adams and
Janet M. Corrigan, Editors, Committee on Identifying Priority Areas for Quality
Improvement; 160 pages, 2003. Available full-text online from the National Academies
Quality Control Tutorials Tutorials on how to use a variety of quality control tools: flow
chart, Pareto chart and more; from the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Server,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Clemson University.
Quality Indicators From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - AHRQ An
extensive site on "measures of health care quality that make use of readily available
hospital inpatient administrative data." Includes Prevention QIs, Inpatient QIs, and
Patient Safety Indicators. "Software and user guides for all three modules are available to
assist users in applying the Quality Indicators to their own data."
Quality Indicators: Outcomes Measurement Using the ANA Safety and Quality
Indicators Online continuing education course from the American Nurses Association.
Standardized Nursing Language Learning Module Available for credit on the web from
the University of Michigan.
Using Geographic Methods to Understand Health Issues From the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality.
- 46 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Center for Quality of the Health Resources and Services Administration.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement "A global knowledge environment created to help
health care professionals around the world accelerate their progress toward
unprecedented levels of performance and improvement."
The Joanna Briggs Institute For Evidence Based Nursing & Midwifery An international
research collaboration based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Adelaide University,
Australia. Includes Best Practice and Changing Practice Information Sheets, many
available free to non-members.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Medical Outcomes Trust "A not for profit organization dedicated to improving health and
health care by promoting the science of outcomes measurement" located in Boston,
NANDA International Formerly the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
National Association for Healthcare Quality
National Committee for Quality Assurance
National Guideline Clearinghouse
National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ - NQMC "Sponsored by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services." A
"public repository for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets." Includes links
to related sites, and QualityTools web site.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications Official publication
of NANDA International. Tables of contents and abstracts are available online; full-text
access requires subscription or purchase.
Data 2010 Database From the CDC Wonder Search Engine of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
Drug Addiction Research and the Health of Women From the National Institute on Drug
Abuse; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader for access to full text.
- 47 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Envisioning the National Health Care Quality Report Margarita P. Hurtado, Elaine K.
Swift, and Janet M. Corrigan, Editors, Committee on the National Quality Report on
Health Care Delivery, Board on Health Care Services; 256 pages, 2001. Available full
text online.
Evaluating systems integration in the ACCESS program for persons who are homeless
and mentally ill: A panel presentation Online abstracts from the 128th Annual Meeting of
American Public Health Association, 2000.
Family Involvement with Homeless Severely Mentally Ill Relatives Summary of a
research project from the Mental Health Services Research Program (MHSRP),
University of Illinois, Chicago.
Getting the Sample Size Right: A Brief Introduction to Power Analysis By Jeremy Miles,
UK. Includes online tools.
Health and Human Services Statistics About Minorities A data base that "catalogs web
resources maintained by HHS agencies, other federal, state and local government
agencies and their contractor or grantees."
The Health Care for the Homeless Information Resource Center From the Bureau of
Primary Health Care; this is an extensive site that includes bibliographies, a video lending
library, and a "tools" site that provides intake and assessment forms, and the Health Care
for the Homeless Directory.
Health Status and Determinants of Health of Hispanic Population From Baylor College of
Healthy People 2000 Progress Report: People with Low Income October 30, 1997.
Healthy People 2010 and Data 2010 Gateway site to resources on the progress of the
Healthy People 2010 campaign.
Healthy People 2010 Companion Web Sites and Documents
Healthy People 2010 Minority Populations Gateway From the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute.
State Healthy People 2010 Plans
State Healthy People 2010 Tool Library
Homeless Home Page From the Department of Health and Human Services; includes
sites on statistics, grants, programs and more.
Hunger Almanac 2007 and Hunger in America 2006 Full-text online reports from
- 48 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
America's Second Harvest.
Hunger and Homelessness Report 2005 report [105 pages] and 2006 report, available
online from the United States Conference of Mayors.
Linking Public Health Nursing Practice and Education to Promote Population Health
Program overview and project activities reports from the Public Health Nurse
Consultants site of the Office of Public Health Practice, Minnesota Department of Health.
Multicultural Resources From the Mental Health Services Research Program, University
of Illinois at Chicago.
The National Children's Study A study "led by a consortium of federal agency partners:
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (including the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD] and the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences [NIEHS], two parts of the National Institutes of Health,
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)." The study will "examine the effects of environmental
influences on the health and development of more than 100,000 children across the
United States, following them from before birth until age 21."
The Nun Study From the University of Kentucky, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.
Nursing Information & Data Set Evaluation Center From the American Nurses
Association. Site includes a link to addresses and contact information for the 12 ANA
recognized languages for nursing.
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) Includes an historical overview From the
University of Iowa.
OASIS (the Outcome and Assessment Information Set) From the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services.
Patient Outcomes Research: Examining the Effectiveness of Nursing Practice From a
conference sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research in 1991; requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print the multiple files.
Population Projections for States by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin From the U.S.
Census Bureau.
Practical Lessons: The 1998 National Symposium on Homelessness Research Edited by
Linda B. Fosburg, PhD, and Deborah L. Dennis, MA, for the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, August 1999; full text online.
