COURSES FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Academic Year 2014/2015 List and description of courses Winter semester Course code Forms-hours/week ECTS (L T Lab P S)* 1. ELR 021330 Numerical and Optimization Methods (1 0 0 0 0) 2(2) 2. ELR 021331 Power Quality Assessment (2 0 0 0 0) 2(2) 3. ELR 022131 Power System Faults E (2 0 0 1 0) 6(4,2) 4. ELR 022132 Digital Control Systems (2 0 1 0 0) 4(3,1) 5. ELR 023225 Dynamics and Control of AC (2 0 0 0 0) 4(4) Power Generation (2 1 0 1 0) 5(3,1,1) 7. ELR 021120 Advanced High Voltage Technology E (2 0 0 0 0) 3(3) 8. ELR 022135 Artificial Intelligence Techniques (2 0 0 1 0) 3(2,1) 9. ELR 022233 Power System Automation (2 0 0 0 1) 4(3,1) 10.ELR 022532 Electrical Power Systems Management (1 0 0 0 1) 2(1,1) 11.ELR 023311 Electromagnetic Compatibility (2 0 0 0 1) 3(2,1) (2 0 0 0 0) 2(2) 13.ELR 023228 Power Electronics (2 0 0 0 0) 3(3) 14.ELR 021337 Photovoltaic Cells E (2 0 0 0 0) 3(3) 15.ELR 021338 Industrial Ecology – Selected Issues (1 0 0 0 1) 2(1,1) Energy Sources (2 0 0 0 1) 3(2,1) 17.ELR023110 Modeling of Electric Machines (1 0 0 2 0) 3(1,2) 18.ELR022334 Energy Storage Systems E (1 0 0 1 0) 3(2,1) and DC Drives E 6. ESN 001500 Advanced Technology in Electrical and Security E 12.ELR 023312 Advanced Measurement in Electrical Power Engineering 16.ELR 022537 Legal Regulations and Investments in Power Systems with Distributed * ) L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, Lab, P-Project, S-Seminar Summer semester Course code Forms-hours/week ECTS (L T Lab P S)* 1. ELR 021332 Selected Problems of Circuit Theory E (2 1 0 0 0) 4(3,1) (1 0 2 0 0) 3(1,2) (2 0 0 2 0) 5(3,2) (2 0 0 0 0) 3(3) and Sensors (2 0 0 0 0) 2(2) 6. ELR 022331 Renewable Energy Sources (2 0 0 0 1) 3(2,1) (2 0 0 0 1) 3(2,1) Energy Sources E (1 0 0 0 1) 3(2,1) 9. ELR 022332 Water Power Plants (2 0 0 0 1) 3(2,1) 10.ELR 022333 Renewable Energy Sources E (2 0 0 0 1) 4(3,1) (2 0 0 0 0) 2(2) (2 0 0 0 0) 2(2) (1 0 0 0 1) 2(1,1) 2. ELR 022133 Simulation and Analysis of Power System Transients 3. ELR 022134 Digital Signal Processing for Protection and Control 4. ELR 022231 Power System Protection 5. ELR 022232 Fiber Optics Communication 7. ELR 022531 Electric Power System Operation and Control 8. ELR 022137 Protection and Control of Distributed 11.ELR 022536 Integration of Distributed Resources in Power Systems 12.ELR 023313 Analog and Digital Measurement Systems 13.ELR 023229 Electromechanical Systems in Renewable Energy Sources * ) L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, Lab, P-Project, S-Seminar COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Winter semester 1. ELR021330 NUMERICAL AND OPTIMIZATION METHODS Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (1) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Prerequisites: Mathematics and Matlab course Traditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Tomasz Sikorski, PhD Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 15 Exam / Course work: Test ECTS 2 Workload (h) 60 Outcome: Ability of optimization algorithms implementation for constrained and unconstrained problems. Content: The course contains theoretical and practical aspects of solving optimization problems. Optimization problem formulation, examples. Mathematical models. Unconstrained and constrained problems. Solution of optimization problems: mathematical preliminaries, numerical methods. Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Lagrangian duality. Selected algorithms for constrained optimization. Linear programming, simplex method. Neural networks and Genetic algorithms for optimization. Literature: 1. E.K.P. Chong, S.H. Żak: An Introduction to Optimization, 2 nd edition, New York, John Wiley, 2001. 2. J.F. Bonnans: Numerical optimization: theoretical and practical aspects, Springer-Verlag, 2003. 3. M. Asghar Bhatti: Practical Optimization Methods, Berlin, Springer-Verlag 2000. 2. ELR021331 POWER QUALITY ASSESSMENT Language: English Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching:Traditional/Distan ce L. Prerequisites: Mathematics and Circuit Theory Lecturer: Przemyslaw Janik, PhD Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work: Course work ECTS 2 Workload (h) 60 Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Outcome: Understanding of the basic phenomena and practical engineering aspects of power quality assessment in power systems. Content: The course contains the basic problems and practical aspects of power quality assessment in power systems. After an introduction and general basis, the following problems are presented: classes of power quality problems, standards, interruptions, voltage sags, transient overvoltages, harmonics, long duration voltage variations, flicker, power quality measurement, disturbances mitigation methods, chosen algorithms for power quality assessment. A computer-based laboratory supplements the course. Literature: 1. Arrillaga J. Watson N. R.: Power System Quality Assessment, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000 2. Bollen M. H. J.: Understanding Power Quality Problems Voltage Sags and Interruptions, IEEE Press, New York, USA, 2000. 3. Dugan R. C., McGranaghan M. F., Beaty H. W.: Electrical Power Systems Quality, McGrawHill, New York, USA, 1986. 3. ELR022131 POWER SYSTEM FAULTS Language: English Year (I), semester (1) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: Circuit Theory Lecturer: Prof. Jan Iżykowski, PhD, DSc Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work/T: Exam ECTS 4 Workload (h) 60 Tutorials Laboratory Project 15 Seminar Course work 2 30 Outcome: Gain basic knowledge regarding power system faults and basic information on the devices such as digital fault recorders and fault locators. Deep familiarization with various problems of power system faults analysis. Content: The course consists of a lecture and project. The lecture deals with different aspects of power system faults. Fault causes and effects together with classification of faults and analysis of typical fault current wave-shape are delivered in the introduction. Then, the aims of fault calculations and use of per units are specified. The methods used in fault analysis are described. In particular it is focused