Week 1 - Professor Leach

Chabot College
MCOM 20 - Journalism News writing (CRN # 21217)
Mon/Wed (Time 2:30pm – 3:45pm)
Location – Mon: Room 2258, Wed: Room - 507
Larry Leach
Bldg 2300 – Rm 2325
M/W - 1p-2p, T- 10:30a-12:00p
Thu 11:00a-12:30p
Writing & Reporting News: A coaching method (7th Ed.)
AP Stylebook - 2014
Notebook, Scantrons, Flash drive
Internet/printer/computer access
Course Description & Objectives:
Fundamentals of reporting and news writing to develop ability to identify a compelling story, gather
information, organize, write, rewrite and deliver in the chosen format, according to professional standards of
traditional print journalism and Web journalism, supported by multimedia. Analysis of exemplary journalistic
models. Conceive, research, and write stories using traditional news values.
Requires source interviews or original research.
Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A.
Classroom rules/Conduct:
Please turn off or silence cell phones prior to the start of the class
When working on computers please stay on task (please no web surfing)
Please do not bring food into the classroom
Attendance & Participation:
Attendance is essential in a class of this nature, if you have more than 6 absences by the drop deadline, you will
likely be dropped from the course or a failing grade in class. Arriving after attendance or leaving early equals ½
Perfect attendance (0 Absences or Late Arrivals) = +5%pts
Students should be active participants in the course, you should examine, explore, critique and challenge ideas,
concepts and theories. In order to participate in class discussion all assigned readings should be completed prior
to the start of class.
If you wish to drop the course it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that you have been dropped from the
course by the official drop deadline.
Important dates:
Aug 29 (Sept 1 Online Only)
Nov 7
Last day to drop without a "W"
Last day to drop with a “W”
Graded Assignments:
Student News Stories
Chapter/AP Style Quizzes (14 @10pts Each)
Print News Article Reviews
Portfolio of News Writing (+In Class Exercises)
Final Exam
% Of Grade
Grade Scale
90 – 100% = A
80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F
Academic Dishonesty / Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by representing the work of
another as one's own without the necessary and appropriate acknowledgment. If you plagiarize, you are
cheating yourself and if you are caught cheating or using others work without crediting them, you will face a
minimum penalty of a failing grade on the assignment.
Homework & Make Up Work: ***Very Important***
All assignments completed outside of class MUST be typed & Stapled (For multiple pages) No torn/folded
corners, paper clips, etc. Handwritten assignments will not be accepted (Please don’t test this!!!)
If you do not have a computer at home or a printer you will need to use the computer lab or make arrangements
in order to complete the required assignments on time.
Make up work will not be considered unless arrangements are made prior to or on the due date for assignment
or exam. Contact me if you need to discuss/request make up work.
The textbook is important in preparing for this class, without access to the text it will be challenging to review
the elements of news writing while developing your stories
Required reading outside of class:
Read newspapers & news magazines, bring in a news article review to every current event Monday class.
Be prepared to discuss the articles in class
Attendance and assignment completion will affect the below items
**MCOM 20 Students who are enrolled in a newspaper production course and earn a grade of “C” or better will
receive a 5% increase in their final grade.
Attendance and workshops at the JACC Nor Cal Conference (Prior registration is required) will give you a
5% increase in your final MCOM 20 grade
(Applicable to final grades of 65% or greater)
I will follow the syllabus unless unforeseen circumstance arises. I reserve the right to change the syllabus
should it be warranted and will notify the class promptly.
