TISPAN07(10) PE Plan - Docbox

187 020 CR CRNum
 rev
Current version:
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 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID);
Coordinated ESO response to Phase 1 of EU Mandate M436
Source to WG:  Peter Eisenegger ANEC Consumer Expert
Source to TB: 
Work Item Ref:  DTR-07044
Date:  09/12/2010
 F
Release: 
Use one of the following categories:
Use one of the following releases:
F (correction)
(Release 1)
A (corresponds to a correction in an earlier release)
(Release 2)
B (addition of feature),
Rel-3 (Release 3)
C (functional modification of feature)
D (editorial modification)
Note: Detailed explanations of the above categories
can be found in TISPAN Working Methods.
Reason for change:  The draft v009 plan, provided in pdf format, corresponds to the set of standards that
ANEC has commented on in the text sections of the report.
The change requests already provided by ANEC in representing European
consumer and public interests require signifficant upgrading to the standards gaps
statements and hence the plan to produce them.
Summary of change:  Add in suitable activities for all the standrads gaps that were missing from v009
Consequences if
not approved:
 Rejection of the report as being adequate to address consumer concerns and
hence failing to address the RFID standards mandate phase 1 in full as there would
be major omissions.
Clauses affected:
 Project plan
Other specs
Other comments:
Other 3GPP
O&M Deliverables
How to create CRs using this form:
Below is a brief summary about how to create CRs
1) Fill out the above form. The symbols above marked  contain pop-up help information about the field that they are
closest to.
2) Obtain the latest version for the release of the deliverable to which the change is proposed. Use the MS Word "revision
marks" feature (also known as "track changes") when making the changes. All TISPAN deliverables can be downloaded
from the docbox FTP server.
3) With "track changes" disabled, paste the entire CR form (use CTRL-A to select it) into the deliverable just in front of the
clause containing the first piece of changed text. Delete those parts of the deliverable which are not relevant to the change
1 Standards to provide greater consumer awareness 150 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 27/10/11
2 EN for the common European Emblem 150 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 27/10/11
3 EN for signage 150 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 27/10/11
‘n’ Consumer information requirements formulated including information content requirements, and availability and
acessibility requirements. The consumer information requirements to be include in the EN on RFID applications and
systems Operations and Management. The duration and logical relationship to other activities - to be decided
4 Standards in the Privacy Domain 400 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 11/10/12
5 Privacy by design 400 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 11/10/12
6 EN to specify privacy by design methodology 400 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 11/10/12
7 Annex to EN as checklist (ICS like format) 25 days Fri 07/09/12 Thu 11/10/12
8 RFID specific annex of PbD method 50 days Fri 03/08/12 Thu 11/10/12
‘o’ EN for Tag privacy performance specification. The duration and logical relationship to other activities - to be decided
‘p’ EN for Interrogator privacy performance specification. The duration and logical relationship to other activities - to be
‘q’ EN for RFID Air Interface (radio protocol) privacy performance specification. The duration and logical relationship to other
activities - to be decided
9 Consent standardisation 200 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 05/01/12
10 EN to specify operational and management performance requirements for RFID applications ( nb including
consumer information requirements of activity ‘n’)
12 PIA Standards 600 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 18/07/13
13 EN for the PIA Process 500 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 28/02/13
14 Method, conformance and application guidance 100 days Fri 01/03/13 Thu 18/07/13
15 RFID Specific PIA extension 100 days Fri 12/10/12 Thu 28/02/13
16 RFID Specific Method, conformance and application guidance 20 days Fri 21/06/13 Thu 18/07/13
17 Standards in the security domain 400 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 11/10/12
18 Design for assurance 400 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 11/10/12
19 EN to specify design for assurance methodology 400 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 11/10/12
20 RFID specific annex to assurance method 75 days Fri 29/06/12 Thu 11/10/12
21 Penetration testing 200 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 05/01/12
22 Penetration test framework 200 days Fri 01/04/11 Thu 05/01/12
23 RFID specific pen-testing within framework 25 days Fri 02/12/11 Thu 05/01/12 CEN TC225