Department of Physics Self-Study Report December 2006 Department Chair: James L. Horwitz, Ph.D. University of Texas at Arlington Department of Physics Box 19059 Arlington, TX 76019 Phone: (817) 272-0991 Fax: (817) 272-3637 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Program Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Administrative Chain of Command ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Organizational Structure................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Degrees Offered ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1.4 Degrees Awarded .......................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Program Mission, Purpose, and Goals .................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Department of Physics Mission Statement .................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Educational Objectives of the Program ......................................................................................................... 7 2.2.a Undergraduate Programs ....................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.b Graduate Programs ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.b.1 Objectives of the Programs ........................................................................................................... 8 2.2.b.2 Degree Requirements: Master of Science ..................................................................................... 8 2.2.b.3 Degree Requirements: Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................... 8 2.2.b.4 General Rules ................................................................................................................................ 9 2.2.b.4.a Transfer of Credit .................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.b.4.b Program of Work ................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.b.4.c Grades.................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.b.4.d Funding/Assistantships.......................................................................................................... 9 2.2.b.4.e Changes of Program ............................................................................................................ 10 2.2.b.4.f Research ............................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.b.4.g Doctoral Programs – Diagnostic/Qualifying Examination .................................................. 10 2.2.b.4.h Doctoral Programs – Comprehensive Examination ............................................................. 11 2.2.b.5 Degree Program Requirements .................................................................................................... 11 2.2.b.5.a Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Thesis Option ........................................................ 11 2.2.b.5.b Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Non-thesis Option ................................................. 11 2.2.b.5.c Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences: Physics .................................................. 11 2.2.b.5.d Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics ........................................................ 12 2.2.b.5.d.1 Courses ........................................................................................................................ 12 3. Description of the Programs ................................................................................................................................ 12 3.1 Admission ................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Student Advising ......................................................................................................................................... 13 3.3 Transfer Students ........................................................................................................................................ 13 3.4 Faculty Availability ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.5 Student Course Evaluations......................................................................................................................... 14 3.6 Undergraduate Programs ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.6.a Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics ................................................................ 14 3.6.b Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics with Medical School Preparation ........... 15 3.6.c Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Physics ...................................................................... 15 3.7 Graduate Programs ...................................................................................................................................... 16 3.7.a Degrees Offered................................................................................................................................... 16 3.7.b Graduate Student Advising ................................................................................................................. 16 3.7.c Examinations ....................................................................................................................................... 17 3.7.d Graduate Degree Requirements ........................................................................................................... 18 3.7.d.1 Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Thesis Option ................................................................ 18 3.7.d.2 Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Non-thesis Option ......................................................... 18 3.7.d.3 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences: Physics .......................................................... 18 3.7.d.4 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics ................................................................ 19 3.7.e Degrees Granted Since 1990 ............................................................................................................... 19 3.7.f Graduate Student Statistics .................................................................................................................. 23 2 4.0 The Support Staff ............................................................................................................................................. 24 5.0 The Program’s Faculty ..................................................................................................................................... 26 5.1 Faculty Profile ............................................................................................................................................. 26 5.2 Faculty Backgrounds ................................................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities .................................................................................................. 28 6.0 Description of Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Teaching Facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 29 6.2 Research Facilities....................................................................................................................................... 30 7.0 Program Budget................................................................................................................................................ 31 8.0 Evaluation of the State of the Program ............................................................................................................. 31 9.0 Goals and Future Challenges ............................................................................................................................ 32 3 1. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 1.1 Administrative Chain of Command James Spaniolo, President Dana Dunn, Provost Phil Cohen, Dean of Graduate School Paul Paulus, Dean of Science Graduate Studies Committee, Physics James L. Horwitz, Chair of Physics Graduate Advisors Faculty Staff Undergraduate Advisor Graduate Students Undergraduate Students 1.2 Organizational Structure The Department of Physics, along with the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, and Psychology, is housed within the College of Science. The Chair of the Department reports to the Dean of the College. The Department has an Associate Chair and Administrative Services Officer who deal with a number of administrative tasks for the Department, and they report to the Chair. The Department has two additional staff positions, and these individuals report directly to the Administrative Services Officer. Decisions relating to academic matters, such as curriculum and faculty hiring, are made by the tenured/tenure track faculty. Annual evaluations/continuation recommendations for non tenured faculty and promotion and tenure decisions are made by the tenured faculty. Generally, a committee is charged with the initial consideration of a matter and delivering a written or verbal report/recommendation to the full faculty or tenured faculty, as the case demands. The concerned faculty may accept, modify or reject the committee’s recommendation(s) in favor of an alternative proposal or plan. The Chair has an independent vote in annual evaluation/ continuation cases and promotion and tenure recommendations. 