2009 EFT: Cattle Related Vocabulary

2009 EFT: Cattle-Related Vocabulary
Packet by Dennis Jang
1. This man received the two sons of Tipu Sultan as hostages in the negotiation of the Treaty of Seringapatam,
which concluded the third of a series of wars with Mysore. Along with Gerard Lake, this man led troops against
Jean Humbert at the Battle of Ballinamuck, and this signer of Treaty of Amiens with Napoleon resigned as Viceroy
of Ireland after George III refused to accept the Catholic Emancipation. In his most famous role, he served as Henry
Clinton’s second in command at the Battle of Long Island, and he would eventually secure victories at Guilford
Courthouse and Camden prior to meeting de Grasse and Lafayette in late 1781. FTP, name this British commander
best remembered for asking for surrender terms after his defeat at the Revolutionary battle at Yorktown.
ANSWER: Charles Cornwallis
2. In one section of this work, its author suggests that Agnes could be saved if the merman deceived her and
surrendered to the demonic. The story of Amor and Psyche, a bridegroom consulting the Oracle at Delphi, and the
play Iphigenia at Aulis are described in one section of this work. This work distinguishes between the slave of the
finite and the knight of the infinite resignation and also compares a ballet dancer to the “knight of faith” prior to
examing its three “problemata.” Published under the pseudonym of Johannes de Silentio, it begins with a discussion
of the story of the blinding of Isaac. Taking its title from Philippians, this is, FTP, which philosophical work by
Soren Kierkegaard?
ANSWER: Fear and Trembling
3. Helfrich's formula gives the curvature energy per unit area of this entity. Capovilla studied the boundary
conditions of modeling the opening-up process of this structure by talin. Its dynamics are often studied using FRAP,
and the distribution of its components are altered by scramblases and flippases. Singer and Nicolson developed a
model of it to improve upon the Davson-Danielli model. Chloesterol is used to mediate its fluidity, and peripheral
and integral proteins are embedded in it. The fluid mosaic model concerns, FTP, which semipermeable phospholipid
bilayer that controls movement of substances into and out of molecules and encloses the cytoplasm?
ANSWER: cell membrane or plasma membrane [do not accept “cell wall”]
4. This character bets on the happiness of Pacquette and Brother Giroflée with Martin, who was selected as the most
unfortunate in his province and joined this character on a journey to Bordeaux. Captured by the Oreillons for killing
two monkeys, who are the lovers of two naked girls, he later fills a boat with coconuts and drifts downstream,
arriving in a land where three children are playing nine-pins. He receives several red sheep from the king of that
land, but two are stolen by the Dutch captain Vanderdendur. He retrieves one and sells it, which helps this character
become reunited with Pangloss and the brother of his lover, who has turned ugly from her days at Castle Thunderten-Tronckh in Westphalia. FTP, name this lover of Cunégonde, the title character of a work by Voltaire.
ANSWER: Candide
5. Among the works of this architect are a set of furniture designs using cardboard and a 22-foot long glass and
silicone sculpture in the Standing Glass Fish in the Cowles Conservatory in Minneapolis. The designer of Easy
Edges and Standing Glass Fish, he designed a building nicknamed based on its portrayal of Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers, while two of his more famous works include a smashed guitar-like one found in Seattle and another found
alongside the Nervion River in Basque Country. The creator of the Dancing House in Prague, this is, FTP, which
architect perhaps best known for his Experience Music Project and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao?
ANSWER: Frank Gehry
6. The Milstein scheme is a refinement of this man’s namesake scheme for approximating stochastic differential
equations’ solutions. Lagrange, along with this man, names a differential equation that gives solutions given
stationary functionals in the calculus of variations, while Carmichael’s theorem generalizes this man’s work on
Fermat’s little theorem. The first term of the Taylor series expansion for the Riemann zeta function contains a term
named after this man and Lorenzo Mascheroni. This mathematician names a first-order method for solving ordinary
differential equations, while a relationship between trigonometric functions and complex numbers is defined in his
namesake formula. The base of the natural logarithm is named after, FTP, which Swiss mathematician?
