Algebra 1 Policies - Frankfort-Schuyler Central School District

Algebra 1
Procedures and Policies
1. In June of 2015, you will be taking an Algebra 1 Assessment which is a state test. You must
pass this test in order to graduate from high school. Passing this Regent’s Assessment is the
first step to earning a diploma with distinction.
2. In order to receive a unit of credit for this year of Algebra 1, you must have a passing
average at the end of the year. This average is computed by weighting each of the quarter
grades as 20% of your Final Grade and weighting the midterm and Final Exam as 10% each
of your Final Grade.
Taking Notes in Class: -
a. Notes will be given in class each day and example problems will be worked out on the
board. Use a three hole punch and keep these organized in your binder.
b. The notes and examples will be very much like homework and test questions.
c. Look the notes over before you begin the homework assignment.
d. Test questions will be no different from your homework problems - if you do your
homework, you should be able to do well on tests.
4. Time to begin homework will sometimes be given at the end of the period. This is the time
to see if you understand the day’s lesson, and perhaps even complete the assignment. If
you do complete the homework by the end of the period and hand it in, you will receive a
10% bonus on that assignment. If not turned in by the end of the period, you can still
receive a 5% bonus for turning in the homework by the end of the day.
Homework Policy
a. Homework is assigned every night and either collected and graded OR checked the next
b. Homework assignments will range in length from 10 minutes to 40 minutes per lesson.
c. If you do your own homework, tests and quizzes should be relatively straightforward for
you. Therefore, most homework will not be accepted unless WORK is turned in with it.
Copying someone else’s homework will only cause you to fail as you will not really learn
the material for quizzes and tests.
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d. Lateness
1. If homework is collected, 20% will be deducted if an assignment is handed in
2. If homework is checked in class rather than collected, no lateness will be allowed.
e. Homework is an excellent basis for studying for tests. SAVE your graded assignments.
f. Chapter Schedules with “Topics of the Day” and homework assignments may be handed
out at the beginning of a new Chapter.
g. Absences - Assignments should be made up immediately after an absence (as per the
school’s official homework policy). Doing the homework is the only way to learn the
[See the last page for a further explanation of this policy.]
h. Missing Homework Consequences
1. You will probably not learn the material.
2. Parents will be contacted on a weekly basis via the telephone and progress reports.
3. Coaches and activity supervisors will be contacted.
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are not acceptable. I must see your work in order to give you credit. The only
exception to this rule is when I tell you that the homework is made up of questions
which do not require your work to be shown (such as some short answer assignments).
An asterisk (*) next to a question numbers means work must be shown in order to
receive credit.
j. Homework Bonus
For each homework assignment that you complete, ½ % will
be added to your chapter test as a bonus (up to a maximum 7%). In other words,
if you complete 8 out of 8 homework assignments for a particular assessment, 4%
will be added to your chapter test grade.
For each homework assignment that you complete, 1% will be added to your
homework grade for the two week period.
6. Daily Routine
a. A “starter quiz” will be given as soon as the bell rings to begin the period.
If you are late to class, then you will be assigned a lunch detention that same day.
2. Period 9 Algebra 1 class – the lunch detention will be taken the following day.
Lunch detention starts at the beginning of the lunch period and ends when the
starter quiz for that day is completed.
4. If you do not take the lunch detention that day, two things will occur:
A discipline report will be filed for insubordination.
You will receive a zero on the starter quiz.
b. Homework will be collected or checked.
c. Lecture
d. You may be given a Review Quiz. [The Review Quiz will be made up of questions on
previously covered material and have a BONUS question (usually an old SAT question).]
e. Time in class will be given to begin homework.
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7. Grades
a. Homework – Each two weeks of graded homework counts as one quiz grade.
b. Starter quizzes - Every 50 points of starter quizzes will count as one quiz grade.
c. Review Quizzes - Every quiz of at least 50 points counts as one quiz grade.
[In other words, sometimes more than one quiz may be combined to form one quiz
d. Chapter Tests – Each test counts as three quiz grades.
8. Dropped Grades
a. The lowest homework score will be discarded.
b. The lowest Quiz grade will be discarded.
9. Behavior
a. Be prompt and on time to class.
b. Be courteous - swearing is not allowed in class.
c. Treat others as you would wish to be treated.
d. Disruptive behavior (talking, fooling around, etc.) will not be tolerated. If this occurs,
you will be asked to leave the class and a discipline report will be filed.
10. Extra Help - I will always be in my room during the after school activity period and usually
during my free periods. Please see me immediately for help if you are having any
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Absence from Class Policy
So that there can be no misunderstanding about it, what follows below is the absence
policy for Algebra 1. Missing class and the lectures puts a serious dent in the learning process as
the student is not present for the instruction on how to do the homework. However, for every
lesson missed there is a lesson answer key provided to the student with the homework
assignment. It is therefore the student’s responsibility to make up the work (including quizzes
and tests) as described below.
If a student is tardy unexcused to the class and misses the starter quiz, they will
receive a lunch detention to be served that day to make up the starter quiz and
the time. As soon as the starter quiz is completed, the student may leave. If
the student chooses to skip the lunch detention, they will receive a zero on the
starter quiz.
If a student arrives in school after the class is completed, they are expected to
pick up the lesson and homework sometime during the day. If a quiz or test
has been given, the student is expected to make up the quiz or test during a
study hall during the day. Failure to make up the quiz or test during the study
hall will result in a zero on the quiz or test. Failure to pick up the lesson and
homework during the day will result in the homework being late and receiving
a 20% late penalty. It is the student’s responsibility to make up the work. It is
not the teacher’s responsibility to chase the student around the building.
If a student is absent from school for the whole day, then the rules above are in
effect for the next day the student is in school. In other words, all quizzes and
tests must be made up during that next day’s study hall or the student will
receive a zero on the quiz or test.
If a student does not have a study hall in their schedule and they are tardy to
school, that student is required to stop in Mr. Mandry’s room at the beginning
of Period 7 lunch (or during the 11:00 to 11:30 BOCES lunch period) to make
up the starter quiz of the day and pick up all homework and lesson answer
keys. Failure to make up the quiz or test during Period 7 (or BOCES lunch)
will result in a zero on the quiz or test. Failure to pick up the lesson and
homework will result in the homework being late.
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