4 Budgetary decisions, while usually discussed with faculty members and relevant staff as appropriate, are ultimately the responsibility of the Chair. Undergraduate course requirements for offered degrees are determined by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, with approval by the entire faculty. Undergraduate students are currently advised primarily by our Academic Advisers, Drs. Andrew Brandt, Ali Koymen, and Roy Rubins. Students follow degree plans, on forms usually prepared by the faculty advisors, listing the courses required and electives for each degree. The advisors counsel and advise students based on these plans and, when/where questions arise, direct students to appropriate faculty members for resolution. Following satisfactory iteration with an individual student, the advisor completes and files the student’s degree plan with the University. Oversight of graduate programs within the department is the responsibility of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). All Physics faculty are either full members [tenured faculty], associate members [untenured, but tenure track] or special associates [chiefly tenured faculty from other departments or adjunct faculty who may teach graduate courses and serve on, but not chair, a graduate student’s supervisory committee] of the graduate faculty of the University. Full membership in the graduate faculty is granted with tenure. The Physics GSC consists of all graduate faculty members, excluding adjuncts, and is currently chaired by Dr. Ali Koymen. The GSC sets the requirements for graduate degrees; hears and rules on petitions from students on requests to waive degree requirements or other special requests; considers those students in the program deemed by their supervisory committee, teaching supervisor, supervising professor or the Graduate Advisor, as not making satisfactory progress and informs the students, directly or through the Graduate Advisor, of required changes/accomplishments needed to continue in the program; considers other matters relating to conduct of the graduate program. Complementing the GSC is the Graduate Admissions Committee (GAC), which is currently chaired by Dr. Qiming Zhang, who is also the Graduate Advisor (GA). The GA is a faculty member nominated by the Chair and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School, who is charged with ensuring that requirements set forth by the Graduate School and the departmental GSC are met by each graduate student. The GAC evaluates applicants for graduate admission and grants and denies admission. The GAC also recommends to the Chair candidates for departmental graduate assistantships. The GA corresponds with and tracks potential applicants informing them of faculty and research interests, entrance requirements, availability of financial assistance, documents required by the Graduate School to complete application for graduate school admission, deadlines set by the Graduate School for receipt of 5 completed applications, and receives and delivers completed application forms provided by the Graduate School to the GAC for consideration. He corresponds with entering students by informing them of dates by which they are expected to arrive, and the dates and times of University and departmental orientation and advising sessions. Moreover, the GA deals directly with individual graduate students and, generally, is responsible for advising graduate students during their first semester of enrollment, or until a student selects a supervising professor. He ensures that required exams [qualifier, comprehensive/dissertation proposal, thesis/dissertation defenses] for enrolled students are scheduled in a timely manner and is responsible for reporting the results of these exams to the Graduate School. He also ensures that students have the prerequisites required for the program, or removes deficiencies promptly, completes courses required by their supervisory committee, meets the hour requirements of the Graduate School and files degree plans reflecting such. The supervisory committee determines whether a student has passed or failed an exam, written an acceptable/unacceptable thesis/dissertation and successfully/unsuccessfully defended the thesis/dissertation; however, only the GA is authorized to notify the Graduate School of the results. 1.3 Degrees Offered B.A., Physics B.S., Physics B.S., Physics with Medical School Preparation B.S., Physics with Engineering Emphasis M.S., Physics Ph.D., Physics and Applied Physics 1.4 Degrees Awarded B.S., Physics M.S., Physics Ph.D., Physics TOTAL 2000-2001 6 5 2 13 2001-2002 3 4 0 7 2002-2003 4 7 4 15 2003-2004 3 5 1 9 2004-2005 7 8 2 17 2005-2006 4 0 1 5 2. PROGRAM MISSION, PURPOSE, AND GOALS 2.1 Department of Physics Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Physics is to serve the University, the local community and the nation by the provision of first rate programs in physics teaching and research and the dispensation of scientific, educational and related services to the widest possible constituency. In following this mission 6 the department aims to work in a manner consistent with all the more general aims and aspirations of the University mission. 2.2 Educational Objectives of the Program 2.2a Undergraduate Programs The Department of Physics offers two Bachelors of Science Degree programs and a Bachelor of Arts Degree program. The Bachelor of Science Degree programs include one which prepares students for careers in science and technology and another for medical school preparation. The Bachelor of Arts Degree in physics is intended for those students who seek a broader education while retaining a firm foundation in physics. When combined with the requisite education courses, the Bachelor of Arts program can also be tailored for students interested in becoming high school Physics teachers. Students considering a major in physics are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an undergraduate physics departmental advisor to discuss their degree options and their career prospects as physicists. Physics majors are also encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities to participate in research projects under research faculty guidance. Students participating in these projects gain extensive hands-on experience in a variety of research environments including condensed matter physics, optics, high energy, nano-bio physics, and computational physics. Undergraduate research assistants frequently receive financial support as well as awards. The faculty of the Physics Department encourages students who qualify to participate in the University Honors College. Scholarships are typically offered every year to new students majoring in physics. Students desiring certification for teaching at the secondary level must fulfill the requirements for a second teaching field and must take certain education courses as prescribed in the Education section of the catalog. Majors enrolled in the fall semester for the past five years are given below. Year 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Majors 31 38 40 50 45 7 2.2.b Graduate Programs 2.2.b.1 Objectives of the Programs The Masters of Science in Physics. The objective of graduate work in physics is to prepare the student for continued professional and scholarly development as a physicist. The Physics M.S. Degree Program is designed to give the student advanced training in the core areas of physics through formal courses, and also provide options for specialization or participation in original research in a project directed by a faculty member. The Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics Program combines the traditional elements of a science doctoral program with courses in specifically applied topics and internship in a technological environment. It is designed to produce highly trained professionals with a broad perspective of the subject which may prepare them equally well for careers in academic or in government or industrial laboratories. Current research in the department is predominantly in the areas of astrophysics and space physics, condensed matter physics, materials science, high-energy physics and nano-bio physics, and includes a wide range of theoretical work in solid state physics, astrophysics and space physics, and experimentation in laser physics, optics, positron physics, solid state and surface physics, nano-bio physics, and high-energy physics. 2.2.b.2 Degree Requirements: Master of Science For admission to the Master of Science program in physics, the candidate must satisfy the general admission requirements of the Graduate School. In addition, the candidate must have satisfactorily completed at least 24 undergraduate hours of advanced physics and supporting courses. A minimum of 30 hours is required for the Master of Science degree, of which 24 hours, including a six hour thesis (minimum registration), will be in physics, and six hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor. 2.2.b.3 Degree Requirements: Doctor of Philosophy To be admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy program, an applicant must satisfy the 8 general admission requirements of the Graduate School. 2.2.b.4 General Rules 2.2.b.4.a Transfer of Credit Credit may be transferred from other universities subject to the following restrictions: Only courses with grades of B or better and approved by the Graduate School Committee will be considered for transfer of credit and transfer of credit will be limited to 9 hours for M.S. students from U.S. universities. 2.2.b.4.b Program of Work All graduate students must submit a tentative program of work to the Graduate Studies Subcommittee before the end of their first semester. Subsequent modifications to the program should be discussed with the graduate advisor so that the student may be sure of approval, and so that the Graduate School can be notified. A final program of work must be submitted in the last semester. 2.2.b.4.c Grades To graduate with any post-baccalaureate degree, a student must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 with no more than one C in the list of physics courses given in the student’s final program of work. 2.2.b.4.d Funding/Assistantships The department currently has approximately 22 GTA slots. The department uses a formula of ranking for awarding teaching assistantships, based on number of semesters as GRA and as GTA, masters/doctoral level, and the student’s GPA. Graduate Research Assistantships are also available depending on their advisor’s funding profile, and students in their third year at UT Arlington are usually expected to be supported on GRAs. According to University regulations, a student must be unconditionally admitted or, if continuing, in good standing (not on academic probation) to receive either a teaching or a research assistantship. In exceptional circumstances, but only once during the student’s time at UT Arlington Physics, a student not in good standing may petition 9 the Physics Department Graduate Studies Committee and the Graduate School for continued support. Students receiving support from the Physics Department are expected to complete a graduate degree program in Physics before they transfer to a program in another department at the University. 2.2.b.4.e Changes of Program All students with less than 30 hours of approved graduate level course work or without a Master’s Degree in Physics will initially be registered as Masters students. Upon completion of either of the above-noted requirements, students may seek the approval of the Graduate School Studies Committee for admission to a Doctoral degree program. Forms are available in the Physics Department office. 2.2.b.4.f Research Masters or Doctoral students cannot choose a research supervisor or begin for their thesis or dissertation before completing two semesters of study if enrolled in the Masters program, or one semester if enrolled in the Doctoral program. Students must submit a proposal of research (about one page) for review by the Graduate Studies Committee prior to the commencement of research. 