science لیست ژورنالهای دانشکده علوم 1. acta analitica 2. algebra colloquium 3. algebra groups and geometries 4. analysis-oxford 5. analytical chemistry 6. analytical letters 7. analytical science 8. applicable algebra in engineering 9. applied mathematics letters 10. applied numerical mathematics 11. Canadian journal of chemistry 12. computional methods in applied mathematics 13. electronical and solid state letters 14. electrochemistry 15. electrochemistry communications 16. electrochemical acta 17. Indian journal of chemistry 18. inorganic chemistry 19. journal of algebra 20. journal of functional analysis 21. journal of organic chemistry 22. journal of solid state electrochemistry 23. journal of Australian mathematical society 24. journal of European mathematical society 25. mathematical intelligence 26. mathematics magazine 27. methods in organic synthesis-mos 28. methods and applications analysis 29. organometallics 30. physical review-section B 31. physical review-section C 32. physics abstracts & indexes 33. synlett 34. synthetic communications 35. sensors 36. advanced functional materials 2001 37. j.of chemical society 1977- 1996 38. angewandte chemie 1980-1999 39. biometrika 1986-2000 40. biotechnology & bioengineering 1993-1999 41. analytical chemistry 1977-1998 42. chemical abstracts 1987-1997 43. chemical abstracts (A)1987-1997 44. chemical abstracts (SC)1987-1997 45. chemical abstracts(F)1987-1997 46. chemical abstracts(GS)1987-1997 47. chemical abstracts(IG)1987-1997 48. chemical abstracts(p)1987-1997 49. chemical education 1975-1999 50. j.of chemical & engineering data 1987-1999 51. chemical & engineering news 1976-1999 52. j.of chemical information and computer science 1987-1999 53. j.of chemical society faraday transactions I 19771989 54. j.of chemical society faraday transactions II 1987-1998 55. chemical review 1987-2000 56. chemistry a European journal 1995-1997 57. chemistry in Britain 1987-1999 58. chemistry & industry 1987-1999 59. chemistry of materials1991-1999 60. chromatographic science 1983-1997 61. current content 1998-2001 62. electrochimica acta 1980-2001 63. j.of the electroanalytical chemistry 1995-1998 64. electrochemical and solid-state letters 1998-2001 65. j.of the electrochemical society 1995-2001 66. electrochemistry communications 200167. European journal of inorganic chemistry2001 68. Indian journal of chemistry section B 2000-2001 69. industrial & engineering chemistry research 1987-1999 70. IUPAC 71. langmuir 1994-2001 72. metallurgical and materials transactions B 1999 73. methods in organic synthesis 2000 74. M OS (methods in organic synthesis) 1999-2001 75. new scientist 1991-2001 76. j.of phy.& che.refrence data 1987-1997 77. organometallics 1999 78. physical chemistry 1986-1996 79. physical chemistry chemical physics(PCCP)200180. phyto chemistry 1987-1997 81. sonsors 2001- 82. sensors and actuators A physical 1992-1999 83. sensors and actuators B physical 1999-2001 84. j.of solid state electrochemistry 200185. spectorchimica acta 1991-1998 86. synlett 2000-2001 87. syntethic metals 200188. tetrahedron letters 2000-2001 89. advances in physics 1978-2000 90. applied physics A 1987-2001 91. applied physics B 1982-2001 92. bulletin of the American physical society 19832000 93. geophysical tournal international 1983-1999 94. nuclear physics A 1987-2000 95. nuclear physics B 1983-2000 96. physical abstracts PA 200197. physical abstracts (author index) 2001 98. physical abstracts (sub.index)2001 99. physical review A 1978-2001 100. physical review B 1977-2001 101. physical review C 1978-2001 102. physical review D 1978-1994 103. physical review E 1993-1994 104. physics bulletin 1983-1987 105. physical letter A 1977-2000 106. physical letter B 1977-1993 107. physical reports 1983-2000 108. physics today 1969-1999 109. physics world 1987-1992 110. reports of progress in physics 1980-1999 111. review of modern physics 1983-1994 112. journal of algebra 1983-2001 113. American journal of mathematics 1995-2000 114. annals of mathematics 2000 115. the annals of statistics 1982-2000 116. applied mathematical letters 1999-2001 117. applied numerical mathematics2001118. applicable algebra in engiinering communication and computing 1999 119. j.of the Australian mathematical society 1999 120. bulletin of the amer.math.soc 121. Canadian journal od mathematics 1995-1998 122. communications in algebra 1999-2000 123. computational mathematics & modeling 1999 124. differentials equations 1999 125. j.of the European mathematical society 2001126. game and economic behavior 2001127. IMA journal of numerical analysis 1999 128. an international journal computers & mathematics 2000 129. j.mathematical biology 2001130. j.mathematical econimics 2001131. mathematical methods in the applied sciences 1999-2000 132. mathematical research letters 1999 133. mathematical proceeding 2000 134. mathematical magazine 1999-2000 135. mathematics zeischrift 1995-1995-2001 136. methods and applications of analysis 1999 137. nonlinear analysis 1999 138. numerical algorithms 2001 139. proceeding of the American mathematical society 2000 140. quarterly of applied mathematics 1999 141. reports of mathematical physics 1984-1998 142. statistical science 1986-1998 143. transactions of the American mathematical society 1995-1998