Fashion Grade 10 - Connecticut Regional Vocational

Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 9
GOAL I: To demonstrate safe handling of tools and equipment in a work place environment.
1. unsafe practices effect all students
1. What basic concepts should we be aware of for a safe work room?
2. What safety concerns should the teacher address?
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Student will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
1.1 Recognize that safe practices are
 Give examples of situations and sites
required at all times and List
presenting a potential safety risks
distractions that may cause an accident.
 State reasons for of safety rules in
1.2 Describe the safe use of hand tools and
potential safety risk situation
demonstrate the correct procedure for
dealing with an injury.
o “horse play”
1.3 List the safety rules for domestic sewing
o talking to someone while
machines and equipment.
using tools or operating
1.4 Model safety mandates as directed by
o loud noises
OSHA and basic safety equipment a/o
 Discuss the need to respect hand
clothing required in the design room or
work site environment
 Report where fire alarms, fire
extinguishers, fire blanket, power
cut-off switches and evacuation
procedures are located
 Report all injuries immediately to
the instructor in charge
 State reasons for exercising caution
in coming in contact with blood of
an injured person
 Define and state purpose of OSHA
 Daily practice of safety equipment
a/o clothing essential to the design
room, ie: safety feet a/o protective
shields on industrial equipment,
safety glasses, closed toed shoes,
acceptable clothing and hair styles
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 9
GOAL II: Introduction To Sewing Tools and Equipment
1. Every Tool has a specific purpose.
2. Understanding machine part functions are essential for correct operation.
1. What tools would be used for marking darts?
2. If your machine is making a strange noise, where should you check you’re threading? And why?
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
2.1 Identify the parts of the domestic sewing machine and
 Label and describe the function of
state their functions.
each part of the sewing machine.
2.2 Operate the domestic sewing machine in a safe and
proper manor.
 Including:
o Winding the bobbin
o Threading the machine and bobbin
o Replacement of the needle, presser foot, misc.
o Use of the presser foot.
o Recognizing the proper stitch and tension
o Use of the hand wheel and the movement of the feed
o Stitch length and backstitching.
o Use of different machine stitches.
o Identify machine problems
2.3 Identify and use tools and equipment when constructing
sewing projects
Measuring tools:
Tape measure
Seam gauge
Cutting tools:
Seam Ripper, etc.
Marking Tools:
Tracing Paper
Tailor’s chalk
Fabric marking
Straight pins
Needles—hand and machine
Daily practice of operation of the
machine. Including:
o Winding the bobbin
o Threading the machine and bobbin
o Replacement of the needle, presser
foot, misc. attachments.
o Use of the presser foot.
o Recognizing the proper stitch and
o Use of the hand wheel and the
movement of the feed dogs
o Stitch length and backstitching.
o Use of different machine stitches.
o Identify machine problems
 List and demonstrate the proper use
of the following:
o Measuring tools:
Tape measure
Seam gauge
Cutting tools:
 Shears
 Pinking
 Seam Ripper, etc.
o Marking Tools:
 Tracing Paper w/wheel
 Tailor’s chalk
 Fabric marking pencils
o Straight pins
o Needles—hand and machine
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 9
 Identify and use pressing tools and equipment during
 State the difference between pressing
the construction process.
and ironing and the importance of
pressing during the construction
 Iron and ironing board
 Press cloth
 Seam roll and paper strips
 Sleeve board
 Identify the different pressing tools:
 Point press
o Iron and ironing board
 Tailor’s ham
o Press cloth
 Needle board
o Seam roll and paper strips
o Presser mitt
o Sleeve board
o Point press
o Tailor’s ham
o Needle board
o Presser mitt
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 9
GOAL III: Introduction to basic garment construction
1. Commercial patterns provide needed information and instruction for a garment construction.
1. Where would you find size measurements?
2. Where would you find the required pattern pieces for your garment view?
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
3.1 Demonstrate and practice the proper method
of taking measurements for garment construction
 Take their own body measurements with the
using this criterion make pattern selections.
assistance of another individual.