2.2.b.4.g Doctoral Programs-Diagnostic/Qualifying Examination All students entering a doctoral program are required to pass a written diagnostic/qualifying examination, during their first year in the doctoral program. This examination consists of four parts: 1. Classical Mechanics, 2. Quantum Mechanics, 3. Electromagnetic theory, and 4. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. The examination is conducted twice yearly, usually in January and May. Classical and Quantum Mechanics exams are conducted on one day, and the other areas examined the subsequent day. Students failing any part of the examination at their first attempt will be required to pass that part the next time the examination is offered to continue in the doctoral program. 10 2.2.b.4.h Doctoral Programs-Comprehensive Examination The comprehensive examination is an oral presentation based on dissertation research. The examination should be taken at least one year prior to the intended date of dissertation defense so that the candidate has sufficient time to make up for any deficiencies in their research or understanding of their chosen field. If a candidate fails the exam, he/she must retake the exam within one semester and may anticipate that the dissertation defense will be correspondingly delayed so that it will follow in no less than one year’s time. 2.2.b.5 Degree Program Requirements For each of the degree programs below, a list of requirements is given. These include: (a) total number of graded (A,B,C, or P) credit hours, (b) number of credit hours and specific courses in physics, (c) examinations, (d) thesis or dissertation, and (e) special requirements. All courses in physics are referred to in Groups, which are listed on the next page. 2.2.b.5.a Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Thesis Option (a) A minimum of 30 hours is required for this degree. (b) 24 hours will be in physics. The 24 hours in physics include all Group 1 courses, a choice of two courses from Group 2 and 3, and Thesis 5698. (The remaining 6 hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor). (c) There are no entry exams, but there is an oral thesis defense. (d) Students in the M.S. (thesis option) must complete a thesis, and enroll in Thesis 5698 in their final semester. 2.2.b.5.b Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Non-Thesis Option (a) A minimum of 36 hours is required for this degree. (b) 24 hours will be in physics. The 24 hours in physics include all Group 1 courses, a choice of five courses from Group 2 and 3. (The remaining 9 hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor). (c) In addition to course requirements, all candidates for the M.S. program - non-thesis option will be required to pass an exam similar to the Doctoral Qualifying Exam described earlier. 2.2.b.5.c Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences : Physics For general requirements, consult the Ph.D. program in Mathematical Sciences in the Graduate Catalogue. (a) The Physics Department requires a minimum of 42 hours of courses, and 9 hours of dissertation. (b) Of the 42 course hours, 27 will be in physics and 15 will be in mathematics. The mathematics courses are specified by the mathematics department. The 27 hours in physics include all Group 1 and Group 2 courses, and a choice of two courses from Group 3. (c) Each student is required to pass the qualifying exam to enter the program, the comprehensive exam to continue in the program, and the dissertation defense. 11 (d) Students in the Ph.D. program must complete a dissertation. Students must enroll in nine hours of dissertation in their final semester. 2.2.b.5.d Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics For general requirements consult the Ph.D. program in the Physics section of the Graduate Catalog. (a) The Physics Department requires a minimum of 42 hours of courses, 9 hours of internship and 9 hours of dissertation. (b) Of the 42 hours, 36 hours will be in physics. The 36 hours in physics include all Group 1 and 2 courses, and a choice of five courses from Group 3. (The remaining 6 hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor). (c) Each student is required to pass the qualifying exam to enter the program, the comprehensive exam to continue in the program, and the dissertation defense. (d) Each student in the Ph.D. program must complete a dissertation. The student must enroll in nine hours of dissertation credit for his/her final semester. 2.2.b.5.d.1 Courses Group 1: Required for all graduate students PHYS 5307 Quantum Mechanics I PHYS 5309 Electromagnetic Theory I PHYS 5310 Statistical Mechanics PHYS 5311 Mathematical Methods in Physics II Group 2: Required for all doctoral students 5308 Quantum Mechanics II 5312 Mathematical Methods in Physics II 5313 Electromagnetic Theory I, II Group 3: Electives for students in all programs 5306 Classical Mechanics 5314 Advanced Optics 5315 Solid State I 5316 Solid State II 5317 Statistical Mechanics II 5319 Mathematical Methods in Physics III 5320 Quantum Mechanics III 5325 Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics I 5326 Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics 5328 Surface Physics 6301 Methods of Applied Physics I 6302 Methods of Applied Physics II 6303 Methods of Applied Physics III 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMS 3.1 Admission Minimal standards for admission to undergraduate programs are those set by the University. Unconditional admission into the master’s program requires a minimum combined GRE score of 1000 on the verbal plus quantitative sections (V+Q) and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0; exceptions are 12 considered and unconditional admission can occur when GRE scores are substantially higher [> 1250] and the GPA is only somewhat lower than 3.0 [> 2.8] or vice versa, [e.g., GRE > 950 and GPA >3.6]. Admission into the Ph.D. program requires the same minimum combined V+Q score on the GRE and a minimum combined score of 1200 on the quantitative and analytical sections (Q+A). The University requires a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL for unconditional admission of international students. In order to be eligible for a teaching assistantship, the university and the department require all international students to attain a minimum score of 45 on the Test of Spoken English.. 3.2 Student Advising General advising and preparation of degree plans for undergraduates are handled by Andrew Brandt, Ali Koymen, and Roy Rubins in consultation with appropriate faculty members when required. Graduate student advising is the responsibility of the Graduate Advisor, Qiming Zhang, until the student selects a research supervisor and advising responsibility passes to the student’s supervising professor. 3.3 Transfer Students Undergraduates who transfer into the university from other institutions of higher education are subject to certain standards and criteria as set forth in the Undergraduate Catalog. Additionally, there are legislative mandates on the acceptance of these students and their credits. 3.4 Faculty Availability All faculty teaching courses are required to maintain at least three office hours per week, which must be clearly listed in the course syllabus. Generally, faculty are available by appointment for students whose scheduling does not allow for student-faculty contact during posted hours. The Department maintains an extensive web site [] listing faculty members, research interests, recent publications, course syllabi, email addresses, and other departmental information. Several faculty members have their own web pages often describing in more detail their research and/or providing more detailed information on their own courses, such as notes and drawings/diagrams used in their course(s) and links/references to other sites or sources with information pertinent to their courses or research. All faculty have telephones and computers with internet connections and e-mail connections such that students may readily contact them. Syllabi for all courses are required to be distributed to enrolled students and are also on file in the departmental office where students may examine them. 13 3.5 Student Course Evaluations The University requires that each class participate in student evaluations. The instructor must utilize the University-developed Student Evaluation Sheet or develop his/her own evaluation sheet. Any individually-developed evaluation must include the first eight questions on the University-developed evaluation. The University evaluation sheets are computer processed. These results along with written comments by students on the evaluation forms are provided to the Chair who retains them on file. 3.6 Undergraduate Programs Specific course requirements in the various degrees offered under the auspices of the Department of Physics follow in detail. Physics course requirements as well as general University requirements are included. 3.3.a Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics English Literature Liberal Arts Elective Political Science History Fine Arts and Philosophy Social/Cultural Studies Electives Other Electives Computer Sciences Natural Science other other than Physics Major Minor Total Six hours of composition. Three hours of English or foreign language literature or other approved substitute. Three hours above the freshman level of literature, or social and cultural studies designated as taught in the College of Liberal Arts, or fine arts or philosophy, or technical writing. 2311, 2312. 1311, 1312 (one of which may be replaced by 3363 or 3364). Three hours from architecture, art, dance, music, philosophy, or theatre arts. Three hours of designated courses in social or cultural anthropology, archaeology, social/political/cultural geography, economics, sociology, classical studies, or linguistics. Three hours outside engineering, mathematics, and the sciences. Sufficient to give the total number of hours required for the degree, six of which must be 3000/4000-level courses in science or mathematics. Note: A second minor may be developed from this group of electives. Six hours from PHYS 2321, CSE 1306, 1310, 2310, or MATH 3345 CHEM 1301, 1302, 1284, and a minimum of six hours from courses offered in the Departments of Biology and Geology. 45 hours of physics including 1443, 1444, 2311, 3183, 3313, 3321, 4117, 4185, 4315, 4319, 4324, and 4326; 13 hours from 2321, 2445, 3315, 3445, 3446, 4171, 4172, 4181, 4191, 4281, 4291, 4391, 4393, and 4325. MATH 1325*, 1426, 2325, 2326, 3318, and a 4000 course. 129 hours, of which at least 36 must be 3000/4000 level, plus exercise and sport activities (EXSA) or ROTC or marching band as required. 