ANSWER: Leonhard Euler
7. Rustem and Sokollu were sent by this man to recover regions lost after a defeat at Erzerum by this leader, who
abandoned all claim to Tabriz and Erivan as part of a peace signed with Tahmasp at Amasia. After the death of his
wife Roxelana, this ruler had his son Mustafa executed prior to his death during the siege of Szigetvar. This ruler
expelled the Knights Hospitalers from Rhodes after conquering Belgrade, although the same group would defeat
him at Malta later on. Often called “kanuni”, this ruler failed to capture Vienna, which this son of Selim the Grim
attempted soon after defeating the Louis II-led Hungarians in the 1526 Battle of Mohacs. FTP, name this ruler of the
Ottoman empire, often known as “the Magnificent”.
ANSWER: Suleiman I, the Great
8. The murder prosecution of Duncan, the son of Harald and Claudia Lindgard, is the subject of one of this author’s
novels. This author of The House Gun also wrote about Paul Bannerman’s diagnosis of thyroid cancer in the 2005
novel Get a Life, while A Guest of Honour describes the decisions facing James Bray after returning from
imprisonment. Rosa’s search for identity after the death of her Communist father Lionel takes place in this author’s
The Burger’s Daughter, while other works include one about the industrial executive Mehring and another about the
escape of Maureen and Bamford Smales from Johannesburg. FTP, name this South African author of The
Conservationist and July’s People.
ANSWER: Nadine Gordimer
9. This person’s use of the word sumanai was argued against in the work The Anatomy of Dependence. This figure
argued that the world’s population was composed of “areas of characterization” in writing about the science and
politics of race, and this person co-authored “The Races of Mankind” with Gene Weltfish. Field research with the
Blackfoot of Canada led to the writing of Zuni Mythology by this author, who used the characterizations of the
“Apollonian” and “Dionysian” in one work, while she sought to understand a certain nation’s culture during World
War II. FTP, name this American anthropologist who wrote Patterns of Culture and analyzed Japan in The
Chrysanthemum and the Sword.
ANSWER: Ruth Benedict
10. In “Getting Down Off the Beanstalk,” Susan McClary claims that the first movement of this piece represents the
“murderous rage of a rapist incapable of attaining release.” Trombones first appear in a D major trio in its “Scherzo”
second movement, which includes the unique use of timpani playing Ritmo di tre battute. This work features a solo
for the fourth horn in its third movement, which takes place prior to the last movement, where the hymn-like theme
passes from the cellos and basses to the vocalists. FTP, name this D minor symphony, whose fourth movement sets
to music Schiller’s “Ode to Joy,” which was the last symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven.
ANSWER: Beethoven’s 9th Symphony or “Choral” Symphony [accept or Opus 125 before mention]
11. One character in this film watches a pot of chicken and saffron rice explode shortly after announcing a
translation of “I believe you are in league with the butcher”. Earlier, that character differentiates between the blues
and the “mean reds,” and she later gets an engraving on a ring from a Cracker Jack box after Rusty Trawler gets
married. After being arrested in connection with Sally Tomato’s drug ring, the protagonist, who had earlier sung
“Moon River,” decides to not go to Brazil and marries the George Peppard-played writer Paul Varjak, who she calls
Fred. FTP, name this 1961 film, based on a Truman Capote novella of the same name, which features Audrey
Hepburn as Holly Golightly.
ANSWER: Breakfast at Tiffany’s
12. Abba Lerner and this man are the namesakes of a condition regarding the sum of the price elasticity of exports
and imports and its effect on currency devaluation and the trade balance. This influencer of John A. Hobson defined
four time periods, including the secular or very long-run period, to analyze price movements over time, and he
reviewed Jevons’s work in The Economics of Industry. He assumed consumers solved their utility maximization
problem in his namesake demand function, but he is best known for identifying “quasi” rents and for writing a work
which proposes the existence of Giffen goods. FTP, name this British economist and author of Principles of
ANSWER: Alfred Marshall
13. The Pauson-Khand reaction takes these compounds, alkynes, and carbon monoxide to cyclopentenones, and he
Woodward cis-hydroxylation reacts these molecules with iodine and silver acetate in wet acetic acid. One method of
reducing them involves a catalyst with three PPh3 groups around an Iridium atom, named for Wilkinson. A more
popular method of synthesizing them creates a certain reagent by reacting an alkyl halide with triphenylphosphine,
then reacting that ylide with a carbonyl. Additions to them are governed by Markovnikov's rule, and they have Eand Z- or cis- and trans-isomers. FTP, name this functional group created in the Wittig reaction, which is
characterized by the presence of at least one carbon-carbon double bond.
