HERSTORY //doc /// pdf// / Nov 7 / / 15 // 21/. 30 // / October 7 // 15 // 21 // 31 // SEPTEMBER 7 / 15 / 21 // 30 // WAMPUM, REAL PENNIES ACCEPTED. / COOP TRADE BARTER /// usuryfreeusall // / 2012 MANUAL / pt 2 / CONTACT DANA // 416 419 9023 // HUMAN HELP // TorontoStreetNews // SERENITY-GLOBAL-Barter-Trade-COOP- /// NEWSLETTER // LIVE STREAM http://7thfire.biz/11302012.htm /// LIVE STREAM https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski MARdi 11 27 2012 DRACO ALERT. VENUS has a DARK SIDE STAY REAL STAY in the LITE of TRUTH!!! venusvenom - http://7thfire.biz/venusvenom.htm 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX The Venus Project - The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology and nature will be able to coexist in a long term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibriumwww.thevenusproject.com NOT! NOT! NOT! 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX 666 $$$ XXX http://www.scribd.com/doc/114282775/DRACO-ALERT-VENUS-has-a-DARK-SIDE-STAY-REALSTAY-in-the-LITE-of-TRUTH-7thfire-biz MOONday 11 26 2012 INDIGO CRYSTAL RAINBOW ANGELS UNITE to AGAPE AMOR IGNITE indigoignite - http://7thfire.biz/indigoignite.htm INDIGO inDIANa http://jrgenius.ca 1 SUNday 11 25 2012- NERO is a ZERO and GRECO ROMA WARships the DEMIURGE, DRACOVASSILAS and CONSTANTINE the CHRISTIAN KILLER! nerozero http://7thfire.biz/nerozero.htm Jewel Del Core - ALL SEEING EYE of HORUS? SUN of SATAN? GOLDEN DAWN, BLACK MAJICK. Are you INSANE Jewel? Everyone knows you are the vampire... YOU'RE the one with black straight hair, and a professional approach to conspiracy, like it's your job or something. Please understand. We are smarter than you, we are stronger than you, because we chose to be HONEST! You lie everyday of your life to people you don't even know and spew your hate filled divide & conquer bs. You morons thought you were deceiving us, when really you were EDUCATING us! haha suckas! BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O pdf /// doc // See posts exposing Jim E Grand, maidenkid64, White Trash, Vampires, Greco Roma, JEWEL DEL CORE, GHREES, youtube. NERO, ZERO, CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE, NWO, SATAN http://www.scribd.com/doc/114255348/GHREES-andJEWel-Del-Core-your-slander-is-going-to-make-me-aVERY-RICH-GIRLmeegwetch-7thfire-biz BACK of the LINE COWARDS...the CHILDREN are in CHARGE NOW. Project Clean up YOUR MESS is BORN.http://7thfire.biz/ BEWARE -Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, 2 ( SIN god, ATON, SATURN/ MOLOCH are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltrated http://7thfire.biz/hellenchaosinfiltrated.htm HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated - http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ When in Rome; don't be a Greek http://7thfire.biz/11072012.htm EXOPOLITICS IS DISINFO, ALFRED WEBRE IS A LIAR, LAURA EISENHOWER IS EVIL // Warning...Will Leave You Speechless LAURA EISENHOWER 11:11 DRACO VAMPIRE UFO VRILL ZOMBIE RAPTURE satanic portat fake SOUL SCALPING WORLD PUNJA POSSESSION of the HIVE MIND from the ABYSS and MARS - Nov 11, 2012. $40 Beasts for one Sol scalped, $75 for TWO demonic possessions VAMPIREDRACO RAPTURE http://7thfire.biz/VAMPIREDRACORAPTURE.htm 11 06 2012 http://serenitystreetnews.com/11062012.htm https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150610983220556.681762.537275555&type=3 // https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laura-Magdalena-Cosmic-Gaia-2012-Empowering-the-PositiveTimeline/103801676320598 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower to Dana HorochowskiYou are the most deranged woman who has zero clue... The vibe you give off is so ugly and creepy I can't even believe people listen to you. Danu would be ashamed and the Dagda... Brigit thinks your insane and you are doing the antithesis of the work you should be doing for this tribe. Your servers crashed because you are a lie and it is divine intervention. 3 MYSTICAL NUMBERS 444, 1111 AND BARACK OBAMA // OBAMA IS THE LEOPARD IN BIBLE PROPHECY Dana Horochowski-ON WITH the NEW PARADIGM htpp://7thfire.biz 'Max Radico'-I know you know but its so simple..."Born again " The Bible way The only biblical use of the term “born again” occurs in John 3:3-5 — although, as we shall see, similar and related expressions such as “new birth” and ,regeneration” occur elsewhere in Scripture (Titus 3:5; 1 Pet 1:3, 23). In John 3:3, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The Greek expression translated “born again” (gennathei anothen) also means “born from above.” Jesus, it seems, makes a play on words with Nicodemus, contrasting earthly life, or what theologians would later dub natural life (“what is born of flesh”), with the new life of heaven, or what they would later call supernatural life (“what is born of Spirit”). Dana Horochowski - Thank you my dear. It is a born again alright, but it isn't in the PEOPLEs church. During my pilgrim journey, I have found that BORN AGAIN is an AGAPE AMOR love. I found it when I was in service to others without a paycheque attached to it. Time for an EARTH PARTY, we need a NEW NEW YORK, region, cause the other one is under water. Let's get those PEACE TRAINS out to NEW YORK already and start putting people on farmland, so they can build heaven on earth. Sovereign city states, surrounded by INDIAN LAND. Keeping all our customs alive always, as the child leads us by example, thru the PURITY of the HEART. Meegwetch DANA Ian Jefferson - really????????????????how did you prophets get on my facebook page? I must admit reading your banterings between all of the holier than though minds out there is kind of amusing. Mark I-am Traver made me feel stupider than shit....perhaps I should follow his bullshit, but wait we already have someone who preaches of the ego and super ego...........but who am I to judge. This all started with a local facebook so called friend of a friend when I saw that her somewhat strange ideologies were attacked by an american end of the world anti-government social misfit that thinks there is some conspiracy to take over the world and only smoking her dope and breeding with her mental instability shall I be saved??????????????????????????????????????really??? minimum wage in the country is over $10/hr. We really don't need any more cults, our world is lost and fucked up enough....but wait I know your here to save it right? Unless you are the 1...... fuck off and get a life 4 Ian Jefferson- and I seriously don't mean to offend anyone.... your thoughts and your beliefs are entrenched in our rights only because of the blood that was spilled for us to speak our minds ET 101 Arcturus CALLING- RAINBOW WARRIORs in NEW YORK YORK REGION OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII 7thfire.biz arcturuscall http://7thfire.biz/arcturuscall.htm “The Old World's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their motivator, fear, is being relocated to another planet where its subdivisions are still welcome. fulfillment of Native American prophecies, intergalactic and interdimensional forces havegathered on this planet at this time to liberate her in the name of Spirit. The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; This is In the most critical moment of change in this planet's history, and your assistance in that change is vital.” — excerpt from ET 101 /// https://www.facebook.com/groups/Themagdalene/415454045195232/? notif_t=group_activity BEWARE -Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, OBAMA /// http://clandestineragerevealed.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/fo rmer-white-hat-busted-louis-khannin/ // http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/ // ET 101 Arcturus CALLING http://7thfire.biz Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share You and William Edward Tuttle III like this. 5 Dana Horochowski this is all OCCUPYed by the LEGIONS of the DIJJAL 19 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski NERO is a ZERO and GRECO ROMA WARships the DEMIURGE, DRACOVASSILAS and CONSTANTINE the CHRISTIAN KILLER! nerozero http://7thfire.biz/nerozero.htm Jewel Del Core - ALL SEEING EYE of HORUS? SUN of SATAN? GOLDEN DAWN, BLACK MAJICK. Are you INSANE Jewel?...See More NERO is a ZERO and GRECO ROMA WARships the DEMIURGE, DRACOVASSILAS and CONSTANTINE the CHRISTIAN KIL 7thfire.biz pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More 19 minutes ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview William Edward Tuttle III ~ 18 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 6 Seanchai Seance Ty Lady Dana you can always see behind the veil where shadows keep libraries sealed, Starlite power shine bright In the night 14 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 ( SIN god, ATON, SATURN/ MOLOCH are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltrated http://7thfire.biz/hellenchaosinfiltrated.htm HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated - http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ When in Rome; don't be a Greek SATURNday 11 24 2012 INDIGO CRYSTAL RAINBOW ANGELS UNITE to AGAPE AMOR IGNITE indigoignite - http://7thfire.biz/indigoignite.htm A message from the Sounds of Silence - Translated by Michael F. O’Keeffe Traditional Christian doctrine teaches that Jesus was God Himself, incarnate (as a man). During these times of Reveal-ations, The Aquarian Gospel reveals that Jesus was simply a very extraordinary man – so dedicated to love, kindness, personal responsibility and humility that his soul merged with the Divine. His mind and his will became fully synchronized with God’s mind and will: he became 7 virtually indistinguishable from God, This is soul-maturity, and this is Christ. And Christ is given all the powers of God. All human beings are capable of this. Furthermore, Jesus taught that each and every human being (every child of God), after experiencing many, many incarnations, is destined to learn and grow, and eventually achieve soul-maturity, and become aChrist. As God’s own Children, what else could be our destiny? One can achieve soul-maturity by following the path Jesus walked, and if you comprehend this, you may be ready to walk the Return Path to Edenhttp://home.netcom.com/~mokeeffe/ Psychic Abuse is: Judging yourself or another. Resenting yourself or another. Holding love back for any reason from yourself or another. Wishing harm on yourself or another. Being Jealous of yourself or another. Gossip, Guilt Trips, Threats, Seduction, Mocking and Manipulation also come Under the Psychic Abuse Flag! These actions do great harm to ourselves, each other and the Universe. What Is Psychic Abuse http://angelwing309.tripod.com/believing/ /// LoveCry's Healing Site http://members.tripod.com/angel_love9-ivil/ // They Don't Really Care About Us http://lovecry-2008.tripod.com/theydontreallycareaboutus/ // Child Abuse Information http://angelwing309.tripod.com/angelsheal/ /// http://majicangel.tripod.com/lovecry/ /// LoveCry News http://members.tripod.com/angel_love9ivil/majicislove/index.html HEALING and SHEILDING 7thfire.biz playlist // Community by Ascension Pioneers (Polona) Playlist 8 your slander is going to make me a VERY RICH GIRL meegwetch http://7thfire.biz/11302012.htm See posts exposing JEWEL DELCORE and GHREES on youtube BEWARE -Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, OBAMA, www.youtube.com Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, OBAMA, NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE http://7thfire.biz/11212012.htm LIVE STREAM in YOUR F... Like · · Share Dana Horochowski Are you INSANE Jewel? Everyone knows you are the vampire... YOU'RE the one with black straight hair, and a professional approach to conspiracy, like it's your job or something. Please understand. We are smarter than you, we are stronger than you, because we chose to be HONEST! You lie everyday of your life to people you don't even know and spew your hate filled divide & conquer bs. You morons thought you were deceiving us, when really you were EDUCATING us! haha suckas! BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago 4 and I never asked you what pan means, I told you what it means, most of the things that support rees's stuff, are the myths, and when it comes to zeus, they say that cronians have changed it, yea. why do they mention zeus in every other movie in hollywood? I just asked you to explain the o\all seeing eye, and you gave me this bs reply, and you call it silly, yea, every dis-info has an excuse, great, it's silly, yea. you are exposed and you can't even defend yourself. good bye jewel! rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago 4 Video Responses 9 about an hour ago · Like Dana Horochowski IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE OUTTING YOUR RACIST VAMPIRE ASS! HAHA. NAMASTE and MEEGWETCH Dana Horochowski in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 15 minutes ago idiot maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 1 hour ago mumbai sewer rat I exposed Ergot, Candy , Chocolate and the 3rd gender agenda. as well as alot more maidenkid84 in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 hour ago no maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 1 hour ago What changed your mind? "If you are a real researcher you will quickly begin to see that everything GHREES has been saying can be verified some way or other. The burden lies on you to disprove it. I've tried and couldn't..." BlindMonkeyProd 6 months ago Magus Soulstar in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 3 hours ago Did you not used to promote multiculturalism? Did you not date a multi-cultural person? Did you switch from ghrees to Stormfront now? What is your ethnicity? watch?v=Wo9LDZvtwlw&feature=BFa&list=UUs4-58J_KT9t7nxBsn04-_w Magus Soulstar in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 4 hours ago As I said, ghrees supporters are racist. I will add, bigots and delusional. Which Chinese believe they are from the moon? All of em? Kill em all? The Han, Hui, Manchu, Yao, Li, Dai etc... Which? Christian, Taoist, Buddhist etc.. Which? Can you you read Chinese and comprehend the myths even? Or are you a bigoted, hateful FOLLOWER of a cult which has no sources? Just a mad mans ideas. I've seen your videos. You appear angry and mentally ill. Magus Soulstar in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 5 hours ago alright, whites did this, whites did that, what have you done? blacks do something right, all you do is talk about blacks, they don't give a fuck about you, this proves how low life you are, now shut up, whites don't become better than anyone just because you say it, that's what you believe, the truth is completely different, and talk about what you have done asshole, nothing shithead, you are proud of something people of your color did, you have done no good for anyone, and your videos are shit rockingdevil94 in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 9 hours ago so i take it you dont like how immigrants are being tossed out of greece who rape the citizenry ? Is dat racisss monkey ? racist...no monkey, this is a reaction to having Faggots, lesbians, black women 10 and white women placed above SMARTER WISER WHITE MEN LIKE ME G H REES info contains SO MUCH...but you being so low IQ cant comprhend, THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR MIXING What you think white and black mixing makes a SMARTER BABY ? yeah ...ok YOU ASSUME THEY HAVE A THEOMORPHIC SOUL...YOU ASS! maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago the chinese even say themselves they come frm the Moon maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 10 hours ago about an hour ago · Like Dana Horochowski racism LOL 1215, mongel invasion of Russia....was that racist ??? maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 10 hours ago you learned what you did from whites ungrateful swine blacks and non whites clearly hate whites and when was the last time they helped us ? All i see is us being attacked constantly . raped constantly, lied to by non whites constantly maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago It surely seems to be so Magus. I've been promoting and following rees for quite some time, and have been utterly disappointed by the individuals who do the same. Dunno how much they wannna join the blacks though, maidenkid would love to have all blacks exterminated, which he said himself in less uncertain terms. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 18 hours ago no, perhaps ship them all to liberia. black power right ? im tired of white women marrying blacks and having children who hate their own heritage. you mongrelize the race ... this has been happening for a long time. there were white gods .... now we are a shadow of a shadow . but im still smarter than all you fuckers. and who is revealing and exposing the fake ed reality and the demiurge and Fake consciousness? not blacks ...not asians.....WHITES! GET OVER IT! maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago the term racism that you are implying (over sensitized racial accusations) not a racism vengeance against Asians, or directed in a hateful manor, there are 11 scientific genetic findings which leads to the claims on the site regarding the Chinese, hybrids, white and black races.every one has been messed withto think that its not ok to speak of race unless it is geared to whites,some of us have retained our complete codes that's whywe are ableto bring this information forward and piece this together SYMPAN U.O. in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 23 hours ago racism ..... of course no blindmonkey, see a mixed race wont understand the true racial origins , or the drowning out of the white race for lower less evolved races you are a product of this balkanization agenda....so it will obviously be difficult for you to comprehend,....and whenever non whites dont understand whites. it is racism . maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago omg kid ur so arrogant.... if mixed races are so dumb and inferior to you, you grand white god of the Universe, then why the fuck are you here too? Why did you get fooled like every other soul to come to this shithole? You keep talking about how smart you are, then why can't you seem to get it into you head, you are NOT your body!!! You are a soul occupying a body, it's nothing more than an avatar Each body is different and has different effects on the soul. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 18 hours ago who are the celestials ??? not the blacks ... the whites. The White Gods Not every body has a theomorphic soul, here is where my research went beyond your petty we are all the same simple minded thinking there is devolved consciousness and cloned people walking around . as well as hybrids. this shithole ? your home planet ? you totally deny all the facts and reality cuz it hurts right ? each body different, yes therefore whites are smarter and better than blacks. it is proven . maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago i dont even remember fighting you ... lol so lets turn the page ? maidenkid84 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago lets do it brother, it appears we are being attacked from all ends....lets show them the Hellenic fire! lets indeed turn the page SYMPAN U.O. in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 1 day ago about an hour ago · Like 12 Dana Horochowski What are ghrees sources? I studied the site and there are many claims but no proof. And they promote racism against Asians and some Europeans. Magus Soulstar 1 day ago which racism have I used and where? SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago You promote rees... rees are racist, cause they want us to hate and kill all mongrels, while they fail to explain how that is of any real use, as many of those "mongrels" are possibly our own relatives that passed on and got tricked into reincarnating for some silly life lesson or other. I've traveled the world more than most, and most people are kind & and just trying to get by in an insane asylum. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago 2 The promoters of rees are mostly unstable and mentally ill. Look up the videos and judge for yourself. They want to join Jews and Blacks against China and Europeans. Magus Soulstar in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago hey man have you seen my devolved consciousness , clones and theomorphic souls series ? that should answer some of your questions this balkanization agenda is a repeat of previous historical episodes man . they always balkanize the white race . Dont you wonder why target whites all the time ??? Rees are far from racist dude .... read what Rees says about Dobermans, mixing to create unstable racial sub groups maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago i just seen her shapeshift.holly shit!!! todd black 1 day ago As for the comment regarding Maiden kid, we have had our differences, im hoping that we can move past all of this nonsense, I support his work in the last videos hes making and hope he continues with his work in accordance with GHREEs and the truth....I will not comment on the racism issues, as for my part they are non existent, in the sense that I have not distorted other races on the planet ever! I have merely stated in accordance with true disclosures and genetic findings of ghrees disclosure SYMPAN U.O. 1 day ago well, I can understand your point to a certain extent, I think you need to realize that although pictures and images etcare most certainly usedto program individuals,if you can see past the minor microscopic analysis and energy into figuring outthe credibility ofa person based onwhat pictures they sport on face book and ignore the material and substance ofthe person then this is your personal journey, one who invests in catching someonebecause of a picture will remain this way, and nothing more SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago this is something that I cant tell you. I am not here to convince you to trust ghrees material, its something that must be realized, the disclosures as far as I can say truly speak for themselves and not I or anyone else is big enough to mess with 13 what they have issued to the public. its all there for you, its up to your own discernment to understand, I am lucky because I started very young with these concepts and have many years in the highest levels of this type of knowledge, SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago from last statement; they (hellen chaos site) have many back up servers which allows for the site to continue on, there has been many times where the site in the past has been hacked or taken off line, (from my sources) I disagree with your accusation saying that I have conducted myself as a racist, where have I done this? you see the characterization of race has been over sensitized and therefor people choose not to speak of racial issues especially here in north America....to be continued SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago about an hour ago · Like Dana Horochowski I think you are a vampire because of the way you talk to people. I've seen your comments all over the place, and they are always negative, and you are always fighting with someone. that is what a vampire does, sucks energy. I asked you politely on fb, back when i was naive, why you showed the moon, wolves, one eye, and all around "dark" themed pictures... i got no response and was promptly deleted. All u people do is argue with, especially if they have issues with ghrees. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago well im sorry you feel this way, sadly in this thing called truth there are many out to confuse and distort information, I have reacted not negatively but in a healthy balance, you or anyone else who is new to this movement do not understand that being nice only, causes a means through ones inner confused polarity into unbalance...so you have to define what negativity is, Ive been stern and precise in my discourses to those who choose to lie and defecate the universal law and that of Hellenism SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago If ghrees is truth, then why is their blog still up? These are all psy-ops to mess with our heads obviously. Over the years it has become quite evident that ALL theories can be empirically proven. I can prove to you the earth is center of the universe, shit I can even prove it's flat, all through science. You and maidenkid have both used the worst racism I've ever heard from a "truther", and i think PanH beliefs have a lot to do with this behavior. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago I cannot answer completely knowing why the site is still up, what I can tell you is that the evidence disclosures presented through hellen and chaos are accurate to my own knowing, I only speak when im sure of anything, I do not make anything 14 up! however my functions (practical) is what makes me know what I speak of, this based on memory retention and the ability to piece this truth scheme together, as for the site being up, from what im told and am aware that they are attacked daily to be conti SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago I know it's a tough one. If the information on that site was really freeing in any "real" way, it'd be down immediately. Common sense. The psychos in control got no issues with taking people out, if they aren't towing the line. I don't trust it, and any researcher at our level of the game, would be insane trust anything 100% anymore. I do wonder how have proven rees science as sound? BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago the old pictures I had on my face book where there for some time, which recently removed because of all of the slander im getting as a result of these accusations, understand that they have or had nothing to do with how I view things in the world we all have a past, and if u were one who was removed from my face book, would only be due to slanderous misinterpretation or just plain nonsensical rants with nothing to back up, I never like to censor but if your being unethical I will call you on it SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago I will add you back if you care to chat further with me instead of airing out this nonsense here, lets stop the bickering and accusations and start working together, I think we are trying to achieve the same restoration on the planet, lets do it together SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago the point is if u really were for good, u'd have spent hours pondering the best image/representation for yourself, in order that no one would have feelings of doubt, as we know how fragile people are when first waking up. I spent those hours thinking hard, and chose a monkey...u on the other hand chose multiple dark symbols. What did you expect people to think? If not done on purpose, then it is no less than negligent imo. maybe i'll hit u up again on fb.. pretty bored of conspiracy tho. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago but why are they (my comments) bullshit? you cant seem to get your facts straight and consistently say im a disinfo agent because of a picture, here and everywhere else, so man up and tell me you have facts? my hair, my eye in one pic,...lol, you are completely paranoid and I can understand. YOu have done absolutely nothing to my character because you lie, hiding behind the name rocking devil...lol, wow does that ever sound like a healthy cell name. your a complete joke man SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 day ago The all seeing eye is a construct which when viewed through the symbolism of the Hebrews hong (levan moon) agenda is indicating that pyramid top eye in the triangle is draconian sin Sion above in Jerusalem levan looking below onto earth (lower jerus)who sees everything here from one dimensional higher thank ours rarification, so because my pic my hair is draped on one eye you think im showing this symbol to support levan program? why would I reveal everything I 15 do if I supported the hong agenda? SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 day ago 43 minutes ago · Like Agape Amor lol damnnn dude, talk about delusional. even i dont go that far, and i go pretty far lemonlimelukey in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago Reply if you don't have anything sensible to say, then don't say anything, I can see how far you have gone. you don't know me, and you don't know the things I know, so don't judge me. rockingdevil94 in reply to lemonlimelukey (Show the comment) 2 days ago tooo bad i know EVERYTHING you mentioned in that comment so yeeeeeaaaaaa purple, saturn, chronos, time, cubes, black, its not that hard to understand so ill judge however i want. youre not ahead of me, thats forsure. lemonlimelukey in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago purple, chronus, time, cubes, black??? very good, go and compete with someone else shithead, yea, you are ahead of me, happy now? and please do judge everyone, by judging the one's you don't know, the only thing you prove is that you are a retard and stupid as fuck. don't bother me now asshole, I won't waste my time showing you showing where I'am, and where you are in this game. rockingdevil94 in reply to lemonlimelukey (Show the comment) 2 days ago well i bet you dont know that 90% of people around you are just programs, devoid of individual thought because theyve been programmed theyre whole life, so now theyre all clones. so i judge them all the time, goodbye. lemonlimelukey in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago dirt devil,what we do know is your a complete joke around the internet with nothing better to do then come up with empty theories, with no answers....now go fuck off, your comments contribute absolutely nothing to any form of discussion SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago and I never asked you what pan means, I told you what it means, most of the things that support rees's stuff, are the myths, and when it comes to zeus, they say that cronians have changed it, yea. why do they mention zeus in every other movie in hollywood? I just asked you to explain the o\all seeing eye, and you gave me this bs reply, and you call it silly, yea, every dis-info has an excuse, great, it's silly, yea. you are exposed and you can't even defend yourself. good bye jewel! rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago 4 yes you never asked however as the rest of the disinfo agents have to stick to non 16 nonsensical empty Hebrew distortions claiming that GHREES materials uses pan baphomet I had to spank you yet again liar....have you no honor in your approach? come on already, you have done nothing to my credibility but enhance it, so keep lying to people about me, just draws more in, so I can give them the real truth...you really are dumb dirt devil you know, ...lol SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago all your comments are bullshit, your abuses make it more annoying, and yea, it's very offensive too. slander without cause? tell me one thing, whose going to believe some showing his one eye, in this world of dis-info agents? it's you who is an idiot for thinking that people will accept your bullshit, and tell ghrees to explain the all seeing eye on the greek blog too. and do whatever you want, everyone knows what golden dawn puppet you are, once a slave, always a slave. rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago this is fascinating. I am enjoying the debate. YOU LOSE JEW el el el el el el el el el dev EL Dana Horochowski in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 second ago you wanna open your big mouth your gonna get spanked, your a useless tit dirt devil, and contribute nothing to truth, go back to your hole in the ground with the rest of the vrill below the crust of the planet... SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago 31 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski hmmm my comment "Former White Hat is an agent" got deleted. BlindMonkeyProd 2 days ago Just so you are aware, Hellen and Chaos blog, will be addressing the slanderous comments made in this video along with the author, and other manipulators who have recently on blogs or youtube publicly insulted or cast false claims about the disclosures of GHREES and that of the Hellenic science, for those who have chosen the path of slander without cause. ...Stay tuned SYMPAN U.O. 3 days ago all your comments are bullshit, your abuses make it more annoying, and yea, it's very offensive too. slander without cause? tell me one thing, whose going to believe some showing his one eye, in this world of dis-info agents? it's you who is an idiot for thinking that people will accept 17 your bullshit, and tell ghrees to explain the all seeing eye on the greek blog too. and do whatever you want, everyone knows what golden dawn puppet you are, once a slave, always a slave. rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago Comment removed Author withheld Reply Comment removed Author withheld Reply Comment removed Author withheld Reply so dickhead, as u are probably starting to realize, Pan= Panas (everything) SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago he allegedly accepts that the humans and the rest beings are not creations by the hands of God but are offsprings inside his body, namely cells of his body according to the true biological function of the body of “Panas”(=Everything) Universal Organism SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring (his genus)" But with these words the tricky Rabbi little Paul was cancelling (covertly) the whole Judeo-Christian teaching about “God (Extra-Cosmic) Creator”, because with his above mentioned confession, to be continued SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago The previously