 Select an individual pattern for garment
3.2 Identify the various types of information that
may be found on a pattern envelope and how to
 Use pattern envelopes, students will
use them.
determine required supplies to complete the
3.3 Following the guide sheet; select correct
 Analyze and interpret the instruction sheet,
pattern pieces; make needed alterations, follow the
pattern pieces, and symbols.
guide sheet for garment construction.
 Identify grains, bias, and selvage in various
types of fabric.
3.4 Identify and practice using various marking
 Layout pattern based on width and nap of
methods of transferring pattern symbols to the
fabric, pattern size, and view.
 Compare their measurements with those of
the pattern and make the necessary
3.5 Recognize varies types of interfacing and their
 Transfer various markings to fabric.
 Make samples, demonstrating the application of
3.5 Identify methods of constructing and finishing
various types of interfacing.
 Demonstrate the following seam finishes.
o Pinked
o Pinked
o Edge stitched
o Edge stitched
o Pinked ad stitched
o Pinked ad stitched
o Zigzagged
o Zigzagged
 Practice permanent, temporary and decorative
3. 6 Identify and practice various hand sewn stitches
hand stitching and select appropriate fasteners
and attaching basic fasteners.
for applications
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 9
GOAL IV: Introduction to Fashion technology career options
1. Fashion careers are world wide and can take you in many different directions.
2. Basic math skills are needed in the sewing industry.
1. Can geographic location impact the career opportunities available in the fashion industry?
2. What academic elements are essential for the fashion industry?
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
4.1 Identify various career paths available within the  Outline career opportunities within the trade
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL I: To demonstrate safe handling of tools and equipment in a work place environment.
1. Unsafe practices effect all students
1. What basic concepts should we be aware of for a safe work room?
2. What safety concerns should the teacher address?
Learning Outcomes
Student will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
1.4 Recognize that safe practices are
 Give examples of situations and sites
required at all times and List
presenting a potential safety risks
distractions that may cause an accident.
 State reasons for of safety rules in
1.5 Describe the safe use of hand tools and
potential safety risk situation
demonstrate the correct procedure for
dealing with an injury.
o “horse play”
1.6 List the safety rules for domestic sewing
o talking to someone while
machines and equipment.
using tools or operating
1.5 Model safety mandates as directed by
o loud noises
OSHA and basic safety equipment a/o
 Discuss the need to respect hand
clothing required in the design room or
work site environment
 Report where fire alarms, fire
extinguishers, fire blanket, power
cut-off switches and evacuation
procedures are located
 Report all injuries immediately to
the instructor in charge
 State reasons for exercising caution
in coming in contact with blood of
an injured person
 Define and state purpose of OSHA
 Daily practice of safety equipment
a/o clothing essential to the design
room, ie: safety feet a/o protective
shields on industrial equipment,
safety glasses, closed toed shoes,
acceptable clothing and hair styles
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL II: Identify garment styles & parts and know how they can be combined in different
ways to achieve new and different fashions.
1. All articles of clothing are a combination of different parts, each with their own name.
1. Name the basic parts of a tee shirt.
2. What is the difference between a blouse and a shirt?
Learning Outcomes
Student will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
2.1 Recognize garments comprised of a
 Identify garment sections that make up
combination of garment parts.
article of clothing.
2.2 Prepare fashion design
 Explain how garment parts can be
Story boards following the steps in
combined in different ways to achieve new
developing a garment.
and different fashions
 List the steps in developing a sample
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL III: Apply the basic concepts related to clothing construction.
1. Basic construction steps relate to all sewing projects.
1. What is the first stage of apparel construction? And Why?
2. What is the basic seam allowance for a commercial pattern?
Learner Outcomes
Student will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
3.1 Identify the stages of apparel construction
and recognize basic sewing techniques
 Construct a complete garment with appropriate sewing
3.2 Create samples of various sewing techniques.
o Seam
 Construct samples of basic sewing techniques.
o Seam finishes
o Seam
o Hems, decorative details
o Seam finishes
o Closures
o Hems, decorative details
o Pressing techniques
o Closures
o Pressing techniques
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL IV: Apply the concepts of fitting standards and pattern alterations to commercial patterns.
