ST. JOHN’S WORD ST. JOHN’S UCC ORWIGSBURG - HTTP://STJOHNORWIGSBURG.ORG/ NOVEMBER 2004 St. John’s Word is published by and for the members and friends of St. John’s UCC, Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania. If ever you read this newsletter and notice an error or oversight, please notify the church office. Comments, articles, drawings and photos for inclusion in future issues may be sent to: Susan McCartney 33 Little Mt Rd New Ringgold, PA 17960 The Mission Statement of St. John’s United Church of Christ As a Christ centered congregation we strive: To reach out with unconditional love and selflessness using our God given gifts to provide a nurturing shelter for those seeking a Christian home. To provide opportunities for spiritual growth through worship, education, fellowship, prayer and Christian action through out our community and the world. November 2004 Altar Guild Kathryn Heinbaugh Head Usher Mike Nye Pastor Rev. Barbara Kershner (570) 366-3876 Communion Assignments November 28th Prepare - Barbara Skelding and Jamie Barton Element Bearers - Toni Groff and John Foster Servers- Mike Nye, Barbara Skelding, Tom Kramer, John Jones, Jamie Barton President of Consistory Tom Kramer Health Minister Kay Jones (570) 366-1333 Church Secretary Eva Cresswell Office (570)366-2255 Fax (570)-366-2274 Office Hours: Monday 8am - 3pm Thursday 8am - 3pm Friday 8am - 12 Noon Date Acolyte Altar Flowers Nursery Att. Nov. 7 Markea Weller Maggie & Bud Segl Sue Kramer Nov. 14 Ryan Foster Bonni & John Fetterolf Wendi Wheeler Nov. 21 Keith Wagner Elvena Riegel Wendi Wheeler Nov. 28 Brendan Harley Laura & Pat Kimmel Linda Rice OUTREACH MINISTRY Flu Shots Canceled As you are aware from TV, radio, newspapers, & physician's offices the USA will have a shortage of flu vaccine this autumn. The clinic at St John’s for Oct 21 was cancelled due to this reason. The CDC has taken over control of all flu vaccines in the country and will decide where it is most needed .St John’s Health Ministry is in contact with the VNA and if possible will be scheduling another clinic to give out flu shots. Please watch the weekly bulletin to see if a date becomes possible. Sponsor a Pantry Client The Pantry committee is asking for 5 members of the congregation to sponsor a family for a $20.00 Thanksgiving Dinner. If you can become one of the sponsor families please give your $20.00 check to Edna Hart, payable to the Orwigsburg Area Food Pantry before Nov.10, 2004. Schuylkill Assoc. Meeting Feedback On October 17, 2004 many members of the congregation attended the Schuylkill Association Meeting at St Paul's UCC in Mahanoy City. Geneva Butz, with Wendi Wheeler as moderator, spoke to us about becoming a welcoming church in the 'God is Still Speaking' initiative. We were reminded what the UCC stands for, and the reasons we should be proud of our denomination. The aspects of our openness and flexibility, characteristics of the UCC’s welcoming hospitality, are rooted in our history and in our commitments to Jesus Christ and they stress an attitude of acceptance of others. This reminds us that the Good News of Jesus Christ is not static---God is still speaking! And we are continually challenged to be open to God’s call. Edna Hart, Pastor Kershner, Tom Kramer, Bobbi Jo Foster, Susan McCartney & Paulette Peters attended a workshop Oct 23, 2004 in Hamburg at First UCC on this very program. Ask any one of them about it when you see them. Thank you, Edna Hart PROPERTY MINISTRY Trees and brush under power lines at the parsonage were removed. t r a t i n g A cassette and CD player donated by the Boy Scouts were connected to the church sound system for use during services and other events. Church doors are be repaired and painted in mid-October. o n We were asked to investigate getting a handicapped parking space in front of the church. Estimates for repairing the handicapped e l e v a t o r a rIf anyone has work requests, please write e b e i n g s o u g h t . A fall clean-up day is being planned, c o n c e n i n s i d e w o r k . t h e m o n t h e s h e e t s b y t h e e S u n d a y c o f f e e s c h o o l m a k e r r o o m . i n t h e l a r g Mike Nye, John Foster, Tony Rice, Keith Riegel Lift up your hearts. We lift them to God. Let us give thanks to God Most High. It is right to give God thanks and praise! “It is right to give God thanks and praise.” These words of pastor