on the symmetrical component method, for which equivalent diagrams of power system components are described, and then symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults in systems solidly grounded are analysed. Ground faults in networks with: isolated neutral point, neutral point earthed by the compensation reactor and neutral point earthed by the resistor are described. Reference of short-circuit calculations to the present standard is given. Basic characteristic of the devices: digital fault recorder and digital fault locator are delivered. Main issues relevant for transformation of fault currents and voltages by instrument transformers are characterized. During the project students complete individual tasks aimed at deep familiarization with the specific problems of power system faults analysis. Literature: 1. J. D. Glover, M. Sarma: Power system analysis and design, PWS Publishing Company Boston, second edition, 1994. 2. J. L. Blackburn: Symmetrical components for power systems engineering, Marcel Dekker, New York 1993, Serie: Electrical Engineering and Electronics 85. 3. J-P. Barret, P. Bornard, B. Meyer: Power system simulation: Chapman and Hall, London 1997. 4. P. M. Anderson: Power system protection, IEEE Press, Power Engineering Series, New York 1999. 5. H. Ungrad, W. Winkler, A. Wiszniewski: Protection techniques in electrical energy systems, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1995. 4. ELR022132 DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS Language: English Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Prerequisites: Completed courses: Fundamentals of Control Engineering 1, 2 Lecturer: Marek Michalik, PhD, Mirosław Łukowicz, PhD Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work: Course work Reports ECTS 3 1 Workload (h) 30 90 Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Project Seminar Outcome: Knowledge related to the digital control algorithms design for various types of digital controllers. Content: Structure of digital control systems, A/C and D/C conversion, conditioning and digital filtering of input signals. Direct Digital Control: PID digital regulators, robust digital regulators, fuzzy control, state variable feedback compensation, digital control with state observers. Literature: 1. Kuo B.J.: Digital Control Systems. Hold. Reinhard and Winston Inc. 1981. 2. Santina M.S., Stubberud A.R., Hostetter G.H.: Digital Contriol Systems. Oxford University Press.1994. 3. Aufi R.: Digital Control Systems. Prentice Hall. 2004. 4. Isermann R.: Digital Control Systems. Springer-Verlag. 1997. 5. ELR023225 DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF DC AND AC DRIVES Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (1) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Control Theory-basics, Electrical Drives and Power Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Electronics Lecturer: Prof. Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work: Exam ECTS 4 Workload (h) 120 Outcome: Knowledge of modern control methods DC and AC motor drives; problems of sensorless drives, nonlinear controllers applications in electrical drives. Content: Basics of control system synthesis problems for electrical drives. Control quality indexes for electrical motors, static and dynamical optimization of electrical drives. Torque control structures; adjustment criteria for linear controllers. Torque and speed control structures of electrical drives; examples of technical realizations in DC and AC drives. Scalar and vector control methods in AC drives with induction and permanent magnet synchronous motors. Field oriented control and direct torque control of AC motors. State variables estimation for AC motor drives. Electrical drives with microprocessor control. Artificial intelligence methods in electrical drives. In laboratory tasks models and industrial solutions of automated electrical drives are demonstrated and tested. Literature: 1. Kaźmierkowski M.P., Tunia H., Automatic Control of Converter-fed Drives, Elsevier-PWN, 1994. 2. Orlowska-Kowalska T., Bezczujnikowe układy napędowe z silnikami indukcyjnymi, Oficyna Wydawnicza P.Wr., Wrocław, 2003. 6. ESN001500 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (1) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching:Traditional/Distan Prerequisites: Thermodynamics ce L. Lecturer: Halina Kruczek, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 15 Exam / Course work/T: ECTS Workload (h) Exam Test Course work (Report) 3 90 1 30 1 30 Outcome: Knowledge, skills and design basics in the field of energy conversion and advanced power production system with new zero emission concept, nuclear resources. Content: This course covers fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemistry, flow and transport processes as applied to energy systems. The topics include analysis of energy conversion in thermo-mechanical, thermo-chemical, processes in existing and future power systems, with emphasis on efficiency, environmental impact and performance. Systems utilizing fossil fuels, nuclear resources, over a range of sizes and scales are discussed. Applications include combustion, hybrids, supercritical and combined cycles IGCC. Tutorials and the project supplement the lecture. Literature: 1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, John Wiley & Sons, 1996 2. Thermodynamics and heat power, Granet, Irving., Pearson Prentice Hall, cop. 2004. 3. Energy Hndbook, Robert Loftness, 1983. Steam its generation and use, The Bacock &Wilcox Company a McDermott company ed. By J.B. Kitto and S.C. Stultz ed. 41, 2005. 