Graduate Course Template Approved 1/99, Revised 4/03; 1/07 Approved by Faculty 1/29/07 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY CHRISTINE E. LYNN COLLEGE OF NURSING COURSE OVERVIEW SEMESTER AND YEAR COURSE NUMBER : NGR CREDIT HOURS: COURSE TITLE: COURSE SCHEDULE: Days of week and times, ie. Thursdays 9-11:50AM PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM: ie. “Required course offered every semester.” PREREQUISITE: Specific courses that must be taken prior to this one. FACULTY: Name and credentials Title Office E-mail OFFICE HOURS: Day of week X-X PM COURSE DESCRIPTION: Must be included as listed in the Graduate course catalog. Any proposed changes must be forwarded to the Committee on Programs for review. The Committee on Programs will then submit the revised course to the Faculty Assembly for review and approval. Additional approval must be obtained at the University level and then the State level. Separate course syllabi must be created for lab courses because students register for them under different course numbers. Courses that are offered at the graduate and undergraduate level must have 2 separate syllabi. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of NGRXXXX, the student will be able to: Objectives and Sub-objectives have been developed for each existing course and may not be changed without faculty action. Sub-objectives reflect the individualized content of each course. 1. Explore and develop innovative images of advanced nursing practice in (course specific). 1 Graduate Course Template Approved 1/99, Revised 4/03; 1/07 Approved by Faculty 1/29/07 Sub-objective Sub-objective Sub-objective 2. Advance the discipline of nursing through practice and research. 3. Demonstrate synthesis of advanced practice nursing role. 4. Incorporate an understanding of wholeness of persons connected with others and the environment through caring. 5. Actualize advanced practice nursing as nurturing the wholeness of others through caring. TEACHING METHODS: For example: Lecture, case study analysis, and discussions. EVALUATION METHODS: Examples: Class Preparation/Participation Assignment # 1 Assignment # 2 Assignment # 3 Assignment # 4 Final Exam or Paper 20% 10% 10% 20% 10% 30% 100% GRADING SCALE: The following grading scale has been approved 1-2007. Must place on syllabus that a grade below B is not passing in the Graduate Program. 93-100 = A 90-92 = A87-89 = B+ 83-86 = B 80-82 = B77-79 = C+ 73-76 = C 70-72 = C2 Graduate Course Template Approved 1/99, Revised 4/03; 1/07 Approved by Faculty 1/29/07 67-69 = D+ 63-66 = D 60-62 + D0 – 59 = F REQUIRED TEXTS: (List in APA format, 5th Ed.) RECOMMENDED TEXTS: (List in APA format, 5th Ed.) COURSE SPECIFIC LITERATURE: Include Literature on Caring COURSE POLICIES & GUIDELINES: Students are reminded that the College of Nursing Professional Statement and University Policies related to academic integrity applies to all tests, written assignment, verbal communications and other course activities. All policies in the college and university catalogues apply to this course. The following are suggestions that may be included in your course syllabus: 1. All course requirements and objective must be met in order to obtain a passing grade. 2. The student is expected to attend each class. A student who misses a class is responsible for class handouts and content presented during an absence. 3. Class time will be used for the application of your assigned reading material. 4. The student must be present for all scheduled examinations. 5. All students must have an e-mail address and regular access to a computer. COLLEGE OF NURSING POLICIES: 1. The University policy regarding academic integrity is enforced in this course. For further information, refer to the Graduate Student Handbook, Florida Administrative Code, Section 6C5-4.001 Honor Code, Academic Irregularities, and Students’ Academic Grievances Adherence to the Honor Code is a professional competency and an expectation of all students. ANY act of dishonesty that violates the honor code and misrepresents your efforts or ability is grounds for immediate failure of the course. 2. The incomplete grade policy is also enforced. For further information refer to the Graduate Student Handbook, Academic Policies & Regulations, Incomplete Grades 3 Graduate Course Template Approved 1/99, Revised 4/03; 1/07 Approved by Faculty 1/29/07 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires the provision of reasonable accommodations to any individual who advises faculty and the University of a documented physical or mental disability. If you require special accommodations due to such a disability to properly execute course work, you must register with the FAU Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in the Boca Raton campus library, room 175, phone 561-297-3880 or in Davie, MODI, phone 954236-1222. Please arrange a meeting with your course faculty. All OSD procedures must be followed for you to receive the special accommodations. 4. The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing may use students’ course-related materials for legitimate institutional purposes, such as accreditation, university review process, or state board of nursing review process, etc. In such cases, the materials will be used within the college and university. 5. In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for education, personal communication devices such as pagers, beepers and cellular telephones are to be disabled in class sessions. COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: List assignments with specific evaluation criteria. TOPICAL OUTLINE/COURSE SCHEDULE: Is not required in a syllabus, however it is suggested that you include a topical outline and/or course content along with a current bibliography. May include class dates and content, with reading assignments and due dates for course assignments. BIBLIOGRAPHY: A bibliography containing citations from textbooks and supporting materials used in preparation of course content should be included in the course syllabus. Whenever possible, include a header with the month & year of course approval, and dates of subsequent revisions. 4