1. Commercial patterns can be adjusted to individual measurements.
1. Why do patterns have various sizes incorporated in one pattern?
2. Are there specific areas on a pattern designated for lengthening and shortening a garment?
Learner Outcomes
Student will:
As evidenced by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
4.1 Acquire knowledge and skill in evaluating
 Recognize fitting problems
fit in a garment
 Identify figure variations and Recognize proper
4.2 Alter commercial patterns.
fit and how it affects clothing.
Accurately compute, measure, estimate, and
interpret numerical data related to pattern
 Recognize fitting problems and how to solve
alterations prior to clothing construction
Identify figure variations and Recognize
proper fit and how it affects clothing.
Accurately compute, measure, estimate, and
interpret numerical data related to pattern
alterations prior to clothing construction
Demonstrate how to make alterations on ready-towear garments
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL V: Introduction to textiles
1. There are two main categories, natural and man made fibers.
2. There are three basic grain lines for woven fabric.
3. Knit fabric is constructed with threads looped together.
1. What is the difference between natural and man made fibers?
2. What is the overall construction method for woven fabric?
3. Why is it important to layout your pattern correctly on knit fabric?
Learning Outcomes
Student will:
As evidenced by: (Oral, written, or Performance)
5.1 Recognize and use terminology associated
with textiles
5.2 Develop an understanding of how textiles
and fashion are created, and how products
evolve for consumer use
5.3 Identify sources, processing,
characteristics, and uses of natural fibers
 natural plant, animal, and synthetic
5.4 Differentiate between crosswise and
lengthwise grain, filling and warp yarns,
selvage, and true bias
5.5 Examine fabric finishes.
Define terms related to textiles
Explain fiber characteristics
Select appropriate fibers and fabrics for
specific end uses
Distinguish between natural plant, animal,
and synthetic fibers
Identify an unknown fiber sample
Identify lengthwise grain, filling and warp
yarns, selvage, and true bias
Explain fabric finish terminology
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL VI: Introduction to basic pattern making
1. The basic sloper can be used to draft any pattern.
2. Basic measurement skills are necessary for drafting patterns.
1. Name the 5 components of a basic sloper.
2. Why is it important to understand fractions in pattern making?
Learning Outcomes
Student will:
As evidence by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
 Define pattern drafting and demonstrate the
6.1 Recognize terms, tools and
ability to perform basic procedures used to
materials needed to develop flat patterns
develop flat patterns
 Identify basic block/sloper pieces
6.2 Recognize the five components of a
 List sequence of operation for procedures used
basic pattern block.(sloper)
to develop patterns
 Apply dart manipulation knowledge to transfer
6.3 Using a ¼ scale pattern; Manipulate
the basic bodice dart to six positions.
basic bodice block/sloper darts and develop  Develop the following neckline designs:
neckline design and skirt designs.
6. jewel
9 neckline designs:
7. “V”
1. jewel
8. scoop
2. “V”
9. square
3. scoop
10. “U”
4. square
5. “U”
 Develop the following skirt designs:
9 skirt designs:
3. “A” line
1. “A” line
4. Flared
2. Flared
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 10
GOAL VII: Introduction to Retail Careers
1. Fashion technology has careers other than sewing and design.
2. People with various skills and interests can work in the fashion field.
1. How can someone with a flare for photography be employed in the fashion industry?
2. If you have an eye for color, what careers could you explore, and why?
Learner Outcomes
Student will:
As evidence by:
(Oral, written, or Performance)
 Identify and describe various careers
in fashion retailing
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal I: To develop effective customer service skills.
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions: How do you deliver superior customer service? And why is it
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
1.1 Explain the importance of customer
1.2 Describe customer types.
1.3 Determine and meet and exceed
customer’s needs.
