chapter vi - Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North

Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
North Eastern Council
The North Eastern Council (NEC) was set up under the NEC Act 1971, for securing
balanced development of the North Eastern Area with seven constituent members Viz.
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. By the
amendment of NEC Act in 2002, Sikkim has been added as its eighth member. By virtue
of the Amendment, the Council has been made the regional planning body for the North
Eastern Area.
At present, the concerned Minister for DONER is also the Chairman of the North
Eastern Council. There are two full time nominated Members posted at Shillong and
Member (North East) of the Planning Commission is also Ex-Officio member of the North
Eastern Council.
6.2 NER Vision Document 2020
NEC, has come up with the road map for the all round development and progress
of the North Eastern Region by implementing the NER Vision Document 2020, released
by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on the July 2nd 2008 in New Delhi. In an effort to
translate the Vision Document into action, a high level inter-Ministerial Group under the
chairmanship of the Hon’ble Minister, DoNER and Chairman, NEC has been constituted
to provide Guidance and to supervise the Strategies and Programmes for inter-sector
mobilization in the region. Also, as many as 17 Thematic Groups have been formed to
formulate and monitor the progress in the respective fields.
During the 10th Plan, against the total allocation of Rs. 2511.50 crore
expenditure was Rs. 2495.64 crores, which is around 99.36%. The sector wise
expenditure during the 10th Plan is indicated in Annexure IV.
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
6.4 NEC’s Annual Plan 2008-09
The Annual Plan 2008-09 of North Eastern Council was approved with an
outlay of Rs. 624 crores, with the following Sectoral allocations:
(Rs. In Crores)
Outlay for Annual Plan 2008-09
During the year 2008-09 (April - December’08) against the allocation of Rs.
624.00 Crore, .NEC incurred an expenditure of Rs.268.41 Crores. The sector wise
expenditure is given in Annexure V.
A. Transport & Communication Sector:- Transport & Communication Sector is one
of the major Plan Sectors under implementation by NEC, which accounted for about
60% of the 10th Plan outlay during the first four years. In the roads and bridges
segment under this sector, 36 new schemes have been taken up during the Tenth
Plan period. In physical terms, 1161.34 Kms of roads were constructed. The outlay
under this Sector during
and 2009-10 are Rs.339.00 crore and
Rs.305.60 crore respectively.
For enhancing inter-state connectivity and for providing necessary amenities
to the bus operators and passengers, NEC is providing assistance for construction
of inter-state bus terminus (ISBT) and truck terminus (ISTT) at different locations of
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Aizawl(ISBT),Dimapur(ISBT) have been
Kohima, Mokokchung(ISBT),
completed while the projects at
Agartala(ISBT/ISTT) are at various
stages of completion.
NEC has been providing assistance to
Alliance Air for improving air
connectivity in the Region. The MoU between them in this regard has since been
extended till 31.12.2009 at a cost of Rs. 38.50 cr. for arranging intra-North East
flights by the Airlines.
The Airport Authority of India (AAI)
has undertaken improvement of 10
Airports in NER viz, Guwahati, Lilabari, Jorhat, Dibrugarh, Dimapur, Silchar, Tezpur,
Imphal, Agartala and Umroi (Meghalaya). As per the MoU, the funding will be made
on 60:40 basis i.e. 60% by NEC and 40% by AAI. Major portion of the works on 7
Airports have been completed and work on Silchar, Dibrugarh and Umroi are in
different stages of progress. During the financial year 2008-09 an amount of Rs.
15.00 crores has been released in this regard. An amount of Rs.20.00 crores has
been kept as outlay for 2009-2010.
B. Agriculture and allied sector
Agriculture and allied activities are the mainstay in terms of employment in
the NE Region. NEC has implemented many small schemes during the 10th plan
period. The fund was invested in rural areas which, in turn, generated income and
employment to the rural peoples. Most of the projects were in the mould of pilot
10th Plan activities of the NEC
Under the agriculture segment, schemes like introduction of new technology
for cultivation of fruits such as kiwi & straw berry, high density plantation of walnut
and apples, cardamom plantation, organic and citrus fruits farms, areca nut
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
plantation, plantation of passion fruits and development of mushroom cultivation,
etc., were taken up.