7. ELR021120 ADVANCED HIGH VOLTAGE TECHNOLOGY Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Mathematics and Physics and Electrotechnics Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Fundamentals Lecturer: Prof. Bolesław Mazurek, PhD, DSc Hours / sem. (h) Exam /T: ECTS Workload (h) Lecture 30 Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Exam 3 90 Outcome: Acquaintance with the modern methods of generation and measurement of high voltage. Knowledge about the application of high electric fields in industry technological processes, in agriculture, medicine and science. Content: The course discusses the newest technology issues and knowledge necessary for electrical engineers. Generation of high voltage and high voltage measurement techniques will be discussed. Electrical field distribution and electrical field control methods will also be presented. A significant part of the lecture is the presentation of electrical discharges in gases, fluids, vacuum and solid dielectrics. The transmission DC lines and high electrical field application for technology processes will be shown as examples of practical high voltage engineering. A few laboratory trainings supplement the course, giving the possibility to measure the voltages up to a few hundred kV. Literature: 1. Haddad A., Warne D., Advances in High Voltage Enginering. Institution of Electrical Engineers 2004. 2. Kuffel E., Zaengl W.S., Kuffel J., High Voltage Fundamentals. Newnes 2003. 3. Beyer M., Boeck W., Moeller K., Zaengl W., High voltage engineering. Springer 1986. 8. ELR022135 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES Language: English Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Prerequisites: Completed courses: Mathematics, Circuit Theory, Fundamentals of Control Engineering Lecturer: Waldemar Rebizant, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work: Course work ECTS 2 Workload (h) 90 Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Project 15 Project 1 30 Seminar Outcome: The students are expected to present the knowledge on the theory of artificial intelligence techniques with a special attention to their application in power system protection and control problems. Content: The course covers the following items: introduction to artificial intelligence techniques in power system control; Expert Systems – main features, structure, inference methods, strategies for conflict resolving, application fields; systems based on Fuzzy Logic – fuzzy signals, membership functions, fuzzy settings, fuzzification and defuzzification methods, multicriterial algorithms; Artificial Neural Networks – main features, neurone types, activation functions, neural network architectures, learning methods, application fields; Genetic Algorithms – evolutionary strategies, genetic modifications, application examples; Hybrid Intelligent Schemes; application examples of intelligent techniques described for power system protection and control purposes. Literature: 1. Pao Y.A.: “Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks”, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yager R.R. and Filev D.P.: ”Essentials of Fuzzy Modelling and Control”, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 1994. Ringland G.A. and Duce D.A. (ed. By): “Approaches to Knowledge Representation: An Introduction”, Research Studies Press Ltd., Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 1988. Dillon T.S. and Niebur D. (edited by): “Neural Network Applications in Power Systems”, CRL Publishing Ltd., London, 1996. Cichocki A., Unbehauen R.: “Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing”, John Wiley & Sons, 1993. 9. ELR022233 POWER SYSTEM AUTOMATION AND SECURITY Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Prerequisites: completed courses: Power System Protection Traditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Prof. Bogdan Miedziński, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work: ECTS Workload (h) Exam Course work (Report) 3 120 1 30 Outcome: The students are expected to present the knowledge of the transient phenomena encountered in power systems and related protection and control concepts, as well as to know what methods/systems should be applied to assure the safe operation of power systems. Content: The course is intended to acquaint students with modern concepts in sensing and contact units components, convertors for digital protections, security problems, trends in substation automation as well as preventive and adaptive protection systems related to power system automation applications. The course describes chosen protection engineering problems of special interest to the student and provides students with a background for further study in science and applications. Literature: 1. KTV Grattan, Sensors-technology, systems and Applications, A.Hilger IOP Publishing Ltd, 1991. 2. Power System Protection, volume 4: Digital protection and aisz ng , Short Run Press Ltd, Exeter, 1997. 3. H.Ungrad, W.Winkler, A.Wiszniewski: Protection techniques in electrical energy systems, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1995. 4. Selected papers published in renowned international journals. 10. ELR022532 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching:Traditional/Distan Prerequisites: Power Systems ce L. Lecturer: Prof. Artur Wilczyński, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) Exam / Course work/T: ECTS Workload (h) 15 Test 1 30 15 Course work 1 30 Outcome: Knowledge about management problems at energy companies after power system restructuring. Content: Organization of power sector. Introduction to the deregulation and restructuring of power sector. Development of electricity market. Examples of electricity markets. Tasks of transmission and distribution system operators. Regulation of the electricity industry. Organization of access to the system. Electricity price mechanism, transmission pricing principles. System planning under competition. Literature: 1. Malko J., Wilczyński A., Rynki energii – działania marketingowe. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2006. 2. S. Hunt, G. Shuttleworth: Competition and choise in electricity, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester – New York – Weinheim – Brisbane – Singapore – Toronto, 1997. 3. M. Ilic, F. Galiana, L. Fink: Power systems restructuring, engineering and economics, KLUWER Academic Publishers, Boston – Dordrecht – London, 1998. 4. Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 26 June 2003, concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 96/92/EC. 5. Philipson L., Willis H. L.: Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 1999. 