Approved TCC mins 19 Nov 13 - TCC

Tarves Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 19th November 2013
In Tarves Primary School at 7.00 pm.
Councillors Present: Allan, Brown, Davidson (Chair), Deane, Hekelaar, Massie,
McWilliam, Middleton, Reville, Sisley, Thomson. Cllr Taylor arrived later.
Also Present: P Johnston, A Whyte (AC Property), C Mack and C Shand (late).
Apologies: - J Gifford & A Hendry.
Police Report: - Officer Cameron Mack explained he is new to Ellon. Two incidents
recently in the area – 29/10/13 theft from an outbuilding and 13/1/13 theft of a large
number of traffic cones. – Speeding issues are being dealt with, and officers have
cautioned one person. Chair asked if there are plans to get a 40 mph flashing light.
DH will ask Mark Mitchell of Formartine Community Partnership. Parking on
pavement at War Memorial; officer to clarify what action is to be taken at next
meeting. Police leaflet re inconsiderate parking at Marquis Cottages seems to have
resolved the issue.
Allan Whyte – Aberdeenshire Council - Head of Property
Mr Whyte addressed the meeting to apologise for the handling of the issue of the
school wall repairs. It will be done to the required standard and the resurfacing of
the playground and painting of the railings will also be undertaken. MB asked about
the All Weather Courts and Mr Whyte agreed to restore the fencing, surface, lighting
and gates to a suitable standard. He mentioned that the authority are replacing steel
framed windows in schools – GA pointed out that Barthol Chapel School still has
these and he will look at this. PJ also mentioned Udny Green School too. The other
priority has been replacement of old toilets in schools. The Scottish Government has
given part funding for the building of new schools. E.g. Ellon Academy. Chair
mentioned the Asset Register – with a focus on the Bus shelters.
Declaration of Members Interests. No declaration of interest was made.
Minutes of Previous Meeting on 22nd October 2013.Minutes of previous meeting were amended slightly and proposed for approval by JT
and seconded by RD.
Barthol Chapel Matters – Bus shelter at Tullo Crossroads –BCCA still collating
evidence of users. Bridge at Barthol Chapel – structural damage has been reported
and will be dealt with. Discussion on Poor road gritting in and around BC.
Corner between Fochel Mill and Milton of Fochel Cottage- No action yet
Overwoodhill/Gateside Road – a works order has been issued for 2 drains and a
soakaway onto the verge to prevent water going down the Overwoodhill Road. It will
be completed by end of next summer.
Drainage at Nether Kirkton –. (Ref no: - 245723) Verge will be lowered and/or
removed for drainage. A works order has been issued for this too. Ian Daniels of AC
to liaise with J Whyte (Farmer). Broadband improvements – Working party still
ongoing. A booster for the signal will be tried. Roddy Mathieson will meet with
BCCA. Transport – BCCA will find out if it would be possible to provide a bus
service once a week
Matters Arising (from Minutes)
Braiklay Avenue Park –Bins not yet in place. Prop Path Very wet just before and
after where the remedial work was done. Chair went back to Environmental
Planning Officer – no reply as yet. Burnside of Keillyford Road – PJ has spoken
to Phillip Mackay but could not contact him for information – Estimates for the work
involved will be prepared. B999 Pitmedden Pharmacy Application - No formal
update on appeal progress yet. B999 will continue as a company. NHS Grampian
Pharmaceutical Care Services Plan Consultation now on the continuity of
Dispensing Doctors in Grampian – Chair will write to MSPs again re this consultation.
Streetlamp at Gordon Place/Old Aberdeen Road – No further action.
Matters Remaining Unresolved Chain Lodge Hedge – Nothing done as yet.
Tarring in Braiklay Avenue – still to be rectified. Postbox on Braiklay Avenue –
New postbox in place. Substations – work done at Melvin Hall one. Other will be
done in better weather. Grant application for Sports Equipment – Chair will email form again to MS. Sewage smell in Duthie Road – Still an ongoing problem –
please continue to report it to Scottish Water.
Reference Number is: - 4545320.
Dog fouling issues – No further info, PJ and CS to update. War Memorial – still
waiting for Brian Shand to advise re grants. Wreath holder in place and working well.
Local Members report – PJ reported on BC Roads issues – see BC Matters. AGM
of Formartine Partnership is on 21/11/13 in Udny Station. Ythsie Plans – the
plans came before FAC – despite PJ and another councillor voicing objections – the
plans were passed for the increase in number of houses.
Committee Reports – CDG - report to follow. Haddo Country Park – Contractor
had until 15/11/13 to finish and report to AC for inspection/snagging. There is quite a
bit of work unfinished. Parking costs to be removed at Haddo. DR will invite Diana
Spencer, Visitor office to come along to TCC meeting. Local Plan Meeting – BD,
DR & RD attended. No change to land available for housing. There is a strict
timetable for the new local plan –
It will not be any more comprehensive than the last one and will have supplementary
guidance. The gap site between Duthie Road houses and crossroads previously
employment land has had this allocation lifted. The employment land will now be at
the other side of the B999.
Roads, Paths and Signs –
Tolquhon Avenue Sign – No action as yet. B999 – the work is not finished – 4 or 5
sections are not done – workers will return to finish. Problems reported - Blocked
Gully and offlets at Aquhorthies farm, Potholes at Craigies, Boolroad and Braiklay
crossroads, and in previously repaired sections on B999 at Manse Brae and
between Bain's Park and Wedderlairs. Bridges and Infrastructure have realigned
the signs at Ardlethen bridge to highlight its narrowness and also cut back
vegetation following request from TCC. Ythsie – Inspector McCluskey to arrange
speed checks and advise roads accordingly. MS will contact Phillip Leiper. Bus
Parking Space is used as a parking space by a resident – this space still belongs to
the developer. Wall in Square – CT will contact local tradesman to fix.
Planning Matters: -. Auchnieve – FPP for new house – no objections. Bancon –
Braiklay Development – change of house types – no objections. 3 Flags approved.
CorrespondenceCopies of e mails re School Wall available. Letter from Richard Carey, NHS
confirming the review of dispensing doctors. War Memorial Trust letter re upgrades
to War memorials. Correspondence re Hall Licensing rules. Numerous Interim e
mails circulated by Chair.
Duthie Webster stone at Braiklay crossroads (for gifting the land to widen the road)
needs re-lettering and cleaning. Concerns raised about removal of ancient trees
in the Conservation area – Chair to ask S Norman. Tillygonnie & Mackie Avenue cars are not giving way at junctions with Duthie Webster Road. Query re driving
tuition being carried out on private farm tracks. TPP were thanked for all their hard
work on the Fireworks Display – much appreciated by lots of people in the
community and beyond. CC Forum on 20th Nov. in Meldrum Academy at 7.00pm.
The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tuesday 17th Dec
13 in Tarves School.
Robert P. Davidson
Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public