January Executive and Governing Board Reports

Date: ________January 24, 2012___________
Executive Board Member Name: __Amy Cembor________ Position: ________President_______
Institution: Wheaton College
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Next Steps
Conducted monthly E-Board phone call
December and January.
Continue ongoing work with Executive Board.
March Conference Call
Conferenced with Exec. Admin, PresidentElect and College Fairs Committee Chair to
find ways to best support on-site fair chair
while trying to streamline the onsite process.
Onsite chairs are being invited to attend a meeting in
May, during the AMC.
Attend meeting to support work of the
chairs and College Fairs Committee.
Worked with President-Elect and Ad Hoc
Committee for Governance to finalize the
Executive Director proposal.
Present the new proposal to the Governing Board for
vote at the Governing Board meeting.
If approved, prepare to present
information to the general membership
for May.
Wrote and submitted President’s Message for
Winter Newsletter
Secured guest speaker for the Governing Board Support the work of the Governing Board and the
volunteer leaders of NEACAC.
Rev LKO 2012
Assess the value of such a speaker and
obtain feedback from the Board
Attend the Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee
Meeting, as well as the Finance Committee
Conference Call.
Work with Past-President and Articles and
Bylaws Chair to assess process for bylaws vote
at the Annual Membership meeting at AMC.
Continue to support the committees in
their work for the remainder of the
TBD, per Articles and Bylaws Chair.
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Rev LKO 2012
Date: ______1-23-2012_______________________
Executive Board Member Name: Brenda Poznanski_____________ Position:
President Elect______________________
Institution: _____Bishop Guertin High School____________________________________
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
E Board Conference Call 12/8/2011
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Update on Liaison committees
Next Steps
Keep in touch with committees
Update on ED position
Fine tune job description and follow
up on recommendations made by the
board regarding the position
Talk with lawyer about the position
Discuss with EBoard at next
conference call
Committee Chair nominations
Bring nominations forward to
ED Position discussion in conjunction with the work of
the AdHoc Governance Committee
Discussed position description with Lynne
Governing Board for vote
Bring final proposal to the full
Governing Board
Vice President discussion
Select and announce VP
Strategic Planning Committee
Meeting to move forward with the Strategic Plan
Meeting 1/26/2012 at Regis College
AMC Planning Meeting
EBoard Liaison with committee
Next meeting 2/7/2012 at Providence
NACAC Imagine Fund Committee
Met with committee (via conference call) to award
grants – read and discussed over 85 applications and
distributed funding for as many as appropriate.
Meet in Washington DC in March 2012
EBoard Conference Call 1/12/2012
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Rev LKO 2012
Date: 1/18/12
Executive Board Member Name: Anne Richardson Position: Past President
Institution: Kents Hill School
Committee Meetings / Initiatives /
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Nominating Committee: worked with the
committee to develop slate of candidates
for office.
Next Steps
Leadership Committee: Conference
calls. Developed curriculum with subcommittee, put in Imagine Grant with
Chair Jim Richardson, worked on
marketing plan with sub-committee, Will
bring proposal to the GB about renaming
LDI “EB Retreat” in order to make name
available to the LI as a possibility.
Bring proposal to the GB
concerning name in February.
Communications Committee: worked
with Bill Jack and Lisa Ellrich to move PR
efforts forward
Appointed to NACAC Commission on
International Student Recruitment.
Rev LKO 2012
Continued with work of Executive Board,
monthly phone calls, finalizing articles,
bylaws work to come, etc.
Rev LKO 2012
Articles finally approved!
January 23, 2012
Executive Board Member Name: HELEN BURKE MONTAGUE Position: VICE PRESIDENT
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Discussion with 3 Gov Bd Cm:
 2 Year Colleges – Karen Lavoie
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Next Steps
2 Yr Colleges: Karen is struggling to get Cm
together – Busy schedules and budget cuts
make this a challenge
Provide support for Cm…How
can we best help?
Current Trends – Kendra Johnson
Current Trends: Cm submitted 2 AMC
proposals. Rethinking Deans/Dir Forum
Discuss ideas for Dean/Dir
Forum…every other yr?
Admission Practices - Karen Pellegrino
Submitted AMC proposal.
Working on membership –
No cases pending
Work out details for AMC
Continue to work on
membership. Goal: by MAY
2012 all states fully
represented (HS / College)
Research National Policies
Investigate a selection of Affiliates for review
of current practices
Work toward report for May
Review past reports – discuss dates with Lynne
Collect data and compile
report for May (?)
Investigate Life-Long Membership
 ID current “Lifetime” members
 Current guidelines?
 Who / How have decisions been made
in past?
Upcoming –
Annual Report in Spring
Comments and Recommendations:
 Continue to support work of the President.
Date: __________1/24/11___________________
Executive Board Member Name: __Lynne O’Shaughnessy_________ Position: ____Executive Administrator_______
Institution: ____________________NEACAC____________________________________________________________
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
College Fairs
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Spring Registration is open and online
Posters are in the process of being printed
Next Steps
Work with John to get out information
to colleges about registration timeline
for the fall fairs.
Working with DASH to get registration ready for mid
Working with Andrew and Becca to get information
ready for web
Chatted with Mo and Jeff regarding a timeline for SI
registration and publications
Go live with registration.
