Honors Biology

Leisse: Biology 1-2
Option 1: Cell Model
You are to construct a 3-dimensional model of an animal cell OR of a plant cell. The model is
worth a maximum of 50 points. The following criteria must be met in order to receive full
 The entire cell, as well as individual organelles, must be 3-D.
 Styrofoam, refrigerated projects or Jell-O models are NOT allowed.
 You may use any other materials; however, they must be appropriate for the cell type
and the cell structures. Household items make GREAT models!
 Your cell must have the appropriate shape.
 All organelles and structures of your particular cell must be represented
 Each organelle and structure must be labeled in some way or you may supply a key
 Labels/key must be typed
 Use materials from your project on your key.
 You must have your name, date, period & type of cell (animal/plant) on your model.
 Projects are due at the beginning of class (you may turn it in before school that day).
 You are encouraged to be creative
Animal Cell:
Cell Membrane, Centrioles, Chromosomes, Cytoplasm, Cytoskeleton, Rough Endoplasmic
Reticulum, Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, Lysosomes, Mitochondria, Nuclear
Membrane, Nucleolus, Nucleus, Ribosomes, and Vacuole.
Plant Cell:
Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Chloroplasts, Chromosomes, Cytoplasm, Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum,
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, Leucoplasts, Mitochondria, Nuclear Membrane,
Nucleolus, Nucleus, Ribosomes, and Vacuole.
*** Additional structures do exist. If you include any additional structures in your project,
they will not be used for extra credit or to replace points that have been deducted! ***
Caution: Items made of food may run or lose their color/shape when immersed in other foods.
Choose your structures carefully!
Remember – your models must be 3-D, which means the organelles can not sit on the surface of
the model. Please do not use products that must be refrigerated.
Be Creative and Have FUN!!!
Due: December 10, 2013
Late projects
will be reduced
by 20% each
day it is late.
Animal Cell Checklist
Plant Cell Checklist
Name: ________________________
Period: ________
Name: ______________________
Period: ________
1 points each (3 points)
 Name
 Date
 Period
1 points each (3 points)
 Name
 Date
 Period
2 points
 Title
2 points
 Title
5 points
 Creativity _____
5 points
 Creativity
5 points
 Appropriate shape
5 points
 Appropriate shape
5 points
 Key or Labels
5 points
 Key or Labels
2 points each (30 points)
 Cell Membrane
 Centrioles
 Chromosomes
 Cytoplasm
 Cytoskeleton
 Rough ER
 Smooth ER
 Golgi Apparatus
 Lysosomes
 Mitochondria
 Nuclear Membrane ______
 Nucleolus
 Nucleus
 Ribosomes
 Vacuole
2 points each (30 points)
 Cell Membrane
 Cell Wall
 Chloroplasts
 Chromosomes
 Cytoplasm
 Rough ER
 Smooth ER
 Golgi Apparatus
 Leucoplasts
 Mitochondria
 Nuclear Membrane ______
 Nucleolus
 Nucleus
 Ribosomes
 Vacuole
Leisse: Biology 1-2
Option 2 DNA Model
Due: December 10, 2013
Assignment - Make a model of DNA. You may use any materials that are appropriate. Models
MUST use the following strand: CATGAACTTGGCCAT and you must find the
complementary strand. You may double the strand to make it longer if you want.
The model and all of its components must be 3D (items CAN NOT lie on the surface of the model). DNA
kits (or any part of one) are not accepted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me!
Please provide an appropriate key (use the materials you used in making the project)
Be Creative!!
 15 points = 15 base pairings (1 point each) must be in correct order, easily identified with a key and
paired correctly for credit.
 16 points = Sugar and phosphate groups alternating correctly on backbones and with each base
pairing. Points will be deducted for every extra sugar and/or phosphate present.
16 points = all 15 pairings have sugar and phosphate
14 points = 14 pairings have sugar and phosphate
13 points = 13 pairings have sugar and phosphate
12 points = 12 pairings have sugar and phosphate
11 points = 11 pairings have sugar and phosphate
10 points = 10 pairings have sugar and phosphate
9 points = 9 pairings have sugar and phosphate
8 points = 8 pairings have sugar and phosphate
7 points = 7 pairings have sugar and phosphate
6 points = 6 pairings have sugar and phosphate
5 points = 5 pairings have sugar and phosphate
4 points = 4 pairings have sugar and phosphate
3 points = 3 pairings have sugar and phosphate
2 points = 2 pairings have sugar and phosphate
1 point = 1 pairing has sugar and phosphate
0 points = 0 pairings have sugar and phosphate
 5 points = Correct Shape
 4 points = Name, Date, Title and Period (1 point each)
 5 points = Creativity
A Late project
will be reduced
by 20% each
day it is late.
 5 points = Key
5 points = Correct and detailed key using materials used in the project.
3 points = Correct and partially detailed.
1 point = No detail and/or incorrect information
Leisse: Biology 1-2
Option 3 Biologist Report
For this project, you are to choose a biologist (please see the website below). You must present the required
information in a newsletter, social network page (displayed on a paper/poster), a poster, an interview (video), or a
video documentary.
This project is worth 50 pts.
 You must use clear headings on the written projects.
 Neatness, correct grammar and creativity are a must this season!
Content information must be typed!!
Vital Information
 Full Name & Picture of scientist (4pts)
 Date and Place of Birth (city, state or city, country) (2pts)
 Date and Place of Death (city, state or city, country) If this person is still alive, what is his/her age, where is he/she now, and
what is he/she doing. (2pts)
 2 additional supporting pictures reflecting the scientist’s work (4pts)
 Where did he/she attend? If he/she did not attend – what is the educational background? (2pts)
 When (years) (2pts)
 What are his/her degree(s) in? (ex: Master of Science in Education from University of Illinois) (2pts)
Major contributions to biology (7pts)
 Describe the contribution(s) Why is this important?
 Dates of contributions?
 How?
 Scientists he/she worked with? Describe….
 Impact on society?
Other information
 Continuing Legacy (How does his/her work affect the world today?) (2pts)
 3 Interesting Facts: Awards, etc. (3pts)
 3 sources correctly documented (6pts)
Your information –
 Name, Date, and Period (3pts)
Grammar and Spelling (3pts)
Neatness (4pts)
Creativity (4pts)
A Late project
will be reduced
by 20% each
day it is late.
Any variations from these
guidelines will result in point
Remember, plagiarism will
result in a zero for this
Selection is on a first come first
served basis:
You may choose your scientist
beginning on November 25, 2013
Useful website: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-biologists