Pilot Projects on Double Cropping were taken up in all the member
States under NEC programme during 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 [gradually
extended to all the 8 States of NER]. The scheme is still in operation in the States of
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim while, in the
States of Meghalaya and Tripura, it has been completed. The main objective of the
scheme is to augment food grains production by double cropping and bring about
self sufficiency in the region. The main emphasis was given on production of paddy
in Kharif and Rabi seasons for Leguminous & vegetable crops in the region. It has
been observed that, after introduction of short duration & high yielding varieties of
paddy like IR – 64, it is giving an yield of 4-5 Tonnes per hectare whereas the
indigenous variety is giving only 1 -1.5 tonnes per hectare.
In Rabi season, farmers of the region have started growing Wheat, Peas,
Mustard and vegetables like Knol – Khol, Cabbage, and Cauliflower etc thanks to
NEC’s intervention. Implementation of the double cropping project has benefited
the farmers of the region.
In the fisheries segment, integrated fish farming projects, strengthening of
fisheries training centres, fish seed production farm, promotion of prawn culture in
Tripura etc have been taken up.
In the veterinary segment, schemes like establishment of modern slaughter
house in Aizawl, establishment of Pig & Poultry breeding farm in Arunachal
Pradesh, strengthening of rabbit farm in Tripura were taken up.
In the poultry sub sector, schemes like strengthening of duck breeding
farming in Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura and strengthening of various poultry
farms etc. were taken up.
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Fund released during 2008 – 09 for the ongoing projects
Name of the project/Scheme
Vermicompost project in Nagaland
Promotion of Organic Food production
in Nagaland
Mushroom Cultivation at Chite,
Double Cropping project in Manipur
Double Cropping project in Mizoram
Double Cropping Project in Nagaland
Marketing of Ginger by NERAMAC in
Arunachal Pradesh
Rejuvenation of Orange Mandarin in
Setting up of Organic Citrus Farm in
Dimoria Development Block, Kamrup,
Integrated Poultry Farming in Sikkim
Fish Seed and Table Seed Production
Farm in Nagaland
Popularisation and Propagation of
Fresh Prawn Culture in Tripura
Fund Released
(Rs in lakhs)
3. Budget Allocation & Expenditure during 2007 – 08 and 2008 – 09
The table given below shows thae utilization of funds in the Agriculture
sector during 2007 – 08 and 2008 – 09:
Financial Year
( Rs. in lakhs)
(Rs. in lakhs)
2007 – 08
2008 – 09
The proposed outlay in this sector during 2009-10 is Rs. 2033.00 lakh.
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Continuation of the North Eastern Region
Management Project (NERCORMP) in the NER :
The North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Project
(NERCORMP) was launched in May, 1999 as a joint sector livelihood project of the
the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)[a specialized agency of
the United Nations]
and the North Eastern Council. The project covered 862
villages, reaching out to 39161 families living in some of the most inaccessible hill
districts of North East. The project was under operation in six districts of three
States of the region, viz., Karbi Anglong and N.C. Hills in Assam, West Garo Hills and
West Khasi Hills in Meghalaya and Senapati and Ukhrul in Manipur. On the 30th
September, 2008, IFAD’s loan term ended. However, it was extended till 31st
March, 2009 for completion of various formalities.
It has since been decided to continue the Project as an NEC Plan Scheme
beyond 1.4.2009.
C. Water Resources Development
Under this sector one of the major schemes is strengthening and expansion
of technical activities of
North Eastern Regional Institute of Water & Land
Management (NERIWALM) located at Tezpur, Assam..
During the year 2008-09, 51 dissemination programmes (training course
to farmers and in-services officers) were organized and all
together 3220
participants have participated in these programmes
The sector is also providing funds to the State Govts. as well as Central Govt.
implementation of flood control schemes and survey and investigation of hydel
projects in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya
& Mizoram and
implementation of some Water Supply Schemes in the State of Sikkim.