14 * If the student is not qualified to take MATH 1325 when he/she enters, he/she must complete the prerequisites for the course. This may add three to six hours to the total required for the degree. No course prerequisite for MATH 1325 will be credited toward graduation. 3.6.b Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics with Medical School Preparation A physics degree program designed to provide preparation for medical school appropriate for students with an aptitude for mathematical science. This program offers the broad background in fundamental science and strong problem solving ability of a physics degree as well as specific biology and chemistry medical school requirements. A seminar course covering medical applications of modern physics including radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and related topics is an integral part of this program. The combination of skills developed in this program is designed to provide the intellectual foundation necessary for excellence in the practice of medicine. English Literature Liberal Arts Elective Political Science History Fine Arts and Philosophy Social/Cultural Studies Electives Other Electives Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics Six hours of composition. Three hours of English or foreign language literature or approved substitute. Three hours above the freshman level of literature, or social and cultural studies designated as taught in the College of Liberal Arts, or fine arts or philosophy, or technical writing. 2311, 2312 1311, 1312 (one of which may be replaced by 3363 or 3364). Three hours from architecture, art, dance, music, philosophy, or theatre arts. Three hours of designated courses in social or cultural anthropology, archaeology, social/political/cultural geography, economics, sociology, classical studies, or linguistics. Three hours outside engineering, mathematics, and the sciences. Sufficient to give the total number of hours required for the degree. Core courses 1441 and 1442 or 3444; Advanced courses 3315 and 3442; One course from: 3301, 3333, or 4315; any other 3000/4000 level course. General Chemistry with lab: 1301, 1302, and 1284. Organic Chemistry with lab: 2321, 2181, 2322, 2182. 1325, 1426, 2325, 2326, and 3318. 36 hours including 1443, 1444, 2311, 3183, 3313, 3321, 4117, 4185, 4315, 4319, 4324, and 4326. 3.6.c Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Physics English Literature Liberal Arts Elective Six hours of composition. Three hours of English or foreign language literature or other approved substitute. Three hours above the freshman level of literature, or social and cultural studies designated as taught in the College of Liberal Arts, or fine arts or philosophy, or technical writing. 15 Foreign Language Political Science History Mathematics Fine Arts and Philosophy Natural Science other than Physics Computer Science Electives Major Minor 14 hours in a single foreign language or eight hours in a language, plus six hours from one area cluster (see substitution list in introductory information for the College of Science). 2311, 2312. 1311, 1312 (one of which may be replaced by 3363 or 3364). Ten hours including 2326. Three hours from architecture, art, dance, music, philosophy, or theatre arts. Three hours of designated courses in social or cultural anthropology, archaeology, social/political/cultural geography, economics, sociology, classical studies, or linguistics. 12 hours from courses offered in the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, or Geology Three hours from PHYS 2321 or CSE 1301 or above. Sufficient to give the total number of hours required for the degree. PHYS 2311, 3183, 3313, 4117, plus 18 additional hours, of which a minimum of seven must be 3000/4000-level courses. 18 hours, of which a minimum of six must be 3000/4000 level. Total 125, of which at least 36 must be 3000/4000 level, plus exercise and sport activities (EXSA), ROTC, or marching band as required. 3.7 Graduate Programs 3.7.a Degrees Offered The Department of Physics offers programs of work leading to both masters and doctoral degrees, as described earlier. 3.7.b Graduate Student Advising As indicated previously, entering students in the Master’s program are initially advised by the Graduate Advisor until they have consulted with, selected, and been accepted as an advisee by a particular faculty member. Some master’s students complete these arrangements prior to entering the program and their supervising professor acts as the advisor, but the student should still periodically confer with the Graduate Advisor. A student desiring entrance into the doctoral program must have a faculty sponsor, a professor who has agreed to direct the student for at least the first semester of graduate work, before the GSC will allow the individual into the program. The Graduate Advisor confers with and advises such students along with the faculty sponsor. Students in all programs must choose a supervising professor by the end of their first year of enrollment, and the Graduate Advisor must be informed of the choice. Students in the doctoral program may select a supervising professor other than the original sponsor with the approval of the GSC and Graduate Advisor. 16 3.7.c Examinations Masters Examination A final program examination is required for all master's degree candidates. The thesis program examination is an oral defense of the thesis, open to faculty, students and invited guests. Non-thesis Program Examination - A final comprehensive oral exam is required. The student invites at least three faculty (including the GA) to attend the exam. The faculty will determine whether or not the student passes the examination. Thesis Program Defense - Thesis candidates must hold an oral defense of the work presented in the thesis, which has been judged acceptable by the supervisory committee. The defense consists of an oral presentation of the thesis work followed by an oral examination period in which the candidate answers questions from members of the audience. The candidate first responds to questions relating to the thesis work from the general audience, which typically includes faculty, other students and guests. Following this period, the audience leaves, except for the student's faculty committee and interested Physics faculty . The supervisory committee then questions the candidate. After this questioning, the candidate is excused and the committee evaluates the candidate's performance. All faculty members present may express their opinion of the candidate's presentation and judgment of the overall acceptability of the candidate's defense to the supervisory committee members; however, the committee is the ultimate judge of the acceptability of the candidate's defense. The supervisory committee may conclude that the candidate: (a) passed unconditionally, (b) passed conditionally upon meeting specified additional requirements, (c) failed, with permission to retake the exam after a period specified by the supervisory committee, or (d) failed with a recommendation that the student be dismissed from the program. Doctoral Examinations Comprehensive-Dissertation Proposal Defense - The comprehensive exam in Physics is the dissertation proposal defense. Each doctoral candidate must prepare a proposal describing the dissertation research and defend the proposal to the supervisory committee. The proposal must contain sufficient detail to allow the supervisory committee to evaluate the scientific merits, feasibility of completion, and the candidate's understanding of and ability to apply proposed data 17 gathering techniques. Defense of the proposal must occur before the end of the candidate's fifth long (non-summer) semester of admission to the doctoral program. The supervisory committee conducts the comprehensive exam. The committee will conclude, after hearing and discussing the comprehensive exam-dissertation proposal, that the candidate may, (a) proceed with the research as proposed, (b) proceed with the research with modifications as defined by the committee, or (c) be required to modify and re-defend the proposal. In the latter case, the modified proposal must be successfully defended prior to the end of the following long semester. In cases where a second defense is judged necessary, the supervisory committee must inform the candidate of their objections to the original proposal so that the candidate is aware of the relevant deficiencies and can prepare to re-defend. Failure to successfully defend a proposal on the second attempt will result in dismissal from the Ph.D. program. 3.7.d Graduate Degree Requirements All applicants for graduate study must satisfy the general admission requirements of the University, the Department, and present an academic record indicating suitable preparation and potential for advanced study in Physics. 3.7.d.1 Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Thesis Option 1. A minimum of 30 hours is required for this degree. 2. 24 hours will be in physics. The 24 hours in physics include all Group 1 courses, a choice of two courses from Group 2 and 3, and Thesis 5698. (The remaining 6 hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor). 3. There are no entry exams, but there is an oral thesis defense. 4. Students in the M.S. (thesis option) must complete a thesis, and enroll in Thesis 5698 in their final semester. 3.7.d.2 Masters of Science Degree in Physics: Non-Thesis Option 1. A minimum of 36 hours is required for this degree. 2. 24 hours will be in physics. The 24 hours in physics include all Group 1 courses, a choice of five courses from Group 2 and 3. (The remaining 9 hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor). 3.7.d.3 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences : Physics 1. The Physics Department requires a minimum of 39 hours of courses, plus 3 hours of internship (if no internship is available the number of hours required is 42), and 9 hours of dissertation. 2. Of the 42 course hours, 27 will be in physics and 15 will be in mathematics. The mathematics courses are specified by the mathematics department. the 27 hours in physics include all Group 1 and Group 2 courses, and a choice of two courses from Group 3. 18 3. Students in the Ph.D. program must complete a dissertation. Students must enroll in nine hours of dissertation in their final semester. 4. Students in the Ph.D. program must complete a dissertation. Students must enroll in nine hours of dissertation in their final semester. 3.7.d.4 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics 1. The Physics Department requires a minimum of 39 hours of courses, plus 3 hours of internship (if no internship is available the number of hours required is 42), and 9 hours of dissertation. 