mentioned felonious crook and “Saint” of “Orthodox Church”, during his trip in Athens, said lies to the Athenians that: “He went there to preach them the true God who is not far from each one of us, for 'In him (inside him) we live and move and have our being, SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago 28 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski nah. what is spiritual ? maidenkid84 in reply to SURFSIDEPOTRERO (Show the comment) 3 days ago I agree Jim, shes probably going to delete my comment as well, after a couple of months posting her private pictures and airing her trash on facebook.... Well here she is, lol...mumbling lunar controlled drug addict and basket case zombie Dana Horchowski as usual another fool who talks with nothing to back up her cryptic 18 bullshit SYMPAN U.O. in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 3 days ago explain the one-eye saturn pic on g.h.rees blog (greek) pan 'hell'enism, pan the greek god (half goat (baphomet)) od sheepards, flocks, goats. in dragon ball z, pan is videl's (devil) daughter, videl's fater's name is satan. that's enough proof. rees's logo represents serpents, that's enough, you, who uses a one eye pic, supporting rees, that's enough proof. and all your other pics too. this is a big setup, I can see that, you are all together, including dana. and it's you who deletes comments. rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 3 days ago i gotta say you are one observant person . interesting connections. onwards with more research and discoveries right ? lol maidenkid84 in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago watch the harry potter and the prisoner of askaban, the dementors (soul sucking fiends) that should be enough for you to understand how to deal with them. read all my post, about how OP was programming people to fall for the hunter/eaters, that's the point you missed, the most vital point. how to avoid them all. funny how nobody noticed. I posted everything we need to know. and few other important points are left, will post that on ST maybe. rockingdevil94 in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 3 days ago oh no you again...lol, ur back ok what do you want from me? I have never stated anywhere that Baphomet is anything relating to GHREES, I used a clip of a pentagram in one of my videos only to show how the symbol of dodecahedron has been manipulated into a satanic baphomet pentagram, cant you get that idiot? and again I will state here for this fool and anyone else the hellenic science has been infiltrated by agents SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago secondly; pan Hellenism has nothing to do with the hebrew masonic pan you find in the tarot, why are u so distracted by one eye bullshit, im not taking my pic away, and im most definitely not going to respond to any of your silly eye symbolism bullshit....everything has been infiltrated and we are here to restore it, lazy ass fuck hole that you are, all u can do is insult and degrade those of us who are genuinely trying to restore pan Hellenism, and Pan - to be continued SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago Pan Hellenism stands for the Universal Pan Organism The grand deception of the millennia concerning the forgery of the true “Pan” (Everything) by Yahweh and Savaoth, was committed by the white-yellow mongol Judean “Apostle Paul” or Saul, Rabbi from Tarsus of Cilicia in Minor Asia._ SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago not too many of us left telling the truth is there ... maidenkid84 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 3 days ago Everytime something good happens everyone good feels better. bloodvile 3 days ago 19 24 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski GRECO ROMA is GOING to the DOGS soon FOR SURE! 24 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski WEREWOLVES 24 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski this is fun.....warming up for the CLASH of the TITANs 21 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski hey, former white hat is a dis-information agent, there is no such group as 'white hats', that's all bullshit created by the dis-info agents. here /watch?v=QYbcYWGMlGs rockingdevil94 3 days ago get more cak3 MCEO freedomteachings here. Knowledge is Free Ra Ra pastebin [DOT] com/qjrxJQqV [αѕнαуαnα dєαnє - Freedom Teachings ®] LegionnairesAwaken in reply to revillusi0nz (Show the comment) 3 days ago omg, thanks, looks like a lot of free lectures... me likey! revillusi0nz in reply to LegionnairesAwaken (Show the comment) 3 days ago 20 good to see ya on the youtube again. Thank you for doing your videos. I was hoping Robert Morning Sky would have gone further. The Terra papers stuff is cool. Goes along with the book Voyagers and how the holy grail is in us and how we run our energies etc. As long as everyone is busy looking for a gold box no one would ever figure it out, lol. wildcastle1 3 days ago hummmm... Donno about your evaluations, but you sure are cute. Love you too. Terrell Jamison 3 days ago by the way, I like Iron Maiden too! :)) SURFSIDEPOTRERO in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 4 days ago by the kind of language you use, you are just proving to be really ways away from being a spiritual being. You will probably go too, unless you change and speak with your heart, not with your mind. Think about it and you should try to rephrase your comment in more mature and positive way. SURFSIDEPOTRERO in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 4 days ago You are schizo... NatureChasing 4 days ago dont belive ant thing till u see it wit ur own eyeys!!! EA sabini1888 4 days ago MorningSky is the real deal - always go Native/ Terra Papers are real! patmac573 4 days ago 19 minutes ago · Like Dana Horochowski I can't even respond to MAIDEN KID on my own video. GRECO ROMA is LOSING the fight I can't wait for your KARMA to RETURN to you WHITE VAMPIRE TRASH about a minute ago · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski and don't think JEWEL DELCORE and JIM e GRAND MAIDEN KID are coming to the EARTH PARTY EITHER. We'll fry you up. Stay out of KING CITY. NERO is a ZERO 21 about a minute ago · Edited · Like What are ghrees sources? I studied the site and there are many claims but no proof. And they promote racism against Asians and some Europeans. Magus Soulstar 1 day ago the term racism that you are implying (over sensitized racial accusations) not a racism vengeance against Asians, or directed in a hateful manor, there are scientific genetic findings which leads to the claims on the site regarding the Chinese, hybrids, white and black races.every one has been messed withto think that its not ok to speak of race unless it is geared to whites,some of us have retained our complete codes that's whywe are ableto bring this information forward and piece this together SYMPAN U.O. in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 23 hours ago racism LOL 1215, mongel invasion of Russia....was that racist ??? maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 10 hours ago i just seen her shapeshift.holly shit!!! todd black 1 day ago As for the comment regarding Maiden kid, we have had our differences, im hoping that we can move past all of this nonsense, I support his work in the last videos hes making and hope he continues with his work in accordance with GHREEs and the truth....I will not comment on the racism issues, as for my part they are non existent, in the sense that I have not distorted other races on the planet ever! I have merely stated in accordance with true disclosures and genetic findings of ghrees disclosure SYMPAN U.O. 1 day ago i dont even remember fighting you ... lol so lets turn the page ? maidenkid84 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago lets do it brother, it appears we are being attacked from all ends....lets show them the Hellenic fire! lets indeed turn the page SYMPAN U.O. in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 1 day ago Shame to you. You are being possessed and you don't understand it. You betrayed the cause Jew-el del core, you are one of them now. You broke our heart, you betrayed our trust and you spell draconian venom. you are a back stabbing possessed tool for them. You are going down. olympianduke 1 day ago ok now tell me how I have done this? I betrayed who? im one of who? the cause which no one seems to know? what do you question? what have I done? can any of you ask me a question with courtesy and respect without slandering me? 22 who am I back stabbing? tool for who? possessed? common people, I think for all of the ones who are questioning my integrity by laying false accusations should just ask instead of be confrontational, and if you think im a vampire just because you think this way, then ? SYMPAN U.O. in reply to olympianduke (Show the comment) 1 day ago hmmm my comment "Former White Hat is an agent" got deleted. BlindMonkeyProd 2 days ago Just so you are aware, Hellen and Chaos blog, will be addressing the slanderous comments made in this video along with the author, and other manipulators who have recently on blogs or youtube publicly insulted or cast false claims about the disclosures of GHREES and that of the Hellenic science, for those who have chosen the path of slander without cause. ...Stay tuned SYMPAN U.O. 3 days ago all your comments are bullshit, your abuses make it more annoying, and yea, it's very offensive too. slander without cause? tell me one thing, whose going to believe some showing his one eye, in this world of dis-info agents? it's you who is an idiot for thinking that people will accept your bullshit, and tell ghrees to explain the all seeing eye on the greek blog too. and do whatever you want, everyone knows what golden dawn puppet you are, once a slave, always a slave. rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago you wanna open your big mouth your gonna get spanked, your a useless tit dirt devil, and contribute nothing to truth, go back to your hole in the ground with the rest of the vrill below the crust of the planet... SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago but why are they (my comments) bullshit? you cant seem to get your facts straight and consistently say im a disinfo agent because of a picture, here and everywhere else, so man up and tell me you have facts? my hair, my eye in one pic,...lol, you are completely paranoid and I can understand. YOu have done absolutely nothing to my character because you lie, hiding behind the name rocking devil...lol, wow does that ever sound like a healthy cell name. your a complete joke man SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 day ago Comment removed Author withheld Reply Comment removed Author withheld Reply Everytime something good happens everyone good feels better.:) 23 bloodvile 3 days ago hey, former white hat is a dis-information agent, there is no such group as 'white hats', that's all bullshit created by the dis-info agents. here /watch?v=QYbcYWGMlGs rockingdevil94 3 days ago good to see ya on the youtube again. Thank you for doing your videos. I was hoping Robert Morning Sky would have gone further. The Terra papers stuff is cool. Goes along with the book Voyagers and how the holy grail is in us and how we run our energies etc. As long as everyone is busy looking for a gold box no one would ever figure it out, lol. wildcastle1 3 days ago hummmm... Donno about your evaluations, but you sure are cute. Love you too. Terrell Jamison 3 days ago You are schizo... NatureChasing 4 days ago dont belive ant thing till u see it wit ur own eyeys!!! EA sabini1888 4 days ago MorningSky is the real deal - always go Native/ Terra Papers are real! patmac573 4 days ago Comment removed Author withheld Reply Wow dana.... so you either are SUPER ignorant, or you are another agent...i lean towards the former... oh angels are good now ? Michael LOL you worry about every race and people but your own . you think Nibiru is a Planet. You Lying misinformed MORON! Hellen and Chaos co opted . By who ? LMAO you literally pull shit out of your ass....un real! and you neglect the soul traps and soul hunters....boy oh boy you are one fucked up lady maidenkid84 4 days ago 24 by the kind of language you use, you are just proving to be really ways away from being a spiritual being. You will probably go too, unless you change and speak with your heart, not with your mind. Think about it and you should try to rephrase your comment in more mature and positive way. SURFSIDEPOTRERO in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 3 days ago nah. what is spiritual ? maidenkid84 in reply to SURFSIDEPOTRERO (Show the comment) 3 days ago you have to find out by yourself, that is one of the purposes of your life on this planet... SURFSIDEPOTRERO in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 1 day ago you are full of shit all you hacks, liars and do gooders pretending to be better and wiser and more knowledgeable ...spiritual means EGO maidenkid84 in reply to SURFSIDEPOTRERO (Show the comment) 1 day ago by the way, I like Iron Maiden too! :)) SURFSIDEPOTRERO in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 3 days ago I agree Jim, shes probably going to delete my comment as well, after a couple of months posting her private pictures and airing her trash on facebook.... Well here she is, lol...mumbling lunar controlled drug addict and basket case zombie Dana Horchowski as usual another fool who talks with nothing to back up her cryptic bullshit SYMPAN U.O. in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 3 days ago explain the one-eye saturn pic on g.h.rees blog (greek) pan 'hell'enism, pan the greek god (half goat (baphomet)) od sheepards, flocks, goats. in dragon ball z, pan is videl's (devil) daughter, videl's fater's name is satan. that's enough proof. rees's logo represents serpents, that's enough, you, who uses a one eye pic, supporting rees, that's enough proof. and all your other pics too. this is a big setup, I can see that, you are all together, including dana. and it's you who deletes comments. rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 3 days ago i gotta say you are one observant person . interesting connections. onwards with more research and discoveries right ? lol maidenkid84 in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago 25 watch the harry potter and the prisoner of askaban, the dementors (soul sucking fiends) that should be enough for you to understand how to deal with them. read all my post, about how OP was programming people to fall for the hunter/eaters, that's the point you missed, the most vital point. how to avoid them all. funny how nobody noticed. I posted everything we need to know. and few other important points are left, will post that on ST maybe. rockingdevil94 in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 3 days ago oh no you again...lol, ur back ok what do you want from me? I have never stated anywhere that Baphomet is anything relating to GHREES, I used a clip of a pentagram in one of my videos only to show how the symbol of dodecahedron has been manipulated into a satanic baphomet pentagram, cant you get that idiot? and again I will state here for this fool and anyone else the hellenic science has been infiltrated by agents SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago secondly; pan Hellenism has nothing to do with the hebrew masonic pan you find in the tarot, why are u so distracted by one eye bullshit, im not taking my pic away, and im most definitely not going to respond to any of your silly eye symbolism bullshit....everything has been infiltrated and we are here to restore it, lazy ass fuck hole that you are, all u can do is insult and degrade those of us who are genuinely trying to restore pan Hellenism, and Pan - to be continued SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago Pan Hellenism stands for the Universal Pan Organism The grand deception of the millennia concerning the forgery of the true “Pan” (Everything) by Yahweh and Savaoth, was committed by the white-yellow mongol Judean “Apostle Paul” or Saul, Rabbi from Tarsus of Cilicia in Minor Asia._ SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago and I never asked you what pan means, I told you what it means, most of the things that support rees's stuff, are the myths, and when it comes to zeus, they say that cronians have changed it, yea. why do they mention zeus in every other movie in hollywood? I just asked you to explain the o\all seeing eye, and you gave me this bs reply, and you call it silly, yea, every dis-info has an excuse, great, it's silly, yea. you are exposed and you can't even defend yourself. good bye jewel! rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago 4 yes you never asked however as the rest of the disinfo agents have to stick to non nonsensical empty Hebrew distortions claiming that GHREES materials uses pan baphomet I had to spank you yet again liar....have you no honor in your approach? come on already, you have done nothing to my credibility but enhance it, so keep lying to people about me, just draws more in, so I can give them the real truth...you really are dumb dirt devil you know, ...lol SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago yea, just go on, the way you just promote ghrees all the time, and defend them all the time, like it's your job. oh yea, you're and agent and it's your job, I forgot. go on and live with the lie that you spanked me. 26 your credibility is destroyed, completely. and once again you dodged this. I just asked you to explain the all seeing eye, and you gave me a bs reply, and you call it silly, yea, every dis-info has an excuse for the things that expose them. reply this, or don't reply. rockingdevil94 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 2 days ago The all seeing eye is a construct which when viewed through the symbolism of the Hebrews hong (levan moon) agenda is indicating that pyramid top eye in the triangle is draconian sin Sion above in Jerusalem levan looking below onto earth (lower jerus)who sees everything here from one dimensional higher thank ours rarification, so because my pic my hair is draped on one eye you think im showing this symbol to support levan program? why would I reveal everything I do if I supported the hong agenda? SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 day ago behold dirt devil who acts as a counter clockwise spinning black hole which trys to suck in peoples energy with bottomless lies and distortions, so long vampire SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago Are you INSANE Jewel? Everyone knows you are the vampire... YOU'RE the one with black straight hair, and a professional approach to conspiracy, like it's your job or something. Please understand. We are smarter than you, we are stronger than you, because we chose to be HONEST! You lie everyday of your life to people you don't even know and spew your hate filled divide & conquer bs. You morons thought you were deceiving us, when really you were EDUCATING us! haha suckas! BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago 4 whos everyone? you too now think im a vampire, because now the reason is my black hair, and am professional? my duty is to act as a healthy cell of the universal organism and not a cancerous bitch like you and your lynch team....are you really smarter> if so then show me evidence that ive done something wrong? show me where ive lied? im happy that you are educated as a result of things that have come from me and other brave individuals...so state your case, if you can? SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago I think you are a vampire because of the way you talk to people. I've seen your comments all over the place, and they are always negative, and you are always fighting with someone. that is what a vampire does, sucks energy. I asked you politely on fb, back when i was naive, why you showed the moon, wolves, one eye, and all around "dark" themed pictures... i got no response and was promptly deleted. All u people do is argue with, especially if they have issues with ghrees. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago well im sorry you feel this way, sadly in this thing called truth there are many out to confuse and distort information, I have reacted not negatively but in a healthy balance, you or anyone else who is new to this movement do not understand that being nice only, causes a means through ones inner confused polarity into unbalance...so you have to define what negativity is, Ive been stern and precise in my discourses to those who choose to lie and defecate the universal law and that of Hellenism SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago 27 If ghrees is truth, then why is their blog still up? These are all psy-ops to mess with our heads obviously. Over the years it has become quite evident that ALL theories can be empirically proven. I can prove to you the earth is center of the universe, shit I can even prove it's flat, all through science. You and maidenkid have both used the worst racism I've ever heard from a "truther", and i think PanH beliefs have a lot to do with this behavior. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago I cannot answer completely knowing why the site is still up, what I can tell you is that the evidence disclosures presented through hellen and chaos are accurate to my own knowing, I only speak when im sure of anything, I do not make anything up! however my functions (practical) is what makes me know what I speak of, this based on memory retention and the ability to piece this truth scheme together, as for the site being up, from what im told and am aware that they are attacked daily to be conti SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago I know it's a tough one. If the information on that site was really freeing in any "real" way, it'd be down immediately. Common sense. The psychos in control got no issues with taking people out, if they aren't towing the line. I don't trust it, and any researcher at our level of the game, would be insane trust anything 100% anymore. I do wonder how have proven rees science as sound? BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago this is something that I cant tell you. I am not here to convince you to trust ghrees material, its something that must be realized, the disclosures as far as I can say truly speak for themselves and not I or anyone else is big enough to mess with what they have issued to the public. its all there for you, its up to your own discernment to understand, I am lucky because I started very young with these concepts and have many years in the highest levels of this type of knowledge, SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago from last statement; they (hellen chaos site) have many back up servers which allows for the site to continue on, there has been many times where the site in the past has been hacked or taken off line, (from my sources) I disagree with your accusation saying that I have conducted myself as a racist, where have I done this? you see the characterization of race has been over sensitized and therefor people choose not to speak of racial issues especially here in north America....to be continued SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago which racism have I used and where? SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago You promote rees... rees are racist, cause they want us to hate and kill all mongrels, while they fail to explain how that is of any real use, as many of those "mongrels" are possibly our own relatives that passed on and got tricked into reincarnating for some silly life lesson or other. I've traveled the world more than most, and most people are kind & and just trying to get by in an insane asylum. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago 2 The promoters of rees are mostly unstable and mentally ill. Look up the videos and judge for yourself. They want to join Jews and Blacks against China and Europeans. Magus Soulstar in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago It surely seems to be so Magus. I've been promoting and following rees for quite some time, and have been utterly disappointed by the individuals who do the same. Dunno how much they wannna join the blacks though, maidenkid would love to have all blacks exterminated, which he said himself in less uncertain terms. 28 BlindMonkeyProd in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 18 hours ago no, perhaps ship them all to liberia. black power right ? im tired of white women marrying blacks and having children who hate their own heritage. you mongrelize the race ... this has been happening for a long time. there were white gods .... now we are a shadow of a shadow . but im still smarter than all you fuckers. and who is revealing and exposing the fake ed reality and the demiurge and Fake consciousness? not blacks ...not asians.....WHITES! GET OVER IT! maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago the chinese even say themselves they come frm the Moon maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 10 hours ago As I said, ghrees supporters are racist. I will add, bigots and delusional. Which Chinese believe they are from the moon? All of em? Kill em all? The Han, Hui, Manchu, Yao, Li, Dai etc... Which? Christian, Taoist, Buddhist etc.. Which? Can you you read Chinese and comprehend the myths even? Or are you a bigoted, hateful FOLLOWER of a cult which has no sources? Just a mad mans ideas. I've seen your videos. You appear angry and mentally ill. Magus Soulstar in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 5 hours ago idiot maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 1 hour ago IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE OUTTING YOUR RACIST VAMPIRE ASS! HAHA. NAMASTE and MEEGWETCH Dana Horochowski in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 10 minutes ago hey man have you seen my devolved consciousness , clones and theomorphic souls series ? that should answer some of your questions this balkanization agenda is a repeat of previous historical episodes man . they always balkanize the white race . Dont you wonder why target whites all the time ??? Rees are far from racist dude .... read what Rees says about Dobermans, mixing to create unstable racial sub groups maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago so i take it you dont like how immigrants are being tossed out of greece who rape the citizenry ? Is dat racisss monkey ? racist...no monkey, this is a reaction to having Faggots, lesbians, black women and white women placed above SMARTER WISER WHITE MEN LIKE ME 29 G H REES info contains SO MUCH...but you being so low IQ cant comprhend, THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR MIXING What you think white and black mixing makes a SMARTER BABY ? yeah ...ok YOU ASSUME THEY HAVE A THEOMORPHIC SOUL...YOU ASS! maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 9 hours ago Did you not used to promote multiculturalism? Did you not date a multi-cultural person? Did you switch from ghrees to Stormfront now? What is your ethnicity? watch?v=Wo9LDZvtwlw&feature=BF-a&list=UUs4-58J_KT9t7nxBsn04-_-w Magus Soulstar in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 4 hours ago no maidenkid84 in reply to Magus Soulstar (Show the comment) 1 hour ago What changed your mind? "If you are a real researcher you will quickly begin to see that everything GHREES has been saying can be verified some way or other. The burden lies on you to disprove it. I've tried and couldn't..." BlindMonkeyProd 6 months ago Magus Soulstar in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 3 hours ago racism ..... of course no blindmonkey, see a mixed race wont understand the true racial origins , or the drowning out of the white race for lower less evolved races you are a product of this balkanization agenda....so it will obviously be difficult for you to comprehend,....and whenever non whites dont understand whites. it is racism . :) maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago omg kid ur so arrogant.... if mixed races are so dumb and inferior to you, you grand white god of the Universe, then why the fuck are you here too? Why did you get fooled like every other soul to come to this shithole? You keep talking about how smart you are, then why can't you seem to get it into you head, you are NOT your body!!! You are a soul occupying a body, it's nothing more than an avatar Each body is different and has different effects on the soul. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 17 hours ago who are the celestials ??? not the blacks ... the whites. The White Gods Not every body has a theomorphic soul, here is where my research went beyond your petty we are all the same simple minded thinking there is devolved consciousness and cloned people walking around . as well as hybrids. 30 this shithole ? your home planet ? you totally deny all the facts and reality cuz it hurts right ? each body different, yes therefore whites are smarter and better than blacks. it is proven . maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago alright, whites did this, whites did that, what have you done? blacks do something right, all you do is talk about blacks, they don't give a fuck about you, this proves how low life you are, now shut up, whites don't become better than anyone just because you say it, that's what you believe, the truth is completely different, and talk about what you have done asshole, nothing shithead, you are proud of something people of your color did, you have done no good for anyone, and your videos are shit rockingdevil94 in reply to maidenkid84 (Show the comment) 9 hours ago mumbai sewer rat I exposed Ergot, Candy , Chocolate and the 3rd gender agenda. as well as alot more maidenkid84 in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 hour ago the old pictures I had on my face book where there for some time, which recently removed because of all of the slander im getting as a result of these accusations, understand that they have or had nothing to do with how I view things in the world we all have a past, and if u were one who was removed from my face book, would only be due to slanderous misinterpretation or just plain nonsensical rants with nothing to back up, I never like to censor but if your being unethical I will call you on it SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago I will add you back if you care to chat further with me instead of airing out this nonsense here, lets stop the bickering and accusations and start working together, I think we are trying to achieve the same restoration on the planet, lets do it together SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago the point is if u really were for good, u'd have spent hours pondering the best image/representation for yourself, in order that no one would have feelings of doubt, as we know how fragile people are when first waking up. I spent those hours thinking hard, and chose a monkey...u on the other hand chose multiple dark symbols. What did you expect people to think? If not done on purpose, then it is no less than negligent imo. maybe i'll hit u up again on fb.. pretty bored of conspiracy tho. BlindMonkeyProd in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 1 day ago well, I can understand your point to a certain extent, I think you need to realize that although pictures and images etcare most certainly usedto program individuals,if you can see past the minor microscopic analysis and energy into figuring outthe credibility ofa person based onwhat pictures they sport on face book and ignore the material and substance ofthe person then this is your personal journey, one who invests in catching someonebecause of a picture will remain this way, and nothing more SYMPAN U.O. in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 1 day ago 31 you learned what you did from whites ungrateful swine blacks and non whites clearly hate whites and when was the last time they helped us ? All i see is us being attacked constantly . raped constantly, lied to by non whites constantly maidenkid84 in reply to BlindMonkeyProd (Show the comment) 10 hours ago They mention Zeus and degrade the Greek gods because they want you to think that the Olympian gods are thieves, ritual abusers, and sex fanatics...have they ever held Zeus in a high standard portrayal in the movies?, they always insult and degrade the staff of Zeus for this purpose.....I cant defend what doesn't make sense and has no foundation, its all slanderous and unprovable let alone blatant lies, as for the eye, I have no intention of showing one eye in this pic, its they way my hair goes SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 1 day ago The previously mentioned felonious crook and “Saint” of “Orthodox Church”, during his trip in Athens, said lies to the Athenians that: “He went there to preach them the true God who is not far from each one of us, for 'In him (inside him) we live and move and have our being, SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring (his genus)" But with these words the tricky Rabbi little Paul was cancelling (covertly) the whole Judeo-Christian teaching about “God (Extra-Cosmic) Creator”, because with his above mentioned confession, to be continued SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago he allegedly accepts that the humans and the rest beings are not creations by the hands of God but are offsprings inside his body, namely cells of his body according to the true biological function of the body of “Panas”(=Everything) Universal Organism SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago so dickhead, as u are probably starting to realize, Pan= Panas (everything) SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 3 days ago Comment removed Author withheld Reply lol damnnn dude, talk about delusional. even i dont go that far, and i go pretty far lemonlimelukey in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago if you don't have anything sensible to say, then don't say anything, I can see how far you have gone. you don't know me, and you don't know the things I know, so don't judge me. 32 rockingdevil94 in reply to lemonlimelukey (Show the comment) 2 days ago tooo bad i know EVERYTHING you mentioned in that comment so yeeeeeaaaaaa purple, saturn, chronos, time, cubes, black, its not that hard to understand so ill judge however i want. youre not ahead of me, thats forsure. lemonlimelukey in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago purple, chronus, time, cubes, black??? very good, go and compete with someone else shithead, yea, you are ahead of me, happy now? and please do judge everyone, by judging the one's you don't know, the only thing you prove is that you are a retard and stupid as fuck. don't bother me now asshole, I won't waste my time showing you showing where I'am, and where you are in this game. rockingdevil94 in reply to lemonlimelukey (Show the comment) 2 days ago well i bet you dont know that 90% of people around you are just programs, devoid of individual thought because theyve been programmed theyre whole life, so now theyre all clones. so i judge them all the time, goodbye. lemonlimelukey in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago I din't know that most people are programmed? in fact, everyone of us is, even when you watch most of the conspiray videos of youtube, by disinfos, they flash messages like 'don't think' and 'obey', and clones? if people are programmed they become clones? they just can't think independently, they don't become clones. clone like you meant right? yea, go on and keep judging all of them. good bye. rockingdevil94 in reply to lemonlimelukey (Show the comment) 2 days ago dirt devil,what we do know is your a complete joke around the internet with nothing better to do then come up with empty theories, with no answers....now go fuck off, your comments contribute absolutely nothing to any form of discussion SYMPAN U.O. in reply to rockingdevil94 (Show the comment) 2 days ago not too many of us left telling the truth is there ... maidenkid84 in reply to SYMPAN U.O. (Show the comment) 3 days ago Hey Dana, what are your thoughts of Ashayana Deane? or do You have vids on her already? I like her, but after seeing how much she charges people... i dunno.. but her information is amazing.. revillusi0nz 4 days ago get more cak3 MCEO freedomteachings here. Knowledge is Free Ra Ra pastebin [DOT] com/qjrxJQqV [αѕнαуαnα dєαnє - Freedom Teachings ®] LegionnairesAwaken in reply to revillusi0nz (Show the comment) 3 days ago omg, thanks, looks like a lot of free lectures... me likey! 