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
D. Power sector
In the power sector, schemes were undertaken for augmentation and
improvement of electrical sub-stations at various places and setting up of
transmission lines. During the period 2008-09 the sector concentrated on
transmission lines and augmentation of sub-stations. A generation project in the
State of Tripura for capacity enhancement is also being supported by NEC. It is also
proposed to provide viability
gap funding for implementation of small Hydel
Projects approved by the MN&RE, Govt. of India.
Transmission, Sub-transmission and Distribution (upto 33 KV) System in NE Region
including Sikkim is entrusted to PGCIL at an estimated cost of Rs.5000.00 lakh,
out of which NEC would provide Rs.2500.00 lakh and the rest is to be borne by
PGCIL. An amount of Rs.1075.00lakhs has been released by NEC against the
project as first instalment.
E. Industries and Minerals
Bamboo Sector :
The cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC), Guwahati since its
inception 2000 has been working for the development of these sub sectors in the
North Eastern Region in particular and the country in general. After exit of UNIDO in
March 2004, CBTC registered itself as a society. The National Bamboo Mission was
launched in December, 2006 and designated CBTC as the Bamboo Technical
Support Group (BTSG) for all the States of North Eastern Region.
UNIDO-CBTC Phase -II Project on Promotion of Livelihood in North East India, the
Cane & Bamboo Networking Project :
With a view to alleviate poverty and for promotion of livelihood in the rural
North East, the UNIDO-CBTC Phase-II was launched and NEC along with Department
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
of Industrial Policy & Promotion and Office of Development Commissioner
(Handicrafts), Govt. of India have decided to become stakeholders. The project was
formally launched on 9th April, 2008 at New Delhi. The fund of the project would be
shared by the participating organization in a proportionate manner as per the
breakup given below:
Project Period - 4 Years
Source of Funding:
DC (H)
US$ per year
Bamboo Technology Park at Byrnihat
An MoU has been signed between NEC and M/ Environment and
Forests for setting up a Bamboo Technology Park at the State Forest Service
College, Byrnihat (Assam) on 3rd January, 2009. This facility will be the first of its
kind in the entire South Asia with state of the art machinery and equipments and
related infrastructures. CBTC will implement the project on behalf of NEC. An
amount of Rs 100.00 lakhs has been released by NEC on 30th March, 2009 for this
This park will facilitate in providing specialized physical and intellectual
facilities to industrial firms. This Park will be capable of identifying and transferring
appropriate manufacturing techniques, providing technical assistance, generating
and disseminating technical information, rendering specific services such as,
laboratory testing and quality assurance and, at the same time, imparting training.
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Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Study by NEDFi:
The investment made so far in the region under Industrial Policies of Ministry
of Commerce is not known till date. A study by NEDFi is to be conducted with NEC’s
support. The objective of the study is:
o To assess the impact of NEIIPP-2007 to meet its objective.
o To evaluate the implementation mechanism and to identify the gaps
if any and suggest remedial measures.
o To study the overall growth of industries in the 8 NER States for the
last 10 years.
The study will be covering all the 8 States of the North Eastern Region. An
amount of Rs. 20.00 lakhs has been released during the financial year 2008-09
towards the study by NEDFi.
Support to Look East Policy Initiatives:
The North-East Region is ideally located to become an important player in India’s
growing economic ties with the countries of South-East Asia. In addition, the Region
has common frontiers with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and China. Apart from its
geographical proximity, the Region has cultural similarities and historical ties with
the people of these countries. A close economic cooperation between the NorthEast States and the neighbouring countries would be mutually beneficial by cutting
costs and creating a viable market.
NEC proposes to finance several initiatives under the Look East Policy during 11th
Plan period.
Border haats :NEC proposes to extend financial support for establishment of marketing
haats at various places on the border with neighboring countries to promote border
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Exposure/ Visit for production display and marketing :
It may be mentioned that the scheme under the NEIIPP-2007 does not
support these activities. Since most of the entrepreneurs of the NER Region are first
generation entrepreneurs, hence they certainly need (i) initial motivation for taking
up their own ventures (ii) procedure of project appraisal by FIs/ banks and (iii)
development of existing skills and designs catering to the need of outside market.
