minutes of last meeting - Waverley Community Association Waverley

Waverley Ratepayers Association
Executive Meeting
Minutes – February 28, 2011
Dave MacDonald
Jane Rathbun
Trish Polley
Paul Hudson
Ian Andrew
Frank Steele
Isaac Smith
Lee Moore
Sandra McKenzie
Tim Rand
Steve Saunders
Tim Rand
Dave MacDonald called the meeting to order and thanked the members attending. He stated
that this meeting was important to discuss the approval of the amendments to our HRM
Property Agreement. He pointed out that we were able to move ahead with our meeting as we
had our quota of members attending to be able to vote on items.
Jane Rathbun read the February 7, 2011 minutes. Dave MacDonald asked for any errors or
omissions. Trish Polley stated her last name is spelled “Polley”. Trish Polley moved to accept
the minutes with the correction. Ian Andrew seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Approval of Amendments – HRM Property Purchase
There was considerable discussion on the agreement from HRM. Frank Steele clearly pointed
out that WRA should negotiate with HRM on these amendments. After discussion it was agreed
by members that we would request the following changes/rewording. At this time Ian Andrew
left the meeting and gave his vote to Dave MacDonald, stating he wanted his votes to be the
same as Paul Hudson’s votes.
 Deadlines and closing date be extended
 Remove the second sentence in paragraph 13.
 Remove entire paragraph of paragraph 15.
 Paragraph 3 (A) of Buy-Back Agreement, remove the reference to “the lessor of
$40,000.00”, and change it to “the greater of $40,000.00”.
 Add a paragraph to the Buy-Back Agreement stating that the annual assessment for the
property and the property taxes will be based on the “Fair Market Value” as determined
using the “Buy-Back Value” formula established in Paragraph 3 of the Buy-Back
Paul Hudson moved that we submit these changes in our purchased agreement to HRM. Frank
Steele seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Paul Hudson will have our lawyer,
Janet Conrad, write our requests.
Tax Exemption
It was noted that the tax exemption application is due March 15, 2011.
HRM Grant
 Dave MacDonald asked how the grant application was going.
 Jane Rathbun stated that she had told members at our meeting on December 9, 2010
that an energy audit needed to be done to support the energy improvements that we
would be asking for. She waited over two months to be told that we could not get one
done. Jane felt that without the support of this document our application would appear
weak, as applications are carefully scrutinized for detailed facts. She expressed concern
that with the deadline coming up was very soon, a large amount of time that has gone by
since her initial requests and the lack of support from members she can’t see us
applying for the grant this year.
Frank Steele told members there is no reason why we should not qualify for an energy
audit. Frank will look into getting one done as soon as possible.
Paul Hudson volunteered to help with the application.
After we receive results from the energy audit, we will get estimates on the work to be
done. At least two written estimates for each job of work to be done must be submitted
with the application.
Treasurer’s Report
Isaac Smith sent his report to all members before our meeting, stating that he would not be able
to attend tonight.
 Paul Hudson told us that there would be no point in installing a metal door to the office,
as entry could easily be made from the two windows.
 The Heritage Society had asked for a railing going up the two stairs to the alter area in
the museum. It was decided that we would install a railing for safety.
 We will also install a railing on the right side of the steps entering the community hall
door. There is a low spot there, which could cause a concern if someone were to fall.
 Insurance wise, these two railing will be important.
 Paul Hudson will purchase the materials for the replacement door to the basement.
 We will also get the locks and keys changed to the building for security reasons. Double
deadbolt looks were suggested as additional locks. They cannot be opened from inside,
in case there is a break-in.
Jane Rathbun suggested again that we do not give the bursary this year until we decide on how
our funds will be spent in the future.
Waverley Amateur Athletics Association
Trish Polley presented a letter addressed to us from the WAAA. They are requesting financial
support from WRA. It was decided that we would address this at our next meeting.
NEXT MEETING: March 28, 2011 – Village Office, 7:00 pm.
Jane Rathbun - Secretary
Lee Moore - Vice Chair