Course Information for Continuing Education Program Participants Welcome The University of Guelph is excited to introduce Creative Writing at Guelph, a program of writing courses in a variety of genres and, for dedicated learners, a focused program of study resulting in a certificate. These courses, open to all, will offer practical guidance in how to generate ideas, take that spark of inspiration to the page, advance your writing skills, and explore your creativity while offering advice about publishing and bringing your work to the world. We welcome you as you join a vibrant community of writers and readers and make creative writing a part of your creative life. Creative Writing at Guelph is being delivered in partnership with the University of Guelph’s Creative Writing MFA program, School of English and Theatre Studies. Students and alumni of this prestigious and nationally regarded graduate program will be involved in course development and the teaching of these new creative writing courses. Creative Writing Courses Currently Creative Writing at Guelph will be offering ten courses on campus. These courses are available to all members of the community who are interested in exploring and developing their creative writing skills. Courses • Introduction to Creative Writing • Creative Writing through Reading • Short Story • The Novel • Creative Nonfiction • The Art of Making Plays: creating characters, developing scenes, and writing dialogue • Poetry • Children’s and Young Adult Writing • Writing Mystery • Talking the Talk: The Art of Writing Dialogue • Final Capstone Writing Project In the future we will be developing a series of online courses to complement our in-class schedule. Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Creative Writing Certificate Requirements For aspiring writers who are ready to get serious about their craft, the University of Guelph offers the Creative Writing Certificate. This focused program of study is designed to improve your writing, expose you to a variety of writing genres, and give you the chance to develop a significant writing project. The certificate will be anchored by two introductory courses, one focused on familiarizing students with writing genres, one on reading and techniques for reading as writers. The certificate will consist of six courses that meet the certificate’s requirement of 120 hours of instruction. Instructors will provide guidance, professional expertise, and feedback on student work. The final capstone project will be c. 75 pages of prose or c. 30 of poetry or a draft of a script that will grow out of work created during the program and revised in a final advanced-level, revision-focused course. You will leave the program with a portfolio of work and a significantly developed manuscript. Completing the Creative Writing Certificate There are two required or core courses • Introduction to Creative Writing • Creative Writing through Reading Students will choose four electives (two in your genre, one outside of your genre specialty) • Short Story • The Novel • Creative Nonfiction • The Art of Making Plays: Creating characters, developing scenes, and writing dialogue • Poetry • Writing Mystery • Talking the Talk: The Art of Writing Dialogue • Young Adult Writing To complete the Creative Writing Certificate students must complete a final capstone writing project. Course Schedule W15 Introduction to Creative Writing Creative Writing through Reading Talking the Talk: The Art of Writing Dialogue Poetry Creative Nonfiction Part II The Art of Making Plays Children’s and Young Adult Writing S15 F15 W15 TBA TBA Winter 2015 2 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Writing Mystery Short Story The Novel Capstone Writing Project TBA ON Demand The complete course schedule is available on our website at General Course Expectations You will receive a course outline prepared by your instructor for each individual course you take in the Creative Writing at Guelph program. The course outline will explain specifics about the content of the course, readings, assignments, grading and participation. Attendance All students are to come to class on time prepared to engage in class discussion and writing activities. It is important to attend every class. Eight weeks will go by very fast and we would like you to get the most out of your time with your instructor and fellow students. Each course will include a grade assigned to participation. We do realize that extenuating circumstances do arise, if you are going to miss a class we ask that you inform your instructor prior to the class you will miss. The instructors will include contact information in the course outline. Assignments and Writing Activities The courses in the Creative Writing at Guelph program are part of an accredited University of Guelph certificate program. Each course will have required assignments and activities which will be assigned a grade. Due dates and requirements of the assignments and activities will be communicated by the instructor and through the course outline. Clarify any deadlines, assignment requirements, submission procedures and other questions with your course instructor. In the event that you are unable to meet an established deadline discuss the situation with your instructor immediately and preferably in advanced of the assignment deadline. Your instructor may negotiate an alternate deadline with or without late penalties. Final grades will be recorded and will be sent, with any final assignments to the student. Grades