ANSWER: alkene [accept olefin before mention]
14. Two of Mary Agnes’s teeth are punched out at a juke joint in this novel, courtesy of a character who later
receives a quilt from the narrator upon leaving her husband. The protagonist’s abuse at the hands of Albert leads to
her move to Tennessee, the protagonist begins sewing and selling pairs of pants and employs Sofia, who had been
sent to jail for hitting the mayor but eventually remarries Harpo. The protagonist had been helped by Grady’s wife
Shug Avery, who also helps the protagonist discover letters sent during a missionary trip to Africa by her sister
Nettie, whose letters comprise the latter half of this novel. FTP, name this epistolary novel about Celie, written by
Alice Walker.
ANSWER: The Color Purple
15. Robert Rothschild helped draft the 1957 Treaties of Rome as a diplomat of this nation, which was the home of
“school war” as subsidies were increased for private institutions between 1950 and 1955. The Ten Days Campaign
was an attempt to suppress the independence movement in this nation, which was also the home of a 1966 coal mine
strike. Baudouin refused to give Royal Assent to the liberalization of this nation’s abortion laws in 1990, while
Martens led the Christian Democrat-Liberal coalition as prime minister here. This nation’s power over the Congo
Free State was attributed to Leopold II, while this nation was invaded by Germany during its advance on France in
World War I. FTP, name this nation whose deaths at Ypres were memorialized in “In Flanders Fields”.
ANSWER: Belgium
16. This deity stays with Hreidmar as a hostage while his companion goes to retrieve the gold of Andvari and fill
every hair on an otter’s skin with gold. Among his disguises have been Bolverk and Gangrad, the latter of which he
assumed to defeat Vafthrudnir in a duel of wits. He spent three nights with Gunnlod to obtain a liquid stored in
Bodn, Son, and Ordrerir, while he gets the news of the world from his ravens Hunin and Munin. Having once hung
from Yggdrasil for nine days, this father of Baldr and owner of the horse Sleipnir is eventually killed by Fenrir at
Ragnarok. Ruling from Valhalla, this is, FTP, which Norse god of wisdom, leader of the Aesir and chief god of
17. One character’s singing of the Buzzard song after the appearance of Mr. Archdale is sometimes omitted from
performances of this work. The cries of the strawberry woman, the honeyman, and the crab man are heard after the
return from Kittiwah Island of a character to whom Lawyer Frazier had tried to sell a divorce since her lover fled
after killing Robbins over a game of craps. By the end of the opera, however, she is unable to reject Sportin’ Life
and leaves with him after Crown’s death, causing the other title character to follow her to New York. Jake sings, “A
Woman is a Sometimes Thing” shortly before Clara sings, “Summertime” at the opening of, FTP, which opera by
George Gershwin?
ANSWER: Porgy and Bess
18. A study of atoms in two dimensions demonstrated that such a system obtains this property after going through
the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, while Pomeranchuk cooling is undergone by one substance that
demonstrates this property, which also gives rise to the Onnes-Effect. Some substances exhibiting this property also
exhibit quasiparticles that represent quantized rotations called "rotons." Laszlo Tisza formulated an early twosubstance model of this property, though the more famous model was developed by Landau, who first predicted that
this property, first discovered by Kaptisa, Allen, and Misener, occurs when the temperature falls below the “lambda
point.” Often exemplified by helium-3 and helium 4, this is, FTP, which phase of matter when liquids can overcome
friction as their viscosity becomes zero?