Summer Institute
Submitted all materials for the audit. Working with Jon
and bookkeeper to get the accountants all of the
necessary information
Scheduled to attend Strategic Planning Committee
Strategic Plan
Rev LKO 2012
Get all the information to Mo and Jeff
for the publication edits
Date: January 30, 2012
Committee Name: Annual Meeting and Conference
Chair(s) & Institutions: Andrew Rosabianca (Chair) - Northeastern University, Rebecca Allen (Chair-Elect) – Providence College
Committee Members & Institutions: Pete Heeley - University of New England (On-Site Chair), Natalie Johnson - University of New England (On-Site), Dan Cassely - Boston University
(Community Service, Co-Chair), Christine Kenyon - Babson College (Community Service, Co-Chair), Chris Fox - University of Southern Maine (Community Service), Robert MacLellan - Hebron
Academy (Community Service), David Weber - Boston College (Entertainment, Chair), Matt Maurano - Providence College (Entertainment), Dan Connolly - Suffolk University (Entertainment),
Danny Richer - University of New Hampshire (Entertainment), Tim Cushing - Stonehill College (Entertainment), Tommaso Canetta - Babson College (Entertainment), Tyler Wentworth - UMass
Amherst (Entertainment), Joe Dacey - Stonehill College (External Relations, Chair), Jim Fowler - Dean College (External Relations), Jay Laperriere – WPI (External Relations), Jeff McAdam Hawaii Pacific University (First Timers, Co-Chair), Lauren Thornton - Northeastern University (First Timers, Co-Chair), Cindy Jacobs - Malden Catholic High School (First Timers), Emma Brown Colby College (First Timers), Caroline Higgins - Westwood High School (Pre-Conference, Chair), Christine Hickey - Providence College (Pre-Conference, Co-Chair), Jackie Gould - Endicott
College (Pre-Conference), Bill Hughen - Hudson School District (Pre-Conference), Whitney Goodwin - Westwood High School (Pre-Conference), Carmen Perez - Providence College
(Programming, Co-Chair), Jackie Haas - Wheelock College (Programming, Co-Chair), Erin West -University of Rhode Island (Programming), Steve Dunn - University of Connecticut
(Programming), Heather Zeman - Lesley University (Programming), Michelle Beauregard - Bryant University (Programming), Katherine Zeimer - Loyola University New Orleans (Programming),
Elena Wong - Wheaton College (Programming), Diana Gingles - Providence College (Publications, Chair), Lindsay Slattum - Fairfield University (Publications), Liz Cheron - Northeastern
University (Publications), Bill Jack - Colby College (Publications), Evan Grenier - Stonehill College (Recreation, Chair), Jim Richardson - College of the Holy Cross (Recreation), Kareem Nulan Trinity College (Recreation), Samantha Hastler - Lasell College (Recreation), Erik DeAngelis - Brown University (Welcome/Evaluation, Chair), Danielle Wells - Boston College
(Welcome/Evaluation), Meghan Fitzgerald - Endicott College (Welcome/Evaluation)
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Planning Committee Meeting held at Babson
College on11/15/2011
Ongoing Conference Planning
Communicating with membership about the 2012
Annual Meeting and Conference
Update & Progress toward annual goals
 Solutions to Dining at UNE were discussed
 Publication deadlines were reviewed
 Keynote ideas were discussed
 Possibility of an AMC Smartphone App were
 Committee reported out on progress with their
 Registration dates and deadlines were decided
 Giveaways were discussed
 Set fee structure for 2012, keeping most fees the
same as recent years (housing raised $5 due to
UNE cost)
 Registration will be live on February 15.
 Held phone conference with UNE Conference
Services to go over contract.
 Worked with Publications Chair/Executive
Administrator for information in printed registration
 Updated information to be posted on web
Next Steps
Next meeting is February 7, 2012 at
Providence College
Confirming schedule, pre-conference sessions
and speakers
Bid Process for 2014 AMC Sites
Keynote speaker confirmed (Alexandra Robbins,
Finalized content and schedule of 3 pre-conference
sessions, and Counselor Bus Tour
Application is live for 2014 Site Bids, advertised in eBlasts
Majority of conference schedule is
confirmed, will finalize more details at
next meeting.
Bid proposals will be monitored
through March 1st and then
outreach discussed.
Deadline for bids is April 11
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Rev. DLH 7/2010
Committee Name:
AP Committee
Chair(s) & Institutions: Helen Montague (Moses Brown) & Karen Pellegrino (Fairfield U)
Committee Members & Institutions: HBM – MBS (RI); KP – Fairfield (CT); Tom Gibson (Retired) – VT; Jim Washington – Dartmouth (NH); Chris
Lydon – Stonehill (MA); Kathi Mooney (MA); Brenda Poznanski (NH); Tricia Weyand (ME)
JANUARY 15, 2012
Initiative/ Events/ Meetings
 Have submitted Proposal to AMC
Program committee for AP Committee
presentation at AMC – June 2012
Update & Progress toward yearly goal
Need to schedule time w/AP Cm to discuss AMC Panel
Presentation. Solicit members for ideas for Presentation…
Next Steps
 Discussion of more innovative presentation at next meeting /
conference call. Hope to involve more of the committee.
Helen and Karen discuss possible AP CoChair candidates.
Continue to review and vet possible new
Karen and Helen to review Committee
make up. Cm will have 2 members from
each state…we are currently working on
Make offer to Kathi Moody for Co-Chair position (HS). She has
accepted – effective June 2012 commence 3 year term.
 Karen (College) has 2 years remaining.
Next Steps
We have communicated with members about availability and two
members have stepped away from Cm. We will put into place the
process of formally thanking them both for their many years of
service to the AP Committee.