33 revillusi0nz in reply to LegionnairesAwaken (Show the comment) 3 days ago All these names, if only people saw past too the energy itself. EnlightenmentToAll 4 days ago yeah.. ive had that feeling about peepz in your description box, good lookz. revillusi0nz 4 days ago Jewel Del Core shared Mohammed Zeyara's photo. Yesterday So you still believe there's going to be an ascension of love and lite? you think nesara, gfl, and all of the other idiots who claim to ignore the negative in the world are going to make it go away? its coming to a city near you Europe, USA, England, Canada....soon if you don't smarten up! Wallahi I've been crying like a baby after seeing this picture. Dalu family, may Allah reward you. May Allah accept you as Martyrs. Pray for Gaza. Like · · Share 6 people like this. View all 10 comments 34 Greg Sobek Very well put Jewel Del Core. We must know what it is we are dealing with. I cannot believe people are afraid to go to jail for a true revolution. LOL...wow! Standards in people have gotten way too diluted in this age. People Must begin thinking Out of the Box that the control system built and create a new reality. Not be scared of jail. Were any true revolutionaries in fear of the "PIG - created" system? Yesterday at 12:38pm · Like · 2 Greg Sobek Anyone...just get a good look at that photo!! Those kids are barefoot. They were probably in bed or playing innocently BUT in unexplainable Fear of the unknown.. It is sick and cowardly to be afraid at THIS point! Israel, who received 600 Million USD last year in AMERICAN AID is responsible for this. Yesterday at 1:00pm · Edited · Like · 4 Greg Sobek One thing we Must know about the Israelis. They revel in killing children. That says to me that they are destroying the future when they destroy children. That is the way to exterminate a race the quickest - is by taking the youngest first and women. Women being the pro-creators of life and children are the future. It is exactly how netanyahu looks at this. I'm out.. Yesterday at 12:47pm · Edited · Like · 2 Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKN5-020H9A 35 BEWARE -Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, OBAMA, www.youtube.com Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, OBAMA,...See More 58 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor your slander is going to make me a VERY RICH GIRL meegwetch http://7thfire.biz/11302012.htm NERO is a ZERO and GRECO ROMA WARships the DEMIURGE, DRACOVASSILAS and CONSTANTINE the CHRISTIAN KIL 7thfire.biz pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More about a minute ago · Unlike · 1 · Remove Preview Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) - Ontario November 21, 2012 14:53 ET Liberals must keep "community start up" benefit or face community protest 36 Groups challenge all Ontario Liberal leadership contenders to cut poverty, not social assistance TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 21, 2012) - Anti-poverty groups and trade unions are warning the Ontario Liberal government to reverse its decision to cut the "Community Start Up and Maintenance Benefit" (CSUMB) or face a rising groundswell of opposition and protest, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario said today. "The Liberal government is facing a rising groundswell of opposition and protest against its decision to cut the CSUMB," said John Clarke of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP). "Communities across the province have seen teach-ins, rallies and marches to raise awareness and pressure MPPs. But still the Liberals haven't gotten the message. Occupations and other actions are now in the offing until the Liberals do the right thing and cancel their plan to cut this vital benefit." Clarke made his comments on the eve of fresh protests set for Sudbury and Toronto, with more slated for communities across the province in the coming weeks. The CSUMB helps about 16,000 people every month in Ontario. It is one of the only ways that people on Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program can cover the costs of moving or obtain the basic items they need to maintain a home. It is a defence against homelessness and gives many women the resources they need to be able to leave situations of domestic violence. The Liberal government's 2012 budget brought a number of regressive cuts to social assistance, including to the CSUMB, slated for elimination in 2013. Activists noted that actions are being planned this week in Sudbury and Toronto, and said that the Liberal government should expect more in the coming days. On Thursday in Sudbury, the Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty and the North Shore Tribal Council are leading a march in that city. And on Friday in Toronto, groups campaigning against violence against women will demonstrate their concern that cutting the CSUMB will prevent women from leaving situations of domestic abuse and put families at risk. Protecting this benefit and raising social assistance rates should be a high priority for the next Ontario Liberal leader, said Carrie Lynn Poole-Cotnam, Chair of CUPE Ontario's Social Services Workers Coordinating Committee. "There is a great opportunity for leadership candidates to take a position that enough is enough," Poole-Cotnam said. "The next Liberal leader has to walk the talk of poverty reduction, not make poverty worse. Social justice in Ontario has to be a real priority for the next leader of the Liberal party." CUPE Ontario and OCAP will continue to support escalating actions against the proposed cut, Poole-Cotnam said. Contact Information Ontario Coalition Against Poverty John Clarke 416-712-2301 CUPE Ontario Carrie Lynn Poole-Cotnam 37 Chair, Social Services Workers Coordinating Committee 613-864-1061 CUPE Ontario Communications David Robbins 613-878-1431 David@davidrobbins.ca Info@cupe.on.ca Www.cupe.on.ca Seanchai Seance Danu, the powerful Mother Goddess, holds an important Celtic symbol, the Triquetra November 18 at 2:48pm · Like · 1 Dana Horochowski DEDICATED to all the RAINBOW WARRIORS. All the CHILDREN of the LITE of AGAPE AMOR. Be BLESSED. BE BLISS my BEAUTIES. victoriavictory -- http://7thfire.biz/victoriavictory.htm VICTORIA VICTORY KANATA REPUPLIC http://7thfire.biz DEDICATED to all the RAINBOW WARRIORS. All the CHILDREN of the LITE of AGAPE AMOR. Be BLESSED. BE BL 7thfire.biz pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More November 18 at 11:20am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ&feature=related 38 Queen - 'Bohemian Rhapsody' www.youtube.com The official 'Bohemian Rhapsody' music video. Taken from Queen - 'Greatest Video...See More November 18 at 12:49pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9TGj2jrJk8&feature=related Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven www.youtube.com The best song of history. Thanks for all your visits and enjoy this great song! ...See More November 18 at 12:50pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview 39 Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYf4kqnAWos&feature=related Eagles - Hotel California www.youtube.com video traducido y subtitulado al español latino November 18 at 12:51pm · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwAw9ThDQmk&feature=related Animals - House Of The Rising Sun www.youtube.com LEER ANTES DE VER EL VIDEO pues eh aqui un video mu padre y ni hablar de la letr...See More November 18 at 12:55pm · Like · Remove Preview 40 Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1ZRBPA8SK0&feature=related Guns N' Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door Live In Tokyo 1992 HD www.youtube.com Check this out!!! http://amzn.to/xfEWIQ Guns N' Roses performing the 21st song o...See More November 18 at 12:57pm · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmqK0aXkHho&feature=related Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (Full Version) www.youtube.com 41 Mint condition video before clipping for airtime. It's just afew sec's before/af...See More November 18 at 12:58pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5MAg_yWsq8 Styx - Come Sail Away www.youtube.com Music video by Styx performing Come Sail Away. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,893,702. (C) 1977 A&M Records November 18 at 1:05pm · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Qs8-BkiLw&feature=relmfu 42 Styx - Boat On The River www.youtube.com Music video by Styx performing Boat On The River. (C) 1979 A&M Records November 18 at 1:07pm · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XcKBmdfpWs&feature=relmfu Styx - Too Much Time On My Hands www.youtube.com Music video by Styx performing Too Much Time On My Hands. (C) 1981 A&M Records November 18 at 1:10pm · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor shared a link. November 18 http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ When in Rome; don't be a Greek www.youtube.com Justin Trudeau's father pledged to the club of Rome. So we are in ROME, whole entire world is. And the priests are from Greece and Babylon. Of course its a o... 43 Dana Horochowski HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated. See below http://7thfire.biz/ 7th fire Serenity Global Network 7thfire.biz JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG...See More November 18 at 8:59am · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski shared a link. November 18 I have been blocked from posting anymore comments about the INFILTRATED NERO NAZI WEBSITEhttp://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"-Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... 31Like · · Share Ardeliza Lim likes this. 44 Dana Horochowski PERSEUS who I spoke to in 2010 is NO LONGER there. I will show you that the CHAOS is coming from GREECE NOW. All in the BOOK of REVELATIONS to bring in DRACOVASSILAS and ignore the real culprits as in TONYA KANE ( LILITH) LEVAN ( PINDAR) and MOLOCH. SATAN is the father of ALL LIES. SHAME on you ALL who continue to bring in GENOCIDE and NOT unconditional LOVE. November 18 at 8:40am · Like Dana Horochowski MICHAEL NOEL PRESCOTT says he is ARCHANGEL MICHAEL METATRON . He is an IMPOSTER THELEMITE DEVIL. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE the truth but BLAME GOD for causing this mess. November 18 at 8:41am · Like Dana Horochowski I LOVE all the COLOURS of the RAINBOW and all have a chance to COME HOME to AGAPE LOVE. November 18 at 8:42am · Like Dana Horochowski To hell with NERO. Print your own CURRENCY and on with SERENITY. November 18 at 8:43am · Like Dana Horochowski If you couldn't read greek, then you wouldn't have the truth? Heaven help the CHILD who will be GOING to HEAVEN. 45 November 18 at 8:43am · Like Dana Horochowski GoLive Sault Ste Marie will be HEAVEN on EARTH after the CLEANSE. Which is coming from GRECO ROMA. November 18 at 8:44am · Like Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb1jv_IqfBM&list=PLfrI6zP_rY5tZUWP9WoWXhEo13RhfEm4G&fe ature=player_embedded When in Rome; don't be a Greek www.youtube.com Justin Trudeau's father pledged to the club of Rome. So we are in ROME, whole en...See More November 18 at 8:45am · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT all the WAY 46 November 18 at 8:48am · Like Dana Horochowski tolis3000gt@yahoo.de xmasgroup.com@gmail.com solc@hydrotechnologia.sk nospam@nospam.jewishjournal.com tolis3000gtpower@yahoo.gr e.ismailidou@gmail.com letters@usatoday.com christidis@u-r.gr kaneenas72@gmail.com kyrekon@gmail.com o.e.a.1947.g.h.rees@gmail.com donations@berzinarchives.com greek-strategy@mail.gr ges_dsl@stratologia.gr thrakiotis4@gmail.com 76tolis3000gtpower@yahoo.gr ksipnistere1@gmail.com kitkat431966@gmail.com November 18 at 8:48am · Like Seanchai Seance They're not Omnipotent Dana believe me the more you work the more tired they get they have no life as long as they try to steal the precious lives of others, They don't have the compassion to turn around and amend their ways November 18 at 8:59am · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT WHITE TRASH VAMPIRE SLOTH November 18 at 9:03am · Like 47 Dana Horochowski geoff@deconcept.com ctmfeedback@cbsnews.com dimitri@physics.tamu.edu ctncccomplaints@cbs.com ipcccomplaints@cbs.com immediate.accessiblemedia@cbs.com info@berzinarchives.com ek@sofia-art.com.ua merav-go@y-i.co.il help@y-i.co.il marketing@y-i.co.il merav-go@ynetnews.com business@y-i.co.il news@ynetnews.com hr@y-i.co.il service@y-i.co.il editor-in-chief@y-i.co.il info@easybuyworld.com info@ebw.gr support@groupon.gr supportcyprus@groupon.gr b2b@groupon.gr jonpluc@aol.com info@atcom.gr patrinos12@hotmail.com mortfriedland@hotmail.com exposecuny@gmail.com exposecuny@yahoo.com audsvcs@cbs.com cbsaudiencenews@cbs.com 48hours@cbsnews.com 60m@cbsnews.com cbs-website-feedback@cbsinteractive.com cbsaudienceent@cbs.com alan-ab@ynetnews.com blogtolis3000gtpower@yahoo.gr.biz cc5@cbsnews.com associateprogram@cbsnews.com crystalj@cbsnews.com permissions-en@wikimedia.org skypeapolonnnn@gmail.com press@youtube.com gnpride@hotmail.ca noiazomai@gmail.com perseys_team@hotmail.com m.pirgioti@gmail.com kalell@otenet.gr usgreekreporter@gmail.com infognomonpolitics@gmail.com akontogiannidis@yahoo.gr ethnikathemata@googlemail.com min@otenet.gr info@newsit.gr info@m-epikaira.gr 48 letters@ruvr.ru post_gr@ruvr.ru --rating@mail.ru rating@mail.ru November 18 at 9:03am · Like Dana Horochowski Jewel knows this...she is covering it up. Will not use the term ANTICHRIST November 18 at 9:05am · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski I am a teacher. I must stay NEUTRAL. November 18 at 9:04am · Like Seanchai Seance She yodels well but is she bound where she can't speak truth November 18 at 9:05am · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski I have been into prophecy my whole life. I can dance around the DEVILS November 18 at 9:05am · Like 49 Dana Horochowski Perseus posted my stuff in 2010 and then he disappeared like the rest of the good guys. The website is a different address now. ca. not com. November 18 at 9:06am · Like Dana Horochowski My websites have been stolen too. They can easily set up under old sites now. November 18 at 9:07am · Like Dana Horochowski jimakoskx@hotmail.com akropolis76@hotmail.com katohika@gmail.com diaggeleas@gmail.com antipliroforisi88@yahoo.gr tzinis@otenet.gr eleftheriepistimi@yahoo.gr botanotherapy@gmail.com achilleas108@yahoo.gr s-spyropoulos@pa-sy-a.gr e_bibliothiki@hotmail.com johnpapadatos@pegasus.gr info@defencenet.gr November 18 at 9:08am · Like Seanchai Seance I remember how they hammered Jewel about her well endowed figure and made fun of her dentures despite how beautiful she was In such a vulnerable state they may have taken advantage of her with negative influence November 18 at 9:28am · Edited · Like 50 Seanchai Seance Just how anti-biotics and so called medicine gives our Immune system the jump start to HealThyself I believe the Inter-active Internet Is just a projective 3d projection to activate our once latent and dormant ability for thoughts to transverse space, time and distance WE ARE UNITED November 18 at 9:13am · Edited · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski GOD LIKE PRODUCTION is on the GRECO ROMA LIST too andromediaelladapatrida@hotmail.com olympianspirit@gmail.com washford@techtarget.com jheydary@heydary.com tech@guardian.co.uk reader@guardian.co.uk letters@guardian.co.uk userhelp@guardian.co.uk sales@blackberry.com n@me.com echaloulou@sch.gr bans@godlikeproductions.com trinity@godlikeproductions.com gpapai@dolnet.gr ztsolis@dolnet.gr akarakousis@dolnet.gr christosakris@yahoo.se chrysa.karageorgiou@capital.gr pr@capital.gr November 18 at 9:14am · Like Dana Horochowski DEVILS November 18 at 9:14am · Edited · Like 51 Dana Horochowski NERO SLAUGHTERED CHRISTIANS and this SOUNDS like the SAME ROUTINE AGAIN November 18 at 9:15am · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski hansiqi@ec.com.cn naomihan@hotmail.com ragousis@pasok.gr eamossialos@lseacuk.aspx kskan@pasok.gr papoutsi@otenet.gr atsouras@otenet.gr pemizouni@gmail.com papmilt@otenet.gr mpapaioannou@parliament.gr polxprot@otenet.gr labmichos@gmail.com makrypidis@makrypidis.gr p.stasinos@parliament.gr gpapandreou@parliament.gr togias@parliament.gr tsonoglou@hotmail.com xristos@aidonis.gr x.kefalidou@parliament.gr kremastinos@parliament.gr kremastinos@gmail.com nikitiades@parliament.gr gntolios@parliament.gr zak@parliament.gr ppab@otenet.gr j.koutsoukos@parliament.gr antonakopoulostakis@gmail.com info@tolkas.gr info@mskrafnaki.gr chrysaar@otenet.gr geranidis@parliament.gr geranidi@athserv.otenet.gr pandoulas@parliament.gr mtheoxar@otenet.gr th.parastatidis@parliament.gr athan8@otenet.gr philippos@sachinidis.gr smargelis@parliament.gr margelis@otenet.gr grafeio1@kkartalis.gr zisi@parliament.gr 52 rodzissi@otenet.gr mantatzi@parliament.gr mantatzi.tsetin@gmail.com s.xinidis@gmail.com s.xynidis@parliament.gr mpenteniotis@parliament.gr niotis@ath.forthnet.gr niotis@parliament.gr ilias_theodoridis@hotmail.com vasgiouma@gmail.com ahmet.haciosman@gmail.com stigeo@otenet.gr giorgos_petalotis@parliament.gr ch.magoufis@parliament.gr afropapathanasi@yahoo.gr papathanasi@parliament.gr gdriv10@otenet.gr edamianakis@otenet.gr November 18 at 9:15am · Like Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT VAMPIRES November 18 at 9:15am · Like Seanchai Seance Remember the dying are not really dead they use this visualization to disrupt your Ascension process and awareness that WE CREATE WORLDS November 18 at 9:18am · Unlike · 1 Seanchai Seance They know as we assemble a united Alliance " LOOK AND BEHOLD THEY HAVE BECOME AS ONE WITH ENOUGH FAITH TO COMPUTER CRASH PLANETARY PRISON NETS NOW THEY ARE FREE TO DO AS THEY WILL(God's plan) November 18 at 9:21am · Like 53 Dana Horochowski scala@otenet.gr thanasis.mavridis@capital.gr taxalia@gmail.com ckolonas@pegasus.gr info@paraskhnio.gr s-spyropoylos@pa-sy-a.gr bwwebmaster@businessweek.com ereunitis@yahoo.gr mbfs-customerservice@daimler.com erikpros@yahoo.gr panag_michal@yahoo.gr basilisleventis@antidialpoki.gr pianka@mail.utexas.edu basilisleventis@antidiaploki.gr katoptron@hotmail.com info@alepouditsa.gr matt.day@dowjones.com dan.strumpf@dowjones.com eva.mihalopoulou@capital.gr stamatis.zacharos@capital.gr marissi.balioussi@capital.gr nikos.chrissikopoulos@capital.gr giannis.aggelis@capital.gr vasilis.georgas@capital.gr dimitris.delevegos@capital.gr elina.dimartika@capital.gr spiros.dimitrelis@capital.gr efi.efthimiou@capital.gr dimitris.zantzas@capital.gr dimitra.kadda@capital.gr george.kesarios@capital.gr efi.karageorgou@capital.gr aida.kitou@capital.gr george.kraloglou@capital.gr anastasia.kyrianidi@capital.gr marina.mani@capital.gr giorgos.mantelas@capital.gr konstantinos.mariolis@capital.gr alexandros.mavridis@capital.gr elias.bellos@capital.gr zoi.karageorgou@capital.gr panagiotis.bousbourelis@capital.gr notaras.thanasis@capital.gr aimilios.perdikaris@capital.gr kostas.raptis@capital.gr roula.salourou@capital.gr panagiotis.stathis@capital.gr dimitris.stolis@capital.gr kostas.stoupas@capital.gr xaris.floudopoulos@capital.gr alexis.mouzos@capital.gr giannis.chatzimanolis@capital.gr pamela.marinou@capital.gr vangelis.skoulikas@capital.gr 54 panayotis.kakaletris@capital.gr ilias.toutoudakis@capital.gr theodoros.katsimanis@capital.gr elsa.pekridou@capital.gr athanasios.spiliopoulos@capital.gr vicky.kourlibini@capital.gr info@capital.gr press@capital.gr webmaster@capital.gr sales@capital.gr q22jfrt@fbqtq22f7q2fmq2bzqbfkxzq23jq3btn.6 kpeters1@americanprogress.org cdipasquale@americanprogress.org lpereyra@americanprogress.org ashoup@americanprogress.org lhamilton@americanprogress.org apeterson@americanprogress.org chblow@nytimes.com center@cbpp.org November 18 at 9:30am · Like Dana Horochowski ANTICHRIST EMAIL LIST for sure November 18 at 9:31am · Like Seanchai Seance It's safe to say Let's bypass Shiva's/Sita's eight arms and lets just open our 8 eyes with our third eye In the center November 18 at 9:34am · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski contact@newsbeast.gr personal@fortunemail.com emme@fashionemergency.com babs@kennebunkport.com partner.hotels@turner.com 55 contacto@fusiona.cl cnninfo@jctv.co.jp academicminute@wamc.org kerryann@newfacultysuccess.com marylchurchill@gmail.com licensing.agent@turner.com vrachiolidis@yahoo.gr mobile.comments@cnn.com cnnespanol@cnn.com copyrightagent@turner.com privacy.cnn@turner.com intl.syndication@cnn.com bizops@cnn.com question@cnn.com emailnewsletters@usatoday.com headlines@usatoday.com schreib@herr-schuessler.de webmaster@cfr.org nospam@nospam.cfr.org November 18 at 9:39am · Like Dana Horochowski HEAVEN HELP the Little CHILDREN The INNOCENT. They need to be taken out of HARMS way. They are not accountable for this POLLUTION, these PARASITES. BLOOD SUCKERS November 18 at 9:41am · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski 10 years with good tutors Waldorff style and we have a new generation of ANGELS November 18 at 9:41am · Like Dana Horochowski all colours. November 18 at 9:42am · Like 56 Dana Horochowski Let the TARES DIE in the CITY from their WARS. I am going to get tanned, make pee batteries, DOME HOMES and FISH FARMS with the CHILDREN of the LITE. My RAIN|BOW WARRIORS who know how to COEXIST November 18 at 9:43am · Edited · Like Seanchai Seance Love these thought Think It and Will It and It Is done All's Well ends Well November 18 at 9:43am · Unlike · 1 Seanchai Seance Alright Hon relax and enjoy yourself U deserve It November 18 at 9:43am · Unlike · 1 Dana Horochowski I am going to work out, get outside today. Too much inside DRAMA MATRIX BABBLE for my HEART November 18 at 9:44am · Like Seanchai Seance Thant's my Dana/DANU A Star Is Born 57 November 18 at 9:45am · Edited · Like Dana Horochowski COuncil on Foreign relations haha look at the MEDIA and government links November 18 at 9:45am · Like Dana Horochowski sales@tveyes.com jlindsay@cfr.org jhill@cfr.org abaker@cfr.org valekhine@cfr.org corporate@cfr.org travel@bbc.com communications@cfr.org meetings@cfr.org dcmeetings@cfr.org membership@cfr.org applications@cfr.org fellowships@cfr.org national@cfr.org bgude@cfr.org pdorff@cfr.org logo-digg@2x.png future@bbc.com humanresources@cfr.org juliacai@fas.harvard.edu mzong@fas.harvard.edu jennifer_downing@harvard.edu lillian_wei@harvard.edu feili@fas.harvard.edu jdowning@fas.harvard.edu webmaster@fas.harvard.edu mayor@thessaloniki.gr webmaster@kordelio-evosmos.gr publications@cfr.org dimarxos@kalamaria.gr abregman@cfr.org orders@ingrambook.com dimarhos.sykies@n3.syzefxis.gov.gr November 18 at 9:45am · Like 58 Dana Horochowski info@ampelokipoi-menemeni.gr dimarxos.panorama@pilea-hortiatis.gr aschmemann@cfr.org klewis@cfr.org sindos@echedoros.gr lagadas@otenet.gr info@thermaikos.gr mayor@dimosthermis.gr gram.xalk@n3.syzefxis.gr gram.xalk@n3.syzefxis.grr dimos@dimosvolvis.gr info.oraiokastrou@n3.syzefxis.gov.gr jonathan.amos-internet@bbc.co.uk yourpics@bbc.co.uk kibrosx@yahoo.gr November 18 at 9:49am · Like Dana Horochowski congress@cfr.org cfrwashington@cfr.org educators@cfr.org info@u-r.gr eliasmouratidis@yahoo.com password@megaupload.com pass@rapidshare.com your@mail.net tovima@dolnet.gr epistoles@tovima.gr webdesk@tovima.gr info@tovima.gr webmaster@tovima.gr abitsikas@dolnet.gr kstathatou@dolnet.gr vpavlidou@dolnet.gr mgougousi@dolnet.gr chstilianidou@dolnet.gr mvelani@dolnet.gr kkaragianni@dolnet.gr travel.news@bbc.co.uk lithosfotos@gmail.com fuitplus@gmail.com info@fuitplus.gr ____ksipnistere1@gmail.com katagelies@tsantiri.gr cv@tsantiri.gr 59 forapartida@gmail.com gourostratigos@gmail.com karfotiko@gmail.com 2ehellas@gmail.com hp.hellas@gmail.com ommepress@yahoo.fr g.fazioli@undolog.com g.fazioli@saidmade.com tromaktikos@gmail.com johnsmith@domain.com November 18 at 9:55am · Like Dana Horochowski I don't see much PAN HELLENISM on these emails at all. Where is the afrikan link here. GENOCIDE? BY NERO the FUCKING ZERO November 18 at 9:58am · Like Dana Horochowski SIN god, ATON, SATURN are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltratedhttp://7thfire.biz/hellenchaosinfiltrated.htm HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated. SUNNY SOL LIT 7thfire.biz pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More November 18 at 10:06am · Like · Remove Preview 60 Dana Horochowski info@newsbomb.gr kranosgr@gmail.com thdrougos@yahoo.com diasvsmetatron@yahoo.gr kallichoron_frear@yahoo.gr syndesmos@pa-sy-a.gr james.a.phillips@earthlink.net support@statcounter.com verein@berzinarchives.com account-recovery-noreply@google.com username@my-domain.com my-domain.com@gtempaccount.com username@example.com tt4knhxwks@examiner.com geiq5vn9q1@examiner.com November 18 at 10:28am · Like Dana Horochowski maphteah@yahoo.com campaign@macedoniaontheweb.eu sorgoman@gmail.com ellinas.politis71@gmail.com filonoi@filonoi.gr minotavros@filonoi.gr eamb.ydrohoos@gmail.com blogjrgenius@yahoo.com.biz webmaster@alkacon.com thesecretrealtruth@hotmail.com bloggersenomenoi@gmail.com shop@xorisoria.org bengaliboy00@hotmail.com proinimatia@gmail.com pestanea@gmail.com volospress@gmail.com kanapedatosblogspot@yahoo.gr paraponarodou@gmail.com 24wresenimerwsi@gmail.com aristofanismakedonia@yahoo.gr thivahellas@yahoo.com tzenykar@gmail.com mignatiou@aol.com November 18 at 10:47am · Like 61 Love N Truthfulness Now i'm depressed again!!!! I hate this stupid reality, i'm so tired of being vamped on and terrorized in my sleep. Those damned Succubus, eh dana. But they definetly dont suck on the right area of my body for any enjoyment for me thats for sure!!!! LOL!!! November 18 at 11:16am · Like Bill Toffan Happy Sunday morning my fishing friend. All is well. :0) November 18 at 11:39am · Like Seanchai Seance If they can't show you the beef then tell them succubus they're chopped liver November 18 at 11:57am · Like · 1 Seanchai Seance During my puberty I had to wrestle a couple of them every now and then, Gotta let them know with a right hook you're not a Hippie stuck on Viagra Dana Horochowski November 17 Dana Horochowski November 17 SUNNY SOL LITE RAINBOW WARRIORs in NEW YORK YORK REGION OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII literitesolsonsun - http://www.7thfire.biz/literitesolsonsun.htm 62 Apollonius of Tyana - Born February 16, 2 AD in Tyana, Cappadoccia, Greece. Original founder o f true Essene Christianity, whose precepts originate in Buddhist India and China(Himalayas). Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben Pandira(the Jesus of 100 BC) and Christna(the avatar of 3000 BC) by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The New Testament is a distorted account of his life and teachings.http://www.librarising.com/spirituality/apollo.html Like · · Share Like · · Share Dana Horochowski http://www.7thfire.biz/literitesolsonsun.htm 63 SUNNY SOL LITE RAINBOW WARRIORs in NEW YORK YORK REGION OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWIIOh Kanada !!! BYE BYE www.7thfire.biz pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More November 17 at 6:52pm · Like · Remove Preview Agape Amor aigionews3@gmail.com logiastarata@gmail.com www.logia-starata@blogspot.com eleftheriaskepsis@gmail.com krini-kalamaria@hotmail.gr...See More November 18 at 11:19am · Like Dana Horochowski November 17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njpI2VfB_vk&feature=related Seanchai Seance shared Julie Gringer's photo. November 17 64 Dana Horochowski shared a link. November 17 WE MUST REMEMBER PERSIA the UNITY of MAN The Muslim Jesus (ITV Documentary) www.youtube.com A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam: http://www.scribd.com/doc/91540928/A-Brief-Illustrated-GuideTo-Understanding-Islam Christ, Christianity, h... Dana Horochowski shared a link via Angel's LoveCry. about a minute ago http://7thfire.biz/ GODDESS GATHERING 2012 VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE + V0W-TV voicesofwomenworldwide-vowwtv.ning.com 65 VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia Like · · Share Dana Horochowski Angel's LoveCry 15 Way's to Help you Transform Smoothly Through the Shift Laura Schwalm-Anthony PURE ENERGY HEALING Know your unique body constitution Supplements. Knowing your unique personal constitution through Ayurveda ,Macrobiotics , or Holistic health thorough examination will help individuals stay physically, emotionally and mentally balanced through this awakening time, the evolutionary shift . Some of my magical tonics and supplements which give additional nutritional support are vitamin B-12, apple cider vinegar, omega-3 fish oil, raw virgin coconut oil, green tea extract, and kombuca tea , but there are many others. 2) Drink water, an incorporate enzymes and probiotics into your daily supplements and lifestyle routine. Enzymes and probiotic support the digestive track and help support and strengthen immunity , which are affected, compromised and imbalanced when under stress. 3) More rest . If you suffer from insomnia, which is a manifestation of spiritual awakening make your bedroom more conducive to deep sleep by creating a dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable refuge for yourself. Lavender and Sage oils are also helpful in assisting the body to relax and 15 minutes before sleep meditation and simple yoga stretches. 4) Avoid toxic people whenever possible, especially if you're an empath/sensitive and pick up others' energy easily. Ground yourself with deep belly breaths and movement. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people and environments. 5) Try a new environment. Take a short or long trip and notice how you feel in a different space. Go out in Nature!!!!!! 6) Try something new. Cook, paint, art, sing, dance, it doesn't matter! It is a known fact that the perception of time moves much slower in child hood the truth is, in our childhoods we are constantly trying something new, opposed to adults who live much of life in repetition mode , which gives us the perception that time moves slower 7) Turn off the TV and spend time with friends or family or start a new novel, book or story Reading a good book can transport you to a different realm, much like meditation. Forgive yourself. It's time to let it go. 9) Forgive someone who hurt you. 10) Do something nice for someone. Volunteering generates a strong sense of purpose. Act's from the heart melt spiritual blocks 11) Be grateful!!l for what you have, gratitude is a powerful spiritual tool. 12) Clear past karmic dept. with Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Response Technique, Reiki or any other spiritual modality. Getting a soul reading or spiritual counseling with a qualified healer will help you become aware of any sabotaging conditioning or past karmic debt. you may have. 13) Listen to new music. Let your imagination design your dreams. Let your mind travel. 