2. Of the 42 hours, 36 hours will be in physics. The 36 hours in physics include all Group 1 and 2 courses, and a choice of five courses from Group 3. (The remaining 6 hours may be selected from physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, or engineering as approved by the Graduate Advisor). 3. Each student is required to pass the qualifying exam to enter the program, the comprehensive exam to continue in the program, and the dissertation defense. 4. Students in the Ph.D. program must complete a dissertation. Students must enroll in nine hours of dissertation in their final semester. 3.7.e Degrees Granted Since 1990 Degree Student Title Thesis/Dissertation Professor Graduation Date Doctoral Doctoral Mehl, David Investigation of the Surface Sensitivity of PositronAnnihilation-Induced Auger-Electron Spectroscopy Weiss August 1990 Doctoral Hira, Ajit Many Body Perturbation Theory Applied to Hydrogen Interaction with Lithium Clusters Ray December 1990 Doctoral Larson, Don Optical Probing Investigations Using Novel Reference Grating Black May 1990 Doctoral Green, Martin Sharma August 1991 Doctoral Haghighi, Hossein Deposition of Diamond Films and Comparative Characterization by RAMAN, XPS and PAS. A Positron Study of Electronic Structure of Yittrium Barium Copper Oxide West December 1991 Doctoral Doctoral Marroum, Renata Tello, Lucio Kaiser Black May December 1991 1992 Doctoral Lee, Keun-Ho Weiss December 1992 Doctoral Datta, Radhika Surface Electronic Structure of Pd Alloyed on Cu Ultrasonic Transducers Characterization by Means of DoubleExposure Holographic Interferometry Study of Sub-monolayer Films of Au/Cu(100) and Pd/Cu(100) Using positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy Coupled Electron Photon Transport-A Multidimensional Discrete Ordinates Study Ray August 1993 Doctoral Hyer, Reginald A Study of Defects in Diamond Films Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition Sharma December 1993 Doctoral Doctoral Chaplin, Rick Altekar, Sita Diana Ray December December 1994 1995 Doctoral Zhou, Haiqing Weiss May 1996 Doctoral Sosebee, Mark The Scattering of Positrons by Helium Parallel Programming in Electron Transport: A CRAY YMP Study Auger Line Shape Measurements using High Resolution Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy. A Search for Supersymmetric Particles with the D-zero Detector White May 1996 Doctoral Kim, Jae Hong Study of the Growth of Adsorbed Gas Layers and Ultra-Thin Films Deposited on Si, Ge and GaAs Surfaces. Weiss December 1997 19 Doctoral Mittal, Rajesh Finite Temperature Simulations of the Proton Transport Mechanism in a Hydrogen-Bonded Chain. Howard August 1998 Doctoral Lee, Yeon-Suk Koymen August 1998 Doctoral Schailey, Ronald Ray August 1999 Doctoral Zhang, Lei Study of the Surface Magnetic Microstructure of Permalloy Thin Films and 3% Si-Fe Sheets using Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis An Ab Initio Cluster Study of the Chemisorption of Atomic Cesium and Hydrogen on the Reconstructed Surfaces of Gallium Rich Gallium Arsenide (100) Optical Properties of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystalline Materials Sharma December 2000 Doctoral Livesay, Eric A Positron study of the Colossal Magnetoresistive Material La(0.7) Sr(0.3) MnO(3). West May 2000 Doctoral Doctoral Altuncevahir, Baki Anilturk, Onder Koymen Koymen December December 2003 2003 Doctoral Ha, Byeongchul Sharma December 2003 Doctoral Xie, Shuping Magnetic Properties of CoNi/Gd Multilayers Spin Polarized Auger Electron Spectroscopy (SPACES): An Element Specific Local Magnetization Probe of Magnetic Materials Photoelectron Spectroscopy Measurements of the Electronic Structure of C60 and other Carbon Based Material Thin Films Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy of Inner Shell Transitions Using the Time-of-Flight Technique Weiss December 2003 Doctoral Song, Yan Search for Supersymmetric Top Quark in Top Quark Decay Channel Based on Do Run IB Data De December 2003 Doctoral Park, Kyung Shin Thesis for 1989: Solid Particle Erosion of Discontinuous SIC Reinforced Aluminum Alloys (NO DISSERTATION LISTED) Black January 2003 Doctoral Wu, Xueyuan Density Functional Theory Applied to d- and f-Electron Systems Ray May 2003 Doctoral Huda, Muhammad Ray December 2004 Doctoral Strang, Michael Brandt August 2005 Doctoral Demirtas, Sezen A Realistic Density Functional Study of the Role of 5f Electrons in Atomic and Molecular Adsorptions on Actinide Surfaces First Observation of Dijet Events with an Antiproton Tag at s**(1/2)=1.96 TeV using the DO Forward Protron Detector Magnetic Properties of Rare Earths (Gd, Tb)/Transition Metal (Fe, Co, Ni) Nanolayers Koymen August 2005 Doctoral Orr, David Feynman-Kac Path Integral Calculation of the Ground-State Energies of Atoms Fry June 2005 Doctoral Song, Kie-Moon An Ab Initio Study of Alkali Metal Absorption on Gallium Arsenide (110)Surface Ray June 2005 Doctoral O'Brien, Kevin West June 2005 Doctoral Jung, Enseung The Enhancement of Fermi Surface Images in Positron ACAR Spectra Auger line Shape Study of the Ag(100) and Ge(100) Surfaces Utilizing Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy. Masters Weiss June 2005 Masters Masters Dark, Charles Lee, Keun-Ho Sharma Weiss May May 1990 1990 Masters Masters Tripathi, Jaya Eytan, Osnat Ray Lippel August August 1991 1991 Masters Masters Masters Masters Kanal, Kalpana Lee, Sang-Kwon Ashley, Ross Chopra, Anil Deposition and Characterization of Diamond Films. The Relative Intensity of Positron Annihilation-Induced Auger Electron Emission From Fe, Cu, Pd, and Au A Class of Potentials for Quark Confinement Theoretical Modeling of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for Au Alloyed on Cu The Existence and Stability of Potassium Clusters. Positron annihilation Study of Ethane Physisorbed on Grafoil. Non-Thesis Neutron Activation Analysis and Positron Annihilation Measurements of Bone Samples Ray Sharma Sharma August August August August 1991 1991 1991 1992 Masters Tyan, Lee-Wen Can positron-annihilation-induced auger electron spectroscopy Weiss August 1992 20 Masters Powell, Karlton Masters Janik, George Masters Masters Niedzwiecki, Thomas Cudmore, Donald Masters Kellogg, Tad Masters (PAES) be used to clarify the choice of starting point in position surface state models? Spatial Phase Multiplexing of Holograms in Photorefractive Crystals Six MeV Electron Transmission Through A Lead Intraocular Shield Non-Thesis Black December 1992 Sharma August 1993 August 1993 Production, Analysis, and Characterization of Amorphous Magnetic Materials Using X-Ray Diffraction, Auger Electron Spectroscopy and the Magneto-optic Kerr Effect. One Dimensional Electron Transport: Application to Electron Backscattering Koymen January 1993 Ray January 1993 Wallis, Kendra A Positron Annihilation Study of the Electronic Structure and Fermi Surface of Yttrium West May 1993 Masters Xia, Yu De August 1994 Masters Sohn, Alexander Rubins August 1994 Masters Schmanke, Kyle The Characterization of Photomultiplier Tubes Using a New Automated Test Facility Satellite Structure in the EPR Spectrum of the OneDimensional Ising Ferromagnet FeTAC Monte Carlo Modeling of Diagnostic X-Ray Scatter Murry May 1994 Masters Kim, Jae Hong Weiss May 1994 Masters Mittal, Rajesh Howard August 1995 Masters Wang, Young-Ren Study of the Growth of Adsorbed Gas Layers and Ultra-thin Films of Metals and Semiconductors Deposited on Si, Ge, and GaAs Surface Using Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy (PAES) Modeling of Orientational Defects and Proton Transport in a Hydrogen Bonded Chain Non-Thesis August 1995 Masters Nagarathnam, Sundari Optical Power Changes with Equatorial Stretching of Deformable Lenses Black December 1995 Masters Kuttler, Kerry Positron Surface States on a Copper (100) Surface with Cesium Adsorbate Fry December 1995 Masters Wheeler, Stephen Weiss December 1995 Masters Issar, Anita Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Intensities from Ge(100) and Ge(111) Surfaces Study of defects in TiN/SiO2 films and interfaces using Positron Beam Spectroscopy Sharma February 1995 Masters Sharma, Ritu Modeling of Ionic Defects and Proton Transport in a Hydrogen Bonded Chain Howard August 1996 Masters Masters Shin, Sue-Mee Labarge, Aaron Monte Carlo Study of Fractal Structure in Jets Formation of Polaronic States in a Finite Two-Dimensional Lattice Stephens Weiss August December 1996 1996 Masters Kaiser, Richard De May 1996 Masters Venkataraman, Ranjani Weiss December 1997 Masters DeLaRosa, Diana The construction and testing of a laser test stand for scintillator research and development Study of the Energy Distribution of Secondary Electrons and Redistributed Primary Particles From A Ge(100) Surface Utilizing Incident Beams of Electrons and Positrons Integrating Computer Technology into University Optics Black May 1997 Masters Masters Morse, Michael Iyer, Sandhya Howard Koymen August August 1998 1999 Masters Sharma, Shruti Proton Motion in Asymmetric Potential Wells Positron Defect Spectroscopy of Hydrogen-Defect Complexes in Copper Non-Thesis West December 1999 21 Masters Jiang, Neng Design and Modeling of a Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectrometer with Time-Of-Flight Energy Analyzer First Principle Studies of Ge Addimer on Si/Ge Surfaces Solar Neutrino Oscillations: Development of a Web Based Research Tool Fiber Coupled Confocal Microscope for in vivo Corneal Scanning Positron annihilation induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy from the GaAS (100) and Si (111) surfaces and positronelectron impact ionization cross-sections from Si (111) An AB Initio Study of Alkali-C60 Complexes Intercalibration of Photomultiplier Tube Test Benches through Precision Testing of their Internal Photodiodes Simulation Studies of a new Digitial Hadronic Caloremeter Using Gas Election Multiplier A Many Body Perturbation Theoretic Study of Chemisorption of Atomic Oxygen and Aluminum on the Ga-Rich GaAs (100) (2X1) and B (4X2) Surfaces Compartive First-Principles Study of the Adsorption of Carbon Atoms on Transition Metal Surfaces Weiss May 1999 Masters Masters Cai, Huimin Thebeau, Chris Zhang Gelb August December 2000 2000 Masters Masters Angelopoulos, Robert Starnes, Shannon Black December 2000 Weiss May 2002 Masters Masters Frick, Nathan Spurlock, Barry Ray De May August 2002 2003 Masters Habib, Shahnoor Yu August 2003 Masters Mayo, Michael Ray August 2003 Masters Hu, Tu Zhang August 2003 Masters Noble, Matthew Generation of Torsinal Tube Waves in Stellar Convention Zone Musielak May 2003 Masters Yarbrough, John Michael Das, Rupam The Study of the Electronic Structure of ZrZnz West May 2003 Quantum Gravity Musielak May 2003 