Have made some calls to potential new members…
Next Steps
 ID and Communicate with possible new members.
Comments :
~No current AP cases pending
~We hope to have a Conference Call in February 2012 - Date TBD
Strategic Goals
__ Body of Knowledge
__ Image & Recognition
__ Communication
__ Leadership & Govern
__ Policy & Advocacy
__ Prof. Development
__ Ethics/Prof..Practice
__ Body of Knowledge
__ Image & Recognition
__ Communication
__ Leadership & Govern
__ Policy & Advocacy
__ Prof. Development
__ Ethics/Prof..Practice
__ Body of Knowledge
__ Image & Recognition
__ Communication
__ Leadership &Govern
__ Policy &Advocacy
__ Prof. Development
__ Ethics/Prof..Practice
Date: ___January 24, 2012__________________________
Committee Name: _Articles of Organization & Bylaws___ Chair(s) & Institutions: __Chizu Shiono, Educational Consultant, & Dynamy Internship Year College Counselor__
Committee Members & Institutions: __Ronn Beck, Dean College, MA; David Hautanen, Northeastern University, MA; John Lintner, Kent School, CT; Jon Westover, U
Mass Amherst; Eric Secor, University of New Hampshire; Kathryn Dromey, U Mass Amherst; Joyce Vining Morgan, retired, Educational Consultant, VT _
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Update & Progress toward annual goals
No meetings or conference calls held since last Governing
Board meeting in November. Conference call to be scheduled
in the next couple of weeks.
Request for Governing Board approval to proceed with the
process to amend three articles within the Bylaws. The “review”
of proposed amendments by membership is anticipated for first
two weeks of March. The membership’s vote to approve the
amendments is proposed to be held during the Annual Meeting
& Conference, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine.
Next Steps
Send email with amendment drafts, schedule
conference calls and commencement of the
notification process about the proposed amendments.
Announcement to members to be sent in
February. Schedule may be adjusted as
Governing Board vote on 1/31/2012 to proceed with
prescribed procedures to amend the bylaws.
Comments and Recommendations: ___Last summer, the committee conducted a review of the amended Articles of Organization and Bylaws voted and approved by
membership in June 2011. After review, three articles require the Association’s vote for further amendments. These are clerical or editorial errors that can be easily supported
and should not cause any problems for approval. The committee’s recommendation will be brought to the Governing Board at the January/February Governing Board
meeting and the procedures will be followed to ask for the membership’s vote at the next Annual Meeting & Conference.
Rev. DLH 7/2010
Date: ________January 23_____________________
Committee Name: __College Fair ______________Chair(s) & Institutions: ___John Hamel Suffolk University_____________________
Committee Members & Institutions: ____Dan Connelly Suffolk University Site Chairs host site schools
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Organized and implemented fall 2012 College Fairs
Collecting Expense information from site chairs now
All expenses from host schools have been submitted
to the treasurer for the fall fairs.
Expect Bark
Next Steps
Complete Summarize and distrib.
Summarize survey information send
to site chairs. This will be sent during
the first week of February. 2012
Planning Spring Fairs for 2012 Merrimack to set final
dates (2 day) Stonehill one day. Both of these are new
Call to Berkshire CC. Expect Berkshire to host again
this fall.
Meeting will take place on Thursday May 31 at 3 p.m.
Location at University of New England TBA
Confirmed Spring 2012 sites. Posted
these to the web. Now accepting
registrations. Merrimack and Stonehill
are both new sites this year. This
should help offset revenue loss from
Berkshire not participating in the tall.
Should be a net gain in Revenue for
the Association.
Calls and emails sent to Sacred Heart University to
explore use as a fall site to replace New Haven.
Conference call completed. Waiting to
hear back from S Heart
Email sent to explore the decision to host the fair next
fall. Expect this to take place as BCC indicated that
last years in ability to host was due to construction.
Call Christine Warman Berkshire
Re-establish contact with Berkshire
Explore summer college Fair at Brown
University Summer program
Called program director to determine interest. Have
exchanged calls, still attempting to connect.
Finalizing Fall 2012 Fair locations waiting for
final ok for all sites. Sacred Heart U is a
candidate to replace the University of New
Restart review of scanning at fairs. Holly
Lazarro College Fair Automation 1-800-922
8646 X 211
Established meeting time at the annual
meeting to invite site reps to light dinner for a
discussion about the fairs.
Fall date issues New Haven No longer hosting
Carin Algava, Assistant Director
Teacher Education Program
Comments and Recommendations: ______Sorry to miss this meeting. ‘I did want to touch base with the E Board to try to see if folks felt that a
spring swing of Community College Fairs targeting Transfer students might be of interest? I will include this question on the survey form/email
that we send the reps that cover the fair. Not sure if this type of question might be something to explore as a question on the web for
membership? More specific to four year schools than to school counselors.