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Health of Older Americans Linda G. Martin and
- 49 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Beth J. Soldo, Editors; Committee on Population, National Research Council; 312 pages,
1997. Available online from the National Academies Press.
Strategies for Working With Culturally Diverse Communities and Clients: Excerpts By
Elizabeth Randall-David 1989; an extensive online document on the server at CLAS
(Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services) Early Childhood Research Institute.
Street Work with High-Risk Youth An online course from the Substance Abuse and
Mental health Services Administration.
Top 25 American Indian Tribes for the United States: 1990 and 1980 From the U.S.
Bureau of the Census American Indian and Alaska Native Populations page.
Understanding Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health in Late Life: A Research Agenda
Rodolfo A. Bulatao and Norman B. Anderson, Editors, Panel on Race, Ethnicity, and
Health in Later Life, National Research Council; 184 pages, 2004. Available online from
the National Academies Press.
The Unequal Burden of Cancer: An Assessment of NIH Research and Programs for
Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved -1999 Available online from the
National Academies Press.
Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care Full text
online book from the National Academies Press; Brian D. Smedley, Adrienne Y. Stith,
and Alan R. Nelson, Editors, Committee on Understanding and Eliminating Racial and
Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, Board on Health Sciences Policy; 782 pages, 2002.
American Cancer Society: Statistics Reports for previous years are also available.
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2007. From the Federal
Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. Reports are available full-text online;
some reports require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Atlas of United States Mortality From the National Center for Health Statistics.
BLS projections to 2014 Selected items from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Canadian Cancer Statistics From Health Canada.
Cancer Mortality Maps & Graph Web Site From the National Cancer Institute.
Child Health USA Online reports are available for 1999 to the present as full text online
- 50 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
PDF documents from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) From the Department of Energy.
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care Designed to provide a graphical "accurate
description of how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States."
Data and Statistics From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Directory of Health and Human Services Data Resources From the DHHS.
FASTSTATS From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A well organized
site that provides access to statistics by topic, such as Men's Health, Women's Health,
Allergies, and much more.
Fedstats A gateway to statistics available through U.S. agencies.
Forum on Child and Family Statistics The official web site of the Federal Interagency
Forum on Child and Family Statistics; provides easy access to the Forum's reports, and
national and state data on children and their families collected and published by various
federal agencies.
The Health and Well-Being of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation 2005 From
the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Health Canada An extensive resource from "the Federal department responsible for
helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices
and circumstances."
Health United States Site also includes access to previous years, online, from 1993
Health Data for All Ages From the National Center for Health Statistics. Includes
detailed information on women's health.
Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program From the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
KIDS COUNT A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a national and state-by-state
effort to track the status of children in the United States; includes annual KIDSCOUNT
Databook and other KIDSCOUNT publications.
Life Tables From "Vital Statistics of the United States, Volume II, Mortality, Part A,
Section 6 contains life tables. This section is also issued annually as a separate
publication. The life tables provide life expectancy data"; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
for viewing.
Mortality Tables From the National Center for Health Statistics.
- 51 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
National Survey of America's Families Information from the Urban Institute.
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (Annual) From the U.S. Department of Labor.
Population Profile of the United States From the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Population Projections for States by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin From the U.S.
Census Bureau.
Population Studies Center From the University of Michigan; includes links to specific
population data resources under "Data Pages".
Profile of Older Americans Full text and graphics documents online from the
Administration on Aging; reports are available from 1999 through the present.
65+ in the United States P23-209 Current Population Reports: Special Studies, December
2005; a 254 page full-text online report that requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to access.
State & County QuickFacts: State and County Demographic and Economic Profiles Click
on map areas for data related to those sites.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Includes a section on State Rankings.
Statistics on the Aging Population From the Administration on Aging.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics From SAMHSA.
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) The major epidemiological
resource from the National Cancer Institute.
U.S. Bureau of the Census: Income Statistics and Poverty Statistics; Includes a link to
HHS Poverty Guidelines.
White House Social Statistics Briefing Room Includes graphs and charts on selected
Administration for Children and Families
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
American Public Health Association
American Social Health Association
- 52 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC
Centers for Disease Control's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
DHHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Includes some full
text reports on programs.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Interagency Council on Information Resources for Nursing
Johns Hopkins Population Information Program Scroll down to view description of
resources for this program. Designed to provide "health and family planning
professionals and policy makers with authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date information."
Includes access to the Popline bibliographic database.
National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
National Center for Children in Poverty Includes reports such as Reducing Disparities
Beginning in Early Childhood, July 2007.
National Center for Health Statistics
National Prevention Information Network Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, to promote HIV, STD, and Tuberculosis prevention.
NANDA International (Formerly the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
Office of Minority Health Resource Center
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Members include approximately
"100 U.S. companies that have a primary commitment to pharmaceutical research."
Contains additional information on "Facts & Figures" and a "Medicines in Development
National Survey on Drug Use & Health Formerly called the National Household Survey
on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). From SAMHSA; includes summary of findings from the older
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.
State Public Interest Research Groups
- 53 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - FDA
Chronic Disease Notes and Reports Newsletter of the National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
HIV and AIDS in Canada
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports Available online from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report Available full text online, requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader .
MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report -- CDC Surveillance Summaries
Available full text online, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Monthly Vital Statistics Reports through volume 46, and National Vital Statistics Reports
effective with Vol. 47, No. 1, U.S., full text online.
