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Field study 5, the course that allows the students to have hands-on experciences
in selecting, constructing and evaluating conventional, authentic and alternative
assessment tools used in the learning environment based on the principles of testing. In
other words, it covers on the different assessment and evaulation strategies that could
be apply during practice teaching. It aims to preapare the field study students before
undergoing the practice teaching.
As we pursue our field study. We were deployed to the different schools indside
the city to have a series of observation. Our task is to observe the assessment
strategies and methods yields by the cooperating teacher.
This field study 5, was focusing from preparing an assessment to evaluating it
and the assurance that the students has it’s learning. Through these series of
assessment, students were able to enhance and test their learnings according of what
they have learned in their previous discussions. Teachers were also given the
opportunities to the students on how the students upgrade their learning’s from time to
Yet, it is not the end of our task, because we see to it that we need to have also
the field study 6 for us to enter the world of practice teaching. That, can able us to
prepare as the future educators and a globally compititive teachers.
(Collaborative Teaching)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Know the role of a responsible member of the family.
b. Identify the role of the family.
c. Appreaciate the importance of the member of the family.
Topic: ”Being a responsible member of the family.”
Reference: Technology and home Economics I
By: Dr. Cristina Villanueva
Page/s: 15-16
Materilas: Visual Aid
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
A. Preparation:
Checking the physical
apprearance of the classroom
Checking of attrendance
B. Review:
Good morning class!
Good morning maam!
Before we proceed to our lesson, lets
us have a review from our past lesson.
Yes maam!
Okay it’s about family.
What is family?
Maam, a family is a basic unit of the
Very good another?
Family is compose of father, mother
and children.
Very well said class!
Family is a center of life in our society.
Okay!, family is a place of love and
affection that we can found with
mutual understading between parets
and their children.
The family helps to grow in the right
direction and give sound mind and
sound body.
Okay! Is that clear class?
Yes! Maam!
C. Motivation:
Sort of questions regarding to the
D. Lesson Proper:
Okay! Class as you have said ealier,
family is composing father, mother and
children. Sometimes together with
grandparents, aunt and uncle and
even grandson and daugther.
Now, You define father in the family?
Maam, father is the head of the family.
Okay! good another?
Maam, a male parent
Very well said class!
In our society the father is the nominal
head of the family.
How about the mother?
Maam, the mother is the light of the
Good anyone?
A female parent.
While the mother is the who take
incharge of the family.
And the children, give joy and
happiness of the family.
Okay! I will group the class into three.
(The class will count 123)
Now, the 1st group kindly go in front
and form a circle, the 2nd group go the
left, and the 3rd group go to the right
The 1st group is assign to list down all
the duties and responsibilities of the
The 2nd group will work for the mother.
And the 3rd group will work for the
Each group kindly chooses your
leader and encoder.
I will givw you 15 minutes to talk and
share ideas and after that, the leader
will stand in front and enumerate the
assign task on your group.
(after 15 minutes)
Okay! Are you done?
Yes! Maam.
So, let’s have the 1st group
Group 1
The Role of the Father in the Family
Head of the family
In financial matter, the father is
held responsible especially in
fulfilling various obligations
Decision maker of the family
Responsible for look for a job
for them to have a bright future
Bread winner
Okay, the 2nd group.
Group 2
The Role of the Mother in the Family
 Manager of the house
 Rearing children
 Doing household chores
 Much closer to the children
 Helps the father in financial
 Budgeting the income of the
 Prapare nutritious food for the
 Taking care of the children
Okay, that correct give them around of
And lastly, the 3rd group
Group 3
The Role of the children in the
Obey and fallow the rules in
the house
Given the chance in
decision making
Give happiness and joy to
the family
Hepls their children in
house hold chores
Greatest gift from God
Very good also!
Any reactions, clarifications?
None maam!
Okay! Very good class!
That’s the end for our discussion for
this morning.
Okay! goodbye class!
Goodbye maam!
Directions: Fill in the blank with correct answer.