Masters Nadesalingham, Manori Weiss May 2003 Masters Sudduth, Mark Study of Positron Trapping at Quantum-Dot Like Su Particles on the Surface of Fe Using Positron Annihilation Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy Second-Harmonic Generation Ionically Self-Assembled Organic Thin Films Black May 2003 Masters Sundaramoorthy, Rajalakshmi Auger-Auger Coincidence Spectroscopy Weiss May 2003 Master Kaushik, Venkatesh Yu August 2004 Masters Pradan, Prachi Performances of Novel Digital Hadron Calorimeter Using Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) and the Energy flow Algorithm Development From Nanoclusters to Nanotubes: An Ab Initio Study Ray December 2004 Masters Jaafari, Fajer White December 2004 Masters Mandapaka, Anant Study of Low Energy Supersymmetery and Gluino Gaugino Channels Non-Thesis Musielak December 2004 Masters Ahmed, Towfiq Musielak May 2004 Masters Chu, Kung-Te Transverse Wave Generation of Thin Magnetic Flux Tube of Late Type Stars The Effects of Rapid Thermal Processing on NdFeB Based Ribbons Liu May 2004 Masters Wang, Xiao A First-Principle Study on the Enchancement of Beryllium Doping in Gallium Nitride Zhang August 2005 Master Wu, Dangxin Zhang August 2005 Master Masters Dholabhai, Pratik Ganapathy, Sridevi Lalgudi An LSDA+U Study pn Bulk CuO: Electonic Structures and Native Defects On the Behavior of the 5f Electrons On a Class of ABCS Ray Ray August August 2005 2005 Masters Srinivasan, Aravind Ray December 2005 Masters Song, Kie-Moon On the Existence and Satbility of Carbon-Based Silicon Fullerenes-A Density Functional Theoretic Study A Study of Possible Metallization at Alkali Metal/GaAs(110) Interfaces Black June 2005 Masters 22 Masters Alleto, John Electron Momentum Space Densities in Magnetic Metals Kaiser June 2005 Masters Wu, Lin Black June 2005 Masters Masters Chandler, Donna Lin, PoChuan Derivation of a Wave Distribution Produced by a Probe With Small Tip Size, nd Experimental Determination of the Size Non-Thesis A Study of Alkali Atom Induced Metallization of Silicon Surface Fry Ray June June 2005 2005 Masters Perkins, Jill Probing Color-Singlet Exchange in pp Collisions at /s = 630 GeV and 1800 GeV Draper June 2005 Master Hossu, Maria Koymen May 2005 Masters Li, Daren Liu May 2006 Masters Routh Swati Thermal Behavior and Magnetic Properties of CoNi/Gd Multilayers Preparation and Characterization of Hard Magnetic Nanoparticles Conditions for Wave Propagation Along Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes Musielak May 2006 Masters Roy, Dipanjan Derivation of Generalized Lorenz Systems to Study the onset of Chaos in High Dimension Musielak May 2006 3.7.f Graduate Student Statistics The numbers of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) and graduate research assistants (GRAs) by year are given in the table immediately following, while the monthly stipends for GTAs and GRAs by program are reflected in the lower table. Number of GTAs and GRAs 2000-01 GTA GRA MS PhD MS PhD 2001-2002 Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer 8 3 0 6 10 3 1 5 6 1 5 7 9 4 3 6 11 4 4 5 7 3 7 5 14 4 3 7 9 1 5 9 6 0 5 8 2003-2004 GTA GRA MS PhD MS PhD 2002-2003 11 4 4 8 12 6 4 4 2004-2005 10 4 5 6 16 7 2 5 23 11 9 2 4 2005-2006 8 7 3 7 15 4 0 11 16 4 0 12 13 0 0 11 Average Monthly GTA and GRA Stipends Fall GTA GRA GTA GRA 2000-01 Spring Summer Fall 2001-02 Spring Summer Fall 2002-03 Spring Summer MS PhD MS PhD $1,344 $1,350 $0 $1,446 $1,313 $1,433 $1,400 $1,436 $1,350 $1,450 $1,333 $1,519 $1,375 $1,386 $1,539 $1,585 $1,366 $1,391 $1,455 $1,584 $1,337 $1,455 $1,343 $1,488 $1,466 $1,494 $1,414 $1,573 $1,443 $1,446 $1,479 $1,478 $1,473 $0 $1,449 $1,536 MS PhD MS PhD Fall $1,516 $1,514 $1,558 $1,620 Spring $1,528 $1,531 $1,558 $1,677 Summer $1.536 $1,518 $1,558 $1,637 Fall $1,611 $1,721 $1,625 $1,746 Spring $1,610 $1,720 $1,643 $1,723 Summer $1,614 $1,729 $1,622 $1,769 Fall $1,602 $1,704 $0 $1,745 Spring $1,600 $1,731 $0 $1,745 Summer $1,627 $0 $0 $1,750 Our GTAs are primarily assigned to supervise laboratories for freshman and sophomore Physics courses. We attempt to keep a cadre of experienced GTAs in each of our lower division courses to serve partially as mentors to newer GTAs. This practice tends to facilitate a smoother transition for GTAs into their new assignments. Our aim in following the stated practice is to provide well organized and smoothly presented laboratory enhancing the lab experience for students. Other GTA assignments may include lab set up, supervision, etc. for upper division labs, and, if the GTA has the requisite experience and credentials, teaching lower division lecture courses. Labs and courses taught by GTAs are required to be evaluated by students and the associate chair and Graduate Advisor examines such evaluations to determine student opinions of their student instructors. When real or potential problems are indicated, the GTA involved is counseled on his/her performance by the GA or associate chair. 4.0 THE SUPPORT STAFF Ms. Amy Osborn, Administrative Services Officer, is the departmental administrator and has extensive, wide-ranging responsibilities for all aspects of the administration of the Department. Her responsibilities are too far-reaching to list entirely here, but suffice to say that she oversees the departmental budget, interacts with faculty, staff and students both within the Physics department and in other departments on numerous regular and special assignments. She explicitly supervises an office staff consisting of Ms. Margie Jackymack, Senior Office Assistant, and Mrs. Frances Smith, Accounting Technician, as well as work study students. Ms. Jackymack works the main counter of the office, 24 interacts with students on enrollment, grade and many other issues; she also works scheduling, travel requests, and other issues with the faculty and other instructors. The Accounting Technician, Mrs. Frances Smith handles the myriad departmental accounting responsibilities, including the payments for the UT Arlington-issued credit card. Mr. Doug Coyne, Electronics Technician, is responsible for handling many aspects of our undergraduate laboratories, including setting up the labs, preparing and monitoring the GTAs responsible for the various labs, etc. He also helps with many other ancillary tasks, such as helping faculty, staff and students with their computer problems. Mr. Victor Reece is the departmental computer specialist; he is responsible for maintaining and advancing the departmental website, and certain ancillary websites, such as for conferences convened by Physics faculty. He also has responsibilities for repairing and purchasing personal computers, and assists with the functioning of the Computational Physics Cluster. Mr. Jimmy Hanhart is our Machine Shop Supervisor/Scientific Instrument Maker. He is responsible for maintaining the Physics Machine Shop at a state-of-the-art level, and for ensuring that the many fabrications of scientific instruments requested by faculty and staff in Physics and other departments on campus are completed accurately and on time. He supervises the Scientific Instrument Maker I position in these machine shop tasks. Mr. Levent Gurdemir is our Astronomy Laboratory Supervisor. He is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the introductory astronomy labs and associated equipment and software, for teaching several of the laboratory sections directly and supervising Laboratory Assistants (LAs) such that these LAs satisfactorily prepare and grade the astronomy students in their laboratory assignments, for initiatives such as setting up observational telescopes, for development of certain planetarium shows, and so forth. The Planetarium Staff is led by Mr. Bob Bonadurer, Director of the Planetarium at UT Arlington. Bob is responsible for setting the course for the Planetarium and arranging for the myriad of Planetarium activities, including near-daily Planetarium show field trips for K-12 students, public shows, private Planetarium associated functions, astronomy camps, providing occasional special shows for the UT Arlington introductory astronomy students, and so forth. Mr. Joe Eakin is the Planetarium Production coordinator, and is responsible for developing and presenting shows and many other Planetarium tasks as the needs arise. Ms. Patsy Patten is the Special Programs Coordinator. She answers the main phone line to the Planetarium, schedules special events, and performs other Planetarium tasks as the needs arise. 25 These individual staff members are outstanding at their jobs and are absolutely critical to the success and camaraderie of the department. Recently, Ms. Osborn received a richly-deserved Outstanding Employee of the Year award in January 2006, while Mr. Coyne received such an award in January 2007. 5.0 THE PROGRAM’S FACULTY 5.1 Faculty Profile The table below reflects the number of faculty since 1999. Tenured Tenure Track Non-Tenure Track Total 2001 13 3 3.2 2002 13 3.7 3.9 2003 12 4 5.1 2004 13 3 3.4 2005 14 4 4.4 19.2 20.6 21.1 19.4 22.4 The average salary by rank is indicated in the following table: Professor Associate Assistant 2001 $73,815 $58,357 $58,328 2002 $76,188 $59,940 $64,415 2003 $76,263 $52,750 $64,415 2004 $79,548 $69,903 $61,705 2005 $85,911 $74,409 $63,643 5.2 Faculty Backgrounds The Department of Physics has 19 tenured or tenure track faculty, one fulltime astronomy lecturer and three to four part-time lecturers, depending on the needs of the department. Abbreviated information about the faculty and recent teaching activities are summarized below. Faculty Position Education Research Area Black, Truman Professor Brandt, Andrew Associate Professor Electron paramagnetic resonance; ultrasonics; laser optics Experimental high-energy physics Chen, Wei Assistant Professor B.S., University of Houston, 1959; M.A., Rice University, 1962; Ph.D., 1964 B.S., College of William and Mary, 1985; M.S., University of California at Los Angeles, 1988; Ph.D., 1992. B.S., Jilin University, China, 1985; M.S., Central South University, China, 1988; Ph.D., Peking University, 1992 26 Nano-bio physics Appointment Date 1965 1999 2006 Cuntz, Manfred Associate Professor De, Kaushik Professor Fazleev, Nail Assistant Professor Fry, John Professor James Horwitz Professor and Chair Koymen, Ali Professor Liu, Ping Associate Professor Musielak, Zdzlislaw Professor Ray, Asok Professor Rubins, Roy Professor Sharma, Suresh Professor Su, Yi-Jiun Assistant Professor Weiss, Alex Professor White, Andrew Professor B.S., University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1980; M.S., 1985; Ph.D., 1988. B.A., M.A., City University of New York, 1981; Sc.M., Brown University, 1982; Ph.D., 1988. B.S., Kazan State University, 1970; M.S., 1971; Ph.D., 1978. B.S., Baylor University, 1961; M.S., 1962; Ph.D., University of California at Riverside, 1966. B.A., University of California at San Diego, 1970; M.S., 1972; Ph.D., 1976. B.S., University of Hacettepe, Turkey, 1977; M.S., University of Michigan, 1980; Ph.D., 1984. B.S., Central-South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, China, 1982; M.S., 1987; Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, 1994. B.S., A. Mickiewicz University, 1975; B.S., 1976; Ph.D., University of Gdansk, 1980. B.S., Calcutta University, 1967; B.Tech., 1969; M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1973; M.S., Texas Tech University, 1975; Ph.D., 1977. B.A., St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University, 1957; Ph.D., 1961. B.S., Agra University, India, 1965; M.S., Meerut University, India, 1967; Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1976. B.Sc., National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, 1991; M.Sc., National Central University, Taiwan, 1993; University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1998. B.S., City College of New York, 1976; Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1983. B.Sc., University of Southampton, 1969; Ph.D., Westfield College, University of London, 1972. 