and people mark the beginning of the Communion Prayer. They are a reminder that the church gathers to offer thanks to God. November is a special time of giving thanks with three holy days focused on thankfulness. On November 28, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper remembering that Jesus took bread and cup and after giving thanks he gave them to the disciples. On Thanksgiving Eve, November 24, we will celebrate Thanksgiving as a nation and community joining with other local congregations here at St. John’s to give thanks for the harvest, for the gifts of freedom, for abundant resources and for life itself. And on November 14, we will celebrate Consecration Sunday, a day when our gratitude is expressed in our generosity and our pledge to give and live generously as disciples of Christ and members of St. John’s UCC. Thanksgiving assumes that one is thanking another, someone outside oneself. We write thank you notes to one who has given us a gift, not to ourselves after a day of shopping! Thanksgiving is not a time of patting ourselves on the back, but of raising hands in prayer and reaching out to give back. In the church we witness that it is God who has given us the gifts of life, freedom, safety, resources, talents. The church points to God as the giver of all good things. The church witnesses by saying “thank you” and by living grateful lives, imitating the God who has given in such abundance and generosity. The church also helps us to see and confess our misuse and abuse of these gifts; our tendency either to squander or to hoard, to use for our own pleasure and protection what God has freely given. The church holds up a different model –the model of Jesus Christ–who although he had great power so as to work miracles–he did not use those gifts of power to save, protect or promote himself. Jesus used his gifts to reach out to the sick, to heal and comfort and accompany those suffering in mind and body, the widows, the street people, and all those usually shut out of religious institutions. Jesus enjoyed and used the gifts and the life he had been given, recognizing that there was only a short amount of time in that life. May this month of Thanksgiving serve to remind us that all good gifts come from God . Let us give thanks to God most High with glad and generous hearts, thanks for our abilities to read, to speak, to drive, to remember, to think; thanks for all the things we take for granted, for all the things we think we deserve, for all the things we tell ourselves we have earned. Let us thank God by striving to become more like Jesus, not expecting to receive more, but willing to give our all. Peace, HEALTH MINISTRY Flu Shots Please see the note under the Outreach report regarding the cancellation of flu shots. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Buy Breast Cancer Stamps Please consider purchasing Breast Cancer stamps at 45 cents each from the US Postal Service, instead of the usual 37 cents. The difference will be huge, when funds are collected in this helpful way, and perhaps breast cancer research will be able to find a way to eliminate this disease. Medical Insurance Anyone who needs information regarding Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, Long-term Care insurance, and preventive care can call APPRISE of Schuylkill Ministries of the Dept. of the Aging at 1-800-783-7067. Anyone who would like to volunteer for this organization is more than welcome. To do so, contact Heidi Nangle, Program Coordinator at either 1-800-621-6325 or 621-7303, or email her at If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact Jonna Steinbrunn, who is a trained volunteer and counselor at 570366-2295. 8 ST. JOHN’S WORD NOVEMBER 2004 9 ST. JOHN’S WORD NOVEMBER 2004 PARISH LIFE Collectibles - $20 The church block collectable with a screenprint likeness of St John's UCC on the front and history & Mission Statement on the back is now available after church every Sunday for only $20.00. You may also contact the church office or Barb Skelding at 366-7354. The proceeds of this project will be used for our 175th Anniversary celebration to be held in 2006. We will be having many more fundraisers to assure a memorable celebration. Christmas Ornament - $15 We have received the proof for the Christmas ornament of the Gethsemane stained glass window in our Sanctuary. It is in the shape of the window and