9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 Math Block 4th Grade Tarr Lesson Plans Tuesday, October 13, 2014 No School Columbus Day Tarr Lesson Plans Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Day 40 Students arrive. We take them to breakfast and then back to the room. Check homework, if they completed it they get a treat. Have them get ready to start the day. When finished, review expectations and have students start on seat work. Announcements on Video- Pledge Calendar Math: Mr. Sunderland leads the calendar math part. Basic Facts Practice Sheets Review Quick Check homework Take Attendance Mathematics: Topic: 5 Lesson 1 Lesson: 5.1 Multiplication: Arrays and Multiplying by 10 and 100 Standards: 4.NBT.5: Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Learning Objectives (“I can” statements): I can multiply a four -digit whole number by one-digit whole number using strategies and properties of operations. Essential Knowledge: Making an array with place-value blocks provides a way to visualize and find products. Key Vocabulary: Manipulatives Needed: Place-value blocks, 1/4” grid paper, (teaching tool 5, 8) #2 Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 min): Students will learn how to use arrays to multiply by 10 and 100. Essential question: How can you use arrays to multiply by 10 and 100? Set the purpose: You know how to use arrays to model multiplication facts Today, you will learn how to use arrays to multiply by 10 and 100. Follow the lesson outline on 116B. #3 Develop the Concept: Visual (25 min): Use the visual learning bridge to learn how to use arrays to multiply by 10 and 100. Have the students follow along as you go through step by step. Go through the other example and guided practice questions 1-6. Have the students complete independent practice questions 7-18. #4 Close/Assess and Differentiated Intervention (15-20 min): Have students complete the Quick Check for 5-1 Review. HOMEWORK: Re-teaching and practice worksheets 5.1 10:30 a.m. 11:05 p.m. Structural Analysis Word Work Structural Analysis Introduce structure “struct” root word means to build “ure” suffix that means action or condition Spelling Words - structure, construct, deconstruct, destruction, construction, deconstruction, indestructible, capture, culture, creature, fixture, picture, fracture, agriculture, architecture Vocabulary Words: reservoir, reserve, syringe, millet, accompanies, 11:05-11:50 Lunch from 11:05- 11:25 Lunch and Recess 11:25- 11:45 Recess Bathroom Break 11:55-12:25 Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson: Reading Standards: RI 4.1 Refer to details in a text when explaining what the text says Block explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text Social RI 4.2 Determine the main idea of the text and explain how it is supported by key Studies details; summarize the text Focus: Close Reading Skills with informational texts Essential Question: How are elephants smarter than some people think they are? What are scientists discovering about these huge animals? Text: “Tracking the Elephants” by George Frame Tools: Chart paper - Anchor Chart to record info. Student Reading Response Journals Method: Introduce the Essential Question – Write the question on chart paper and read it with students. Explain to students that this week we are going to close read an informational/non-fiction piece of text called “Tracking the Elephants.” As we read this article this week I am going to teach them how to close read the text which will include identifying the purpose of the text, highlighting, underlining, and identifying key details and words throughout the text. We will use the details and examples from the text to answer ISAT format questions about the text. Comprehension Questions How do we close read non-fiction or informational text? How can we determine the purpose of the text? Why do we highlight the heading in yellow? Why are the headings important to understanding the text? Why should we underline the topic sentence in each paragraph in red? Application/Assessment: Students will practice close reading during guided & buddy reading. 12:25MUSIC 12:55 Specials 12:55- 1:30 Continue Reading lesson Reading Cont. 1:30- 2:25 Topic: Writing a Good Story Writing Focus Lesson: - We will start by reading “Scratching a Good Story” www.readinga-z.com. Block As we read students will develop ideas to use as they write their own stories. Today we will focus on Beginnings- developing a character with Character Traits Students will develop a character for a new story. 2:30 Dismissal Take students to their bus or ride. Tarr Lesson Plans 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 Math Block 4th Grade Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Day 37 Students arrive. We take them to breakfast then bring them back to the room. Check homework, if they completed it they get a treat. Have them get ready to start the day. When finished, review expectations and have students work on seat work. Announcements on Video- Pledge Calendar Math: Mr. Sunderland leads the calendar math part. Basic Facts Practice Sheets Review Quick Check homework Take Attendance Mathematics: Topic: 5 Lesson 2 Lesson: 5.2 Multiplication: Arrays and Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100 Standards 4.NBT.5: Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Learning Objectives (“I can” statements): I can multiply a four digit whole number by one-digit whole number using strategies and properties of operations. Essential Knowledge: Basic facts and place-value patterns can be used to to find products when one factor is 10 or 100. Key Vocabulary: Manipulatives Needed: Multiplication Recording sheet (teaching tool 29) #2 Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 min): Students will identify patterns that occur when the same 1-digit number is multiplied by multiples of 10 and 100. Essential question: What place-value patterns can be seen when you multiply 1-digit numbers by multiples of 10 or 100? Set the purpose: You have learned about the basic multiplication facts. Today you will use those basic facts and patterns of zeros to multiply by 10 and 100. Follow the lesson outline on 116B. #3 Develop the Concept: Visual (25 min): Use the visual learning bridge to learn how to use basic multiplication facts and number patterns to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100. Have the students follow along as you go through step by step. Go through the other example and guided practice questions 1-8. Have the students complete independent practice questions 9-38. 