11. ELR023311 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Language: English Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Prerequisites: Completed courses: Mathematics, Circuit Theory and High Voltage Engineering Lecturer: Grzegorz Kosobudzki, PhD Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work/T: Course work ECTS 2 Workload (h) 60 Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Project Seminar 15 Course work 1 30 Outcome: Acquaintance with practical aspects of EMC and power quality in power delivery systems. Content: The course contains the basic problems and practical aspects of electromagnetic compatibility Content: The course contains the basic problems and practical aspects of electromagnetic compatibility EMC. The following problems are presented: electromagnetic disturbances caused by lighting strikes and electrostatic discharges; EMC phenomena generated by converter fed drives; methods of electrical and electronic equipment protection from overvoltages and overcurrents; aspects of electromagnetic shielding; power quality parameters, requirements, standards; influence of power quality phenomena on equipment; non-linear devices influence on power quality; disturbances mitigation techniques; harmonics reduction; measurements Literature: 1. 2. 3. Hasse P.: Overvoltage protection of low voltage systems, TJ International, Padstown, 2000. Pradas Kodali V.: Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility Principles, Measurments and Technology, IEEE Press, New York, 1996. Dugan R. C., McGranaghan M. F., Beaty H. W.: Electrical Power Systems Quality, McGrawHill, New York, USA, 1986. 12. ELR023312 ADVANCED MEASUREMENTS IN ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERING Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: T Prerequisites: Mathematics and Circuit Theory raditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Prof. Nawrocki Zdzisław, PhD, DSc, Prof. Fleszyński Janusz, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Seminar Laboratory Project Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work: Course work ECTS 2 Workload (h) 90 Outcome: Knowledge of the basic problems and practical aspects of analogue and digital measurement. Content: The course deals with the basic problems and practical aspects of analogue and digital measurement. After introduction and general theoretical part, the following practical problems are presented: problems measurement of voltage and current (DC and AC), and power meter. The following subjects are presented in the course: high voltage measurements, diagnostic tests of high voltage equipment insulation. The course familiarizes the students with the measurement and generation methods of high voltage, the partial discharges investigation. Special emphasis is put on the presentation of the physical and metrological fundaments of different kinds of diagnostic test (electric, acoustic, optoelectronic, physico-chemical), the detection of various defects in the insulation of equipment, problems of modern diagnostic. Literature: 1. J. Mc. Ghee, I.A. Henderson, M. J. Korczyński, W. Kulesza: Scientific metrology, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, 1998. 2. Mc. Ghee, I. A. Henderson, M.J. Korczyński, W.Kulesza: Measurement data handling, vol. 1 and vol.2, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, 2001 3. N. Kularanta: Digital and analogue instrumentation. IEE, London, 2003. 4. D. Kind: An introduction to high voltage experimental technique, Vieweg 1980. 5. E. Kuffel, W.S. Zaengel, J. Kuffel: High Voltage Engeneering Fundaments, Elsevier, 2000 13. ELR023228 POWER ELECTRONICS Language: English Year (I), semester (1) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional supporting e-learning /Distance L. Prerequisites: Electronics Lecturer: Zbigniew Załoga, PhD Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 30 Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Exam / Course work/T: ECTS Workload (h) Course work 3 60 Outcome: intensify theoretical and practical knowledge about power electronics systems. Content: Contains: semiconductor power switchers: SCR, TRIAC and BJT, MOSFET, IGBT. Complementary components and systems. Converters: rectifiers, AC-controllers, choppers, inverters. Common application of converters, also for renewable energy sources systems. Literature: 1. N. Mohan, T. M.Undeland, W.P. Robbins, Power Electronics. Converters, Applications, Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995 2. A.M. Trzynadlowski, Introduction to Modern Power Electronics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998 14. ELR021337 PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS (E) Language: English Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: Power Systems Lecturer: Przemysław Janik, PhD Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work/T: Exam ECTS 3 Workload (h) 60 Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Outcome: Introduce photovoltaic effect and the operation principles of photovoltaic cells; Describe the fabrication technology of photovoltaic cells and photovoltaic batteries, their characteristics and parameters; Identify the effect of various factors on the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices; Explain construction and production steps of photovoltaic modules; Describe transformation and storage of electrical energy from photovoltaic modules; Discuss construction of concentrating solar power systems. Content: Introduction of basic concepts and energy units; Identification of energy sources, analysis of energy resources and their influence on the environment; Characterization of the solar radiation and the properties of the earth’s atmosphere; Description of the photovoltaic effect and the basic physical models of solar cells. Review of technologies, the parameters and characteristics of the photovoltaic cells; Description of factors affecting efficiency of photovoltaic energy conversion; Description of construction and production steps for photovoltaic modules, methods of energy storage and conversion. Literature: 1. S.R. Wenham, M.A. Greek, M.E. Watt, R. Corkish,, Applied Photovoltaics, Earthscan, London 2009 2. J.D. Myers, Solar Applications In Industry and Commerce, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey 1984 3. V.D. Hunt , Handbook of Conservation nad Solar Energy, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1982 15. ELR021338 INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY – SELECTED ISSUES (E) Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: none Lecturer: Zbigniew Leonowicz, PhD Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 15 Exam / Course work/T: ECTS Workload (h) Exam 1 60 Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar 15 Course work (Presentation) 1 30 Outcome: Knowledge of various aspects of industrial ecology. Capability of analysis and recognition of problems related to waste reduction and modeling of industrial processes in accordance with principles of laws of nature. Content: Fundamentals of industrial ecology- the science of sustainability in industrial and engineering problems. The aims of industrial ecology are: minimizing of energy and materials usage, ensuring acceptable quality of life, minimizing the ecological impact of human activity & maintaining the economic viability of systems. Literature: 1. Allenby B, Allenby R, Deanna J.: The Greening of Industrial Ecosystems, National Academy Press, Washington, 1994 2. IEEE White Paper on Sustainable Development and Industrial Ecology, IEEE 1995 3. Frosch R.A., “Industrial Ecology: A Philosophical Introduction,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 89 (February 1992): 800–803 16. LEGAL REGULATIONS AND INVESTMENTS IN POWER SYSTEMS WITH DISTRIBUTED ENERGY SOURCES Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Prerequisites: Power Systems Traditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Prof. Artur Wilczyński, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 15 15 Course work Exam / Course work/T: Course work (Presentation) ECTS 2 1 Workload (h) 30 30 ELR022537 Outcome: Obtaining knowledge in the field: national and union legal, technical and economical conditions for construction of technological systems using renewable energy sources for supply as well as principles of investment project for distributed and dispersed generation. Content: The fundamentals of legal regulations in the field of usage of renewable energy sources in power systems, European Union and national legal documents in the field of renewable energy sources, principles of well-balanced expansion. Renewable energy sources on electricity and heat markets as well as investment process in distributed and dispersed power systems with application of renewable energy sources (conception, formal and legal requirements, financing, realization) are also discussed. Literature: 1. G. Boyle: Renewable Energy – Power for a sustainable future, Second Edition, Oxford 2. 3. 4. University Press Inc. New York, 2004 T. Burton, D. Sharpe, N. Jenkins, E. Bossanyi: Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester, England, 2001. A. Luque, S. Hegedus: Handbook of photovoltaic science and engineering, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester, England, 2003. T. Markvart: Solar electricity, Second Edition, UNESCO, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. New York, 2000. 17. ELR022110 MODELLING OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES Language: English Year (II), semester (3) Level: II Prerequisites: Completed basic courses of Engineering Graphics, Informatics and Electrical Engineering Lecturer: Krzysztof Makowski, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 15 Exam / Course work/T: Course work ECTS 1 Workload (h) 30 Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional with using of multimedia /Distance L. Project 30 Course work 2 60 Seminar Outcome: To learn principles of present-day methods of electromagnetic modeling of electrical machines. Content: Mathematical grounds of electromagnetic field theory, electromagnetic quantities and Maxwell’s equations. Outline of the finite element method (FEM) and its application to magnetostatic and magnetodynamic linear and non-linear problems. Field-circuit equations of electromechanical converters with taking into account movement of moving parts of the converter. Methods for calculation of electromagnetic torque and power losses. General rules for formulation of field models of the converters and presentation some examples of aisz ng of electromechanical converters by FEM. Literature: 1. Di Barbra P., Savini A., Wiak S. : Field models in electricity and magnetism, Springer, 2008 2. Bolkowski S. i inni : Komputerowe metody analizy pola elektromagnetycznego, WNT, Warszawa, 1993 3. Hameyer K., Belmans R.: Numrical modeling and design of electrical machines and devices, WITT Press, Southampton, 1999 4. Lowther D.A., Silvester P.P.: Computer aided design in magnetics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 1986. 5. Silvester P.P., Ferrari R.L.: Finite elements for electrical engineers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. 18. ELR022334 ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS Language: English Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: Electrical devices Lecturer: Kazimierz Herlender, PhD Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 15 Tutorials Laboratory Project 30 Seminar Exam / Course work/T: Course work (Project documentation) Test ECTS 2 1 Workload (h) 60 30 Outcome: Main aims of the course are get to know of different kinds enrgy storage systems and basic of battery energy storage design. Content: Classification and main characteristic different kinds of electrical energy storage in power system, such as: pumped hydro energy storage, flywheel systems, compresses air systems (CAES), fuel cell, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES), ultra capacitors and Battery Energy Storage (BES),. Compared the main parameters this energy storage and given possible areas their applications. Literature: 1. Batterie-Energiespeicher in der Elektrizitätsversorgung – Kompendium, H.-J. Haubrich [Hrsg], Verlag Mainz, Aachen 1996 2. Proceedings of EU-Project ICOP-DISS-2140-96, Distributed Energy Storage for Power Systems, Pod red. Feser K., Styczyński Z. A., Verlag aisz, Aachen 1998. 