[COMPANY NAME AND/OR LOGO] REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PURCHASE OF AN ENTERPRISE LEARNING PLATFORM AND RELATED SERVICES Date: ____________ Proposal Due Date: __________ Table of Contents I. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3 A. B. C. D. E. Description of Company ............................................................................................................... 3 Project Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 3 Project Scope................................................................................................................................ 3 Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 3 Current Systems Environment ...................................................................................................... 4 II. Vendor Instructions ................................................................................................................................ 4 A. B. C. D. E. F. Schedule for Evaluation Process .................................................................................................. 4 Company Contact Name and Address ......................................................................................... 4 Number of Proposal Copies .......................................................................................................... 4 Proposal Format ........................................................................................................................... 4 Proposal Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................................................... 5 RFP Response Information .......................................................................................................... 5 III. Vendor Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 5 A. B. Vendor Background ...................................................................................................................... 5 Industry Experience ...................................................................................................................... 6 IV. Proposed Product Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 6 A. B. Product Overview.......................................................................................................................... 6 Product Functionality .................................................................................................................... 6 V. Implementation Services ....................................................................................................................... 6 VI. Support and Training Services ............................................................................................................ 7 VII. License, Installation, Maintenance, and Training Costs ................................................................... 7 A. B. C. D. E. F. License Fees ................................................................................................................................. 7 Implementation Services .............................................................................................................. 7 Software Support Services ........................................................................................................... 7 Training Services .......................................................................................................................... 7 Hosting Services ........................................................................................................................... 7 Other Costs ................................................................................................................................... 7 Appendix A – Business and Functional Requirements .......................................................................... 8 Appendix B – Technical Requirements .................................................................................................. 15 Appendix C – Hosting Requirements ...................................................................................................... 16 Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 2 of 16 I. Introduction A. Description of Company About Company _______________________ (“Company”), is a [publicly/privately held] company and is a Fortune ____ company. With a history dating back to ______, Company provides _______________ products and services to ________________________________. On _________, Company had consolidated assets of $_________. The company operates _______ offices throughout ______. with an employee base of ________ employees in the North America. History of Company [INSERT] B. Project Purpose The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to provide: Vendors with a clear understanding of Company’s current and future e-Learning needs. Vendors with clear and consistent instructions for responding to this RFP. Company with the means for evaluating vendors' system solutions. Company is seeking to acquire and install an integrated web-based learning management and learning content management system (“Software”) that can be used for Company’s ___________________________ project (“Project”). The _______________ department with Company is evaluating learning management and learning content management systems and is responsible for __________________________________________. C. Project Scope Company is interested in acquiring the Software to be the core application for the Project. Company is seeking proposals from experienced software vendors. The vendors are expected to provide quality software products, install those products, offer