1. The family is compared to a __________ with manny parts.
2. In most filipino homes __________ is the head of the family.
3. The __________ is expected to look after his brother and sisters while the
parents are away.
4. She takes charge of the house keeping and caring for the family
members. She is the__________.
5. They serve as role models of desirable values. They are the __________.
6. The __________ is the greatest from God.
7. The __________ is most give children advice, companionship, love and
8. The __________ is the place of love and affection, we can find mutual
understading between parents and their children.
9. The __________ is the manager of the house.
10. A responsible __________ of the family practices to values of
responsibility, love and concers for others.
Write three paragraphs on “ My Roles as a Good member of the Family.”
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
I. Objectives:
At the end of 40 minutes 38 out of 42 First year students of section
Sampaguita will be able to:
a.) define the exact meaning of verb,
b.) identify the verb with the help of cut out pictures, and
c.) determine the kinds of verbs.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Recognizing Verbs
Reference: Smart English Book
Author: Josefina G. San Miguel
pages: 78-79
III. Materials:
cut out pictures
Manila paper
marker or chalk
IV. Teaching / Learning Procedures:
A. Routinary Matters
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
I will pick a couple of students to go infront of the class to identify the
action done on those pictures I posted on the board.
D. Presentation
Our lesson for this day is about verb and its kinds and its function
E. Explanation
As you can see, these pictures on the board shows an action. Therefore
class, we can say that Verb refers to an action word. There are two kinds of Verbs
according to its use. The first one is Transitive verb and the second one is Intransitive
F. Generalization
Ok, who among the class can give summary from our lesson for today?
G. Application
I will pick a couple of students to go infront of the class to determine if each
underlined verb is transitive or intransitive. Write your answer on the blank after each
H. Evaluation
And now class, kindly get 1/2 sheet of paper.
Direction: Determine if each underlined verb is transitive or intransitive. Write your
answer on your paper.
V. Assignment:
Study in advance the Regular and Irregular Verbs.
A reflection on a Lesson Plan
A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for
one class. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction.
Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and
the need and/or curiosity of students.
It is a detailed guide to be used in teaching. Most lesson plans include a title,
topic, name and number of the standard being addressed, goals, objectives, materials,
procedure, practice, evaluation, and ways to extend the learning outside the lesson. A
lesson plan is the guide for teaching a lesson. In basic terms, it is the goal what the
teacher wants the students to learn, the procedures for reaching this goal, the format of
the lesson, and how the teacher will measure that the goal has been reached (a
handout, project, test).
The first thing a teacher does is to create an objective, a statement of purpose for
the whole lesson. The objectives was composed of three domains, these are cognitive
domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain. Cognitive domain focuses on the
brain, the psychomotor domain involves physical activity and the affective domain is
more on emotions. These three domains are essential in making an objectives. After
these, you have also the subject matter, procedure, evaluation and assignment, all of
these are the components in making a lesson plan.
For me, I believed that having a lesson plan teachers’ work would be easy,
because the lesson you should teach is already there all you have to do is to disscuss it
perfectly in front of your students. It is also important to have a lesson plan for you to
guide your lessons everyday.
Therefore, as future educators we should learn to make a lesson plans wether it
is detailed or semi-detailed lesson plan that will serves as our guide in our teaching
Criticizing a Test Paper
Matching Type
34 – 40 Direction: Match the plants in column A with the plant used in growing them in
column B. Write only the letter.
_____34. Potato
a. tuber
_____35. Ginger
b. bulb
_____36. Santan
c. rhizome
_____37. Banana
d. stem
_____38. Katakataka
e. sucker
_____39. Casava
f. leaves
_____40. Gabi
g. storage roots
Criticized no.1: The direction above was lacking of statement. It should be stated when
the responses to be used if it is only once or twice.
Criticized no.2: The responses are not in chronological order. If possible arranged the
list of responses in chronological order.
Criticized no.3: The number of responses should be more than the number of stimuli to
help prevent answering through the process of elimination.
