Lesson - title-iii

Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 1
Students will identify and use the vocabulary words for chapter 7
Students will understand the vocabulary words for chapter 7 given in written language
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Workbook Keys to Learning
What am I doing? A variety of actions that students need to identify—focus on present
Activity 1
S. clap out syllables of vocabulary words page 83. S. categorize vocabulary into nouns
and adjectives and decide which ones are examples of comparative. S. look for
vocabulary in reading to determine who says the words/phrases.
Activity 2
Reading of dialog page 82-83. S. take turns reading dialog. T. reads phrases for S. to
respond making sure to focus on stress and fluidity.
Activity 3
S. choose words from the word box page 83 to write in their notebook. S. write their own
sentences using the vocabulary words. S. share with class.
Students do an action and other classmates guess what they are doing.
WKBK page 59
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 2
Students will identify the different parts of a house
Students will use the house vocabulary to talk about their house
House flashcards
House listening
House flashcards
Adjective lists
Warm up
Do you live in a house, an apartment, a condo, a trailer?
Activity 1
Introduction of house vocabulary words. T. tests S on parts of a house that they already
know. Introduce new words using non-verbal response, yes/no, dual choice and free
Activity 2
What’s in your house? Students draw a floor plan of their house/apartment and label the
rooms. S. then present their picture to a partner, pointing out the different rooms, etc.
Activity 3
House description: using opposites to introduce some new vocabulary students describe
their house/rooms of their house with adjectives. T. models using her house and gives
guiding questions to help S. think of how to describe their house.
How many rooms are in your house?
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 3
Students will identify the different parts of a house
Students will use the house vocabulary to talk about their house
Students will use present progressive to identify actions that occur in parts of a house
House flashcards
House listening
House flashcards
Adjective lists
Warm up
Review of house vocabulary with concentration game.
Activity 1
Listening: T. describes a house and students complete a checklist or a drawing to
illustrate understanding
Activity 2
T. talks about certain tasks she does at home and has student identify in what room those
activities are done. Ex. I am washing my hair. My daughter is sleeping. We’re eating
dinner. He is parking the car. I am getting dressed.
Activity 3
T. writes dialogue on board:
Lilliana: Hi Carmen. What are you doing right now? Carmen: I’m cleaning the house.
We’re getting ready for the party.
T. reads dialogue and asks students to think about when these actions are happening.
T. gives notes on grammar 1 page 84, using chart
Practice A and B page 84
Review present tense of to be
Wkbk page 60
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 4
Students will use the present continuous tense in affirmative and negative statements,
what questions and yes/no questions
Students will use contractions with the present continuous tense
Students will complete and write affirmative and negative statements, what questions and
yes/no questions in the present continuous tense
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Keys to Learning wkbk
House flashcards
Warm up
Group vocabulary words together based on commonalities. T. models with example
(work rooms, relaxing rooms, socializing rooms, etc.)
Activity 1
Add new vocabulary for house and actions to do in those rooms. Eg. He’s in the dining
room. He’s sitting at the table. He is in the bathroom. He’s taking a shower.
Activity 2
Guess where I am? Giving 3-5 clues, T. models using pres. progressive to describe a
location in a house. I am sitting. I am relaxing. I am talking to my family. I am eating.
S. write for two rooms in the house using present progressive.
Activity 3
Picture this: students receive sets of magazine pictures and describes actions that the
people are doing. They write minimum of two actions/picture.
S. read one of their pictures with actions
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 5
Students will use the present continuous tense in affirmative and negative statements,
what questions and yes/no questions
Students will complete and write affirmative and negative statements, what questions and
yes/no questions in the present continuous tense
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Keys to Learning wkbk
House flashcards
Listening quiz
Warm up
Review of rooms in house and activities in house for quiz
Activity 1
Listening quiz: rooms and activities in a house reading. S respond by using a check
Activity 2
T. shows several pictures and asks the questions: What is he doing? What is she
reading? What is he wearing? What are they eating? to introduce the topic of Grammar
2—using what is, what are with present progressive. T. gives notes on present
progressive with questions on grammar sheet
Practice A and B page 85
Spelling change verbs when adding ing: run, hug, sit,
Use rule of cvc to determine if need to use extra vowel
Activity 3
What are you doing? Game where students act out an action (washing dishes) and the
other student asks what they are doing. The first student (washing dishes) has to reply
with something other than what they are doing. The second student then does that action
and the first student asks what they are doing. Before game, T and S. brainstorm possible
actions to do and how to do them.
What are they doing? T flashes several images on board/computer and asks S to identify
the action occurring
Wkbk page 61
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 6
Students will use the present continuous tense in affirmative and negative statements,
what questions and yes/no questions
Students will use contractions with the present continuous tense
Students will complete and write affirmative and negative statements, what questions and
yes/no questions in the present continuous tense
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Keys to Learning wkbk
House flashcards
Was/were instruction book
Instructional book rubric
Colored pencils
Warm up
S. identify things their classmates are doing. Eg. Jose is reading a book.
Activity 1
T. reads instructional book of was/were from chapter 6 to illustrate how to write an
instructional book.
Activity 2
T and S create a list of criteria of items that need to be in an instructional book. T. gives
requirements for pres. progressive instructional book.
Activity 3
S create their own instructional book on use of pres. progressive. T provides template for
S. to follow
S read each others’ books
Finish books if not done.
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 7
Students will use object pronouns in statements and yes/no questions
Students will complete and write statements and yes/no questions using object pronouns
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Keys to Learning wkbk
House flashcards
Object pronoun flashcards
Warm up
Please give this to…. T. has several objects and instead of using names, T. inserts object
pronouns and points
Activity 1
Introduction of object pronouns—T writes the following dialogue on the board:
Carmen: where’s Grandma? Is she with Carlos? Mama: Yes, she’s helping him.
Carmen: Well, I wish she’d help me! I’ve got a lot to do. Mama: I’m sure she’ll help
you when she is done with him.
T. highlights the object pronouns and asks S. to identify who they are talking about.
Activity 2
Display cards with object pronouns on them. T uses students volunteers to illustrate
object pronouns: me, you, him, her, us, them, it. “I am pointing to…”
Then T. calls on volunteers to “point” to people. T. gives object pronoun card and S.
points to person or group involved.
Practice exercise A page 87
Activity 3
Making questions with object pronouns: yes/no questions using is/are:
Conversation practice B
Subject/object pronoun drill “I/me, you/you” with concentration game
Wkbk page 63
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 8
Students will read a short story for comprehension
Students will understand familiar vocabulary and grammar structures by reading a short
Students will use a reading strategy to help understand a short story
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Warm up
Preview reading strategy: making predictions
Activity 1
Preview vocabulary words for story on page 88-89
Activity 2
Read pages 88-89 using making predictions T. follows up with comprehension questions
and inferences
Activity 3
Writing activity: writing a dialogue between two people. T. models on board with
dialogue between her and students. T and S. then write a dialogue cooperatively. S
brainstorm and write their own dialogue based on model and practice.
What did you write about?
Finish writing
Chapter 7: What are you doing?
Lesson 9-10
Students will use and understand familiar and new vocabulary and grammar structures
Students will use names, pronouns and the present continuous tense
Keys to Learning chapter 7
Keys to Learning wkbk
Test chapter 7
Warm up
T. answers any questions about chapter 7
Activity 1
Review of chapter 7 material
Activity 2
Test chapter 7