27 Theoretical astrophysics; observational astronomy; astrobiology. Experimental high-energy physics 2000 Theoretical condensed matter physics. 1994 Condensed matter theory; positron physics; surface physics. 1971 Space plasma physics. 2004 Surface physics; surface magnetism; positron physics. 1990 Condensed matter physics; magnetic materials; nanomaterials. 2002 Theoretical astrophysics; cosmology; chaos and nonlinear physics. 1999 Condensed matter theory; clusters; electron transport theory. 1984 Magnetic resonance; microwave absorption studies. 1969 Positron physics; high pressure physics; surface science; nano-materials. 1977 Space plasma physics. 2005 Positron physics; surface physics. 1984 Experimental high-energy physics. 1991 1993 Yu, Jaehoon Associate Professor Zhang, Qiming Associate Professor B.S., Korea University, 1983; M.A., 1985; M.A., State University of New York, New York, 1992; Ph.D., 1993. B.S., Sichuan University, 1982; M.S., Beijing University of Science and Technology, 1984; Ph.D., International School for Advanced Studies, 1989. Experimental high-energy physics. 2001 Theoretical condensed matter. 1996 5.3 Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities The research quality, diversity, depth, productivity and overall scholarly activity in the Physics department is indicated in the faculty vitae presented in Appendix 2. The many recent accomplishments of our faculty include: Winning one of only three multimillion dollar “Tier 2” grants in the entire US, for establishing a supercomputing grid farm linking several thousands of processors to support analysis of the High-Energy Physics ATLAS experiment at CERN to commence in late 2007. UT Arlington also has the Principal Investigator role for one of the detectors for the ATLAS experiment, which will involve colliding protons at 7 times the energy ever achieved in accelerator experiments before, with the promise of major fundamental physics discoveries. Winning a multi-million dollar Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) award to conduct an investigation on the “Synthesis and Processing of Nanocomposite Permanent Magnets--Approaches from the Bottom” This award supports research on nanoprocessed magnets with applications in the defense industry, medicine and other areas. Theoretical and simulation investigations which have predicted for the first time stable primarily silicon-based fullerenes, or buckyballs. Artwork illustrating the discovery was recently featured on the cover of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Recently winning a highly-coveted and prestigious five-year NSF CAREER grant to investigate the formation of auroral energetic electron bursts accelerated in kinetic Alfvén waves Most of the Physics faculty have research programs well-funded by such granting 28 agencies as NASA, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, the Office of Naval Research, DARPA, Welch Foundation, and ARP. The work of most of our faculty is also regularly nationally and internationally recognized by invitations to them to organize, chair or contribute to national or international symposia, conferences or meetings. Frequently our faculty serve as panel members of granting agencies such as NSF, Department of Energy, and NASA. Some have been invited as keynote speakers at national meetings or to present lectures in Distinguished Lecture Series at various universities. The University has several awards which recognize outstanding performance in teaching and/or research. Most of our faculty serve as frequent reviewers for archival refereed journals in their fields of expertise. The table below indicates the level of grant funding over the past five years: External Grant Funds Generated (per year) FY00 $1,104,722 6.0 FY01 $1,870,017 FY02 $1,284,447 FY03 $1,767,432 FY04 $3,198,634 FY05 $2,515,421 FY06 $3,675,954 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES 6.1 Teaching Facilities The Department of Physics regularly offers over 38 lecture sections and 57 laboratory sections in the Fall semester, and 34 lecture sections and 59 laboratory sections in the Spring semester. Summer session offerings vary, and are dependent on additional funding provided by the University. The lecture halls, rooms and laboratories used for teaching physics courses are primarily located in Science Hall. Within Science Hall, Physics has access to the following lecture halls: Lecture Halls/Rooms 100 Science Hall 101 Science Hall 103 Science Hall 105 Science Hall 125 Science Hall 129 Science Hall 205 Science Hall 315 Science Hall Capacity 198 199 101 50 65 72 40 35 In addition, there are 4 rooms dedicated to laboratory instruction for various classes in physics. 29 For our introductory astronomy courses, we have also begun hosting some lectures in the new Planetarium in the Chemistry and Physics Building (CPB), In these lectures, we use some of the spectacular Digistar-3 full dome productions to entertain and educate our introductory astronomy students on various fascinating aspects of modern astronomy such as black holes. We also use the Planetarium on certain occasions for Physics colloquia. 6.2 Research Facilities The Physics department has laboratories in both Science Hall and the Chemistry and Physics Building for support of experimental research in a range of research investigations. These include labs for support of nanomagnetics research in Science Hall, with requisite ultra sensitive magnetometer facilities such as SQUID and PPMS, as well as an X-Ray facilities and Diffraction System for analysis of solid state structures. In CPB, various labs such instruments as the High Energy Physics Detector Factory, Positron Spectrometers, a Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope, UHV Photoemission Spectometers, Raman Spectrometer with High-Pressure Diamond Anvil Cell, Thin Film Growth and Characterization facility, Scanning Electron Microscopes, diffractometers and so forth. During the 2006-2007 year, a new nano-bio laboratory will be equipped with additional instrumentation appropriate to that area. Computer simulation research is performed on a variety of platforms, including individual PCs, work stations, facilities of the University’s High Performance Computing Center and national supercomputing centers, such as the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. A 16-node Beowulf cluster for a Computational Physics Cluster was installed in Science Hall in Fall 2005, and is currently used for various simulations in condensed materials and space plasma investigations. This facility is anticipated to grow in capability and range of service with significant installations of numerous additional processors over the next few years. Some observational astronomy research is conducted at the University of Texas MacDonald Observatory in West Texas. In addition, the new Planetarium is involved with some of our faculty in Education and Public Outreach activities to develop shows to illustrate research themes and discoveries. For example, we have a current EPO grant from NASA to develop a show on possible habitable planets in the cosmos and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. 30 7.0 PROGRAM BUDGET Budget, Department of Physics, 2000-2006 Faculty Salaries GTA Faculty SalariesPart-time Classified Wages M&O Travel Total 8.0 2000-01 $1,058,526 $98,000 $23,052 2001-02 $1,022,952 $98,000 $23,052 2002-03 $1,091,777 $103,000 $23,052 2003-04 $1,179,074 $124,565 $23,052 2004-05 $1,180,295 $300,143 $23,052 2005-06 $1,413,870 $300,143 $33,552 2006-07 $1,565,158 $300,143 $24,852 $200,591 $2,853 $20,216 $5,500 $213,752 $7,124 $20,216 $5,500 $222,405 $7,124 $50,216 $5,500 $222,054 $7,124 $50,216 $5,500 $235,077 $7,124 $68,165 $5,500 $258,860 $7,124 $68,165 $5,500 $270,550 $7,124 $68,165 $5,500 1,408,738 1,390,596 $1,503,074 $1,611,585 $1,819,356 $2,087,214 $2,241,492 EVALUATION OF THE STATE OF THE PROGRAM In terms of research activity, funding profile, recognition and visibility, the Physics department is performing at an outstanding and ever-stronger level. As previously indicated and suggested by the accompanying vita in Appendix 4, the department has internationally-recognized research activities in several areas, and is diversifying into new research areas, including space physics and nano-bio physics. Also adding to the luster of the Physics department is the outstanding Planetarium at UT Arlington, which in many ways has become the “jewel” or “centerpiece” of the UT Arlington campus. The teaching evaluations for the range of courses taught, from elementary introductory courses and service courses to advanced graduate classes, indicate that most of the faculty are teaching their courses in a manner which appears to be satisfactory and appreciated by the enrolled students. Perhaps the principal concern regarding the state of the Physics department is the relatively low number of undergraduate Physics majors. The number of student credit hours generated in the lower division service courses, including astronomy courses, algebra-based and calculus-based introductory physics courses, etc., is quite substantial. However, at the present time, there are about 45 declared undergraduate Physics majors. The number of Physics graduates in any given year is typically around 56 , and it is not uncommon for the department to have only one or two graduates for commencement in a given semester. Physics majors from UT Arlington do very well in terms of admission and