3. Markiewicz H. Urządzenia elektroenergetyczne. WNT, Warszawa 2001. Summer semester 1. ELR1311 SELECTED PROBLEMS OF CIRCUIT THEORY Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Mathematics and Differential Equations and Linear Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Algebra and Basic Circuit Theory Lecturer: Tomasz Sikorski, PhD Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work: Exam Test ECTS 3 1 Workload (h) 90 60 Outcome: Ability of carrying out synthesis of electrical circuits with the optimization approach, knowledge about phenomena in nonlinear circuits, selected methods of analysis. Content: The course deals with selected problems of Synthesis of Linear Circuits & Systems, as well as Analysis of Nonlinear Electrical Circuits - theoretical and practical aspects of linear circuits design based on different methods and requirements. Furthermore, the course discusses the aspects of nonlinear circuits’ analysis and structures, with practical examples and exercises. Literature: 1. L.A. Chua, C.A. Desoer, E.S. Kuh: Linear ad Nonlinear Circuits, New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1987. 2. H. Baher: Synthesis of Electrical Networks, New York: J. Wiley, 1984. 3. F. Kouril, K. Vrba.: Non-Linear And Parametric Circuits : Principles, Theory And Applications, Chichester : Ellis Horwood, 1988. 2. ELR2110 SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS OF POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Numerical Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations Lecturer: Prof. Eugeniusz Rosołowski, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 15 15 Exam / Course work: Course work Course work ECTS 1 1 Workload (h) 30 30 Outcome: Understanding of digital models for the simulation of electromagnetic transients in complex three-phase electric networks, ability of applying the models for practical problems in power systems. Content: The course consists of a lecture and a project. Both of these forms deal with the following problems: modelling of physical systems - basic principles; numerical oscillation and accuracy of discrete models; digital models of basic electric elements with lamped and distributed parameters; models of selected three-phase system elements: lines, transformers, generators; models of nonlinear electric elements: diodes, thyristors, varistors and non-linear inductance; numerical methods used in EMTP program for linear and non-linear network equation solution; EMTP application to simulation of selected problems with using of basic network elements: transmission line, transformer, generator, instrument transformers; using of ATP Draw program for the preparation of simulation cases; using of MODELS module for the simulation of auxiliary procedures: measurement, control and protection; analysis of simulation results: PLOTXY program; EMTPMATLAB interface. During the laboratory students complete individual tasks aimed at deep familiarization with the specific problems of electromagnetic transients analysis in power systems. Literature: 1. N. Watson, J. Arrillaga: Power systems electromagnetic transients simulation. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London 2003. 2. H.W. Dommel: Electromagnetic Transients Program. Reference Manual. BPA, Portland, 1986. 3. J. D. Glover, M. Sarma: Power system analysis and design, PWS Publishing Company Boston, second edition, 2002. 4. W. D. Stevenson: Elements of Power System Analysis (4th Ed.). McGrawHill, New York, 1982. 5. J-P. Barret, P. Bornard, B. Meyer: Power system simulation: Chapman and Hall, London 1997. 3. ELR2111 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Completed courses: Mathematics and Circuit Theory Teching: Traditional/Distance L. and Informatics Lecturer: Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski, PhD, DSc, Waldemar Rebizant, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work/T: ECTS Workload (h) Exam Course work (Report) 4 120 1 30 Outcome: As an effect of the course completion, the students are expected to possess the knowledge on the theory of digital signal processing as applied to power system control and protection systems. The students should show the ability of choosing proper algorithms of signal processing for given practical problems encountered in power system protection and control. Content: The course deals with basic problems and practical aspects of digital signal processing for power system protection and control. After an introduction and general theoretical and numerical basis, the following practical problems are presented: analog filtration, A/D conversion, digital filtration (FIR & IIR filters design and parameters), estimation of signal parameters (criterion values), decision making methods and algorithms, chosen algorithms of power system control, integrated measurement and control systems. A computer-based laboratory supplements the course. Literature: 1. H. Ungrad, W. Winkler, A. Wiszniewski: “Protection techniques in electrical energy systems”, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1995. 2. T. Krauss, L. Shurc, J. Little: Signal processing toolbox for use with Matlab, Users Guide. 3. L.B. Jackson: Digital filters and signal processing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1986. 4. ELR2210 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Grounded knowledge on electricity and a passing grade Teaching: of: Electrical Measurement, Electrical Machines, Electrical Devices and Traditional/Distance L. Electrical Power Systems Lecturer: Prof. Bogdan Miedziński PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work/T: Exam Course work ECTS 4 2 Workload (h) 120 60 Outcome: Understanding principles of protective relaying in power system, ability of designing and setting of protection schemes for various power system elements. Content: Objects and tasks of power system protection. Main requirements regarding power system relaying. Converters of measurement quantities for protection needs. Main criteria for detecting faults. Relaying principles of main power system elements, i.e.: generators, transformers, high voltage motors, distribution and transmission lines. Power system protection in preventive and restoration mode – objectives and general application principles. Literature: 1. Ungrad H., Winkler W., Wiszniewski A., Protection techniques in electrical energy systems, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 1995. 2. Horowitz S. H., Phadke A.G., Power system relaying, RSP England 1992. 