shows all it's brilliant colors. You may preorder this ornament for $15.00. Place your envelope marked 'stained glass ornament' in the offering plate. Or you may stop by the church office. Anniversary Planning Team The 175th Anniversary Group has been working on planning events and fund raisers for our celebration for many months. If you have any suggestions or would like to join this group, please notify Barb Skelding or Toni Groff. Meetings are generally the first Thursday of the month or as announced in the bulletin. We also need to collect some history for the planned display. If you have any church related pictures or articles, please share them with any of the planning group or take to the church office. The planning group now includes Marie Deibert, Toni Groff, Darline Darosh, Sue Hartman, Pastor Barbara Kershner, Donald and Lorraine Jones, Lori Moore, and Barb Skelding. There is always room for more as we plan to have at least one event every month from April through November 2006. Many hands and ideas are needed to make this celebration a memorable one. Thanksgiving Filling Sale! Please watch the weekly bulletin for details about homemade filling to be sold in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. 10 ST. JOHN’S WORD About a year ago we conducted a stewardship "awareness" program at St. John's which we called "Step Up to the Plate". The program was well received, and the pledges that members of the congregation made became the basis for the budget prepared by consistory and for the plans that the various ministries made for 2004. As 2004 has unfolded, unfortunately, our collections have fallen below the amount predicted, and we are spending more than we are taking in. We need to do better. Consecration Sunday November 14th "Step Up to the Plate", is again the title of our program of raising awareness and pledging contributions to St. John's for funding to carry out the Church's mission. We will hear from three of our members about their thoughts on St. John's and its mission. We will then have an inspirational guest sermon from Reverend Nick Pence, and again have the chance to make pledges for our contributions to St. John's for the next year. This will form an important part of our planning for programs St. John's will undertake. It is also an important opportunity for us to realize the importance of regular, programmed contribution As of the end of September the St. Jo $18,000 (17%) short of the total week expected as of last year's budget. Ex most part been held down, with most staying at or below their budgets. Th taken from our savings, which are ob It is most important that we are awa the missions we are attempting to car provide the money necessary for thes contributions. Treasurers Rep As of the end of September the to Wewas will$90,925. have another chance. a short This constitutes 17% compared with the income proj "Other income" including special co Income, Special Offerings, and such shortfall to $8,830. Regular expenses have been well currently $118,489. This is $6,751 be the year to date. Special expenses, an building expenses from our capital im have taken $9,460 from this. The final result of this is we have date of $6,166. 11 ST. JOHN’S WORD GUILD NEWS Covered Dish Din and Special Prog St. John's will be starting the Christma evening November 28th at 6 PM wit in the Fellowship Center, followed b Snyder, a well-known artist from Re beautiful picture with her art in motio and highlighted with lights and music. Chalk Talk is especially appropri plan to attend with your family and favorite covered dish. Next Guild Meeting Guild will meet Tuesday, Novemb Fellowship Center. Just a thought: As the holidays appr 'just the right gift' for that hard-to-bu perhaps a donation to his/her favorite their day and make the season even mo card could be forwarded from the chari 12 ST. JOHN’S WORD YOUTH CORNER: Camper Comments Thank you very much to the Women's Guild for their camp sponsorship for me this past summer. I was very happy to attend summer camp at Mensch Mill, and I encourage other of St. John's to try it next summer. Rachel Foster Join Us for Sunday School at 9 am Are you or your children or grandchildren a part of the “buzz” of activity? There’s always room for more. All ages are welcome! November 28 1 Sunday of Advent st Fund Raiser Continues Buckets for Baht Our mission work in Thailand continues