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Register Number
(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch :B.Tech - IT/P-IT/CSE/DCS/P-CSE
Title of the Paper :Software Engineering
Max. Marks :80
Sub. Code :512405-612PT302-6C0062-611PT202 Time : 3 Hours
Date :16/05/2011
Session :FN
(10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
“The time-error curve for software industry gives ripple effect in
Identify to which CMM level (s) the following process areas
belong to
 Configuration management
 Process standardization
 Organizational process performance
 Project planning
Differentiate between
What is a prototype? Differentiate between the categories of
What design patterns do you suggest for the following?
 To support future protocols
 Must comply with existing interface and reusing legacy
 Manufacture and platform independent.
 Decoupling policy and mechanisms.
What UI design patterns are used for the following?
(a) Page layout
(b) Tables
(c) Navigation through menus and web pages.
(d) Shopping cart
Are design and architecture the same? Justify your answer.
What type of testing strategy is used to test the following
elements? Justify
(a) System engineering
(b) Design
(c) Code
(d) Requirements
What are the objectives of Formal Technical Reviews?
10. What is ‘cleanroom’ in software engineering?
Answer All the Questions
(5 x 12 = 60)
11. (a) Discuss at least for deficiencies in waterfall model. For each
deficiency compare each of the alternative process techniques
and identity the one that best resolves the issue.
(b) If you have to develop a word processing software product,
what process model will you choose? Justify your answer.
12. (a) Compute the function point value for a project with the
following information domain characteristics.
Number of user inputs
Number of outputs
Number of inquiries
Number of files
Number of external interfaces 2
Assume that all complexity adjustment values are average (6)
(b) What are direct and indirect measures? Explain size-oriented
metrics in detail.
13. What is the purpose of DFD? What are the components of DFD?
Construct for the following system.
An on-line shopping system for XYZ provides many services and
benefits to its members and staffs. Currently, XYZ staffs
manually handle the purchasing information with the use of basic
office software, such as Microsoft Office Word and Excel. It may
results in having mistakes easily and the process is very
inconvenient. XYZ needs an online shopping system at their
intranet based on the requirements of users. XYZ online shopping
system has five key features:
(a) to provide the user friendly online shopping cart function to
member to replace hardcopy ordering form;
(b) to store inventory and sales information in database to
reduce the human mistakes, increase accuracy and enhance
the flexibility of information processing;
(c) to provide an efficient inventory system which can help the
XYZ staffs to gain enough information to update the
(d) To be able to print invoices to members and print a set of
summary reports for XYZ’s internal usage;
(e) To design the system that is easy to maintain and upgrade.
14. What is requirements elicitation? Describe in detail the various
activities performed in requirements elicitation phase with an
example of a banking system.
15. What is structured design? Explain the process of conversion
from data flow diagram to structured chart with examples.
16. What is software architecture? Describe the different software
architectural styles with examples.
17. (a) What are the factors to be considered while using formal
methods for software engineering?
(b) What is OCL? Explain with an example.
18. (a) Consider the pseudocode for simple subtraction given below:
1. Program ‘Simple Subtraction’
2. input (x, y)
3. output (x)
4. Output (y)
5. if x>y then DO
6. x-y = z
7. Else y – x = z
8. EndIf
9. output (z)
10. output “End Program”
Perform basis path testing and generate test cases
(b) Compare and contrast the following giving suitable examples
1. SCM and software support
2. validation and verification
3. Debugging and testing
19. How does reengineering fit into the process of software
maintenance? Describe the process of software reengineering.
20. (a) Describe the activities in configuration management.
(b) Describe the concepts of configuration management and
their relationships.