Eating and drinkingUOW 1

Learning context: Our lifestyles
Topic: Food, Buying Food, Restaurants
Stage 4: Unit of Work: Food, Buying Food, Restaurants
Indicative time: 8 weeks
Unit description: Learning in this unit focuses on developing the knowledge, understanding and skills which will enable students to seek and give
information about food, buying food and restaurants. Students acquire vocabulary, expressions and language structures within the context
Student activities relate to the learn about and learn to statements and form the basis of the unit of work. Students listen, read and respond to texts
and learn to incorporate modelled linguistic structures in order to produce a series of linked sentences
The assessment for learning is bold text in the unit.
A student:
4.Ul. 1
demonstrates understanding of the main ideas and supporting
detail of spoken texts and responds appropriately
4.Ul. 2
demonstrates understanding of the main ideas and supporting
detail in written texts and responds appropriately
4.Ul. 3
establishes and maintains communication in familiar
4.Ul. 4
applies a range of linguistic structures to express own ideas in
4.MLC.1 demonstrates understanding of the importance of appropriate
use of language in diverse contexts
4.MLC.2 explores the diverse ways in which meaning is conveyed by
comparing and describing structures and features of German
4.MBC.1 demonstrates understanding of the interdependence of
language and culture
4.MBC.2 demonstrates knowledge of key features of the culture of
German- speaking countries
Language functions and structures:
Talking about food and drink, including place settings.
Ich frühstücke um halb neun. Ich esse Brot mit Butter und Honig,
Zum Mittagessen esse ich Fleisch.
Zum Abendessen trinke ich Tee.
Der Teller, die Gabel etc.
Expressing preferences about food and drink
Ich esse gern Kekse.
Ich trinke lieber Milch.
Am liebsten esse ich Schokolade.
The use of “gern”, “lieber”, “am liebsten”
The verbs essen, trinken
Saying how often they undertake a certain activity.
Ich gehe sehr oft, oft, manchmal, selten, nie ins Kino.
Ich esse viermal am Tag.
Talking about healthy eating
Zu viel Zucker ist ungesund.
Ein Apfel hat 35 Kalorien.
Saying where one buys food
Man kauft Äpfel am Markt.
Ich gehe in den Supermarkt.
Man kauft Kuchen in der Konditorei
The indefinite pronoun “man”.
The preposition “in” + accusative and dative case (with shops)
The preposition “an” + dative
Talking about weights, quantities and containers
Hundert Gramm Wurst. Ein Glas Honig.
Ordering food in a pizzeria, ice cream stall and sausage stall
Sabine bestellt Pizza mit Tomaten und Schinken.
Ich möchte einen Hamburger, einen Apfelsaft und ein Eis.
Einmal Erdbeer, bitte.
The use of einmal etc.
The use of ich möchte
Students learn about:
the purpose and context of
communication and their
influence on the choice of
structure, format and
verbal and nonverbal links
with a conversational
the importance of
understanding the intention
of speaker/s and the context
interpreting the meaning
linguistic features of texts,
such as conversations,
Teacher’s oral presentation to
students of breakfast food and drink
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
feedback on pronunciation
interviews and messages.
 ways to analyse and locate
relevant information in text
 the purpose of
communication and their
influence on the choice of
structures, format and
 accessing resources and the
organization of relevant
structures and vocabulary
when planning and
constructing text
 appropriate choices made to
achieve communication
 specific patterns and rules in
word construction, word
order and sentence structure
 the significance of cultural
awareness in language use
and the influence of cultural
values on how meaning is
 the importance of tradition
to a sense of cultural
identity and diversity within
the culture
 ways in which language and
behaviour reflect important
aspects of culture
Students learn to:
 Initiate an interaction, eg by
greeting, asking questions
Maintain social interactions
and communicate
appropriately in familiar
contexts, eg. turn-talking,
Students listen to people at
breakfast in Germany and say what
different people have to eat and
drink for breakfast, matching them
with drawings of food and drinks
Zickzack 1 p 56
Lernpunkt Deutsch 1 p 92
Correct matching of items will
demonstrate students’
understanding of what they have
heard / Teacher’s oral feedback on
correct identification of detail
agreeing, acknowledging
and replying
identify roles and
relationships between
participants in the text
identify specific
information, eg by
answering questions in
English or German,
choosing the correct word.