A.Authentic Assessment
Authentic assessment refers to assessment tasks that resemble reading
writing in the real world and in school (Hiebert, Valencia & Afflerbach,
1994; Wiggins, 1993). Its aim is to assess many different kinds of literacy
abilities in
contexts that closely resemble actual situations in which those
abilities are used.
For example, authentic assessments ask students to read
real texts, to write for
authentic purposes about meaningful topics, and to
participate in authentic literacy tasks such as discussing books, keeping journals,
writing letters, and revising a piece of writing until it works for the reader. Both the
material and the assessment tasks look as natural as possible. Furthermore,
authentic assessment values the thinking behind work, the process, as much as
the a & Valencia, 1987; Wiggins, 1989; Wolf, 1989).
Working on authentic tasks is a useful, engaging activity in itself; it
becomes an "episode of learning" for the student (Wolf, 1989). From the
teacher's perspective, teaching to such tasks guarantees that we are
concentrating on worthwhile skills and strategies (Wiggins, 1989). Students are
learning and practicing how to apply important knowledge and skills for authentic
purposes. They should not simply recall information or circle isolated vowel
sounds in words; they should apply what they know to new tasks. For example,
consider the difference between asking students to identify all the metaphors in a
story and asking them to discuss why the author used particular metaphors and
what effect they had on the story. In the latter case, students must put their
knowledge and skills to work just as they might do naturally in or out of school.
Authentic assessment tends to focus on contextualised tasks, enabling
students to demonstrate their competency in a more 'authentic' setting. Examples
of authentic assessment categories include:
performance of the skills, or demonstrating use of a particular knowledge
simulations and role plays
studio portfolios, strategically selecting items
According to Ormiston, "Authentic learning mirrors the tasks and problem
solving that are required in the reality outside of school".
B. Conventional Assessment
Conventional, more traditional, assessment tools evaluate what skills
students can perform with success. They are generally knowledge-based, versus
hands-on or performance-based. They include traditional types of tests like
standardized tests such as those districts administer to all students.
Traditional assessments usually produce a written document, such as a
paper, test, or quiz.
Traditional assessments usually take place at the end of a chapter, unit, or
course of study.
Traditional assessments often use the following types of questions –
true/false, multiple choice, matching, short-answer, fill-in-the-blank, and
Students are usually tested individually.
Students receive a numerical score or grade which often contributes to a
student’s final grade.
Subject areas are usually tested in isolation.
Also known as standardized assessment or summative assessment.
Classroom assessment should consist of a balance between traditional and
alternative assessment.
Traditional assessments are the conventional methods of testing which
usually produce a written document, such as a quiz, exam, or paper.
Standardized tests, most state achievement tests, and high school graduation
C. Alternative Assessment
Alternative assessment uses activities that reveal what students can do
with language, emphasizing their strengths instead of their weaknesses.
Alternative assessment instruments are not only designed and structured
differently from traditional tests, but are also graded or scored differently.
Because alternative assessment is performance based, it helps instructors
emphasize that the point of language learning is communication for meaningful
Alternative assessment methods work well in learner-centered classrooms
because they are based on the idea that students can evaluate their own
learning and learn from the evaluation process. These methods give learners
opportunities to reflect on both their linguistic development and their learning
processes (what helps them learn and what might help them learn better).
Alternative assessment thus gives instructors a way to connect assessment with
review of learning strategies.
Features of alternative assessment:
Assessment is based on authentic tasks that demonstrate learners' ability
to accomplish communication goals.
Instructor and learners focus on communication, not on right and wrong
communication tasks
Learners have opportunities to assess themselves and their peers
Successful use of alternative assessment depends on using performance
tasks that let students demonstrate what they can actually do with language.
Fortunately, many of the activities that take place in communicative classrooms
lend themselves to this type of assessment. These activities replicate the kinds of
challenges, and allow for the kinds of solutions, that learners would encounter in
communication outside the classroom.