success in graduate school and in seeking direct, rewarding employment, whether locally in the DFW metroplex area, elsewhere in the state of Texas, or in the nation. Physics at UT Arlington is therefore both an 31 intellectually and financially rewarding discipline to study. We must do a better job of enticing science and technology oriented students into majoring in Physics at UT Arlington. One of the initiatives to promote this is discussed in the next section. As far as the graduate program is concerned, we typically have about 35 graduate students at any given time, with about 15 in the doctoral program. In Fall 2005, a relatively large class of 10 new graduate students was admitted, with all of the students have assistantships. In Fall 2006, 7 new graduate students were admitted to the program. Recent trends indicate typically 2 M.S. degrees and about 1-2 Ph.Ds in Physics per year. Given the funding and outstanding research conducted at UT Arlington Physics, the Physics Ph. D. numbers can and should be improved. One aspect which limits our ability to attract high-quality students suitable for doctoral status is the requirement that students pay tuition. Recently, arrangements have been made to largely offer tuition remission to students who are doctoral graduate research assistants. However, the UT Arlington administration is expecting the faculty PIs supporting these students to have their grants pay these tuition costs in future years for such students. We do not know precisely what effect this phased-in arrangement may have in terms of enticing faculty to support GRAs. Another indication that the department is taking the serious steps forward in terms of research accomplishment and stature would be to have one or more high-profile endowed chaired professors. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry during the past year finally filled its Welch Foundation Chair with an outstanding, highly-prominent scientist with multimillion dollar/year grant funding and a large number of supervised graduate students. The addition of this individual to that department has greatly improved the stature of the department and has no doubt proved inspirational and synergistic for the entire department’s search activities. In terms of research positioning, the Department of Physics is situated similarly to the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, and we believe that the Physics department would similarly greatly benefit by the addition of one or more endowed chair professorships. 9.0 GOALS AND FUTURE CHALLENGES The general goals of the department are to improve its national research stature toward what may loosely be referred to as “Tier 1” stature. One of the principal metrics for a comprehensive university to be designated as a Tier 1 institution is that the external expenditures must exceed $100 million dollars annually. At present, the Physics department’s annual external funding expenditures are in the range $2- 32 3 Million/year. As recently described in February 2006 in a strategic presentation to the Dean, Provost and President, our departmental target over the next decade in this funding metric is $10 Million/year of federal and state research funding expenditures. The department believes this would tend to suggest a Physics department funding profile commensurate with a Tier 1 university, even if the university itself has not attained that $100 Million/year level nominally signifying Tier 1 status for the institution as a whole. Attaining the $10 Million/year funding level would naturally be expected to be linked and correlated with corresponding increases in refereed publications, citations, general recognition for scholarly accomplishments, and plausibly proportionate increases in Ph. D. production. In order to achieve this $10 Million/year research expenditure goal by say 2016, the department seeks to increase the numbers and stature of the faculty. As stated in the strategic planning presentation, we wish to increase the number of tenure-track and tenured Physics faculty(currently 19) by seven in five years, 2011, and to be in the low thirties in ten years, 2016. These faculty numbers would be comparable to those of Physics programs to which the department aspires to approach within the decade in quality and stature. For example, one of UT Arlington Physics’ “aspirational programs” is that of the Physics department at North Carolina State University, which currently has 37 tenured or tenure-track faculty. One of the thematic research areas for accelerated development over the next several years is the nanobio physics thrust. Another initiative toward improving our research funding profile is to increase our group of research faculty. Research faculty are here regarded as non-tenure track, soft money researchers who may in principle be interested in direct involvement with student supervision and certain other aspects of regular faculty activities, and also in which having the faculty stature(even without tenure opportunities) may be helpful in attracting or retaining certain, valuable individuals. During the 2005-2006 academic year, the Physics faculty developed policies for having research faculty in the department, what their roles would be, how they would be hired, and so forth. We currently have one assistant research professor. Part of the idea behind incorporating research faculty is that they be individuals who would become principal investigators and acquire their own funding. If UT Arlington Physics can develop a nurturing, attractive environment for such researchers, it would clearly be highly beneficial for the department’s funding profile. In terms of taking the next step toward this Tier 1 stature, we believe that a critical ingredient is to establish at least one endowed chair professorship in Physics. Such an individual would have 33 important, synergistic effects on the department, not only in terms of his/her own research operation, but also in terms of inspiring and pointing directions and opportunities for other existing faculty, as well as helping to attract high-quality candidates for future open positions. Such an individual would also help to attract high-quality graduate student applicants to the program. Another related strategy that we hope to employ is to participate in the Research Superiority Talent Acquisition component of the Texas Governor’s Emerging Technology Fund (ETF). In this initiative, we would solicit groups of talented faculty from outside Texas who would pursue research which would stimulate new industries for Texas. A plausible group of faculty suitable for Physics participation might include a senior established leader with a particularly strong record in patents and interaction with industry. During 2005-2006, we interacted with and considered two candidate groups for proposing for this initiative, and although neither of those particular groups were considered to fit the ETF talent acquisition initiative enough to go forward with an ETF proposal, we hope to continue seeking a suitable candidate ETF group to propose for this initiative. Improved facilities for research are a necessary component of further development of the research productivity and funding levels. Among the targeted facilities that we believe would be very beneficial for Physics and other departments on campus is a new, high-resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Such facilities, which require appropriate staffing and maintenance, can be quite costly---a suitable TEM is likely to cost ~$1 Million. As implied from the previous section, the department seeks to significantly increase the numbers of undergraduate physics majors and annual number of Physics graduating seniors. The principal challenge is to recruit capable science and technology oriented students at the high school and early freshman and sophomore levels into Physics at UT Arlington. One project which we have initiated is to prepare a Physics “recruitment video”. Working with Audio-Visual Services, we have scripted short segments of faculty, staff, students and alumni in labs and other appropriate venues in order to portray a vibrant and appealing experience and set of opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students at UT Arlington Physics. This completed video or “infomercial” is intended to be approximately 10 minutes long, with upbeat music background and other appealing features. The finished product is intended to be placed as a streaming video on the Physics website ( for access by student and other visitors to our website from anywhere in the world. We will also make copies on DVDs and files for transport on laptops and flash memory devices such that it can be shown in 34 such settings as special invited presentations to Arlington high school physics classes, to Physics teachers and counselors, our own introductory calculus-based(technical) physics courses, and other interested audiences. We also intend to work with the Planetarium staff to prepare a brief 1-minute version for showing during the “preview” segments of many of the public Planetarium shows, ideally incorporating full dome enhancing effects using Digistar-3 script items. The department also seeks to attract more high-quality graduate students, particularly for the doctoral program. The above video being developed, in stream form on the Physics website, is intended to help attract graduate student recruits as well. Another initiative we are pursuing to assist with developing “pipelines” to attract graduate students from particular countries or institutions is to send existing graduate students on “recruiting visits” to their home countries and/or undergraduate institutions. For example, we recently supported one of our excellent graduate students from the University of Bogotá, Columbia to return to that University in August 2006 and present a series of talks designed to encourage students from University of Bogotá and other universities in Columbia to consider applying for graduate physics at UT Arlington. We are actively trying to promote similar increased linkages with universities in Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, and potentially Brazil. Finally, the Planetarium should continue to develop into one of the unique attractions of UT Arlington and the City of Arlington generally. Some of the directions in which we see the Planetarium activities progressing include greater involvement in the introductory astronomy courses, development of a solar system walk, more education and public outreach shows, supported by funding from agencies such as NASA and NSF, and increased linkage with other departments and colleges at UT Arlington in terms of possible shows and functions. 35 36