ANSWER: superfluidity
19. The Thorton affair was one of the causes of this conflict, which saw John Sloat fight along one front prior to the
signing of the Treaty of Cahuenga. Alexander Doniphan was enlisted by General Kearny to write the “Kearny code”
in the aftermath of this conflict, which saw the death of 50 of the 72 members of Saint Patrick’s Battalion. The “spot
resolutions” proposed by an Illinois House Representative were in response to this conflict, the resolution to which
failed to have the Wilmot Proviso approved with it. Featuring victories at Molino del Rey and Chapultepec by
Winfield Scott and ending with the Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo, this is, FTP, which conflict between the United
States and its Santa Ana led-southern neighbor that ended in 1848?
ANSWER: Mexican-American War
20. In Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore, Johnnie Walker twice quotes this play while killing cats in front of
Nakata, while a woman accidentally picks up this work when hoping for a Hercule Poirot mystery in a Thurber short
story. Ryan notes that Kilpatrick’s conversation with a beggar contains words from this play in “Theme of the
Traitor and the Hero,” while Dr. Lyman’s first words in Inge’s Bus Stop are “Ah! This castle hath a pleasant smell,”
which are lines from this play. Dalton Ames, not Quentin, is responsible for taking Caddy’s virginity in a novel
whose title comes from a line in this play describing “life’s but a walking shadow” soon after Siward leads men into
battle from Birnam wood. FTP, name this Shakespeare play whose title character is slain by Macduff.
ANSWER: Macbeth [Note: In the James Thurber story “The Macbeth Murder Mystery,” the American woman
proposes that Macduff killed King Duncan, while the narrator argues that Lady Macbeth’s father killed the King and
is actually both the old man who, in Act II, Scene 4, enters with Ross, and one of the weird sisters in disguise.]
21. After high school, this character spent six or seven years working at various desk jobs before herding cattle in
Texas. He spent three months in a Kansas City jail for stealing a suit, but another theft prevents him from getting a
loan from a former employer. By stealing a fountain pen from Bill Oliver, he is again unable to fulfill his dream, his
earlier one being a college football star; that is ruined when he fails high school math and cannot graduate. However,
the situation was exacerbated when he discovered his father’s adultery, leading to the harboring of ill feelings
toward him. FTP, name this eldest son of Willy Loman.
ANSWER: Biff Loman [prompt on “Loman”]
22. Major rivers of this country include the Torsa, Raidak, Sankosh, and Manas. The Black Mountains in the central
part of this country rise to almost 9,000 feet above sea level. Further north is Gangkhar Puensum, the highest
mountain in this country, and one of the highest unclimbed mountains in the world. Internet and television were
introduced in this country only in 1999. The former king of this country, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, coined the term
“gross national happiness” in 1972, suggesting the country embark on modernization that is based on this country’s
Buddhist culture. FTP, name this landlocked Himalayan nation with a capital at Thimphu.
ANSWER: Bhutan
2009 EFT: Cattle-Related Vocabulary
Packet by Dennis Jang
1. Identify the following concerning grandmothers in literature, FTPE:
[10] After Bailey crashes the car on a trip to Florida, the Misfit kills June Star and John Wesley before shooting the
Grandmother last at the end of this short story by Flannery O’Connor.
ANSWER: “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
[10] This author wrote about the title objects, which are “brown and soft / And liable to melt as snow” in “My
Grandmother’s Love Letters.” He’s better known for writing about “The Broken Tower” and “The Bridge.”
ANSWER: Hart Crane
[10] “My Grandmother’s Thimble” is a recollection about the wedding gift of a thimble given to this author, who
penned the short story “A&P” and created the characters Alexandra Spofford in The Witches of Eastwick.
ANSWER: John Updike
2. Based on a play by Carlo Gozzi, it sees fairies Linette and Nicolette die from thirst in the desert since
Trouffaldino cannot give them water. FTPE:
[10] Name this 1919 opera in which Fata Morgana places the title curse on the prince during the king’s attempt to
cure his son’s hypochondria.
ANSWER: Love for Three Oranges
[10] Love for Three Oranges is an opera written by this composer, whose other works include the orchestral
Lieutenant Kije suite as well as Peter and the Wolf.
ANSWER: Sergei Prokofiev
[10] Prokofiev also composed this ballet, another version of which was composed by Tchaikovsky. Its famous
sections include the “Death of the Knights,” and its music was eventually extracted into three orchestra suites.
