1- READ THE SUMMARY AND COMPLETE IT WITH THESE WORDS: 1969 HIT BOX FATHER NIECE NEPHEW DRUMS BURY BOYS SHOE BOARD GAME LATER DISAPPEARS TRAINER BIKE The film starts in 1869. Two ______________ are carrying a wooden box in a cart* and want to get rid of * it. So they decide to _______________ it in the forest. If anybody else finds it … “May God have mercy * on his soul *”, they say. A hundred years later, in ___________, in Bratford, New Hampshire, Alan Parrish is riding his ________________ to his father’s _____________ factory. Suddenly , a group of boys his age start chasing * him. He manages to get into the factory and meets Carl. He shows him a great revolution on shoes: a ________________, and he says it will be the “shoe” of the future. Then Alan’s _____________ comes. Alan wants a ride home but his father knows about his problems with the group of boys so he asks him to go _________ and face * them. He says: “If you’re afraid of something You’ve got to stand and face it” Once outside the boys are waiting for him and _____________ him. But when Alan is about to go home he hears some _____________. Nearby there is some building site and he follows the sound of drums. He starts digging * under some ground and he finds a wooden ___________. Inside, there is another box with the word JUMANJI on top. It’s a ___________________, he starts playing with Sarah, a friend, and amazingly*he __________________. 26 years ____________ Nora buys the old Parrish house to live with her ___________Judy and her ______________ Peter. One day the kids find the box in the attic and the game goes on ... 2- MATCH THE SENTENCES TO THE THINGS WHICH APPEAR OR HAPPEN EVERY TIME THEY ROLL: 1- “At night they fly, you better run. These winged * things are not much fun” 7- “A hunter from the darkest wild makes you feel just like a child” 2- “In the jungle you must wait until the dice read five or eight” 8- “Don’t be fooled, it isn’t thunder. Staying put * would be a blunder * ” 3- “A tiny bite can make you itch *, make you sneeze, make you twitch * ” 9- “Every month at the quarter moon, there’ll be a monsoon in your lagoon” 4- “This will not be an easy mission. Monkeys slow the expedition” 5- “His fangs * are sharp, he likes your taste. Your party better move posthaste* ” 6- “They grow much faster than bamboo Take care or they’ll come after you” GIANT SPIDERS 10-“Beware * the ground on which you stand the floor is quicker than the sand” 11-“Need a hand? Why you just wait we’ll help you out, we each have eight” 12-“You’re almost there with much at stake * but now the ground begins to quake * ” EARTHQUAKE* / CARNIVOROUS PLANTS / BATS / A LION / ALAN DISAPPEARS / MOSQUITOES / RAIN, FLOOD, CROCODILE A HUNTER : Mr. VAN PELT / MONKEYS / QUICKSANDS * / 3- GAME INSTRUCTIONS AND FIND THE WORDS: “JUMANJI A GAME FOR THOSE WHO SEEK TO FIND A WAY TO LEAVE THEIR WORLD BEHIND YOU ROLL THE DICE TO MOVE YOUR TOKEN. DOUBLES GETS ANOTHER TURN THE FIRST TO REACH THE END WINS” “ADVENTURERS BEWARE. DO NOT BEGIN UNLESS YOU INTEND TO FINISH. THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE GAME VANISH WHEN A PLAYER HAS REACHED JUMANJI AND CALLED OUT ITS NAME” 123456- Find a word Find a word Find a word Find a word Find a word Find a word which means “buscar” = which means “vés amb compte” = which means “arribar a” = which means “dir en veu alta” = which means “desaparèixer” = which means “fitxa” = 4- WHO ARE THEY? READ THE DESCRIPTIONS AND WRITE THE NAMES OF THE CHARACTERS: ALAN PARRISH / SAM PARRISH / CARL / SARAH AUNT NORA / JUDY / PETER / VAN PELT / 1- He used to work at the Parrish shoe factory, now he is a policeman in Bratford. 2- He is a friend of Alan’s, she started the game with him in 1969. 3- In 1995 she bought the old Parrish house. 4- She is Nora’s niece, she has a younger brother. 5- His father had a shoe shop, he found the game in 1969 and spent 26 years in the jungle in Jumanji. 6- He is a little boy. His parents died in an accident in Canada. He has an elder sister. 7- He lives in Jumanji, he is a hunter. 8- He is Alan’s father. He owns a shoe factory in Bratford. 5- MATCH THE EXPRESSIONS TO THEIR TRANSLATIONS: 1234567891011121314- What’s wrong? Get him! Get off me! Put it away! I’m back. It was awful It’s a piece of cake! Oh, my God! Damn! You go first Got you! I warned you! I feel like at home Neat! a) Maleït sigui! b) Em sento com a casa c) Et vaig avisar! d) Ja et tinc! e) Va ser horrible f) Està xupat! g) Què passa? h) Agafeu-lo! i) Tu primer j) Deixa’m anar! k) He tornat! l) Endreça’l! m) Oh, deu meu! n) Guay! 7- WHAT ARE THEY? 12345678- un psiquiatra / un joc de taula / un accident de cotxe / un insecte / idiotes / problema / una fàbrica / daus / tambors / verí / estrany A factory : Poison : A bug : A shrink: Dice: Trouble: A car crash: A board game: 9- Drums: 10- Jerks: 11- Weird : 8- ARE THESE SENTENCES TRUE OR FALSE? 1- A pelican steals the game. 2- Alan buys the game in a supermarket. 3- Alan can drive. 4- The crazy monkeys can drive and ride motorbikes. 5- Peter turns into a wolfman when he cheats. 6- A giant spider bites Judy. 7- Sarah is Peter and Judy’s mother. 8- Alan wins the game. 9- At the end of the film Alan and Sarah throw the game into a river. 10- When they finish the game they go back in time to the day they started playing in 1969. 9- GAMES VOCABULARY . MATCH THE WORDS TO THEIR TRANSLATIONS: 12345678- Roll the dice Roll doubles It’s your turn Roll ! To cheat You roll first You get another turn Move your token GLOSSARY 12345678910- a) Tornes a tirar b) Mou la fitxa c) Tires primer d) Tira els daus e) Et toca f) Fer trampa g) Treure dobles h) Tira! *: Cart = Carruatge Get rid of = desfer-se de Mercy = pietat Soul = ànima To chase = perseguir To face = plantar cara To dig = desenterrar Amazingly = sorprenentment Winged = amb ales To itch = fer picor 11- To twitch = tenir espasmes 12- Fangs = ullals 13- Posthaste = a tota pressa 14- To stay put = quedar-se quiet 15- A blunder = un error garrafal 16- Beware = Vés amb compte 17- At stake = en perill 18- To quake = tremolar 19- Earthquake = terratrèmol 20- Quicksands = sorres movedisses