1.4 Demonstrate how to appropriately
greet customers.
1.5 Demonstrate how to handle customer
complaints with professionalism.
1.6 Identify steps to manage dissatisfied
1.7 Define quality service from a customer
1.8 Explain warranty, repair and care
instructions to customers.
1.9 Discuss internal business communicating.
1.10 Describe how the communication
process works.
1.11 Explain/ Demonstrate Verbal and Non
Verbal communication
1.12 Summarize how verbal communication
skills are used in business.
1.13 List basic communication aids and
technologies or business
Demonstration and practice of customer
service skills with customers.
Role-plays of customer service
Maintain key information on customers.
Discuss internal business
Describe how the communication
process works.
Explain/ Demonstrate Verbal and Non
Verbal communication
Summarize how verbal communication
skills are used in business.
List basic communication aids and
technologies or business.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal II: Fashion History
Big Idea (s): Clothing has played an important role in history. Understanding the
influence and evolution of fashion helps designers; manufacturers and marketers stay
current in and ever changing industry.
Essential Questions: Why is Fashion history important?
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
2.1 Identify the needs satisfied by clothing.
2.2 Discuss the early history of clothing.
2.3 Name some influential people in
fashion history.
2.4 Identify specific styles in the 20th
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Identify the needs satisfied by
Discuss the early history of clothing.
Name some influential people in
fashion history.
Identify specific styles in the 20th
Relate the importance of fashion
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal III: Pricing
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
3.1 Describe the five price levels of fashion
3.2 Identify the considerations used by
fashion makers to determine prices.
3.3 Identify how manufacturers use credit.
3.4 List some operating expenses for a
retail store.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Describe the five price levels of
fashion apparel.
Identify the considerations used by
fashion makers to determine
Identify how manufacturers use
List some operating expenses for a
retail store.
Explain the five price levels of
women’s garments.
Demonstrate the four main
considerations when establishing
the price of a fashion product.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal IV: Point of Sale
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
4.1 Describe the three basic functions of
cash registers and POS systems.
4.2 Count change correctly back to a
4.3 Utilize various methods of entering
and looking up merchandise on the
POS system.
4.4 Calculate extensions, subtotal, tax
and total on sales slips and credit
card slips.
4.5 Perform retail math calculations.
4.6 Describe safeguards that can be used
to prevent theft.
4.7 Process purchases, returns and
4.8 Detail opening and closing retail
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Observation and practice of a purchase
return and exchange on the POS
List the three basic functions of cash
registers and POS
Accurate completion and calculation
of a sales slip, credit card slip and
deposit slip.
Practice and observation of counting
back change.
Demonstrate competencies on the cash
registers and sales transactions.
Demonstrate competencies on the
opening and closing checklist.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal IV: The Fashion Business, Types of Fashion, Fashion & Economics
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
4.1 Explain the three main market
segments of the fashion industry.
4.2 Describe the primary forms of
business ownership.
4.3 Identify the key risks faced by
fashion businesses.
4.4 Explain how globalization has
affected the fashion industry.
4.5 Describe the impact of the fashion
industry on the U.S. and world
4.6 Explain the relationship between
supply and demand.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Explain the three main market
segments of the fashion industry.
Describe the primary forms of
business ownership.
Identify the key risks faced by
fashion businesses.
Explain how globalization has
affected the fashion industry.
Describe the impact of the fashion
industry on the U.S. and world
 Explain the relationship
between supply and demand.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal V: Fashion Centers, Design & Buying Centers, Global impact of Fashion
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
5.1 Describe a fashion design center.
5.2 Define a buying center.
5.3 Explain how design and buying centers
impact local economies.
5.4 Identify the most important design and
buying centers.
5.5 Explain the importance of global
sourcing in the fashion industry.
5.6 Describe how cultural influences affect
mainstream fashion.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Describe a fashion design center.
Define a buying center.