Series Reports (Rainbow Series) From the National Vital Statistics System. Many of
these require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.
Weekly Epidemiological Record From the World Health Organization; requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader to access full-text online.
Administration on Aging
Aging and Seniors From Health Canada.
Center for Health and Health Care in Schools
Healthy Schools, Healthy You School health information site of the National Center for
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and
Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center University of Iowa, College of
International Institute for Qualitative Methodology
The John A. Hartford Foundation, Institute for Geriatric Nursing
Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research
- 54 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
NIH Office of the Director, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
National Institute on Aging
National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness
Office of Minority and Women's Health From the Centers for Disease Control and
Office of Minority Health Resource Center - OMHRC Includes access to organizations,
programs, and documents.
Rural Information Center Includes links to full text documents and organizations.
Society for Clinical Trials "An international professional organization dedicated to the
development and dissemination of knowledge about the design and conduct of clinical
trials and related health care research methodologies."
Transcultural Nursing Society
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology Abstracts and tables of contents are
available online; from the American Psychological Association.
Click the Week Four link for the Power Points to support learning this week!
Assessment of Performance Measures for Public Health, Substance Abuse, and Mental
Health Edward B. Perrin and Jeffrey J. Koshel, Editors; Panel on Performance Measures
and Data for Public Health Performance Partnership Grants, National Research Council,
160 pages, 1997; full text online from the National Academies Press.
Basics of Measurement and Interpreting Statistics - Differences Sites from The Whole
Art of Deduction: Research Skills for New Scientists By Rodger Marion, PhD, © 19972004 by The University of Texas Medical Branch.
Case Definitions for Infectious Conditions Under Public Health Surveillance and a List of
- 55 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases for the Current Year From the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, includes Anthrax.
CDC Wonder Searches the materials on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Wide Web site.
Center for Nursing Classification & Clinical Effectiveness At the University of Iowa;
extensive information and research on Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), which
includes an historical overview, and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) site
which includes ordering information for Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC):
Intervention Labels and Definitions.
Child Health Care Quality Toolbox A site from the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality. Includes Understanding Quality Measurement, an extensive online document
with links to many additional resources.
Clinical Quality Improvement Formerly known as the Online Medical Quality
Clearinghouse; from the American Academy of Family Physicians; reference tool with
links to organizations, performance measures, and programs and projects.
Conducting a Community Assessment Chapter 2 from Putting the Pieces Together:
Comprehensive School-Linked Strategies for Children and Families; a "collaborative
effort of the U.S. Department of Education and the Regional Educational Laboratory
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort Web site Includes sections on
Questionnaires and Data Collection.
Evaluation Center @ HSRI A "national technical assistance center for the evaluation of
adult mental health systems change"; features information on evidence based practice.
Framingham Heart Study From the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.
Health Performance Measurement in the Public Sector Edward B. Perrin, Jane S. Durch,
and Susan M. Skillman, Editors; Panel on Performance Measures and Data for Public
Health Performance Partnership Grants, National Research Council 192 pages, 1999; full
text online from the National Academies Press.
Health-Related Quality of Life From the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion. Includes a section on Methods and Measures.
Health Related Research Instruments A collection of resources by Mary Bennett DNSc,
RN, Assistant Dean, Indiana State University School of Nursing.
- 56 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Healthy People 2010 & Environmental Health "A resource page compiled by the Public
Health Foundation (PHF), with assistance from the Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry (ATSDR), the National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP)."
HSTAT Free, electronic access to full-text of documents including: clinical practice
guidelines, quick-reference guides for clinicians, consumer brochures, and evidence
reports sponsored by a variety of government agencies.
Hunger and Homelessness Report 2005 report [105 pages] and 2006 report, available
online from the United States Conference of Mayors.
Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People 2010: Final Report Carole A. Chrvala and
Roger J. Bulger, Editors; Committee on Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People
2010; 86 pages, 1999; full text online from the National Academies Press.
Managed Care Systems and Emerging Infections: Challenges and Opportunities for
Strengthening Surveillance, Research, and Prevention, Workshop Summary Jonathan R.
Davis, Editor; Based on a Workshop of the Forum on Emerging Infections, Institute of
Medicine, 128 pages, 2000; full-text online from the National Academies Press.
Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Social Support Survey From the Rand Corporation;
includes a description, the survey, and information on how to score the survey.
National Public Health Performance Standards Program From the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
Nursing Information & Data Set Evaluation Center - NIDSEC From the American Nurses
Association. Site includes a link to addresses and contact information for the 12 ANA
recognized languages for nursing.
OASIS (the Outcome and Assessment Information Set) From the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services.
Patient Outcomes Research: Examining the Effectiveness of Nursing Practice From a
conference sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research in 1991; requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print the multiple files.
Population Index Online From Princeton; searchable database of articles on various
population issues.
Surveys and Data Collection Systems From the National Center for Health Statistics.
Tips For Nominal Group Process From the Iowa State University Extension Service.
- 57 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
WISQARS™ ["wiskers"] "Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System is an
interactive system that provides customized injury-related mortality data useful for
research and for making informed public health decisions"; from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
American Cancer Society: Statistics Reports for previous years are also available.
