15. Allegato XV - Southern Regional College

Il presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea. L’autore
è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione (comunicazione) e la Commissione
declina ogni responsabilità sull’uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa
Questi “ case studies “ dimostrano come , attraverso una corretta comunicazione tra ente inviante
ed ente ricevente ed una oculata pianificazione ed organizzazione, sia possibile promuovere LE
buone pratiche come sotto ma soprattutto ottenere dei risultat dalle loro applicazioni :
Buone pratiche :
organizzazione di sessioni di allenamento , arbitraggio, lezioni di lingua e cultura del paese
ospitante, una corretta nutrizione giornaliera, scambi interculturali e visite di istruzione, promozione
coesione sociale
Risultati :
Apprendimento , miglioramento dell’autostima e consapevolezza dei propri mezzi sia tecnici che a
livello personale, cambiamento di atteggiamenti o modi di pensare stereotipati , proiezione positiva
verso il futuro in termini di obiettivi e raggiungimento risultati.
Questi “ case studies “ includono anche testimonianze dirette dei partecipanti che confermano
quanto espresso sopra e dimostrano l’utilità e l’importanza della mobilità .
Organizzazione inviante : CUMBERNAULD COLLEGE (Scozia)
Organizzazione ricevente : SPORTILIA (Italia )
Chi è Partick Thistle ?
L’obiettivo del Partick Thistle Trust è quello di promuovere la salute , la forma fisica , il calcio,
l'istruzione, e l'inclusione sociale attraverso una serie di attività / programmi sportivi, fitness e
danza nella propria comunità . A chi si rivolge :
• bambini / giovani provenienti da ambienti con disagio sociale
• disoccupati
• persone con difficoltà di apprendimento / salute mentale / salute fisica
• donne
• persone con diversa estrazione etnica e culturale
• Gruppi di recupero ( droga e alcool )
Il gruppo composto da 14 giovani allenatori di calcio, alcuni dei quali con vari problemi di disagio
sociale alla spalle è stato a Sportilia nel luglio 2012.
Per alcuni di loro questo era la prima esperienza in assoluto all'estero. L'obiettivo principale del
viaggio è stato quello di interagire, attraverso sessioni di allenamento itineranti organizzate da
Sportilia, con gruppi di giovani calciatori ed allenatori italiani . Durante il loro soggiorno a
Sportilia, sono state applicate tutte le buone pratiche di cui sopra, incluse le lezioni di lingua e
cultura italiana. Le lezioni , prevedono anche una sessione dove vengono proposte terminologie
tipiche di alcuni sport , in particolare calcio e pallavolo .I partecipanti hanno da subito iniziato ad
utilizzare la terminologia in italiano (calcistica in questo caso) , imparata durante le lezioni di
italiano , nelle loro sessioni di “coaching” con i club giovanili italiani con risultati sorprendenti ! E’
stato un grande successo ed anche motivo di orgoglio per tutti, Cumbernauld College , Sportilia e
Partick Thistle trust.
Partick Thistle al Massimo Bonini summer camp a Cesenatico,
(Massimo Bonini ex Juventus , Bologna , Cesena & Nazionale San Marino )
Riportiamo sotto una lettera inviata da Barry McLelland, Trust Director al Partick Thistle in The
Community a Piero Lerede, Marketing & Events Manager a Sportilia.
Hi Piero
I want to thank you and all the guys at Sportilia for making this trip such a major success.
The coaching education for our coaches has been fantastico. Yourself, Adriana and all the
staff at sportilia have played a major part in the success of this.
I know that all our coaches have developed and grown in stature, I know we both agree that
the power of football has to develop people’s transferable skills in such areas as:
1- Confidence
2- Self-esteem
3- Communication
4- Organisational Skills
5- Working within a team
6- Leadership Skills
...and many more. The facility at Sportilia is very specific in promoting all these aspects
and I will be forever grateful for everything that you have done for us in the last two weeks.
During the last two weeks we have:
Coaching sessions: 7 sessions to over 250 Italian kids, 4 peer group sessions, 3 sessions
delivered by me to peers, 2 fitness sessions delivered by Derek.
Language Classes: 3 theory sessions and 1 practical delivered by Adriana
STEMS Sessions: 2 sessions delivered by Adriana
Questions and Answers with David Hay (legend)
Culture trips: San Marino, Rimini and Florence.
Copied all photos,
Thanks again Guvner.
Sotto un articolo estratto dal Evening Times Scotland “Football trip is just the Italian Job “ .