Rev. DLH 7/2010
Date: 1/24/12
Committee Name: Professional Development Chair(s) & Institutions: Liz Cheron, Northeastern University
Committee Members & Institutions: Bill Jack (Colby), Carolyn Massey (Merrimack), Danny Richer (UNH), Emma Brown (Colby), Heather Zeman
(Lesley), Jay Laperriere (WPI), Lauren Thornton (Northeastern), Lisa Ellrich (Univ. of Maine), Kate Innes (Emmanuel), Chris Fox (USM), Elizabeth Santiago
(Univ. of Illinois), Tara Mitchell (St. Luke’s School), Kate Leveille (Bridgton Academy), Sarah Duncan (Providence), Sara Kratzok (City on a Hill), Michael
Iorio (St. Anselm’s), Laura Goldworm (Excel Academy), Lilliam Abreu (CCRI), Jamie Coan (Wheelock), Erik DeAngelis (Brown), Jackie Gould (Endicott),
Linda Shapiro (Harvard), Andrew Rosabianca (Northeastern), Chris Charron (Bishop Feehan), Madeleine Goodman (Western New England), Josh Henry
(Olin), Nicole Barron (Middlebury), Diane Soboski (Holy Cross)
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Career Colloquium
Location and Date TBA
NEACAC Sessions
University of New England
May 2012
Ins and Outs of Getting In
April 2012
Middle Management Workshop
University of New England
May 30, 2012
Hot Potato
Location and Date TBA
Update & Progress toward annual goals
 Chris Charron and Josh Henry will be the co-chairs
for Career Colloquium this year.
 Only one site will be offered due to low attendance at
sites outside of metro Boston in past years.
 Seven PD Committee sponsored session proposals
were submitted for this year’s conference on topics
including hiring and retaining staff, advising students
with learning disabilities, open houses, standardsbased grading, IB equivalencies, building an
international recruitment plan, and a follow-up to
Middle Management Workshop.
 At the suggestion of Bob Bardwell and due to the
popularity of this program, we submitted a session
proposal for this year’s MASCA conference to
present an Ins and Outs session.
 Danny Richer and Madeleine Goodman will be cochairs for this year’s Middle Management Workshop.
 They are working on contacting presenters and
tweaking the agenda and topics for this year’s
 This is a new program idea that is still in the
brainstorming stage. The program would be a oneday event targeted toward admissions counselors
who manage projects in their office that often are
passed like a hot potato. Rather than having to invent
the wheel each time you get such a project, this
session would allow colleagues to compare notes
and determine best practices for handling these
projects and populations.
 Potential topics would include: guidance counselor
Next Steps
 Select location and date
 Assign tasks to committee
Wait to hear back if sessions are
selected and then move forward
with organizing the content for the
Wait to hear back if the session
was selected.
Confirm presenters.
Set agenda.
Confirm chair
Select site and date
Determine topics and agenda
tours, homeschooled applicants, athletics,
international, etc.
Chair will be Lauren Thornton.
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Rev. DLH 7/2010
Date: Monday, January 30, 2012
Committee Name: Communication Services Chair(s) & Institutions: Bill K. Jack, Colby College (ME)
Committee Members & Institutions: eBlast Subcommittee: Jacinda Ojeda, Emerson College (MA), Chair; Deb Schwager, Wethersfield High School (CT);
Newsletter Subcommittee: Mary Bellamy, Cape Cod Academy (MA), Chair; Madeleine Bergstrom, Western New England University (MA); Kristen English,
Merrimack College (MA), Christine Hickey, Providence College (RI); Meg Ryan, The Williams School (CT); Public Relations Subcommittee: Lisa Ellrich,
University of Maine at Farmington (ME), Chair; Aaron Connolly, Alfred University (NY); Aislinn Doyle, Saint Michael's College (VT); Josh Henry, Franklin W.
Olin College of Engineering (MA), Bill Mortimer, Marlboro College (VT); Amy Tiberio, Stonehill College (MA); Heather Zeman, Lesley College (MA); Past
Chair: Nakia Noble, Fairfield University (CT)
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Meeting with Executive Board Liaison
Finding a Public Relations Consultant
Consulting Regional and State ACACs in
Regard to Their Public Relations Efforts
Update & Progress toward annual goals
In the November 2011 report, Mr. Jack indicated that he
planned to meet with his executive board liaison, Anne
Richardson, Kents Hill School (ME), in January 2012 to
check-in after his first several months as committee chair.
This meeting did not occur, but he hopes to have such a
meeting at some point in the late winter or early spring.
Ms. Ellrich met with—and communicated with—Nancy
Marshall, President of Nancy Marshall Communications,
prior to the new calendar year. Despite a positive feeling
about those conversations, the amount of money that
NEACAC has earmarked for a public relations consultant
does not work well with the price range of Nancy Marshall
Communications. $10,000.00 is on the low end for what
Nancy Marshall Communications could provide for
services. Ideally, the company could partner with
NEACAC with $20,000.00. This is not to say that
NEACAC cannot utilize this company, but it is important to
explore other options.
The Public Relations Subcommittee members reached
out to the other affiliates to glean insight into how their
handle their public relations efforts. It appears that there
are no other affiliates with a public relations committee or
Next Steps
Arrange a meeting between Mr. Jack and
Ms. Richardson for the late winter or early
spring to check in about how things are
Nancy Marshall provides "social media boot
camps." We may be able to have her
present on such a topic at a NEACAC
event gratis through the money that we
would pay her as a consultant. Regardless,
the few thousand dollars that NEACAC has
earmarked for a consultant is not within this
organization's price range. Ms. Ellrich has
reached out to three other public relations
organizations. If we are unable to acquire
more funding from NEACAC, Ms. Ellrich
suggests that NEACAC decide on a
particular area of public relations with which
they need help because a few thousand
dollars will not entice most consultants for
their services.
NYACAC is in the process of forming a
public relations committee. Especially
considering that New York borders New
England, NEACAC may want to partner
Restructuring the Committee
subcommittee, yet the members of those affiliates
seemed to think such a committee or a subcommittee was
a good idea.