basic training on using and monitoring those products, and make available, at least annually, upgrades to the software products. D. Project Objectives The Company objectives for the Project are: [INSERT LIST – IF APPLICABLE] Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 3 of 16 E. Current Systems Environment The following are the Company desktop, distributed, and mainframe environments: Desktop Environment: Browsers: Operating System: Database: II. Vendor Instructions A. Schedule for Evaluation Process Request For Proposal sent to potential vendors: ______ Questions Deadline: ______ Response Due Date: ______ Vendor Presentations: ______ to ______ Proposal Evaluations Complete: Week of ______ Vendor of Choice Selection: B. Company Contact Name and Address ____________________ [Name] ____________________ [Title] Company [ADDRESS] E-mail copy: Phone: Contact _______________ at Company at the telephone number or e-mail address above to arrange a confidential meeting to answer any questions. Should vendor decide not to respond to this RFP, Company would appreciate notification in writing or by e-mail as soon as possible. All contact with Company regarding this RFP and any subsequently submitted responses should be coordinated through _____________ unless otherwise specifically instructed. Proposals may be withdrawn or modified in writing prior to the proposal submission deadline. C. Number of Proposal Copies Please submit one electronic copy by Close of Business (5 PM) on ______. Send the completed RFP to the following address: [Email address] D. Proposal Format Provide Company with answers to all questions in this RFP. We want detailed answers, but please keep them as short as possible while still satisfactorily answering the questions. When possible, respond to the Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 4 of 16 question itself rather than referring to an attachment. Include any attachments you deem necessary to complete your response at the end of the document. All pricing in your proposal should be identified as one-time or recurring. Include quantity discounts where applicable. Your proposal should include the preferred payment method and payment schedule, including payment requirements, available discounts, and/or other invoicing details your company deems significant. E. Proposal Evaluation Criteria Our selection will be based on Company’s assessment of the vendor in the following areas: (i) vendor qualifications and capability, (ii) product functionality, (iii) product technical support services, (iv) service features, (v) product integration capability, (vi) system implementation capability, (vii) price, (viii) flexibility, and (ix) training capability/availability. We also may base our decision upon the responses of vendor references. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company reserves the right to select any vendor, for any reason, at any time. F. RFP Response Information Effective Date of Bid Vendors should state in writing in its Proposal to Company that all furnished information, including price, will remain valid and applicable for 60 days from the date the vendor Proposal is received by Company. Confidentiality Any information supplied to Company by the vendor will be treated as confidential and will not be released to any third party. Company is under no obligation to return any information presented as part of a Proposal. This RFP and all materials submitted by Company contains confidential and proprietary information about Company, and may not be disclosed by vendor to any third parties without the prior written consent of Company. Furthermore, you shall disclose the materials contained in this RFP only to those in your organization who need such material to respond to this RFP. Company understands that you may need a solution partner(s) to submit a Proposal. Company expects any solution partner to adhere to the same confidentiality requirements as you, and this RFP may not be forwarded to a solution partner for evaluation or for any other purpose without the express written consent of Company. Upon Company's request, you will return to Company all materials sent to you in connection with this RFP. When submitting confidential material to Company you must clearly mark it as such. III. Vendor Qualifications A. Vendor Background Please provide a brief history of your company, including the number of years in business. How many offices do you have? Please provide information on each office, including location and services provided. Please provide the total number of full-time employees in your organization, broken down by job function. Please provide a link to financial statements for the last two years. If you are a private company, please submit these as part of the RFP response. This information is required. Please identify the percentage of your company’s revenues that are applied to research and Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 5 of 16 development. We are looking for a partner for the long-term. Is your company profitable? What is your total market share? If possible, please provide support for your response. What do you think differentiates your company from other LMS vendors? What awards and industry recognition has your company received? Please define and describe any products or applications other than the Learning Management System that you currently offer. B. Industry Experience Please describe your experience in our industry. Please provide information on the history of your LMS. When was it first released? Please provide 2-3 references for your solution. We will not contact references until after the first proposal stage is complete. IV. Proposed Product