Explain how design and buying
centers impact local economies.
Identify the most important design
and buying centers.
Explain the importance of global
sourcing in the fashion industry.
Describe how cultural influences
affect mainstream fashion.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal VI: Types of Fashion and Trends
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
6.1 Identify the types of fashion
6.2 Explain the main categories of
fashion apparel.
6.3 Identify the classifications of
fashion apparel categories.
6.4 Explain the fashion cycle.
6.5 Discuss the role of fashion
6.6 Identify the different theories of
fashion movement.
6.7 Discuss the difference between
fashion trends and fads.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Identify the types of fashion
Explain the main categories of
fashion apparel.
Identify the classifications of
fashion apparel categories.
Explain the fashion cycle.
Discuss the role of fashion leaders.
Identify the different theories of
fashion movement.
Discuss the difference between
fashion trends and fads.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal VII: Fashion Promotion
Big Idea (s): Fashion Promotion is used in the fashion industry to inform, persuade, and
increase sales.
Essential Questions: How does advertising differ from public relations?
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
7.1 Explain the purposes for, and the
 Explain the purposes for, and the
levels of. Fashion Promotion.
levels of. Fashion Promotion.
7.2 Describe fashion promotion
 Describe fashion promotion
planning, follow-through,
planning, follow-through,
budgeting, and ethics.
budgeting, and ethics.
7.3 Summarize the purposes for, and
 Summarize the purposes for, and
types of, fashion advertising.
types of, fashion advertising.
7.4 Describe advertising agencies and
 Describe advertising agencies and
7.5 Summarize advertising strategy and
 Summarize advertising strategy
and media.
7.6 Explain how to develop effective
 Explain how to develop effective
print advertisements.
print advertisements.
7.7 Identify parts of print
 Identify parts of print
7.8 Define public relations and
 Define public relations and
7.9 Give examples of the fashion press.
 Give examples of the fashion
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal VIII: Visual Merchandising
Big Idea:
Essential Questions: Why do we display
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
8.1 Define Visual Merchandising
8.2 Demonstrate the concept of store
image and its relationship to visual
merchandising and display
8.3 Understand the purposes of visual
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Sell by showing and promoting
Encourage the shopper to enter the
Establish, promote, and enhance a
stores visual image
Enhance customers shopping
Introduce & explain new
Educate customers by answering
questions on the use &
accessorizing of a product or
fashion trend.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal IX: Visual Merchandising, Color & Texture
Big Idea:
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
9.1 Understand the relationship
between color and visual
merchandising and display
9.2 Analyze the common
associations with and reactions
to various colors.
9.3 Recognize the colors in the
warm and cool families.
9.4 Specify the concept of color
mixing and of value as it relates
to color
9.5 Differentiate the primary,
secondary, intermediate, and
tertiary colors.
9.6 Differentiate between a tint and
a shade.
9.7 Understand how neutral colors
are best used in a store.
9.8 Differentiate between texture
and color.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Provide an example of a current
fashion trend that supports the color
marketing groups forecast of a return
to “earth” colors.
Give examples of two diverse
reactions to the same color.
List cool colors and explain what types
of customers are most attracted to
Provide examples of: monochromatic
color scheme, contrasting colors,
intermediate colors, complementary
Explain the relationship of the terms:
value, tint, and shade.
Explain the proper relationship of
texture in a display setting, and how
texture can be balanced in a display.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal X: Visual Merchandising, Line and Composure
Big Idea:
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
Identify the three major types of
lines used in a display.
Explain the relationship between
composition and visual
Identify the differences between
symmetrical and asymmetrical
Describe how dominance can be
achieved in a visual presentation.
Use contrasting elements in a
Identify the relationship between
proportion and contrast.
Discuss the concept of rhythm as it
relates to visual presentations.
Discuss the relationship between
repetition and dominance.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Create a display using vertical lines
Describe how curved lines can be
introduced to a visual display and the
response curved lines tend to evoke.