3. Praca zbiorowa pod red. B. Synala, Automatyka elektroenergetyczna, ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, część I: Przetworniki sygnałów pomiarowych i przekaźniki automatyki zabezpieczeniowej, część II: Układy automatyki zabezpieczeniowej i regulacyjnej skrypt Politechniki Wrocł., Wrocław 1991. 5. ELR2211 Language: English FIBER OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS AND SENSORS Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Prerequisits: Applied Physics, Electronics and Electromagnetic Theory Traditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Prof. Bogdan Miedziński, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work: Course work Course work ECTS 2 1 Workload (h) 60 30 Outcome: Acquaintance with the problems of processing and transmission of information by means of the fibre optic technique and applicability of fibre sensors in practice. Content: Wave theory of light propagation. Signals transmission and processing. Problems of generation and detection. Communication systems; expanding the system capacity by multiplexing. Optical phenomena used in fibre sensors, applicability of right and remote sensors in practice Literature: 1. Chai Yeh:”Handbook of fiber optics-theory and applications”,Accademic Press.Inc.London 1990. 2. J.L.Hornet:”Optical signal processing”Academic Press Inc.London,1987 3. CIGRE Working Group 35.04:”Optical fibre cable selection for electricity utilities”,Febr.2001. 6. ELR2312 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Language: English Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: Applied Statistics Lecturer: Prof. Zbigniew Styczyński, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work/T: Course work Laboratory Project Seminar 15 Course work ECTS 2 1 Workload (h) 60 30 Outcome: Understanding of problems concerned with renewable energy sources. Content: The course deals with the basic problems and practical aspects of renewable energy sources. After an introduction and general theoretical basis, the following problems are presented: wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy and wave energy. Presentations contain: introduction, scientific principles of work, energy conversion, advantages and disadvantages, technology, applications, examples of energy projects, economics, environmental impacts and benefits. The seminar supplements the course. Literature: 1. J. Twidell, T. Weir: Renewable Energy Resources, Seventh Edition, Spon Press, London, 2005. 2. T. Burton, D. Sharpe, N. Jenkins, E. Bossanyi: Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester, England, 2001. 3. Luque, S. Hegedus: Handbook of photovoltaic science and engineering, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester, England, 2003. 7. ELR2518 ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Prerequisites: Programming in Matlab and Electric Power Systems Traditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Prof. Marian Sobierajski, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work: Test Test ECTS 4 Workload (h) 120 Outcome: Knowledge of control and regulation of voltage and frequency in transient states. Content: Steady-state and short-circuit analysis. Voltage regulation and voltage stability. Exciters and voltage regulators. Speed regulators. Dynamic and transient stability. Literature: 1. Machowski J., Bialek J. W., Bumby J. R., Power System Dynamics and Stability. John Wiley and Sons 1997. 2. Sobierajski M., Łabuzek M., Lis R., Electric Power System Analysis in Matlab, Wroclaw University of Technology, 2007. 8. ELR2141 PROTECTION AND CONTROL OF DISTRIBUTED ENERGY SOURCES Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Prerequisites: Power system faults Traditional/Distance L. Lecturer: Prof. Eugeniusz Rosołowski, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 15 15 15 Exam / Course work/T: ECTS Workload (h) Exam Course work Course work 3 90 1 30 1 30 Outcome: The course provides descriptions of protection relaying techniques applied in distributed generation networks. Content: The course consists of the lecture, lab and seminar. All these forms deal with the following problems: The purpose of power system protection. Basic protection criteria and main characteristics. Distributed generation: overview of applied energy sources. Line, transformer and generator protection. Interconnection systems: solutions and requirements. Loss of mains protection: applied criteria for islanding detection. Protection of photovoltaic sources. In this course the focus is on the issues relating to the power system protection including both the network protection and the protection of distributed generation. Literature: 1. Jenkins N. Allan R., Crossley P., Kirschen D., and Strbacet G., Embedded generation. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London 2000. 2. Anderson P.M., Power System Protection, McGraw-Hill, IEEE Press, 1999 3. Bergen A.R., Vittal V., Power systems analysis. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 2000. 4. Patel M.R., Wind and Solar Power Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton 1999. 9. ELR2343 WATER POWER PLANTS Language: English Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: Electrical devices Lecturer: Kazimierz Herlender, PhD Lecture Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work/T:: ECTS Workload (h) Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar 15 Course work Course work 2 60 1 30 Outcome: To get basic knowledge of design, building and exploiting of hydro power stations. Content: The scope of the obeys problems of design, building and exploiting of hydro power stations, including estimation of hydrology potential of water, construction of basic hydro technical and electrical equipment, classification of hydro plants and types of turbines, basic problems of hydro plants automation and control (including control of turbines and generators); problems of planning of small hydro plants – law, procedures, feasibility studies. Literature: 1. Bobrowicz Władysław, Small Hydro Power – Investor Guide Leonardo Energy, Utilisation Guide Section 8 – Distributed Generation, Autumn 2006 2. Harvey A., Micro-hydro power, 2004, 3. Allan. Undershot Water Wheel. 