D. Reflection
A reflection on assessments
Educational assessment serves the purpose of determining the quality of
instruction from teachers, as well as identifying areas in which certain students may be
struggling. Several tools can be used to assess student learning, all of which help
demonstrate the extent to which students have gained knowledge and confidence in
particular academic areas.
Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and acting upon
data related to student learning and expercience for the purpose of developing a deep
understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as
a result of their educational expercience; the process culminates when assessments
results are used to improve subsequent learning. (Huba and freed, 2000). Assessment
is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning multiple
methods criteria and standards evidence students know, can do and understand.
There are many different assessment that the teacher could be used. Depending
upon the curriculum. In the 21st century teachers are more agrresive to showcase the
students’ abilties in real world context. In other words, students learned how to apply
important knowledge and skills for authentic purposes. They should not simply recall the
information but, they should apply what they knew about the new tasks. And that’s what
we call the authentic assessment. On the contrary, we have also the conventional
assessment, where it focuses the traditional way of assessment. It includes the
traditional types of tests like true/false, multiple choice, matching types, short-answer,
fill-in-the-blank, and essay. However, these types of test that mentioned above were still
used in assessing the students. Additionally, the alternative assessment, it is a kind of
assessment that students can evaluate their own learning and learn from the evaluation
process. It is a performance based, and graded and scored differently.It is also a
learner-centered classrooms, because the teacher let the students to generate their
own ideas.
Therefore, these assessment is very important to the teachers, because through
this teachers can measures the learning outcomes of the students. The teachers can
also evaluate the students’ performance aside from the traditional way of assessment.
In our generation today it is good to have an interaction between the teachers and the
students for the reason that we are now leaving in the high technology era.
Total Score
1. Student gives the
correct answer of
what is the duties
and responsibilities
of a father, mother
and children in the
2. Student constructs
proper sentences.
3. Demonstrates
properly the
assigned task.
4. Neatness and
5. Finished/submitted
the assigned task on
Rated by: ______________
Reflective Journal
Journal 1: Test Preparation
1. What measures have you taken to assure yourself that your test items were
clear, accurate and well focused on the objectives?
For me, I will used simple words in making test questions. These
questions should be brief, direct to the point and in line to the objectives. So that,
the students will understand clearly. And also the direction should be clear.
2. What problems have you encountered? How did you respond to them?
How could you avoid them next time?
I encountered difficulties in preparing test questions, because you can’t
make a test questions in your own way, you need to follow the correct rules in
making them. The next time I make sure that I will follow the rules in making a
test questions.
3. Do your test items provide for a wide range of student learning abilities?
Describe how this has been catered for?
For me yes, because I will make my assessment effective to showcase
the abilities of the students. Teaching children requires you to work with a wide
range of ability and knowledge levels to ensure that the needs of each child are
met. It is important to make sure that students are all reaching their potential and
striving to enhance and improve their learning abilities. Enhancing children's
learning abilities takes time and patience, as most students do not see a leap in
skills and ability instantaneously.
Journal 2: Checking, Marking and Interpreting Test Results
1. What types of information about pupil’s/student’s progress can be
obtained by correcting your students tests?
For me the primary information that includes their grades in performance
base level, results of the exams and quizzes. Through these assessments
students’ abilities and potentials will be measured how much their learnings
progressing. Assessing students' progress is essential to providing a quality
education to pupils. Teachers must monitor how students are performing in order
to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching. The best method of assessing
student progress is to take a multidimensional approach that takes a look at
multiple types of student work.
2. If the test results shows that 50% or more of the learners get low marks,
what does this tell you?
The teacher was ineffective, when it comes of his/her teaching strategies
and on how to make a test that was effective . On the other hand, the learning
competencies were not met. If 50% or more of the learners g0t low marks, that
means the test was poorly constructed. Teacher needs to refer to TOS or Table
of Specification to identify the appropriate number of items to be included in the
test. Thus, if these outcomes were dominant. It is strongly suggested that the test
items should be revised.
3. If there are lot of learners who do poorly in one subject area, what will you
do to respond to this?