Differentiate between symmetrical and
asymmetrical balance & explain how
each can be achieved in a visual
Describe what should be most
dominate in visual display and why?
Discuss how contrast can be achieved
in a display using texture, color and
Defend the concept of proportion and
explain why it is important to any
visual presentation.
Create a display that has rhythm.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XI: Visual Merchandising, Types of Display and Display Settings
Big Idea:
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
Identify the four major types of
Discuss promotional and
institutional displays.
Explain the five categories of
display settings.
Specify the purpose of buildup
presentations in display.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Classify display examples as one
item, line of goods, related
merchandise or variety displays.
Explain the difference between a
promotional and an institutional
display and provide examples of
Discuss when it is appropriate to
display an abundance of a single
item in a display.
Classify when a realistic display
setting should differ from a semi
realistic display setting.
Describe how a fantasy setting
might be achieved and what props
would be used to help set the stage.
Prepare an abstract display with a
dominant feature
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XII: Employability Skills
Big Idea:
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
Identify occupational interest areas
Assess personal skills needed for
career success.
Analyze employer expectations in
the business environment
Identify desired personality traits
important to business
Identify sources of career
Identify skills needed to enhance
career progress
Develop a plan to reach career
Utilize job search strategies
Complete a job application
Write a cover letter
Prepare a resume
Interview for a job.
Write a follow-up letter after job
Update portfolio for job interview
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Job search conducted.
Mock job application, cover letter and
resume written.
Practice interviewing and being
Mock interviews conducted by local
Follow up letter written.
Portfolio updated.
Written report or presentation
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XIII: History of Fashion, Textiles and Fashion
Big Idea: As a fashion marketer, it is important to be knowledgeable about fibers and
understand their characteristics in order to provide the right products to the right target
Essential Questions: Why are fabrics important to a fashion marketer?
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
13.1 Discuss the fiber properties that
 Name the fiber characteristics that
determine appropriate use and
determine the appropriate use and
quality of fabrics.
quality of fabrics.
13.2 Identify the main natural fibers.
 Define the terms fiber and yarns
13.3 Explain the importance of fiber in
 Identify the main natural fibers.
 Identify the two groups of natural
13.4 Discuss how synthetic fibers are
 Describe the different types of
13.5 Identify the two primary methods of
manufactured fibers.
making fibers into fabrics.
 Discuss the differences between
natural and manufactured fibers.
 Explain the difference between knits
and weaves.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XIV: History of Fashion, Designing Fashion
Big Idea: Successful designers of all types effectively use the elements and principles
of design as guidelines to create fashion that sells.
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
14.1 Explain the types of fashion
 Name at least two tasks of a designer.
 Identify four aspects of the role of
14.2 Identify the elements and principles
of design used to create fashion.
 Explain the role of harmony as a
14.3 Name the steps of the fashion
principle design.
design process.
 List the divisions of an apparel
14.4 Identify the steps in garment
production process.
 Define the term grading.
14.5 Compare haute-couture production
 Define the term prêt-a-porter
and prêt-a-porter production.
 Name two computer systems used in
14.6 Explain how women’s and men’s
fashion manufacturing.
apparel are sized.
 Explain why women’s sizes may be
less standard than men’s sizes.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XV: History of Fashion, Creators of fashion
Big Idea: Design houses create high fashion and custom made designs that influence
ready to wear, mass produced fashion.
Essential Questions: If I am never going to create high fashion designs why do I need to
learn about them?
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
15.1 Discuss haute-couture design
 List the basic steps for buying haute
15.2 Explain the process of buying haute
 Define the term Vendeuse.
 Discuss some task performed by the
15.3 Discuss the background of haute
 Identify the expenses involved in
15.4 Describe the prêt-a-porter and ready
making haute couture.
to wear garments.
 Describe ready to wear garments.
15.5 Identify some current ready to wear
 Describe the difference between demi
couture and prêt-a-porter.
 Prepare and present a multimedia
presentation about a fashion design
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XVI: Visual Merchandising, exterior of the store
Big Idea: The exterior of a store is what makes people want to come in.