linguistic features of texts,
such as descriptions,
narratives and
plan, draft and edit when
constructing own text
use available resources to
build a message
recognise linguistic choices
made according to purpose,
eg request
identify specific
characteristics of the
language, eg grammatical
structures and features
recognise that there are
culturally appropriate
expressions for particular
identify aspects of language
that encapsulates aspects of
Students read a survey about
breakfast habits and complete
gapped sentences
Zickzack 1 p 57
Oral and written responses
identifying detail of the survey /
Teacher’s oral feedback
Pair work: Students draw a
breakfast menu, label it and
compare it to their partners’ choices
Pairwork: Students talk about what
food and drink they have for recess
Lernpunkt Deutsch 1 p 93
Drawing and labelling appropriate
items and making comparisons /
Teacher’s oral feedback
Performance of the role play will
demonstrate students’ ability to
establish and maintain
Katzensprung 1 p 72
Presentation of food eaten at lunch
and dinner. Students listen to the
words and repeat them
Students listen to people talk about
their lunch and dinner
Zickzack 1p 58
Lernpunkt Deutsch 1 p 94-95
Reading: Comments from teenagers
on healthy eating
Zickzack 1p 60
Students read a calorie chart and
work out how many calories are
contained in illustrated meals and
Students listen & resdond to young
people talk about what they like
eating, prefer and like most of all
Zickzack 1 p 60
Interactive web exercises
7.html - Food
Written consolidation exercises
Lernpunkt Deutsch 1 Australian
Workbook chapter 9 p. 6, 8
Zickzack 1 Arbeitsbuch p.60,61,67
GM’s Arbeitsbuch 5&7 p
Selbstbedienung Zickzack 1 chapt 6
Writing task: Write an email
Lernpunkt Deutsch 1 p 98
communication / Teacher’s oral
feedback on the content and
performance of the role play
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
feedback on pronunciation
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
Oral responses identifying the main
ideas and specific detail of the text /
Teacher’s oral feedback
Oral responses working out the
number of calories/ Teacher’s oral
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard and are able to say
/ Teacher’s oral feedback
Active learning from interactive
exercises / Teacher observation and
self assessment with the help of the
Correct completion of exercises /
Teacher’s written feedback
Appropriate use of structure, format
from Germany comparing
German and Australian eating
and drinking habits. Also
mention what your preferences
are and what you consider as
being healthy.
Presentation of shops. Students
listen to the words and repeat them.
and vocabulary in the letter /
Teacher’s written feedback on
structure, format and vocabulary
Zickzack 2 p 30
Students listen to what is sold in
different shops
Zickzack 2 p 26
Presentation of food quantities and
Zickzack 2 p 31
Students listen to what customers
by in a shop and match the items to
Pair work: Students study a price
list of drink and food and decide
how they would like to spend their
money for a picnic. Each group
then presents their purchases to the
Reading & writing: Students going
shopping for a birthday party
Students listen to a family ordering
food in a pizzeria, at an ice-cream
stall and a sausage stall
Zickzack 2 p 31
Reading: Students decide from
Zickzack 1 p 89
Zickzack 2 Copymasters 17, 18
Katzensprung 1 p 75-77
Katzensprung 1 Workbook p 76
Zickzack 1 p 59, 88
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
feedback on pronunciation
Correct matching of items /
Teacher’s oral feedback
Oral presentation of shopping list
Correct completion of exercises /
Peer assessment & Teacher’s oral
and written feedback
Oral responses and level of
participation will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard / Teacher’s oral
Oral responses identifying the main
visuals if the waitress has brought
the correct order
Pair work: Students create
dialogues, one student being the
customer and the other the sales
Lernpunkt Deutsch 1 p 97
Oral presentation: Students
present their dialogues to the
Written consolidation exercises
Listening and reading tasks:
Students identify detail of texts
about food and restaurants
ideas and specific detail of the text /
Teacher’s oral feedback
Performance of the role play will
demonstrate students’ ability to
establish and maintain
communication / Teacher’s oral
feedback on the content and
performance of the role play
Performance of the role play will
demonstrate students’ ability to
establish and maintain
communication / Teacher’s oral
feedback on the content and
performance of the role play
Correct completion of exercises /
Teacher’s written feedback
Zickzack 1 Arbeitsbuch p.107
GM’s Arbeitsbuch 8&9 p 21,22
Selbstbedienung Zickzack 1 chapt 9
Teacher produced material
Written responses will demonstrate
students’ understanding of what
they have heard and read /
Teacher’s written feedback on
correct identification of detail and
general aspects of the text
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Cranbrook School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages Program.