10:30 a.m. 11:05 p.m. Structural Analysis Word Work 11:05-11:50 Lunch and Recess 11:55-12:25 Reading Block Social Studies 12:25- 1:25 Specials 1:25-2:25 2:30 Dismissal #4 Close/Assess and Differentiated Intervention (15-20 min): Have students complete the Quick Check for 5-2 Review. Structural Analysis Introduce structure “struct” root word means to build “ure” suffix that means action or condition Spelling Words - structure, construct, deconstruct, destruction, construction, deconstruction, indestructible, capture, culture, creature, fixture, picture, fracture, agriculture, architecture Vocabulary Words: reservoir, reserve, syringe, millet, accompanies, Lunch from 11:05- 11:25 Recess 11:25- 11:45 Bathroom Break Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson: Standards: RI 4.1 Refer to details in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text RI 4.2 Determine the main idea of the text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text Focus: Students will use close reading skills to refer to details and examples in text and explaining what the text says explicitly & when drawing inferences from the text. Essential Question: How are elephants smarter than some people think they are? What are scientists discovering about these huge animals? Text: “Tracking the Elephants” by George Frame Tools: Chart paper - Anchor Chart to record info. Student Reading Response Journals Method: Review the Essential Question on chart paper from yesterday. Today We will continue to close read the text “Tracking the Elephants” stopping to highlight, underline, and identify key details and words throughout the text. We will use the details and examples from the text to answer ISAT format questions about the text. Comprehension Questions Why do we highlight the heading in yellow? Why are the headings important to understanding the text? Why should we underline the topic sentence in each paragraph in red? Why do we underline 3-5 key words in each paragraph in blue Application/Assessment: Students will practice close reading during guided & buddy reading. Art Topic: Writing a Good Story Focus Lesson: - We will continue reading “Scratching a Good Story” www.readinga-z.com. As we read students will develop ideas to use as they write their own stories. Today we will focus on settings and conflict Students will develop a setting and a conflict for their new story. Take students to their bus or rides. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 Math Block 4th Grade Tarr Lesson Plans Thursday, October 2, 2014 Day 32 Students arrive. We take them to breakfast then bring them back to the room. Check homework, if they completed it they get a treat. Have them get ready to start the day. When finished, review expectations and have students start on seat work. Announcements on Video- Pledge Calendar Math: Mr. Sunderland leads the calendar math part. Basic Facts Practice Sheets Review Quick Check homework Take Attendance Mathematics: Topic: 5 Lesson 3 Lesson: 5.3 Multiplication: Breaking Apart to Multiply Standards: 4.NBT.5: Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Learning Objectives (“I can” statements): I can multiply a four digit whole number by one-digit whole number using strategies and properties of operations. I can represent the calculation using an equation, rectangular array, or area models. Essential Knowledge: Making an array with place-value blocks provides a way to visualize and find products. A 2-digit by a 1-digit multiplication calculation can be broken into simpler problems: a basic fact and a 1-digit number times a multiple of 10. Answers to the simpler problems can be added to give the product. Key Vocabulary: Partial products Manipulatives Needed: Place-value blocks (teaching tool 8) (10 tens, 15 ones per group) #2 Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 min): Students will break apart arrays to find partial products os a 2-digit times a 1-digit number multiplication problem. Then they find the total product. Essential question: How can you break apart arrays to help you multiply with greater numbers? Set the purpose: You have learned how to use arrays of place-value blocks to model basic facts and multiply by multiples of 10 and 100. Today, you will learn how to break apart arrays to multiply with greater numbers. Follow the lesson outline on 120B. #3 Develop the Concept: Visual (25 min): Use the visual learning bridge to break numbers apart by place-value to multiply. Have the students follow along as you go through step by step. Go through the other example and guided practice questions 1-5. Have the students complete independent practice questions 6-20. #4 Close/Assess and Differentiated Intervention (15-20 min): Have students complete the Quick Check for 5-3 Review. HOMEWORK: Re-teaching and practice worksheets 5.3 10:30 a.m. 11:05 p.m. Structural Analysis Word Work 11:05-11:50 Lunch and Recess 11:55-12:25 Reading Block Social Studies Structural Analysis Introduce structure “struct” root word means to build “ure” suffix that means action or condition Spelling Words - structure, construct, deconstruct, destruction, construction, deconstruction, indestructible, capture, culture, creature, fixture, picture, fracture, agriculture, architecture Vocabulary Words: reservoir, reserve, syringe, millet, accompanies, Lunch from 11:05- 11:25 Recess 11:25- 11:45 Bathroom Break Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson: Standards: RI 4.1 Refer to details in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text RI 