Therefore exposure trip and participation in national / international fairs/
exhibitions shall give them boost to start their own industries. Similarly setting up of
state emporia in various places of the country shall be encouraged where NEC
would extend financial support through State Govts . This support will be other than
the schemes offered by line ministry. Break up of the scheme is as follows:(i) National Fairs
(ii) International Fairs
(iii) States Emporia
Proposed Allocation during 2009-10 under Industries Sector is as indicated
below:On-going Schemes:
1. Other than SPINE
2. UNIDO-CBTC Project
3. Bamboo Technology Park
Total On-going scheme
New Schemes:
1. Capacity Building in Industries based on local Resources
for food processing, handloom, handicraft, aromatic,
medicinal and herbal etc.
2. Support to Look East Policy initiatives
3. Cluster Development
4. Study by NEDFi
5. Exposure/ visit for production display and marketing in
International Fairs
Total New Schemes
Grand Total (Ongoing & New Schemes)
Rs. 583.76 lakhs
Rs. 75.00 lakhs
Rs. 99.00 lakhs
Rs. 757.76 lakhs
Rs. 25.00 lakhs
Rs. 20.00 lakhs
Rs. 20.00 lakhs
Rs. 1.00 lakhs
Rs. 10.00 lakhs
Rs. 76.00 lakhs
Rs. 833.76 lakhs
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Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
F. Tourism
Preparation of Master Plan for the region.
NEC has taken steps for the finalization of a Master Plan for Tourism for the
NE region during the current financial year.
a. .
Infrastructure Development
has been supporting projects for development of infrastructural
facilities aimed at promotion of tourism in the region. For introducing PPP model of
development in the region, during the 10th Plan, funds have been provided to IL&FS
for identifying locations, studying feasibility and bringing up of budget hotels in PPP
NEC has entered into a tie-up with agencies like IL&FS for product
development and forming of Special Purpose Vehicles that the States could utilize
for attracting external investments.
The following type of projects were considered:i. Budget Hotels, Luxury Hotels & Resorts.
ii. Ropeways
iii. Destination & Circuit Development
iv. Air connectivity.
The project development is in progress.
Website / Databank
NEC proposes to develop a Web-site or a special portal within the NEC’s or
Ministry of Tourism Web-site to provide relevant information to travelers to the NER.
The website would also provide links with all the NE State Tourism sites as well as
private sites.
CAPACITY BUILDING :Promotion of NE Tourism Operators/ Guides
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
NEC proposes to extend financial assistance to
support training
programmes for the tour operators / service providers in the NE region.
VI. Development of Adventure Tourism, Tea Tourism, Historical / War tourism and
village tourism:
In spite of the fact that the NE is a region of immense natural beauty with a
rich cultural heritage, the development of tourism in the region have not kept pace
with other regions with similar tourist attractions. NEC proposes to provide
assistance to State Governments to develop a number of tourism destinations and
to encourage Adventure Tourism, Tea Tourism, Historical / War tourism and village
tourism in the NE region
G. Medical and Health
Under this Sector, NEC funds are utilized for providing critical infrastructural
support to the health care institutes mainly in the public sector and also to some
speciality institutes like Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute (BBCI), Sri Sankerdeva
Netralaya Guwahati etc.
While the Vision NER 2020 document has identified basic health needs and
capacity development in the Health Sector as the most important areas, NEC’s
initiatives mainly focuses on the gap areas and meeting requirements of
fundamental amenities in different hospitals / institutes. These are mainly (i)
Regional Dental College, Guwahati.
Regional College of Nursing, Guwahati.
Support for Development of Additional Facilities for Specialization
and Super Specialization in Three Medical Colleges of Assam.
Support for establishment of Accident and Trauma Centres in
strategic locations along the National Highways in the NER.
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati.
Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya, Guwahati.
Up-gradation of Cancer Hospital, Agartala.
Support for District Hospital, Churachandpur, Manipur.
Expansions/Up-gradation of Naga Hospital, Kohima and Zion
Hospital, Dimapur.
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Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Infrastructure development at General Hospital, Naharlagun,
Arunachal Pradesh.
