2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide - [delete brackets and insert course name] Dates Weeks 1 and 2 Enduring Skills/Understandings Using evidence to support a claim Evaluating sources Taking action Unit Topic Standards Essential Vocabulary Basic Economic Concepts D2.Eco.10.9-12. Use current data to explain the influence of changes in spending, production, and the money supply on various economic conditions Demand SS-HS-3.3.1 Students will explain and give examples of how numerous factors influence the supply and demand of products (e.g., supply—technology, cost of inputs, number of sellers: demand—income, utility, price of similar products, consumers' preferences). HS-3.3.3 Students will SS explain how the level of competition in a market is largely determined by the number of buyers and sellers. SS-HS-3.3.1 Students will explain and give examples of how numerous factors influence the supply and demand of products (e.g., supply—technology, cost of inputs, number of sellers: demand—income, utility, price of similar products, consumers' preferences). HS-3.3.3 Students will SS explain how the level of competition in a market is largely determined by the number of buyers and sellers. Economics,Wants, Needs, Scarcity, Economic Model, Trade Offs, Marginal Cost, Marginal Benefit, CostBenefit Analysis, Factors of Production Demand, Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Law of Demand, Market Demand, Utility, Substitute, Demand Elasticity Weeks 3, 4, and 5 Supply Supply, Law of Supply, Supply Schedule, Supply Curve, Profit, Market Supply, Productivity,Subsidy, Supply Elasticity, Surplus, Shortage, Equilibrium Weeks 5, 6, and 7 Page 1 of 2 2014-2015 2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide - [delete brackets and insert course name] Business and Labor Weeks 8, 9, and 10 Economic Boycotts and Government and the Economy Weeks 11, 12, and 13 Weeks 14 and 15 Weeks16, 17, and 18 Page 2 of 2 Money and Banking Economic Systems SSHS-3.2.1 SS-HS-3.4.1 Students will analyze the changing relationships among business, labor and government (e.g., unions, anti-trust laws, tariff policy, price controls, subsidies, tax incentives) and how each has affected production, distribution and consumption in the United States or the world. Proprietorship, Unlimited Liability, Financial Capital, Partnership, Articles of Partnership,Corporation, Charter, Stock,Stockholders, Board of Directors, Limited Liability, Cooperative, Closed Shop, Union Shop, Right to Work Laws, Modified Union Shop Mediation, Arbitration, Strike, Lockout SS-HS-3.3.2 Private Goods, Exclusion Students will describe how specific financial and nonPrinciple, Public Goods, financial incentives often influence individuals Nonexclusion Principle, differently (e.g., discounts, sales promotions, trends, Externality, Monopoly, personal convictions). Merger, Antitrust Laws, SS-HS-3.3.4 Natural Monopoly, Real Students will explain how laws and government GDP, Expansion, Peak, mandates (e.g., anti-trust legislation, tariff policy, Recession, Civilian Labor regulatory policy) have been adopted to maintain Force, Unemployment competition in the United States and in the global Rate, Inflation, Stock marketplace. Markets, Stock Exchanges, Poverty, Workfare, Progressive Income Tax D2.Eco.9.9-12. Describe the roles of institutions such as Commercial Banks, clearly defined property rights and the rule of law in a market Savings and Loans, Credit economy. Unions, FDIC, Federal D2.Eco.12.9-12. Evaluate the selection of monetary and Reserve, Discount Rate fiscal policies in a variety of economic conditions. Students will compare and contrast economic systems (traditional, command, market, mixed) based on their abilities to achieve broad social goals such as freedom, efficiency, equity, security and growth in the modern world. Exports, Imports, Comparative Advantage, Tariff, , Exchange Rate, Market Economy, Command Economy, Communism, Mixed Economy, Traditional 2014-2015 2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide - [delete brackets and insert course name] Economy, International Monetary Fund, World Bank Dates Page 3 of 2 Essential Skills/Understandings Unit Topic Standards Essential Vocabulary 2014-2015 2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide - [delete brackets and insert course name] Page 4 of 2 2014-2015