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2007. From the Federal
Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. Reports are available full-text online;
some reports require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Atlas of United States Mortality From the National Center for Health Statistics.
BLS projections to 2014 Selected items from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Canadian Cancer Statistics From Health Canada.
Cancer Mortality Maps & Graph Web Site From the National Cancer Institute.
Child Health USA Online reports are available for 1999 to the present as full text online
PDF documents from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) From the Department of Energy.
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care Designed to provide a graphical "accurate
description of how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States".
Data and Statistics From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Directory of Health and Human Services Data Resources From the DHHS.
FASTSTATS From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A well organized
site that provides access to statistics by topic, such as Men's Health, Women's Health,
Allergies, and much more.
Fedstats A gateway to statistics available through U.S. agencies.
Forum on Child and Family Statistics The official web site of the Federal Interagency
Forum on Child and Family Statistics; provides easy access to the Forum's reports, and
national and state data on children and their families collected and published by various
federal agencies.
The Health and Well-Being of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation 2005 From
- 58 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Health Canada An extensive resource from "the Federal department responsible for
helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices
and circumstances."
Health United States Site also includes access to previous years, online, from 1993
Health Data for All Ages From the National Center for Health Statistics. Includes
detailed information on women's health.
Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program From the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
KIDS COUNT A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a national and state-by-state
effort to track the status of children in the United States; includes annual KIDSCOUNT
Databook and other KIDSCOUNT publications.
Life Tables From "Vital Statistics of the United States, Volume II, Mortality, Part A,
Section 6 contains life tables. This section is also issued annually as a separate
publication. The life tables provide life expectancy data"; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
for viewing.
Mortality Tables From the National Center for Health Statistics.
National Survey of America's Families Information from the Urban Institute.
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (Annual) From the U.S. Department of Labor.
Population Profile of the United States From the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Population Projections for States by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin From the U.S.
Census Bureau.
Population Studies Center From the University of Michigan; includes links to specific
population data resources under "Data Pages".
Profile of Older Americans Full text and graphics documents online from the
Administration on Aging; reports are available from 1999 through the present.
65+ in the United States P23-209 Current Population Reports: Special Studies, December
2005; a 254 page full-text online report that requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to access.
State & County QuickFacts: State and County Demographic and Economic Profiles Click
on map areas for data related to those sites.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Includes a section on State Rankings.
- 59 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Statistics on the Aging Population From the Administration on Aging.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics From SAMHSA.
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) The major epidemiological
resource from the National Cancer Institute.
U.S. Bureau of the Census: Income Statistics and Poverty Statistics; Includes a link to
HHS Poverty Guidelines.
White House Social Statistics Briefing Room Includes graphs and
charts on selected topics.
Administration for Children and Families
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
American Public Health Association
American Social Health Association
Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC
Centers for Disease Control's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
DHHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Includes some full
text reports on programs.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Interagency Council on Information Resources for Nursing
Johns Hopkins Population Information Program Scroll down to view description of
resources for this program. Designed to provide "health and family planning
professionals and policy makers with authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date
information."Includes access to the Popline bibliographic database.
National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
- 60 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
National Center for Children in Poverty Includes reports such as: Reducing Disparities
Beginning in Early Childhood, July 2007.
National Center for Health Statistics
National Prevention Information Network Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, to promote HIV, STD, and Tuberculosis prevention.
NANDA International (Formerly the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
Office of Minority Health Resource Center
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Members include approximately
"100 U.S. companies that have a primary commitment to pharmaceutical research."
Contains additional information on "Facts & Figures" and a "Medicines in Development
National Survey on Drug Use & Health Formerly called the National Household Survey
on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). From SAMHSA; includes summary of findings from the older
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.
State Public Interest Research Groups
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - FDA
Chronic Disease Notes and Reports Newsletter of the National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
HIV and AIDS in Canada
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports Available online from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report Available full text online, requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader .
MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report -- CDC Surveillance Summaries
Available full text online, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Monthly Vital Statistics Reports through volume 46, and National Vital Statistics Reports
effective with Vol. 47, No. 1, U.S., full text online.
Series Reports (Rainbow Series) From the National Vital Statistics System. Many of
these require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.
- 61 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Weekly Epidemiological Record From the World Health Organization; requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader to access full-text online
DASL: The Data and Story Library An "online library of datafiles and stories that
illustrate the use of basic statistics methods." From StatLib, Department of Statistics at
Carnegie Mellon University.
DATAFERRET - formerly the Federal Electronic Research and Review Extraction Tool
(FERRET) A unique data mining and extraction tool for accessing NCHS data sets.
Allows you to select of "a databasket full of variables, and recode those variables as
needed, and then develop and customize tables and charts."
Dr. Stevens' Biostatistics and Epidemiology Page Introductory material by Dennis C.
Stevens, MD, University of South Dakota School of Medicine.
Electronic Statistics Textbook Provided as a public service by StatSoft, Inc.
Epidemiology for the Uninitiated From the British Medical Journal, full text online
Fedstats: One Stop Shopping for Federal Statistics
FedWorld A gateway to U.S. Government information from the Department of
Finding and Using Health Statistics: A Self-Study Course By Dan Melnick, PhD; from
the National Library of Medicine.
Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures A site "designed to make statistical routines
easily available via the WWW".