ANSWER: Romeo and Juliet
3. It walks into a bar, but the bartender says, “We don’t serve your type.” FTPE:
[10] Developed by Vincent Connare as part of a software project at Microsoft in 1994, name this entity found on
Beanie Babies’ tags and the 2004 Canada Day 25-cent collector coin.
ANSWER: Comic Sans MS
[10] Dave Combs and Holly Sliger started the “Ban Comic Sans” group, which is based on this American city. It is
the home of a 500-mile race held annually on Memorial Day, and it is home to Peyton Manning and the Colts.
ANSWER: Indianapolis, Indiana
[10] Mr. Connare received a thank-you note signed by this figure after his creator used his font in ads. He first
appeared soundless in Plane Crazy, although his birthday is celebrated based on his appearance in Steamboat Willie.
ANSWER: Mickey Mouse
4. Their intensity is measured by the Saffir-Simpson scale. FTPE:
[10] Name this type of tropical cyclone whose winds exceed 74 miles per hour in the North Atlantic Ocean or in
various parts of the North Pacific Ocean, depending on your longitudinal coordinate.
ANSWER: hurricanes
[10] The rotation of hurricanes is due to this effect, which describes the tendency of a body to drift sideways from its
course due to the rotation of the earth.
ANSWER: Coriolis effect
[10] This dimensionless number, which is the velocity scale divided by the product of the Coriolis parameter and the
horizontal length scale, relates the inertial to Coriolis forces for a fluid’s flow.
ANSWER: Rossby number
5. Robert Jackson’s dissent in this case argued that the principle of racial discrimination “lies about like a loaded
weapon, ready for the hands of any authority that can bring forward a plausible claim of an urgent need.” FTPE:
[10] Name this 1944 Supreme Court case in which it was decided that Executive Order 9066 was constitutional as
the Japanese-American plaintiff was excluded from certain areas.
ANSWER: Korematsu v. U. S.
[10] Later, Fred Korematsu was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by this U.S. President, whose
achievements supporting ratification of NAFTA, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Brady Bill.
ANSWER: William Jefferson Clinton
[10] This justice, the first to be nominated by Franklin D. Roosevelt, strongly supported a textual reading of the
Constitution as seen in his dissenting opinions in Adamson v. California, Griswold v. Connecticut and Korematsu v.
ANSWER: Hugo Black
6. Its middle section features a trumpet which quotes Charles Ives’s The Unanswered Question. FTPE:
[10] Name this 2003 Pulitzer Prize-winning musical work that commemorates the victims of the September 11
terrorist attacks.
ANSWER: On the Transmigration of Souls
[10] On the Transmigration of Souls was composed by this American composer, whose Shaker Loops began as the
string quartet Wavemaker. He also composed Nixon in China and The Death of Klinghoffer.
ANSWER: John Adams
[10] John Adams, like Steve Reich and Terry Riley, is a composer of this kind of music, which stresses a simple
melody line and focuses on repetition and rhythmic patterns.
ANSWER: minimalism
7. Port Radium lies on the shores of this entity, an outlet from which established itself at Smith Arm’s western
extremity after the ice near Glacial Lake McConnell retreated. FTPE:
[10] Name this body of water, the largest lake enclosed entirely in Canada.
ANSWER: Great Bear Lake
[10] Great Bear Lake can be found in this Canadian region, which is bordered by the Yukon to the west and
Nunavut to its east. Its capital is Yellowknife.
ANSWER: Northwest Territories
[10] Mount Nirvana is the highest point in the Northwest Territories and is a part of this mountain range forming the
boundary between the Northwest and Yukon Territories. It is named after one of Canada’s former prime ministers.
ANSWER: Mackenzie Mountains
8. Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller created a rule for this process for gas molecules concerning a solid surface. FTPE:
[10] Name this process by which molecules adhere to the surfaces of solids.
ANSWER: adsorption
[10] Similar to the process of adsorption is this lab technique, where molecules in a mixture are separated by means
of a retarding system. Common variants of this technique include the “paper” and “thin layer” types.
ANSWER: chromatography
[10] BET theory is itself an extension of an adsorption equation developed by this scientist, who also is the
namesake of a probe used to determine the electric potential of a plasma.
