TACOMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM Spring 2015 COURSE: NURS 221 Section A, Item # 0628 Caring for the Client with Chronic Problems CREDITS: 5 credits INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn Dew, RN, MSN B-C Wendy Maita, RN, MSN, MHA, CMSRN Office: Bldg. #13, Rm 342 Phone: 253-566-5225 E-mail: cdew@tacomacc.edu wmaita@tacomacc.edu Office hours: Mon 1300-1500, Wed 1400-1600 (dew) PREREQUISITES: Completion of NURS 211, NURS 212, and NURS 241 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Didactic course provides experiences for the client with chronic physical and mental disorders across the lifespan. Emphasis is on self-awareness and a respect for the dignity of the individual. Principles of the nursing process, growth and development, nutrition, cultural sensitivity, pharmacology, health teaching, caring and communication are integrated throughout. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Potter, Patricia A. & Anne G. Perry, Fundamentals of Nursing Textbook, 8th Edition, 2013 Townsend, Mary C. Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 6th Edition, FA Davis, 2011. (6th Edition acceptable) LeMone, Burke, Bauldoff, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Patient Care, 5th Ed., Pearson, 2011 Albom, Mitch, Tuesdays With Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson, Bantam Dell Pub Group, Paperback 2002 OPTIONAL TEXTBOOKS: Lange, Jean W. The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults. FA Davis, 2012 INTERNET & COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION (CAI): Canvas (internet classroom) will be utilized for course management. Students are expected to have and utilize computer Internet access for various portions of learning and evaluation. If you do not have Internet access available to you at home, you may use the access terminals in the college computer lab or library. It is the student’s individual responsibility to learn how to use the computer. TEACHING METHODS:A variety of teaching methods will be used in class including lecture, discussion and debate, directed group projects, and library or on-line research. N242 template 1 MODIFICATIONS TO SYLLABUS: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as needed after its distribution. Students will receive written notification in the form of an addendum to the syllabus. EXPECTED OUTCOMES (Program Learning Outcomes) Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: WELLNESS-ILLNESS CONTINUUM 1. Validate wellness-illness in the acute/chronically ill Complex II client. (1) NURSING PROCESS 2. Validate the Nursing Process for the acute/chronically ill Complex II client. (1,) 3. Explain and illustrate the evaluation step of the nursing process. (1) CARING: 4. Plan caring behaviors in relation to the acute/chronically ill Complex II client. (4) 5. Validate how self care behaviors promote learner success. (4) 6. Plan caring behaviors in relationship to peers, faculty and facility staff. (4) MEMBER WITHIN A DISCIPLINE 7. Critique attributes of professional practice. (3) 8. Demonstrate civility in the learning environment: follow directions consistently and accurately; demonstrate receptiveness to questions, suggestions and feedback; demonstrate punctuality and satisfactory attendance; demonstrate honesty, integrity and accountability for all actions; demonstrate respectful positive team behavior. (3) 9. Validate the professional and ethical competencies of a nurse. (3) 10. Validate the methods for personal growth within the profession of nursing. (3) MANAGER OF CARE 11. Critique the use of clear and effective communication skills. (2, 4) 12. Validate the AND role in a variety of health care settings in relation to accountability, delegation and collaboration. (2) 13. Plan for use of the tools to facilitate removal of barriers to providing care to a diverse population. (1) PROVIDER OF CARE 14. Identify and illustrate core nursing knowledge to care for the acute/chronically ill Complex II client: define the assessment and technical skills required; describe the interventions required to maintain or improve health status of the well client (diagnostic, educational, therapeutic). (1) 15. Identify safe, quality evidenced based care for the acute/chronically ill Complex II client: demonstrate effective time management and prioritization; follow through on all assigned tasks and responsibilities; protect client rights and confidentiality. (1, 3) 16. Plan safe effective nursing care for the acute/chronically ill Complex II client utilizing tools for implementation of nursing practice in the following diagnostic categories: elimination, hygiene, N242 template 2 safety, food/fluid, activity/rest, teaching/learning, circulation, respiration, social interaction, pain/comfort, neurosensory, ego integrity, spirituality, sexuality. (1,3) TEACHING-LEARNING CONTINUUM 17. Demonstrate critical thinking skills in the care of the acute/chronically ill complex II client: organize data thoroughly; determine focus of problem and decide potential goals using a structured process; predict strategies to solve a new problem; appraise multiple solutions and accurately weigh their consequences. (1) 18. Critique evidence based practice in context of nursing theory. (1) Program Learning Outcomes: Upon Successful completion of the Associates in Applied Sciences in Nursing Degree, students will: Degree Learning Outcomes 1. Use critical thinking skills to apply the nursing process in caring for patients and their families by identifying, developing, implementing evaluating and documenting plan of care, utilizing appropriate technology. CRT, COM, LWC, IIT, 2. Demonstrate the ability to function effectively in a collaborative multicultural environment utilizing effective interpersonal communications both written and verbal COK, LWC, COM 3. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct in providing safe patient care, specifically: RES, COM, LWC, COK Follows directions consistently and accurately Follows through on all assigned tasks and responsibilities Demonstrates receptiveness to questions, suggestions and feedback Demonstrates punctuality, satisfactory attendance, effective time management and prioritization Demonstrates honesty, integrity, and accountability for all actions Demonstrates respectful positive team behavior Protects client rights and confidentiality 4. Applies principles of caring and effective communication in the academic and clinical settings N242 template 3 RES, COM, LWC Degree Learning Outcomes Introductory Statement: TCC has a responsibility to the larger community to guide its students toward becoming thoughtful, skilled, contributing citizens. To that end, we have developed outcomes (listed below) that we expect every degree recipient to meet. Yet much of what we hope students learn is not easily measurable, nor is it necessarily completed when they acquire a degree here. Intellectual curiosity and creativity, appreciation for a broad education, respect for self and others, a strong ethical conscience, resourcefulness in the face of change - these are qualities that may take time to develop, and may be attained beyond TCC in communities, workplaces, and other institutions of higher learning. We take seriously our role in nurturing these qualities while students are here and we try to cultivate in our graduates an awareness that the degree they earn here is not the end of their learning, but a beginning. Upon completing a degree at Tacoma Community College, students will be able to: Degree Learning Outcomes Core of Knowledge (COK): Demonstrate a basic knowledge of each of the distribution areas (Written Communication, Humanities, Quantitative Skills, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences; or, as applicable, specific professional/technical programs), integrate knowledge across disciplines, and apply this knowledge to academic, occupational, civic and personal endeavors. Communication (COM): Listen, speak, read, and write effectively and use nonverbal and technological means to make connections between self and others. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving (CRT): Compare, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas, and use sound thinking skills to solve problems. Information & Information Technology (IIT): Locate, evaluate, retrieve, and ethically use relevant and current information of appropriate authority for both academic and personal applications. Living & Working Cooperatively/Valuing Differences (LWC): Respectfully acknowledge diverse points of view, and draw upon the knowledge and experience of others to collaborate in a multicultural and complex world. Responsibility & Ethics (RES): Demonstrate an understanding of what constitutes responsible and ethical behavior toward individuals, the community, and the environment. N242 template 4 GRADING AND EVALUATION The following methods will be used: Testing: Paper and computerized testing may include multiple choice, matching, problem solving, essay and short answer. ATI Content ATI resources will be assigned throughout the quarter. A separate explanation of points will be available on Canvas. Writing Project The writing project for this level of the nursing curriculum focuses on the evaluation step of the nursing process. Assignment details and deadlines will be communicated via Canvas. COURSE EVALUATION: Evaluation Method ATI Points Writing Project Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Final Total Points Points 50 50 35 35 35 25 50 280 79% must be earned on testing in order to pass the course. If the student fails to achieve the required percentage on testing, the final grade will reflect the average of testing grades only, not the total number of points earned in the course. (See small font section.) N242 template 5 Tacoma Community College NURSING THEORY COURSES COURSE POLICIES COURSE POLICIES Additional information on course policies related to academic dishonesty, grading, and support services are included in the Nursing Student Handbook. Nursing is a sequenced program of study. A student must successfully complete all classes at each level before promotion to the next level of course work. Therefore, to promote success in the program, a student may be awarded a passing grade in the clinical course if unsuccessful in the corresponding theory course, but will not be promoted to the next level of the program. There may be changes in assignments. Any changes in grading will be announced as an addendum to the syllabus. This may be in written, electronic or verbal form. COURSE REQUIREMENTS This course consists of theory only. The student must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in theory in order to pass the course satisfactorily. EVALUATION 1. The course grade will be determined by a point system. The criteria for grade determination will be based on the following. However, if the test score average is less than 79%, the final grade will be based on the test average only and will be less than a C (2.0) grade. No rounding up of points will be allowed. A AB+ B BC+ C D E 2. AVERAGE PERCENTAGE 95 – 100% 92 – 94% 90 – 91% 87 – 89% 85 – 86% 82 – 84% 79 – 81% 74 – 78% 73 or below GRADE = 4.0 = = 3.7 = = 3.3 = = 3.0 = = 2.7 = = 2.3 = = 2.0 = = 1.0 = = 0.0 = Failure: Course failure in nursing will necessitate cessation of student progress in the nursing program. Satisfactory completion of all courses each quarter is required to advance to the next quarter’s course. OFFICIAL WITHDRAWAL Students may officially withdraw from class(es) before the 30 th calendar day of the quarter following the procedures listed below: (See the Nursing Student Handbook for further information.) 1. Through the 10th instructional day of the quarter – complete an “add-drop” form and submit it to the Registration Center. 2. Between the 11th instructional day and the 30 th calendar day of the quarter – complete an “add-drop” form, obtain the instructor’s signature, and submit the form to the Registration Center. 3. Students may not process an “add-drop” form after the 30th calendar day of the quarter. If the student requests to withdraw from the quarter after that time, it is at the discretion of the instructor. INCOMPLETES An “I” (Incomplete) grade may be given at the discretion of the instructor when the student has completed a sufficient amount of course work but cannot complete course requirements. The student must be passing the course at the time the incomplete grade is given. A contract will be developed which contains the specific requirements to be completed, the time allowed for completion and the grade to be assigned if the contract is not completed. LATE WORK Every effort should be made to turn in assignments on time. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor if their work will be late. If you contact the instructor directly 24 hours prior to the deadline, an extension may be granted. The instructor has the option of lowering the grade for the work or giving no credit for the work. WRITTEN WORK Work should be typed, with correct spelling and correct use of the English language, and should include a list of works cited. Be sure to give credit to authors when quoting and borrowing ideas. POLICY ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY If a student is found guilty or admits to academic dishonesty, the instructor will award a failing grade on the exam, project or paper in questions, or will assign an “E” for the course. Academic dishonesty may include: Cheating: o Copying from another’s paper or allowing another to copy your paper. o Collaborating during a test or allowing another to copy your paper. o Using a text or other materials that are not authorized during an exam. o Using “crib” notes for an exam. Plagiarism: Inclusion of someone else’s work as your own in written or oral presentations. N242 template 6 Fabrication: Intentional use of made up information with the intent to deceive. Academic Misconduct: Academic misconduct is the intentional violation of college policies (e.g. tampering with grades, taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of an exam prior to the scheduled testing time). Examples include selling or giving away test answers and changing or altering a grade on a test or in a grade book. http://www.tacomacc.edu/abouttcc/policies/administrativeprocedureforacademicdishonesty/ EXAM POLICY During a test, no medical dictionary or translation device is allowed with the exception of a dictionary which may be provided by the instructor. Testing instructions will be provided verbally, in writing, or both. All students will be allowed the same amount of time and instructions, and will be held responsible for following those instructions. The instructor will determine the scoring format(s) to be utilized for that test (e.g., Scantron, blue book, Blackboard, etc.), and all students must utilize that format. Once the test has been turned in to the instructor, no further changes or additions will be allowed. Make-up Exams: Students are expected to take exams as scheduled. If absence is unavoidable, notification of the faculty is required. If faculty is not notified prior to the exam, no credit will be given. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the faculty for an appointment to take the make-up exam. It must be taken within one (1) week of the regular exam schedule. There will be no opportunity to repeat an exam in the case of a poor grade on the original. It is the student’s responsibility to address any questions specific to an exam with the course instructor. The student’s concern(s) must be in writing. A specific test and/or test item will not be addressed after 24 hours of score notification. END OF COURSE SURVEYS Students will be awarded bonus course points IF 90% of all students registered for the course have completed the End of Course Survey. This will be tracked by the primary theory instructor and the clinical Team Leader. No names will be used for identification. Total Bonus Course Points for this course will be determined by the faculty: _3__bonus points. ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS POLICY Students are expected to attend class, arrive promptly. If absence is unavoidable, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain handouts, notes, announcements, etc. Unexcused absence or habitual tardiness may result in a lower grade for participation. If you must be late to class or leave early, please enter or exit without causing a disruption. Keep in mind that students tend to have difficulty passing courses when there are multiple absences. See the Nursing Student Handbook for specifics about clinical absences. CELLULAR PHONES/PAGERS Due to the distracting nature of pagers and cellular phones, students will be required to turn these devices to a vibrate mode or entirely off during class/lab/clinical. An option is to use a voicemail message system for the pager or phone and to pick up messages between classes. Surfing the Internet during instructional time, is prohibited unless the student is working on in class work. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS All students will be required to conform at all times to the Essential Requirements for Nursing Students as listed in the Nursing Student Handbook. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS All students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific academic accommodations due to a disability, please speak with your instructor as soon as possible and the campus Access Services (566-5328). Students will be required to present formal, written documentation of the disability from an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed, arrangements will be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. Please prepare well in advance for this accommodation. Special arrangements may be required and the instructor needs time to facilitate this activity. A student must request and provide the appropriate documentation for every course, each quarter while in the nursing program. (See Nursing Student Handbook for specific procedures.) DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a student has a question or concern about a course, they should discuss this with the instructor involved. If one feels the concerns are not resolved please contact the program level team leader or Associate Dean. Appointments with these individuals can be made by the Nursing Program Senior Secretary, 253-566-5358. Information about additional steps can be obtained from the Associate Dean for Nursing. PLEASE NOTE Each student is responsible for knowing the policies relevant to grading and progression in the program as detailed in the Nursing Student Handbook. N242 template 7