6 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE Title of Report: Delegated Chief Officer Decisions Meeting Date 14 September 2010 Report Author and Tel No Barry Reid 01502 523031 Is the report Open or Exempt? Open REPORT Attached at Appendix A is a table of all delegated planning decisions made during August 2010. Members will note that 97 decisions were made, of which:47 4 1 1 7 1 1 5 4 1 5 3 2 1 13 1 planning permissions were issued planning applications were refused outline planning permission was issued outline planning application was refused listed building consents were issued conservation area consent was issued conservation area application was refused change of use consents were issued illuminated advertisement consents were issued non-illuminated advertisement application was refused discharge of conditions applications were issued county council applications – no objections variation of conditions applications were issued variation of conditions application was refused non-material amendment applications were issued non-material amendment application was refused RECOMMENDATION That the report concerning Chief Officer delegated decisions taken during August 2010 to be received. BACKGROUND PAPERS Type Available From Case Files Planning Office, Marina Customer Centre, The Marina, Lowestoft 11 Service LIST OF DELEGATED DECISIONS (PREVIOUS CALENDAR MONTH) LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0003/FUL Agent: 243 Long Road Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of 3no. detached houses Application Permitted Decision date: Mr I Sinclair Mr Andrew Middleton 12/08/2010 SOUTH ELMHAM ALL SAINTS AND ST NICHOLAS Applicant: Mr Terry Warren Ref No: DC/10/0396/LBC Agent: NONE Address: The Willows The Common South Elmham All Saints Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Retrospective Application - Replacement front porch, new flue and internal alterations Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 18/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Billy Smith DC/10/0394/FUL Agent: Mr Gordon Westgate Beach Farm Caravan Site Arbor Lane Lowestoft Provision of 5 new residential mobile homes, replacing 8 existing holiday pitches Application Permitted Decision date: 26/08/2010 BARNBY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Peter Egan DC/10/0506/FUL Agent: NONE Orchard Farm New Road Barnby Permanent siting of mobile animal shed and change of use of stable to house sheep Application Permitted Decision date: 27/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr P Jackson DC/10/0568/DRC Agent: Mr Ian Garrett 46 The Avenue Lowestoft Suffolk Discharge of Condition No.3 - DC/09/1177/FUL - External facing and roofing materials Application Permitted Decision date: 05/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0609/FUL Agent: 15 Cowslip Crescent Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a two storey side extension Application Permitted Decision date: WRENTHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr S Rouse DC/10/0619/FUL Agent: Mr Ian Garrett Building Plot At Rear Of 9 Mill Lane Wrentham Construction of a bungalow with detached double garage Application Permitted Decision date: Mr N Dungate NONE 09/08/2010 CARLTON COLVILLE Applicant: Ref No: DC/10/0641/FUL Agent: NONE Address: Land Off Ullswater Carlton Colville Suffolk Proposal: Construction of 4 dwellings and associated accesses (change of layout of plots 30-33) Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Ms M Kennett DC/10/0645/FUL Agent: Mr D Aldridge 19 Coronation Terrace Pakefield Street Lowestoft Two storey side extension, front porch and alterations to existing conservatory Application Permitted Decision date: 05/08/2010 12 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0653/FUL Agent: 54 North Road Southwold Suffolk Construction of a rear conservatory Application Permitted Decision date: RUMBURGH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: Mr Peter Dutton DC/10/0662/FUL Agent: Mr Alex Dutton Pear Tree Farm Aldous Corner Rumburgh Renovation of existing barn and conversion into a 3-bedroom family dwelling and addition of a detached carport Application Permitted Decision date: 13/08/2010 Decision: RUMBURGH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Mr D Ginn NONE Decision: Applicant: Mr Peter Dutton DC/10/0663/LBC Agent: Mr Alex Dutton Pear Tree Farm Aldous Corner Rumburgh Listed Building Consent - Renovation of existing barn and conversion into a 3-bedroom family dwelling and addition of a detached carport Application Permitted Decision date: 13/08/2010 BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr William Harkness DC/10/0667/OUT Agent: Mr David Gaunt Land At Rear Of 38 Ravensmere Beccles Suffolk Outline Application - Construction of a pair of semi detached houses Application Permitted Decision date: 23/08/2010 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Jeremy Raffe DC/10/0678/VOC Agent: Mr Ashley Benn Former Eversley School Gym' Eversley Road Southwold Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/10/0229/FUL - Inclusion of 2 rooflights Application Refused Decision date: 05/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0724/COU Agent: Mr R Courts Willow Caravan Site Jubilee Road Off Willow Road Change of Use - Demolish existing toilet building and provide one additional caravan space Application Permitted Decision date: 13/08/2010 BRAMPTON WITH STOVEN Applicant: Mr Wayne Foulger Ref No: DC/10/0740/FUL Agent: Mr Steven Elphick Address: 1 Southwold Road Brampton Beccles Proposal: Retrospective Application - Construction of a single storey side extension Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0738/OUT Agent: Land Rear Of 1 Gunton Cliff Lowestoft Suffolk Outline Application - Construction of a house Application Refused Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: McDonalds Restaurant Ltd DC/10/0767/ADI Agent: Mrs Sarah Carpenter Mcdonalds Restaurants Ltd Arbor Lane Lowestoft Illuminated Advertisement Consent - Provision of 3 No. illuminated fascia Signs, 1 No. illuminated Height restrictor monolith sign, 1 No. illuminated freestanding rotating single triple unit, 2 No. illuminated freestanding double triple unit and 1 No. non illuminated customer order display sign Application Permitted Decision date: 09/08/2010 Decision: 13 Mr Brian Ball Mr Lee Self 09/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: McDonalds Restaurant Ltd DC/10/0769/FUL Agent: Mrs Sarah Carpenter Mcdonalds Restaurants Ltd Arbor Lane Lowestoft Refurbishment of restaurant and patio area, elevational changes including removal of booth one and provision of a new automated entrance door Application Permitted Decision date: 09/08/2010 Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0741/ADI Agent: Mr Adam Slade Asda Stores Limited Belvedere Road Lowestoft Illuminated Advertisement Consent - Provision of petrol filling station fascia, associated petrol signage and new LED petrol price panel retrofitted to existing sign Application Permitted Decision date: 09/08/2010 UGGESHALL Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Messrs WD Felgate And Exorc. Of VM Felgate DC/10/0742/FUL Agent: Messrs Durrants Chartered Surveyors Brick Kiln Farm Wash Lane Uggeshall Conversion of barn to residential and erection of cartlodge/garage and associated access Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2010 CARLTON COLVILLE Applicant: Ref No: DC/10/0744/AME Agent: NONE Address: Land Off Ullswater Carlton Colville Lowestoft Proposal: Non-material Amendment to DC/09/0889/FUL - Repositioning of plots 26 and 27 Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2010 CARLTON COLVILLE Applicant: Ref No: DC/10/0745/AME Agent: NONE Address: Land Off Ullswater Carlton Colville Lowestoft Proposal: Non-material Amendment to DC/08/0817/FUL - Repositioning of plots 26, 27, 29 and 34 Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2010 BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0748/FUL Agent: 29 Woodside Beccles Suffolk Construction of a two storey side extension Application Refused Decision date: REYDON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr S Hatami DC/10/0750/FUL Agent: Mrs Charlotte Pither 27A Halesworth Road Reydon Southwold Provision of new dormer window in the front roof slope and conversion of outbuilding to annexe Application Permitted Decision date: 16/08/2010 KESSINGLAND Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr B Smith DC/10/0751/FUL Agent: Mr Barry Cutts Beach House Cottage Beach Road Kessingland Construction of a chalet bungalow with integral garage (including demolition of existing semi-detached bungalow) Application Refused Decision date: 31/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0755/FUL Agent: 119 Raglan Street Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a front porch Application Permitted Decision date: 14 Mr R Crockford NONE 20/08/2010 Mrs Donna Thurston NONE 11/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Bidwell DC/10/0757/AME Agent: Mr Ian Garrett 32 Cotmer Road Lowestoft Suffolk Non Material Amendment of DC/07/1795/ARM - Contruction of 1 No. bungalow and garage