14) Clear your energy field with any of these: sage, salt baths, aromatherapy oils, tuning forks, crystals 15) meditate and love yourself http://voicesofwomenworldwide-vowwtv.ning.com/profiles/blogs/15-way-s-to-help-you-transform-smoothlythrough-the-shift?xg_source=activity WWW.PUREENERGYHEALER.COM 8) 66 VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE + V0W-TV voicesofwomenworldwide-vowwtv.ning.com VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview Dana Horochowski https://www.facebook.com/angelslovecry Angel's LoveCry Spiritual LIfe Coach & Counsellor at LoveCryStudied Psychology, Counselling, Leg... See More a few seconds ago · Like · Remove Preview The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productionshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtVtvtTuo4Q&feature=share&list=ULqtVtvtTuo4Q The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 www.youtube.com The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions 2Like · · Share Agape Amor http://www.youtube.com/user/BEZCORE 67 BLACK EARTH PRODUCTIONS www.youtube.com This Channel Exposes The Black Occult Arts and Reptilian Agenda that was crafte...See More 5 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview DRACO VAMPIRES VRILL CLONES DRONES ZOMBIES all in the SATANIC FAMILY LAURA EISENHOWER 11:11 DRACO VAMPIRE UFO VRILL ZOMBIE RAPTURE satanic portat fake SOUL SCALPING WORLD PUNJA POSSESSION of the HIVE MIND from the ABYSS and MARS - Nov 11, 2012. $40 Beasts for one Sol scalped, $75 for TWO demonic possessions Conversation started Today 1:29am Dana Horochowski o 10:59pm Dana Horochowski I think this woman is a PROBLEM https://www.facebook.com/ladymichellejennifersantos?ref=ts August 23Dana Horochowski she is connected with china 888, so who is her DADDY? YALDABAOTH? ----- Forwarded Message ----From: MJ Santos <femprez@yahoo.com> To: Jr. Genius <jrgenius@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:11:19 AM Subject: Re: prophecies 68 well, it seems we are already clashing as far as spiritual powers are concerned. your Elijah in CA is Luciferian minion. He is TOO FILTHY to even be some bogus prophet. I dealt with him. He is confused. He does drugs. He told me that I AM THE BLUE DRAGON. As I told him that I received a prophecy that I am to deliver the Blue dragon's EGG...which is my EGG to the Great Gate at Stone Henge. This is why he had me connect with you because I was dealing with vampires and he said you were tackling PENDRAGON, the head Druid/Vampire. I came to it because the one I love is surrounded by vampire from Ukraine, musician and he sent telepathic message that they are grooming my love for that. I saw the latest modeling photos and I was concerned because it was oozing with Illuminati stuff. But in essence, I am the SOURCE INCARNATE, THETA's YIN. I am the one who turns on the power source, and my position on the planet, if you haven't noticed it by now by paying attention, makes it much more credible, because I am (or was, because they have been screwing up everything) in the INSIDE. I am here to TEACH, GUIDE and PROTECT the CHOSEN ONE...the Prophet of the prophets...and I certainly can vouch my years of experience in spiritual warfare, that your Elijah and many of these things are disinformation. We do not operate in sheer cognitive wavelengths alone. But I saw you wrote China 888...I am very much connected to that. Even the NUMBER. THETA is 8, but also the things that were planned behind the scenes. I am not allowed to disclose it, but this is exactly what Lucifer has been stopping: MY INAUGURATION. I already knew who the Anti-Christ was...I was being positioned to reform many things, but this is why when "Elijah" Mr. Cygnus/Wade came with so much crap, tried to force me to turn on my powers, and he said MASTURBATING is the key, plus other nonsense and incoherence, I knew then he is not real. I have been groomed and trained enough in supernatural to be able to distinguish when it is human, Celestial, Lucifer, angels, DADDY/THETA, soul that is speaking. This is why purity is a must. Fasting is required. I also don't play with any forms of "magick". Mr. Wade was making me learn witchcraft and as of this point, I have not been given permission by DADDY to delve in those. I know the Ancient prophets who are with me. Enoch did NOT come back. He claim to be talking to reincarnated Enoch LOL!! I am the one the Celestials are ALL BANKING ON, as prophecies given to me since I was 9 yrs, the year I finally got comfortable in my human form, have kept me isolated from Lucifer, but he was given permission to hurt me as much as he can, just not kill me. I am the one Lucifer wants, due to my DNA as well. My life is the testament to the prophecies. I even have a swordtip birthmark...which is why I am trying to understand more of the prophecy...I am to fashion a real sword to defeat the Reptilians, with a handle of ingredients and my blood. This is the prophecy...and I am figuring out the disinformation from it because one of my prophets saw that the "messenger" was a trickster, who claim to be the Dragon Gate keeper. Another warned me of the "evil" energy on Stonehenge...so it feels like a trap. Then the crop circles. They are mostly in that area. So, I am questioning who is who at this point, but I get a reptilian interview transcript, and I am beginning to understand the Ancient War better than how it fell on my lap 2009-2010. I had to go through crash course, because I was running away from this Calling and the Christians hurt me. I just didn't care anymore...my unconditional love for humanity is always attacked. NOW, I understand. After the FULL REVELATION happened in 2009- 2010 with series of messengers carrying the SAME MESSAGES. I am grateful, though overwhelming, that I finally know who I am. I have lived my life feeling out of place on this planet for many reasons, and why I have always been bullied by demonic activities, seen and unseen, that even my own mother was confused. But the Celestials visited her this year. So the shock has now subsided. 69 I didn't even think I was the Blue Dragon. This was Wade's...but it makes sense because David Rockefeller asked to marry me before...and delivering my EGG to Stonehenge, (the prophecy said I am to get it to the portal...and the EGG will destroy the Reptilian civilization, etc), many things going on, thus the Libya and Syria case. They took my UN Mentor/ a British royal (I am royal too), but he is not for New World Order, so he was secretly positioning me to be untouchable. Anyway, many things here you wrote needs for my fasting and praying for discernment...but I also can discern now and I am not accepting it all because it is still New Age laced. THETA TEAM is a different breed. I am here to keep them hidden and safe, and I am the public face. The war is between the bloodline of the Pharaohs and the prophets. Then you got the other force meddling in between. I am given 2 years or so to change the course of history and this is why I am trying to unite everyone and not waste time anymore. The Evil Side is organized, while the Light Side has no goddam strategy. This is why I am the one with the POLITICAL/MILITARY/MEDIA/COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY background...but I can see that too many are into their damn egos and refuse to submit to spiritual authority and hierarchy because they all think they are some kind reincarnated prophet, but if you do closer study, they are with the Cult of Saturn. They don't even have real powers. If they got "channeling" abilities, they go quite cocky and do comparison (worse, ask for payment). Prophets are not to behave that way. Not all who have "gifts" are from THETA. Lucifer is an angel of "LIght" as well...this is why the LIES are beautiful an charming. Regards, MJ Santos Twitter: mj_santos Linkedin:http://www.linkedin.com/in/mjsantos Facebook: http://bit.ly/yj5U1 MJ Santos | LinkedIn www.linkedin.com View MJ Santos's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like MJ Santos discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners. Share August 23Dana Horochowski Wade Booth I don't know, but it is very dark and she is nuts and unstable and a liar. She also denounces Christ. and a lesbian ... not that I care much. She has something to do with the Vegas vortex. and the blue dragon is in China. and don't mention my name to her. She is evil. Want nothing to do with this witch/vampire. and yes, I smoke the herb smile and know some secrets she thinks is 'magic' lol. Enoch is also alive and made it through the portals. She is a fake. Dana Horochowski 27 seconds ago Dana Horochowski August 29Dana Horochowski 70 This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. o 11:38pm Jewel Del Core Our position on these matters as described by this tool above are nothing but false...this one appears as a source of energy or provider to the undesirable fools occupying our planet. Lucifer or Luciferic in my opinion are all physical (Light) realities, holographic dimensions exist in which we are either participant or have been forcibly detained within. As for the so called criminal known as Lucifer.... real name (Tamil) who has stolen the term and participates in this false duality as the bad demon existing on the flagship Lilith located behind the moon who reports directly to the moon criminal SIN, JUDAS, YHVH....my opinion of the above program, she is victim of draconian extreme applications of mind-control who exists merely as a direct food source for these bastards....I can feel the energy imprint of her words and my sense is that she is misguided and depleted with sick cells with no hope to exit the mess she is in.... o 11:42pm Dana Horochowski THE EGO on her....She tells us to LOSE the EGO yet she is FULL of it o 11:43pm Jewel Del Core indeed she is screwed and doesn't know it... I also noticed the time of her email to you 1111, obviously a program meant to fuck with you 71 o 11:48pm Dana Horochowski she only wrote me once and said it was confidential...I didn't agree to that...so she can keep her secrets...I am trying to get to the bottom of this. LAS VEGAS and HAWAII are where this LUCIFER DUDE is suppose to rule once the water settles. She says she is Quan YIN. My daddy is NOT a DRAGON o 11:49pm Dana Horochowski LAS VEGAS is where LILITH lives and has PINDAR bouncing out of her AURA. o 11:53pm Jewel Del Core ya but dana these are all technologically controlled idiots from the collective of Lilith machine part of the false duality of manipulated orders OTO 888 promoting the false good angels of YHVH and the AOA 666 who are in support of the false demons of tamil (Lucifer) its all bullshit...they are just doing the ground work for these fools above the earth and below the earth....they will eventually just disappear o 72 11:54pm Jewel Del Core all supporting (without complete understanding) the Armageddon plan of these criminals both of the groups I mentioned above hate eachother and think they are in a war of duality....not knowing that both sides are being played o 12:44am Dana Horochowski is this a VRILL??? I can't post on Donald Marshall 's wall This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. o 12:50am Dana Horochowski I thought she didn't drink This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. o 12:52am Dana Horochowski 73 she smokes too but bashes you if you do....and wants us to be EVOL This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. o 5:13pm Jewel Del Core ok thanks o 10:05am Jewel Del Core dana, who is this fag whose posting on my wallhttp://www.facebook.com/mattty101 he appears to be one of your friends, what are his intentions for saying that I have lost? Mattyy Fas-anator Worked at Maskers orchard(Hot Dog Man)Went to Tuxedo High SchoolLives in Greenwood Lake, New York o 9:52pm 74 Jewel Del Core Dana, what with the postings on YHWH criminal, u keep pasting bloody biblical shit everywhere...whats the deal with you? You are aware, at least I think you are that the bible and all the other doctrines are draconian programs, project plan Armageddon 888 o 1:23am Dana Horochowski this JESUS YAHWEH? Yes he is a draco shill vampire. Not the real dealhttp://www.our-journeyhome.com/ George Kavassilas - Our Journey Home, 2012 www.our-journey-home.com George Kavassilas explains the truth of what life is really about beyond religious, scientific and new-age paradigms. 2012-2013, The Great Change and Our Ascension into Homo-Illuminous/ Hu-Man/ God-Man o 1:24am Dana Horochowski DRACO too do the email search emailgrabber.net all linked to DRACOVASSILAS and EISENHOWER SHETU LIZARDShttp://www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com/ 75 Humanity Wins, Illuminati Lose | Humanity Will Soon be Free From the Reptilians Control www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com The Silver Legion have been conducting a number of operations against the Reptilians in recent months, and as a result, have been able to significantly weaken and distrupt the Reptilian powerhold over Earth and contribute towards the freedom of humanity. One such operation, carried out back in April... o 1:25am Dana Horochowski you have a lot of lizards as friends on posts and greys. Ashtar command and eisenhower. DRACO VAMPIRES. Hellen and Chaos is GOVERNMENT....all of it GREEK GOVERNMENT VAMPIREDRACO RAPTURE http://7thfire.biz/VAMPIREDRACORAPTURE.htm Like · · Share o 76 Robert Watkins likes this. o Dana Horochowski CHRISTIAN KILLER ALERThttp://www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com/ Humanity Wins, Illuminati Lose | Humanity Will Soon be Free From the Reptilians Control www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com The Silver Legion have been conducting a number of operations against the Reptil...See More 3 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview o Dana Horochowskihttp://www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com/ = 481 EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR - ONE WHO HAS FAITH *Mark 9:24 He that is righteous shall be righteous still AL II:57 Horus Is Protected As The Dweller In His Disk EE MANY IN TWO THOUSAND FIVE -- WILL TAKE A -- NOSE DIVE * PERILIOUS TIMES! "THE LAST DAYS", BEFORE ARMAGEDDON and THE SECOND COMING of JESUS THE CHRIST! Rev 11:18 16:13-16 19:11-21 Daniel 2:36-45 Refer to #60 #60 for MORE INSIGHTTT SUDDEN SWOOP - UNDER THE FULL DARKNESS OF - A NEW MOON *READ #914 for INSIGHTTT. "THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST! BEWARE! 2THESS 1:6-9 2THESS 1:6-9 2THESS 1:6-9 THE DAY OF YAHWEH IS GREAT and - FEAR INSPIRING *ARMAGEDON! JOEL 2:11 Rev 19:11-21 THE MYSTI CAL CROW -----IM NOT HERE for NOTHING * WHITE BRILLIANCE, CORVUSCOR ONE 111, CARRI ON>>>>>>>>>> REFER TO # 111 and # 60 for DEEP INSIGHTTTT TRUE GEMATRIA FACTS CANT BE REFUTED * Humanity Wins, Illuminati Lose | Humanity Will Soon be Free From the Reptilians Control www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com The Silver Legion have been conducting a number of operations against the Reptil...See More about a minute ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview o 77 Dana Horochowski humanitywinsilluminatilose = 353 *THE EMPRESS + THE SCARLET WOMAN * NOTE THAT # 353 is 3+5+3 = 11 (ELEVEN) AS IN THE PENTACLE + THE STAR TETRAHEDRON"! (THE EMPRESS IS ALSO, THE SCARLET WOMAN IN ALEISTER CROWLEYS, BOOF ( AS IN POOF,..... SORRY, I MEAN BOOK) of LAW"! Liber Al Vel Legis 1:15 "NOW YE SHALL KNOW, that THE CHOSEN PRIEST & APOSTLE of INFINITE SPACE (is NOT ALEISTER CROWLEY) IS THE PRINCE-PRIEST, the BEAST ( AN ALEISTER CROWLEY ATTITUDE TOWARD the LORD JESUS the CHRIST) AND IN HIS WOMAN, ALL POWER IS GIVEN ( TO DO THE UNVEILING) THEY SHALL GATHER MY CHILDREN INTI THEIR FOLD ( THE SHEEPFOLD) THEY SHALL BRING the GLORY of THE STARS ( YAHWEH, ALMIGHTY, FATHER-MOTHER, CREATO, GOD; IHVH ALHIM) INTO THE HEARTS of MEN"! "THE MYSTI CAL CROW, THE EMPRESS/THE PROPHET (A VISIONARY, VATICINAL #111 as in COR ONE) THE SCARLET WOMAN # 181"! AND THE - LIGHT - WAS THE LIFE - OF MEN * "I AM THE WAY ANF THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE AND THE LIGHT...........JOHN 14:6 3:16 BELIEVE IN -- GODS KINGDOM COME * DECEPTION CAUSES PAIN & DEATH *THE BOTTOM LINE_________________________ I have only begun to reawaken you All IT HAD BEEN REVEALED TO THEM * Rev 11:18 19:11-21 Daniel 2:44 O BABY -- AS YOU KNOW -- ITS ALL -- IN THE -- TOUCH *"BENDING UPON -- YOU"! O Counterweight of the Heart Phrase from Liber Pennae Praenumbra O HOW THE -- THUNDER ROLLS -- IN THE NAEQ * THE NAEQ HAS "A VOICE" ALL ITS OWN! (VOICE OF THUNDER) Refer to # 370 #258 "THE VOICE OF THUNDER" # 127 "OF THUNDER" # 399 # 569 ^^^^ #751 ^^^^554 #523 "THE SWORD AND THE ANTHEM, LIGHTENING and THUNDER" # 885 #430 "THE LIGHTENING FLASH OF ILLUMINATION" (AS IN AWAKEN Refer to # 60 #60 ) #101 "THE CRACK" # 287 "CRACKED FOR ILLUMINATION" and "CALCULATE" -- THIS IS THE CRACK YOU REALLY WANT! SO YOU FINALLY FOUND -- THIS NUMBER * NOW LEARN WHAT IT MEANS! spontaneous human combustion The ability of the human body to blister or smoke or otherwise ignite in the absence of an external identifiable known source of ignition. In classic spontaneous human combustion the body burns itself more completely than can normally be achieved at a crematorium. The fires are internal in origin. THE BRIDE OF CHRIST - GATHERED *AT THE SECOND COMING! 2Thess 1:6-9 THE CAW of THE MYSTI CAL CROW -- F SHARP * Refer to # 18 "F#" and # 66 "F SHARP", for INSIGHTTT The EARTH SHALL GLADDEN INTO GREEN AT The SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST! THE FOUR WINDS of DESTRUCTION *"ARE HELD BACK, UNTIL THE SEALING of ALL of THE 144,000. the ELECT BRIDE of CHRIST"! Refer to Rev 7:1-4 and # 60 for INSIGHTTT THE KABBALISTIC PORT - OF WISDOM * the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death AL II:52 YOU SWALLOWED DEATH - HOOK - LINE and SINKER__________ *"DEATHY IS THE ENEMY"! YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED READ # 60 #60 #60 #60 & # 196 for INSIGHTTT a few seconds ago · Like o 2. 78 Friends See All o Mark Anthony o Gregory McGuigan o Lorina Zappacosta o Fern Portelance o 79 Henry Coop o Mattyy Fas-anator o Jewel Del Core o Tommy UsuryFree Kennedy 3. Photos See All 80 4. Mattyy Fas-anator 3 hours ago Hope you all had a great Thorsday:) — with Agape Amor and 4 others. Unlike · o o You and Frankie Koelle like this. View all 8 comments o Dana Horochowski I sent that guy all the evidence exposing MSKY and Kavassilas etc but yet he PUSHES the DRACO LIES 12 minutes ago · Like o Dana Horochowski You must be like little children to enter eden. This shill has bitten the DUST 12 minutes ago · Like o Dana Horochowski NARROW GATE 555 ready to roll. 11 minutes ago · Like o 81 Dana Horochowski http://jrgenius.ca 7th fire Serenity Global Network jrgenius.ca JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIG...See More 11 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview https://www.facebook.com/groups/universalorganism/members/ Jewel Del Core Behold the words of this Bastard traitor of Canada and the world Benjamin Fulford, see how he outlines ours and the worlds demise in this sneaky misleading report. 10:55pm Dana Horochowski Jewel Del Core = 161 The word "Jewel Del Core" is not in the English dictionary. Do you want to add it to the online English dictionary? Other words in the Naeq system with the value of 161Transliteration Definition Word *EYE TO EYE * "ONE ON ONE" (101) "FACE TO FACE". *LEFT BEHIND * "BE LEFT"! "THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH"! Mat 5;5 Psalm 37:9&10 REV 7:9&10 9 NO THEY ARE NOT IN HEAVEN, THE EARTH IS YAHWEHS "FOOTSTOOL"! Isa 68:1) *YAHWEH + NUMBER * A CHANGELESS BLISS >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A JASPER STONE * "SYMBOLICAL for YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY, CREATO GOD"! Rev 4:2,3 Deut 10:17 Rev 1:8 "ALPHA & OMEGA" 1Cor 11;1-4 ADEPTUS -----MAJOR * "GUESS WHO"! Adeptus Major 6=5 Aeonic Magick Working magick that effects aeons Be strong, o man! AL II:22 Beletseri An Akkadian goddess and 'clerk' of the underworld. She holds the title of 'Queen of the Desert' and is the consort of Amurru, the god of nomads. Black Rock City A City Which Only Exists For One Wekk A Year In Nevada But Is The Third Largest City IN Nevada For That Week. Burning Man City 82 bomdiggity the bride of shiznit BUBIYAN ISLAND EDEN! Casimir Page A name that is but a name centering aka Banishing, etc clairaudient a person who can hear (discarnate entities) as if speaking directly to the mind Cloned Persons Cloned Persons constraining restricting the scope or freedom of action Crimson Pillar A Hidden Pillar of the Tree of Life. Also known as the Crimson Spot or Crimson Point. It is spoken of in the works of Bahaullah who was a Persian mystic and founder of a new mystical tradition in 1863 known as The Bahai Faith. Daath destroyed It no longer exists in the NAEQ emergency a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action enjoyment the pleasure felt when having a good time; act of receiving pleasure from something EYE TO EYE *REVERENCE! friendships relationships with other people you get along with generosity the trait of being willing to give your money or time gentlemen men of refinement get over it stop whining, complaining, dwelling, blaming etc and move on heightened made more intense, stronger, or more marked; made more acute (as of one's senses) I AM - ON THE CROSS * I DREAM OF - HIM *S.M.M. DOES! illiterate unable to read or write or spell IM IN TUNE * infection corruption or contamination INTERNAL ABYSS * NO! NOT THE ONE RELATING TO "DAATH", (RANDOM CHAOS OF THOUGHT & CONCEPTION). (THELEMA). internet global communication system. ALso "tree of death"..inert ten!:) KABBALISTICALLY * AEPTUS MAJOR"! left behind LEFT BEHIND* * SUCH A "GOOD THING"! THESE ARE THE GREAT MULTITUDES, "LEFT" OVER IN THE EARTH TO EXPERIENCE "PERFECTO EVOLUTION"! "BE LEFT"! "BE LEFT"! "BE LEFT"! AFTER ARMAGEDDON! Rev 7:9 Luke 17:26-37 " ONE WILL LIVE, ONE WILL DIE"! LIVE! LIVE! LIVELIVELIVELIVELIVELIVELIVE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ONNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN lifetime the time a person is alive (in a material body) Marie-louise the perfection of love materialist someone who thinks that nothing exists but physical matter; someone with great regard for worldly possessions Melchizedek Biblical: Son of God Merovingian Frankish Kingly Dynasty. Said By Some To Be Descended Of Jesus. metrosexual a guy who is just gay enough to score a lot NEVER SAY _________DIE* * "DEATH " IS THE "ENEMY"! THE LAST "ENEMY DEATH", WILL BE BROUGHT TO "NOTHING" BY JESUS THE CHRIST! "KING OF KINGS & LORD OF LORDS"! Rev 11:18 19:11-21 1COR 11:26 Rom 5;12 Heb 2:9 Isa 25:8 Rev 21:3,4 21:23-27 20:14^^ 1COR 15:55^^^^ never-say-die indomitable; impossible to subdue Now we have seen ! Now what have I got ? nucleotides basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) O --- STANDS for __O RDER * REFER TO # 666 for INSIGHTTT obediently in an obedient manner; without questioning objectify make impersonal or present as an object; make external or objective, or give reality to 83 portentous of momentous or ominous significance progressive moving forward Remember reminisce recall the past respected receiving deferential regard; worthy of admiration reverence REVERENCE* *EYE TO EYE! Roasty and toasty Baked RUDE AWAKENING - # 1076 8 READ IT -----IF YOU DARE, NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW Safiniy i Hamra Arabic for "The Crimson Ark"ordained by God in the Qayyumu l Asma for the people of Baha. scientists people with advanced knowledge of one of more sciences STILL RUNNING * stimulation the act of arousing an organism to action sweetnesses THE HOLY FAMILY THE NOBLE ROOT ^ THE GOLDEN RACE ^ BIRTH MATRIX OF SUNWISE UPRIGHT ^ 118 ^ PROTECTIVE SHEILD ^ BEREN VARDAMIR THE NEW EARTH *THE MILLENIAL REIGN OF CHRIST! Isa 65;17 Psalm 37;11 the old time AL 2.5 unimposing lacking in impressiveness xenophobic having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign YOU WILL - KNOW - WHO I AM *VOICE OF "THE MYSTI -CAL CROW -WHITE BRILLIANCE"! (CORVUS COR ONE 111) READ # 267 #534 #320 #482 https://www.facebook.com/jewel.delcore/friends?ft_ref=mni Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – The Pentagon And Agencies Choose Obama, The Chinese Military Stick lucas2012infos.wordpress.com Barak Obama’s victory in the electronically rigged US presidential election means he will remain the spokesman for the pentagon and the agencies over the next 4 years. These same agencies recently ... Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · 21 hours ago o o Seen by 16 Sherry Anderson likes this. o 84 View all 5 comments o Dana Horochowski http://thesantosrepublic.com/ 50 minutes ago · Like o Dana Horochowski ANTICHRIST agenda 2012 50 minutes ago · Like o Jewel Del Core No he is supporting the criminal YHVH Armageddon plan of draconians HONG 888 agenda....with fake christos 26 minutes ago · Like o Write a comment... Options OLDER POSTS 85 Angel Nair My family and I wish to thank u all for ur prayers and guidance,for being with us in spirit in this most trying moment...here is my dear one...Ashwin Devgun...Im sure he too must be thankful for all d help u offered him to guide him in his journey into d spirit realm...for saving him from being deceived...thank u again dear frends!! ♥ Like · · Unfollow Post · November 4 at 2:30am via mobile o o Seen by 20 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness, Nikos Vakalis and 2 others like this. 86 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core The provocative role of Golden Dawn in WWIII HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · 6 hours ago o o Seen by 6 o Write a comment... 87 Options Jewel Del Core (Nikos Vakalis) this it to inform non Greek speaking friends on the situation that we have today 7 nov 2012 in Greece . “Coup-Like Situation” in Greek Parliament Session over Constitutionality of Austerity Package www.keeptalkinggreece.com The crucial debate over the austerity measures package started with turmoil and a coup-like situation in the Greek Parliament on Wednesday morning after main opposition party SYRIZA and Independent Greeks challenged the compatibility of the bill with the Greek Constitution. Like · · Follow Post · Share · Yesterday at 9:08am o o Seen by 15 Nikos Vakalis and 3 others like this. o Nikos Vakalis on twitter #7ngr Yesterday at 3:17pm · Like 88 o Write a comment... Options Nikos Vakalis v2) DEGRADATION STAGES OF ARCHETYPE HELLENISM - HELLENIC PRACTICAL ACTIONS FOR SURVIVAL IN THE POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENT OF 3RD WORLD WAR Like · · Follow Post · Tuesday at 9:20am o 89 o Seen by 18 Jewel Del Core and 4 others like this. o Jewel Del Core Thank you Nikos Yesterday at 9:09am · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core THE TRUTH BEHIND NAZI SALUTE. GREEK NEONAZIS LIE WHEN THEY SAY THAT NAZI SALUTE ORIGINATED IN ANCIENT GREECE. MYTH BUSTED! HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic 90 wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · Yesterday at 8:29am o o Seen by 15 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Nikos Vakalis DEGRADATION STAGES OF ARCHETYPE HELLENISM - HELLENIC PRACTICAL ACTIONS FOR SURVIVAL IN THE POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENT OF 3RD WORLD WAR 91 Like · · Follow Post · November 4 at 8:41pm o o Seen by 20 Jewel Del Core and 4 others like this. o View all 6 comments o Jewel Del Core and this one: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=t ranslate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://ellhnkaichaos.blog spot.ca/2009/04/blogpost_26.html&usg=ALkJrhg3KFsY4kQPZAXvaOKeWPY5L4jwfA 92 November 4 at 11:01pm · Like o Zigkiris Dimitris I'm not aware if there is a translation of the above documents Ishould look into it... Tuesday at 7:05am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Love N Truthfulness For my brothers and sisters on here who use greek to english translation programs or websites to read the written in greek GH REES websites or other greek UO fighters websites, I have a question for you?? What do you use and find that the is the best for translation to as clear to understand english as possible?? Like · · Follow Post · Monday at 9:10am via mobile o o Seen by 18 Jewel Del Core likes this. o 93 View all 4 comments o Jewel Del Core oops sorry just read your comment...lol, I guess google aint gonna cut it Monday at 1:43pm · Like o Zigkiris Dimitris Hello there my friends!!! to answer your question above Darren I rely solely on my personal knowledge of english as this is what I do basically! (english teacher) so should you or Jewel have any problems with translations let me know maybe I can help out. Tuesday at 6:56am · Like o Write a comment... Options David Matthew Want to improve your ability to lucid dream and recollect memory? So do we -> http://instagram.com/p/RohRS8Kti3/ 94 instagram.com instagram.com trusparta's photo on Instagram Like · · Follow Post · Share · Monday at 12:15pm o o Seen by 18 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Cyclone on Saturn www.youtube.com 95 Watch this and other space videos at http://SpaceRip.com An immense cosmic twister on Saturn's South Pole. Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 3 at 1:12am o o Seen by 22 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o View all 11 comments o Zigkiris Dimitris Yes according to Norman Bergrun there are 3 EMVs around Saturn and they seem to be doing something with the rings or to them!! November 3 at 5:40pm · Like · 2 o Peter E V Ylikangas We all know that a hexagon is a 2d representations of a 3d cube. The interesting part is that the sides of the cube on Saturn is the size of the cube of the coming of the new Jerusalem. Monday at 5:32am · Like o 96 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core check this out very cool!! The Scale of the Universe 2 htwins.net Zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of spacetime and learn about everything in between. Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 4 at 11:33pm o o Seen by 18 Peter E V Ylikangas likes this. o Write a comment... Options 97 Jewel Del Core Bibi you lunatic fool,are you about to drag the US to war with Iran? HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 4 at 11:04pm o o Seen by 18 Angel Nair likes this. o Jewel Del Core http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wwZW83 VH6tA 98 Netanyahu Brings Visual Aid "Bomb Drawing" To UN General Assembly Speech www.youtube.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought a visual aid with him today to...See More November 4 at 11:07pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Chinese Historian Professor reveals covert History 99 Chinese Historian Professor reveals covert History www.youtube.com follow G.H.REES documents: http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com G.H.REES VIDEOS HERE: http://oea-video.blogspot.de Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 4 at 4:37pm o o Seen by 18 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 100 Just completed this video which is the second of a 3 part series analysis on pituitary monitoring which delves deeper into the conspiracies perpetrated on our planet. We continue here with the findings of GHREES experiments conducted in the 1970's on monitoring the inner earth, following which a brief analysis of monitoring the moon and Lunar activities, which explains as an introduction to the reasons of the chaos occurring on our planet. GHREES DISCLOSURES MONITORING INNER EARTH & THE MOON -]+[- PART II OF III www.youtube.com The video is the second of a 3 part series analysis on pituitary monitoring which delves deeper into the conspiracies perpetrated on our planet. We continue ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 4 at 8:40am o o Seen by 19 Love N Truthfulness, Nikos Vakalis and 3 others like this. o View all 13 comments o 101 Jewel Del Core I feel that we are being called to our greatness which leads us closer to them, they watch and wait for the true awakening for us to take charge of our planets destiny! and turn this thing around as we will DO! November 4 at 2:43pm · Like · 1 o Zigkiris Dimitris as we MUST do!! November 4 at 2:44pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Just completed this video which is the second of a 3 part series analysis on pituitary monitoring which delves deeper into the conspiracies perpetrated on our planet. We continue here with the findings of GHREES experiments conducted in the 1970's on monitoring the inner earth, following which a brief analysis of monitoring the moon and Lunar activities, which explains as an introduction to the reasons of the chaos occurring on our planet. 102 GHREES DISCLOSURES MONITORING INNER EARTH & THE MOON -]+[- PART II OF III www.youtube.com The video is the second of a 3 part series analysis on pituitary monitoring which delves deeper into the conspiracies perpetrated on our planet. We continue ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 3 at 11:58pm o o Seen by 21 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options 103 Dana Horochowski VAMPIRE ALERT http://www.7thfire.biz/whitetrashman.htm Timeline Photos 11 03 2012 - SHAME on ERIC ON PHELPS of VATICAN ASSASSINS WHITE TRASH SUPREMIST...See More By: Dana Horochowski Like · · Unfollow Post · November 3 at 6:29pm o o Seen by 22 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core CHINESE INVASION!! 104 HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: CHINESE INVASI hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 26 at 10:12am o o Seen by 33 Love N Truthfulness and 5 others like this. o View all 17 comments o Zigkiris Dimitris Oh yes my friend a biiiiiigggggg FUCK YOU TO YHWH indeed hahahah November 3 at 5:43pm · Like · 2 o 105 Zigkiris Dimitris wish I were on one of those EMVs really to see what they're like!!!!!! November 3 at 5:47pm · Like · 2 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Heres my latest video make viral!!, -z-]+[-s- GHREES DISCLOSURES OF PITUITARY MONITORING -z-]+[-sFor the first time released in the English language, GHREES exposes the mechanisms to Pituitary monitoring -z-]+[-s- GHREES DISCLOSURES OF PITUITARY MONITORING -z-]+[s-Produce.avi www.youtube.com 106 For the first time released in the English language, GHREES exposes the mechanisms to Pituitary monitoring as outlined by its evolutionary Hellenic researche... Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · October 31 at 3:57am o o Seen by 28 Wade Booth, Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o View all 9 comments o Jewel Del Core thank you! the next part is ready going to upload soon November 3 at 4:12pm · Like · 1 o Greg Sobek wow...this level is exactly what I'm looking for. November 3 at 4:18pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... 107 Options Zigkiris Dimitris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzgd9k-w6mw&feature=related 009 Sound System - "Violate" HQ (Lyrics) - Track One Recordings www.youtube.com FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/shadow601 http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/viol... http://www.amazon.com/Violate/dp/B003... Lyrics: is there a lie t... Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 2 at 4:32pm o o Seen by 23 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o 108 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core ATTENTION, It has come to my attention that Giannis Karageorgiou has been arrested in Volos Greece by Jewish Greek traitor police. details are sketchy at this time but I would ask all in this forum to manifest his timely release and return. The last statement is not clear but it was inline with the fact that draconian criminals are engaging war with the planet and we are on Red alert. Like · · Follow Post · October 29 at 11:56am o o Seen by 31 Love N Truthfulness, Nikos Vakalis and 7 others like this. o View all 27 comments o Angel Nair Thank u Love N Truthfulness n Zigkiris...I dobt feel alone anymore...n know hes somewhere safe n protected bcoz u care!! November 2 at 5:18am via mobile · Like · 2 o 109 Zigkiris Dimitris There you are!!!! anything you want and can do for you let us all know...Zigkiris Dimitris November 2 at 3:01pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Of interest... Various VI Ultra-Advanced Weapons you Never hear about in the press! By: Greg Sobek Like · · Follow Post · November 1 at 9:57pm o o Seen by 25 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and David Matthew like this. 110 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek HAARP? >>>I wouldn't be at all surprised if this "Storm" that ravaged many here on the east coast wasn't a 'False flag' to divert attention from Romney and CREATE MANY NEW OPPORTUNITIES" for Obama a month before the election... Lots of contracts gonna happen soon AND Christie, in New Jersey (who's in on it too) will bank Hundreds of Millions! Like · · Follow Post · October 31 at 9:31pm o o Seen by 25 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Greg Sobek I sense in my bones that this was a false flag by HAARP. November 1 at 8:58pm · Like o 111 Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Check out this "space based artist" ...he creates 2 hour long 'drone' soundtracky stuff space related....I love it as background while studying or reading! Enjoy All! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoI9sNKbOpk&feature=share&list=PL8B7D81E45603A 99F Steve Roach - Darkest Before Dawn www.youtube.com Ambient masterpiece from Steve Roach. Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 1 at 8:30pm o o Seen by 25 Jewel Del Core likes this. 112 o View all 4 comments o Jewel Del Core im actually listening to it now while working on another vid November 1 at 8:39pm · Like · 2 o Greg Sobek November 1 at 8:41pm · Like · 2 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek 113 Alien Voices of Saturn? NASA Radio Recordings from the Rings www.youtube.com http://Cosmology.com Radio Emissions from the Ringed Planet. A cosmic journey to the Rings & Sounds of Saturn featuring recordings of radio emissions detecte... Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 1 at 8:03pm o o Seen by 25 Jewel Del Core and Love N Truthfulness like this. o View all 5 comments o Jewel Del Core nice one Greg and D I heard a shorter version of this a while ago, thanks for posting November 1 at 8:34pm · Edited · Like · 2 114 o Jewel Del Core I see u changed ur name...he he nice choice November 1 at 8:35pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Love N Truthfulness Well here is a song I found for a guy with an awesome voice, who has amazing ballads. He`s been on American Ido and won it and his new album is amazing but this one song which makes the hair stand up on the back of neck. Just another psyop song to make people see that Music Artists are singing about I could be on a spaceship leaving. From here to the moon or maybe mars are just part of the lyrics. Nice programming for when the Galactic Federation of Lies show up. Just though id share the songs and for the word to see the dark forces in the music industry and their maniuplations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3wgbkS-mlU 115 Spaceship Lyrics - Daughtry www.youtube.com Spaceship Lyrics from the album Break The Spell Request songs from: Daugtry (Album) Leave This Town Leave This Town B-sides Live At Soundstage Stripped EP Wh... Like · · Follow Post · Share · November 1 at 12:56am o o Seen by 25 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Love N Truthfulness Sorry about that first post everyone, another late night one that had some innacure info with the words. There is no lyrics about - leaving for the moon and mars. But it is still a song, I believe that is encouraging people to get on the ships when the...See More November 1 at 6:53am · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core its a nice song thanks for posting it D November 4 at 12:16am · Edited · Like o 116 Write a comment... Options David Matthew HAARP x Predictive Programming - > http://instagram.com/p/ReDeZPqttl/ instagram.com instagram.com trusparta's photo on Instagram Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 31 at 10:29pm o o Seen by 25 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and Greg Sobek like this. o Write a comment... Options 117 Greg Sobek Various VI By: Greg Sobek Like · · Follow Post · October 30 at 10:45pm o o Seen by 26 Jewel Del Core and Love N Truthfulness like this. o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek About EMVs, (Electro Magnetic Vehicles), Norm Bergrun, James Horak: 118 EMVs in the Corona of the Sun and the Rings of Saturn - James Horak explains Pt.2 www.youtube.com Visit also: http://emvsinfo.blogspot.com James Horak on The Kevin Smith Show: "In the sun right now what you see is an EMV that's the size of a planet, of th... Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · October 28 at 4:38am o o Seen by 31 Jewel Del Core and 5 others like this. o View all 25 comments o Zigkiris Dimitris What exactly would you like our view on? October 29 at 4:59pm · Like 119 o Greg Sobek ...Even John Mack...Harvard Professor dies mysteriously after he was basically rejected/ excommunicated by his 'so called' colleagues because of his involvement in the UFO/ alien abduction crisis/community. October 29 at 7:10pm · Edited · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core And on top of all this brutal weather here in north east America, we have a full draconian moon tonight, more chaos to put the icing on the cake.... Like · · Follow Post · October 29 at 2:22pm o o Seen by 29 Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o 120 Love N Truthfulness We have had a whole bunch of snow and -7 in alberta too. Its brutal weather here too and suppose to snow all week. I'm not looking forward to this winter at all. October 29 at 3:04pm · Like o Dani EL Dean ..strange even for Northern ENgland we had snow the other night at -4...nobody remembers the last time it began snowing this early here. That day/night i remember thinking to myself it was alot colder than usual...and the cloud cover/cast had definitely something to do with it October 29 at 3:37pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core You won't believe your eyes when you see what this video reveals!!! Satellite and Radar captured Infrasonic Undulation, Chemtrails enmass and ChemDUMPING!!! Multiple weather system steering and super storm creation, right before your eyes!!! Timeline Photos 121 HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR...See More By: A Sheep No More Like · · Follow Post · October 29 at 2:43pm o o Seen by 27 Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o Jewel Del Core http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4P7Kr17RX8 HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! www.youtube.com "Like" if you like. Feel free to subscribe to my channel. You won't believe you...See More October 29 at 2:44pm · Like · 2 o 122 Greg Sobek oh yeah...they are totally controlling these hurricanes yearly and stuff all over the planet. HAARP. October 29 at 2:45pm · Like · 2 o Write a comment... Options Love N Truthfulness Along with our warrior for humanity, brothers and sisters of GH REES. This woman was another hero, for the fact that only after about 2 years of lecturing on the UFO circut and trying to expose the ET's/Deep Black Military's dark agenda to the public, she died of a very deadly and rapid attacking form of cancer that silenced her for good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=e0ouJfa6daA#! Dr. Karla Turner - UFO & Military Abductions Part 1 of 12 www.youtube.com 123 Dr. Karla Turner was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Ol... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 29 at 9:28am o o Seen by 30 Jewel Del Core and 3 others like this. o View all 4 comments o Love N Truthfulness Thanks, great post Dani. I have had that awesome video on my utube channel playlist for some time too. Its not just a few negative rebel ET beings who have been and still are doing these things on our planet. Its many different beings numerous differen...See More October 29 at 10:16am · Like · 2 o Dani EL Dean ..Yes and who it is affecting masisvely are this new age movement who are totally un-aware of their history. Many talk of this wonderful galactic federation of light being benevolent beiongs yet have not really done their research and have thus fell in...See More October 29 at 10:51am · Like · 2 o 124 Write a comment... Options Love N Truthfulness James Bartley, associate of Eve Lorgen, Barbara Bartholic and the late Dr. Karla "Candy" Turner, discusses the reptilian aspects of UFO and military abductions. Specific subject areas covered include astral operatives, reptilian mindset, sexual assaults and manipulation of abductees, and more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB26dbandiU&list=UU4qEAWgw_TY9ITV9gsjbPeg&fe ature=player_embedded#! Breaking away from her usual format of having a guest for 90 minutes, Lorien introduced her guest, James Bartley, a few minutes into the show and let him speak the entire 2 hours. Because of James extensive work over the years with abductees and milabs victims, Lorien and James had an abundance of topics to cover. The first part of the show Lorien asked James to discuss his mentor Barbara Bartholic who...See More The Fenton Perspective www.youtube.com THE FENTON PERSPECTIVE with Lorien Fenton Monday, October 15, 2012 Guest: James Bartley Breaking away from her usual format of having a guest for 90 minutes,... 125 Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 29 at 1:56am o o Seen by 30 Jewel Del Core and Love N Truthfulness like this. o Jewel Del Core nice one rage, so true October 29 at 9:18am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Love N Truthfulness James Bartley - MILABS & Reptilian Concept of Human Ownership http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHeDtt62PYo&feature=youtu.be 126 James Bartley - MILABS & Reptilian Concept of Human Ownership www.youtube.com James Bartley, associate of Eve Lorgen, Barbara Bartholic and the late Dr. Karla Turner, discusses the reptilian aspects of UFO and military abductions. Spec... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 29 at 1:45am o o Seen by 30 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o Love N Truthfulness Here is james main page where he has so many amazing and very informative articles about Retillians, Reports from male and female abductees and MI Labs abductions. http://whale.to/b/bartley_h.html October 29 at 2:27am · Like · 1 o 127 Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Timeline Photos ! Beautiful ! By: Anakim Infinity Cosmic Like · · Follow Post · October 28 at 6:26pm o o Seen by 30 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 128 Just hearing about this waking up this morning, evidently in western Canada British Columbia, they are also saying that as a result of the earth quake, is causing the potential for a huge Tsunami in Alaska, it appears they are predicting here in southern Ontario a quote "mammoth" storm of rain and high winds Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes off western coast of Canada, Tsunami warning issued for Alaska www.youtube.com VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck off the coast of western Canada on Saturday and a tsunami warning was issued, authorities sa... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 28 at 9:54am o o Seen by 30 2 people like this. o View all 4 comments o 129 Jewel Del Core thanks gregg October 28 at 11:10am · Like o Love N Truthfulness I'm hoping it doesn't get a lot worse for BC. I have lots of friends in vancouver and the island I would hate to see anything happen to any of them or anyone else for that matter. October 28 at 4:25pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Hurricane Sandy Forecast Threatening...Be Prepared! 130 www.youtube.com Hurricane Sandy is expected to affect between 50 million and 60 million people, emergency management and weather officials warned Saturday afternoon. The sto... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 28 at 10:05am o o Seen by 30 o Gregg Thursten I've been watching this (HAARP) for a few days now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnZb-BEmaVY&feature=youtu.be October 28 at 10:55am · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core no doubt, I concur with this assessment, definitely haarp involvement October 28 at 11:10am · Like o Write a comment... Options 131 Jewel Del Core THE NOTORIOUS OPENING UP OF NEW MARKETS OF THE US IN CHINA IN 1972, LED TO TODAY'S ENSLAVEMENT OF THE BANKRUPT USA AND THE WEST BY CHINA. HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: THE NOTORIOUS O hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 28 at 9:02am o o Seen by 30 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options 132 Niels Wijdenes Check this one... they turn the spray system on and off cause they think te military jet is above them. You hear him say that he will put it on youtube. Chemtrail Tanker Up-Close with ON and OFF Spraying www.youtube.com Many re-mixed versions of this classic air-to-air video exist on the web. This is a pre-mixed version you can evaluate yourself. The cockpit chatter near the... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 27 at 11:41am o o Seen by 31 Jewel Del Core and 4 others like this. o 133 Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris YOU WILL LIKE THIS!!!! ,I THINK.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MNag3ou6UI&feature=related 009 Sound System - Space and Time www.youtube.com *** Enjoy *** *** LYRICS *** I remember in the space and time And I remember what we were like All the matter was synthesized Yeah I remember when the future... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 27 at 11:21am o o Seen by 31 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. 134 o Jewel Del Core very cool October 27 at 11:24am · Like · 1 o Zigkiris Dimitris FABULOUS ART WORK... October 27 at 11:30am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core take a look at what they are doing "Strange Mix and Chem-Trails" of January 30, 2012 135 close-up of : the "spraying" continues, with a "different Mix" that's much darke...See More © C.Michael Radford.com Photography By: C.Michael Radford.com Photography Like · · Follow Post · October 27 at 11:10am o o Seen by 31 3 people like this. o View all 3 comments o Jewel Del Core probably not, however we cannot be sure of what is a holograph and what is not, many theatrics here on earth October 27 at 11:21am · Like · 1 o Sherry Anderson Absolutely. October 27 at 11:22am · Like o 136 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core This is what drinking Sodium Fluoride does to your Pineal Gland- Truth Files This is what drinking Sodium Fluoride does to your Pineal Gland- It forms callou... Continue ReadingThis is an album filled with random information about all kinds of things. It delves into the Hidden History and day to day life on Planet Earth that the Illuminati doesn't want you to know about. By: Lara Starr Like · · Follow Post · October 27 at 11:11am o o Seen by 31 2 people like this. o 137 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core SAOLIN show-off (of 4D draconian technology reptile demons) and counter-measures. HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: SAOLIN show-off hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 26 at 10:12am o o Seen by 32 Love N Truthfulness and 3 others like this. o 138 Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Very good watch! Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels and Ayahuasca www.youtube.com Graham Hancock's first stop on his 2010 North American book tour (for his novel "Entangled" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1934708569/disinformation)... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 26 at 2:20am o o Seen by 31 Jewel Del Core and 3 others like this. 139 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek MARS 2nd face on mars. By: Neither Heaven NOR HELL Like · · Follow Post · October 24 at 1:26am o o Seen by 32 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o Write a comment... 140 Options Greg Sobek PRESENCE Endeavor Shuttle Mission STS-088 1998 Photo added to NASA archive (ftp://eol.jsc...See More By: Neither Heaven NOR HELL Like · · Follow Post · October 24 at 1:11am o o Seen by 32 Jewel Del Core and 3 others like this. o Write a comment... Options 141 Jewel Del Core VOYAGER AND THE EXPECTED FINAL LESSON OF G.H.REES TO HEBREWSAXON “LUMINARIES” OF “NASA” HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 22 at 9:55am o o Seen by 37 Love N Truthfulness and 10 others like this. o Zigkiris Dimitris WAS ABOUT TIME NASA LEARNT THEIR LESSON FROM SOMEONE!!! ALONG WITH THEM WE'RE LEARNING TOO!!! ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE NEWS!!! October 22 at 4:19pm · Like · 3 o 142 Angel Nair great post Jewel October 23 at 1:23pm · Like · 3 o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris THE SATURNIAN MOTHERSHIPS http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=33uvhjp7U5Y&NR=1 www.youtube.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 23 at 6:39am o o Seen by 35 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o 143 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core http://www.facebook.com/notes/jewel-del-core/planetary-situation-review-and-history-part10-ghrees-andromedian-portal-true-ge/2019869631242 PLANETARY SITUATION REVIEW AND HISTORY PART 10 G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics PLANETARY SITUATION REVIEW PART 10G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics PLANETARY SITUATION REVIEW Let me post a very quick briefing of our planetary situation... This might sound crazy to some, BUT..... By: Jewel Del Core Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 17 at 2:44pm o o Seen by 36 4 people like this. o Write a comment... Options 144 Andrew Norton Webber I was LIVE from 4-6pm EST today with "Allegedly Known As Dave," who just two months ago, completed a 30 Day "URINE SURVIVAL FAST." For thirty days straight he pretended the whole world had run out of ALL food and water supplies and he drank NOTHING BUT his own urine. NO additional food, NO additional water. I have read MANY survival stories in my 20 Urine Therapy books from around the world but have NEVER had the chance to talk with someone who actually experienced what its like to spend, "40 days and 40 nights in the desert" ...See More Allegedly.speaking.2012 www.awakeradio.co.uk Like · · Follow Post · October 18 at 10:17pm o o Seen by 35 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Jewel Del Core great show as usual andrew October 21 at 10:13am · Like o 145 Write a comment... Options Gregg Thursten I hope you find this as interesting as I do. UFO PLASMA ALIEN SHIFTING IN MOON CRATER www.youtube.com Something moving around in one of the moons craters! Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 20 at 6:24pm o o Seen by 36 Jewel Del Core and 3 others like this. 146 o Jewel Del Core very interesting thanks for posting gregg, nice find! October 21 at 9:55am · Like o Gregg Thursten Real evidence is hard to find. I got excited. October 21 at 10:03am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Timeline Photos "Others ARE communicating from beyond, bringing hope as well as wisdom." 147 OTHE...See More OTHER WORLDS: The Series CALLED THE MAYAN TILES PEACE MISSION CHOOSING UNIVERSES Extra-terrestrial Contact TRUTH written as fiction Lauren Zimmerman For ordering information please visit: www.nlightpress.com Lauren's official website: www.dimensionsbeyond.com ♥ By: Called Like · · Follow Post · October 18 at 5:23pm o o Seen by 35 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core To the Board of Directors of E.N.D. (End National Debt), through the gentlemen Lambrakis and Sorras._ HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com 148 All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 18 at 12:20am o o Seen by 37 3 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core not sure as to what happened to the post regarding the false queen revealing GFL stuff, for some reason it has disappeared from here and I didn't delete the post...does anyone see it? I was going to add this to the comments; as for the third eye, I have written extensively on this. Know that one of the biggest weapons these criminals have against us is through energy transmission to the pituitary gland. Inner vision is at times somehow obstructed through the transmission and frequency of the controllers that in most circumstances is directed to the pituitary gland this in turn causes false messages which are downloaded into the vessel and appear as thoughts of your own...you must strengthen the third vision and be aware of these traps....you must strengthen the power of the eye however know that you must develop the proper instinct and protocols of addressing lights, inner messages transitions and things that are seen through the pineal and consult directly to the higher self in 3 fold questioning until there is no response...this is done in order to RE develop your instinct and vision of discernment. Keep in mind that they (teachers and manipulators of new age) will NEVER give you these details, they are satisfied with the notion of awakening the pineal gland so their controllers can work directly through the lenses of your third eye and mess with you. 149 Like · · Follow Post · October 17 at 12:25pm o o Seen by 36 Love N Truthfulness and 3 others like this. o View all 44 comments o Jewel Del Core awe thank you angel, I am humbled but merely compelled to act as a true accountable warrior for the universal principle and Laws in accordance with the intelligent universal Organism, if it means compromising my own life. October 17 at 2:34pm · Like · 4 o Gregg Thursten I actually understood what you just said Jewel. October 17 at 5:02pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 150 Greg Sobek This is huge! What more do u want? FULL VIDEO UFO'S making CROP CIRCLES in Wiltshire, England July 27, 2010 www.youtube.com Source: http://ddsdtv.blogspot.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 10 at 7:42pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o View all 6 comments o 151 Greg Sobek The spheres or light orbs appear to be creating these circles. October 17 at 2:02pm · Like o Greg Sobek http://youtu.be/_L6xGfe_a1s YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. www.youtube.com Share your videos with friends, family, and the world October 17 at 2:04pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core WOW! Look at the RAIN CRYSTAL!!! - Andrew Norton Webber 152 http://rain-crystal.com/ This is the coolest, most awesome, and reasonably priced Distiller I have EVER seen! ALL GLASS!!! Not even stainless steel touches the water. This is WILD! This is the type of Distiller which TRUE LABORATORIES use when the want the most perfect water possible. The glass ones are normally much bigger and cost thousands of dollars. But this is TINY and the site says it retails for $799! Never heard of this company before, just stumbled across the site this morning. Says its made by artists, uses HALF the electricity of distillers, has NO moving parts, and is SMALLER than any other distiller I've ever seen. It's even smaller than the standard 'counter-top' model. GORGEOUS! I can't become a distributor because...See More Rain Crystal Countertop Water Distiller rain-crystal.com Steam Distilled water: clean, pure water Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 17 at 11:08am o o Seen by 37 5 people like this. o View all 3 comments o Gregg Thursten This one's cool. All I drink is distilled water for about 4-5 years now. I store 100 gallons in my basement and about 16 upstairs in my utility room. October 17 at 1:22pm · Like · 1 153 o Jewel Del Core I think I mentioned a few times that I also cut up organic lemons and drop them into my bottles of distilled water in order to raise the alkalinity of the water, fascinating results overall in mental function and warding off chem-trail activity and overall healthy living October 17 at 1:25pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek http://youtu.be/-jqTD25XUVY NEW DIAMOND PLANET 55 CANCRI E GIANT FOUND www.youtube.com Shine On, You Crazy Diamond Planet There's a gigantic diamond in outer space, according to new research from a team led by Yale University scientists. About ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 12 at 1:44pm 154 o o Seen by 38 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o Angel Nair Why do I get d feeling its not newly found...but d planet prepared for migration of their 'Herd'...is this their way to introduce it?? October 17 at 11:37am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core My latest video, enjoy 155 THE CAUSE ~ THE EFFECT )+( www.youtube.com The video details the current lunar occupation on planet earth and the imprisonment of humanity Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 10 at 10:36pm o o Seen by 40 Love N Truthfulness and 7 others like this. o View all 11 comments o Andrew Norton Webber Gracias, Amiga!!! Thank you so much for inviting me to this special fountain of knowledge... YOU! October 15 at 5:02pm · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core I am honored to have you here andrew October 15 at 5:03pm · Like · 1 156 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Just completed this video the universal principle (law) it is a basic outline of the creation of matter through moving ether which details in a viewable format the science presented by GHREES THE UNIVERSAL -z-]+[-s- PRINCIPLE (LAW) www.youtube.com The following video outlines the creation of the dodecahedral through the moving ether and into physical forms of active and non active stellation of matter ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 15 at 12:14am o o 157 Seen by 38 Nikos Vakalis and 10 others like this. o Gregg Thursten Liked it - Shared it - Thank you! October 15 at 4:06am · Like · 2 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Population of the moon is millions?! Population of the moon is millions?! 158 www.youtube.com Convert TV to PC http://ed9735chhlgf5t7zuohgsjby5m.hop.clickbank.net/ Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 11 at 2:10pm o o Seen by 38 3 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Gregg Thursten FYI - The new "Seen by" feature is not true when it comes to actually viewing. I did not watch all the videos on this page and yet it says that I have seen it. So, not sure what it truly means other than I was here when the post was present. Like · · Follow Post · October 11 at 4:53am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. 159 o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris HAVE A LOOK AT THIS PEOPLE... http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2012/224/undersea-mystery-2.htm Undersea Mystery-2 www.marsanomalyresearch.com Some may not like this report and may even trot out some "experts" trying to convince you of its insignificance and how wrong I am but I'll tell you right up front that I believe this report along with my discoveries of surface water in a liquid state and bio-life on Mars in my 2012 comboRep... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 10 at 5:09am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 3 others like this. o View all 6 comments 160 o Jewel Del Core why would they be andromedian? October 10 at 1:25pm · Like o Zigkiris Dimitris because as we know there are andromedian forces inside the inner cavitie sof the earth...maybe they 're performing some kind of activity down there...but then again it might be that there enemy forces right above them so it may well be the enemy... October 10 at 1:28pm · Like · 3 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek very good film!! 161 "La Belle Verte" (Full Version, Multi-Languages Subs) www.youtube.com Full Movie. "ROHELINE ILUS" "Nádherná zelená" "El Planeta Libre" "Turista Espacial" "A gyönyörű Zöld" "" "קוריה בכוכהמ םיחרואA LINDA VERDE" "FRUMOASA VERDE" ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 6 at 7:36pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o Jewel Del Core thanks for sharing greg October 10 at 10:28am · Like · 1 o 162 Write a comment... Options John Vasquez http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah8QbWxhH10 Stewart Swerdlow on History of Mind Control 1/14 www.youtube.com Stewart Swerdlow talks about different techniques of Mind control used since the beginning of civilizations. He points out how mind programming and control w... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 10 at 5:14am near Miami, FL o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. 163 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Giant UFO shoots laser in the sun and the giant "RODs" near the Sun October 9, 2012.wmv www.youtube.com In this survey for October 9, 2012, you can see how huge unidentified object shoots a beam - laser in the Sun during a solar flare. Also, you can see the gia... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 9 at 10:39pm o o Seen by 39 164 John Vasquez and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Film about BlackOps projects, other than the film Looper... http://youtu.be/j1p0_R8ZLB0 The Prototype Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2013) - Andrew Will Sci-Fi Movie HD www.youtube.com Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn The Prototype Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2012) - Andrew Will Sci-... 165 Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 9 at 2:56pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair Time Travel Machine In LOOPER... Like · · Follow Post · October 9 at 2:20am via mobile o o Seen by 39 o Angel Nair http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2012/10/sneaking-intime-travel-education-in-looper.html EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: Sneaking in Time Travel education in LOO exopolitics.blogs.com 166 LOOPER - Official Trailer YOU TUBE: http://youtu.be/2iQuhsmtfHw Time travel mach...See More October 9 at 2:20am via mobile · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek The best evidence ever captured on video - UFO 2012 OVNIs Melhores (HD 1080p) www.youtube.com The best evidence ever captured on video - UFO 2012 OVNIs Melhores (HD 1080p) _______________________________________________________________ ►1/14 - Área 51... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 9 at 2:18am o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. 167 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Im picking this message up from one of my facebook subscribers; please read below links and comments, let us know if any of you know or heard about this. (message below) Here is what Dutchsince had posted: From Dutchsinses main facebook. ...See More Like · · Unfollow Post · October 2 at 2:51pm o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o View all 16 comments o Greg Sobek Home Schooling is an admirable thing to do as a parent. Shows your character and how dedicated you are to your child! It's the first step in shaping your own kid's mind as opposed to some stranger teaching your child in a 'watered down' and broken public education 168 system. The formative years are Highly impressionable so be informed of your options! October 4 at 4:52pm · Like · 2 o Candy Hayter Lotsa of artsand crafts Outside play and I Pad Apps and fun at library LOL I go to bed hoping I did something good for them LOL October 6 at 5:38pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core A VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO TO WATCH. COMMENTARY IS IN CHINESE HOWEVER SWITCH ENGLISH OR OTHER LANGUAGE ANNOTATIONS ON: WARNING TO 888 CHINESE CHRISTIANS ON WHATS OCCURRING HERE IN THE WEST AND WORLD WIDE....PAY ATTENTION AND REVIEW ALL OF OUR MATERIALS AND YOU WILL SYNC WHATS HAPPENING. 