Descriptions A. Product Overview Provide names and descriptions for the Software recommended in your proposal. Please include information on your product roadmap. B. Product Functionality Please complete Appendix A: Business and Functional Requirements for the product(s) you are proposing. Please complete Appendix B: Technical Specifications for the product(s) you are proposing. Please complete Appendix C: Hosting Overview for the product(s) you are proposing, if applicable. At some point, we may be interested in integrating performance management application into our LMS. Do you offer a performance management system? If so, please provide details below or in an appendix. V. Implementation Services Provide an overview of the process that will be used to implement your system. Include a high-level timeline of the process. What resources will you provide do support the implementation? What resources do you expect us to provide? How do you address communication with the project team? How is legacy data integrated into the system? Describe your products ability to integrate with an HRIS, such as PeopleSoft or SAP? How do you manage and control costs during an implementation? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 6 of 16 What training is provided during implementation? VI. Support and Training Services Describe the technical support options that you offer for the system. Please identify hours of operation and other relevant information. Briefly describe your documented support process. Describe your standard service level agreement (SLA) for support, including severity levels and escalation procedures. Do you offer any online support mechanisms for your customers? What sort of product documentation are we provided with? How do you ensure feedback from your customers? Do you have a user group or conference? How are product upgrades handled? Describe the training procedures for your software. Please identify classes offered, class locations, and any other relevant information VII. License, Installation, Maintenance, and Training Costs A. License Fees What is the cost of the base system? B. Implementation Services Describe the typical implementation fees for a company of our size. C. Software Support Services What is the cost of annual support services, including maintenance? D. Training Services Provide a description and cost of education and training required to use the Software. E. Hosting Services Identify the costs associated with your hosting services. F. Other Costs Identify any other costs associated with your proposal. Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 7 of 16 Appendix A – Business and Functional Requirements We are looking for more than yes/no answers. Please answer all questions completely, in as much details as you feel is necessary to fully represent the abilities of your system. If you do not feel that a question applies, put Not Applicable. A.1 General Requirements A.1.1 Do you deliver an ASP, hosted, or internally installed solution? Please specify all potential modes of delivery of your applications. A.1.2 How does the system provide the capability to present multiple discreet views of the catalog (Filter the view of the catalog based on the users’ demographics)? Please specify what functionality you deliver. A.1.3 How does your system provide the capability to track training for external (customers, vendors, etc…) as well as internal learners? A.1.4 Does your system provide any capabilities to manage “Training for Profit”? Please specify what is delivered. A.1.5 How are the Learner, Manager, and Administrator interfaces configurable? A.1.6 How does the system provide the ability to modify screen layout by audience? How configurable is the user interface? A.1.7 Can both students and administrators access system through a web browser? A.2 Learner Capabilities A.2.1 Does the system support the use of individual development plans at the learner level? A.2.2 Does your system provide the ability for learners to view/update their development plans? A.2.3 Does the system provide the ability to automatically assign training as required or recommended by job title, role, career track, or any other variables? A.2.4 Does the system provide the capability for learners to view job-specific training requirements? A.2.5 Does your system provide the ability for learners to view/update their training history (transcript)? A.2.6 Does the system provide the ability for learners to add “ad hoc” training events through selfservice and have them approved by their manager (i.e., OJT, informal mentoring, training completed outside of IBC, GED attainment, etc…)? A.2.7 Does your system provide self-service reporting at the learner level (i.e., development plan, training history, certifications)? A.2.8 Does the system allow users to: Process self-registration? View waitlist status? Cancel an existing class registration? A.3 User Interfaces – Manager Interface A.3.1 Does the system provide the ability for a manager to group enroll their entire team into a given course? A.3.2 Does the system provide the ability for a manager to approve/deny enrollments when approval is required? A.3.3 Does the system support the use of group development plans at the manager level? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 8 of 16 A.3.4 Does the system provide the ability to automatically assign training to learners by business unit, department, location, manager, etc.? Please specify what you deliver. A.3.5 Does the system provide the ability for managers to view/update the development plans of their direct reports? A.3.6 Does the system provide the ability for managers to view/update the training history of (transcripts) of their direct reports? A.3.7 Does the system provide the capability for users other than a manager to approve enrollment requests? A.3.8 Does the system provide “out-of-the-box” manager-focused reporting (i.e., progress toward team development plans, team/individual-training histories, and certification expirations/completions)? Please specify what you deliver. A.3.9 Does the system support the ability for a manager to cancel an existing class registration for one of his/her direct reports? How is this done? A.4 User Interfaces – Administrator Interface A.4.1 Does the system provide the ability to group learners for mass enrollments (i.e., grouped by business unit, department, location, employee group), etc.? Please specify what criteria are available for mass enrollments? A.4.2 Does the system provide the capability for an administrator to reserve seats in a given session for a specific group of users? A.4.3 Does the system provide the capability for an administrator to generate the following reports: Sign-in Sheets? Absentee Tracking? A.4.4 Does the system allow administrators to view scheduled resources in a calendar format? A.4.5 Does the system provide the capability to manually create user accounts? A.4.6 Does the system provide the capability to store trainer support information (i.e., facilitator guides, instructions, etc…) within the LMS? A.4.7 Can administrators can set up curriculums that support electives and enforce prerequisites? A.4.8 Does the system can enforce registration cut-off time? A.4.9 Does the system support two-level online registration approval process? A.4.10 Does the system allow administrators to view waitlist status? A.4.11 Does the system support the ability to specify a cancellation cutoff point? A.4.12 Does the system support management of qualified instructors, facilities, resources, and equipment for ILT courses? A.4.13 Does the system support organizations, jobs, etc? A.4.14 Does the system prevent duplicate registrations? A.4.15 Can administrators override requirements (e.g., prerequisites), if necessary? A.4.16 Does the system allows administrators to set enrollment limits? A.4.17 Does the system allow instructors to review student and enrollment statistics? A.4.18 Does the system support the ability to represent multiple organizational hierarchies or trees? A.5 Course Management & Administration A.5.1 Does the system provide the capability to track external “ad hoc” learning events (i.e., seminars, college credit courses, GED attainment, etc…)? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 9 of 16 A.5.2 Does the system support curricula and certification programs (bundles of courses that must be completed in a specific order)? A.5.3 Does the system provide the capability to offer a course both as part of a program as well as “stand alone?” A.5.4 Does the system support curricula and certification programs that have flexible registration and completion rules regarding the number of activities that need to be registered for and completed? A.5.5 Does the system provide support for all training mediums (i.e., ILT, synchronous or asynchronous eLearning, self-paced)? A.5.6 Does the system provide the capability to assign and enforce prerequisites for training activities? A.5.7 Does the system provide the capability to reschedule sessions without manually re-enrolling learners? A.5.8 Does the system support blended learning? A.5.9 Does the system provide the ability to track attendance at multi-day training events with separate attendance for each individual day of the event? A.5.10 Does your system provide the capability to charge back costs to the learner’s cost center? A.5.11 Can re-certification periods be established as an absolute or relative date? How? A.5.12 Does the system support the creation of curriculum to logically group a variety of training activities? A.5.13 Describe the how the system can support for the following abilities: Control which users can view a curriculum and other learning activities. Activate/inactivate a curriculum and other learning activities. Adding a course catalog/taxonomy entry to a "favorites" list Inclusion of all learning items, including documents, discussion groups, threaded discussions, etc. Track external vendors that deliver training. A.6 Resource Management A.6.1 The system must support the ability to track availability of classroom training resources (instructors, classrooms and equipment). How is this done? A.6.2 The system must support the ability to manage qualified instructors. How is this done? A.6.3 Does the system support conflict checking when scheduling resources (instructors, rooms, and equipment, etc…)? How? A.7 eLearning A.7.1 Is the system compliant with the following eLearning standards? Please specify your compliance\conformance level. AICC SCORM 1.2 SCORM 2004 A.7.2 Does the system support the ability to interface with external eLearning vendors? A.7.3 What collaboration capabilities are delivered with the system (i.e., chat, threaded discussion groups, online study groups, etc…)? Please specify what is delivered. A.7.4 What content development tools are supported by the system? A.7.5 Does the system support bookmarking within web-based content? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 10 of 16 A.7.6 Does the system support relaunching of a completed learning activity? A.7.7 Does the system allow for the delivery of learner content with different “learner tracks”? A.7.8 How does the system track multiple "tries" at a learning event? A.7.9 Does the system require the use of plug-ins by the learner? A.7.10 Does the system allow learners to create personal study aids (notes, highlights, bookmarks and weblinks) in a sharable format? A.7.11 Does the system allow learners to tap into course specific expert communities? A.7.12 Does the system provide the capability to store scanned forms, MS Word docs, PowerPoint, PDFs, etc… within the LMS at the course level? A.7.13 Can the form types listed above be used as learning activities? A.8 Synchronous Training A.8.1 Do you support any synchronous learning tools? A.8.2 Does the system provide the ability to manage synchronous learning events from within the LMS management interface (negating the need to perform dual data entry)? A.8.3 Does the system support the ability for information regarding attendance in a synchronous session to be passed back to the LMS and stored in the user's history? A.8.4 Does the support the ability to launch/track recorded synchronous events? A.9 Course & Test/Evaluation Creation A.9.1 How does your system support content creation? Are authoring tools available? A.9.2 How does the system supports courses in following formats: AICC/SCORM, Microsoft Word, printable version, CD-ROM/offline. A.9.3 Does the system support importing Microsoft Word/PowerPoint source material. A.9.4 Does the system support other common file formats (streaming media, graphics, audio, animations, etc.). A.9.5 System provides for pre- testing to determine a recommended learning path, and post-testing to support remedial learning paths. A.9.6 Do you offer test/evaluation authoring with your system? A.9.7 Does your system support pre-test, post-test, and test-out capabilities? A.9.8 Does the system provide the ability to track the completion of assessments as part of eLearning? A.9.9 Does the system provide the ability to create class evaluations? A.9.10 Does the system support attaching multiple evaluations to a single activity? A.9.11 What test question formats are supported? A.9.12 Can test questions include graphics, animations, audio, or video? A.9.13 Does the testing system support: A.9.14 Randomizing test questions and answers within a question? Interactive scoring and feedback? Hints? Limiting the number of attempts? Practice (unscored) test?) Does the system provide the ability to interface with third-party testing/evaluation tools? Please specify any delivered integrations or partnerships that may exist. Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 11 of 16 A.10 Search A.10.1 Does the system allow users to search the course catalog using multiple search criteria? Please specify the criteria available. A.10.2 Please describe your search options in detail? A.10.3 If not addressed above, please let us know how your system supports the ability to: Search the course catalog/taxonomy by date range of an event. Search the course catalog/taxonomy by delivery modality. Browse the course catalog by business categorization. Search the course catalog/taxonomy by keyword. Restrict search results. How is this done? A.11 Automated Notifications A.11.1 What notifications do you support? A.11.2 How configurable are the notifications? Can configuration be done by non-technical personnel? A.11.3 Do you support multiple languages? A.11.4 Describe how your system supports sending various system email notifications to learners and managers via any standard internet email address. A.11.5 How do you handle support notifications for learners and managers without the ability to receive emails? A.11.6 Describe how your system is able to copy a learner's manager on notifications. A.11.7 Does your system provide the capability to automatically send emails to groups of users notifying them of changes made to training offerings? A.11.8 Does the system trigger email notifications for enrollment events? For which events? Please provide a list. A.11.9 Does the system trigger email notifications to the manager when the following events occur? Can it be configured to send these a automatically? One of their direct reports enrolls One of their direct reports drops One of their direct reports enrolls and requires approval A.11.10 Does the system provide the ability to populate enrollment confirmations to the learner’s Outlook calendar? A.12 Reporting A.12.1 What type of reports do you deliver for the following audiences? Administrator Reports Instructor/Training Coordinator Reports Manager Reports Learner Reports A.12.2 Do you deliver ad hoc reporting capabilities with the system? Please specify what capabilities are delivered. A.12.3 Does the system provide the capability for instructors to generate session sign-in sheets from the course roster? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 12 of 16 A.12.4 Does the system provide access to common report templates with different underlying data to users in the system based upon their security role and access rights? A.12.5 Does the system provide the capability to generate Individual and team training history reports (Transcripts)? A.12.6 Does the system provide the ability to report on a learner's progress in a program and estimated duration until completion for staffing purposes? A.12.7 Describe your reporting engine. A.12.8 Do you offer ad-hoc reporting? A.12.9 Provide examples of the types of reports you can deliver: gaps in training, class roster, etc. A.12.10 Does the system allow you to modify existing reports and/or create reports using 3rd party tools. A.12.11 Can reports can be exported? A.13 System Interfaces and Integration A.13.1 Does the system support Web Services to interface with external systems? A.13.2 Does the system provide the capability to interface to HRIS systems? A.13.3 Does the system provide the capability to interface with Microsoft Outlook? A.13.4 Does the system support the use of Single Sign on? A.13.5 System supports the ability