Alterations to kitchen and utility area Application Permitted Decision date: 09/08/2010 HALESWORTH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Ipswich Building Society DC/10/0759/ADN Agent: NONE 61 Thoroughfare Halesworth Suffolk Non-Illuminated Advertisement Consent - Provision of 1no. fascia sign and 1no. projecting sign Application Permitted Decision date: 09/08/2010 REYDON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Boggis DC/10/0762/FUL Agent: Mrs Charlotte Pither 58 Windsor Road Reydon Southwold Construction of a single storey rear extension and two storey front extension Application Permitted Decision date: 16/08/2010 WESTHALL Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Studd DC/10/0763/DRC Agent: Mr Roger Gladwell Paradise Farm Wangford Road Westhall Discharge of Conditions 4, 6 and 7 of application DC/10/0444/LBC - Internal and external alterations, erection of cartlodge and garden buildings, replacement entrance gates, refurbishment of existing office building and demolition of 4no modern structures Application Permitted Decision date: 16/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0768/FUL Agent: 45 London Road Pakefield Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a 1st floor side extension Application Permitted Decision date: Mr Richard Aldworth NONE 13/08/2010 SOUTH ELMHAM ALL SAINTS AND ST NICHOLAS Applicant: Mr And Mrs Pip Birtwistle Ref No: DC/10/0776/DRC Agent: Mr John Putman Address: The Old Rectory St Margarets Road South Elmham All Saints Proposal: Approval of details reserved by conditions 5 and 7 of DC/10/0223/LBC - details of type and method of installation of all new and relocated services and details of materials Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 13/08/2010 HALESWORTH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mrs Laura-Jayne Scott DC/10/0766/FUL Agent: Mr Alan Stannard 47 Quay Street Halesworth Suffolk Erection of retaining wall including part removal of existing bank Application Permitted Decision date: 16/08/2010 OULTON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr C French DC/10/0771/COU Agent: NONE Newholme Farm Park Hill Oulton Change of use from ancillary building to holiday accommodation Application Permitted Decision date: 18/08/2010 GISLEHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Terence Hulme DC/10/0773/FUL Agent: Mr Derek Lyne 4 Grange Farm Cottages Church Road Gisleham Construction of a single storey side extension Application Permitted Decision date: 12/08/2010 15 BUNGAY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Neil Mayhew DC/10/0774/LBC Agent: NONE 7 Earsham Street Bungay Suffolk Listed Building Consent - Erection of glazed canopy in rear courtyard Application Permitted Decision date: 23/08/2010 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Banks DC/10/0779/VOC Agent: Mr Alan Greening Garden Gallery Victoria Street Southwold Variation of Condition No. 2 of DC/08/0939/FUL - Change of use to residential (various alterations to previously approved plans) Application Permitted Decision date: 06/08/2010 Decision: SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Banks DC/10/0781/VOC Agent: Mr Alan Greening Garden Gallery Victoria Street Southwold Variation of Condition No. 2 of DC/08/0940/LBC - Change of use to residential (various alterations to previously approved plans) Application Permitted Decision date: 06/08/2010 HALESWORTH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0834/LBC Agent: 47 Quay Street Halesworth Suffolk Listed Building Consent - Alterations to garage Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0777/FUL Agent: 21 Lyndhurst Road Lowestoft Suffolk Replacement and extension to the rear Application Permitted Decision date: BLUNDESTON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Rose DC/10/0787/FUL Agent: Mr Andrew Middleton Thala Cottage Flixton Road Blundeston Single and two storey rear extensions (Amended description) Application Permitted Decision date: WESTHALL Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0789/LBC Agent: Stradbroke Town Farm Church Lane Westhall Listed Building Consent - Replace all windows Application Permitted Decision date: Prof. Christopher Higgins NONE SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0788/FUL Agent: 21 Ferry Road Southwold Suffolk Construction of a rear sun room extension Application Refused Decision date: Mr Vere Richardson Mr David Bishop WORLINGHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0797/FUL Agent: 70 Lowestoft Road Worlingham Beccles Construction of a front carport Application