Review of National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program

Review of National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program Meal Patterns and
Standards (
Nominated Members with Conflicts of Interest (posted 5/1/08)
Dr. Virginia A. Stallings - (Chair)
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): President of the Dannon Institute Board of Directors
(; accessed 5/6/08)
The Dannon Institute is a non-profit that was created and is funded by Dannon Company,
Inc. (;
accessed 5/6/08) Received an unrestricted educational and research grant from BristolMyers Squibb for The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Nutrition Center. (Circulation.
Dr. Karen Weber Cullen
Baylor College of Medicine
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Member of the Dannon Institute’s Scientific
Council (; accessed 5/6/08)
The Dannon Institute is a non-profit that was created and is funded by Dannon Company,
Inc. (;
accessed 5/6/08)
Ms. Rosemary Dederichs
Minneapolis Public Schools
Conflicts of Interest (disclosed): Served on the Gold Medal Advisory Board for General
Mills, Inc. ( CommitteeDisplay/; accessed 10/12/05)
Ms. Mary Kay Fox
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Clients of Mathematica Policy Research Inc., a
public policy research firm, include Gerber Products Company and GlaxoSmithKline
Dr. Lisa Harnack
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Received $232,493 from the Nucelar Energy
Institute (NEI) through a subcontrace with EMMES Corporation in 2005 for studying the
diet of participants of letien/zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids impacts on eye health
study. NEI is a policy organization of the nuclear energy and technology industry.
(; access 5/6/08) Served as the principal investigator of a
study titled, “Beverage Consumption of Middle School Aged Children: Health and
Assessment” that was funded by the Dairy Management Inc, an industry trade
organization. For her role, Harnack received $98, 877 from 2003 to 2006.
( ; accessed 5/7/08)
Dr. Gail G. Harrison
University of California, Los Angeles
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Member of the Dannon Institute’s Scientific
Council (; accessed 5/6/08)
The Dannon Institute is a non-profit that was created and is funded by Dannon Company,
Inc. (;
accessed 5/6/08) Procter & Gamble-funded study on estimated consumption of olestra
snacks. (J Nutr. 1997;27:8S.) Testified on behalf of P&G at the FDA’ Food Advisory
Committee meeting on olestra (11/95). Member of P&G’s Olestra Surveillance Advisory
Council (1997) (according to our database)
Dr. Helen H. Jensen
Iowa State University
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Received grant support from the USA Rice
Federation, an industry trade group, for a 2004-05 study on rice consumption levels in
United States. (; accessed 5/07/08)
2003 briefing paper on feed-grade antibiotics was funded in part by the National Pork
Foundation. (;
accessed 5/6/08) Received research support from the National Pork Board. Received
partial funding from the National Pork Producers Council for travel related to research on
economics of subtherapeutic antibiotic use. (R. Collins, CSPI, phone call: 12/5/00)
Received research support from the American Meat Institute.
(; accessed 7/16/03)
Dr. Ronald E. Kleinman
Massachusetts General Hospital
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Received research funding and consultancy fees
from industry. (Am J Clin Nutr. 2007; 85:635S-8S.) Study on optimal duration of breastfeeding funded by the Gerber Products Comapany. (Am J Clin Nutr;2003:77: 937-42.)
From Integrity in Science database: Member of the Clinical Advisory Board of the Grain
Foods Foundation. (; accessed 7/25/05)
(Resumé) Served as an expert witness for Gerber in a lawsuit on deceptive advertising
(Pers. Comm., plaintiffs’ attorney Kenneth Wexler, October 11, 2000; 96-cv-1647,
Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division) ACSH-Advisory Board, 1999; on
Nutrition Advisory Council of the American Egg Board, 1998.
(; accessed 9/12/00)
International Life Sciences Institute: conference on nutrition, obesity, and physical
activity, 1995; contributed to a brochure intended for children entitled "Variety's
Mountain" produced by the Sugar Association. (Brochure on file at CSPI) Nestle Ltd:
milk sensitivity, 1990-91; Mead Johnson, late ’80s
Dr. George P. McCabe
Purdue University
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Study in lactose intolerance symptoms funded by
Dairy Management Inc, a trade association for the dairy industry. (Am Soc Nutr.
2006;136:1107-13) (; accessed 5/7/08) Impact of calcium in
diet on hip and spine bone loss in woman study funded by the Dairy Management Inc. (J
of Clin Endo& Meta. 2005; 10: 2004-33.) Impact of dairy products on women’s weight
study funded by the National Dairy Council, an industry trade group. (A J Clin Nutr.
Study on the impact of diary on bone density in the elderly was funded by the National
Diary Council. (Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80:1066-74.) Study on calcium and body weight
supported in part by the National Dairy Council. (J Am Coll Nutr. 2000;19:754-60.)
Dr. Suzanne P. Murphy
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Conflicts of Interest (undisclosed): Received funding from the International Life
Sciences Institute for a study on sugar intake (Am. J. Clin. Nutr.2003;78:827S-33S) The
Institute is considered a lobby group funded by the food, chemical and drug companies.
accessed 5/8/08)
Dr. Yeonhwa Park
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Conflicts of Interest (disclosed): Received that 2007 International Life Science
Institute’s North America Future Leader Award, which comes with a $30,000 research
grant. (; accessed 5/7/08) The Institute is considered a
lobby group funded by the food, chemical and drug companies.
accessed 5/8/08)