In his November 2011 report, Mr. Jack indicated that he
had restructured the committee and added organization to
it. Of note is that he organized it into three
subcommittees: eBlast Subcommittee, Newsletter
Subcommittee, and Public Relations Subcommittee.
Increasing the Number of Committee
Members and Filling those Positions
Despite not having been a large committee even as
recently as May 2011, Mr. Jack continues to increase
membership on this committee. The committee has
grown from even November 2011 by two members. Now,
the committee has sixteen members!
Create an Acronyms of the Month List
"Acronyms of the Month" continue to appear in each issue
of the eBlast.
Promoting the eBlast Archive, the Newsletter
Archive, Committee Chair Reports, and
Executive Board Reports
Although these archives and reports appear on the
NEACAC for all to see, we do not advertise their
presence. Starting with the January 2012 eBlast, the
committee began to call attention to the existence of
these archives and reports.
Mr. Jack planned to contact the First Timers Committee
after their Tuesday, November 15, 2011, meeting about
presenting this session. Mr. Jack has yet to make this
follow-up communication.
Work with the First Timers Subcommittee of
the Annual Meeting and Conference
Committee to Present the Annual "Getting
Involved in NEACAC and Beyond" Session at
the Annual Meeting and Conference
Include More Articles in Upcoming Issues of
the Newsletter
Rev. LKO 2012
Under the direction of Ms. Bellamy, the Newsletter
Subcommittee is working to check out articles and
featured stories that have appeared in print already. Their
sources include, but are not limited to: The Chronicle of
Higher Education, NACAC's Bulletin, and other ACAC
with NYACAC.
Mr. Jack is very pleased with the level of
organization that this restructuring has
facilitated. He remains pleased with the
efforts that the three subcommittee chairs
are doing and the work of the
subcommittee members.
At some point in early spring, Mr. Jack
plans to touch base with each of
subcommittee member by phone to hear
how they are doing with their role as a
subcommittee member. He plans to have
similar conversations in the late spring with
each subcommittee chair as a chance to
have a "year in review" conversation with
each of them and to think about the 20122013 year.
Due to the large number of submissions
from the members of the Governing Board,
it is taking a while for Ms. Ojeda to get
through all of them. As was mentioned in
the November 2011 report, Mr. Jack plans
to post the complete list on the NEACAC
Ms. Ojeda and Ms. Bellamy will continue to
advertise these archives and these reports
in subsequent issues of the eBlast and
newsletter, respectively.
The First Timers Subcommittee meets
again Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Mr. Jack
will follow-up with the subcommittee around
that time.
The winter newsletter issue includes an
article by Patrick O'Connor who writes a
blog about college counseling. This article
appeared originally in the NACAC e-list.
Create Policy (Written or Otherwise) in
Regard to the Extent to Which NEACAC
Could Pay to Reprint Articles
C3 (Committee Chair Corner) Feature of
Mr. Jack reached out to committee chairs seeking input
about an idea he had to bring back to the newsletter an
updated version of the "Counselor Spotlight." After
receiving an overwhelming positive response, he received
approval from the NEACAC President and the NEACAC
Executive Administrator to proceed with this concept. In
short, this will be a terrific way to inform the NEACAC
members about how they can get involved—or more
involved if already involved—with committee work. Yet, to
highlight the work of volunteers who are not committee
chairs, the feature will include committee members, too.
Create a Standardized Template for Press
Advertising the Spring NEACAC College
In collaboration with the NEACAC College Fairs
Committee, the Public Relations Subcommittee will assist
with advertising and promotion of these college fairs.
In any effort to reprint articles in our
newsletter that have appeared in other
publications, we may need to establish a
policy that outlines whether we can pay to
have articles reprinted.
Starting with the spring 2012 newsletter
issue, two committee chairs will be
featured. To be featured, each committee
chair will need to have one committee
member with whom they agree to be
featured. Mr. Jack will work with the Public
Relations Subcommittee members to
actualize this concept. The reason he will
work with them is because in addition to
wanting to increase public relations external
to NEACAC, this subcommittee will work
toward increasing internal public relations,
Now that the Public Relations
Subcommittee is getting situated, it is
important to create a standardized process
by which to issue press releases. The
subcommittee members wrote the press
release, contacted local media outlets, etc.
for a recent recognition the three NEACAC
members who were appointed to the
NACAC Commission on International
Student Recruitment. We will work off of
that press release that he wrote to design a
template that all Public Relations
Subcommittee members can utilize.
Ms. Ellrich with contact the NEACAC
Executive Administrator to learn what
advertising efforts occur currently to
minimize any duplication of efforts.