for a user to enter a login ID and password to uniquely authenticate themselves. A.13.6 System can import historical training data with existing training history. A.14 Configurations A.14.1 Does the system provide the ability to customize reports? A.14.2 Does the system provide the ability to configure the look and feel? A.14.3 Does the system provide the ability to have multiple home page designs based on user profile? A.14.4 Does the system provide the ability to customize/configure work flow? A.14.5 System supports use of multiple languages, time zones, currency, etc. A.15 Documentation Requirements A.15.1 Does the system provide on-line help? A.15.2 What documentation is provided with the system? A.16 Security A.16.1 What types of security does your system provide? A.16.2 Please describe the options available around password security. Can we define a password expiration? Rules around characters, length, and reuse? Automatic lockout after a set number of invalid attempts? A.16.3 Does the system provide the ability to reset a user’s password if forgotten? How? A.17 Skill & Competency Management A.17.1 Does the system provide skill gap analysis wherein employees can match their current skill set to those prescribed for their current job role and display gaps? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 13 of 16 A.17.2 Does the system provide the ability for users to compare their current skill inventory with that of another job? A.17.3 Does the system provide the ability to associate required skills based on a user’s job, organization, etc.? A.17.4 Does the system provide functionality that can review users for a particular position based on skill and competency requirements? A.17.5 Does the system provide the ability to import third-party competency models? A.17.6 Does the system provide the capability to modify/customize competency types, proficiency scales etc…? A.17.7 How to you tie skills & competencies to training/learning activities in order to close gaps. Can you create a development plan? A.17.8 Doe the system provide complete capabilities for tracking skills and competencies management (by job or organization), including skills inventories, skill requirements, and skill gap analysis. Do you provide? ? A.17.9 Does the system support the ability to specify that a given skill is required for a specific learner. A.17.10 Does the system support the ability to specify a required proficiency level for each required skill? A.17.11 Does the system support the ability for a manager/learner to manage a learner’s set of acquired skills? A.17.12 Does the system support the ability to specify an acquired proficiency level for a skill acquired by a learner? A.17.13 Does the system the ability to link skills and competencies to courses? A.17.14 Describe your ability to perform a skill or competency assessments. The system must support the ability to author a competency assessment. A.18 Performance / Talent Management A.18.1 Can you deliver integrated Talent Management applications (Competency Management, Performance Management, Succession Planning) with your LMS? Please describe. A.18.2 Please specify what you deliver and what is provided through partnerships with third parties (if applicable). Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 14 of 16 Appendix B – Technical Requirements 1. Minimum hardware/software requirements for your product (CPU, Memory, Browser, Plug-ins, OS supported, special software). 2. Provide a network architecture diagram or description, indicating: 3. Main components of the solution 4. Operating system platforms, databases and applications. 5. Are the devices (servers, routers and firewalls) that host client data dedicated to us or do they host other client data as well? 6. Do you provide documentation on the structure of your database? 7. Please specify the databases support by your product. 8. Please specify the browsers supported by your product. 9. Please specify the email systems supported by your product. 10. Describe basic system security, including data encryption used. 11. Can the system support the ability to associate each user to one security role? 12. Can the system support a single login for a user and enable them to act in different capacities based upon their security role (learner, manager, administrator, etc.)? 13. Can the system support the ability to segment the course catalog so that users see only those courses for which they have appropriate permission? 14. Can the system support granular control of security permissions vs. present roles? 15. How is access to the application controlled? How are users identified and authenticated? 16. Is the system scalable to any number of users and user records? Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 15 of 16 Appendix C – Hosting Requirements Respond to each of the following questions with information about your hosting services. 1. Do you offer a hosted solution for your product? What do we gain by hosting our solution with you? 2. How reliable is your hosted system? Do you provide a system availability SLA? 3. Please describe your hosting facility. 4. Please detail the architecture of the hosted environment. 5. How do you protect our data? Please detail the security provided by your hosting environment. 6. How much storage space is provided? 7. How scalable is your system? Is there a limit to the number of concurrent users? 8. Describe your backup procedures. 9. Do you have a disaster recovery plan? 10. Do you support multiple environments for us to use? 11. Do you perform system audits? 12. Describe the support provided for your hosted solution. Request for Proposal: Learning Management System [ROD BE 0908] Page 16 of 16