Health-Related Quality of Life From the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion. Includes a section on Methods and Measures.
Healthy People 2010 web site and Healthy People 2010 2nd edition Includes Table of
Contents and full-text online, and links to additional materials, including the Progress
Reviews, which report on progress made so far for the 28 focus areas.
HP2010 Information Access Project Provides preformulated searches of the PubMed
database on specific Healthy People 2010 focus areas, using evidence-based strategies.
Available online from the Partners in Information Access for the Public Health
Workforce site.
Statistical Resources on the Web: Health From the Documents Center, University of
- 62 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Statistics at Square One Ninth Edition, T D V Swinscow. Revised by M J Campbell,
University of Southampton. Available online from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Supercourse: Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health From the University of
Pittsburgh. "This course (Executive Summary) is designed to provide an overview on
epidemiology and the Internet for medical and health related students around the world."
Includes online lectures on a wide variety of epidemiologic topics.
University of British Columbia Clinical Significance Calculator and Bayesian Calculator.
Using Geographic Methods to Understand Health Issues From the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality.
VassarStats: Statistical Computation Website Includes actual tests and programs that can
be used interactively online.
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Epidemiology A collection of links related to this
topic, maintained by Stephen Shiboski, Associate Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics at
University of California San Francisco.
American Cancer Society: Statistics Reports for previous years are also available.
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2007. From the Federal
Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. Reports are available full-text online;
some reports require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Atlas of United States Mortality From the National Center for Health Statistics.
BLS projections to 2014 Selected items from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Canadian Cancer Statistics From Health Canada.
Cancer Mortality Maps & Graph Web Site From the National Cancer Institute.
Child Health USA Online reports are available for 1999 to the present as full text online
PDF documents from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) From the Department of Energy.
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care Designed to provide a graphical "accurate
description of how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States".
Data and Statistics From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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NRSG 395 9.2009
Directory of Health and Human Services Data Resources From the DHHS.
FASTSTATS From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A well organized
site that provides access to statistics by topic, such as Men's Health, Women's Health,
Allergies, and much more.
Fedstats A gateway to statistics available through U.S. agencies.
Forum on Child and Family Statistics The official web site of the Federal Interagency
Forum on Child and Family Statistics; provides easy access to the Forum's reports, and
national and state data on children and their families collected and published by various
federal agencies.
The Health and Well-Being of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation 2005 From
the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Health Canada An extensive resource from "the Federal department responsible for
helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices
and circumstances."
Health United States Site also includes access to previous years, online, from 1993
Health Data for All Ages From the National Center for Health Statistics. Includes
detailed information on women's health.
Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program From the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
KIDS COUNT A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a national and state-by-state
effort to track the status of children in the United States; includes annual KIDSCOUNT
Databook and other KIDSCOUNT publications.
Life Tables From "Vital Statistics of the United States, Volume II, Mortality, Part A,
Section 6 contains life tables. This section is also issued annually as a separate
publication. The life tables provide life expectancy data"; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
for viewing.
Mortality Tables From the National Center for Health Statistics.
National Survey of America's Families Information from the Urban Institute.
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (Annual) From the U.S. Department of Labor.
Population Profile of the United States From the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Population Projections for States by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin from the U.S.
Census Bureau.
- 64 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Population Studies Center From the University of Michigan; includes links to specific
population data resources under "Data Pages".
Profile of Older Americans Full text and graphics documents online from the
Administration on Aging; reports are available from 1999 through the present.
65+ in the United States P23-209 Current Population Reports: Special Studies, December
2005; a 254 page full-text online report that requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to access.
State & County QuickFacts: State and County Demographic and Economic Profiles Click
on map areas for data related to those sites.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Includes a section on State Rankings.
Statistics on the Aging Population From the Administration on Aging.
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) The major epidemiological
resource from the National Cancer Institute.
U.S. Bureau of the Census: Income Statistics and Poverty Statistics; Includes a link to
HHS Poverty Guidelines.
White House Social Statistics Briefing Room Includes graphs and charts on selected
Administration for Children and Families
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
American Public Health Association
American Social Health Association
Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC
Centers for Disease Control's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
DHHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Includes some full
text reports on programs.
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NRSG 395 9.2009
Health Resources and Services Administration
Interagency Council on Information Resources for Nursing
Johns Hopkins Population Information Program Scroll down to view description of
resources for this program. Designed to provide "health and family planning
professionals and policy makers with authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date information."
Includes access to the Popline bibliographic database.
National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
National Center for Children in Poverty Includes reports such as: Reducing Disparities
Beginning in Early Childhood, July 2007.
National Center for Health Statistics
National Prevention Information Network Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, to promote HIV, STD, and Tuberculosis prevention.
NANDA International (Formerly the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
Office of Minority Health Resource Center
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Members include approximately
"100 U.S. companies that have a primary commitment to pharmaceutical research."
Contains additional information on "Facts & Figures" and a "Medicines in Development
National Survey on Drug Use & Health Formerly called the National Household Survey
on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). From SAMHSA; includes summary of findings from the older
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.
State Public Interest Research Groups
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - FDA
Chronic Disease Notes and Reports Newsletter of the National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
HIV and AIDS in Canada
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports Available online from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report Available full text online, requires Adobe
- 66 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Acrobat Reader .
MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report -- CDC Surveillance Summaries
Available full text online, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Monthly Vital Statistics Reports through volume 46, and National Vital Statistics Reports
effective with Vol. 47, No. 1, U.S., full text online.
Series Reports (Rainbow Series) From the National Vital Statistics System. Many of
these require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.
Weekly Epidemiological Record From the World Health Organization; requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader to access full-text online.
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC
Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
International Clinical Epidemiology Network
National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
National Center for Health Statistics
National Program of Cancer Registries
Surveillance An online "tool providing three applications to visitors to PPHB's web site
which allow them to access data on cancer, cardiovascular disease and the notifiable
diseases over a range of years, and to customize the data for their specific needs" - from
Health Canada.
SAS Institute Inc.: Statistics and Operations Research
Sigma Theta Tau International
U.S. Census Bureau
- 67 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report Available full text online, requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader.
MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report -- CDC Surveillance Summaries
Available full text online, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Monthly Vital Statistics Reports through volume 46, and National Vital Statistics Reports
effective with Vol. 47, No. 1., U.S., full text online.
Weekly Epidemiological Record From the World Health Organization; requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader to access full text online.
Click the Week Five link for the Power Points to support learning this week!
AGREE Collaboration [Appraisal of Guidelines Research & Evaluation] An
"international collaboration of researchers and policy makers who seek to improve the
quality and effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines by establishing a shared
framework for their development, reporting and assessment." Site includes an "electronic
library for guideline developers", and AGREE Instrument Training Manual for analyzing
CASP appraisal tool for Diagnostic Test Studies Online tool available from the Critical
Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) from the National Health Service, UK.
CASP appraisal tool for Single Case Control Study Research One of a selection of
Resources available from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) from the
National Health Service, UK.
Categorical and Probabilistic Reasoning in Medical Diagnosis By Peter Szolovits, PhD,
and Stephen G. Pauker, MD. A classic article, available online; from the server of the
Clinical Decision Making Group at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions 4.2.1 Full-text online from
the Training Resources site of the Cochrane Collaboration.
Comprehensive High Blood Pressure Care for Young Urban Black Men A Crossdisciplinary Program of Research, Patient Care and Teaching. A study from the School of
Nursing, Johns Hopkins University demonstrating the research process.
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NRSG 395 9.2009
Critical Thinking Indicators ™ From the consulting site of Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre,
Diagnosis - Sample scenarios, searches, completed worksheets and CATs for EvidenceBased Nursing From the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Mt. Sinai Hospital,
Evaluating Online Information A tutorial from the Health Sciences Library, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Evidence Based Decision Making An extensive directory to web resources on evidencebased care; from the University of Southern California Health Sciences Center.
Evidence Based Medicine: Finding the Best Clinical Literature From the Library of the
Health Sciences Peoria, University of Illinois at Chicago. Site includes sections
explaining aspects of evidence based medicine and provides an overview of the program
PICOmaker "a free Palm OS-based application that lets users create and store queries in
the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) format for later
reference. This application is intended to assist students and clinicians with evidence
based practice" available from the Library, University of Alberta.
Evidence-Based Medicine Toolkit From the University of Alberta. Includes "How to Use
a Systematic Review about Therapy", and other critical resources.
Improving Your Ability to Think Critically By Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre, RN, MSN. An
online course from
Evaluating Internet Sites From the University of Albany Library.
Levels of Evidence From the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University
Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK.
Mission Critical A collection of online tutorials related to critical thinking from San José
State University.
Questions for Critical Review of a Research Report A form from Columbia University
School of Nursing.
Reading Nursing Research to Critique a Study and to Summarize Findings for Use in
Practice and Guidelines to a Research Article by Carol E. Smith, RN, PhD, University of
Kansas School of Nursing.
Research Forum: How to Critically Read a Journal Research Article By Thomas R.
Lunsford, MSE, CO and Brenda Rae Lunsford, MS, MAPT; from the Journal of
Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Systematic Reviews - The Review Process From the The Joanna Briggs Institute For
- 69 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Evidence Based Nursing & Midwifery.
Systems to Rate the Strength of Scientific Evidence Evidence Report/Technology
Assessment Number 47, prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
April 2002. Available in pdf format online from the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
and in html format from the HSTAT "Health Services/Technology Assessment Text"
web site, "a searchable collection of large, full-text clinical practice guidelines,
technology assessments and health information," from the National Library of Medicine.
Toolkit for Promoting Evidence-Based Practice Order information from the University of
Iowa's Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care, from the Evidence-Based
Practice program. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice is also available.
Translating Research Into Practice Fact Sheet available from the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality.
ACE Star Model of the Cycle of Knowledge Transformation © July 2004 Stevens; From
the Academic Center for Evidence-Based Nursing, University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio. Includes a section on Terminology in Evidence Based Practice.
ACP Guidelines Web site From the American College of Physicians.
Clinical Statements/Guidelines From the American College of Cardiology.
Clinical Practice Guidelines From the American Association of Clinical
Clinical Practice Guidelines From the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Clinical Practice Guidelines From the Office of Quality and Performance, Veterans
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions 4.2.1 Full-text online from
the Training Resources site of the Cochrane Collaboration.