169 錫安教會主日信息:2012 榮耀盼望vol.2 :前言(二) www.youtube.com 有關2012榮耀盼望的其餘資料 (1)介紹新型式分享 (2)SIMPSON code (3)解釋哈哈笑標誌 (4)共濟會, 外星人REPHAIM (5)WEB BOT及易經的預知(6)WEB BOT 的例子 Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 4 at 5:11pm o o Seen by 39 3 people like this. o Greg Sobek nice find jewel we must be aware of how the east perceives the west. October 6 at 2:48pm · Edited · Like o 170 Ο.Ε.Α. Ομας Ελληνικης Αποκαταστασεως Urgent signal of G.H.REES to all our readers – we present pictures of the meeting with Karageorgiou – the conclusions are yours! www.hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/2012/10/urgent-signal-of-ghrees-toall-our.html HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: Urgent signal o hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violen...See More October 6 at 4:41pm · Like · 3 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek http://youtu.be/mWpgNmlUcec Very good!! 171 Cosmic Masters- Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C. (WHO ARE THEY?) www.youtube.com Please fasten your seat belts, while we attempt to clarify all the misconceptions of the Cosmic Masters. Who are they? How do they contact sincere seekers? H... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 6 at 2:43pm o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek 172 The True History and Purpose of NASA www.youtube.com If this video is not viewable, please go to my mirror Dailymotion channel to see it in full [gmoore50] Did You Know that NASA has an esoteric agenda to help ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 6 at 3:24am o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o View all 7 comments o Greg Sobek October 6 at 2:40pm · Like · 1 173 o Greg Sobek next time i see it I'll rip it.. October 6 at 2:42pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core THE GREEKS & ANDROMEDIAN FLEET OF ZEUS The greeks & Andromedian fleet of ZEUS www.youtube.com 174 Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 4 at 3:45pm o o Seen by 39 4 people like this. o View all 3 comments o Greg Sobek this! October 4 at 4:44pm · Like · 2 o Angel Nair Nice tho...thank u Jewel ♡ October 6 at 1:31pm via mobile · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 175 John Vasquez Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, specializing in rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. Formally educated in electrical engineering and computer science, Ken worked for 23 years in the medical industry. A tenacious researcher and experimenter, Ken uses and tests everything he recommends to find the most effective solutions for the least amount of money. In this interview, we will go far and wide and discuss how to neutralize radiation, chemtrails, GMOs, EMF, water fuel technology and then get into mind control and ETs. http://www.redicecreations.com/radio3fourteen/2012/R314-121003.php Radio 3Fourteen - Ken Rohla - Neutralizing Radiation, Chemtrails & Mind Control www.redicecreations.com Red Ice Radio Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 6 at 6:56am near Miami, FL o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Dani EL Dean like this. o Write a comment... Options 176 Nikos Vakalis SCHIZOPHRENIA OF DEMOCRATIC EQUALITY On the one hand you block and discard as "Paranoiac" or "Suicidal" the election of an aircraft pilot or a family doctor through democratic voting between "equal" passengers or "equal" coffee house regulars, in order for one of them as "pilot" or "doctor", and you still insist on the UNEAQUAL TREATMENT of the ARISTOCRATIC (MERIT-BASED) choice of both the pilot and the doctor from the FEW JUDGES, EXPERT FIELD PROFESSORS of the aviation and medicine school from which they obtained their degrees by worthing them (MERIT-BASED) through COMPETITIONS (GAMES)- EXAMS On the other hand you audaciously and shamelessly take part in democratic voting while you are lacking the general and specific scientific knowledge, you are voting by lying to yourself that you ...See More Like · · Follow Post · October 2 at 9:09pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and 4 others like this. o Jewel Del Core this is indeed such a telling passage, thank you for sharing Nikos very profound in its delivery indeed. down with these pseudo draconian apathetic, putrid, programming disillusioned criminals of the Universal Law....sickly inbred cells imbeciles of the universal organism. October 4 at 1:03pm · Like · 1 o 177 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core I am happy to hear Jim e grand is changing his tune in this particular video and hopefully the rederick he spoke of not so long ago has run its course. this time I hope he is sincere about his words and the rest of us in collaboration with GHREES, who are working tirelessly in the revival and restoration of the Universal Organism. Please note that Giannis Karageorgiou has managed to elude Greek criminal traitors acting police security officials in a cowardly attempt to arrest him....we are looking for support in order to maintain his security and safety. Giannis is the source of all of this intelligence you see before you. Please let me know if there is anything you can do for our cause. This cause, is in the protection and restoration of this organism, along with the rest of it at any cost. Greek TRAITORS try to Arrest John Karageorgiou (Representative of G H REES) Oct 1, 2012 www.youtube.com You may ask why? Isn't it obvious at this point Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · October 2 at 1:54pm o 178 o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 5 others like this. o View all 5 comments o Dana Horochowski We need a MOSQUE in SAULT ONTARIO to stir things up a bit October 2 at 6:07pm · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core @David Matthew you are indeed correct, he is being played like a tool...hopefully he finds himself soon.... October 2 at 7:36pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 179 Jewel Del Core "Federal Reserve is being shut down! Banks will be closed for a week or more! Pull your cash out & have a little "junk silver" (Pre-1965 silver US coins). Get ready folks!" 30 SEPT: USA/ISREAL FALSE FLAG WARNING :GLOBAL BANKS & U.S. Infrastructure www.youtube.com You better have you cash and protection ready... Maybe as soon as tomorrow OCT 1st 2012 Remember, Remember the 5th of November Thanks Star____t Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · October 2 at 3:35pm o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o View all 3 comments o 180 Dana Horochowski real pennies make great PEE batteries October 2 at 4:47pm · Like o David Matthew If one thing has been consistent - it's that these specific dates cited as when the False Flag will actually happen are all incorrect. October 2 at 5:03pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Gregg Thursten WHAT IS NASA TRYING TO HIDE? 181 BREAKING NEWS: NASA JPL Mars | Copy & Pasted Images at Gale Crater | Curiosity Landing Site www.youtube.com I have come across obvious image manipulation for the image composite of Gale crater. I am disappointed! http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/explore/galecrater/ Please ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 30 at 10:35pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Jewel Del Core what aren't those assholes trying to hide October 2 at 2:16pm · Like · 2 o Greg Sobek Never A Straight Answer..... October 2 at 2:26pm · Like · 2 o Write a comment... 182 Options Jewel Del Core CHINESE FRIGATE IN SF HARBOR - this is the continuation of an article written by Kerry Cassidy of project Camelot with respect to the alleged warship (s) stationed outside of San Francisco http://www.facebook.com/officialprojectcamelot/posts/550490781631012 http://www.facebook.com/officialprojectcamelot/posts/550490781631012 www.facebook.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 2 at 8:26am o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris 183 Hello Jewel hope you're well!!!! http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.gr/2012/10/karageorgiou-representative-of-ghrees.html HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: KARAGEORGIOU RE hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · October 2 at 6:16am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Write a comment... Options Carlos Castillo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MqXeC0yKaM&feature=plcp 184 Angie González & Permaculture Yogi "Permaculture-Yogi Life Style" www.youtube.com Angie González & Permaculture Yogi "Permaculture-Yogi Life Style" www.permaculture-yogi.com "In my search for health and wellness I found permaculture enviro... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 30 at 9:40pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and David Matthew like this. o Write a comment... Options 185 Greg Sobek Statue on Mars! Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like · · Follow Post · September 30 at 4:39pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Atmospheric Starships/ Station photo cred: John Lenard Walson 2011 Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like · · Follow Post · September 30 at 4:38pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. 186 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek http://youtu.be/O6ggirhnTm4 CELESTIAL - a JOSE ESCAMILLA film www.youtube.com The film that challenges anyone to prove that the Moon is grey. This film proves the Moon is a full color celestial body and that there are incredible struct... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 29 at 3:28pm o o Seen by 39 187 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Norway Spiral Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like · · Follow Post · September 28 at 9:44pm o o o Seen by 39 View all 4 comments o Angel Nair True Greg Sobek...blue beam has created doubts...we cant really tell d difference September 29 at 12:50am via mobile · Like · 1 o 188 Greg Sobek That is one of the Cabals tricks is disinfo or misinfo to divert. The one's at the TOP do not want you to know real findings in space either. September 29 at 1:40am · Edited · Like o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek "The goal is to reach the quantum field so that we can attract the universal cosmic energy, watch out for mind tricks and distractions in this physical dimension" Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like · · Follow Post · September 27 at 6:35pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o 189 Angel Nair D 23.5 degrees of d earth tilt is deliberated so tat d waves dont really reach us..on d contrary is channeled to d lowwer 4tD...as far as Im told...I may be wrong September 29 at 12:09am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek 528 Hz & Jupiter's Electromagnetic voices & Alpha brainwaves www.youtube.com The sound of Jupiter's Electromagnetic voices with music and the Solfeggio tones 528 Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, & 852 Hz. http://www.unisonicascension.com/solfeggio/ ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 27 at 6:33pm 190 o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core CHECK THIS OUT......BASTARDS ARE SCRAMBLING! WARNING! ALERT! UFO FLEET 2012 STARTING FROM ALIEN MOONBASE FULL HD 1080P NEW SIGHTINGS SEPTEMBER www.youtube.com What the hell is going on up there? Watch in full hd fullscreen 1080p. Must read description as well: While filming the moon on september the 15th 2012 with ... 191 Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 17 at 4:47pm o o Seen by 39 5 people like this. o View all 15 comments o Sherry Anderson @ Angel, can you view it on this link? http://x-u-fo.blogspot.com/2012/06/ufos-interstellar-jose-escamilla-film.html. September 27 at 9:20am · Like · 1 o Greg Sobek I'm in Canada and I can see it > w/ out purchase on the YT link I posted September 27 at 1:05pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 192 Jewel Del Core The following alert from GHREES with respect to the questions surrounding the alleged Chinese submarines off the coast of San Fransisco; AMERICAN AND CHINESE FLEET AGAINST HIGHLY HOSTILE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL THREAT IN THE PACIFIC HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 26 at 8:07pm o o Seen by 39 3 people like this. o View all 18 comments o Greg Sobek First concrete thing most can do is Get Rid of the TV and the so called culture related to it. 193 September 26 at 9:14pm · Edited · Like o Zigkiris Dimitris If this military engagement in the Pacific is true then most probably things are taking a turn for the worse,in terms of government forces coming in to take matters into their own hands once and for all....or it could be a false alarm to once again warn people of the "hostile" forces of the andromedian starfllet..... September 27 at 6:14am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Confirmed by NASA – UFO Footage from ISS Real www.veteranstoday.com One of my friends, Editor of World News Tomorrow, sent me the following story. He got it from a high level source at NASA and called in a favor. Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 26 at 9:28pm 194 o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2012/09/is-an-alien-ufo-false-flag-invasion-imminent2469326.html Is An Alien UFO False Flag Invasion Imminent? | Alternative beforeitsnews.com According to Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, intelligence sources are revealing that hostile extraterrestrials are militarily engaging with world naval forces. In an article, provocatively titled, “,UFO War: Chinese And US Navy Off San Francisco” Duff claims that the Chinese navy is le... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 26 at 8:16pm o o 195 Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris Norman Bergrun Speaking About The Ringmakers Of Saturn www.youtube.com Rare Interview With Norman Bergrun Speaking About The Ring Makers Of Saturn Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 17 at 3:09pm o o 196 Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core, Love N Truthfulness and 3 others like this. o View all 6 comments o Zigkiris Dimitris They seem to be mining them though if yoy will notice in some parts of the video one or two rings seem incomplete!! while one of the vehicles is nearby performing some kind of activity September 26 at 4:35am · Like · 1 o Greg Sobek I think the black ring is a portal. I believe THEY (EMVs, Cigar Shaped Craft,. etc) come and go through this "gateway" >> the black ring itself is apparently a wall or gate of energy. That was 'off the record' information from a reliable well known source of mine in the truth movement. September 26 at 3:42pm · Edited · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 197 Greg Sobek http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/2010/08/hyper-anthropoid-form-of-universal.html HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: HYPER-ANTHROPOI hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 26 at 3:31pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Write a comment... Options 198 Greg Sobek http://youtu.be/ITH3gwccX0A The Secret UFO NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun - Full Feature www.youtube.com From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. EBE Award Winner! Best Film International UFO Congress Film Festival. This program presents the history of UFO sightings... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 26 at 3:23pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek 199 Map of Saturn's Moon Titan Reveals Earth-Like Features www.nationaljournal.com As alien a world as Saturn's moon Titan is, it turns out to be very Earth-like. It has rain, lakes, and weather that shapes the moon's surface as those same processes shape Earth's. The main differences are that Titan is much, much colder and, instead of water, the rain and lakes are made of liquid ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 26 at 2:42am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o Write a comment... Options Greg Sobek Thank you . I'm honored. ♥ Like · · Follow Post · September 26 at 12:43am o o 200 Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Just completed and uploaded this to you tube, it is the complete basic science of the Universal Organism....enjoy! THE UNIVERSAL ORGANISM www.youtube.com The following video is a complete basic Overview of the Intelligent Universal Organism which entails indepth science issued to G.H. REES (Group of Hellenic R... 201 Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 25 at 11:48pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and Zigkiris Dimitris like this. o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski TIME BANK LIST... hop on the SERENITY TRAIN http://saultstemarie.kijiji.ca/c-jobs-cleaning-housekeeper-SERENITY-GLOBAL-BarterTrade-COOP-W0QQAdIdZ416138481 SERENITY GLOBAL Barter Trade COOP saultstemarie.kijiji.ca Tutoring, homecare, petcare, childcare, cleaning, odd jobs, handy men, gardeners, construction workers, cooks, delivery, BARTER, TRADE, etc UNBEATABLE RATES and RESULTS. 705-254-5823 416-419-9023 http://8thfire.biz/ http://7thfire.biz/ Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · September 23 at 1:04pm 202 o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce "THE 2012 SHOW - HIDDEN WORD AND SECRET WORLDS" on "Esoteric Radio" is airing 09/23/2012 on BlogTalkRadio. See the details and set a reminder at http://tobtr.com/s/3794565. RSVP to my facebook event: THE 2012 SHOW - HIDDEN WORDS AND SECRET WORLDS www.blogtalkradio.com Wholeness and Balance Vibrations to everyone what an amazing time we are in. This show is designed to give you direct information about the Matrix, how it works, and how many of the situations we face in life can not only be predicted but prevented. Join me your Host, Sevan for another shocking hou... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 23 at 11:05am o o 203 Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core ANDROMEDIAN FLEET OF ZEUS The greeks & Andromedian fleet of ZEUS www.youtube.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 22 at 10:53pm o o 204 Seen by 39 Greg Sobek likes this. o Zigkiris Dimitris STUNNING JEWEL!!! September 23 at 7:02am · Like · 1 o Zigkiris Dimitris THANK YOU! September 23 at 7:02am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core ]+[FIELD OF HERO'S]+[ 205 ]+[ ΠΕΔΙΟΝ ΗΡΩΩΝ ]+[ www.youtube.com Ancient Times artist: Luke Richards album: ANW1247 - Cinematic, Orchestral, Choral length: 3:41 label: Audio Network plc genre: Soundtrack Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 22 at 11:23pm o o Seen by 39 Greg Sobek likes this. o Zigkiris Dimitris COOL!! THOSE JUST CANT ALL BE SATURN'S SATELLITES!!!!! September 23 at 6:44am · Like o 206 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core YHVH & The Arrival of the Fallen YHVH & The Arrival of the Fallen www.youtube.com Revelation 9 Bottomless Pit Locusts Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976: Allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as c... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 22 at 11:05pm o o Seen by 39 Greg Sobek likes this. 207 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Andromeda Galaxy (M31) In-Depth Views Andromeda Galaxy (M31) In-Depth Views www.youtube.com New images from the Hubble Space Telescope released by the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA reveal the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) in unprecedented detail, ba... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 22 at 11:01pm o o 208 Seen by 39 Greg Sobek likes this. o Write a comment... Options David Matthew Resistance originator Sevan Bomaer will broadcast yet another expansive transmission -- 9/23/12 Sevan Bomaer My show, "THE 2012 SHOW - HIDDEN WORD AND SECRET WORLDS" on "Esoteric Radio" is airing 09/23/2012 on BlogTalkRadio. See the details and set a reminder at http://tobtr.com/s/3794565. RSVP to my facebook event: Like · · Follow Post · September 22 at 10:08pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... 209 Options Angel Nair Something isnt rite...why r US officials n President leaving Capitol for Mount Weather??? Its about time our Andromedean brothers get here soon :( Like · · Follow Post · September 22 at 1:36pm via mobile o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Jewel Del Core where did u here this Angel September 22 at 3:29pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 210 PRELUDE OF FINAL HOME-STRETCH HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 16 at 9:06am o o Seen by 39 3 people like this. o View all 3 comments o Angel Nair I mean they hv stargates...wish no bloodshed n destruction...25 countries hv ships off Iran waters. .to start WWIII...dont think this many countries r on naval exercise...we hv no more time left....chinese warships r off d coast of american waters.......isnt tat indicative enof....we r in trouble?do we even hv d power to out anything on hold...Isreal is plannin a premptive attack on Iran.... September 21 at 5:13pm via mobile · Like 211 o Jewel Del Core well im sure this is the case with navel ships positioned in order to start ww3, however has there been any developments? yes it is clear that they are trying to instigate the war, the situation has been predicted as they are not surrendering thus leav...See More September 22 at 3:28pm · Edited · Like o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski excellent speaker and in Thornhill Ontario http://blip.tv/thatchannel/liquid-lunch-2012-09s18-sk-6360035 Dana Horochowski http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL21BFA51DF11A8D88 Like · · Unfollow Post · September 21 at 11:33pm o o Seen by 39 o 212 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core There comes a time in ones life where the matters at hand in our immediate reality, become so big and twisted that we question whether the people in our lives are here to harm or to enlighten us. In all cases it is imperative to run these scans through your higher self and preform the threefold questioning affirmations in order to get to the bottom of these things, I believe I spoke in depth on this some time ago in one of my posts....Never the less in this instance, I speak of the serious implications that are presented to us through the information that we share with one another and how one is responsible for his or her actions when one submits to the masses his or her discourses in these matters we speak of....when one speaks to the world in essence or to the public regarding the regurg...Continue Reading Unlike · · Unfollow Post · September 19 at 8:27pm o o Seen by 39 You and David Matthew like this. o Dana Horochowski Welcome to the BANNED JIM E due his RUDENESS CLUB. I hear you. I tried to reason with him, and he called me a liar, so BYE BYE. I am trying to be the best teacher I can be, and that is to LIVE by example. I know no other way than to be empathetic to the ones who need assistance. When they attack you, then it is time to save yourselves before you go EXTINCT, along with all the other colours of the RAINBOW. September 19 at 8:53pm · Like · 1 213 o Jewel Del Core well there you go, I understand completely how you feel, this kid is so out of balance its incredible! he blames everyone but himself and will not turn inward to find his wholeness and balance....thus casting the ones who try and help him into oblivious.... September 19 at 8:57pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core I picked this up, just released on Sept 13 from project scamelot....it speaks of Chinese vessels reported of the coast of San Fransisco...this has not in any way been substantiated however if true then substantiates much of the work we do here with respect to uncovering the plans of HONG 888, also notice within the article, she Kerry Cassidy claims that this may be a cover for a larger plan - (this is how they insert subliminal traps into their disinfo)how this may be a cover for apprehending the so-called criminals and arrests they have blabbing about through new age manipulators David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford. http://projectcamelotportal.com/kerrys-blog/1299-navy-ships-and-chinese-vessels-reportedoff-coast-of-sf-developingstory?fb_action_ids=347928151968190%2C347927988634873%2C347927815301557%2C34 7926058635066%2C347924231968582&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multilin e&action_object_map=%7B%22347928151968190%22%3A468574236515876%2C%223479 27988634873%22%3A478396538850871%2C%22347927815301557%22%3A285491388231 490%2C%22347926058635066%22%3A285774638202422%2C%22347924231968582%22 %3A411168268943209%7D&action_type_map=%7B%22347928151968190%22%3A%22og .likes%22%2C%22347927988634873%22%3A%22og.likes%22%2C%22347927815301557 %22%3A%22og.likes%22%2C%22347926058635066%22%3A%22og.likes%22%2C%223 47924231968582%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D 214 NAVY SHIPS and CHINESE VESSELS REPORTED OFF COAST OF SF Updated projectcamelotportal.com Project Camelot Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · September 15 at 10:47pm o o Seen by 39 David Matthew likes this. o View all 6 comments o Dana Horochowski kinda stupid to put navy ships in waters that are rocking with tsunami quakes. Keep an EYE on Michelle Santos http://thesantosrepublic.com the source of the dragon's BAD breath of 888 HONG ANTI AMERICAN genocide September 18 at 3:09pm · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core I will confront her at some point however, im gathering on her 215 September 18 at 3:11pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris RINGMAKERS OF SATURN!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdmbXUyMJiQ Norman Bergrun 'ET Ringmakers of Saturn' www.youtube.com International UFO Congress Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 17 at 2:59pm o o 216 Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o View all 7 comments o Angel Nair I hd no idea Zigkiris...everyone says Saturn is associated with Satan/Jehovah. d one of d dark cabal.. September 18 at 8:26am via mobile · Like o Jewel Del Core Angel They (Andromedian fleet) have re taken the planet Saturn from Cronian Criminal Sabaoth, Cronus, the rebellious once leader of this our immediate solar system, who rebelled with draconian YHWH upon entrance of the moon into our system....So the government is stationed there restoring it back to Universal Law....anticipating the solar systems full restoration. September 18 at 2:52pm · Edited · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 217 Jewel Del Core A perfect depiction of what the criminals want you to believe that Nazis will invade the Earth from the moon, however they haven't anticipated that we are aware of their game which is to make the Andromedan government look like the aggressors in the upcoming restoration and liberation of this planet and inner galaxy. Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer [HD] www.youtube.com Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer in glorious full HD! Music composed by Laibach. Read more: http://www.ironsky.net & follow us: http://fb.com/ironsky Iro... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 18 at 2:43pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... 218 Options Zigkiris Dimitris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOiV1RSfMnQ The Bizarre Hexagon on Saturn www.youtube.com Saturn's Strange Hexagon Seen for the first time with complete images since it was first observed 26 years ago. Saturns recently photographed north pole weat... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 17 at 3:11pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Love N Truthfulness like this. o 219 Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris THINGS ABOVE US!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_0rAYAUcrs&feature=player_embedded ΚΟΙΤΑΞΤΕ ΠΟΙΟΙ ΜΑΣ ΕΡΧΟΝΤΑΙ www.youtube.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 17 at 2:57pm o o Seen by 39 Effie Kyriazopoulou likes this. o 220 Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris Αφύπνιση Συνείδησης: Μητρικό σκάφος τεραστίων διαστάσεων σε τροχιά 11/9/12 afipnisoy.blogspot.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 17 at 2:55pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options David Matthew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWwMatBr5xk 221 Heavy Mental by Killah Priest www.youtube.com Heavy Mental by Killah Priest www.killahpriest.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 16 at 2:34pm near Miami, FL o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris 222 http://www.ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.gr/2012/09/new-order-total-cosmic-etna-for-planet.html ΕΛΛΗΝ και ΧΑΟΣ - Επίσημο ιστολόγιο Ο.Ε.Α. Αληθής Γεωστρατηγική & Αστροστρατηγική: NEW ORDER: TOTAL C ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com Ανέστην αποφανούμενος, α γιγνώσκω περί τούτων, αισχρόν νομίσας, ει την ιδίαν του βίου τάξιν διαφυλάττων, περιόψομαι την πόλιν ανάξια ψηφισαμένην αυτής(Ισοκράτης, Αρχίδαμος) «ΣΆΜΑ ΤΈΕ ΣΕΕΜΩΝ ΑΠΊΞΕΕΙ ΕΣ ΣΥΜΩΝ ΠΛΆΝΗΤΑ ΟΛΈΞΩΜΕΝ ΟΛΕΤΈΕΡΑΣ ΣΙΝΑΣ ΔΙΑΣΤΡΙΚΟΥΣ ΤΕ ΔΑΪΝΟΥΣ ΕΞΑΣΤΡΙΣΘΈΝΤΑΣ ΕΞ ΑΣΤΕΡΩΝ ΔΡΑΚΟΝΤΟΣ Κ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 15 at 3:55pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o View all 3 comments o Jewel Del Core This is indeed good news, almost unbelievable.....do you think that he (Putin) is in full control of his government? sounds strange as those behind him (criminal mason orders) would at this point be pushing for his elimination. Im still wary of this, however overall nice to hear. September 15 at 7:14pm · Like 223 o Zigkiris Dimitris Ιsounds as though he might be...question is however whether he'll be left to carry on with the plan or be stopped eventually...it remains to be seen..... September 16 at 9:10am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_and_Omega i I AM STICKING with the HUMANS...I don't trust PINDAR or DRAKEN....the dragon lords. THEY EAT PEOPLE ღ♫•* ♥ THETA & Mika-El Universe ♥ *•♪♪ღ #Benghazi It's interesting how you all can say 'reprensible', 'condemn in stron... Continue Reading 224 Here is simple MEMO of why this album started: http://michellesantos.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/many-shades-many-realities/ Many of you do not truly understand how much LOVED you are and that there are NO SECRETS in the Universe. All these religions and world-crap conditioning is hindering you from SEEING obvious hints....See More By: MJ Santos Like · · Unfollow Post · September 15 at 11:44pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options David Matthew from G.H.REES.:.. "The most significant day in the history of the American dollar, since its inception, happened on Thursday, Sept. 6. On that day, something took place that is going to affect your life, your family, your dinner table more than you can possibly imagine." "On Thursday, Sept. 6... just a few days ago, China made the official announcement. China said on that day, our banking system is ready, all of our communication systems are ready, all of the transfer systems are ready, and as of that day, Thursday, Sept. 6, any nation in the world that wishes from this point on, to buy, sell, or trade crude oil, can do so using the Chinese currency, not the American dollar. "This has never happened in the history of crude oil. Since crude oil became the motivating force behind our (U.S....See More 225 Death by China Documentary Film - Official Trailer www.youtube.com Thanks for all the comments. Please keep them coming. And click "Like" and "Add to" your Favorites to help make trade reform with China a part of the convers... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 14 at 4:56pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 4 others like this. o View all 3 comments o ISaac BrOoks The motivation, he said, was to control the region's oil, not to fight terrorism. . . September 14 at 5:19pm · Like · 1 226 o ISaac BrOoks Oh yeah..here it is. ., but it may be resisted by the mainstream media 'powers that be'. . O_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw September 14 at 5:21pm · Like · 3 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core NEW ORDER: TOTAL COSMIC ETNA --- FOR PLANET SECURITY RUSIAN SECURITY ; This sounds very promising if proven true that the Russian Government will follow through with whats enclosed in this cosmic etna. HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... 227 Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 13 at 7:26pm o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core ATTENTION: There are attempts to connect G.H.REES with Groups of "New Age Spiritual Mediums" who communicate with the Dragonians like the "Ashtar Command of the non existent Galactic Federation of Light" posing as the returning Andromedian Dodecatheon of Zeus. As G.H.REES has reported all G.H.REES members are forced by the charter of the Organization to strictly abstain from any Spiritual Contact or Spiritual Method or Spiritual Experience and to instantly report to the Organization any Para-Psychological harassment to them. This is done because the inner space of the 7(8) internal planets is essentially the inner defensive perimeter of the Dragonians filled also with Collusion Apostate Spirits from the coalition of the constellation "Draco". The entire research and findings of G.H.REES are strictly based on Technology and on Rationalism with triple written Logical checks and with Mathematical rules that forbids any foreign "outside ideas" to invade to the pituitary gland of the G.H.REES Researchers and Scientists. They've also built a working technological defense against "Lunar Psychotronic radiations influence". Those devices are called by the Organization "Perseus mirrors against Medussa". We will not refer to those with further detail because they are trapped with dangers for the technologically untrained person. A word to a wise man is enough. Like · · Follow Post · September 12 at 7:05pm o 228 o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 3 others like this. o View all 2 comments o Jewel Del Core probably not, it has been twisted somehow to represent a group of so called extraterrestrials who are in some way liberators we can look at the facts which are fact 1, the draconian occupiers have taken the andromedian sciences and claimed them under o...See More September 12 at 10:47pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core We would remind our readers of the following warning of G.H.REES towards the Russians not to engage to the forthcomming Andromedian-Dragonian spacewar. Similar warnings were also delivered to the USA Government. As G.H.REES, William Cooper, whistleblowers Scientists and other insiders revealed, the Andromedians of the four external planets of our solar system, from the 80's have transmitted to the Radio telescopes of the Superpowers several Ultimatums in Archetype Hellenic Proto-Language, to surrender the planetary authority. Since then the Superpowers in cooperation with the SinoZionistic Masonic Hyper lodges Networks (who are in direct contact with the Lunar Dragonians) instead of 229 surrendering authority to the Andromedian Galactic Government are stupidly building space defenses against t...Continue Reading ΕΛΛΗΝ και ΧΑΟΣ - Επίσημο ιστολόγιο Ο.