The regional institutes namely, Regional Dental College, Guwahati, Regional
College of Nursing, Guwahati, three Medical Colleges of Assam while providing
healthcare delivery services with up-graded facilities, also undertake various
courses at under-graduate and post-graduate levels for health manpower
development of the region. Dr. B.Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati which is the
only regional cancer treatment and research centre serves the need of the entire
region. The Institute also undertakes various certificate and diploma level courses
on Oncology and allied discipline for the medical and paramedical professionals of
the region. Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya, Guwahati is also one of the super-speciality
hospitals for eye treatment and research, which not only attends to patients from
the NER but also other parts of the country as well as adjoining countries and also
undertakes PG courses for the specialized Ophthalmic manpower development of
the region.
I. Establishment of Accident & Trauma Centres in District Hospitals in NER.
To reduces the morbidity and mortality of emergency patients particularly
road accident victims and due to natural calamities like floods, landslides which are
recurrent in nature in the North East, support have been provided for establishment
(Kolasib/Serchhip/Aizawl), Nagaland -2 (Dimapur and Mokokchung), Sikkim – 1
(Namchi)and Tripura – 2 nos (at Agartala and Kulai). The Dimapur Centre is
completed and for other centers , civil construction works are in progress.
II. Other Miscellaneous Programmes
As per the approved programme, following schemes currently under
implementation and at various stages of implementation. The schemes are –
Support to R.K. Mission Hospital, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh for
Establishment of 10 bedded Cardiac Care Unit and 10 bedded Eye
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Support for Construction of 50 bedded Hospital at Palin, Kurung
Kumey District, Arunachal Pradesh.
Support to Sankar Madhab Rural Charity Hospital at Panikhei (near
Guwahti) for establishment of 300 bedded rural hospital as part
financial assistance.
Support to (i) J.N. Hospital, Imphal (ii) Nursing School, Imphal and (iii)
District Hospital at Churachandpur, Manipur.
Support for Procurement of Equipment for Establishment of CCU/ICU
and Naga Hospital, Kohima.
Support to Bawri Nethralaya, Shillong, Meghalaya for procurement of
specialized eye care equipment.
Support to Diabetes Research Centre at Agartala, Tripura.
Support for Modernisation of Bethel Medical Centre, Kohima.
H. Human Resource Development
Development of Manpower in the areas of Education, Sports and
related fields of Youth activities have been taken up under NEC programme to
facilitate youth of the region to go for higher and technical education and
employment. Following few activities are highlighted.
1. Financial support to students of NE region.
This scheme was started during the year 1981-82 with an aim of
enabling and encouraging the students of North Eastern Region to pursue higher
studies in Agriculture & Allied subjects, specialized branches of Engineering,
Technology, Medicine, M.Phil and Doctoral level in the larger interest of the NE
During its 25 years of implementation, this scheme has benefited
around 10,000 students. The stipends and book grants are given to the students of
the NE Region during the entire duration of their course of study on merit basis.
With effect from 2004-05, actual implementation and screening of candidates are
being done by the Member States.
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
2. Miscellaneous training programmes.
The Employment Oriented Training Programme for NE Youths was started in
2002-03 with an objective to generate employment among the unemployed youths
of the region. Employment Training programme are being sponsored by NEC in the
field of Call Specialist Training, Tourism, Hospitality, Event Management, Air Craft
Maintenance Engineering License Course , Rural Development, IT and BPO Courses
etc. So far, NEC has sponsored more than 3000 NE Youths under this scheme.
Development and promotion of sports and youth activities.
The NE youths have high potential for excellence in sports and related
activities. Infrastructure support is required in order to extract the hidden potential
of the youths. The NER is topographically hilly terrain and lacking in sports
infrastructures. NEC has been supporting State Governments and some NGOs for
construction of Sports Stadium and Multipurpose youth halls.
Skill up gradation of teachers in NER under NEREC.
A new scheme has been launched from the beginning of the 11th Plan for
training of untrained teachers in primary schools and to up grade skills of teachers
in the field of Science and Mathematics. Physical education and languages are also
proposed to be included in the scheme. Existing Teachers Training Institutes in the
region and other reputed institutes would be utilized for the purpose.