The Community Guide Systematic reviews and evidence-based recommendations related
to community health and preventive services; developed by the Task Force on
Community Preventive Services.
Diagnosis - Sample scenarios, searches, completed worksheets and CATs for EvidenceBased Nursing From the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Mt. Sinai Hospital,
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NRSG 395 9.2009
The Effectiveness Of Public Health Nursing: A Review Of Systematic Reviews A fulltext online document available from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of
Dundee, Scotland.
Evidence-based Decision-making and Nursing Practice A statement from the Canadian
Nurses Association.
Evidence-Based Guidelines Available for purchase from the University of Iowa
Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research.
Evidence Based Medicine: Finding the Best Clinical Literature From the Library of the
Health Sciences Peoria, University of Illinois at Chicago. Site includes sections
explaining aspects of evidence based medicine and provides an overview of the program
PICOmaker "a free Palm OS-based application that lets users create and store queries in
the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) format for later
reference. This application is intended to assist students and clinicians with evidence
based practice" available from the Library, University of Alberta.
Evidence-Based Medicine Toolkit From the University of Alberta. Includes "How to Use
a Systematic Review about Therapy", and other critical resources.
Evidence-Based Medicine: What it is and what it isn't An online article by David L
Sackett, William MC Rosenberg, JA Muir Gray, R Brian Haynes, and W Scott
Evidence-Based Nursing Online syllabus from Syllabi For Practising EBM, Centre for
Evidence-Based Medicine, University Health Network-Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto,
Evidence Based Nursing A collection of resources and links to other web sites from the
University of Minnesota Evidence Based Health Care Project.
Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: Needs, Tools, Solutions NAHRS Online materials
available from a Symposium Presented on Saturday, May 3, 2003 by the Nursing and
Allied Health Resources Section of the Medical Library Association.
Evidence-Based Practice Resources from the Department of Nursing Services and Patient
Care, University of Iowa. Includes information on national conferences.
Evidence-Based Practice: Acute Pain Management in the Elderly Online report of a study
from The University of Iowa College of Nursing.
EPC Reports and Evidence-based Practice Centers Information on the program from the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Evidence-Based Practice Resource Area From the Oncology Nursing Society. Includes
- 71 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
the EBP Process Model and links to web based Resources.
Follow the Evidence to Up-to-Date Practice Online continuing education module by
Mary Krugman, RN, PhD, FAAN; from Credit requires payment of a fee.
Getting Evidence into Practice From Effective Health Care, Centre for Reviews and
Dissemination, University of York, UK.
Guide to Community Preventive Services: Systematic Reviews and Evidence-Based
Recommendations From the Task Force on Community Preventive Services.
Health Web: Evidence Based Health Care A directory to web resources maintained by
Library of the Health Sciences at Peoria, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Library of
the Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago. Part of the larger HealthWeb
subject directory.
HerbMed An "interactive, electronic herbal database – provides hyperlinked access to the
scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an evidence-based information
resource for professionals, researchers, and general public. HerbMed® is a project of the
Alternative Medicine Foundation, Inc. This public site provides free access to 45 herbs
(top 40 + 5 controversial herbs)." Access to the full system is available for purchase.
Implementation Guide: Section II VA QUERI Research From the Health Services
Research and Development Service of the Veterans Administration.
Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine An online tutorial. Copyright © 2004 Duke
University Medical Center Library and Health Sciences Library, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. Fourth Edition, November 2004.
Knowledge Transfer Resources From CHSRF/CIHR Chair on Knowledge Transfer and
Innovation; "contains documents on knowledge transfer, innovation, as well as on policy
& management of health services."
Knowledge Utilization Studies in Practice (KUSP) A project to develop "knowledge and
research utilization theory that can be used to increase the use of research by nurses and
other allied health professionals to improve patient and client health outcomes." Principal
Investigator is Dr. Carole A. Estabrooks, from the University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada.
Levels of Evidence From the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University
Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK.
Linking Research and Public Health Practice: A Review of CDC's Program of Centers for
Research and Demonstration of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Michael A.
Stoto, Lawrence W. Green, and Linda A. Bailey, Editors; Committee to Review the CDC
Centers for Research and Demonstration of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention,
- 72 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Institute of Medicine, 120 pages, 1997. Full-text online book from the National
Academies Press.
MD Consult Extensive subscription based clinical site for evidence-based medicine.
Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Project of the Registered Nurses Association of
Ontario, Canada.
Nursing Consult Extensive subscription based clinical site for evidence-based nursing.
PIER: The Physicians' Information and Education Resource Authoritative, evidencebased guidance to improve clinical care. Available to American College of Physicians
members only.
Practice Guidelines From the American Psychiatric Association.
Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines A site maintained by Peter Sam, MD, FAAFP,
University of California, San Francisco.
Producing an Evidence-Based Practice Report Online handout by Dr. James L. Leake,
available from the Health Sciences Writing Centre, University of Toronto.
Public Health Digital Library An "online gateway to public health resources and training
opportunities." Available online from the Communications Team, Public Health - Seattle
& King County. Includes a section on Evidence-based Websites.
Qualitative research and evidence based medicine By Judith Green, and Nicky Britten;
online article from BMJ 1998; 316:1230-1232, 18 April.