Current event Article Reviews are due EVERY other Monday starting on Aug 25
Weekly articles are due EVERY other Monday starting on Sept 15 (Wed if no class meeting on Monday)
New Elements of AP Style will be reviewed during class meetings throughout the semester
Week 1 – Aug 18/20
Course Intro & class introductions
In class exercise - Leads (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 2 – Aug 25/27
Newspaper article review Due
Review Chapter 1
In class exercise (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 3 – Sept 1/3
Labor Day (Sept 1 – No Class)
Review Chapter 2 In class exercises (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 4 – Sept 8/10
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 8
In class exercises/Lead Workshop (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 5 – Sept 15/17
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 5
In class exercises – (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 6 – Sept 22/24
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 6
In class exercises – (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 7 – Sept 29/Oct 1
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 3 & 4
In class exercises – (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 8 – Oct 6/8
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 7
In class exercises/ Lead Workshop (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 9 – Oct 13/15
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 9
Mid Term - All Chapters covered from beginning (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 10 – Oct 20/22
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 10
In class exercises – (Wednesday Room #507)
Additional Weekly Reading – Chap 21
Week 11 – Oct 27/29
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 14/15
In class exercises (Wednesday Room #507)
Additional Weekly Reading – Chap 17
Week 12 – Nov 3/5
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 16
In class exercises (Wednesday Room #507)
Additional Weekly Reading – Chap 20
Week 13 – Nov 10/12
Monday Nov 10 – Veterans Day No School
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 18
Cover a live speech/meeting or press conference for next weekly story
In class exercises (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 14 – Nov 17/19
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 19
In class exercises (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 15 – Nov 24/26
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 12
Nov 27-28 - Thanksgiving
Week 16 – Dec 1/3
Newspaper article review Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 11/13
In class exercises (Wednesday Room #507)
Week 17 – Dec 8/10
Student Written News Article Due, Chapter/AP Style Quiz
Review Chapter 22
Final Exam Review
Final Exam
December 15, from 2pm – 3:50pm
(Includes chapters covered after midterm)
Descriptions of Graded Assignments
In Class Stories/Participation
During the semester we will visit the computer room regularly during class time to explore and practice the concepts
being discussed in the class. Each week you will be given a task to complete individually or with a partner(s) during this
class period that will need to be turned in before you leave class in order to receive credit for the day.
Weekly Stories - These will receive grades of (Full credit/Half credit/No credit)
All weekly story assignments MUST be identified and placed on the assignment list prior to coverage.
Random stories that are turned in will not be graded
You will be required to develop and type out a news story about a local or campus event that is no more than a week old
when you submit your story. The story must be one that YOU have covered personally and turn in at the beginning of
each Monday’s class. These stories should be developed using the structure, concepts and format that is covered in class
discussions and also incorporate the use of AP (Associated press) style.
Before turning in written article, they must be uploaded to your blog with an image YOU took while covering the event.
If you are caught trying to pass off news stories from local newspapers, tv reports, or that you didn’t cover yourself
(Plagiarism) you will not receive credit for the assignment. The development and content of stories should improve each
week as you gain a greater understanding of journalism news writing.
Submitted stories should include a minimum of two first hand live sources (People). These two sources cannot be
websites, articles, books, etc. Stories should be at least 600 words and include the word count printed on the document
next to your name.
**NOTE** Students currently enrolled in MCOM 21,22,23,24 and write stories for the school newspaper can
submit those stories for MCOM 20 Weekly story credit if completed during the assignment period.
Chapter/AP Style Quizzes
The first 10 minutes of each class will consist of a short quiz based on the previous week chapters, current news stories in
the local or national news and elements of basic AP style. If you are late, you will have whatever time remains in the first
10 minutes to more than 10 minutes late to class you will not be allowed to make up these points
Current Event News Article Reviews - These will receive grades of (Full credit/No credit)
On the Monday’s in between written articles you will turn in a typed article review using the current event/article review
guidelines. The article can’t be more than a week old and MUST come from a PRINTED newspaper.
The review must be typed and include a photo copy of or the original article from the publication. Non-typed or articles
from the internet will not receive credit (Online newspapers are also excluded)
Portfolio of Semester Work
Portfolios must be submitted in a bound or 3 ring folder. Save a copy of all your work during the semester including in
class exercises, weekly articles and print news article reviews. Submit it to the instructor the last week of the regular
Mid-Term – Given in class,
Final – Given in class
MCOM 20 Student Course Learning Outcomes
-Students will be able to identify and explain the different elements of news judgment
-Students will be able to show understanding of basic AP writing style
-Students will be able to evaluate a list of 8-10 news story facts and write an appropriate summary lead in 30 minutes