are official when they are communicated by the University of Guelph via the mailing of a grade report. Winter 2015 3 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Grading All papers and assignments will be graded according to the regulations outlined in the University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar. The grading system is as follows: A+ A AB+ B BC+ 90 - 100% 85 - 89% 80 - 84% 77 - 79% 73 - 76% 70 - 72% 67 - 69% C CD+ D DF 63 - 66% 60 - 62% 57 - 59% 53 - 56% 50 - 52% 0 - 49% Students should pay particular attention to the definitions of the grade ranges: 80 - 100 (A) Excellent. An outstanding performance in which the student demonstrates a superior grasp of the subject matter, and an ability to go beyond the given material in a critical and constructive manner. The student demonstrates a high degree of creative and/or logical thinking, a superior ability to organize, analyze and to integrate ideas, and a thorough familiarity with the appropriate literature and techniques. 70 - 79 (B) Good. A more than adequate performance in which the student demonstrates a thorough grasp of the subject matter, and an ability to organize and examine the material in a critical and constructive manner. The student demonstrates a good understanding of the relevant issues and a familiarity with the appropriate literature and techniques. 60 - 69 (C) Acceptable. An adequate performance in which the student demonstrates a generally adequate grasp of the subject matter and a moderate ability to examine the material in a critical and constructive manner. The student displays an adequate understanding of the relevant issues, and a general familiarity with the appropriate literature and techniques. 50 - 59 (D) Minimally Acceptable. A barely adequate performance in which the student demonstrates a familiarity with the subject matter, but whose attempts to examine the material in a critical and constructive manner is only partially successful. The student displays some understanding of the relevant issues, and some familiarity with the appropriate literature and techniques. 0 - 49 (F) Fail. An inadequate performance.@ Winter 2015 4 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Course Materials Each course includes required readings. Readings will be distributed to students as internet links or printed readings in a course reading pack. Students will receive their reading lists and where needed course reading packs the first day of class. Textbooks Some of the Creative Writing at Guelph courses requires textbooks. Students will be responsible for purchasing any textbooks through the University of Guelph bookstores or from a book seller of your choice. All Creative Writing students are encouraged to obtain a copy of a good literary dictionary. Two good examples are: A Glossary of Literary Terms M.H. Abrams Publisher: Harcourt Brace College Publishers ISBN:015505452X The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, 4th ed. Publisher: Penguin Books, London, 1999 ISBN:9780140513639 Writing Journal All Creative Writing students are encouraged to purchase an inexpensive notebook to use in writing assignments and journaling. Library Access All Creative Writing at Guelph students will receive a University of Guelph library card on the first day of class, giving you in-person and on-line access to the University of Guelph database and collections. The library card is activated for the duration of the course. For further information about the library=s services for open learning students, visit Evaluations and Feedback Creative Writing at Guelph students will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the course design, instructional approach and course administration at the conclusion of each course. Evaluations will be administered so as to preserve students’ anonymity. Evaluation comments will be summarized and shared with the instructor, only after final grades have been submitted. Students are welcomed to provide comments directly to the Manager, Program Development at any point during the course. Winter 2015 5 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Request to Graduate – Obtaining your Creative Writing Certificate The Creative Writing Certificate will be issued to students who successfully complete and pass both core (required) courses, and four electives (two electives in your genre, one elective outside of your genre) and the final capstone project. Students achieving a cumulative average of 80% or higher will receive a Parchment with Distinction 70 – 70% will receive a Parchment with Honours 50 – 70% will receive a Parchment Once you have completed all of the courses in the Creative Writing Certificate students will send a completed “Request for Certificate” form to the Open Learning and Educational Support. The form can be downloaded from the Creative Writing website You can expect to receive your Creative Writing Certificate six to eight weeks following your request. Students can send the complete “Request for Certificate” form by: Mail: Open Learning and Educational Support Rm 160 Johnston Hall University of Guelph Guelph ON N1G 2W1 Fax: 519-767-1114 Email: Sign and scan the “Request for Certificate’ form to: Robert Cutting Transcripts Creative Writing students will be mailed a grade report for each course following the instructor’s submission of grades to the Manager Program Development. Students requiring official transcripts must request them in writing, by email, fax or mail using the transcript order form with payment. A