2012-2013 - Western Carolina University

Due June 15, 2013
Annual Assessment Report - Instructions
The purpose of the Annual Assessment Report is to provide an update on the assessment of student learning outcome(s)
identified in your 2006 Program Assessment Plan. You are not expected to provide results for all outcomes included in
your assessment plan, but you must report results and planned changes/improvements for at least one.
Western Carolina University
(department name)
Annual Assessment Report for 2012-2013
Primary Contact Name/Info:
Cathy L. Grist, Ph.D.
Birth-Kindergarten, Director
218-A Killian Building
Statement on Alignment of Program Mission w/ University and College Mission The mission of the Birth-Kindergarten
Program in the Department of Human Services is to prepare early childhood educators who are knowledgeable of child developmenttypical and atypical: who create and maintain strong relationships with the families of the children they serve; who work with
community partners to assure quality outcomes for children; use assessment wisely to meet children’s needs and plan programs for
them; and who support children’ social emotional development, physical development, cognitive development and who promote
children’s developmental understandings of science, social studies and creative arts. We seek to create a community of learners and to
prepare teachers to create a community of learners within their classrooms.
Program Goals/Objectives
BK Program Goals
Competent early childhood professionals create respectful environments where they model and affirm acceptance of differences and
work in partnership with family members. Candidate outcomes include:
KNOWLEDGE Candidates for the BK Program will possess the foundations of knowledge in early childhood education and the
specialized skills of working with young children with special needs and their families to: (a) Promote child development for children
with and without disabilities, including those at risk, (b) Understand assessment and evaluation processes and the uses in each in the
development of cognitive, social-emotional, communication, motor, adaptive and aesthetic development, (c) Establish and maintain
family and community relationships.
PEDAGOGY Candidates in the BK Program are nurturing professionals who use their knowledge of early childhood development to
create an integrated curriculum and responsive environment for ALL children by: (a) Connecting with ALL children, with and without
disabilities, including those at-risk and their families, (b) Conducting appropriate, ongoing, formal and informal assessments, which
guide their instructional design, and (c) Using specific teaching/learning strategies appropriate for young children to design,
implement, evaluate, and adapt learning experiences.
DIVERSITY Candidates in the BK Program will possess an appreciation and respect for diversity by: (a) Understanding the impact of
diversity on learning, (b) Understanding the culture of individual children and their families, (c) Exploration of own culture and belief
PROFESSIONALISM Candidates in the BK Program will conduct themselves as competent members of the early childhood
profession who: (a) Serve as team members, (b) Serve as leaders, (c) Reflect on their practice.
Program of Study:
The undergraduate Birth Kindergarten Degree leads to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree and an A level North Carolina license in
Birth Kindergarten which allows graduates to teach children with Birth to Kindergarten.
The BS in Birth Kindergarten program currently consists of 39 hours of coursework including 42 hours of liberal studies, 9 hours of
electives, 21 hours in the professional education sequence, 45 hours of major coursework and 18 hours in a concentration area.
During the 2012-2013 school year, the BSBK program was offered in an online format. Students in the program reside all over the
state as well as out of state.
The program also offers a Licensure Only Program (LOP) for students with 4 year degrees in other areas who wish to obtain a NC
teaching license in Birth Kindergarten.
Admission data for the year 2012-2013:
Alt Crt
Alt Crt
Alt Crt
Total applications (new students)
Total new students accepted
Total new students enrolled
Total students enrolled
RALC students admitted
Alt crt plans developed
(May 25, 2012 to May 24, 2013)
Student Learning
Outcome(s) Assessed in
State the learning outcome(s) that
the program assessed in the 201213 assessment cycle.
Method(s) of
Provide a summary of the
methods used to assess the
chosen outcome. Note any
changes in the assessment
measures from the program’s
official assessment plan.
Results of
Results must include a
summary of major findings,
interpretation of the results,
and a description of how the
results were disseminated to
key stakeholders for
Implementation Plan
Identify what programmatic/curricular
changes or improvements you will
make as a result of the assessment.
Each recommended action must be
specific and relate directly to the
outcome and results of assessment. A
description of the timeline for action
and the person(s) responsible must be
included. In addition, please include a
brief description of resources that will
be critical to implementation of the
actions proposed, if applicable.
Students’ knowledge of BirthKindergarten Professional Education
Praxis II: Birth-Kindergarten
administered over the 20122013 FY: (n= 23) data reported.
Results indicate that the
program strongly met the goal.
Educational Testing Service
(ETS; test administration)
disseminates individual scores
to test takers and overall
scores by student as well as
aggregate descriptive data to
the university/program. Results
for Fall 2012 through Spring
2013 yield a 100% pass rate
among 23 test takers. WCU
students’ median score was
177, and required NC passing
score of 155.