into November this year. We are presently collecting money and have a 'fill the bucket challenge' for the Sunday school classes. The children are also encouraged to donate one used book of no more than a 2nd grade level, which will be sent to our missionary in Chiang Mai, Meria Jokinen. When Jim and I lived in Chiang Mai and volunteered with Meria, we decided that one of our projects would be to fill the library shelves with as many books provide during our time there. The shel 1999. Now they are certainly more full children eager to read and learn on a da become worn with time. The 'buckets for baht' program that promoted at St. John's will provide mo Thailand, that are of course written in t is the money system in Thailand, and o approximately 42 baht. Our English bo and the children will enjoy seeing the p someone visits and reads the English to translator translates into Thai. They tho library, so any donation toward the pur Thailand is greatly appreciated. We strongly encourage the young p 'earn' their money to be donated by hel and grandparents. Then when they exp donating their earnings to our mission w children, we ALL win!!!Many thanks f cooperation. Susan and Jim McC Every Sunday is a celebration!! Come these exciting ways as we celebrate the us. November 7 All Saints Day observe Offering of Gifts and Pr (Food Pantry Collection, Prayer with e November 14 Consecration Sunday Guest Steward, Rev. Ni from St. Paul’s Summ November 21 Christ the King Sund Fall conference Me Immanuel, Shillingto November 24 Thanksgiving Eve 13 ST. JOHN’S WORD Recent Even at St. John’s Community Service Baptism AT ST. JOHN’S 7: 30 PM October 17 - Jared Juni December 5 Cantata Christmas parents are Becky & Jar “Night of Wonder,” Directed by Judy Miller Birth October 22 - Emma Gr parents are Sharon & I New Members Rec October 10 - Hope & Mark Br Weddings October 2 - Richelle Cass & October 9 - Kelli Moore & Ch MEMBERSHIP NEWS: Thank you St. John's I wish to thank all of you who remem birthday. It was great to hear from y cards. I was especially happy to hea David Seymour. 14 ST. JOHN’S WORD Sincerely, Laura A. Kauffman 15 ST. JOHN’S WORD 16 ST. JOHN’S WORD ALSPACH, Emma 366-2999 1000 Manor Rd Orwigsburg, PA 17961-1303 KAUFFMAN, Laura (610) 374-0300 Country Meadows Of Wyomissing 1800 Tulpehocken Rd Reading, PA 19610-1240 366-0763 218 S. Warren St. Orwigsburg, PA 17961-2118 MILLER, Leroy 621-7200 160 Red Horse Rd Room 107 Luther Ridge Pottsville, PA 17901-4216 BARTHOLOMEW, Emma (610) 927-8686 9 Reading Dr. #I-011 Wernersville, PA 19565-2026 BINDLEY, Flossy (Mrs. Florence) 366-0870 36 Applewood Circle Orwigsburg, PA 17961-2329 DAROSH, Ady 366-0245 226 Grove St Orwigsburg, PA 17961-1902 DIBENEDETTE, Thelma 17 ST. JOHN’S WORD SHUTTLESWORTH, Catherine (Kay) 385-0331 Rest Haven Unit 3A-Rm 313 401 U University Dr Sch. Haven, PA 17972-2212 SMITH, Janet (717) 600-1347 63 Morningside Drive York, PA 17402-2617 SMITH, Polly (Mrs. Annetta) 366-2084 300 Second Mt Road Orwigsburg, PA 17961-9007 SMITH, Dolly 366-0635 930 Elizabeth Drive Orwigsburg, PA 17961-1506 WEBBER, Russell 366-2446 129 S Warren St Apt B Orwigsburg, PA 17961-2115 WILDERMUTH, Evelyn 345-4075 11 High St. School Yard Square Pine Grove, PA 17963-1007 18 ST. JOHN’S WORD 19 ST. JOHN’S WORD 20 ST. JOHN’S WORD 21 ST. JOHN’S WORD Poinsettias are being sold from now until December 1st for $10 each. A special poinsettia bulletin will be published with a list of acknowledgments. The flowers will be used to adorn the altar during the Christmas season and then you may take your plant home after the service on January 2nd. The small profit from this sale goes into the “flower fund” which is used to buy additional decorations. 2004 Poinsettia Order Form 22 ST. JOHN’S WORD NOVEMBER 2004 ORDER DEADLINE - Wednesday - December 1st COST - $10.00 EACH Please use a separate order form for each poinsettia ordered ........................................................................................................................................................................ The following acknowledgment will be printed: "Presented by in honor of OR in memory of Payment @ $10 each must be enclosed with your order make checks payable to St. John’s UCC. Drop your order form in a collection box (located on the coffee table at church beginning November 7th) or mail to: St. John's UCC - P.O. Box 216 -Orwigsburg, PA. 17961