Rajiv Gandhi Girls Hostel at Delhi for 500 NE girls students.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, jointly with the Ministry of DONER/NEC, have
initiated construction of a 500 seats capacity girls’ hostel in Delhi University for girls
students from the NER and other tribal girls students studying in Delhi University.
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Setting up of pilot training centre at Lilabari, Assam
A Pilot Training Centre is proposed to be set up at Lilabari Airport. M/s
Foundation for Aviation and Sustainable Tourism (FAST), New Delhi has already
prepared the feasibility Report. Further action in this regard is being taken in
consultation with Ministry of Civil Aviation and Assam Government.
Mountaineering-cum-adventure sports institute.
A Mountaineering Institute is proposed to be set up in the North Eastern
Region to train youth to acquire skills and knowledge in this field.
Chairman’s sports award for excellence in international and national sports meet by
sportsmen/sports women of NE.
To provide impetus to sporting development as well as to encourage
talented sportspersons of the region, the NEC is introducing a special award scheme
to be known as “The North Eastern Council Sports Excellence Award”. Under this
scheme, prominent sportspersons who have achieved excellence by winning gold,
silver or bronze medal in identified international and national sports meet will be
Setting up of hostels for NE students in metros.
In the 55th NE Council Meeting held in Delhi on 17th and 18th
December, 2007 a proposal for establishment of Hostels for the students of the NE
Region in the metropolitan cities such as New Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai etc
was approved. Necessary follow up action is being taken in this regard.
Scheme for sports talents search in the North Eastern Region.
Lack of infrastructure and training facilities within the region have
restricted the growth of Sports talents in the region. Under this new scheme, NEC
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Administrative control of the Ministry
will make a special drive for talent search of potential sports personalities and provide
them necessary coaching.
National volunteer development schemes:
This novel concept for capacity building of educated and unemployed youth
would impart theoretical and practical skills on trades chosen by them. Hands on training
would also be given through apprenticeship or otherwise.
Working women’s hostel in Delhi
Working women Hostel is under construction in Delhi in association with the
Ministry of Women and Child Development.
I. Science & Technology Sector
The scheme being operated under this sector are mainly confined wihin the
following domains:
Regional Management information System- an ongoing scheme which is basically for
promoting IT infrastructure in the NEC for the effective management of day to day office
works. NIC has already set up VSAT connecting to main Hub for internet connectivity and
video-conferencing facility, which is required to be networked for better utilization for data
transfer and information transfer. Under this scheme IT work culture within the NEC have
been promoted with effective functioning, planning and execution of different projects.
Support for Establishment of Remote Sensing Services Centre (RSSC):
NESAC (NE Science Application Centre) -: (cost : Rs. 40 crore ; NEC’s share : Rs. 20 crore)
with permanent building complex at Barapani [Meghalaya] established in collaboration
with the Deptt. of Space and ISRO, has taken up several Remote Sensing applications
studies relating to Resource planning, health, horticulture, landslides and environment etc.
NEC has also supported strengthening/establishment of State level Remote Centre in
the NER during 10 FYP. Major Remote Sensing application projects taken up during 10 FYP
have been completed by State Remote Centre of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Mizoram and
Expenditure – Rs. 299.52 lakhs incurred out of the 2008-09 allocation Rs. 300 lakhs.
Target for 2009-10 : mainly for committed lliability – Rs. 200 lakhs.
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Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
Consultancy & R&D Project professional Services : An expenditure of Rs. 20 lakhs
was incurred against allocation of Rs. 25 lakhs ear marked in 2008-09 towards the
Nagaland children science congress. Target for 2009-10 : support to Regional S & T
applications oriented programmes for Socio Economic Rural upliftment in NER
through CSIR institutions, State S&T Councils etc. – Rs.20 lakhs.
Disaster management system for NER:
NEC is supporting a project for establishing Disaster Mitigation Information
System (DMIS) in all the North Eastern States since the IXth Plan. Seismic network
nodes have been established in seven places with the help of V-SAT. Awareness
programmes on disaster management and setting up of earthquake alarm system
is also taken up under this scheme.