L’articolo per intero puo’ essere letto a questo link :
“For George Beattie, 33, of Possil, the Italy trip was a life-changing experience. He
got involved with PTCT through Phoenix Futures which provides services, including
residential rehabilitation, for people with drug and alcohol problems.”
“He's focused and feeling positive about his future after battling drug addiction,
including heroin and crack cocaine.”
“For Owen Connachan, 18, the Italian experience has given him a new-found
confidence and he's using everything he learned to make a difference in his own
“He volunteers at Young Peoples' Futures in Possil – the group has previously won a
Community Champion award – which works with children and young people aged
five to 18, offering everything from weekly drop-in sessions to activities such as
sports and creative arts.”
“Owen, who hopes to pursue a career in sport, has been delivering coaching
sessions to the young people who visit the Possil Point Community Centre.”
"Since I arrived home I've been doing volunteer coaching and I'm really enjoying it. I
want to give something back."
He says the fortnight in Italy has opened his eyes: "It was a brilliant experience, just
even getting to go there in the first place.”
"Coaching people from a different culture was great. I feel proud of myself – it has
really helped my confidence."
Sender organization: CUMBERNAULD COLLEGE (Scotland)
Receiver Organization: SPORTILIA (Italy)
Who is Street Soccer Scotland ?
Street Soccer Scotland is a non-profit social enterprise that delivers a range of football related
services to socially disadvantaged adults and young people across Scotland. It was established in
March 2009, inspired by the personal experience of the power of sport and football to create real
change and a desire to provide a unique response to the social disadvantage prevalent in Scottish
society. In 2011 the Street Soccer Scotland team won the final of the Homeless World Cup in
The group travelled to Sportilia on a funded LdV trip in April 2012 which consisted of a group of
players and staff with which some of them had various social problematic backgrounds. The group
whose leader is ex-Glasgow Rangers player Alistair Dawson followed a two week routine of
training, sports activities, healthy diet and cultural activities such as language lessons, day trips
and lessons from the “Cultural Diversity In and Through Sport” course.
Some of the main goals we wanted to achieve from this trip: promoting social cohesion and
interaction with another culture even in a sports perspective, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and
challenging discrimination and prejudice, but above all offering a positive outlook of the future
through football and coaching.
Coaching sessions
Sportilia organised coaching sessions with local youth clubs where the Street Soccer group could
interact with young Italian footballers.
Refereeing sessions
Street Soccer Scotland had the opportunity to referee during a youth tournament held at Sportilia
where it was named The Homeless Cup in honour of Street Soccer Scotland.
Friendly match
Sportilia organised a friendly match between Street Soccer Scotland and the Italian National
Homeless squad.
For this occasion both teams were invited to the Forlì Municipality together with the Mayor, the
International Relation Councillors and various charity organisations. This meeting was dedicated
to challenge discrimination. The STEMS project was mentioned.
Cultural trips
The cultural trips obviously played an important role during the group’s stay and were good
examples of good practice for mobility groups. With regards to Street Soccer Scotland, one of the
trips offered, together with Florence and seeing a Serie A pro match in Cesena, was to San
Patrignano, which was an unforgettable and inspirational experience for them.
San Patrignano is an Italian community situated near Rimini which welcomes and hosts people
who have serious social problems such as drugs and alcohol adduction and is completely free of
charge. Since 1978 San Patrignano has offered over 18,000 people a home, healthcare, legal
assistance and the opportunity to study, learn a job skill and change their lives for the better.
“Mixing” mobility groups together
We believe it is good practice, when possible, to integrate and mix mobility groups from different
countries, with different social backgrounds together. This, as we experienced at Sportilia in April
2012, promotes social cohesion and provided an opportunity for exchanging educational
experiences. Street Soccer Scotland spent a week together with a mobility group of young
volleyball players from Northern Ireland sent from Southern Regional College.
Here are some of the Street Soccer Scotland participants’ views who travelled to Sportilia in
April 2012.
Participant 1
“As a full-time worker within Street Soccer, it was great to get away with the guys
and get to know them a bit better and learn about their pasts. I think the trip was
beneficial in many ways for the group, but in particular for myself it was a chance to
work with Italian pro youth teams and develop my coaching technique in order to
engage and interact with the players. Working back home, I am trying to get into
coaching with pro youth teams and step up the next stage in my coaching career. In
particular in Italy, I was able to adapt and change the way I approached delivering
drills through explanation and demonstration to a simple manner that the players
could understand.” It improved my self confidence in many ways, as I took on the
challenge of refereeing the tournament in front of all the group as well as pro youth
teams and parents and supporters. This was a great experience and has
encouraged me to take up refereeing back home and go through the SFA website. I
now am a very focused minded person who wants to strive and create new
opportunities within Street Soccer for younger participants and take on the role as a
youth worker. I think the whole experience was amazing and wouldn't change
anything apart from some nightly activities.”