For me, maybe I will picked those learners who are poor in certain subject.
I will make a schedule for the remedial class. And I will encouraged those
learners to attend the remedial classes. In this way, students who poor in certain
subject will have the opportunity to enhance their learnings and also their grades.
4. How else could you have assessed your learners abilities?
Learners have multiple intellegences. These intellegences will be
developed if the students will engaging themselves into different activities inside
or outside the classroom. Teachers is the one who is responsible to developed
these intellegences, through encouraging their students to participate many
activities in the school. Furthermore, teacher is giving the opportunity to students
to showcase their unrecognized talents and abilities, not only in the academic but
also in extra-curricular activities.
Journal 3: Evaluation
A. On Evaluation of the Assessment
1. How did you evaluate the performance of your learners? Do you reflect
on their responses and review their achievements? How?
For me, by giving them grades based on their performance. In
performance level, I will provide a rubric to identify the important components
of the work of the students. A rubric gives students clear targets of proficiency
to aim for. With a rubric in hand, they will know what constitutes a good
project presentation. And in the academic level, I will follow the appopriate
guidelines in evaluating the student’s learning outcomes.
2. Did you used valid forms of assessment for the lessons?which of these
forms were useful? why?
For this generation students are more reliable, talented and updated for
the reason that we are now leaving in the high technology era. For me, I used
authentic assessment, why? because this kind of assessment will help the
students to enhance and develop the talents they possess. This assessment
tends to focus on contextualised tasks, enabling students to demonstrate their
competency in a more authentic setting.
3. How
strategies?Provide an example for each.
The formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide
ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching
and by students to improve their learning. While, the summative assessment
is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing
it against some standard or benchmark.
In formative assessment I will going to ask a series of questions to my
students to know their strenghts and weaknesses and also to provides explicit
feedback to my lessons. In summative assessement I will going to give a final
project to my students to evaluate their learnings.
4. How do you used asessment results as a guide in further planning of
your lessons?
The assessment is an instrument to measures the students’ learning
outcomes. This assessment is my guide for further planning to my future
lessons. The results of the evaluation I made was my guide for what my goals
and objectives for the next lesson and also my basis if my objectives were
B. On Personal Evaluation
1. How and where do you reflect on your own teaching style and
techniques? How often do you do this? What evidences will show that
constraints/difficulties hinder in my progress?
As I intered the world of education. The first thing that I have learned was
to reflect my own teaching styles and techniques to my teachers, because
from them I gained a lot of teaching styles and techniques on how to teach
the students properly.
For me, the evidences that I have is making my field study. The time I
worked to this, I learned a lots of things, the classroom management, the
learners’ learning styles, the assessment of students and the like. Since I
don’t have an expercience yet to teach actually the students. But, I will use
my learnings from my observations and during our class disscussions if I will
undergo a practice teaching inorder for me to grow and to be an effective
teacher someday.
As an earner student, the difficulties that I have met or hinder in my
progress was answering those questions in field study workbooks. During my
college days I don’t have encountered any of these, and I have a little time to
study education. However, I used all my knowledge in doing my portfolio a
good one.
2. How often do you ask for specific feedback and advice from your
mentors? In what way will you be able to check on my progress and
Every time I have an obervation, I always asked my cooperating
teacher/mentor for an specific advice of what necessary things I need to know
and learn, because I believe that asking advice/feedback will helps me grow
in my teaching endeavour.
Maybe, if I will going to check my progress it will be based the rubric that
was given by the teacher. The rubric will shows, measures the progress I
have during my observation and field study works.
3. To what extent do you disscuss your teaching performance willingly
with others and respond posivitely to contructive criticisms? What
should you do to successfully improve your teaching performance?
Like what I have said before, I don’t have an expercience yet to teach
students in a real setting. But, If that time will come I am wiiling to disscuss
my teaching performance to my classmates and know their feedbacks and
criticisms and respond to this positively. Most of all these feedbacks and
criticisms I have gathered will be my guide to enhance more my teaching