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _January 24, 2012___________
Committee Name: __Current Trends & Future Issues_ Chair(s) & Institutions: __Kendra Lider-Johnson, MEFA_____________
Committee Members & Institutions:
Joan Casey
Kathryn Dromey
Sherri Geller
Danielle Harrison
Mary McDonald
Dan Monahan
Sarah Morales
Eric Nichols
Kristin M. Nichols
Joan Perrault
Cynthia Rivera
Wanda E. Suriel
Kimberly Toledo
James M. Tweed
Tom Walsh
New Canaan High School
UMass Amherst
Gann Academy
Springfield College
Portsmouth Abbey School
Stonehill College
Suffolk University
Brown University
Bentley University
Notre Dame Academy
New Canaan High School
Regis College
Farmington High School
Lasell College
Roxbury Latin School
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Meet with Committee members
The first meeting of the Current Trends Committee was
on November 7 at Bentley University, attended by 10
committee members. The next meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, January 31 in Boston, with 10 members
Plan for NEACAC Newsletter contribution(s)
Newsletter article for Spring about Net Price
Calculators, to be delegated at the meeting on 1/31;
Discuss potential topic for second newsletter
Plan for 1 or more sessions at AMC 2012
Two session proposals submitted: Open Forum on
Current Trends; E-docs
Rev. DLH 7/2010
Next Steps
 Prepare agenda for meeting
 Acquire meeting minutes from
the National Current Trends
meeting at NACAC in
Identify writers
Establish timeline
Awaiting feedback from AMC
Program Committee
Enrollment Management Forum planning
To discuss at the meeting on 1/31
Collect feedback from last
year’s attendees (Dan
Identify agenda/scope
Discuss logistics with AMC
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____1/24/12_________________________
Committee Name: __Fiscal Oversight Committee____________ Chair(s) & Institutions: __Raul Fonts, Providence College_______________________
Committee Members & Institutions: ___Kathy Moody, Lynnfield High School, Mario Silva-Rosa, Assumption, Jon Westover, UMASS, Julie Cairns, Salve
Regina University, Bob MacLellan, Hebron Academy, Steve
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Next Steps
Present workshop on 1/30/12 prior to
GB meeting
Conference Call 1/18/12
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Planned Budget workshop for all Committee chairs.
Mario Silva produced a power point presentation that
can be used for training purposes for new chairs/
Budget Request forms will be sent 2/15/12
After workshop we will begin the budget process
earlier to give committee’s the opportunity to plan and
We will send reminders of budget
request forms in March with midApril deadline.
Communicate with committees regarding their
Finalize Budget.
Jon Westover has met with investment rep. from TD
Bank North and we will be considering other options.
Have an investment plan for GB
meeting in June.
May committee meeting to analyze budget
requests and prepare for submission to
executive board.
Continue to work on investment plan for
Rev LKO 2012
Date: _1/25/11__________
Committee Name: _Government Relations_Chair(s) & Institutions: Danielle Nash, Greenwich HS
Committee Members & Institutions: CT: Jill Britain – Westbrook HS, Tony Carberry- Central Connecticut State University, Alison Hildebrand –
Fairfield Univ., Maurguerite Raymo - Jonathan Law, Suzanne Siano- St Joseph’s HS, Patricia Soares – Coast Guard Academy, RI: Owen Bligh –
Providence College, Mary McDonald - Portsmouth Abbey School MA: Madeline Bergstrom – Western New England College, Mary DeAngelo –
Springfield College, Christine Luzi – Framingham HS, Jacquie Serafino – Dana Hall, Jeremy Spencer – Framingham State
ME: Sue Mullen – Portland HS NH: Bill Hughen – Alvirne HS, Steve McGrath-Talent Search, Eric Secor -UNH
VT: John Austin - UVM
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Update & Progress toward annual goals
State level school counselor advocacy
MA School Counselor Association will be taking the lead on a
day on the Hill in MA
We will be hosting a workshop in Advocacy in CT in March.
Exact date still to be determined.
Government Relations Meeting and Hill Visit Day in
Washington DC and working with NACAC on
National Issues.
March 4-5 will be the day on the hill
AMC session
Session on the Presidential Candidates; as related to issues that
NEACAC and NACAC members should be familiar with.
Next Steps
Continuing to work with on growing our
committee and working with each of the
State School Counselor Associations and
other appropriate organizations. Set agendas
for each of the State level committees to plan
states level initiatives. Next meeting set for
Work with Katie Berger at NACAC as
needed. As well as with the NACAC GRAC
members. Legislator appointments will be set
up in February.
Date: Jan 19, 2012
Committee Name: IDEA
Chair(s) & Institutions: Matt Lane, Hopkins School
Committee Members & Institutions: Priscilla Alicea, Bryant University; Leykia Brill, Amherst College; Kristen Cahalane, Suffolk University; Mike Cameron,
Dean College; Liz Daly, Framingham State; Laura Darby, Mount Holyoke; Derick Eng, Bentley University; Laura Goldworm, Excel Academy Charter School;
Anne Goodeve, Springfield College; Kanicka Ingram, Quinnipiac University; Julliana Jennings, Holy Cross; Sara Kratzok, City on a Hill Charter School;
Louisa Martin, SNHU; Kristy Almeida-Neveau, Bryan University; Nakia Noble, Fairfield University; Kareem Nulan, Trinity College; Sally O’Rourke, Andover
High School; Marguerite Raymo, Jonathan Law High School; Yolanda Ramos, Mt. Ida; Chizu Shiono, Educational Consultant; Peter Sison, Merrimack
College; Meghan Smith, UMass Amherst; Theresa Urist, Prospect Hill Academy; Erin West, URI; Twink Williams, Boston Prep Charter Public School
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Winter Meeting
Update & Progress toward annual goals
We had 16 Committee Members at our second meeting
at Springfield College!
Margaret Addis Memorial Scholarship
We received 23 applications for the Margaret Addis
Memorial Scholarship. The subcommittee has selected
21 winners.
Annual Essay Competition
The Essay competition flares up in the Spring, so Chizu
and her sub-committee are now evaluating how we
allocate award money. The hope is to move the
application and review process on line.
Make a Difference Fund
Two of the three recipients from the September –
March grant cycle attended NACAC. Two have already
written for the newsletter. I’ve had a hard time pinning
down the third recipient. For the March – September
grant cycle, we received five proposals and the subcommittee is in the midst of deciding who will receive
the grant. We have also been told by the Executive
Board that we can stall (at this point) in trying to come
up with ways to keep this Grant financially self-
Rev. DLH 7/2010
Next Steps
We are thinking about having one
more meeting this spring to put some
finishing touches on projects and do
some professional development.
