Osmosis Lab – for 1st day of lab intro

Biology – Formal Lab Report Specifics: Observing Osmosis Lab
To complete this lab experiment and the formal lab report, use the attached handout Observing
Osmosis as well as your Lab Report Formal guideline. To cite the handout, all information is
given at the end of the handout. To write the purpose of the lab, use the “Problem” on page 85
(1st page of the handout). Once you determine the purpose, use it to then write your claim.
Requirements and Due dates: To help you manage your time, your syllabus has your regular
homework as well as nightly homework specific to the pre-lab. Be sure you check the syllabus
NIGHTLY to make sure that you are keeping up with the lab work and submitting work as
required. However, there are no specific nightly requirements to complete the final Formal Lab
Report. If you need help managing your time for this part, please let me know. Plan your time
(with other homework, games, practices, etc.) so you are not cramming the night before it is due!
Your full pre-lab is due at the beginning of class on the day you begin the lab:
Blue – 11/3
Green – 10/28
This must be typed and include the following sections as noted on the lab format handout:
 Cover Page
 Introduction (completed – 1.5 spacing) (see lab format handout for specifics)
 Materials (two columns – single spaced, do not use numbers or bullets)
 Procedures (numbered steps in YOUR OWN WORDS – no first person, start with verbs)
 Results/Evidence
o With subheadings for Observations and Data
o Include the 3 tables from the handout (use your table making skills from a
previous lab).
o There will be a graph in your final formal lab, but you do not need to have a blank
graph in your pre-lab.
o Include the equation needed to calculate the percent mass change.
 Additional Questions
o Type all 15 questions (5 pre-lab Qs on page 85 and 10 Qs on pages 89-90).
o Type answers for the 5 pre-lab questions.
o The last 10 questions will need to be answered in your final formal lab report.
 Conclusion/Reasoning –include this heading, but no information under the heading.
 References – Use APA citation (discussed in class and on my Teacher Page) for:
o Lab handout
o Textbook
o Outside source (NOT an encyclopedia)
Final Lab Report Due at the beginning of class on:
Blue – 11/13
Green – 11/12
This should include any revisions to the pre-lab that are needed as well as completed sections for
the Results/Evidence, Additional Questions, Conclusion/Reasoning and any additional
Updated 10/15/15