Horticulture Frameworks Based Lesson Plan Plant Identification/Frameworks Reference 2.E.08 Unit: Plant Identification Title: Evergreen Trees Skill(s): Identify evergreen tree form and habit characteristics. Identify evergreen tree needle/scale foliage characteristics. Describe cultural environments that plants will tolerate/thrive in. Identify evergreen trees. Tasks: Successfully identify Canadian Hemlock and their characteristics. Successfully identify Norway Spruce and their characteristics. Successfully identify White Spruce and their characteristics. Successfully identify American Arborvitae and their characteristics. __________________________________________________________ Performance objective: The student will: 1. Classify if the leaves are deciduous or coniferous/evergreen. 2. Classify if the foliage is needles or scales. 3. Identify the tree genus and species. Tools, supplies and reference materials: 1. CCHS Horticulture Plant Id Workbook 2. Powerpoint – Hemlock, Norway Spruce, White Spruce, American Arborvitae. 3. Plant samples – Leaves, buds, flowers, etc 4. Wikispace (www.instructor-pronovost.wikispaces.com) and online quiz Methods of teaching: 1. Thursday – 30 to 45 minute in class lecture with powerpoint slideshow of each species. 2. Friday 2 hour site visit to observe each tree species in person, most commonly at Mount Holyoke College campus/arboretum. Estimated time: 45 minutes – Thursday 2 hours – Friday Number of students: 13 13 Task analysis: (The student will) Optional listing of student activities in categories. 1. Complete pages 69, 59, 61, 67 in the students plant ID workbook. 2. Observe, smell and touch key features for each plant sample in person. 3. Complete the weekly plant quiz mainly including these four plant samples. 3/7/2016 Horticulture Frameworks Based Lesson Plan Plant Identification/Frameworks Reference 2.E.08 Evaluation: Each student will be evaluated on: 1. The completeness of the information in the plant ID workbook pages. 2. The completeness and thoughtfulness of the two plant sketches in the plant ID workbook pages. 3. The weekly plant quiz the following Thursday, identifying key features of these four deciduous trees. Also, the ability to correctly identify each tree genus and species based on the information or images given. 4. Honors level students will be evaluated on their ability to supply the scientific nomenclature for each plant genus and species as well. Standard level students will receive bonus points for supplying scientific nomenclature for the genus and species. Performance Notes Along with correctly identifying each plant sample, the student shall also demonstrate their ability to critically describe leaf characteristics and composition, tree form and habits, bark textures, flower and fruit characteristics, and other pertinent identifying features. Vocational Frameworks References 2.E.09 Identify Evergreen Trees Frameworks References: English Read, comprehend, and follow instructions. Identify and use knowledge of common graphic features. Read technical manuals, guides, resource books and technical literature to gain information and solve problems. Common Core References: 1. Read and listen critically for information understanding and enjoyment 2. Set goals and achieve them by organizing time, workspace, and resources effectively 3. Work both independently and in groups 4. Apply critical thinking skills to interpret information and solve problems. 5. Use computers and other technologies to obtain, organize and communicate information and to solve problems SCANS references: Three Foundation Skills: 1. Basic skills--reading, writing, mathematics, speaking, and listening. 2. Thinking Skills--thinking creatively, making decisions, solving problems, visualizing, knowing how to learn, and reasoning. 3. Personal qualities--individual responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self management, and integrity 3/7/2016