Communication with the MAMS.
Also, the sub-committee has come up
with some new ways to mentor the
MAMS at AMC and communicate with
previous MAMS in future years.
Continuing to technologically
advance the Essay process. A
proposal is being submitted to me for
increased awards. Will check our
We will be determining the recipients
from the March to September cycle
and communicating with the happy
and sad people. I’m also hoping to
streamline the “yes” and “no” letters
that will become part of the
communication cycle. Also, there
may be some necessary changes to
the application form for the future
Camp College Initiative
Counselor Outreach
AMC conference sessions
After feedback from the Executive Board, the Camp
College sub-committee is brainstorming a one-day
program to pilot in the summer of 2013. Mike Cameron
is the sub-committee chair for that one. The goal is to
have a proposal ready for Executive Board soon with
the hopes of getting something off the ground.
Using the tools of the FCCT (NACAC resource guide), a
small group is thinking about ways in which we can
reach out to underrepresented populations of rural,
urban, and CBO counselors. This has become
increasingly important as NACAC shifts its attention to
the representation of public school counselors at
National conferences.
Subcommittee submitted at least 8 session proposals
to the AMC programming committee that relate to the
mission of the IDEA committee.
After conversations with other
Affiliates, Mike and his sub-committee
will put together a new proposal for
Executive Board approval. This will
clarify budget needs, NECBAC
involvement and human resource
The sub-committee will brainstorm
possible methods of communication
and maybe some training.
We are waiting to hear back about
which sessions have been given the
Comments and Recommendations: The committee continues to abound with enthusiasm and energy. We have a couple of new ideas that
include encouraging representation at the two NACAC sponsored conferences related to the mission of IDEA: Guiding the Ways to Inclusion
(GWI) and Critical Components. There is a hope that we can advertise PD opportunities that specifically relate to inclusion and access. Also, an
idea about trying to find ways that we, as a committee, can educate each other – and then bring it out to the general membership.
Date: January 24, 2012
Committee Name: Member Services
Chair(s) & Institutions: _Karen Gerrior-Mariani/Brandeis University
Committee Members & Institutions: Sherri Geller, Gann Academy,; Jackie Serafino, Dana Hall,; Amy Podbelski/Johnson & Wales; Jacki Giordano,
College Board;Kirk Daulerio, Common Application; Chizuo Shiono, Education Consultant; Cindi Jacobs, Malden Catholic H.S; Jeff Gallant, Boston College.
Amy LaBelle, Jackly Halls, Jennifer Hornby, Matthew Clements, Tim Kelly
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
 Solicited for new committee members
via e-blast.
 Continued to review incoming
applications to NEACAC
February Meeting DATE TBA
 Review NEACAC application
 Review policy on Indpt Counselor
Application in regards to additional
 Recd. breakdown of NEACAC
membership by state
 Obtain MASCA directory
 Track how people heard about
 Compare NEACAC memberships to
NACAC Review all affiliate
Update & Progress toward annual goals
 Several current NEACAC members responded
& are now part of committee
 Approved applications but asked many Indpt
Counselors for additional recommendation
from NEACAC member
Review whether questions on NEACAC
applications are serving our needs and best
Need to discuss current policy on Indpt. App.
Identify on state breakout list, where our
initiatives can best be served
Possible Chair become a MASCA member
Received list of all affiliate memberships- active
& inactive memberships
Next Steps
 Put them to work
 Need to discuss w/committee
further the policy for seeking
additional recommendations
as stated on the Indpt.
Counselor application form. It
seems it has now come a time
for this area to be more
Review current application,
Indpt Counselor Policy
(additional reference) @ Feb
Brainstorm ideas to increase
representation in the various 6
NE states
Obtain MASCA Directory
Possibly ask on application
how someone heard about
Assign specific affiliates to
various members of the
committee to see if these
affiliates meet our NEW ByLaws
Comments and Recommendations: Strongly feel we need to review our current applications and explore whether we want to update/edit to best
serve the association as a whole. The industry continues to change, therefore, important that we keep current and continue to identify new ways
to best serve and solicit memberships
Rev LKO 2012
Date: _______January 24, 2012________________
Committee Name: ___NECBAC_________________________ Chair(s) & Institutions: __Leykia Brill, Amherst College ______________
Committee Members & Institutions: ___Leykia Brill, Amherst College______________________________________________________
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
NECBAC met on January 9 and 10, 2012 at
Boston College for our first of three meetings
taking place this year
Update & Progress toward annual goals
We had an awesome meeting! The biggest portion of
our work was dedicated to data collection and sharing.
This information sharing was one goal we wanted to
accomplish in our efforts to professionalize and
legitimize the organization.
We had one Community Based Organization visit. Say
YES to Education gave a presentation on their efforts
to aid marginalized people in attaining college access.
They also take students out of their local
neighborhoods and into the mountains to ski and
snowboard. A very cool organization.
Our other goals include: recreating the organizations
website, successfully completing a signature event,
legitimizing Camp College, continue to collect and
analyze data among the schools, and continue to add
professionalism to the organization.
We have confirmed an ad hoc committee responsible
for organizing a smaller scale of our 5 year celebration.
This abbreviated version will happen every other year,
and unlike the 35th celebration, will only add one extra
day to our normal meeting schedule.
