Lockwood R-1 Board of Education Minutes October 20, 2010 Roll Call The Lockwood R-1 Board of Education met in regular session on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. Jeff Nentrup called the meeting to order. Chuck Lewis was absent. Larry Coose arrived later. Approve Agenda Motion by Russell Niehoff to approve the agenda after tabling summer school due to lack of information. Second by Pam Allen. Motion carried 5-0. Consent Agenda Motion by Russell Niehoff to approve the consent agenda with the exception of approving a reimbursement to Nicole Niehoff. Second by Pam Allen. Motion carried 5-0. Reimbursement Motion by Kirk Neill to approve reimbursement to Nicole Niehoff. Second by Pam Allen. Motion carried 5-0-1. Russell Niehoff abstained. MAP Mrs. Marion reviewed with the board the discussions and preparations for strengthening the curriculum after analyzing MAP Data with teachers. Wheelchair Lift Mr. Rogers reported the variance for the wheelchair lift was granted and the lift is operational. Audit Motion by Larry Coose to accept the 2009-10 audit from The CPA Group as presented. Second by Pam Allen. Motion carried 6-0. Motion by William Stefan to retain The CPA Group for the 2010-2011 audit. Second by Russell Niehoff. Motion carried 6-0. Ridership Lists Motion by Kirk Neill to approve the bus ridership lists as presented. Second by William Stefan. Motion carried 6-0. MOSIS Evaluation Mr. Rogers discussed changes to evaluation forms in preparation for MOSIS Evaluation reporting. Reports Reports were given by both principals about events in their buildings. Mr. Rogers reported the Community Foundation’s Harry Cooper Challenge of $20,000 has been met and we are eligible for additional funds as a result of meeting the goal before the deadline thanks to generous donations by patrons and alumni. Next Meeting The board will meet Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Adjourn Motion by Larry Coose to adjourn. Second by Pam Allen. Motion carried 6-0.