Essential Questions: Why should it matter what the outside looks like if the inside is
warm and inviting?
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
16.1 Compare exterior items that impact
 Describe how window display and the
a store image.
store exterior convey a store’s
16.2 Identify how banners can be tied in
character and image.
with seasons and store promotional
 Comment on the concept of the
exterior sign being the stores
16.3 Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the four major
 Define a marquee and explain how it
windows used in store front design.
can be used in visual merchandising.
 Give examples of a theme and explain
how that theme could be promoted in
the media and reinforced through the
elements of the store exterior.
 Explain the differences between
awnings and marquees.
 List the four major types of exterior
windows and provide advantages and
disadvantages of each type.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 11
Goal XVII: History of Fashion, Store Interiors
Big Idea:
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
17.1 Identify focal point and describe its
 Identify the specific functions of
counters and display types.
17.2 Describe the unique characteristics
 Discuss the types of merchandise that
of island displays.
are best suited for presentation in
17.3 Describe the use of counters and
display cases.
display cases for merchandise
 Define a ledge, and what types of
displays are best suited for ledges.
17.4 Identify the differences and
 Define some advantages of enclosed
similarities between museum cases
interior display areas.
and demonstration cubes.
 Define fascia, explain how it is used
17.5 Discuss displays appropriate for
with lighting, signage, and
ledges within the store.
merchandise display.
17.6 Discuss how structural columns can  Describe how 100 percent traffic areas
be used for interior display.
should be handled.
17.7 Define the term fascia and list its
17.8 Discuss the use of T-Walls in an
interior store.
17.9 Describe 100 percent traffic areas
within the store.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal I: Current Fashion History
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
1.1 Discuss the changing consumer
1.2 Explain niche specialized marketing
1.3 Describe trends in retail formats.
1.4 Discuss the popularity and types of
nonstore retailing
1.5 Explain the current survival business
1.6 Summarize how technology is leading
to customized goods.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
Summarizing what successful,
innovative companies do about
Describe what three things
successful small niche retail
companies combine.
Explain who bears the inventory risk
of goods that are featured on TV
shopping Channels.
Describe how two way interactive
TV works.
Analyze the marketing subtleties of
different mail order catalogs;
including personalized messages,
entertainment or other ways to get
customers attention.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal II: Fashion design segment
Big Idea (s): Fashions are produced at different price levels with distinctions between each
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
2.1 Explain the price market
categories of apparel
2.2 Define designer collection
2.3 Describe how designers capitalize
on their name recognition
2.4 Summarize the designing process
for fashions
2.5 Identify the worlds fashion
centers and their specialties
2.6 Recognize some influential
fashion design names and labels
2.7 Cite US fashion associations and
Evaluate why better, moderate and
budget price market categories of
apparel fall into said categories. Analyze
their cost of materials, where they were
made, complexity of style, quality of
construction, and profit the company
can expect to make because of a well
known name, label or other attribute.
Describe what designer’s labels in RTW
fashion products indicate to retail buyers
and consumers.
Name and describe three types of
licensing besides designer licensing.
Describe the main advantage and
disadvantage to franchisees in a
franchise arrangement.
Identify the trade associations of top US
fashion designers.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal III: Fashion Products and Research
Big Idea (s): It is important to know what and how fashion products are planned.
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
3.1 Describe Fashion Products.
3.2 Explain trade associations
3.3 Explain trade publications and
fashion magazines.
3.4 Discuss aspects of product planning
3.5 Describe the methods used to do
market research.
3.6 Explain market segmentation and
target market research.
3.7 Define merchandise information
Describe the two types of
fashion products.
Explain trade associations that
represent all segments of the
fashion industry.
Describe the two characteristics
of assortment.
Identify the difference between
trade and fashion publications.
Explain two tasks involved in
product planning.
Identify the market research
method that involves a group of
possible customers.
Name one source of
demographic information.