Associate Membership- I am on the ad hoc committee
responsible for soliciting associate members to better
serve them.
Next Steps
We will continue to collect data- next
will be the salary swap in June, and a
needs assessment survey that will
help us target the specific concerns
of membership.
We will continue to invite CBO’s to
visit at each meeting and to network
with these organizations as a sign of
our commitment to education.
Each of the committees responsible
for these tasks have their marching
orders and will be responsible for
reporting to membership this June.
Ad hoc committee should get
together before June and prepare to
present details to membership then.
We have yet to meet, but I am sure it
will be productive when we do. I am
waiting to hear from the other
members about a meeting time.
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: January 24, 2012
Committee Name: Nominating Committee Chair(s) & Institutions: David Hautanen, Northeastern University
Committee Members & Institutions: Bob Bardwell, Monson HS, Anne Richardson, Kents Hill School, Bill Hughen, Alvirne HS, Matt Lane, Hopkins School,
Dee Gardner, UMaine, Kathi Moody, Lynnfield HS, Jill Teeters, SNHU, Rick Williams, Lyndon State College, Janet Ferrari, The Met School, Ronn Beck,
Dean College, Rich Veres, Springfield College, Laura Oliviera, Salve Regina University.
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Completed forming the committee.
Chaired a meeting on November 28 to review the
calendar for the year committee, review the
demographic distribution of the current assembly
delegates assign committee contacts for executive
board and assembly delegates, and review the award
Committee contacted all nominees to confirm interests,
collect ballot information forms and institutional
commitment forms.
Chaired a meeting on January 9 to review the nominees
and initiate the voting process. Also reviewed the
awards proposal, made revisions and initiated the vote
on whether to bring to the Governing Board.
Completed the vote on the nominees.
Completed the vote on the awards proposal
Continued working with the Mass Secretary of State on
the approval of the revised Articles of Amendment.
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Next Steps
Ronn Beck and Jill Teeters drafted a revised awards
proposal for consideration by the committee at the
next meeting.
Selected an outstanding group of candidates for
NEACAC elected position.
Crafted a well-considered proposal that advances the
work of the Nominating Committee in 2010 to bring to
the Governing Board for their consideration.
Inform all the nominees.
Approval was granted on 1/11/12!!!
Comments and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Rev LKO 2012
Date1/24/12 Committee Name: __Technology Services__ Chair(s) & Institutions: _Abby Motson (The University of Alabama)
Committee Members & Institutions: Kibar Moussoba (SNHU), Sam Mahra (SNHU), Graham Paine (Kents Hill School),
Nick Cloutier (UMaine), Chris Fry (USM),
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
Social Media
Meetings with Committee and prospective new
committee/Facebook manager
College Fair Scanners
Fresh graphics
Comments and Recommendations:
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Continued maintenance and up-keep of Facebook /
Twitter / LinkedIn accounts.
Initial meeting with potential new committee member
was delayed as I was in car accident. New meeting is
scheduling issue. Committee survey shows difficulty
in leaving office/resistance to do so during file review
Working in coordination with John Hamel on College
Fairs Cmttee I am in contact with Holly Lazzaro from
College Fair Automation to discuss costs, distribution,
program and have distributed a survey to on-site hosts
inquiring upon ability to assist if needed in
distribution/collection for FA2012/SP2013 NEACAC
Have not heard back from DASH from previous GB
meeting notes when request was submitted
Next Steps
Continue to use as a tool to send out
quick reminders and as a forum for
members to communicate.
One-on-One interactions, Skypes, and
phone calls prove most effective in
communicating with committee
Analyze On-Site survey results and
provide feedback to John Hamel,
Conference call with Holly on 1/31.
Will touch base with Adam
Date: January 24, 2012
Committee Name: Two Year Colleges
Chair(s) & Institutions: Karen Lavoie (Nashua Community College)
Committee Members & Institutions: Lilliam Abreu (CCRI); Lisa Barrett (North Shore CC); Michael Bosco (BFIT); Jessica Cabana (BFIT); Vernon Castillo
(Union College); Wayne Fraser (Lakes Region Community College); Kathy Kaminski (Hall High School); Amy Lee (Southern Maine CC); Ruby Morris Jones
(CCRI); Jessica Nelson (Marlboro College); Deborah Pack (UNH Thompson School); Wanda Suriel (Regis College); Sarah Wood (Massasoit CC)
Committee Meetings / Initiatives / Events
November 14, 2011
November 16, 2011
December 9, 2011
January 23, 2012
January 24, 2012
Comments and Recommendations: N/A
Rev LKO 2012
Update & Progress toward annual goals
Received word from NCC Blackboard Coordinator that it
would not be possible to host the NEACAC Two Year
Colleges Committee on Blackboard as it does not relate
directly to NCC students.
Updated committee membership by checking with
www.neacac.org to make sure all were still active NEACAC
Sent email to updated list to confirm continued involvement
with committee.
Looked into other options to host online or virtual meetings
such as Facebook and Google Docs.
Next Steps
Look into other online options
Created a survey on Survey Monkey and sent to current
Two Year Colleges Committee members regarding options
for online/virtual meetings and the planning of our next
professional development event in the spring.
Will analyze survey results and send
them out to members and vote on best
way to conduct virtual/online meetings
and locations and topics for spring
professional development event.
Will plan a meeting in February based on
responses to email.
Sent email to all committee members with recap of what’s
gone on so far this year as well as asking volunteers to host
a meeting in February.
Will send out a survey to committee
members to see what their preference is.
Rev LKO 2012