'Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Sciences: A Seamless Frontier' Day-1 SN NAME 1. Hans Ågren Theoretical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology SE-10691, Stockholm, Sweden 2. B. P. Das Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore 560034 3. Supriyo Datta Email agren@theochem.kth.se 4. Accommodation 9,10,11, 12 Jan Vedic Village Title Multiphysics Modeling of Optical Properties: Molecules and Nanoparticles Arr Kolkata Jan 9, 8.25 AM by IC 0772 9-12 Jan Vedic Village Atomic Tests of the Standard Model of Particle Physics Dep Kolkata Jan 18, 7.55 PM by IC 0771 Arr Kolkata, Jan 3 at 1AM by LH 750 13-18 Jan: IACS Guest House Dep Kolkata 13JAN 0735 IT 434 to Bangalore das@iiap.res.in datta@ecn.purdue.edu Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 465 Northwestern Ave. West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035 Swapan Ghosh Theoretical Chemistry Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India Arrival/Departure Arr Kolkata 10 JAN 0100 LH750 9, 10, 11 Jan Vedic Village Quantum Transport as a Process of Successive Entanglement and Disentanglement 10-13 Jan: Vedic Village Density Functional Theory at Different Length Scales Kharagpur Jan 4-6 Dep Kolkata: Jan 12th at 250A by LH 751 skghosh@barc.gov.in Arr Kolkata, Jan 10, 8.30 AM by IC 675 5. 6. Werner Kutzelnigg Univ.Prof. (C4) em. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie der RuhrUniversität Bochum D 44780 Bochum werner.kutzelnigg@ruhruni-bochum.de D. Mathur, TIFR, Mumbai atmol1@tifr.res.in Arrival Kolkata: Monday Jan. 7, 01.00 (1 am) by LH750 Departure Kolkata: Monday Jan. 14, 02.50 (2.50 am) by LH751 Arr Kolkata: Jan 8, 12.45 PM by 9W217 from Mumbai Dep Kolkata: Jan 10, 20.30 PM by 9W 212 to Mumbai 7. M. Quack ETH Zürich Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie ETH Hönggerberg HCI E 235 Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10 martin@Quack.ch Arr Kolkata 01.00h (am 07.01.) by LH750 Dep Kolkata Jan 14, 2.50 AM by LH751 6, 7, 8 Jan : International Towers Rate of convergence of basis expansions in quantum chemistry. 9-13 Jan, Vedic Village 7, 8 January: International Towers 9-12 Jan: Vedic Village 6, 7, 8 Jan : International Tower Interaction of matter with light, and of light with matter Theory and Spectroscopy of Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules 9-13 Jan, Vedic Village CH-8093 Zürich Switzerland 8. Lokesh Tribedi TIFR, Mumbai lokesh@tifr.res.in Arr Kolkata January 9 9-12 January Vedic Village Dep Kolkata January 10 Da-2, 3 SN Name 1. Wesley D. Allen Office: 525 Chemistry Annex, Center for Computational Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 Email Wdallen@uga.edu Arrival/Departure Arr: Kolkata on Jan. 7 at 1:00 am, LH 750H Depart Kolkata, Jan. 14, 2:00 pm, Jet Airways 511M Arr: Kolkata Jan. 16, 21:55 pm by 9W512 M from Bangalore Dep: Jan. 19 at 2:50 am by LH751. 7- 8, 16-18 Jan: International Tower 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village Fast ion collisions with C60 and collective excitation Title State-Specific Multireference Coupled Cluster Theories: Maturation into Robust Methods for General Chemical Applications 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ole K. Andersen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Heisengergstrasse-1, D-70569 Stuttgart Germany S Balasubramanian JNCASR, Bangalore oka@fkf.mpg.de bala@jncasr.ac.in Dimitri BATANI batani@mib.infn.it Dipartimento di Fisica "G.Occhialini" Università di Milano Bicocca Piazza della Scienza 3 I-20126 Milano, ITALY Garnet Chan gkc1000@gmail.com Assistant Professor 244 Baker Laboratory Baker Laboratory, Ithaca NY 14853-1301 Indra Dasgupta sspid@iacs.res.in Department of Solid State Physics IACS, Kolkata, India Francesco Evangelista Center for Computational Chemistry 1004 Cedar St. The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 frank@ccqc.uga.edu Arr Kolkata Jan 8, British Airways Jan 9, 01.15 AM by BA147 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village Dep Kolkata Jan 23, 4.50 AM by BA 146 Arr: Kolkata Jan 10, 11.45 AM by 9W 516 from Bangalore Rest of the period: SNBNCBS Guest House 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village Dep: Kolkata, Jan 12, 7:55 PM by IC 771 Arr: Kolkata on Jan 11 at 8.15 AM 9w 901 from Delhi 11, 12 Jan: Vedic Village Car to drop at Jadavpur University Guest House on 13th morning Arr Kolkata Jan 7, 1.00 AM by LH 750 (from Frankfurt) 6-8 Jan: Vedic Village Dep Kolkata Jan 14, 2:50amby LH 751 (to Frankfurt) LOCAL 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village Arr Kolkata: January 6 at 1:00 am by LH 750M 6-8, 13-23 Jan: International Towers Dep: Jan 24, 2:50 am on flight Lufthansa 751. 