2008 4. Shannon, R. Water Wheel Engineering. 1997 5. Pacey, A. Technology in World Civilization: A Thousand-year History, 1997 10. ELR2345 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Language: English Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Course: Basic/Advanced Obligatory/Optional Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. Prerequisites: Applied Statistics Lecturer: Prof. Zbigniew Styczyński, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Hours / sem. (h) 30 Exam / Course work/T: Exam Laboratory Project Seminar 15 Course work ECTS 3 1 Workload (h) 90 30 Outcome: Understanding of problems concerned with renewable energy sources. Content: The course deals with the basic problems and practical aspects of renewable energy sources. After an introduction and general theoretical basis, the following problems are presented: wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy and wave energy. Presentations contain: introduction, scientific principles of work, energy conversion, advantages and disadvantages, technology, applications, examples of energy projects, economics, environmental impacts and benefits. The seminar supplements the course. Literature: 4. 5. 6. J. Twidell, T. Weir: Renewable Energy Resources, Seventh Edition, Spon Press, London, 2005. T. Burton, D. Sharpe, N. Jenkins, E. Bossanyi: Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester, England, 2001. Luque, S. Hegedus: Handbook of photovoltaic science and engineering, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester, England, 2003. 11. ELR2541 INTEGRATION OF DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES IN POWER SYSTEMS Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Electrical Power System, Power system faults, Power Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. system protection, Energy Production Lecturer: Prof. Marian Sobierajski, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work/T: Test Course work ECTS 3 1 Workload (h) 90 30 Outcome: Familiarize students with problems and technical aspects for integrating of distributed energy resources in power systems. Content: Classification of distributed energy resources (DER). Aimed level penetration of DER in electric power system. Wind generation. Modeling of DER. Schemes and points of connection of distributed generation to a distribution system. Load flow and short circuit simulation in electric power network with dispersed generation. Analysis of impact of distributed generators on power load flow, short-circuit currents, voltage changes, power quality and protection of distribution network. Technical requisites for producer connection to the public electric power grids. Influence of DER on frequency regulation in electric power system. Autonomous operation of distributed generators. Microgrids. Literature: 1. Jenkins N., Allan R., Crossley P., Kirschen D., Strbac G.: Embeded Generation. Power & Energy 2000. 2. Loi Lei Lai, Tze Fun Chan: Distributed Generation. 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 12. ELR3352 ANALOGUE AND DIGITAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Basis of electrical engineering, Basis of electronics, Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. electrical measurements Lecturer: Daniel Dusza, PhD Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 30 15 Exam / Course work/T:: Test Course work ECTS 2 1 Workload (h) 60 30 Outcome: Providing of knowledge and skills in concerning analog and digital measuring systems design Content: Functional diagrams of measuring systems uses in renewable energy sources; converting signals – sensor types, analog and digital blocks of transducers using in renewable energy measurements; principle of construction of measuring system to measure: wind speed, wave energy, passive solar building energy, temperatures, noises, flows, vibrations; control and processing equipment, programmable instruments; evolution of renewable energy measuring systems. Literature: 1. Clayton G., Winder S.: Operational amplifiers, Newnes, Oxford, 2003. 2. Horowitz P., Hill W., The art of electronics, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007. 3. Jung W., IC Op Amp cookbook, Prentce-Hall, PTR, 1999. 4. Jung W., Op Amp applications, Handbook, Elsevier/Newnes, Oxford 2006. 5. Lyons R.G., Understanding digital signal processing, Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. 13. ELR023229 ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Language: English Course: Basic/Advanced Year (I), semester (2) Level: II Obligatory/Optional Prerequisites: Basis of electrical engineering, Basis of electronics, Teaching: Traditional/Distance L. electrical measurements Lecturer: Prof. Krzysztof Pienkowski, PhD, DSc Lecture Tutorials Project Seminar Laboratory Hours / sem. (h) 15 15 Exam / Course work/T:: Test Presentation ECTS 1 1 Workload (h) 30 30 Outcome: Providing of knowledge on electromechanical aspects of frequency converter application in renewable energy systems. Content: The course is concerned on electromechanical aspects of frequency converter structures applied for conversion of primary energy and on electromechanical processes which appear in renewable energy systems working in autonomic systems as well as in the ones integrated with power systems. Course is supplemented by seminar where students prepare presentations on the subjects related to assessment of particular energy conversion networks applied in renewable energy systems. Literature: [1] Anaya-Lara O., Jenkins N., Ekanayake J., Cartwright P., Hughes M.: Wind Energy Generation. Modelling and Control. John Wiley & Sons, 2009. [2] Burton T., Sharpe D., Jenkins N., Bossanyi E.: WIND ENERGY HANDBOOK. John Wiley & Sons, 2001. [3] Johnson G. L.: WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS. Manhattan, KS. Electronic Edition, 2001. [4] Vas P.: Electrical Machine and drives. A space-vector theory approach. Oxford University Press, 1992. Supplementary reading: [1] White D.C., Woodson H.M.: Electromechanical Energy Conversion. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1959. [2] Seely S..: Electromechanical Energy Conversion. New York, McGraw Hill, 1962. [3] Krause P.C.: Analysis of electric machinery. McGraw Hill, 1986