ANSWER: Irving Langmuir
9. Originally introduced by Kurt Goldstein, it governs all organismic life and is “the only drive by which the life of
the organism is determined.” FTPE:
[10] Name this psychological term which more commonly refers to the desire to fulfill one’s greatest potential.
ANSWER: self-actualization
[10] Self-actualization was a notion made more prominent thanks to being the last stage of psychologistical
development in this psychologist’s hierarchy of needs.
ANSWER: Abraham Maslow
[10] Maslow spent some time working under this psychologist, who gained fame through his use of the “iron
maiden” and “pit of despair” to examine love in rhesus monkeys.
ANSWER: Harry Harlow
10. Among its terms included payment of reconstruction aid but made on promise of voting rights, and it led to the
independence of the Transvaal and the Orange Free state several years later. FTPE:
[10] Name this 1902 agreement that actually was signed in Melrose House in Pretoria.
ANSWER: Treaty of Vereeniging
[10] The Treaty of Vereeniging ended the Second Boer War, which took place in this modern-day country. Its more
recent leaders include Jacob Zuma, Thabo Mbeki, and Nelson Mandela.
ANSWER: South Africa
[10] This politician was known for his resistance against the British during the Second Boer War. As president of
the Transvaal Republic, he received a telegram from Kaiser Wilhelm II for repelling the Jameson Raid in 1896.
ANSWER: Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger
11. The narrator makes mention of night clubs and sports cars in Jean Anouilh’s version of this play. FTPE:
[10] Name this tragedy which sees Haemon kill himself after seeing that the title character has hung herself after
Creon had decided that she would be walled up in a cave for trying to give her brother Polynices full burial.
ANSWER: Antigone
[10] This author wrote his version of Antigone titled The Burial at Thebes. He is perhaps better known for his
collections The Spirit Level and Death of a Naturalist, as well as his translation of Beowulf.
ANSWER: Seamus Heaney
[10] Heaney published a translation of “Arion,” a poem by this author of the plays Mozart and Salieri and The Stone
Guest, along with a narrative poem about Peter the Great in Saint Petersburg.
ANSWER: Alexander Pushkin
12. Centered at Lubeck, it would extend its operations out to Bruges and Bergen, but it met defeat at the hands of the
Dutch during a war lasting from 1438 to 1441. FTPE:
[10] Name this trade association of German towns.
ANSWER: Hanseatic League or Hansa
[10] The Hanseatic League waged war against this nation, whose leader was Waldemar IV. Later on in history, this
nation would lose Schleswig-Holstein under the rule of Christian IX.
ANSWER: Denmark
[10] After achieving victories over Waldemar IV, the Hanseatic league scored a success with this 1370 treaty,
guaranteeing itself a share of Denmark’s trade.
ANSWER: Treaty of Stralsund
13. This wielder of the spear Amenonuhoko used it to raise Onogoro from the ocean. FTPE:
[10] Name this Shinto deity, who attempted to retrieve his wife Izanami from Yomi, the underworld, after her death.
ANSWER: Izanagi
[10] Izanagi was the father of this sun goddess, who was Susano’o’s sister and is perhaps better known for hiding in
a cave, leading to the world being covered in darkness.
ANSWER: Amaterasu
[10] Born out of Izanagi’s right eye, this moon god angered Amaterasu by killing Uke Mochi, which is why she
refused to look at him again and thus why the sun and moon are never together.
ANSWER: Tsukuyomi
14. Cutting a Klein bottle in half along its plane of symmetry results in two of these entities, which have an Euler
characteristic of 0. FTPE:
[10] Name this non-orientable surface with only one side, named after a German discoverer.
ANSWER: Mobius strip
[10] Attaching one end of a Mobius strip to itself in the same direction results in the construction of this nonorientable surface with an Euler characteristic of 1. It is the space of lines through the origin in Euclidean threespace.
ANSWER: real projective plane
[10] This is the minimum number of vertices that a complete graph can have for it to be impossible to be embedded
on a Mobius strip. The Heawood conjecture predicts that a Klein bottle needs at most this number of colors, but it
actually needs one less.