Ε.Α. Αληθής Γεωστρατηγική & Αστροστρατηγική: ΤΟ ΞΕΒΡΑΚΩΜΑ ΤΩΝ Ε ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com Ανέστην αποφανούμενος, α γιγνώσκω περί τούτων, αισχρόν νομίσας, ει την ιδίαν του βίου τάξιν διαφυλάττων, περιόψομαι την πόλιν ανάξια ψηφισαμένην αυτής(Ισοκράτης, Αρχίδαμος) «ΣΆΜΑ ΤΈΕ ΣΕΕΜΩΝ ΑΠΊΞΕΕΙ ΕΣ ΣΥΜΩΝ ΠΛΆΝΗΤΑ ΟΛΈΞΩΜΕΝ ΟΛΕΤΈΕΡΑΣ ΣΙΝΑΣ ΔΙΑΣΤΡΙΚΟΥΣ ΤΕ ΔΑΪΝΟΥΣ ΕΞΑΣΤΡΙΣΘΈΝΤΑΣ ΕΞ ΑΣΤΕΡΩΝ ΔΡΑΚΟΝΤΟΣ Κ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 12 at 7:01pm o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski 230 This is the first school property. TIME SHARES and those YANKEES can pool what they have left of their funny money and come on board...er. pray it forward. I can collect that and keep securing land....but I don't want anything in my name. http://8thfire.biz/ Ontario, Canada land for sale - 14000 acres at LandWatch.com www.landwatch.com Find Ontario, Canada land for sale at LandWatch.com Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · September 12 at 3:15pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core H Co. dodekaedriki knew the structure of the universe since at least 1980 by staxti katsouli translated by Jewel - some grammatical errors though no time to fix the grammar The ancient Greeks and Pythagoras also knew after the ether, the fifth element is a dodecahedron .. The dodecahedron and the pentagram is not surprising that demonized by their rabbis of Byzantium and until today .. (Pentacles: Axis five lines joining the Pentagon, on one side ie the dodecahedron) some people like to hide and obliterate the knowledge of the dodecahedron, so also burnt Plato's Academy. some young scientists in the 21st century through data from modern telescopes seem to be reinventing the wheel: 231 http://andromedios.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html The boat runs pioneer to come from the solar system, ...Continue Reading Like · · Follow Post · September 11 at 11:11pm o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o View all 2 comments o Jewel Del Core the visual anti clock wise sun is certain to have elements of dodecahedron, but I cant say that it is a complete dodecahedron. September 12 at 11:55am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair What do think of this message...is this another disinformation propaganda?? 232 Like · · Follow Post · September 12 at 5:54am via mobile o o o Seen by 39 View all 6 comments o Angel Nair Then hes lying about clear of d sea base...someone else told me hes heavily programed just a while ago.... September 12 at 11:42am via mobile · Like o Angel Nair Guess u r rite...its ppl like him whos misleading millions September 12 at 11:49am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski 233 NESARA LIARS have been SCAMMING us since 2003, last time I recall. THIS IS DRACO REPTILIAN MIND FARTING FIAT USURY BULLSHIT JULIE MAY is leading that rainbow nation world group. ANOTHER SCAM by lady dragon and drake of NESARA SANANDA DRACO WACKO https://www.facebook.com/groups/255906294495047/ Sheldan Nidle - September 4, 2012 galacticchannelings.com Dratzo! We return with much to discuss. A great change in your banking system is getting ready to appear. As you know, a dark cabal runs your world by maintaining a tight grip on the global banking system, which in turn controls everything else. This grip has been loosened recently by the inflationa... Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · September 8 at 7:21pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Angel Nair This is circling all over d net.. September 12 at 5:59am via mobile · Like o Angel Nair http://www.garuda.co/nesara/ 234 September 12 at 5:59am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce http://www.blogtalkradio.com/seven/2012/09/09/the-2012-show--hyperdimensional-offense-ending-the-babel THE 2012 SHOW - HYPERDIMENSIONAL OFFENSE - ENDING THE BABEL www.blogtalkradio.com Allow me to give you a glimpse in to the immense power of this structure we call actuality. The population is constantly growing, so it is logic for you to conclude that at one point there was not that many of us here. In fact whoever was here when you trace back all the lineages was carrying all o... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 9 at 2:26pm o o Seen by 40 ISaac BrOoks likes this. 235 o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris Hello I thought of sending you this.It was called MYTHODEA and was held in Athens in 2001.The lyrics appeal to ZEUS to come!! It was put together and funded by NASA.On the night the planet MARS was perfectly aligned with EARTH and was directly above the temple of OLYMPIC ZEUS in Athens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm0noyQpzEY&feature=related Mythodea - Vangelis Papathanasiou - Mythodea - Nasa Mision 2001 [Full Concert] www.youtube.com Με στίχους: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku1-UoAiYSE HERE YOU CAN SEE MOVEMENT 1 & 2 !!! Mythodea - Vangelis Papathanasiou Mythodea - Nasa Mision 2001 Yo... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 7 at 7:50pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. 236 o View all 5 comments o Jewel Del Core If you talk with Giannis ask him if he knows anything about draconians getting reinforcements through the wormholes based on some Exodus that took place in Orion and some how Betelguese going Super nova will effect all this of course speculation at th...See More September 8 at 9:29am · Edited · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Hellas – End National Debt – ELLAS NEVER DIE!!! Respond of the local political masons traitors: “We do not want to change our (chinesehebrew) bosses!!!” HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: Hellas – End Na hellenandchaos.blogspot.com 237 All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 8 at 8:54am o o Seen by 39 Zigkiris Dimitris likes this. o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair Remember we talked about these weird numbers tat keep showing up?? Well my brothers bought tickets for d 150yrs La Salle brothers gala nite celebration...d ticket number is 1365 ( = 15 = 6)....table number 66...tats 666... just wanted to share it with u guys...dont know how this is done...maybe 666 is a good number..n they cld be lying...common knowledge is 6 protons...6 electrons n 6 neutrons??..but its spooky...LOL Like · · Follow Post · September 6 at 11:02pm via mobile o o Seen by 39 238 Jewel Del Core likes this. o View all 13 comments o Angel Nair Oh my...tats a deep revelation...so its telking us what they r up to...but shld d Andrmedeans come on time...thet cld be stopped...thank u Jim-e Grand...as usual u r d man! September 7 at 10:59pm via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core created a doc. THE DRACONIAN LUNA-MOON (LEVAN) AND LILITH http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon6.htm http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap031108.html LILITH IN LIBRA THIS ILLUMINATION, WHICH IS ATTACHED IN A PROPAGANDA ARTICLE OF CRONIAN ASTROLOGY, GIVES A FALSE POSITION OF 239 THE DRAGONIAN, ARTIFICIAL, METALLIC PLANET, LILITH, SHOWING THE EARTH BETWEEN LILITH AND MOON. IN REALITY, LILITH LIES BEHIND T... See More Like · · Follow Post · August 14 at 9:36pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 4 others like this. o View all 16 comments o Jewel Del Core yes dimitris, if anyone wants to read the recorded speech that Dimitris is referring too please click here and read the document http://www.facebook.com/notes/jewel-del-core/deep-infultration-intosino-zionist-lodges-the-complete-armagedon-plan-ofdracon/2267751388131 DEEP INFULTRATION INTO SINO - ZIONIST LODGES - THE COMPLETE ARMAGEDON PLAN OF DRACONIAN YHVH, METATRON, ASMODAI, SIN, SION, Deep infiltration into Sino-Zionist's lodges PART 12 Below is a fraction of w...See More By: Jewel Del Core September 4 at 8:44am · Like · 1 o 240 David Matthew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I7P9LGOvzc&feature=player_embed ded September 7 at 10:13pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski http://www.7thfire.biz/ Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Red Band Trailer [HD]: Benjamin Walker, Rufus Sewell & Dominic Cooper www.youtube.com The official red band trailer for 'Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter' starring Benjamin Walker (Abraham Lincoln), Rufus Sewell (Adam) and Dominic Cooper (Henry ... 241 Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · September 6 at 11:55pm o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o Angel Nair Cool movie...Abraham Lincoln?? September 7 at 2:39am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core updated the group photo. 242 Like · · Follow Post · September 6 at 7:15pm o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski 243 ON WITH the NEW PARADIGM 09 05 2012 http://7thfire.biz/seasirsecretdestiny.htm By: Tere Lozzano Like · · Unfollow Post · September 5 at 10:17pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like · · Follow Post · September 5 at 5:51pm o o 244 Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Sherry Anderson I have learned more from being in this group than anywhere I've ever been, anything I've ever read, whatever I may have done to seek out what's happening all around us. I feel I'm coming full circle, but cannot stop learning. To Jewel especially and Jim Grand, & to everyone else here,..my humble thanks for all you've taught me ♥ Like · · Follow Post · September 5 at 3:02pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o View all 8 comments o Sherry Anderson And Jim, I am the typo Queen, so no worries there lol 245 September 5 at 3:49pm · Like o Sherry Anderson Sorry to hear about your job, been there, but it's a good thing for us Looking forward to it! September 5 at 3:50pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris Have a look Jewel ,I'd like to hear what you think of such "objects" http://filostratos.pblogs.gr/2012/08/gigantiaia-antikeimena-plhsiazoyn-thn-gh-nea-stoiheiakai-fwtogr.html Γιγαντιαία αντικείμενα πλησιάζουν την Γη (νέα στοιχεία και φωτογραφίες σοκ) filostratos.pblogs.gr "ΠΗΓΑΣΕ"...ΕΠΕΙΔΗ ΤΙΣ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΕΣ ΗΜΕΡΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΩ ΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ,ΜΕΤΑ ΑΠΟ ΠΟΛΥΩΡΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΗΣΕΙΣ ΤΩΝ ΣΥΓΚΕΚΡΙΜΕΝΩΝ ΚΥΚΛΙΚΩΝ ΣΧΗΜΑΤΩΝ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΟΠΗ ΣΤΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΣΤΑΥΡΩΤΕΣ ΚΕΝΕΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΕΣ,ΕΙΚΑΖΩ ΟΤΙ ΑΥΤΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ 246 ΑΣΤΡΟΠΥΛΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΑΥΤΟΧΡΟΝΑ "ΗΧΕΙΑ" ΜΕΤΑΔΟΣΗΣ ΜΗΝΥΜΑΤΩΝ... ΒΡΙΣΚΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΕ ΤΕΤΟΙΑ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΗ ΠΟΥ ΔΕΙΧΝΟ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · September 4 at 3:17pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o View all 4 comments o Jewel Del Core I used to impregnate my pendants with my own vital energy, and typically yes protection through the use of my own energy... September 4 at 8:00pm · Like o Jewel Del Core ive heard of this evidently seti is claiming these structures are coming I am aware that they used this story to incite fear onto the population spinning by making people believe the typical alien invasion scenario...unfortunate that the video is only in Greek I watched it though and would love to hear a translation. September 4 at 8:08pm · Like o 247 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core edited a doc. PLANET X NIBIRU STELLAR WAR REPTILIANS DRACONIANS ANDROMEDANS The Book “Return of the Gods” by ex-General Gerasimos Kalogerakis Page 109: “…no planet of our solar system is our mother ship or home world. We the “Olympians Epsilon” live in your solar system beyond the orbit of Pluto, in a world your scientists name as Planet-X”. Commentary on the above by G.H.REES (Group of Hellenic Reestablishment,... Continue Reading Like · · Unfollow Post · August 14 at 4:34pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 3 others like this. o Zigkiris Dimitris So there are a total of 12 planets in our solar system including the last 3? (Hephaistos-hellas-phaethon) or am I confused? 248 September 4 at 2:51pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski try the emailgrabber.net to http://robertmorningsky.com/page54.html#top robertmorningsky@robertmorningsky.com souljourneysradio@yahoo.com robertbearclaw@robertbearclaw.com ROBERT MORNING SKY is working with CHRISTIE APHRODITE to DECIEVE the masses now. I don't know if he has been cloned, but he is not telling the TERRA PAPERS story anymore. He seems to be changing Star ELder Bekti's STORY. SHAME SHAME SHAME open letter robertmorningsky.com Morning Sky Open Letter Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · September 3 at 10:58am o o Seen by 39 249 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o Lila Zina Van Sickler Yes, lots of people can not hide their true soul identity anymore September 3 at 3:27pm via mobile · Like o Dana Horochowski I am so disgusted with these DEVILS September 3 at 9:14pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris This is the song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QZ9dWc3u8E&feature=related 250 Within Temptation - Ice Queen www.youtube.com ©Gun Records (SonyBMG) & Roadrunner Records http://www.roadrunnerrecords.co.uk/ http://www.sonymusic.de/ Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 29 at 6:05pm o o o Seen by 39 View all 5 comments o Jewel Del Core again this is another video which cannot be viewed indicates that this video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds September 3 at 12:34pm · Like o 251 Zigkiris Dimitris ohhh sorry once again September 3 at 3:17pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair Im so pissed with ppl thinking their lineage is d oldest...d purest. ...d best!! I hv a frend who keeps sayin Magyars r d oldest race..all cultures stole frm Magyars. .her writing..culture rituals bla bla bla is stolen n used by all...does anyone hv a link tat gives d true history d Magyars please... In d meantime...rest of us drop frm d sky...LOL!!!!! Like · · Follow Post · September 3 at 6:00am via mobile o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris 252 Jewel can you add me to your group here as I see its a closed group...Thnks. Dimitris. Like · · Follow Post · August 29 at 8:43am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o View all 3 comments o Zigkiris Dimitris ok got confused I guess... August 29 at 11:42am · Like o Jewel Del Core lol August 29 at 12:00pm · Like o Write a comment... Options 253 Jewel Del Core 777(KOREA) AS THE SPONSOR OF THE TRANSITION OF 666(NEW WORLD ORDER - WEST) TO 888(NEW WORLD CHINA: OF COMPLETE CHINESE DOMINATION) HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 29 at 10:34am o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o View all 5 comments o Jewel Del Core thank you again Sherry I am very humbled, I am merely one of many who are working tirelessly to represent as best I can the matters at hand so that we can rid ourselves of these problems. 254 August 29 at 11:14am · Edited · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core if you are referring to the above site of Hellen and Chaos, then no I am not the owner of it.....this is the main site of GHREES English site... August 29 at 11:19am · Like o Write a comment... Options Zigkiris Dimitris Hello and thanks for your invitation...If you remember I used to write to you on OEA's forum a while back..(G.H.REES. FORUM).dimitris. Like · · Follow Post · August 27 at 11:10am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Nikos Vakalis like this. o View all 7 comments 255 o Zigkiris Dimitris Yes Jewel I have been "advertising " your site here!!! August 28 at 9:00am · Like · 1 o Zigkiris Dimitris Hope you like the videos I sent you. August 28 at 9:00am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Carlos Castillo www.iqgreenthemovie.com Please take the time to know more about IQ Green the movie, a documentary that will inspire many lives towards sustainability in many ways of our life. A film by Angie Gonzalez and Carlos Castillo. IQ Green www.iqgreenthemovie.com 256 Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 27 at 9:15pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Sherry Anderson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxxsYKv_wMc&feature=g-u-u 2012 PREDICTIONS THE TRUTH ONLINE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY www.youtube.com FOLLOW G.H.REES GENUINE ANDROMEDIAN DOCUMENTS: http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com G.H.REES VIDEOS HERE: http://oeavideo.blogspot.de 257 Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 25 at 5:29pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Love N Truthfulness like this. o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/santos-bonacci-james-bomar-daniel-winter-atthe-roundtable-on-tru SANTOS BONACCI - JAMES BOMAR - DANIEL WINTER - AT THE ROUNDTABLE ON TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO - AUG 25 2 www.resistance2010.com Join us for an amazing collaboration as Santos Bonacci (Universal Truth School), James Bomar (The Resistance), and Daniel Winter (Fractal Field) meet at the… Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 25 at 11:06am near Miami, FL 258 o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski TARES TARES TARES not welcome in EDEN http://7thfire.biz/MOONSINNER.htm Timeline Photos trinity marion = 213 The word "trinity marion" is not in the English dictionary.... Continue Reading By: Dana Horochowski Like · · Unfollow Post · August 18 at 5:20pm o o Seen by 39 o 259 Write a comment... Options Pj Heffernan Truth Has No Agenda | The 2012 Scenario the2012scenario.com As we get closer and closer to a range of wonderfully important and soulchanging moments – and with Disclosure already underway and the changeover to the new financial system just waiting to be announced – the effects, efforts and the strategic use of disinfo has suddenly risen to what can only be ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 18 at 4:51pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 260 THE DRACONIAN LUNA-MOON (LEVAN) AND LILITH http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon6.htm http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap031108.html ...See More http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon6.htm www.enterprisemission.com Part 6 in Richard Hoaglands Moon with a View Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 14 at 5:52pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 261 Timeline Photos GEOSTRATEGIC DEPT - HOLLOW EARTH DIAGRAM 1 Astro-strategic 3 ASTRO- STRATRGIC 3 HELLENIC UNIFIED SCIENCES By: Jewel Del Core Like · · Follow Post · August 14 at 5:30pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core GEOSTRATEGIC DEPT- HOLLOW EARTH Timeline Photos HOLLOW EARTH 2ND DIAGRAM 262 Astro-strategic 3 ASTRO- STRATRGIC 3 HELLENIC UNIFIED SCIENCES By: Jewel Del Core Like · · Follow Post · August 14 at 5:22pm o o Seen by 39 2 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core created a doc. MENTAL DUELS ANDROMEDIAN RESTORATION OF THE ENDO-UNIVERSAL LOGOS: "ONE IS EVERYTHING" OF THE ARCHETYPE PELASGIAN PRE-LUNAR GOLDEN ERA. SUBJECT: LEVEL OF SUGGESTED MENTAL DUELS BETWEEN H.G.REES REPRESENTATIVE (ANDROMEDA ADVANCED POST ON EARTH) AND REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER IDEOLOGICAL POSITIONS. (thesis) We clear out that the level of the suggested fights... 263 Continue Reading Like · · Follow Post · August 14 at 5:00pm o o Seen by 39 Nikos Vakalis likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core created a doc. NASA-JPL-NSA-CIA-FBI: PHILODRACONIAN – PHILOCHINESE PATHETIC MISERABLE TRAITORS OF HUMANITY WHITE BLACK AND MIXED RACES TRAITORS. IGNORANT. ROTTEN. ...See More Like · · Follow Post · August 14 at 4:55pm o 264 o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core created a doc. NWO REPTILIANS 2012 MAYAS SPACEWAR NIBIRU 7-11-2003 Hellenic Re-establishment Group General Headquarters – H.R.G. Prytaneum ... Continue Reading Like · · Unfollow Post · August 14 at 4:46pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness likes this. 265 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Here is another bullshit statement of the New age, "are you on a positive timeline or a negative one"...lol so ridiculously neutralizing and dis-empowering! Like · · Follow Post · August 11 at 1:33pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 3 others like this. o View all 2 comments o Jewel Del Core master the false duality following which....balance shall reveal our true purpose! only then and from this position, can we move forward August 14 at 3:26pm · Like · 2 266 o Write a comment... Options Zen Waters Many seem to be upset about GFL no show,( case in point) all that truly matters is to strenghthen your mental abilities through meditation, which is the only "weapon" we need. depopulation is the the goal of our "shadow elite" friends ....at least that seems to be the trend.if they are able to kill off a larger portion of humans the reast would be easier to fool/decieve the rest. Like · · Follow Post · August 12 at 12:56pm o o Seen by 40 o 267 Write a comment... Options Dana Horochowski a BEAUTIFUL SOL SOUL resonates with me more than a FRANTIC BABBLING BRAIN http://evernewjoy.net/ Human Light Technology Part 1 www.youtube.com 40+ hours of free audio are available on my site, http://www.evernewjoy.net. Sign-up is free! http://evernewjoy.net/signup.htm You will also be receiving my ... Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · August 11 at 5:54pm o o Seen by 39 o 268 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core one of the threads of discussion from another entry a few days ago outlined the work of Ahayana Deane. I mentioned to you that I have in my possession two of her works evidently information channeled to her by the group namely the Guardian Alliance.....I will provide notations and entries from her book Voyagers2 which I have serious problems with, you can judge and research for yourselves, the origin of these teachings. Lets start with page 99 Reintegration of the races into restoration of the sphere of amenti, the 3 Christs taken from Voyagers volume 2 the secrets of Amenti, I will copy the page in a comment below for your immediate or whenever you can input ;) I'm looking too those who are resonating with this information to provide some input here....thank you Like · · Unfollow Post · August 10 at 4:52pm o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o View all 29 comments o Lila Zina Van Sickler Jewel Del Core, I will come back to your earlier question, just wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring it, just dont have much time this weekend. August 11 at 1:48pm · Like · 1 269 o Dana Horochowski Judge the Heart, the Fruit and the Character of any messenger. The HEAD is a village idiot. These guys make ASCENSION real EASY. http://humanitywinsilluminatilose.com/ Humanity Wins, Illuminati Lose | Humanity Will Soon be Free From the Reptilians Control www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com “We are not alone. The astronomers are wrong. The Scientists are wrong. They are...See More August 11 at 5:51pm · Edited · Like · Remove Preview o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Hellen means by identity the wo (man) who rejects unproven dogma and accepts only proven theorems, (s)he who appeals unproven dogma as a cause of division between the spiritual and intellectual link, is not Hellen, but nothing more then a Lunar Sub-human. Like · · Follow Post · August 11 at 3:01pm o o Seen by 39 270 o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair Jewel pls watch this video... d Ughyurs (Huns) claim to be earliest ppl ...n also claim they are d actual ARIANS...I know D Druids were d Arians...but why do they call d Indo-Europeans barbarians...when they were d barbarians..killers...n d ones tat converted ppls all over d world to Islam...BY FORCE. Like · · Follow Post · August 7 at 5:50pm via mobile o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o View all 18 comments o Jewel Del Core Nikos thank you for gathering information on what Jim is asking for, I think I have something but will take some time to locate. August 10 at 11:50am · Like · 1 271 o Angel Nair Ok..thank u so much Jewel...its an eye opener to d truth of our world history August 10 at 11:54am via mobile · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core TURN CAPTIONS ON FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION FROM THE ORBIT OF PLANET SATURN FROM THE ORBIT OF PLANET SATURN www.youtube.com 272 FROM THE ORBIT OF PLANET SATURN INTERPLANETARY SIGNAL OF PLANETARY SECURITY TOWARDS PLANET EARTH. For further info in English check: http://hellenandchaos.bl... Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 10 at 10:46am o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core THIRD WORLD WAR -- COSMIC ETNA 273 THIRD WORLD WAR -- COSMIC ETNA www.youtube.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 10 at 10:25am o o Seen by 39 Sotiris Christou likes this. o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce THE 2012 SHOW - PROFESSIONAL REINCARNATION - THE SECRETS OF THE ANCESTORS UNCOVERED - SUN AUG 12 2012 11:00 C.S.T The title says it all! Join your Host Sevan for another illusion shattering event as we look deeper in to reincarnation and the methods used by the ancients to obtain conscious afterlife. Timeline Photos 274 http://www.esotericradio.com/ By: Sevan Bomaer Like · · Follow Post · August 9 at 7:44pm o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Greece: 6,000 Detained During Raids on Immigrants | American Renaissance Greece: 6,000 Detained During Raids on Immigrants | American Renaissance www.amren.com Mostly Africans and Asians. Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 8 at 3:43pm o o Seen by 39 o 275 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core updated the description. THE UNIVERSAL AGENCY - DETERMINED TO RE-ESTABLISH AWARENESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH HELLAS AND THE UNIVERSAL ORGANISM. ATTENTION TO ALL MEMBERS; THE OVERALL CONCEPT AND FUNCTION IN THIS GROUP OF HELLENIC RESTORATION AGENCY, IS TO ENSURE THAT ALL INFORMATION PUT FORTH HAS EITHER BEEN ESTABLISHED SELF EVIDENT AND FURTHER MAINTAINING 100% ACCURACY AND CREDIBLE, PROVABLE AND IS FURTHER EQUIP WITH TRUE SCIENTIFIC, METAPHYSICAL, GEOPOLITICAL, GEO-STRATEGICAL PROOFS OF CONTENT. THIS GROUP FURTHER ENSURES THAT IT WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY DISINFORMATION IN ANY OF THE ABOVE NOTED AREAS OF INTEREST. THIS INCLUDES BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING KNOWN FALSE MESSENGERS OF THE NEW AGE. I DO NOT WISH TO CENSOR ANYONE HERE, HOWEVER UNDERSTAND THAT THE DISINFORMATION ON THE INTERNET IS SEVERE AND OUT OF CONTROL AND MANY ARE BEING EITHER SIDE TRACKED OR MISLEAD, I ALONG WITH MANY OTHERS ARE DESPERATE TO ENSURE THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS COMPLETELY CLEAN OF ANY DISTORTIONS. AND I WOULD HOPE THE MEMBERS HERE UNDERSTAND THIS NOTICE. IF YOU WISH TO COMBAT EACH OTHER, IN WHICH EVER FORM YOU DESIRE IT IS FINE, AS LONG AS YOU CAN BACK YOURSELF UP! THAT'S WHAT WE ARE, WE ARE SCIENCE, WE ARE INTENTION, WE ARE INTELLIGENCE, AND WE ARE SERIOUS! Like · · Follow Post · August 5 at 7:56pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o View all 11 comments 276 o Jewel Del Core no need to move on Gregg, the intention was absolutely not intended to offend....I feel that within a serious group, the need for a proper outline containing structure, and organization should be beneficial to the overall features of this group. I us...See More August 7 at 7:43pm · Edited · Like · 1 o Gregg Thursten Thank you! August 7 at 9:35pm · Like · 2 o Write a comment... Options Lila Zina Van Sickler This will show you how Thoth teachings are fallen (disconnected from source) Fibonocci, Tree of Life, and Secred geometry is all a deception.... 277 Like · · Unfollow Post · August 6 at 2:33pm o o Seen by 40 3 people like this. o View all 13 comments o Candy Hayter We have a brain and a Heart using both is a Good Idea Even better when they connect August 7 at 4:12am · Like o 278 Lila Zina Van Sickler Dana Horochowski, thank you for your response....was that a Kathara Healing classes that you try to get in to? If it was.., there is actually a very interesting situation with that.... most of these got infiltrated by greens...long story, but it is his...See More August 7 at 11:35am · Like o Write a comment... Options Candy Hayter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E5II7-vwSk&feature=share Carol Rosin on Disarming Space www.youtube.com 279 Carols Website www.peaceinspace.com Founder, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS An educator, international speaker, author, consult... Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 6 at 6:25am o o o Seen by 40 View all 13 comments o Candy Hayter That video is not good enough for me I saw it a few months ago as Well Thought same as now and the Women that is an Artist that has Same Hair as Carol Sue Rosin I have looked into that and researched it The only resemblance is the Hair and even that I ...See More August 7 at 4:19am · Like o Candy Hayter I was about 21 My friend bought Tickets to go See " Candy " at Richards on Richards Night Club in Vancouver Canada She was popular for a while She was from Montreal I believe . I whore my Jean and Lace dress and black Leather Boots and my black Hat My ...See More August 7 at 4:32am · Like o 280 Write a comment... Options Merk NZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LO2lSHBhHA&feature=relmfu Matrix illusions and parallel timelines www.youtube.com It seems someone else is claiming owndership of this content in some way, im wondering how that is possible, i dont see anyone elses face and or voice, all o... Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 5 at 5:56pm o o o Seen by 40 View all 2 comments 281 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core CANCEROUS ENTRAPPED REINCARNATION DRACONIAN LUNAR POLICY (CAUSE) AND ARRIVING UNIVERSAL JUDGES (EFFECT) As G.H.REES has revealed through the Netrino-Naser technology capabilities, the reincarnation process here on earth is done with advanced Draconian-Cronian technology in the "second" dimension of matter rarification (invisible to our eyes) with the use of "soul traps"-"LUNA PARKS" devices-platforms that are scattered around earth on Geostationary orbits. Those devices capture the souls of the decarnated(dead) beings that travel upwards, as souls being lured to the trap with "Sounds and Joyful Lights of Party and Joy (Luna Park)" that the trap-device uses. Then the souls are carried to the moon where they are being processed and programmed through hypnotism and also through an electrosho...Continue Reading Like · · Unfollow Post · June 17 at 1:31pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 4 others like this. o View all 13 comments o 282 Dana Horochowski I am reading her Voyagers book 2 now....very very HEAVY August 5 at 10:01pm · Like o Lila Zina Van Sickler yes, lots of info there... you should also look in to her more resent stuff.... after searching for a long time I can say that she got a lot of info that makes lots of sense to me.... New Age is so ridiculously infiltrated and it frustrated me a lot but than I came across Ashayana's stuff and it made sense. jmo August 5 at 10:04pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core ATTENTION TO ALL MEMBERS; PERHAPS I HAVE NOT OUTLINED IN THIS GROUP THE EXPECTED CONDUCT AND INTENTION FOR THIS FORUM, IN THIS CASE I WILL DO SO NOW... THE OVERALL CONCEPT AND FUNCTION IN THIS GROUP OF HELLENIC RESTORATION AGENCY, IS TO ENSURE THAT ALL INFORMATION PUT FORTH HAS EITHER BEEN ESTABLISHED SELF EVIDENT AND FURTHER MAINTAINING 100% ACCURACY AND CREDIBLE, PROVABLE AND IS FURTHER EQUIP WITH TRUE SCIENTIFIC, METAPHYSICAL, GEOPOLITICAL, GEO-STRATEGICAL PROOFS OF CONTENT. THIS GROUP FURTHER ENSURES THAT IT WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY DISINFORMATION IN ANY OF THE ABOVE NOTED AREAS OF INTEREST. THIS INCLUDES BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING KNOWN FALSE MESSENGERS OF THE NEW AGE. I DO NOT WISH TO CENSOR ANYONE HERE, HOWEVER UNDERSTAND THAT THE DISINFORMATION ON THE INTERNET IS SEVERE AND OUT OF CONTROL 283 AND MANY ARE BEING EITHER SIDE TRACKED OR MISLEAD, I ALONG WITH MANY OTHERS ARE DESPERATE TO ENSURE THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS COMPLETELY CLEAN OF ANY DISTORTIONS. AND I WOULD HOPE THE MEMBERS HERE UNDERSTAND THIS NOTICE. IF YOU WISH TO COMBAT EACH OTHER, IN WHICH EVER FORM YOU DESIRE IT IS FINE, AS LONG AS YOU CAN BACK YOURSELF UP! THAT'S WHAT WE ARE, WE ARE SCIENCE, WE ARE INTENTION, WE ARE INTELLIGENCE, AND WE ARE SERIOUS! Like · · Follow Post · August 5 at 7:42pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness, Nikos Vakalis and 2 others like this. o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO - DANIEL WINTER AND JAMES BOMAR SCIENTIFIC TONGUES http://www.reverbnation.com/open_graph/song/14103241 284 Truth Frequency Radio - Daniel Winter and James Bomar Scientific Tongues by James Evans Bomar III www.reverbnation.com Music, lyrics, videos, concert schedule, and more at ReverbNation. Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 4 at 7:27pm near Miami, FL o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Jewel Del Core I am hearing through certain messages and contact that channels are posting manipulated messages from false Pleaidians or allegedly beings from the Galactic federation of light (cloaked Draconians) who claim that they will make an appearance at the close of the Olympic games on August 4th evidently just 7 days away.......See More Like · · Unfollow Post · July 29 at 10:14am o 285 o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 4 others like this. o View all 5 comments o Angel Nair Well said Jewel...we hv to be alert n there is duality on every level of d cosmic reality...why d heck shld there even be wars on a galactic scale...coz tat is reality....n we hv to stop d brained washed programs n get realistic...things r happening n ...See More August 4 at 11:04am via mobile · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core Thank you Angel, there are many things going on in the highest levels, and yes it is not just one sided polarity as many think... we just need to stay prepared in all aspects mentioned in your comment and as you indicated August 4 at 11:08am · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 286 Jewel Del Core The announcement www.youtube.com Information received and translated by planetary reestablishment group G.H.RE.ES through Neutrino Beam receptors from the Andromedan armada near Saturn. A la... Like · · Follow Post · Share · August 4 at 9:28am o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness, Nikos Vakalis and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... 287 Options Jewel Del Core Jewel Del Core In order for proper communication with the higher-self, one must ensure the following; a) thought control - meditate and ensure complete control of everything that comes into your mind, or sphere of vision; be the silent observer as if you are watching what is occurring on a screen, try to achieve emptiness...there are...See More Like · · Unfollow Post · July 30 at 11:31pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 4 others like this. o View all 11 comments o Love N Truthfulness How about my orgone machine that I bought? Will that do anything? Its by the guy recommended by GH REES, Karl Hanz Welz, I believe his name is. I charge as much water as I can with lifeforce with my machine. August 1 at 11:54pm · Like 288 o Gregg Thursten I have at least 75 gallons of distilled water in my basement. It has a shelf life of 1 year, probably because of the plastic container it's in. I rotate it every month due to the fact that's all I drink. August 3 at 9:56am · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Jewel Del Core yes indeed David Wilcock, Benjamin full ford are in complete collusion with the secret societies of HONG 888 which realistically, are the governing criminals and in control of this false redemption....their cause is to nullify and blame completely the western groups Orders of AOA, MTM etc (not that I support any of the...See More Like · · Follow Post · August 1 at 3:32pm o o Seen by 39 289 3 people like this. o Write a comment... Options Zen Waters From my online searches it seems a few thousand people feel there will be a false flag event on the 4th or 11th or after the close of the games..is it possible they would change their plans due to the light being shed upon them or does anyone feel they are simply going to ignore those who are aware to gather a majority of "sleepers" Like · · Follow Post · August 1 at 12:40pm o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core changed the group privacy setting to Closed. Like · · Follow Post · July 31 at 11:55pm o 290 o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness likes this. o Write a comment... Emma Wood Hi Jewel thank you for adding me :) x Like · · Follow Post · July 31 at 1:45pm o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Jewel Del Core Welcome to our group Emma Wood July 31 at 3:06pm · Like · 1 o 291 Emma Wood Thanks July 31 at 3:53pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like · · Follow Post · July 31 at 10:46am o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness, Nikos Vakalis and 2 others like this. o Naomi Astral thank you Jewel...love your note July 31 at 10:50am · Like · 1 o 292 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Jewel Del Core The so called pseudo Gods/Criminals of our local space area, the creators of all Pantheons, all manipulated religions of past and present fear the full rehabilitation of the memory of the races on our planet who are incarnate bodies of sleeping Gods, a continuum of independent choice beings where no compulsory extincti...See More Like · · Follow Post · July 30 at 11:31pm o o Seen by 39 3 people like this. o Pj Heffernan phenomenal. July 31 at 10:27am · Like · 1 o 293 Write a comment... Options Joe Clase-Medina http://ning.it/MuZ6mY THE RESISTANCE LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN AGAINST DISINFORMATION AND NEW AGE FALSE PROPHECY www.resistance2010.com The Resistance Protocol Update It has come to the attention of many, especially those in tune, that the so-called controllers are after our Energy. However, m… Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 30 at 7:24pm near Raleigh, NC o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core and Michael S Ainsworth like this. o Jewel Del Core Welcome Sevan and resistance family! it seems this is all that we do now a days..... 294 July 30 at 7:43pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce It has already become clear that a large group of initiated individuals will be attending and performing. This comes on the brink of a major transformation for humanity. Below you will find some examples of things that may have been overlooked by other individuals currently analyzing the situation. Wholeness Olympic Ceremony coordinator Danny Boyle is very familiar with Masonic Mysteries and directing ritualitic workings. Want to know more ? Join me your Host James Evans Bomar III for an in depth explanation of The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony. Show Time: Sunday July 29, 2012 5:00 P.M. GMT 11:00 A.M. CST 1hr 30 Min http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/the-2012-show-the-2012-olympics-openingceremony-ritual-analyzed- http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/the-2012-show-the-2012olympics-opening-ceremony-ritual www.resistance2010.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 27 at 11:16am o o Seen by 40 Naomi Astral likes this. 295 o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce Timeline Photos http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/sevan-on-the-edge-television-wdaniel-ott-july-28-2012-8-15pm-est By: Sevan Bomaer Like · · Follow Post · July 27 at 12:50am o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options 296 Dana Horochowski TRINITY of TROUBLE for 666 MEDIA , SATANIC HOLLYWOOD and NAZI EXOPOLITICS plotgorgot - http://7thfire.biz/plotgorgot.htm INTEGRITY + MEEGWETCH = Ed Chiarini, wellaware1.com, dallasgoldbug.com by 7thfire.biz INTEGRITY + MEEGWETCH = Ed Chiarini, wellaware1.com, dallasgoldbug.com by 7thfire.biz www.youtube.com When reading this material and judging the research, information, diagrams, and photographic comparisons presented, there may be times you feel the truth is ... Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · July 26 at 9:08pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options 297 Dana Horochowski COdEBrEAkEr WakeDream BE(LIE)ve Drones un(nu)clear 6/17/12 www.youtube.com Wake Up! We Are Slaves. Need some basketball coaches for THE WAY. Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · July 25 at 8:25pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce 298 http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/sevan-exposes-the-entire-2012-olympic-megaritual-on-truth-freque SEVAN EXPOSES THE ENTIRE 2012 OLYMPIC MEGA RITUAL ON TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO TONIGHT - 9:00PM CST www.resistance2010.com A Sneak Peak at topics that will be discussed courtesy of Prince Ray. THE OLYMPICS, SS-NAZIS, STARGATE TECHNOLOGIES & VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS Notice the… Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 20 at 6:46pm o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core likes this. o View all 3 comments o Jewel Del Core where is the second part to this show? towards the end of the interview goes to commercial and the time expires July 22 at 2:54pm · Like o 299 ISaac BrOoks Jewel Del Core http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_13957535?utm_campaign= opengraph&utm_content=song&utm_medium=link&utm_source=faceboo k SEVAN EXPOSES THE ENTIRE 2012 OLYMPIC MEGA RITUAL ON TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO - PART 2 - JUL 20, 2012 b www.reverbnation.com James Evans Bomar III | Spiritual | San Jose, CR July 23 at 3:25pm · Like · 1 o 300 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core THE ‘GLADIATOR’ PLAN AND THE ART OF WAR http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/?spref=fb hellenandchaos.blogspot.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 22 at 4:01pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Ok....Ladies and gentlemen, I will show you below an example of true ANDROMEDIAN mind war applications as exist inside of us.....I will explain later in more detail how we arrive at this state....Once you are accustom with the inner faculty, you will be able to combat any 301 dogma that arises from New age bullshit, fairy tales programs of HONG DRAC etc.... and actually change the consciousness and opinions of those who are presented with the destruction of their mind controlled programs....this is a healing process for them. Neel Akash Clearly some people are not ready to hear the truth, but there is no longer the time left to hide it away. There is ultimately only the One Truth and that will be made fully known in good time, as there are souls who are ready to receive it. Hitherto you have followed your inclinations and achieved your own understanding, but there has to come a time when the Truth is needed to bring you all together. ~ salusa Like · · Follow Post · July 20 at 2:35pm o o Seen by 39 o Jewel Del Core It is my complete understanding and opinion, that many on the planet if not all have been subjected to either heavy or light doses of electro magnetic memory erasure or consciousness removal....I think its safe to say that we all come into this dimensi...See More July 22 at 10:56am · Like o Jewel Del Core addendum to the above....the faculties of the supposed mentor-ship between the vessel and the higher self in most if not all cases has been damaged by all sorts of cancerous components introduced into our society by corrupt ill cells who perpetuate con...See More July 22 at 10:56am · Like · 2 302 o Write a comment... Options Nikos Vakalis links for most of the GHREES videos recently deleted from youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDQsZDaKeCw&feature=g-vrec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDQsZDaKeCw&feature=g-vrec www.youtube.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 22 at 9:52am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Love N Truthfulness like this. o View all 4 comments o 303 Jewel Del Core yes he is one of our members and is in this group...another awake Canadian! July 22 at 9:55am · Like · 2 o Nikos Vakalis its time to for all of us to reconnect since events are pacing at really extreme rates July 22 at 9:58am · Like · 2 o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce https://vimeo.com/46094876 304 THE RESISTANCE - MIND BODY AND SOUL REGENERATION vimeo.com You can find amazing product that can correct a plethora of situations for you here. http://www.resistance2010.com/page/the-energy-store A full itemization of the items presented in this video, along with the proper links of purchase have been included… Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 20 at 7:27pm o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core and 2 others like this. o 305 Write a comment... Options Merk NZ If you are wondering how the world has the "thought" pattern that it has. Watch this and it will all become clear....tis called PROGRAMMING. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp1hi2lHoRU Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Ce www.youtube.com Please go to http://metanoia-films.org/ and watch this important film on the producers site and get additional info. etc. about this film as well as others. ... Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 19 at 5:51pm o o Seen by 40 Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce likes this. 306 o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_13929132?utm_campaign=opengraph&utm_c ontent=song&utm_medium=link&utm_source=facebook 307 COLLECTIVE STUDY - GROUP CHAT - DEPROGRAMMING DIVISION: SESSION 1 - JUL 12, 2012 by James Evans Bom www.reverbnation.com James Evans Bomar III | Spiritual | San Jose, CR Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 19 at 5:48pm o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce https://vimeo.com/45990939 308 The Resistance - 2012 Olympic Briefing - In the Know vimeo.com A sneak peak in to what we plan to do with hot topics such as the 2012 Olympics. Remember keep your energy! http://www.resistance2010.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 19 at 3:01pm o o Seen by 40 ISaac BrOoks likes this. o 309 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 18 at 11:28am o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options 310 Angel Nair This is an extract from D Bhagvad Gita...it tells of d Kalki who will fight d antichrist called Jin (chinese) Maitreya Buddhist...this does not apply to hinduism or any religion..its just confirming d coming of d one who wants to cleanup d world of distortions n violence in d ending cycle of Kali (Koli) Yoga...But d yuga cycles was caused by d frquency barrier tat occurred when Maldek was accidentally destroyed...it was never in d blueprint of d Creator...each cycle signifies d earths core tat hd vibrates n sends out different frequencies thruout ages...it distirts human mind n development...devolution occurred man shrank brainwise n physically as well...but d barrier is stabilising over time...n we r started evolving....but there were brances of humans who devolution plunged even deeper...what know as monkeys...orang utans...tats why 0+ ppl hv monkey rh+...Earth bound humans...anyway...this read is interesting... Like · · Follow Post · July 18 at 10:09am via mobile o o Seen by 39 o Angel Nair http://ww-iii.tripod.com/hindu.htm Hindu Prophecies : The Kalki Purana ww-iii.tripod.com Hindu Prophecies on World War-III and their similarities with other prophecies July 18 at 10:09am via mobile · Like o 311 Write a comment... Options Merk NZ http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/mindcontrol/ADA075694.pdf http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/mindcontrol/ADA075694.pdf documents.theblackvault.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 15 at 9:26pm o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Jewel Del Core Nice thank you merk July 15 at 9:28pm · Like o 312 Write a comment... Options Alex Raven Research the work of Santos Bonacci, Dean Clifford & Frank O Collins plenty of hours worth of material on You Tube & Net. Like · · Follow Post · June 15 at 2:40am o o Seen by 40 Angel Nair likes this. o View all 3 comments o Alex Raven same goes for G.H. REE... ?? There are no motherships coming to "Save" Mankind from itself or to Punish Darth Judas Sin YHWH Lucifer Jones Vader. July 10 at 3:54am · Edited · Like o 313 Angel Nair Only OUR HIGHERSELVES can help us..if we make d connection by increasing our consciousness n send out love from d heart to Mthr Earth n all beings of lite n darkness...LOVE is d greatest energy..tat reaches beyond this universe...n we r all so connected tat it changes not just ppl around u with positive results, but brings d dark entities to their knees...rendering them powerless. July 13 at 12:17am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/the-2012-show-the-secret-of-all-societies-july15-2012-11-00-am-c THE 2012 SHOW - THE SECRET OF ALL SOCIETIES - JULY 15 2012 11:00 AM CST www.resistance2010.com THE ASTROLOGICAL CONTROLLERS Have you ever wondered exactly what is going on with the rulers of this world? Have you ever felt that the common explanations of… Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 12 at 4:17pm near Miami, FL o 314 o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core HERES ANOTHER COPY OF THE MAP OF 9500 AEGIIS FROM THE LUNAR ARRIVAL Like · · Follow Post · July 7 at 3:16pm o o 315 Seen by 39 John Vasquez, Nikos Vakalis and 2 others like this. o View all 2 comments o Jewel Del Core he he your welcome brother July 7 at 3:28pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core was with Dana Horochowski. 316 Like · · Unfollow Post · July 7 at 2:51pm o o Seen by 39 Greg Sobek likes this. o View all 2 comments o Jewel Del Core here is a clearer copy, just download and the printing in the legend should be more clear. July 7 at 2:54pm · Like o 317 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core According to Hellenic chronicles, the sinking of Atlantis coincides directly with the cataclysm of Ogygis. So in one case, it would be that they all drowned and we finally got rid of them for ever! This is the conclusion one makes from the context of the established history, a conclusion also supported by the fact that international literature is filled with references to Atlantis, however, not a word about the Atlantians. Cities have been described, the technology, the placement of the continent, but the people themselves are totally missing from reports. Who were they, anyway? There are, of course, numerous examples of survivors of cataclysms, floods and tsunamis of the past, examples are Noah, the Minoans and others, these cataclysmic events are those which create doubt around their extinction. as much as, the international Academic Elite has tried to erase them from the books and literature, the unprecedented Ethnology - GHRees (1988) has snatched them out! We are talking of course, about the missing links in the "chain" of history and ethnology which GHRees has fully recovered, justifying the ethnic distribution of today's Eurasia and north Africa. A distribution which begins with the movement of populations in this map as a starting point, and evolves as it will be shown in future maps. Out of these populations of course, our friends the Atlantians couldn't be missing. Like · · Follow Post · July 4 at 12:17am o 318 o Seen by 39 John Vasquez and Angel Nair like this. o View all 7 comments o Jewel Del Core stay tuned July 4 at 2:55pm · Like o Jewel Del Core Jim-e Grand feel free to use this material in your videos, you are doing a stellar job! July 4 at 2:57pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce 319 http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/scientology-infiltrates-the-nation-of-islamassimilation-begins SCIENTOLOGY INFILTRATES THE NATION OF ISLAM ASSIMILATION BEGINS www.resistance2010.com YOU JUST CAN'T TRUST A KHAN, AFTER ALL THEY WILL CON This post is by far one of the most important as it shows the sequence of how the one world religion wi… Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 7 at 1:59pm o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core and Pj Heffernan like this. o View 1 comment o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 320 "ENTER THE DRAGON" Every 3,000 years, ie 12 times over a period of 36,000 years, the administrative center of the planet shifted by 30 ° to the west (spherical trigonometric network was formed "NARN" on the surface of land, with 12 centers), to avoid a permanent power control of the Centers Administration Regions and permanent weakening. Command Centers are shifting over to the zone between latitude 30 ° and 40 °. The first 1-1-1 Command Center to recycle every 36,000 years, located in Ionia Lemuria or Division Ainian or Ainu, Japan today. In the 5-5-5 phase, the Global Command Center undertook the current Dravidias Greece. The last phase of 5-5-5, Greece undertook to between 22,000 and 19.000p.Ch., receiving from Persia Greece 4-4-4, and 6-6-6 in delivering the Iberia Greece. ...Continue Reading Like · · Follow Post · July 3 at 11:15pm o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o Angel Nair This is great info....but just like add tat d Ramayana...Vedic n Mahabharat scriptures in sanskrit describe wars of colossal proportions where King Rama commanded a fleet of Vimanas frm Lemuria to battle d Lunar Atlantians (Asuras/Aswins) of Atlantis (...See More July 4 at 12:34am via mobile · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options 321 ISaac BrOoks GMO's. . .in the KnoW...? Real Food Summit realfoodsummit.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 4 at 3:43am o o Seen by 39 Jewel Del Core and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 322 Like · · Follow Post · July 3 at 9:32pm o o Seen by 39 Nikos Vakalis and 5 others like this. o View all 7 comments o Angel Nair India must hv bn allies with d Greeks...its mentioned in d ancient scripts...they hd close relations n shared defense culture n trade as well. July 4 at 12:46am via mobile · Like · 1 o Angel Nair Awesome Jewel...ur info correlates with d sanskrit text. 323 July 4 at 12:48am via mobile · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core GEOGRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA CHECK TO MOON ~ 9.500P.CH. GEOGRAPHICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION FROM THE ARRIVAL OF THE MOON UP TO ~ 9,500BC In an attempt to awaken as many Hellenes as possible as far as their true History is concerned, the History that the international academic (Draconian) elite is tightly controlling and systematically misinforming with numerous inconsistencies, contradicting theories, misleading historical "dogmas" and dozens of unanswered questions that arise from the "official" history, along comes GHREES with their monumental IA-1988 theme as a guide to reconstructing the prehistorical facts through the creation of a series of maps, the first of which we present in this article. Like · · Follow Post · July 3 at 11:46pm o o 324 Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o Jewel Del Core Theories concerning the locating of Atlantis are quite a few so far, and they refer to several places on earth. Many of them stretch their argument to suit their needs as far as telling us that Plato in Kritias is "obviously" wrong about the distance a...See More July 3 at 11:47pm · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 3rd WORLD WAR OUTBREAK ATTEMPT BY THE CHINESE AND THE HEBREW CHIEF-RABBIS BAROUCH OF NEW YORK HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com 325 All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 3 at 10:58pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core THE HIGHEST DRACONIAN MASONIC HYPER-LODGE «HONG», AND EXISTING MASONIC LODGES ON THE PLANET, NAMELY THE "ZEN" - "AOA" - "OTO" EXPOSED!!! HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics hellenandchaos.blogspot.com 326 All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 3 at 10:57pm o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness likes this. o Write a comment... Options Luis Alejandro Diaz Arce This SHOW WILL GO LIVE TODAY; Show Time: Sunday July 1, 2012 5:00 P.M. GMT 11:00 A.M. CST 1hr 30 Min CALL IN AND ASK QUESTIONS - LISTEN IN OVER HOME OR CELLULAR PHONE BY CALLING: 1 (347) 996-5688 (PRESS "1" TO ASK A QUESTION) http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/the-2012-show-how-we-got-on-earth-the-bigquestion-answered-sun-j THE 2012 SHOW - HOW WE GOT ON EARTH - THE BIG QUESTION ANSWERED - SUN JULY 1 2012 11:00 AM CST www.resistance2010.com 327 SOMETHING FROM NOTHING - HOW DOES IT WORK? Since knowledge of the highest levels has now made itself readily available I felt it imperative to share this im… Like · · Follow Post · Share · July 1 at 11:25am o o Seen by 40 o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair Draconians...Rome...Cocaine... Like · · Follow Post · June 26 at 10:27am via mobile o o Seen by 39 o Angel Nair http://johnkettler.com/extraterrestrials-in-reptoid-markingsunexpected-reptoid-connections/ 328 Extraterrestrials in Reptoid Markings--Strange Connections | John Kettler Investigates johnkettler.com Extraterrestrials in Reptoid markings have had a profoundly negative influence, not just on planet and people, but culture and crime, too. June 26 at 10:27am via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Angel Nair Derrick Bullock is specialized in d ancient Sumerian writtings and translates d hebrew bible tat had burrowed texts from d original Sumerian scripts...How accurate and precise r his interpretations...U decide :) http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DonyNdhazOAU&v=onyN dhazOAU&gl=MY Like · · Follow Post · June 15 at 3:44am via mobile o o o Seen by 39 329 View all 14 comments o Jewel Del Core ok got them I had to subscribe to the guys channel... June 25 at 8:49pm · Like · 1 o Angel Nair Ok...its strange I read my comments...but u cant...cld it be fb...I hope itll be alrite soon...I'll check my settings as well...thank u again June 25 at 8:51pm via mobile · Like o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core Endouniversal Tauto(Same)spaceuniversal Tauto(Same)timeuniversal Logos It is the sum of Natural Laws which under RANDOM MIXING of Matter and Energy fromdifferent or opposite directions of the solid geometry space, begin to create Organic Aggregatesof Matter and Energy through dipoles of counter rotating spirals. The Principle of the abovephenomena are “point based” and the continuation is continued expanding with PhenomenaEnd of Space Expanding, the natural limits of radiation of maximum widthlength capable to beproduced by the initial spontaneous point collision of two dodecahedral move-less particles inSpace. At the End – Conclusion of the Phenomena it is created in Space 330 the SupremeEnvironmental Intelligent Being into which at the Same-time and Same-Space with itsExpansion, are created...See More Like · · Follow Post · June 14 at 12:17am o o Seen by 39 3 people like this. o View all 7 comments o Angel Nair ..just like us? Going about their lives n learning thru trials n errors...Sometimes fall ill...get mood swings...etc....ghosh!! d micros n d macros...as above so below... June 15 at 11:11am via mobile · Like · 1 o Jewel Del Core absolutely Angel on both of your points...couldn't have put it any better! makes sense yes June 25 at 8:20pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... 331 Options Jewel Del Core ANDROMEDIAN HELLENIC RAW 1984-2012 PART 1.MP4 Andromedian Hellenic raw 1984-2012 part 1.mp4 www.youtube.com dragonian brotherhood science fiction scenario Like · · Follow Post · Share · June 25 at 11:30am o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o View all 4 comments o 332 Jewel Del Core http://www.facebook.com/notes/jewel-delcore/draconians-chinise-asian-face-reptile/1623905092376 DRACONIANS CHINISE ASIAN FACE REPTILE What follows is a transcript of a recorded speech inside the Zionist Chinese-Hebrew Masonic Hyper-Lodge of "Holy Oak" in New York... By: Jewel Del Core June 25 at 3:24pm · Like · 1 o Angel Nair Oh thank u Jewel! June 25 at 3:26pm via mobile · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core ANDROMEDIANS HELLENIC STARFLEET RAW PART 2.MP4 333 Andromedians Hellenic starfleet raw part 2.mp4 www.youtube.com Andromedian Hellenic starfleet raw part 2 Like · · Follow Post · Share · June 25 at 11:35am o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 334 http://oea-video.blogspot.de/2009/06/death-of-nasa.html ΒΙΝΤΕΟ Ο.Ε.Α. - ΒΙΝΤΕΑ ΕΛΛΗΝ ΚΑΙ ΧΑΟΣ: THE DEATH OF NASA oea-video.blogspot.com Like · · Follow Post · Share · June 20 at 11:40pm o o Seen by 39 Angel Nair likes this. o View all 3 comments o Jewel Del Core angel do you mean that the video was not viewable? June 21 at 9:55pm · Like o Angel Nair Yes Jewel...I cldnt view it... June 22 at 12:43am via mobile · Like 335 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core GROUP OF HELLENIC REESTABLISHMENT AGENCY - PERSEAS, IS READY TO DECAPITATE THE TRI-HEADED MONSTER, BY LOOKING IT THROUGH THE MIRROR OF THE SHIELD OF HIS OWN GODS... ΙΑ-103 Citation from Page “IA-6”: ...Continue Reading HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics: G.H.REES MESSAG hellenandchaos.blogspot.com All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi... Like · · Follow Post · Share · June 17 at 12:27pm o o Seen by 39 336 Angel Nair likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 13.500 YEARS OF LUNAR PRESENCE OF THE "LORD": THE WAY TO ESCAPE FROM THIS IDEOLOGY Catalogue of contrariwise Positive and Negative Ideologies:Andromedian Pelasgian Hellenic Healthy Ideologies DRACONIAN - Boötes – Lunar – sinoZionistic – ill(cancerous) – False Ideologies ...See More Like · · Follow Post · June 17 at 12:07pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core 337 ANCIENT HELLENIC ASTROPHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS The present COSMOS – UNIVERSE, which is the same without discrimination for all the Existing BEINGS, was not created by anybody. Neither by Gods nor by Humans, but existed always and exists and will exist. “The Present COSMOS – UNIVERSE” is an eternal living Fire, which burns (lit up) under PHYSICAL LAWS and extinguishes under Physical LAWS.DE-CODIFICATION:THE PRESENT LOCAL UNIVERSE, INTO WHICH ALL THE CONTAINING BEINGS THAT IT CONTAINS ARE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE SAME PHYSICAL LAWS, WAS NOT CREATED BY NEITHER GOD “namely fast moving being” NOR HUMAN, BUT EXISTED ALWAYS, EXISTS AND WILL EXIST FOR EVER. “The present local Universe is” ETERNALLY LIVING "namely eternally moving – oscillated –FIRE" namely static dodecahedral “ETHER” as the...See More Like · · Follow Post · June 17 at 11:50am o o Seen by 39 Pj Heffernan likes this. o Write a comment... Options Alex Raven Thanks Like · · Follow Post · June 15 at 2:35am o o Seen by 40 Angel Nair likes this. 338 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core uploaded a file. cronian_terran_dragonian_hierarchy_resistance2010copy.jpg Preview · Download · Upload Revision Like · · Follow Post · June 13 at 11:44am o o Seen by 39 Love N Truthfulness and 2 others like this. o Write a comment... Options Merk NZ 339 Thank you for the add. Stay safe. Like · · Follow Post · June 5 at 4:20pm o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Jewel Del Core thank you brother! June 5 at 5:41pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... Options Merk NZ http://www.holographickinetics.net/holgraphickinetics.html Holographic kinetics holographickinetics.net 340 HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS is a combination of over 40 years of researching, by its founder Steve Richards it covering areas such as; Metaphysics, Religion, Spirituality, Hypnosis, Kinetic energy, Kinesiology, Quantum physics, Russelian physics, Radionics, Gravit-O-Biology, Body Electronics, Irido... Like · · Follow Post · Share · June 5 at 4:21pm o o Seen by 40 Jewel Del Core likes this. o Merk NZ http://exotica-radio.com/podcast/dreamtime-healing-ancientaboriginal-modalities-with-steve-r.html#entry16552162 Dreamtime Healing: Ancient Aboriginal Modalities with Steve Richards-Part 1 - Radio Show Podcast - O exotica-radio.com Panel discussion with ancient aboriginal healer, Steve Richards. http://www.holographickinet/... June 5 at 4:23pm · Like · 1 o Write a comment... 341 Options Jewel Del Core Unlike · · Follow Post · June 5 at 2:13pm o o Seen by 39 You and Angel Nair like this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core uploaded a file. PLANETARY SITUATION REVIEW PART 10.docx 342 Preview · Download · Upload Revision Like · · Follow Post · June 4 at 4:58pm o o Seen by 39 Merk NZ likes this. o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core uploaded a file. HELLEN and CHAOS COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT.doc Preview · Download · Upload Revision Like · · Follow Post · June 4 at 4:56pm o o Seen by 39 Nikos Vakalis and 2 others like this. o 343 Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core updated the description. THE UNIVERSAL AGENCY - DETERMINED TO RE-ESTABLISH AWARENESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIVERSAL ORGANISM. Like · · Follow Post · June 4 at 4:50pm o o Seen by 39 o Write a comment... Options Jewel Del Core changed the group privacy setting to Open. uploaded a file. APOLLO AND DRAC AND THE CHOICE OF FREE WILL PART 13.docx 344