IT Applications and related Services in NER & Telemedicine NEC’s and
Major achievements have been in Installation of ICR (Intelligent Character System)
at Manipur Univ., Board of school education of Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh – E- Governance infrastructure (computer
networking of Govt. sect.) scheme completed in the States of Mizoram, Arunachal
Pradesh and Meghalaya and – IT Park scheme at Manipur. Fresh support were
extended to scheme on Online Connectivity of schools with Nagaland Board of
School Edcuation and E-Education Infosystem for Sikkim during 2008-09.
Expenditure-Rs. 549.39 lakhs incurred out of the 2008-09 allocation Rs. 550 lakhs.
Target for 2009-10 : mainly for committed liability under telemedicine network
scheme – Rs. 400 lakhs.
Information Technology Education Programme for NER (NEC’s):
The scheme on introduction of computer education at school level in NE States was
launched up by NEC since 1995 as a supplementary effort in promoting computer
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Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
literacy and man power in the NER at par with the rest part of the country. Most of
the schools (especially govt. recognized private) have generated their own resources
through collections of fees from students and have appointed part time teachers on
contractual basis. An impact analysis have been conducted which is found very
encouraging. Several schools covered under NEC’s computer education programme
have received President’s Computer Literacy Excellency Award. Extension coverage
of 70 schools under the scheme were completed during 2008-09. The scheme shall
now be implemented directly by the concerned
state Deptt. as per revised
The scheme on Computer/IT Education at University and College level was
introduced during 2003-04 for introducing professional course like BCA, PGDCA,
BSc Computers, MCA MSc computers etc. 8 Nos. of colleges and 4 Nos of colleges
were covered under the scheme during 2008-09. The outcome in some of the
colleges were very encouraging particularly in the utility and management and
resource generation.
Scheme on IT entrepreneurship training for a target group of 400 trainees by
Govt. of Mizoram – integrated e-learning at 10 schools by NEITED supported during
10 FYP are at their completion stage.
Expenditure – Rs. 479.92 lakhs incurred out of the 2008-09 allocation Rs.
550 Lakhs. Target for 2009-10 : mainly for committed liability and for coverage 12
colleges/Univ. – Rs. 250 lakhs.
New Schemes.
Public Awareness of Science and Technology Science Centres, Science
Awareness Campaign etc.
The scheme provides
support for wide dissemination of scientific
knowledge, through the support of science museums/centres, planetaria and the
like. Special support will be provided for programmes that seek to popularize and
promote science and technology in all parts of the NER. Programmes will also be
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
developed to promote learning and dissemination of science through the various
regional languages, to enable effective science communication at all levels.
Target for 2009-10 : mainly for Science centres, science awarenmess programmes,
etc for the NE States.
S&T Annual Plan 2008-09 original plan outlay was Rs. 13.95 crores with
enhanced re-appropriation to Rs. 16.95 crore. The sector has incurred expenditure
of Rs. 15.87 crore which is around 93% of the total outlay.
J. Information and Public Relation
Under this Scheme NEC’s Programmes,
schemes under Implementations are given wide publicity
objectives and various
A total sum of Rs.1crore and 40 lakhs (as re-appropriation) was
allotted for Information, Publicity & Public Relations in the sector during the year
2008-09. The amount was fully utilized for the following purpose:a) Release of Advertisements
b) Release of Advertorials
c) Conference of Thematic Groups on NER Vision 2020 Documents
d) Printing of Diaries, Calendar, Greeting cards etc.,
e) Upgradation of NEC Information Cells in the eight State Capital of
K. Evaluation and Monitoring
streamlining the projects undertaken by NEC,
taken to establish a ‘Project Formulation & Quality
Management Cell’ in the NEC Secretariat. The modalities for establishment of this
cell is being finalized.
During 11th Plan, one major initiative has been taken in the direction of
introducing efficient and cost effective third party monitoring and evaluation of NEC
projects.. Once this mechanism is put into place, NEC project monitoring will be
Chapter VI
Review of Performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the
Administrative control of the Ministry
much more extensive and effective. The responses received from the institutes are
being scrutinized for operationalizing the initiative.
Study collections