List the kind of data obtained by
merchandise information
Explain the importance of doing
fashion market research.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal IV: Fashion distribution
Big Idea (s): Customers have a variety of choices when purchasing fashion merchandise.
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
4.1 Explain the role of the fashion buyer.
4.2 Discuss the steps in the buying process or
merchandising cycle.
4.3 Identify the types of fashion retailers.
4.4 Discuss buying motives.
4.5 Explain the steps in the personal selling
4.6 Discuss the importance of math skills in
the fashion industry.
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
 Identify three tasks performed by a
fashion buyer.
 Describe the merchandise planning
step of the buying process.
 Define Merchandise buying.
 Name the types of retailers that
distribute fashion merchandise.
 Identify types of consumer buying
 Explain the first two steps of the
selling process.
 List two reasons math skills are
essential in the fashion industry.
 Discuss ways that sales associates
build relationships with customers.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal V: Pricing
Big Idea (s): Fashion marketers must be familiar with classifications and factors that
determine the price of fashion products.
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
5.1 Describe the five price levels of fashion
5.2 Identify considerations used by fashion
makers to determine price.
5.3 Explain how manufacturers use credit.
5.4 List types of credit offered by retail
5.5 Explain computer-integrated
5.6 Describe inventory control and systems
used in retail stores.
List the levels of fashion apparel.
Name the price level of apparel
sold in discount department
Identify considerations for
Explain how textile makers use
Identify the type of credit that
stores offer that is handled by a
Describe the technology used in
List types of information
included in a bar code.
Explain the advantages of RFID
Analyze how self esteem could
help someone who sells couturepriced clothing.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal VI: Business Plan
Big Idea (s):
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
6.1 Discuss the role of small business and
entrepreneurship in the economy.
6.2 Describe the importance of planning.
6.3 Identify business plan components and
6.4 Identify and analyze business plan
sources of information.
6.5 Explain ways to find creative business
6.6 Compare advantages and disadvantages
of starting vs. taking over a business
 Dream board project: business idea.
.1 Business plan project
1. Section I-company description
2. Section II-Management Team Plan
All business plan supporting
3. Marketing Plan Section
4. Competitive Analysis Section
All business plan supporting
5. Marketing Plan
6. Operational Plan
All business plan supporting
7. Organizational Plan
8. Financial Plan
9. Growth Plan
All business plan supporting
10. Contingency Plan
11. Executive Summary
All business plan supporting
Portfolio updated.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal VII: Fashion Careers
Big Idea (s): Understanding the variety of jobs in the fashion industry will help you match
your personal traits and skills with future career
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
7.1 Identify the personal traits valued by
7.2 Indentify the personal skills valued by
7.3 Describe four areas of employment in
the fashion industry.
7.4 Discus the education options for
fashion careers.
7.5 Describe ways to gain experience in
the fashion industry prior to
Define the term trait
Indentify personal traits valued by an
Differentiate between personal trait and
Describe leadership skills.
Identify four areas of careers in the
fashion industry.
List the educational options available to
train for a fashion career.
Describe a fashion career plan for a job
including ways to gain experience.
Using the following group’s textile
developer, designer, garment producer
and store owner, create a design plan
related to this segment for hi tech
Connecticut Technical High School System
Fashion Merchandising & Entrepreneurship
Grade 12
Goal VIII: Working in Fashion
Big Idea (s): Preparation and research are key to a successful job search.
Essential Questions:
Learning Outcomes
Students will know and be able to do:
As evidenced by:
(oral, written, or performance)
8.1 Describe sources for researching fashion
8.2 Identify job sources in the fashion
8.3 Explain career networking.
8.4 Discuss the components of the job
application process.
8.5 Summarize the steps of the job search
8.6 Identify important strategies for success
on the job.
8.7 Identify the traits of successful
Job search conducted.
Mock job application, cover letter and
resume written.
Practice interviewing and being
Mock interviews conducted by local
Follow up letter written.
Portfolio updated.