copy of the transcript order form can be found at The fee of $12 per transcript may be paid by cheque, money order or credit card. Winter 2015 6 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Please direct transcript requests to: Open Learning and Educational Support Room 160 Johnston Hall University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Fax (519) 767-1114 Email: Bursaries available at the Open Learning and Educational Support Bursaries are awarded to individuals wishing to enroll in an Open Learning and Educational Support continuing education activities and/or in an Open Learning course or program. Virginia L. Gray Memorial Bursary The Virginia L. Gray Memorial Bursary recognizes the exemplary work of Virginia L. Gray in continuing and distance education, and her passion for making education accessible. Open Learning Bursary The Open Learning Bursary supports individuals requiring financial assistance to advance their academic and career goals through education. Bursary Application Requirements Apply to Open Learning and Educational Support by January 30 th and July 30th for the following Fall/Winter/Spring semesters of study with a letter of application outlining financial need with pertinent supporting documentation. Submit applications to: Open Learning Bursary Award Committee Open Learning and Educational Support University of Guelph Room 160 Johnston Hall Guelph ON Canada N1G 2W1 For more information visit: or contact Open Learning and Educational Support You Can Help Open Learning and Educational Support staff and friends have established and contribute annually to a bursary fund. We invite you to consider making a contribution to this fund. To donate, simple indicate the amount on your course registration form. A donation receipt will be issued for your contribution. Winter 2015 7 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information University of Guelph Academic Policies Grade Appeals In the event that a student wishes to appeal a grade, the following procedure is in place: $ The student submits the original paper and reasons for appeal in writing to the Manager, Program Development. The student is asked to specify and substantiate what grade she/he believes the work should receive. $ The Manager, Program Development returns the paper and the reasons for appeal to the original instructor. $ After review of the materials, the original instructor communicates the results of the review to the Manager, Program Development and to the student. $ If the instructor and the student come to a satisfactory agreement, the grade will be revised, or will hold, according to their resolution. $ If the instructor and the student are not able to resolve the disputed grade, the Manager, Program Development may forward the paper to a third party instructor for review. $ It should be noted that the third party review may result in a raising or lowering of the grade, or it may stay the same. In any case, the results of the third party assessment will hold. Copies of out-of-class assignments Keep paper and/or other reliable back-up copies of all out-of-class assignments: you may be asked to resubmit work at any time. Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct Academic misconduct is behaviour that erodes the basis of mutual trust on which scholarly exchanges occur, undermines the University=s exercise of its responsibility to evaluate students= academic achievement or restricts the University=s ability to accomplish its learning objectives (University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar, section 8; ). The University of Guelph is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and requires all members of the University community to be aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and to do as much as possible to prevent academic offences from occurring. Policies, procedures and penalties regarding academic misconduct apply to all participants in Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support -sponsored courses (referred to hereafter as AOpen Learners@), as they do to all University students. As an Open Learner, it is your responsibility to understand what constitutes Academic Misconduct and to abide by the University of Guelph policy on student academic misconduct, regardless of your location or program of study. Academic misconduct is broadly understood to mean offences against the academic integrity of the learning environment. Offences include, but are not limited to: Misappropriation of others= work $ Plagiarism (i.e. misrepresenting the work of other as one=s own, without Winter 2015 8 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information $ $ $ appropriate use of referencing) Copying another person=s answers to an exam question or assignment Submitting the same assignment for credit on more than one occasion without prior written permission from the instructor Unauthorized cooperation or collaboration (i.e. working on individual assignments in a group and submitting collaborative work as one=s own) Misrepresentation and Fraud Impersonation of one=s self for the purposes of writing an exam or submitting an assignment Submitting false, fraudulent or purchased assignments or medical documentation Use of unauthorized aids or assistance in the completion of exams or assignments Specific requirements for course work and evaluation will be described in your course outline, distributed at the first class meeting. It is your responsibility to understand and meet these