ANSWER: seven
15. Set at midnight in an alley in Florence, its title character notes, “Your business is not to catch men with show…
but lift them over it, ignore it all.” FTPE:
[10] Name this 1855 poem whose title artist leaves the home of his patron Cosimo de Medici and converses with
some of the watchmen. It can be found in its author’s collection Men and Women.
ANSWER: “Fra Lippo Lippi”
[10] “Fra Lippo Lippi” was written by this English poet, whose “Child Roland to the Dark Tower Came” can be
found in his Dramatis Personae. He also wrote “Porphyria’s Lover” and “My Last Duchess.”
ANSWER: Robert Browning
[10] “Love is best” are the final words of this Browning poem, in which a shepherd meets a girl “with eager eyes
and yellow hair” while exploring a site on which an ancient city had previously stood.
ANSWER: “Love Among the Ruins”
16. He depicted concubines in The Women of Algiers, while many are mourning the dead in his The Entry of the
Crusaders in Constantinople. FTPE:
[10] Name this French artist who might be best remembered for a painting in which a boy holding a pistol up in the
air stands beside the title tricolore-bearing figure in Liberty Leading the People.
ANSWER: Eugene Delacroix
[10] This Delacroix painting features the destruction of the possessions of the title Assyrian king, for whom a nude
prostrates herself as he lies on his bed. A black slave pulls at a white horse at the bottom left of this painting.
ANSWER: The Death of Sardanapalus
[10] Depicting a scene from the Inferno is this Delacroix painting, in which the oarsman Phlegyas attempts to pilot
Virgil across the river Styx.
ANSWER: The Barque of Dante
17. He moved to Mount Seir following the death of his father, and his followers would later be known as the
Edomites. FTPE:
[10] Name this son of Isaac and brother of Jacob.
[10] Esau was oft remembered for willingly selling his birthright to Jacob in return for this meal.
ANSWER: mess of pottage
[10] One of Esau’s wives was Judith, who was a daughter of this man. He was also the father of the prophet Hosea.
18. Identify the following parts of the eye, FTPE:
[10] Its stroma consists of pigmented fibrovascular tissue, connecting a sphincter muscle and a set of dilator muscles
to the pupil. Surrounded by the sclera, it’s the most visible part of the human eye.
ANSWER: iris
[10] Neurotrophins and the aqueous humor are sources of nutrient reception via diffusion for this part of the eye, and
Bowman’s layer and Descemet’s membrane are two of its five parts. Responsible for 2/3 of the eye’s refractive
power, it covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber.
ANSWER: cornea
[10] Between the retina and the sclera is this vascular layer, whose layers include Haller’s layer, Sattler’s layer, and
Bruch’s membrane. It forms the uveal tract, and lack of melanin here helps lead to poor vision.
ANSWER: choroid
19. The title character eats one banana but leaves a second one in his coat pocket, after which he becomes intrigued
by the word “spool.” FTPE:
[10] Name this one-act play which opens on the title character’s sixty-ninth birthday and involves him listening to
recordings of his earlier years.
ANSWER: Krapp’s Last Tape
[10] Krapp’s Last Tape is a drama written by this French author of the novels Molloy and Malone Dies, along with
the plays Happy Days and Endgame.
ANSWER: Samuel Beckett
[10] Beckett is perhaps best known for this play, in which Vladimir and Estragon hang around a tree, contemplating
suicide while taking part in the title action.
ANSWER: Waiting for Godot
20. The death of the Earl of Gloucester on the second day of this conflict, which had some of its roots in the deal
Philip Mowbray made a promise regarding the surrender of Stirling Castle. FTPE::
[10] Name this 1314 battle that saw the defeat of the Edward II-led English by a significantly smaller Scottish force.
ANSWER: Battle of Bannockburn
[10] The Scots at Bannockburn were led by this man, king of the Scots. His right to rule Scotland, along with the
independence of Scotland, came at the 1328 Treaty of Northampton.
ANSWER: Robert the Bruce or Robert I of Scotland
[10] Robert the Bruce was succeeded by this son of his. Edward Baliol’s success at Halidon Hill forced this ruler to
flee to France, but he would return to rule Scotland in 1341.
ANSWER: David II or David Bruce