Common Set –Model Schools List of Approved Software Titles for Purchase Updated 9/23/2009 Currently Supported LHRIC Services The following products are currently supported by customized service level agreements under the Instructional Services team, and require consultation and specific proposals for implementation. Please contact Instructional Services for any of the following: Achieve 3000 Waterford Early Learning Successmaker StudyDog Compass Learning EChalk School World Blackboard Ellis (including Essentials and Academic) NovaNet Explorelearning Gizmos – Student Subscriptions (state pricing available for student subscriptions) Performance Pathways Atlas Rubicon Curriculum Mapping Tool Safari Montage Approved Software Criteria: Titles have been reviewed in connection with LHRIC sessions; Titles connected to professional development projects or LHRIC services in districts; Titles currently in use in multiple districts. Acrobat Photoshop GoLive Illustrator InDesign Pagemaker Creative Suite 2 (CS2) Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Premiere Accelerated Reader STAR Reading Accelerated Math Ilife Logic Express Final Cut Suite AutoCad LT Inventor Academy of Reading Stop Motion Kid Pix Amazing Writing Machine Print Shop Choices Compass Learning (Comprehensive Courseware) The Cruncher AutoCad Write Out Loud Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Science Imagination Express Series Wizard Test Maker Gizmos – Teacher Version/Individual Accounts (Student subscription pricing available on state contract) WAIS III, WMS III, WIAT II Golden Book Encyclopedia Hyperfolio UltraKeys Inspiration Kidspiration Jumpstart Series Geometer’s Sketchpad Trail Series: Oregon, Africa, etc. Student Writing Center Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Cornerstone Language Arts Dreamweaver Flash Fireworks Shockwave Studio SmartMusic Mathcad Boardmaker Math Keys Series Storybook Weaver Front Page 2000 Microsoft Access Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Adobe Advantage Learning Systems Advantage Learning Systems Advantage Learning Systems Apple Apple Apple Auto Desk Auto Desk Autoskill Boinx Broderbund Broderbund Broderbund CareerWare Compass Learning Davidson DeskCad Don Johnston, Inc. Dorling Kindersley Edmark Eduware Explorelearning Harcourt Hartley Hyperfolio Image Media Inspiration Software Inc. Inspiration Software Inc. Knowledge Adventure Key Curriculum Press Learning Company Learning Company Learning Company Learning Company Macromedia Macromedia Macromedia Macromedia Make Music Math Soft Mayer Johnson Inc. MECC MECC Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Powerpoint Encarta Microsoft Publisher NCS Learn (Comprehensive Courseware) Pasco Products Band in a Box EMedia Piano/Keyboard Method Title Destination Math Edmark Math and Science Series Hyperstudio Wiggleworks Level A,B,C Cornerstone Hot Dog Stand Type to Learn 3.0 Tenth Planet Literacy Series Tenth Planet Math Series EasyBook Deluxe Camtasia Studio Table Top Table Top Jr. Tesselation Exploration Graph Master Timeliner Mpower Fizz and Martina’s Math Class The Graph Club Graph Master Math Mysteries Prime Time Math Series Community Construction Kit Neighborhood Map Machine Choices, Choices Decisions, Decisions Inspirer Series Lectora Publisher Datalogger Kits/Software World Book Encyclopedia TInkerplots Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft NCS Learn Pasco PG Music Inc. eMedia Publisher Riverdeep Riverdeep Roger Wagner Scholastic Skills Bank Sunburst Sunburst Sunburst Sunburst Sunbusrt TechSmith TERC TERC Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Tom Snyder Trivantis Corporation Vernier World Book Key Curriculum Press If a title does not appear on this list, please contact LHRIC Instructional Technology ( and for approval process.