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village LDA+DMFT description of the metal-insulator transition in V2O3 Computer Simulations of Ionic Liquids Generation and transport of relativistic electrons in ultra-highintensity lasermatter intereraction Tensor Network Wavefunctions Magnetism in low dimensional oxides: A perspective from first principle calculations. Triple excitations in state-specific multireference coupled cluster theory 8. 9. 10. Michael Hanrath Institute for Theoretical Chemistry Cologne University Greinstrasse 4 50939 Cologne, Germany Martin Head-Gordon Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Room 419 Latimer Hall University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1460 Rajiv K. Kalia Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science University of South California Michael.Hanrath@unikoeln.de Arr: December 30, 7:15pm Emirates flight from Dubai EK 548 Dec 30-Jan 8: IACS Guest House Dep: February 2 2008 at 8:30pm. Jan 9-13: Vedic Village mhg@cchem.berkeley.e du mhg@bastille.cchem.ber keley.edu Arr: Kolkata Jan 9, 8.15 AM by 9W901 Jan 14-Feb 2: IACS Guest House 9-12 Jan: Vedic Village rkalia@usc.edu ARR KOLKATA: Jan. 9, 9:40 am by EK 0546 from Dubai Dep Kolkata 12 JAN, 17.55 by IT 432 DEPARTURE Jan. 14, 10:55 am by EK 0547 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village Recent advances in the MRexpT approach Advances in practical density functional theory calculations ATOMISTIC MECHANISMS OF DEFORMATION, FRACTURE AND NANODUCTILITY IN SILICA GLASS 11. W. Klopper Institute of Physical ChemistryUniversity Karlsruhe (TH)Geb. 30.43Kaiserstr. 12 D-76131 Karlsruhe klopper@chem-bio.unikarlsruhe.de Arr Delhi: January 9 2008 at 00:35 h (that is, in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday). Jan 9-12: Vedic Village Many-body perturbation theory and coupled-cluster methods with Slater-type geminals 9-13 January, Vedic Village Multiple conical intersections and multi-state nonadiabatic dynamics in benzenoid cations Dep Delhi January 9, 7.00 AM by IC401 Arr Kolkata January 9, 9.00 am Dep Kolkata: January 12, 17.00 hrs by IC201 Arr Delhi: January 12, 19.00 hrs 12. 13. Horst Koeppel Theoretische Chemie Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut Universität Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 229 D-69120 Heidelberg Wenjian Liu (Changjiang Scholar) Institute for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering Peking University Beijing 100871, P. R. China Horst.Koeppel@pci.uniheidelberg.de liuwj@pku.edu.cn Dep Delhi: Sunday, 13 January 2008 at 02:00 h (that is, in the night from Saturday to Sunday). Arr.: January 9, 21.55 pm with Jet Airways 9W 512 from Hyderabad. Dep.: January 15, 20.45 pm with Jet Airways 9W 912 to Delhi (then on to FRA). Arr Kolkata: Jan. 9, 18.40 PM by MU5702 Dep Kolkata Jan. 13. 6.55 AM by 9W202 14-15 Jan: International Tower Jan 9-12: Vedic Village 80 Years after Dirac: Relativity in Chemistry and Physics Is Done! 14. 15. 16. Jozef Noga Dept. of Phys. and Theoret. Chemistry Inst. of Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Natural Sciences Slovak Academy of Sciences Comenius University SK-84215 Bratislava, Slovakia SK-84536 Bratislava, Slovakia Sourav Pal Head, Physical Chemistry Division, National Chemical Laboratory Pune 411008, India jozef.noga@savba.sk Krishnan Raghavachari Department of Chemistry, Indiana University kraghava@indiana.edu 18. Andy Simmonett Center for Computational Chemistry 1004 Cedar St. The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 Seiichiro Ten-no Nagoya University Japan 8-13 Jan: Vedic Village Dep Kolkata 16JAN 0935 by IT 0512 to Mumbai 14-15 Jan: International Tower Dep Mumbai 19JAN , Arr Kolkata 1945 by IT 0513 R12/F12 based theories within and beyond the standard approximation. An analysis and some numbers Dep Kolkata: BA 146 L 20JAN, 0455 s.pal@ncl.res.in Arr Kolkata: Jan 9, 21.35 PM by 9W 102 9-12 Jan: Vedic Village Dep Jan 13 morning Arr Kolkata: Jan 9, 7.50 AM from Chennai by 9W843. Jan 9-13: Vedic Village Dep Kolkata: Jan 13, 8.30 AM to Chennai by 9W844 Bloomington, IN 47405 17. Arr Kolkata: BA 147 L 09JAN 01.15 andysim@ccc.uga.edu Arr Kolkata: January 6 at 1:00 am by LH 750M Dep: Jan 24, 2:50 am on flight Lufthansa 751. tenno@is.nagoya-u.ac.jp Arr Kolkata: Jan 09, 21.05 PM by TG313 from Bangkok 20:00 Dep Kolkata: Feb 13, 21:05 PM by TG314 to Kolkata 6-8, 13-23 Jan: International Towers 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village 9-13 Jan: Vedic Village Multi-reference coupled-cluster approach: High performance electronic structure method for spectra and properties Electronic Structure Studies of Materials Chemistry using Novel Embedded Cluster Models Ab Initio Characterization of the Newly Synthesized Hydroxymethylene Molecule Explicitly correlated Slater-type geminal theory