Permitted Decision date: MUTFORD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: Dr Barry Robinson DC/10/0798/AME Agent: NONE Rivendell Church Road Mutford Non Material Amendment to DC/10/0200/FUL - Installation of 2 Velux solar collectors to the side elevation Application Permitted Decision date: 11/08/2010 Decision: 16 Mrs Laura-Jayne Scott Mr Alan Stannard 16/08/2010 Mr & Mrs Freeman NONE 31/08/2010 31/08/2010 Mr Stephen Boothby NONE 11/08/2010 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Roy Hannant DC/10/0800/FUL Agent: Mr John Bennett 5 Victoria Street Southwold Suffolk Conversion of existing workshop into 2 flats, including raising of roof height Application Refused Decision date: 23/08/2010 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Roy Hannant DC/10/0801/CAC Agent: Mr John Bennett 5 Victoria Street Southwold Suffolk Conservation Area Consent - Removal of part of the northern end of the building Application Refused Decision date: 23/08/2010 SHIPMEADOW Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0802/FUL Agent: Land To The East Of Gulls Lane Shipmeadow Creation of a vehicular access Application Permitted Decision date: WESTHALL Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Studd DC/10/0804/LBC Agent: Mr D Pearce Paradise Farm Wangford Road Cox Common Listed Building Consent - Replacement of sole plates Application Permitted Decision date: 19/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0806/FUL Agent: 4 Raphael Walk Lowestoft Suffolk Relocation of existing boundary fence Application Permitted Decision date: Mr Andrew Wilson NONE SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0809/FUL Agent: Gun Hill Place South Green Southwold Erection of iron fence and gates Application Permitted Decision date: Mrs D M Davie-Thornhill Mrs M Vale BRAMPTON WITH STOVEN Applicant: Ref No: DC/10/0810/FUL Agent: Address: Old Hall Farm Station Road Brampton Proposal: Erection of 1 no. steel framed livestock building Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: Mrs J Lay NONE 12/08/2010 Lord James Prior Ms Trish Daly 16/08/2010 HALESWORTH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0807/FUL Agent: 27 Uplands Way Halesworth Suffolk Construction of a rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: WESTHALL Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs Studd DC/10/0822/DRC Agent: Mr Roger Gladwell Paradise Farm Wangford Road Westhall Discharge of Condition No. 3 - DC/10/0443/FUL - Erection of new cartlodge and garden building and replacement entrance gates - Provision of bat and newt Survey Application Permitted Decision date: 31/08/2010 WORLINGHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0814/FUL Agent: 1 Hawthorn Close Worlingham Beccles Construction of a rear conservatory Application Permitted Decision date: 17 Mr Stephen Kent NONE Mr David Boulton Waveney Windows Limited 16/08/2010 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0819/COU Agent: Ellesborough House 62 Pier Avenue Southwold Change of use from guest house to residential Application Permitted Decision date: HALESWORTH Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Cutler's Hill Surgery DC/10/0821/AME Agent: Ms EWA Bubnicka-Gyde Cutlers Hill Surgery Bungay Road Halesworth Non Material Amendment - DC/09/0906/FUL - Ridge roof windows to be replaced by velux type windows Application Permitted Decision date: 31/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Trinity Methodist Playgroup DC/10/0838/FUL Agent: Paul Tungate MRICS Trinity Methodist Playgroup High Street Lowestoft Erection of a canopy Application Permitted Decision date: 26/08/2010 REYDON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0827/FUL Agent: 1 Heathlands St Georges Lane Reydon Construction of a single storey rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: REYDON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0828/FUL Agent: 2 Heathlands St Georges Lane Reydon Construction of a single storey rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Ms Jan Smith DC/10/0830/ADI Agent: NONE Imperial House Bevan Street East Lowestoft Iluminated Advertisement Consent - Provision of 3no externally illuminated fascia signs and 1no hanging sign Application Permitted Decision date: 25/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0831/FUL Agent: 1 Seven Acres Lowestoft Suffolk Erection of a boundary wall Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0832/FUL Agent: 379 London Road South Lowestoft Suffolk Replacement windows to front elevation Application Permitted Decision date: BUNGAY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Tim Nursey DC/10/0835/COU Agent: NONE Above Bodywise Gym Rose Lane Bungay Change of Use from Health and Beauty Salon to Light Industrial (B1) Application Permitted Decision date: 26/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0841/FUL Agent: 21 Willow Road Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a rear extension and alterations Application Permitted Decision date: 18 Mr M Cross NONE 09/08/2010 Mr Dexter Kirk NONE 26/08/2010 Mrs Jane Whines NONE 26/08/2010 Mr G Jermyn Mr Ian Garrett 25/08/2010 Mr & Mrs Humphery Mr A Scase 26/08/2010 Mr M Bradley NONE 26/08/2010 CORTON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0843/COU Agent: Corton Playing Field The Street Corton Change of Use to allow car boot sales every week Application Permitted Decision date: Mr David Butcher Mr Michael Elliott LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0844/FUL Agent: 24 Winston Avenue Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a rear conservatory Application Permitted Decision date: Mr Tiffen Early Dawn Windows & Conservatories LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0846/FUL Agent: 12 Gladstone Road Corton Lowestoft Construction of a single storey rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0848/FUL Agent: 15 Edendale Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: CORTON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Christopher Want DC/10/0852/AME Agent: NONE 71 Station Road Corton Lowestoft Non Material Amendment - DC/09/0891/FUL - Additional window to west elevation Application Permitted Decision date: GISLEHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0858/FUL Agent: Lodge Farm Gisleham Road Gisleham Construction of a detached double garage Application Permitted Decision date: BUNGAY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr K Garrod DC/10/0865/FUL Agent: NONE 11 Rose Hall Gardens Bungay Suffolk Retrospective Application- Erection of a boundary fence Application Permitted Decision date: 25/08/2010 SOUTHWOLD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Jeremy Raffe DC/10/0866/DRC Agent: Mr Ashley Benn Former Eversley School Gymnasium Blackmill Road Southwold Discharge of Condition No. 3 (Joinery Details) of DC/10/0229/FUL - Conversion of the former Eversley School Gymnasium to 1 No. house with integral garage Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0867/FUL Agent: 17 Long Meadow Walk Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a side extension and conservatory Application Permitted Decision date: BUNGAY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: DC/10/0868/ADI Agent: Mr Enrique Soler 12 Broad Street Bungay Suffolk Illuminated Advertisement Consent - Removal of existing heritage letter signage and projecting sign, and replace with 1 No. illuminated fascia sign with new heritage idividual letters and 1 No. non illuminated hanging sign Application Permitted Decision date: Decision: 19 26/08/2010 Mr & Mrs Brighty Mr Barry Cutts 26/08/2010 Mr Gordon Shiels Paul Tungate MRICS G Winter & Son NONE Mr B Ereira Mr Ian Garrett BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr & Mrs K Knightly DC/10/0870/FUL Agent: Gordon Hogg 3 Rivetts Loke Beccles Suffolk Insertion of two velux rooflights and a dormer window Application Permitted Decision date: CARLTON COLVILLE Applicant: Ref No: DC/10/0877/FUL Agent: Address: 1 Ryedale Carlton Colville Lowestoft Proposal: Construction of a front porch Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: Mrs Kathleen Stammers Paul Tungate MRICS BUNGAY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0880/FUL Agent: The Trees Hillside Road West Bungay Construction of a rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: Mrs E Hardy NONE BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr N Beese DC/10/0883/FUL Agent: Mr Gordon Hogg Candleford 11A Grange Road Beccles Replacement of existing side extension and conservatory with orangery Application Permitted Decision date: BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr N Beese DC/10/0884/CAC Agent: Mr Gordon Hogg Candleford 11A Grange Road Beccles Conservation Area Consent - Demolition of side extension and conservatory Application Permitted Decision date: WRENTHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0887/FUL Agent: 1A The Lane Wrentham Beccles Construction of a front extension Application Permitted Decision date: LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: Mr Paul Pitcher DC/10/0891/AME Agent: NONE 10no. Affordable Dwellings Adjacent To 141 Beccles