4.2 Determine the main idea of the text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text Focus: Students will use close reading skills to refer to details and examples in text and explaining what the text says explicitly & when drawing inferences from the text. Essential Question: How are elephants smarter than some people think they are? What are scientists discovering about these huge animals? Text: “Tracking the Elephants” by George Frame Tools: Chart paper - Anchor Chart to record info. Student Reading Response Journals Method: Review again the essential question for this week. Today we will continue the close reading of the text “Tracking the Elephants” stopping to highlight, underline, and identify key details and words throughout the text. We will use the details and examples from the text to answer ISAT format questions about the text. Comprehension Questions How does close reading help us better understand the text? What do we need to do when we are close reading informational text? Why is it important to write the question number next to the text evidence in the story? What text features can we identify in this article? Why is close reading important? How do we use close reading skills? Application/Assessment: Students will practice close reading during guided & buddy reading. 12:2512:55 Specials 1:00- 1:35 Reading P. E. 1:35-2:25 Writing Block Topic: Writing a Good Story Focus Lesson: - We will continue reading “Scratching a Good Story” www.readinga-z.com. As we read students will develop ideas to use as they write their own stories. Today we will focus on the plot and the climax of the story. Students will develop the plot and climax for their new story. Continue Reading Lesson 2:30 Dismissal 9:00 a.m. 10:00 9:30 a.m. 10:30 Math Block 4th Grade Take students to their bus or rides. Tarr Lesson Plans Friday, October 3, 2014 Day 33 Students arrive. We take them to breakfast then bring them back to the room. Check homework, if they completed it they get a treat. Have them get ready to start the day. When finished, review expectations and have students start on seat work. Announcements on Video- Pledge Calendar Math: Mr. Sunderland leads the calendar math part. Basic Facts Practice Sheets Review Quick Check homework Take Attendance Fruit and Veggie Mathematics: Topic: 5 Lesson 4 Lesson: 5.4 Multiplication: Using Mental Math to Multiply Standards: 4.NBT.5: Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Learning Objectives (“I can” statements): I can multiply a four digit whole number by one-digit whole number using strategies and properties of operations. I can represent the calculation using an equation, rectangular array, or area models. Essential Knowledge: There is more than one way to do mental calculations. Techniques for doing multiplication calculations mentally involve changing the numbers or the expression so the calculation is easy to do mentally Key Vocabulary: compensation Manipulatives Needed: #2 Develop the Concept: Interactive (20 min): Students will show the steps required to use different metal math strategies to multiply. Essential question: What are some ways to multiply mentally? Set the purpose: You have learned how to use basic facts and place-value patterns to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100. Today, you will learn other strategies to help you multiply mentally. Follow the lesson outline on 122B. #3 Develop the Concept: Visual (25 min): Use the visual learning bridge to learn how to use comensation to help you to multiply mentally. Have the students follow along as you go through step by step. Go through the other example and guided practice questions 1-6. Have the students complete independent practice questions 7-24. #4 Close/Assess and Differentiated Intervention (15-20 min): Have students complete the Quick Check for 5-4 Review. HOMEWORK: Re-teaching and practice worksheets 5.4 10:30 a.m. 11:05 p.m. Structural Analysis Word Work 11:05-11:50 Lunch and Recess 11:55-12:25 Reading Block Social Studies Structural Analysis Introduce structure “struct” root word means to build “ure” suffix that means action or condition Spelling Words - structure, construct, deconstruct, destruction, construction, deconstruction, indestructible, capture, culture, creature, fixture, picture, fracture, agriculture, architecture Vocabulary Words: reservoir, reserve, syringe, millet, accompanies, Lunch from 11:05- 11:25 Recess 11:25- 11:45 Bathroom Break Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson: Standards: RI 4.1 Refer to details in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text RI 4.2 Determine the main idea of the text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text Focus: Students will use close reading skills to refer to details and examples in text and explaining what the text says explicitly & when drawing inferences from the text. Essential Question: How are elephants smarter than some people think they are? What are scientists discovering about these huge animals? Text: “Tracking the Elephants” by George Frame Tools: Chart paper - Anchor Chart to record info. Student Reading Response Journals Method: Today we will work on writing an extended response about the text together whole group Comprehension Questions What makes a good reading extended response? How can we use an extended response template to guide our response to reading? How can we use details directly from the text in our response? Why is this important to do? Application/Assessment: Students will practice close reading during guided & buddy reading. 12:2512:55 Specials 1:00- 1:35 Reading Music 1:35-2:25 Topic: Writing a Good Story Continue Reading Block Writing Block Focus Lesson: - We will continue reading “Scratching a Good Story” www.readinga-z.com. As we read students will develop ideas to use as they write their own stories. Today we will focus on the ending, how the problem was solved and adding dialogue to the story Students will work on the resolution and ending of their story. 2:30 Dismissal Take students to their bus or rides.