The faculty will continue to monitor
Praxis results annually. At this time, no
significant changes are anticipated in
the near future
Teacher Work Sample
Teacher Work Sample Category
Results indicate that WCU’s
BK students who completed
the TWS (n=19) scored an
average of 3 or above on all
TWS components. (Caudle =8,
Fall 2013; Watson= 8, Fall; 5
BK faculty have discussed the TWS at
length over the last year and do not
feel that this is the best indicator of the
program’s progress since all students
are required to make a 3 or above on
the TWS categories. The faculty will be
discussing other outcomes for
assessment over the next year.
Method(s) of Assessment
Results of Assessment
Implementation Plan
Survey data used within the course
Results indicate that the
students in BK 250 = 31
completed a survey with the
following questions: What was
your favorite assignment in this
course? 54% reported
experiences ; What was
For BK 250: Ms. Watson will be
implementing the following:
More frequent quizzes to
cover smaller amounts of
More frequent live
Discontinue the Early
Childhood Program Table
Redesign the DAP
Other Program Outcome(s)
Assessed in 2012-2013
Individual Course Redesign:
BK 250:
your least favorite
assignment in this course?
38% reported quizzes and
tests; What TYPE of
assignment/activity did you
find most meaningful in the
course? 54% said Live Class
BK 315
Survey data used within the course
Results indicate that the
students in BK 315 = 41 out of
48 students completed a
survey on a group project
1) In response to an openended question about the most
difficult aspect of the project,
--56% reported that
communicating with their group
was most difficult.
--10% described that the
large group sizes were difficult
to manage.
--7% found the technology to
be challenging.
--7% found the design of the
project to be difficult because
they had to wait to complete
their parts after others had
--7% described difficulty
regarding the responsibilities
and roles of group members.
2) In response to the most
valuable aspect of the project,
--37% found the most
valuable aspect was the
lesson plan development
(learning about lesson
--44% reported that
collaborating and
communicating with
classmates was the most
valuable part of the process.
--10% responded that
gaining new ideas for their own
classrooms was the most
For the BK 315 Group Project, Dr.
Caudle will be implementing the
 clearer instructions on how
and when to communicate
with group members
 assign different roles so
group members have clear
 to keep the project about
lesson planning
 technology instructions are
clear and they have even
more support in using the
technology, which most
likely relates to Voicethread
(online software)
BKSE 345
Survey data used from a qualtrics
Results indicate that the
students in BKSE 345 = 14
students completed a survey in
general on the course.
1. Directions to
assignments are
clear and
71% of students
somewhat agreed
or agreed with this
2. I feel that there are
variety of
assignments that
meet my learning
needs in this
course: 71% of
students somewhat
agreed or agreed
with this statement
3. The pace of this
course is going well
for me: 71% of
students agreed
with this statement.
For BKSE 345, Dr. Grist will
implement the following:
 Clearer directions to
each assignment given
to students
 Provide more of a
variety of assignments
to students to reach all
types of learners
 Continue to pace the
material and
information in the
course the same
Implementation Plan:
Dissemination of Assessment Results to Key Stakeholders
Results of TWS Portfolio evaluations and Praxis scores will be reviewed with faculty at the first faculty BK Meeting in
the 2013-2014 year.
 Results will be presented to the BK Advisory Board Meeting.
Exit Criteria
 This year the CEAP Exit Criteria which is a college wide assessment tool used with all Teacher Education candidates in
the college was not used due to only 5 intern students completing the survey.
 Next year during both fall and spring semesters all faculty will make better efforts to make multiple announcements in
their courses to students about completing the survey.
Changes to Individual Coursework
BK 250:
More frequent quizzes to cover smaller amounts of content
More frequent live sessions
Discontinue the Early Childhood Program Table Assignment
Redesign the DAP Assignment
BK 315
clearer instructions on how and when to communicate with group members
assign different roles so group members have clear responsibilities
to keep the project about lesson planning
technology instructions are clear and they have even more support in using the technology, which most likely relates to Voicethread (online
BKSE 345
 Clearer directions to each assignment given to students
 Provide more of a variety of assignments to students to reach all types of learners
 Continue to pace the material and information in the course the same
Responsible Parties
Cathy Grist, Program Director,
 Program director, coordinators, and faculty will rely on communications with CEAP administrators and key staff such as
Kim Ruebel, Associate Dean, Renee Corbin, Director of Assessments, and Lee Nickles, Assistant to the Dean for
Technology and Curriculum, regarding changes to these assessments and related processes.