Readiness of U.S. Nurses for Evidence-Based Practice: Many don’t understand or value
research and have had little or no training to help them find evidence on which to base
their practice By Diane S. Pravikoff PhD, RN, FAAN, Annelle B. Tanner EdD, RN, and
Susan T. Pierce EdD, RN. An online article from the AJN: The American Journal of
Nursing, September 2005, Volume 105, Number 9, pp. 40 - 51. An accompanying test
can be taken for continuing education credit for a fee.
The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) Includes links to supporting
resources and Quick Reference Card.
SUMSearch Evidence based medicine search gateway for searching a variety of evidence
based medicine databases, such as DARE and PubMed, and the National Guideline
Clearinghouse™, with a single search. Available online from the University of Texas
Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Systems to Rate the Strength of Scientific Evidence Evidence Report/Technology
Assessment Number 47, prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
April 2002. Available in pdf format full-text online from the Center for Regulatory
Effectiveness and in html format from the HSTAT "Health Services/Technology
- 73 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Assessment Text" web site, "a searchable collection of large, full-text clinical practice
guidelines, technology assessments and health information," from the National Library of
Taking Action: Evidence Based Nursing Report - 2001 From the Foundation of Nursing
Studies, full-text online.
Toolkit for Promoting Evidence-Based Practice Order information from the University of
Iowa's Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care, from the Evidence-Based
Practice program. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice is also available.
Translating Research Into Practice Fact Sheet available from the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality.
Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice Based on the series of articles "Users Guides to
Evidence-based Medicine" and reproduced with permission from JAMA. Copyright 1993,
American Medical Association, by the Canadian Centres for Health Evidence. Covers
analysis of published articles from many different aspects.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality From the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, this site offers online full-text guidelines and reports dealing with a
wide variety of health issues, from costs to treatment of specific disorders, and links to
other relevant web resources. Features separate sections on Evidence-based Practice,
Outcomes & Effectiveness.
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Association for Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nursing - AWHONN
Center for Quality Assessment and Improvement in Mental Health
Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice An "innovative enterprise that
fosters EBP for the purpose of improving healthcare through a culture of best practice"
based at the College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Arizona State University.
Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics - CERTS Established by AHRQ.
Includes the following sites: University of Arizona Arizona CERT and the Duke Center
for Education and Research on Therapeutics - CERT which includes Heart Failure —
Resources for Patients featuring a brochure, video and patient tips.
Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health At the Institute of Child Health and Great
Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London, UK.
Centre for Evidence Based Nursing University of York, UK.
- 74 -
NRSG 395 9.2009
Centre for Health Evidence Includes the Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice Based
on the series of articles "Users Guides to Evidence-based Medicine" and reproduced with
permission from JAMA. Copyright 1993, American Medical Association, by the
Canadian Centres for Health Evidence. Covers analysis of published articles from many
different aspects.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination At the University of York, UK; includes Database
of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE) from the NHS Centre for Reviews and
Dissemination and other databases.
Cochrane Collaboration "Preparing, maintaining and promoting the accessibility of
systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions."Includes Abstracts of
Cochrane Reviews.
Evidence-Based Medicine Resource Center From the New York Academy of Medicine
Library and American College of Physicians, New York Chapter; includes a
bibliography, fact sheets, and more.
Evidence-based Practice Centers Links to institutions and universities participating in a
project currently funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Foundation of Nursing Studies "Dedicated to supporting nurses to put nursing research
into practice to improve patient care."
The Joanna Briggs Institute For Evidence Based Nursing & Midwifery An international
research collaboration based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Adelaide University,
Australia. Includes Best Practice and Changing Practice Information Sheets, many
available free to non-members.
National Association for Healthcare Quality
National Guideline Clearinghouse and information about the Clearinghouse.
National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ - NQMC "Sponsored by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services." A
"public repository for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets." Includes links
to related sites, and QualityTools web site.
Ovid Technologies Commercial company for advanced bibliographic databases.
US Preventive Services Task Force A panel that "conducts rigorous, impartial
assessments of the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of a broad range of clinical
preventive services, including screening, counseling, and preventive medications. Its
recommendations are considered the "gold standard" for clinical preventive services."
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NRSG 395 9.2009
Applied Nursing Research Full-text articles are available to personal subscribers starting
from 2003 to the present; tables of contents, abstracts and PDFs are available from 2000
to the present. Access to tables of contents and abstracts is complimentary.
Bandolier Journal Open full-text access; from the UK.
Clinical Evidence A site from BMJ publishing promoting "best available evidence for
effective health care". Site includes several open-access Site Tools and other resources
organized by specific disorder that require subscription.
Effective Clinical Practice From the American College of Physicians. All items are
available full-text online.
Equip - Education and Quality in General Practice Includes EQUIP Magazine, a
collection of audits; UK.
Evidence-Based Medicine Selected items are available open access full-text. Produced by
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Evidence-Based Nursing Full online access is available by subscription; selected items
are open-access online. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Health Evidence Bulletins-Wales Full-text online.
Journal of Clinical Nursing Tables of contents and abstracts are available online; full-text
access requires subscription. Selected items related to nursing research "Information
Points" are open access online.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing A peer-reviewed journal from The Honor
Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Full access requires subscription. Sample items are available
online. Replaces online knowledge synthesis journal.
Click the Week Six link for the Power Points to support learning this week!
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