Road Bungay Non Material Amendment - W1711/12 - Changes to plots 3 and 4, and removal of turning head adjacent to plot 8 Application Permitted Decision date: 18/08/2010 Decision: RINGSFIELD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Mr Anthony Elphick NONE Decision: Applicant: Mr Sinom White DC/10/0893/CCC Agent: Anita Seymour Ringsfield Primary School School Road Ringsfield County Council Consultation - Construction of a flat roofed single storey extension to extend the existing Assembly Hall and provide Library and ICT resource area with storage No Objections Decision date: 03/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0896/FUL Agent: 10 Derwent Gardens Lowestoft Suffolk Construction of a first floor rear extension Application Permitted Decision date: 20 Mr Matthew Wylds NONE BUNGAY Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0892/LBC Agent: Mr Enrique Soler 12 Broad Street Bungay Suffolk Listed Building Consent - Removal of existing signage and installation of new individual letters and projecting sign, new housing and lighting for the existing ATM and new security camera with dome Application Permitted Decision date: WORLINGHAM Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr John Carter DC/10/0894/FUL Agent: Mr Andrew Leah 10 Brookwood Close Worlingham Beccles Construction of rear and side single storey extensions (jncluding demolition of existing garage) Application Permitted Decision date: REYDON Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Gary Barber DC/10/0899/AME Agent: Mrs Clare Barber The Brambles 9 Halesworth Road Reydon Non Material Amendment to DC/08/0002/FUL - Replace approved fixed window to side elevation with opening window and repositioning of approved patio doors and ground floor window Application Refused Decision date: 23/08/2010 SHADINGFIELD Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Rick Russell DC/10/0928/FUL Agent: Paul Tungate MRICS Danewold London Road Shadingfield Construction of a two storey rear extension and cart shed style garage Application Permitted Decision date: SOUTH ELMHAM ST JAMES Applicant: Mr Hugo Grenville Ref No: DC/10/0939/AME Agent: Mr Edward Ridge Address: St James Farm St James Lane South Elmham St James Proposal: Non Material Amendment - DC/10/0424/FUL - Alterations to door and window to south east elevation and replacement of proposed entrance porch with open sided porch Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 23/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Mr Eric Pearce DC/10/0940/AME Agent: NONE 45 Lyngate Avenue Lowestoft Suffolk Non Material Amendment - DC/10/0528/FUL - Substitute roofing tiles for Britmet Tileform Ltd Pantile 2000 Application Permitted Decision date: 16/08/2010 WANGFORD AND HENHAM Applicant: Mr Clive Purvis Ref No: DC/10/0942/AME Agent: Mr Mark Symonds Address: Thatch End 4 Hill Road Wangford Proposal: Non Material Amendment to DC/10/0147/FUL - Change in door/window style Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 23/08/2010 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: DC/10/0944/AME Agent: ASD Architecture Ltd Land Off Eastwood Avenue Lowestoft Suffolk Non Material Amendment - DC/09/0639/FUL - Access maintained to adjacent properties and parking revised to both plots Application Permitted Decision date: 26/08/2010 Applicant: DC/10/0945/AME Agent: ASD Architecture Ltd Corner Of Pig Lane And Noels Walk Caxton Road Beccles Non Material Amendment - DC/09/0507/FUL - Replace glass block within entrance hall and landing with full height glazing in UPVC frames Application Permitted Decision date: 17/08/2010 21 LOWESTOFT Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Simon White DC/10/0947/CCC Agent: Anita Seymour Warren Special School Clarkes Lane Lowestoft County Council Consultation - Improvement of Car Park facilities to relieve health and safety issues No Objections Decision date: 26/08/2010 WESTHALL Ref No: Address: Proposal: Applicant: Mr & Mrs K Studd DC/10/0972/AME Agent: Mr Roger Gladwell Paradise Farm Wangford Road Westhall Non Material Amendment to DC/10/0443/FUL - Change of windows from vertical sliding sash to side hung casement and storm proof window replaced by new flush casement window Application Permitted Decision date: 31/08/2010 Decision: BECCLES Ref No: Address: Proposal: Decision: Applicant: Suffolk County Council DC/10/1004/CCC Agent: Suffolk County Council Ravensmere Infants School St Benedicts Road Beccles County Council Consultation - Provision of a double door to existing lower section of Victorian sash window No Objections Decision date: 22