requirements. Discuss any questions you have with your instructor in advance of completing assignments or exams. Procedure for Suspected Academic Misconduct Should an instructor in a continuing education course suspect an incident of academic misconduct, the course instructor will bring the suspected offence to the attention of the Manager, Program Development responsible for the course. The instructor and manager will investigate the offence and may interview the student, but there is no obligation to do so. If an academic misconduct offence is suspected to have been committed, the Manager, Program Development will bring the suspected offence, including all evidence and documentation to the attention of the director, Open Learning and Educational Support. In the event that an offence of academic misconduct is confirmed, the director will assess an appropriate penalty, according to the University=s guidelines and will inform the student. Should the student appeal the decision, appeals will be heard by the Senate Committee on Open Learning. For full details about Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct policies, procedures and penalties, visit the Open Learning and Educational Support website at Academic Consideration The University of Guelph, Open Learning and Educational Support will consider granting Academic Consideration for courses if there are sufficient extenuating medical, psychological, or compassionate reasons. Academic Consideration may take the form of an extended deadline, a deferred privilege, a late drop date of a course with or without failure, or permission to continue on probationary status. A deferred privilege could take the form of approval to write a missed final examination or the completion of a course requirement after the end of the semester. If you require Academic Consideration before the final day of class: Winter 2015 9 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information Contact the instructor of the course, if possible, prior to the date on which the work is due. When you find yourself unable to meet an in-course requirement because of illness or compassionate reasons, please advise your course instructor in writing by email. i.e. when you cannot attend a class where you have a presentation due If you require Academic Consideration beyond the end of the Semester Notify the Manager, Program Development immediately. Draft a personal letter/email stating your request, outlining the medical, psychological or compassionate grounds for your request. Obtain supporting documentation. Submit to Manager Program Development The Senate Committee on Open Learning will review your request and you will be notified of the outcome in writing. Accessibility The University of Guelph is committed to creating a barrier-free environment. Providing services for students is a shared responsibility among students, faculty and administrators. This relationship is based on respect of individual rights, the dignity of the individual and the University community's shared commitment to an open and supportive learning environment. Students requiring service or accommodation, whether due to an identified, ongoing disability or a short-term disability should contact Program Manager, Open Learning & Educational Support. For more information, contact Marjory Gaouette at 519-824-4120 ext. 53862 or email Recording of Materials Presentations which are made in relation to course work—including lectures—cannot be recorded or copied without the permission of the presenter, whether the instructor, a classmate or guest lecturer. Material recorded with permission is restricted to use for that course unless further permission is granted. Course Cancellation Policy Refunds will be issued according to the following schedule provided Open Learning and Educational Support receive a completed Drop Form; A full refund at least 30 calendar days prior to the course start date. A refund, less a $75.00 administration fee at least 14 calendar days prior to the course start date. A refund, less a $100.00 administration fee 48 hours following the first day of class for your course. There are no refunds after this date. Failure to take part in a course does not constitute notification of withdrawal and will result in forfeiture of the entire course fee. Should you decide not to continue after the course drop date, you must still send in a Winter 2015 10 Creative Writing at Guelph Continuing Education Student Information completed drop form by the 40th class day to avoid academic penalty (receiving a grade of “F” on your academic record). No drop forms are accepted after the 40th class day. Copyright All universities and libraries in Canada are required to comply with Canadian copyright law, and with the international copyright conventions to which Canada is signatory. In practical terms, this means that any copying of materials by University faculty, staff or students, regardless of format, is subject to certain limits and restrictions. Creative Writing at Guelph Contacts General Administration and Registration Inquiries Open Learning and Educational Support 160 Johnston Hall University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 (519) 767-5000; fax (519) 767-1114 Program Manager Marjory Gaouette Creative Writing at Guelph Manager, Program Development Open Learning and Educational Support (519) 824-4120, ext. 53862 Program Coordinator Robert Cutting Program Logistics Coordinator Open Learning and Educational Support (519) 824-4120, ext.52908 Winter 2015 11