Participant 2
“My experience on the Leonardo trip helped my whole life and changed everything
about my personality, confidence and self confidence, also changed my belief and
stereotypical way of think. Whilst I was there for my 2 weeks my eyes were opened
to the beauty and peacefulness that Italy has to show, my belief was all Italian
people were brash, cocky and arrogant. I could not have been more wrong, the
people in Sportilia treated us like family and were very understanding and gracious
to help us with everything we needed or wanted. We had personal tutor lessons
with Adriana and tried to grasp the language of love. We still use the little Italian we
remember to this day. In the tutoring we were paired with the northern Irish lads and
lassies and bonded well despite a very vast age gap. I am still in contact with many
of them as well. We went and seen some of the sites in and around Italy with all the
amazing cathedrals and buildings it had. Everything was breathe taking and i was
strangely emotional at my silliness with my thoughts of how Italy was before even
stepping on Italian soil. My favourite moment though has to be coaching the Italian
kids, and helping referee at the tournament which happened to be on my birthday.
Helping passing on some of my knowledge to them will always be one of my
greatest moments. Over all I feel having I have become a better more open minded
person and have grown in stature. My thoughts and stereotypes will always be
changed and its all down to the people at Sportilia and the Leonardo project. I wish
to thank everyone at Sportilia for having us and helping make our time there the
best experience in my life”
Participant 3
“I was chosen (as a volunteer for Street Soccer Scotland) to go with a group of
Homeless World Cup players, and other Street Soccer Scotland volunteers, to the
Sportilia Complex in Italy. While I was there we were treated almost like celebrities
and were involved in lots of different activities that helped to improve our physical
and mental wellbeing. Some of the activities we were involved in was coaching
boys football clubs our style of football drills, facilitating and officiating at a football
tournament there, receiving helpful and informative Italian language lessons and we
were also treated to cultural excursion.
We were made to feel very special while there and, I personally gained a lot from
my experience there. The coaching sessions and facilitation of the competition gave
me a great sense of self belief and increased my confidence significantly. It was a
great feeling to show the Italian kids our style of coaching and use the Italian
lessons our hosts had provided us with to communicate more easily with the kids.
The anti discrimination lessons we were provided with helped open our eyes to
issues that surround sport and life in general. This gave us a good grounding for
implementing equality and diversity in the coaching we do back in Scotland.
I had a fantastic experience with the cultural excursions we went on and, in
particular, with our trip to Florence where, I came as close as I have ever been to
my paternal family from Livorno. This was a very profound visit for me and will
remain with me for the rest of my life, it was an experience I will never forget. I feel
more fulfilled due to that trip alone. The whole trip was, for me, a once in a lifetime
experience where I learned a great deal about myself and about different cultures
and ways of communicating. I have become more aware about a lot of issues
surrounding sport because of our trip to Sportilia which, has helped me feel like I
can now help others to understand these things better and I am better equipped to
show the vulnerable adults I coach, a better example as a result.”
Ally Dawson National Development Manager Street Soccer Scotland
“From the day we arrived until we left, the staff were totally accommodating to our needs.
The meals provided were plentiful with no complaints from our group. The facilities were
ideal allowing us the use of both indoor, when wet and outdoor pitches when required.
Street Soccer was very pleasantly surprised by the amount of activities packed into our
programme during our 2 weeks; It was well balanced, culturally and sportingly.
· Trip to the National Football Centre in Florence
· Trip to San Patrignano
· Trip to Rimini
· Lunch and talk at Town Hall
· Serie A Football match, Cesena v Palermo
· Coaching group of Italian youth teams
· Refereeing their matches
· Barbeque at the centre
· Pizza night in local restaurant
· Italian lessons
We also took part in discussion groups with another exchange group who were also visiting
Sportilia. This idea proved extremely rewarding, discussing and debating social problems
effecting Scottish and Irish cultures.
Coaching the young players on the eve of their tournament and then refereeing their games
was a huge confidence boost for our group. They were talking about this for weeks. The
fact some of the youths did not speak much English, and we certainly knew little Italian, did
not faze them at all.”